1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 1999 - 2018 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
17 #ifndef dealii_sparse_ilu_h
18 #define dealii_sparse_ilu_h
21 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
23 #include <deal.II/lac/exceptions.h>
24 #include <deal.II/lac/sparse_decomposition.h>
25 #include <deal.II/lac/sparse_matrix.h>
29 /*! @addtogroup Preconditioners
30  *@{
31  */
33 /**
34  * This class computes an Incomplete LU (ILU) decomposition of a sparse
35  * matrix, using either the same sparsity pattern or a different one. By
36  * incomplete we mean that unlike the exact decomposition, the incomplete one
37  * is also computed using sparse factors, and entries in the decomposition
38  * that do not fit into the given sparsity structure are discarded.
39  *
40  * The algorithm used by this class is essentially a copy of the algorithm
41  * given in the book Y. Saad: "Iterative methods for sparse linear systems",
42  * second edition, in section 10.3.2.
43  *
44  *
45  * <h3>Usage and state management</h3>
46  *
47  * Refer to SparseLUDecomposition documentation for suggested usage and state
48  * management. This class is used in the
49  * @ref step_22 "step-22"
50  * tutorial program.
51  *
52  * @note Instantiations for this template are provided for <tt>@<float@> and
53  * @<double@></tt>; others can be generated in application programs (see the
54  * section on
55  * @ref Instantiations
56  * in the manual).
57  */
58 template <typename number>
59 class SparseILU : public SparseLUDecomposition<number>
60 {
61 public:
62   /**
63    * Declare type for container size.
64    */
65   using size_type = typename SparseLUDecomposition<number>::size_type;
67   /**
68    * Constructor. Does nothing.
69    *
70    * Call the @p initialize function before using this object as
71    * preconditioner.
72    */
73   SparseILU() = default;
75   /**
76    * Make SparseLUDecomposition::AdditionalData accessible to this class as
77    * well.
78    */
79   using AdditionalData = typename SparseLUDecomposition<number>::AdditionalData;
81   /**
82    * Perform the incomplete LU factorization of the given matrix.
83    *
84    * This function needs to be called before an object of this class is used
85    * as preconditioner.
86    *
87    * For more details about possible parameters, see the class documentation
88    * of SparseLUDecomposition and the documentation of the @p
89    * SparseLUDecomposition::AdditionalData class.
90    *
91    * According to the @p parameters, this function creates a new
92    * SparsityPattern or keeps the previous sparsity or takes the sparsity
93    * given by the user to @p data. Then, this function performs the LU
94    * decomposition.
95    *
96    * After this function is called the preconditioner is ready to be used.
97    */
98   template <typename somenumber>
99   void
100   initialize(const SparseMatrix<somenumber> &matrix,
101              const AdditionalData &          parameters = AdditionalData());
103   /**
104    * Apply the incomplete decomposition, i.e. do one forward-backward step
105    * $dst=(LU)^{-1}src$.
106    *
107    * The initialize() function needs to be called before.
108    */
109   template <typename somenumber>
110   void
111   vmult(Vector<somenumber> &dst, const Vector<somenumber> &src) const;
114   /**
115    * Apply the transpose of the incomplete decomposition, i.e. do one forward-
116    * backward step $dst=(LU)^{-T}src$.
117    *
118    * The initialize() function needs to be called before.
119    */
120   template <typename somenumber>
121   void
122   Tvmult(Vector<somenumber> &dst, const Vector<somenumber> &src) const;
125   /**
126    * Determine an estimate for the memory consumption (in bytes) of this
127    * object.
128    */
129   std::size_t
130   memory_consumption() const override;
132   /**
133    * @addtogroup Exceptions
134    * @{
135    */
137   /**
138    * Exception
139    */
140   DeclException1(ExcInvalidStrengthening,
141                  double,
142                  << "The strengthening parameter " << arg1
143                  << " is not greater or equal than zero!");
144   /**
145    * Exception
146    */
147   DeclException1(ExcZeroPivot,
148                  size_type,
149                  << "While computing the ILU decomposition, the algorithm "
150                     "found a zero pivot on the diagonal of row "
151                  << arg1
152                  << ". This must stop the ILU algorithm because it means "
153                     "that the matrix for which you try to compute a "
154                     "decomposition is singular.");
155   //@}
156 };
158 /*@}*/
159 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
164 #endif // dealii_sparse_ilu_h