1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2005 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_tridiagonal_matrix_h
17 #define dealii_tridiagonal_matrix_h
19 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
21 #include <deal.II/base/subscriptor.h>
23 #include <deal.II/lac/lapack_support.h>
25 #include <iomanip>
26 #include <vector>
30 // forward declarations
31 #ifndef DOXYGEN
32 template <typename number>
33 class Vector;
34 #endif
36 /*! @addtogroup Matrix1
37  *@{
38  */
41 /**
42  * A quadratic tridiagonal matrix. That is, a matrix where all entries are
43  * zero, except the diagonal and the entries left and right of it.
44  *
45  * The matrix has an additional symmetric mode, in which case only the upper
46  * triangle of the matrix is stored and mirrored to the lower one for matrix
47  * vector operations.
48  *
49  * @ingroup Matrix1
50  */
51 template <typename number>
52 class TridiagonalMatrix
53 {
54 public:
55   ///@name Constructors
56   //@{
57   /**
58    * Declare type for container size.
59    */
60   using size_type = types::global_dof_index;
62   /**
63    * @name Constructors and initialization
64    */
65   /**
66    * Constructor generating an empty matrix of dimension <tt>n</tt>.
67    */
68   TridiagonalMatrix(size_type n = 0, bool symmetric = false);
70   /**
71    * Reinitialize the matrix to a new size and reset all entries to zero. The
72    * symmetry properties may be set as well.
73    */
74   void
75   reinit(size_type n, bool symmetric = false);
78   //@}
80   ///@name Non-modifying operators
81   //@{
83   /**
84    * Number of rows of this matrix. Note that the matrix is an <i>m x
85    * m</i> matrix.
86    */
87   size_type
88   m() const;
90   /**
91    * Number of columns of this matrix. Note that the matrix is an <i>n x
92    * n</i> matrix.
93    */
94   size_type
95   n() const;
97   /**
98    * Return whether the matrix contains only elements with value zero. This
99    * function is mainly for internal consistency checks and should seldom be
100    * used when not in debug mode since it uses quite some time.
101    */
102   bool
103   all_zero() const;
105   //@}
107   ///@name Element access
108   //@{
109   /**
110    * Read-only access to a value. This is restricted to the case where
111    * <i>|i-j| <= 1</i>.
112    */
113   number
114   operator()(size_type i, size_type j) const;
116   /**
117    * Read-write access to a value. This is restricted to the case where
118    * <i>|i-j| <= 1</i>.
119    *
120    * @note In case of symmetric storage technique, the entries <i>(i,j)</i>
121    * and <i>(j,i)</i> are identified and <b>both</b> exist. This must be taken
122    * into account if adding up is used for matrix assembling in order not to
123    * obtain doubled entries.
124    */
125   number &
126   operator()(size_type i, size_type j);
128   //@}
130   ///@name Multiplications with vectors
131   //@{
133   /**
134    * Matrix-vector-multiplication. Multiplies <tt>v</tt> from the right and
135    * stores the result in <tt>w</tt>.
136    *
137    * If the optional parameter <tt>adding</tt> is <tt>true</tt>, the result is
138    * added to <tt>w</tt>.
139    *
140    * Source and destination must not be the same vector.
141    */
142   void
143   vmult(Vector<number> &      w,
144         const Vector<number> &v,
145         const bool            adding = false) const;
147   /**
148    * Adding Matrix-vector-multiplication. Same as vmult() with parameter
149    * <tt>adding=true</tt>, but widely used in <tt>deal.II</tt> classes.
150    *
151    * Source and destination must not be the same vector.
152    */
153   void
154   vmult_add(Vector<number> &w, const Vector<number> &v) const;
156   /**
157    * Transpose matrix-vector-multiplication. Multiplies <tt>v<sup>T</sup></tt>
158    * from the left and stores the result in <tt>w</tt>.
159    *
160    * If the optional parameter <tt>adding</tt> is <tt>true</tt>, the result is
161    * added to <tt>w</tt>.
162    *
163    * Source and destination must not be the same vector.
164    */
165   void
166   Tvmult(Vector<number> &      w,
167          const Vector<number> &v,
168          const bool            adding = false) const;
170   /**
171    * Adding transpose matrix-vector-multiplication. Same as Tvmult() with
172    * parameter <tt>adding=true</tt>, but widely used in <tt>deal.II</tt>
173    * classes.
174    *
175    * Source and destination must not be the same vector.
176    */
177   void
178   Tvmult_add(Vector<number> &w, const Vector<number> &v) const;
180   /**
181    * Build the matrix scalar product <tt>u^T M v</tt>. This function is mostly
182    * useful when building the cellwise scalar product of two functions in the
183    * finite element context.
184    */
185   number
186   matrix_scalar_product(const Vector<number> &u, const Vector<number> &v) const;
188   /**
189    * Return the square of the norm of the vector <tt>v</tt> with respect to
190    * the norm induced by this matrix, i.e. <i>(v,Mv)</i>. This is useful, e.g.
191    * in the finite element context, where the <i>L<sup>2</sup></i> norm of a
192    * function equals the matrix norm with respect to the mass matrix of the
193    * vector representing the nodal values of the finite element function.
194    *
195    * Obviously, the matrix needs to be quadratic for this operation.
196    */
197   number
198   matrix_norm_square(const Vector<number> &v) const;
200   //@}
202   ///@name LAPACK operations
203   //@{
204   /**
205    * Compute the eigenvalues of the symmetric tridiagonal matrix.
206    *
207    * @note This function requires configuration of deal.II with LAPACK
208    * support. Additionally, the matrix must use symmetric storage technique.
209    */
210   void
211   compute_eigenvalues();
212   /**
213    * After calling compute_eigenvalues(), you can access each eigenvalue here.
214    */
215   number
216   eigenvalue(const size_type i) const;
217   //@}
219   ///@name Miscellanea
220   //@{
221   /**
222    * Output of the matrix in user-defined format.
223    */
224   template <class OutputStream>
225   void
226   print(OutputStream &     s,
227         const unsigned int width     = 5,
228         const unsigned int precision = 2) const;
229   //@}
231 private:
232   /**
233    * The diagonal entries.
234    */
235   std::vector<number> diagonal;
236   /**
237    * The entries left of the diagonal. The entry with index zero is always
238    * zero, since the first row has no entry left of the diagonal. Therefore,
239    * the length of this vector is the same as that of #diagonal.
240    *
241    * The length of this vector is zero for symmetric storage. In this case,
242    * the second element of #left is identified with the first element of
243    * #right.
244    */
245   std::vector<number> left;
246   /**
247    * The entries right of the diagonal. The last entry is always zero, since
248    * the last row has no entry right of the diagonal. Therefore, the length of
249    * this vector is the same as that of #diagonal.
250    */
251   std::vector<number> right;
253   /**
254    * If this flag is true, only the entries to the right of the diagonal are
255    * stored and the matrix is assumed symmetric.
256    */
257   bool is_symmetric;
259   /**
260    * The state of the matrix. Normally, the state is LAPACKSupport::matrix,
261    * indicating that the object can be used for regular matrix operations.
262    *
263    * See explanation of this data type for details.
264    */
265   LAPACKSupport::State state;
266 };
268 /**@}*/
270 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
271 #ifndef DOXYGEN
273 template <typename number>
274 types::global_dof_index
m()275 TridiagonalMatrix<number>::m() const
276 {
277   return diagonal.size();
278 }
282 template <typename number>
283 types::global_dof_index
n()284 TridiagonalMatrix<number>::n() const
285 {
286   return diagonal.size();
287 }
290 template <typename number>
291 inline number
operator()292 TridiagonalMatrix<number>::operator()(size_type i, size_type j) const
293 {
294   AssertIndexRange(i, n());
295   AssertIndexRange(j, n());
296   Assert(i <= j + 1, ExcIndexRange(i, j - 1, j + 2));
297   Assert(j <= i + 1, ExcIndexRange(j, i - 1, i + 2));
299   if (j == i)
300     return diagonal[i];
301   if (j == i - 1)
302     {
303       if (is_symmetric)
304         return right[i - 1];
305       else
306         return left[i];
307     }
309   if (j == i + 1)
310     return right[i];
312   Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
313   return 0;
314 }
317 template <typename number>
318 inline number &
operator()319 TridiagonalMatrix<number>::operator()(size_type i, size_type j)
320 {
321   AssertIndexRange(i, n());
322   AssertIndexRange(j, n());
323   Assert(i <= j + 1, ExcIndexRange(i, j - 1, j + 2));
324   Assert(j <= i + 1, ExcIndexRange(j, i - 1, i + 2));
326   if (j == i)
327     return diagonal[i];
328   if (j == i - 1)
329     {
330       if (is_symmetric)
331         return right[i - 1];
332       else
333         return left[i];
334     }
336   if (j == i + 1)
337     return right[i];
339   Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
340   return diagonal[0];
341 }
344 template <typename number>
345 template <class OutputStream>
346 void
print(OutputStream & s,const unsigned int width,const unsigned int)347 TridiagonalMatrix<number>::print(OutputStream &     s,
348                                  const unsigned int width,
349                                  const unsigned int) const
350 {
351   for (size_type i = 0; i < n(); ++i)
352     {
353       if (i > 0)
354         s << std::setw(width) << (*this)(i, i - 1);
355       else
356         s << std::setw(width) << "";
358       s << ' ' << (*this)(i, i) << ' ';
360       if (i < n() - 1)
361         s << std::setw(width) << (*this)(i, i + 1);
363       s << std::endl;
364     }
365 }
368 #endif // DOXYGEN
372 #endif