1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 1999 - 2019 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_solver_qmrs_h
17 #define dealii_solver_qmrs_h
19 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
21 #include <deal.II/base/logstream.h>
22 #include <deal.II/base/subscriptor.h>
24 #include <deal.II/lac/solver.h>
25 #include <deal.II/lac/solver_control.h>
27 #include <cmath>
31 /*!@addtogroup Solvers */
32 /*@{*/
34 /**
35  * <h3>Quasi-minimal method for symmetric matrices (SQMR)</h3>
36  *
37  * The SQMR (symmetric quasi-minimal residual) method is supposed to solve
38  * symmetric indefinite linear systems with symmetric, not necessarily definite
39  * preconditioners. It is a variant of the original quasi-minimal residual
40  * method (QMR) and produces the same iterative solution. This version of SQMR
41  * is adapted from the respective symmetric QMR-from-BiCG algorithm given by
42  * both Freund/Nachtigal: A new Krylov-subspace method for symmetric indefinite
43  * linear systems, NASA STI/Recon Technical Report N, 95 (1994) and
44  * Freund/Nachtigal: Software for simplified Lanczos and QMR algorithms, Appl.
45  * Num. Math. 19 (1995), pp. 319-341 and provides both right and left (but not
46  * split) preconditioning.
47  *
48  *
49  * <h3>Trade off of stability to simplicity</h3>
50  *
51  * Note, that the QMR implementation that the given algorithm is based on is
52  * derived from classical BiCG. It can be shown (Freund/Szeto: A transpose-free
53  * quasi-minimal residual squared algorithm for non-Hermitian linear systems,
54  * Advances in Computer Methods for Partial Differential Equations VII
55  * (IMACS, New Brunswick, NJ, 1992) pp. 258-264) that the QMR iterates can
56  * be generated from the BiCG iteration through one additional vector and
57  * some scalar updates. Possible breakdowns (or precisely, divisions by
58  * zero) of BiCG therefore obviously transfer to this simple no-look-ahead
59  * algorithm.
60  *
61  * In return the algorithm is cheap compared to classical QMR or BiCGStab,
62  * using only one matrix-vector product with the system matrix and
63  * one application of the preconditioner per iteration respectively.
64  *
65  * The residual used for measuring convergence is only approximately calculated
66  * by an upper bound. If this value comes below a threshold prescribed within
67  * the AdditionalData struct, then the exact residual of the current QMR iterate
68  * will be calculated using another multiplication with the system matrix. By
69  * experience (according to Freund and Nachtigal) this technique is useful for a
70  * threshold that is ten times the solving tolerance, and in that case will be
71  * only used in the last one or two steps of the complete iteration.
72  *
73  * For the requirements on matrices and vectors in order to work with this
74  * class, see the documentation of the Solver base class.
75  *
76  * Like all other solver classes, this class has a local structure called @p
77  * AdditionalData which is used to pass additional parameters to the solver,
78  * like damping parameters or the number of temporary vectors. We use this
79  * additional structure instead of passing these values directly to the
80  * constructor because this makes the use of the @p SolverSelector and other
81  * classes much easier and guarantees that these will continue to work even if
82  * number or type of the additional parameters for a certain solver changes.
83  *
84  *
85  * <h3>Observing the progress of linear solver iterations</h3>
86  *
87  * The solve() function of this class uses the mechanism described in the
88  * Solver base class to determine convergence. This mechanism can also be used
89  * to observe the progress of the iteration.
90  */
91 template <typename VectorType = Vector<double>>
92 class SolverQMRS : public SolverBase<VectorType>
93 {
94 public:
95   /**
96    * Standardized data struct to pipe additional data to the solver.
97    *
98    * The user is able to switch between right and left preconditioning, that
99    * means solving the systems <i>P<sup>-1</sup>A</i> and <i>AP<sup>-1</sup></i>
100    * respectively, using the corresponding parameter. Note that left
101    * preconditioning means to employ the preconditioned (BiCG-)residual and
102    * otherwise the unpreconditioned one. The default is the application from the
103    * right side.
104    *
105    * The @p solver_tolerance threshold is used to define the said bound below which the residual
106    * is computed exactly. See the class documentation for more information. The
107    * default value is 1e-9, that is the default solving precision multiplied by
108    * ten.
109    *
110    * SQMR is susceptible to breakdowns (divisions by zero), so we need a
111    * parameter telling us which numbers are considered zero. The proper
112    * breakdown criterion is very unclear, so experiments may be necessary here.
113    * It is even possible to achieve convergence despite of dividing through by
114    * small numbers. There are even cases in which it is advantageous to accept
115    * such divisions because the cheap iteration cost makes the algorithm the
116    * fastest of all available indefinite iterative solvers. Nonetheless, the
117    * default breakdown threshold value is 1e-16.
118    */
119   struct AdditionalData
120   {
121     /**
122      * Constructor.
123      *
124      * The default is right preconditioning, with the @p solver_tolerance chosen to be 1e-9 and
125      * the @p breakdown_threshold set at 1e-16.
126      */
127     explicit AdditionalData(const bool   left_preconditioning = false,
128                             const double solver_tolerance     = 1.e-9,
129                             const bool   breakdown_testing    = true,
130                             const double breakdown_threshold  = 1.e-16)
left_preconditioningAdditionalData131       : left_preconditioning(left_preconditioning)
132       , solver_tolerance(solver_tolerance)
133       , breakdown_testing(breakdown_testing)
134       , breakdown_threshold(breakdown_threshold)
135     {}
137     /**
138      * Flag for using a left-preconditioned version.
139      */
140     bool left_preconditioning;
142     /**
143      * The threshold below which the current residual is computed exactly.
144      */
145     double solver_tolerance;
147     /**
148      * Flag for breakdown testing.
149      */
150     bool breakdown_testing;
152     /**
153      * Breakdown threshold. Scalars measured to this bound are used for
154      * divisions.
155      */
156     double breakdown_threshold;
157   };
159   /**
160    * Constructor.
161    */
162   SolverQMRS(SolverControl &           cn,
163              VectorMemory<VectorType> &mem,
164              const AdditionalData &    data = AdditionalData());
166   /**
167    * Constructor. Use an object of type GrowingVectorMemory as a default to
168    * allocate memory.
169    */
170   SolverQMRS(SolverControl &cn, const AdditionalData &data = AdditionalData());
172   /**
173    * Solve the linear system $Ax=b$ for x.
174    */
175   template <typename MatrixType, typename PreconditionerType>
176   void
177   solve(const MatrixType &        A,
178         VectorType &              x,
179         const VectorType &        b,
180         const PreconditionerType &preconditioner);
182   /**
183    * Interface for derived class. This function gets the current iteration
184    * vector, the residual and the update vector in each step. It can be used
185    * for a graphical output of the convergence history.
186    */
187   virtual void
188   print_vectors(const unsigned int step,
189                 const VectorType & x,
190                 const VectorType & r,
191                 const VectorType & d) const;
193 protected:
194   /**
195    * Additional parameters.
196    */
197   AdditionalData additional_data;
199 private:
200   /**
201    * A structure returned by the iterate() function representing what it found
202    * is happening during the iteration.
203    */
204   struct IterationResult
205   {
206     SolverControl::State state;
207     double               last_residual;
209     IterationResult(const SolverControl::State state,
210                     const double               last_residual);
211   };
213   /**
214    * The iteration loop itself. The function returns a structure indicating
215    * what happened in this function.
216    */
217   template <typename MatrixType, typename PreconditionerType>
218   IterationResult
219   iterate(const MatrixType &        A,
220           VectorType &              x,
221           const VectorType &        b,
222           const PreconditionerType &preconditioner,
223           VectorType &              r,
224           VectorType &              u,
225           VectorType &              q,
226           VectorType &              t,
227           VectorType &              d);
229   /**
230    * Number of the current iteration (accumulated over restarts)
231    */
232   unsigned int step;
233 };
235 /*@}*/
236 /*------------------------- Implementation ----------------------------*/
238 #ifndef DOXYGEN
241 template <class VectorType>
IterationResult(const SolverControl::State state,const double last_residual)242 SolverQMRS<VectorType>::IterationResult::IterationResult(
243   const SolverControl::State state,
244   const double               last_residual)
245   : state(state)
246   , last_residual(last_residual)
247 {}
251 template <class VectorType>
SolverQMRS(SolverControl & cn,VectorMemory<VectorType> & mem,const AdditionalData & data)252 SolverQMRS<VectorType>::SolverQMRS(SolverControl &           cn,
253                                    VectorMemory<VectorType> &mem,
254                                    const AdditionalData &    data)
255   : SolverBase<VectorType>(cn, mem)
256   , additional_data(data)
257   , step(0)
258 {}
260 template <class VectorType>
SolverQMRS(SolverControl & cn,const AdditionalData & data)261 SolverQMRS<VectorType>::SolverQMRS(SolverControl &       cn,
262                                    const AdditionalData &data)
263   : SolverBase<VectorType>(cn)
264   , additional_data(data)
265   , step(0)
266 {}
268 template <class VectorType>
269 void
print_vectors(const unsigned int,const VectorType &,const VectorType &,const VectorType &)270 SolverQMRS<VectorType>::print_vectors(const unsigned int,
271                                       const VectorType &,
272                                       const VectorType &,
273                                       const VectorType &) const
274 {}
276 template <class VectorType>
277 template <typename MatrixType, typename PreconditionerType>
278 void
solve(const MatrixType & A,VectorType & x,const VectorType & b,const PreconditionerType & preconditioner)279 SolverQMRS<VectorType>::solve(const MatrixType &        A,
280                               VectorType &              x,
281                               const VectorType &        b,
282                               const PreconditionerType &preconditioner)
283 {
284   LogStream::Prefix prefix("SQMR");
287   // temporary vectors, allocated trough the @p VectorMemory object at the
288   // start of the actual solution process and deallocated at the end.
289   typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer Vr(this->memory);
290   typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer Vu(this->memory);
291   typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer Vq(this->memory);
292   typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer Vt(this->memory);
293   typename VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer Vd(this->memory);
296   // resize the vectors, but do not set
297   // the values since they'd be overwritten
298   // soon anyway.
299   Vr->reinit(x, true);
300   Vu->reinit(x, true);
301   Vq->reinit(x, true);
302   Vt->reinit(x, true);
303   Vd->reinit(x, true);
305   step = 0;
307   IterationResult state(SolverControl::failure, 0);
309   do
310     {
311       if (step > 0)
312         deallog << "Restart step " << step << std::endl;
313       state = iterate(A, x, b, preconditioner, *Vr, *Vu, *Vq, *Vt, *Vd);
314     }
315   while (state.state == SolverControl::iterate);
318   // in case of failure: throw exception
319   AssertThrow(state.state == SolverControl::success,
320               SolverControl::NoConvergence(step, state.last_residual));
321   // otherwise exit as normal
322 }
324 template <class VectorType>
325 template <typename MatrixType, typename PreconditionerType>
326 typename SolverQMRS<VectorType>::IterationResult
iterate(const MatrixType & A,VectorType & x,const VectorType & b,const PreconditionerType & preconditioner,VectorType & r,VectorType & u,VectorType & q,VectorType & t,VectorType & d)327 SolverQMRS<VectorType>::iterate(const MatrixType &        A,
328                                 VectorType &              x,
329                                 const VectorType &        b,
330                                 const PreconditionerType &preconditioner,
331                                 VectorType &              r,
332                                 VectorType &              u,
333                                 VectorType &              q,
334                                 VectorType &              t,
335                                 VectorType &              d)
336 {
337   SolverControl::State state = SolverControl::iterate;
339   int it = 0;
341   double tau, rho, theta = 0;
342   double res;
344   // Compute the start residual
345   A.vmult(r, x);
346   r.sadd(-1., 1., b);
348   // Doing the initial preconditioning
349   if (additional_data.left_preconditioning)
350     {
351       // Left preconditioning
352       preconditioner.vmult(t, r);
353       q = t;
354     }
355   else
356     {
357       // Right preconditioning
358       t = r;
359       preconditioner.vmult(q, t);
360     }
362   tau = t.norm_sqr();
363   res = std::sqrt(tau);
365   if (this->iteration_status(step, res, x) == SolverControl::success)
366     return IterationResult(SolverControl::success, res);
368   rho = q * r;
370   while (state == SolverControl::iterate)
371     {
372       step++;
373       it++;
374       //--------------------------------------------------------------
375       // Step 1: apply the system matrix and compute one inner product
376       //--------------------------------------------------------------
377       A.vmult(t, q);
378       const double sigma = q * t;
380       // Check the breakdown criterion
381       if (additional_data.breakdown_testing == true &&
382           std::fabs(sigma) < additional_data.breakdown_threshold)
383         return IterationResult(SolverControl::iterate, res);
384       // Update the residual
385       const double alpha = rho / sigma;
386       r.add(-alpha, t);
388       //--------------------------------------------------------------
389       // Step 2: update the solution vector
390       //--------------------------------------------------------------
391       const double theta_old = theta;
393       // Apply the preconditioner
394       if (additional_data.left_preconditioning)
395         {
396           // Left Preconditioning
397           preconditioner.vmult(t, r);
398         }
399       else
400         {
401           // Right Preconditioning
402           t = r;
403         }
405       // Double updates
406       theta            = t * t / tau;
407       const double psi = 1. / (1. + theta);
408       tau *= theta * psi;
410       // Actual update of the solution vector
411       d.sadd(psi * theta_old, psi * alpha, q);
412       x += d;
414       print_vectors(step, x, r, d);
416       // Check for convergence
417       // Compute a simple and cheap upper bound of the norm of the residual
418       // vector b-Ax
419       res = std::sqrt((it + 1) * tau);
420       // If res lies close enough, within the desired tolerance, calculate the
421       // exact residual
422       if (res < additional_data.solver_tolerance)
423         {
424           A.vmult(u, x);
425           u.sadd(-1., 1., b);
426           res = u.l2_norm();
427         }
428       state = this->iteration_status(step, res, x);
429       if ((state == SolverControl::success) ||
430           (state == SolverControl::failure))
431         return IterationResult(state, res);
433       //--------------------------------------------------------------
434       // Step 3: check breakdown criterion and update the vectors
435       //--------------------------------------------------------------
436       if (additional_data.breakdown_testing == true &&
437           std::fabs(sigma) < additional_data.breakdown_threshold)
438         return IterationResult(SolverControl::iterate, res);
440       const double rho_old = rho;
442       // Applying the preconditioner
443       if (additional_data.left_preconditioning)
444         {
445           // Left preconditioning
446           u = t;
447         }
448       else
449         {
450           // Right preconditioning
451           preconditioner.vmult(u, t);
452         }
454       // Double and vector updates
455       rho               = u * r;
456       const double beta = rho / rho_old;
457       q.sadd(beta, 1., u);
458     }
459   return IterationResult(SolverControl::success, res);
460 }
462 #endif // DOXYGEN
466 #endif