1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2008 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_sparsity_tools_h
17 #define dealii_sparsity_tools_h
20 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
22 #include <deal.II/base/exceptions.h>
24 #include <deal.II/lac/block_sparsity_pattern.h>
25 #include <deal.II/lac/dynamic_sparsity_pattern.h>
26 #include <deal.II/lac/sparsity_pattern.h>
28 #include <memory>
29 #include <vector>
31 #ifdef DEAL_II_WITH_MPI
32 #  include <deal.II/base/index_set.h>
34 #  include <mpi.h>
35 #endif
40 /*! @addtogroup Sparsity
41  *@{
42  */
44 /**
45  * A namespace for functions that deal with things that one can do on sparsity
46  * patterns, such as renumbering rows and columns (or degrees of freedom if
47  * you want) according to the connectivity, or partitioning degrees of
48  * freedom.
49  */
50 namespace SparsityTools
51 {
52   /**
53    * Enumerator with options for partitioner
54    */
55   enum class Partitioner
56   {
57     /**
58      * Use METIS partitioner.
59      */
60     metis = 0,
61     /**
62      * Use ZOLTAN partitioner.
63      */
64     zoltan
65   };
68   /**
69    * Use a partitioning algorithm to generate a partitioning of the degrees of
70    * freedom represented by this sparsity pattern. In effect, we view this
71    * sparsity pattern as a graph of connections between various degrees of
72    * freedom, where each nonzero entry in the sparsity pattern corresponds to
73    * an edge between two nodes in the connection graph. The goal is then to
74    * decompose this graph into groups of nodes so that a minimal number of
75    * edges are cut by the boundaries between node groups. This partitioning is
76    * done by METIS or ZOLTAN, depending upon which partitioner is chosen
77    * in the fourth argument. The default is METIS. Note that METIS and
78    * ZOLTAN can only partition symmetric sparsity patterns, and that of
79    * course the sparsity pattern has to be square. We do not check for
80    * symmetry of the sparsity pattern, since this is an expensive operation,
81    * but rather leave this as the responsibility of caller of this function.
82    *
83    * After calling this function, the output array will have values between
84    * zero and @p n_partitions-1 for each node (i.e. row or column of the
85    * matrix).
86    *
87    * If deal.II was not installed with packages ZOLTAN or METIS, this
88    * function will generate an error when corresponding partition method
89    * is chosen, unless @p n_partitions is one. I.e., you can write a program
90    * so that it runs in the single-processor single-partition case without
91    * the packages installed, and only requires them installed when
92    * multiple partitions are required.
93    *
94    * Note that the sparsity pattern itself is not changed by calling this
95    * function. However, you will likely use the information generated by
96    * calling this function to renumber degrees of freedom, after which you
97    * will of course have to regenerate the sparsity pattern.
98    *
99    * This function will rarely be called separately, since in finite element
100    * methods you will want to partition the mesh, not the matrix. This can be
101    * done by calling @p GridTools::partition_triangulation.
102    */
103   void
104   partition(const SparsityPattern &    sparsity_pattern,
105             const unsigned int         n_partitions,
106             std::vector<unsigned int> &partition_indices,
107             const Partitioner          partitioner = Partitioner::metis);
110   /**
111    * This function performs the same operation as the one above, except that
112    * it takes into consideration a set of @p cell_weights, which allow the
113    * partitioner to balance the graph while taking into consideration the
114    * computational effort expended on each cell.
115    *
116    * @note If the @p cell_weights vector is empty, then no weighting is taken
117    * into consideration. If not then the size of this vector must equal to the
118    * number of active cells in the triangulation.
119    */
120   void
121   partition(const SparsityPattern &          sparsity_pattern,
122             const std::vector<unsigned int> &cell_weights,
123             const unsigned int               n_partitions,
124             std::vector<unsigned int> &      partition_indices,
125             const Partitioner                partitioner = Partitioner::metis);
127   /**
128    * Using a coloring algorithm provided by ZOLTAN to color nodes whose
129    * connections are represented using a SparsityPattern object. In effect,
130    * we view this sparsity pattern as a graph of connections between nodes,
131    * where each nonzero entry in the @p sparsity_pattern corresponds to
132    * an edge between two nodes. The goal is to assign each node a color index
133    * such that no two directly connected nodes have the same color.
134    * The assigned colors are listed in @p color_indices indexed from one and
135    * the function returns total number of colors used. ZOLTAN coloring
136    * algorithm is run in serial by each processor. Hence all processors have
137    * coloring information of all the nodes. A wrapper function to this
138    * function is available in GraphColoring namespace as well.
139    *
140    * Note that this function requires that SparsityPattern be symmetric
141    * (and hence square) i.e an undirected graph representation. We do not
142    * check for symmetry of the sparsity pattern, since this is an expensive
143    * operation, but rather leave this as the responsibility of caller of
144    * this function.
145    *
146    * @image html color_undirected_graph.png
147    * The usage of the function is illustrated by the image above, showing five
148    * nodes numbered from 0 to 4. The connections shown are bidirectional.
149    * After coloring, it is clear that no two directly connected nodes are
150    * assigned the same color.
151    *
152    * If deal.II was not installed with package ZOLTAN, this function will
153    * generate an error.
154    *
155    * @note The current function is an alternative to
156    * GraphColoring::make_graph_coloring() which is tailored to graph
157    * coloring arising in shared-memory parallel assembly of matrices.
158    */
159   unsigned int
160   color_sparsity_pattern(const SparsityPattern &    sparsity_pattern,
161                          std::vector<unsigned int> &color_indices);
163   /**
164    * For a given sparsity pattern, compute a re-enumeration of row/column
165    * indices based on the algorithm by Cuthill-McKee.
166    *
167    * This algorithm is a graph renumbering algorithm in which we attempt to
168    * find a new numbering of all nodes of a graph based on their connectivity
169    * to other nodes (i.e. the edges that connect nodes). This connectivity is
170    * here represented by the sparsity pattern. In many cases within the
171    * library, the nodes represent degrees of freedom and edges are nonzero
172    * entries in a matrix, i.e. pairs of degrees of freedom that couple through
173    * the action of a bilinear form.
174    *
175    * The algorithms starts at a node, searches the other nodes for those which
176    * are coupled with the one we started with and numbers these in a certain
177    * way. It then finds the second level of nodes, namely those that couple
178    * with those of the previous level (which were those that coupled with the
179    * initial node) and numbers these. And so on. For the details of the
180    * algorithm, especially the numbering within each level, we refer the
181    * reader to the book of Schwarz (H. R. Schwarz: Methode der finiten
182    * Elemente).
183    *
184    * These algorithms have one major drawback: they require a good starting
185    * node, i.e. node that will have number zero in the output array. A
186    * starting node forming the initial level of nodes can thus be given by the
187    * user, e.g. by exploiting knowledge of the actual topology of the domain.
188    * It is also possible to give several starting indices, which may be used
189    * to simulate a simple upstream numbering (by giving the inflow nodes as
190    * starting values) or to make preconditioning faster (by letting the
191    * Dirichlet boundary indices be starting points).
192    *
193    * If no starting index is given, one is chosen automatically, namely one
194    * with the smallest coordination number (the coordination number is the
195    * number of other nodes this node couples with). This node is usually
196    * located on the boundary of the domain. There is, however, large ambiguity
197    * in this when using the hierarchical meshes used in this library, since in
198    * most cases the computational domain is not approximated by tilting and
199    * deforming elements and by plugging together variable numbers of elements
200    * at vertices, but rather by hierarchical refinement. There is therefore a
201    * large number of nodes with equal coordination numbers. The renumbering
202    * algorithms will therefore not give optimal results.
203    *
204    * If the graph has two or more unconnected components and if no starting
205    * indices are given, the algorithm will number each component
206    * consecutively. However, this requires the determination of a starting
207    * index for each component; as a consequence, the algorithm will produce an
208    * exception if starting indices are given, taking the latter as an
209    * indication that the caller of the function would like to override the
210    * part of the algorithm that chooses starting indices.
211    */
212   void
213   reorder_Cuthill_McKee(
214     const DynamicSparsityPattern &                        sparsity,
215     std::vector<DynamicSparsityPattern::size_type> &      new_indices,
216     const std::vector<DynamicSparsityPattern::size_type> &starting_indices =
217       std::vector<DynamicSparsityPattern::size_type>());
219   /**
220    * For a given sparsity pattern, compute a re-enumeration of row/column
221    * indices in a hierarchical way, similar to what
222    * DoFRenumbering::hierarchical does for degrees of freedom on
223    * hierarchically refined meshes.
224    *
225    * This algorithm first selects a node with the minimum number of neighbors
226    * and puts that node and its direct neighbors into one chunk. Next, it
227    * selects one of the neighbors of the already selected nodes, adds the node
228    * and its direct neighbors that are not part of one of the previous chunks,
229    * into the next. After this sweep, neighboring nodes are grouped together.
230    * To ensure a similar grouping on a more global level, this grouping is
231    * called recursively on the groups so formed. The recursion stops when no
232    * further grouping is possible. Eventually, the ordering obtained by this
233    * method passes through the indices represented in the sparsity pattern in
234    * a z-like way.
235    *
236    * If the graph has two or more unconnected components, the algorithm will
237    * number each component consecutively, starting with the components with
238    * the lowest number of nodes.
239    */
240   void
241   reorder_hierarchical(
242     const DynamicSparsityPattern &                  sparsity,
243     std::vector<DynamicSparsityPattern::size_type> &new_indices);
245 #ifdef DEAL_II_WITH_MPI
246   /**
247    * Communicate rows in a dynamic sparsity pattern over MPI.
248    *
249    * @param[in,out] dsp A dynamic sparsity pattern that has been built locally
250    * and for which we need to exchange entries with other processors to make
251    * sure that each processor knows all the elements of the rows of a matrix
252    * it stores and that may eventually be written to. This sparsity pattern
253    * will be changed as a result of this function: All entries in rows that
254    * belong to a different processor are sent to them and added there.
255    *
256    * @param locally_owned_rows An IndexSet describing the rows owned by the
257    * calling MPI process. The index set shall be one-to-one among the
258    * processors in the communicator.
259    *
260    * @param mpi_comm The MPI communicator shared between the processors that
261    * participate in this operation.
262    *
263    * @param locally_relevant_rows The range of elements stored on the local
264    * MPI process. This should be the one used in the constructor of the
265    * DynamicSparsityPattern, and should also be the locally relevant set. Only
266    * rows contained in this set are checked in dsp for transfer. This function
267    * needs to be used with PETScWrappers::MPI::SparseMatrix for it to work
268    * correctly in a parallel computation.
269    */
270   void
271   distribute_sparsity_pattern(DynamicSparsityPattern &dsp,
272                               const IndexSet &        locally_owned_rows,
273                               const MPI_Comm &        mpi_comm,
274                               const IndexSet &        locally_relevant_rows);
276   /**
277    * Communicate rows in a dynamic sparsity pattern over MPI, similar to the
278    * one above but using a vector `rows_per_cpu` containing the number of
279    * rows per CPU for determining ownership. This is typically the value
280    * returned by DoFHandler::n_locally_owned_dofs_per_processor -- given that
281    * the construction of the input to this function involves all-to-all
282    * communication, it is typically slower than the function above for more
283    * than a thousand of processes (and quick enough also for small sizes).
284    */
285   void
286   distribute_sparsity_pattern(
287     DynamicSparsityPattern &                              dsp,
288     const std::vector<DynamicSparsityPattern::size_type> &rows_per_cpu,
289     const MPI_Comm &                                      mpi_comm,
290     const IndexSet &                                      myrange);
292   /**
293    * Similar to the function above, but for BlockDynamicSparsityPattern
294    * instead.
295    *
296    * @param[in,out] dsp The locally built sparsity pattern to be modified.
297    *
298    * @param locally_owned_rows An IndexSet describing the rows owned by the
299    * calling MPI process. The index set shall be one-to-one among the
300    * processors in the communicator.
301    *
302    * @param mpi_comm The MPI communicator to use.
303    *
304    * @param locally_relevant_rows Typically the locally relevant DoFs.
305    */
306   void
307   distribute_sparsity_pattern(BlockDynamicSparsityPattern &dsp,
308                               const IndexSet &             locally_owned_rows,
309                               const MPI_Comm &             mpi_comm,
310                               const IndexSet &locally_relevant_rows);
312   /**
313    * @deprecated Use the distribute_sparsity_pattern() with a single index set
314    * for the present MPI process only.
315    */
316   void
317   distribute_sparsity_pattern(BlockDynamicSparsityPattern &dsp,
318                               const std::vector<IndexSet> &owned_set_per_cpu,
319                               const MPI_Comm &             mpi_comm,
320                               const IndexSet &             myrange);
322   /**
323    * Gather rows in a dynamic sparsity pattern over MPI.
324    * The function is similar to SparsityTools::distribute(),
325    * however instead of distributing sparsity stored in non-owned
326    * rows on this MPI process, this function will gather sparsity
327    * from other MPI processes and will add this to the local
328    * DynamicSparsityPattern.
329    *
330    * @param dsp A dynamic sparsity pattern that has been built locally and which
331    * we need to extend according to the sparsity of rows stored on other MPI
332    * processes.
333    *
334    * @param locally_owned_rows An IndexSet describing the rows owned by the
335    * calling MPI process. The index set shall be one-to-one among the
336    * processors in the communicator.
337    *
338    * @param mpi_comm The MPI communicator shared between the processors that
339    * participate in this operation.
340    *
341    * @param locally_relevant_rows The range of rows this MPI process needs to
342    * gather. Only the part which is not included in the locally owned rows will
343    * be used.
344    */
345   void
346   gather_sparsity_pattern(DynamicSparsityPattern &dsp,
347                           const IndexSet &        locally_owned_rows,
348                           const MPI_Comm &        mpi_comm,
349                           const IndexSet &        locally_relevant_rows);
351   /**
352    * @deprecated Use the gather_sparsity_pattern() method with the index set
353    * for the present processor only.
354    */
356   gather_sparsity_pattern(DynamicSparsityPattern &     dsp,
357                           const std::vector<IndexSet> &owned_rows_per_processor,
358                           const MPI_Comm &             mpi_comm,
359                           const IndexSet &             ghost_range);
361 #endif
364   /**
365    * Exception
366    */
367   DeclExceptionMsg(ExcMETISNotInstalled,
368                    "The function you called requires METIS, but you did not "
369                    "configure deal.II with METIS.");
371   /**
372    * Exception
373    */
374   DeclException1(ExcInvalidNumberOfPartitions,
375                  int,
376                  << "The number of partitions you gave is " << arg1
377                  << ", but must be greater than zero.");
379   /**
380    * Exception
381    */
382   DeclException1(ExcMETISError,
383                  int,
384                  << "    An error with error number " << arg1
385                  << " occurred while calling a METIS function");
387   /**
388    * Exception
389    */
390   DeclException2(ExcInvalidArraySize,
391                  int,
392                  int,
393                  << "The array has size " << arg1 << " but should have size "
394                  << arg2);
395   /**
396    * Exception
397    */
398   DeclExceptionMsg(
399     ExcZOLTANNotInstalled,
400     "The function you called requires ZOLTAN, but you did not "
401     "configure deal.II with ZOLTAN or zoltan_cpp.h is not available.");
402 } // namespace SparsityTools
404 /**
405  * @}
406  */
410 #endif