1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 1999 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_vector_h
17 #define dealii_vector_h
20 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
22 #include <deal.II/base/aligned_vector.h>
23 #include <deal.II/base/exceptions.h>
24 #include <deal.II/base/index_set.h>
25 #include <deal.II/base/subscriptor.h>
27 #include <deal.II/differentiation/ad/ad_number_traits.h>
29 #include <deal.II/lac/vector_operation.h>
30 #include <deal.II/lac/vector_type_traits.h>
32 #include <boost/serialization/split_member.hpp>
34 #include <algorithm>
35 #include <initializer_list>
36 #include <iosfwd>
37 #include <iterator>
38 #include <vector>
43 // Forward declarations
44 #ifndef DOXYGEN
45 #  ifdef DEAL_II_WITH_PETSC
46 namespace PETScWrappers
47 {
48   class VectorBase;
49 }
50 #  endif
53 namespace TrilinosWrappers
54 {
55   namespace MPI
56   {
57     class Vector;
58   }
59 } // namespace TrilinosWrappers
60 #  endif
62 template <typename number>
63 class LAPACKFullMatrix;
65 template <typename>
66 class BlockVector;
68 namespace parallel
69 {
70   namespace internal
71   {
72     class TBBPartitioner;
73   }
74 } // namespace parallel
75 #endif
78 /*! @addtogroup Vectors
79  *@{
80  */
82 /**
83  * A class that represents a vector of numerical elements. As for the
84  * other classes, in the
85  * @ref Vectors
86  * group, this class has a substantial
87  * number of member functions. These include:
88  * - functions that initialize the vector or change its size;
89  * - functions that compute properties of the vector, such as a variety of
90  *   norms;
91  * - functions that allow reading from or writing to individual elements of the
92  *   vector;
93  * - functions that implement algebraic operations for vectors, such as
94  *   addition of vectors; and
95  * - functions that allow inputting and outputting the data stored by vectors.
96  *
97  * In contrast to the C++ standard library class `std::vector`, this class
98  * intends to implement not simply an array that allows access to its elements,
99  * but indeed a vector that is a member of the mathematical concept of a
100  * "vector space" suitable for numerical computations.
101  *
102  * @note Instantiations for this template are provided for <tt>@<float@>,
103  * @<double@>, @<std::complex@<float@>@>, @<std::complex@<double@>@></tt>;
104  * others can be generated in application programs (see the section on
105  * @ref Instantiations
106  * in the manual).
107  */
108 template <typename Number>
109 class Vector : public Subscriptor
110 {
111 public:
112   // The assertion in vector.templates.h for whether or not a number is
113   // finite is not compatible for AD number types.
114   static_assert(
115     !Differentiation::AD::is_ad_number<Number>::value,
116     "The Vector class does not support auto-differentiable numbers.");
118   /**
119    * Declare standard types used in all containers. These types parallel those
120    * in the <tt>C++</tt> standard libraries <tt>vector<...></tt> class.
121    */
122   using value_type      = Number;
123   using pointer         = value_type *;
124   using const_pointer   = const value_type *;
125   using iterator        = value_type *;
126   using const_iterator  = const value_type *;
127   using reference       = value_type &;
128   using const_reference = const value_type &;
129   using size_type       = types::global_dof_index;
131   /**
132    * Declare a type that has holds real-valued numbers with the same precision
133    * as the template argument to this class. If the template argument of this
134    * class is a real data type, then real_type equals the template argument.
135    * If the template argument is a std::complex type then real_type equals the
136    * type underlying the complex numbers.
137    *
138    * This alias is used to represent the return type of norms.
139    */
140   using real_type = typename numbers::NumberTraits<Number>::real_type;
142   /**
143    * @name Basic object handling
144    */
145   //@{
146   /**
147    * Constructor. Create a vector of dimension zero.
148    */
149   Vector();
151   /**
152    * Copy constructor. Sets the dimension to that of the given vector, and
153    * copies all elements.
154    *
155    * We would like to make this constructor explicit, but standard containers
156    * insist on using it implicitly.
157    *
158    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded
159    */
160   Vector(const Vector<Number> &v);
162   /**
163    * Move constructor. Creates a new vector by stealing the internal data of
164    * the vector @p v.
165    */
166   Vector(Vector<Number> &&v) noexcept = default;
168   /**
169    * Copy constructor taking a vector of another data type.
170    *
171    * This constructor will fail to compile if
172    * there is no conversion path from @p OtherNumber to @p Number. You may
173    * lose accuracy when copying to a vector with data elements with
174    * less accuracy.
175    */
176   template <typename OtherNumber>
177   explicit Vector(const Vector<OtherNumber> &v);
179   /**
180    * Copy constructor taking an object of type `std::initializer_list`. This
181    * constructor can be used to initialize a vector using a brace-enclosed
182    * list of numbers, such as in the following example:
183    * @code
184    *   Vector<double> v({1,2,3});
185    * @endcode
186    * This creates a vector of size 3, whose (double precision) elements have
187    * values 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0.
188    *
189    * This constructor will fail to compile if
190    * there is no conversion path from @p OtherNumber to @p Number. You may
191    * lose accuracy when copying to a vector with data elements with
192    * less accuracy.
193    */
194   template <typename OtherNumber>
195   explicit Vector(const std::initializer_list<OtherNumber> &v);
198   /**
199    * Another copy constructor: copy the values from a PETSc vector class. This
200    * copy constructor is only available if PETSc was detected during
201    * configuration time.
202    *
203    * Note that due to the communication model used in MPI, this operation can
204    * only succeed if all processes do it at the same time when <code>v</code>
205    * is a distributed vector: It is not possible for only one process to
206    * obtain a copy of a parallel vector while the other jobs do something
207    * else.
208    */
209   explicit Vector(const PETScWrappers::VectorBase &v);
210 #endif
213   /**
214    * Another copy constructor: copy the values from a Trilinos wrapper vector.
215    * This copy constructor is only available if Trilinos was detected during
216    * configuration time.
217    *
218    * @note Due to the communication model used in MPI, this operation can
219    * only succeed if all processes that have knowledge of @p v
220    * (i.e. those given by <code>v.get_mpi_communicator()</code>) do it at
221    * the same time. This means that unless you use a split MPI communicator
222    * then it is not normally possible for only one or a subset of processes
223    * to obtain a copy of a parallel vector while the other jobs do something
224    * else. In other words, calling this function is a 'collective operation'
225    * that needs to be executed by all MPI processes that jointly share @p v.
226    */
227   explicit Vector(const TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector &v);
228 #endif
230   /**
231    * Constructor. Set dimension to @p n and initialize all elements with zero.
232    *
233    * The constructor is made explicit to avoid accidents like this:
234    * <tt>v=0;</tt>. Presumably, the user wants to set every element of the
235    * vector to zero, but instead, what happens is this call:
236    * <tt>v=Vector@<number@>(0);</tt>, i.e. the vector is replaced by one of
237    * length zero.
238    */
239   explicit Vector(const size_type n);
241   /**
242    * Initialize the vector with a given range of values pointed to by the
243    * iterators. This function is there in analogy to the @p std::vector class.
244    */
245   template <typename InputIterator>
246   Vector(const InputIterator first, const InputIterator last);
248   /**
249    * Destructor, deallocates memory. Made virtual to allow for derived classes
250    * to behave properly.
251    */
252   virtual ~Vector() override = default;
254   /**
255    * This function does nothing but exists for compatibility with the parallel
256    * vector classes.
257    *
258    * For the parallel vector wrapper class, this function compresses the
259    * underlying representation of the vector, i.e. flushes the buffers of the
260    * vector object if it has any. This function is necessary after writing
261    * into a vector element-by-element and before anything else can be done on
262    * it.
263    *
264    * However, for the implementation of this class, it is immaterial and thus
265    * an empty function.
266    */
267   void
268   compress(::dealii::VectorOperation::values operation =
269              ::dealii::VectorOperation::unknown) const;
271   /**
272    * Change the dimension of the vector to @p N. The reserved memory for this
273    * vector remains unchanged if possible, to make things faster; this may
274    * waste some memory, so keep this in mind.  However, if <tt>N==0</tt> all
275    * memory is freed, i.e. if you want to resize the vector and release the
276    * memory not needed, you have to first call <tt>reinit(0)</tt> and then
277    * <tt>reinit(N)</tt>. This cited behaviour is analogous to that of the
278    * standard library containers.
279    *
280    * If @p omit_zeroing_entries is false, the vector is filled by zeros.
281    * Otherwise, the elements are left an unspecified state.
282    *
283    * This function is virtual in order to allow for derived classes to handle
284    * memory separately.
285    */
286   virtual void
287   reinit(const size_type N, const bool omit_zeroing_entries = false);
289   /**
290    * Same as above, but will preserve the values of vector upon resizing.
291    * If we new size is bigger, we will have
292    * \f[
293    * \mathbf V \rightarrow
294    * \left(
295    * \begin{array}{c}
296    * \mathbf V   \\
297    * \mathbf 0
298    * \end{array}
299    * \right)
300    * \f]
301    * whereas if the desired size is smaller, then
302    * \f[
303    * \left(
304    * \begin{array}{c}
305    * \mathbf V_1   \\
306    * \mathbf V_2
307    * \end{array}
308    * \right)
309    * \rightarrow \mathbf V_1
310    * \f]
311    */
312   void
313   grow_or_shrink(const size_type N);
315   /**
316    * Apply <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Givens_rotation">Givens
317    * rotation</a>
318    * @p csr (a triplet of cosine, sine and radius, see
319    * Utilities::LinearAlgebra::givens_rotation())
320    * to the vector in the plane spanned by the @p i'th and @p k'th unit vectors.
321    */
322   void
323   apply_givens_rotation(const std::array<Number, 3> &csr,
324                         const size_type              i,
325                         const size_type              k);
327   /**
328    * Change the dimension to that of the vector @p V. The same applies as for
329    * the other @p reinit function.
330    *
331    * The elements of @p V are not copied, i.e.  this function is the same as
332    * calling <tt>reinit (V.size(), omit_zeroing_entries)</tt>.
333    */
334   template <typename Number2>
335   void
336   reinit(const Vector<Number2> &V, const bool omit_zeroing_entries = false);
338   /**
339    * Swap the contents of this vector and the other vector @p v. One could do
340    * this operation with a temporary variable and copying over the data
341    * elements, but this function is significantly more efficient since it only
342    * swaps the pointers to the data of the two vectors and therefore does not
343    * need to allocate temporary storage and move data around.
344    *
345    * This function is analogous to the @p swap function of all C++
346    * standard containers. Also, there is a global function <tt>swap(u,v)</tt>
347    * that simply calls <tt>u.swap(v)</tt>, again in analogy to standard
348    * functions.
349    *
350    * This function is virtual in order to allow for derived classes to handle
351    * memory separately.
352    */
353   virtual void
354   swap(Vector<Number> &v);
356   /**
357    * Set all components of the vector to the given number @p s.
358    *
359    * Since the semantics of assigning a scalar to a vector are not immediately
360    * clear, this operator should really only be used if you want to set the
361    * entire vector to zero. This allows the intuitive notation <tt>v=0</tt>.
362    * Assigning other values is deprecated and may be disallowed in the future.
363    *
364    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded
365    */
366   Vector<Number> &
367   operator=(const Number s);
369   /**
370    * Copy the given vector. Resize the present vector if necessary.
371    *
372    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded
373    */
374   Vector<Number> &
375   operator=(const Vector<Number> &v);
377   /**
378    * Move the given vector. This operator replaces the present vector with
379    * the internal data of the vector @p v and resets @p v to the state it would
380    * have after being newly default-constructed.
381    */
382   Vector<Number> &
383   operator=(Vector<Number> &&v) noexcept = default;
385   /**
386    * Copy the given vector. Resize the present vector if necessary.
387    *
388    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded
389    */
390   template <typename Number2>
391   Vector<Number> &
392   operator=(const Vector<Number2> &v);
394   /**
395    * Copy operator for assigning a block vector to a regular vector.
396    */
397   Vector<Number> &
398   operator=(const BlockVector<Number> &v);
401   /**
402    * Another copy operator: copy the values from a PETSc wrapper vector
403    * class. This operator is only available if PETSc was detected during
404    * configuration time.
405    *
406    * Note that due to the communication model used in MPI, this operation can
407    * only succeed if all processes do it at the same time when <code>v</code>
408    * is a distributed vector: It is not possible for only one process to
409    * obtain a copy of a parallel vector while the other jobs do something
410    * else.
411    */
412   Vector<Number> &
413   operator=(const PETScWrappers::VectorBase &v);
414 #endif
418   /**
419    * Another copy operator: copy the values from a (sequential or parallel,
420    * depending on the underlying compiler) Trilinos wrapper vector class. This
421    * operator is only available if Trilinos was detected during configuration
422    * time.
423    *
424    * @note Due to the communication model used in MPI, this operation can
425    * only succeed if all processes that have knowledge of @p v
426    * (i.e. those given by <code>v.get_mpi_communicator()</code>) do it at
427    * the same time. This means that unless you use a split MPI communicator
428    * then it is not normally possible for only one or a subset of processes
429    * to obtain a copy of a parallel vector while the other jobs do something
430    * else. In other words, calling this function is a 'collective operation'
431    * that needs to be executed by all MPI processes that jointly share @p v.
432    */
433   Vector<Number> &
434   operator=(const TrilinosWrappers::MPI::Vector &v);
435 #endif
437   /**
438    * Test for equality. This function assumes that the present vector and the
439    * one to compare with have the same size already, since comparing vectors
440    * of different sizes makes not much sense anyway.
441    */
442   template <typename Number2>
443   bool
444   operator==(const Vector<Number2> &v) const;
446   /**
447    * Test for inequality. This function assumes that the present vector and
448    * the one to compare with have the same size already, since comparing
449    * vectors of different sizes makes not much sense anyway.
450    */
451   template <typename Number2>
452   bool
453   operator!=(const Vector<Number2> &v) const;
455   //@}
458   /**
459    * @name Scalar products, norms and related operations
460    */
461   //@{
463   /**
464    * Return the scalar product of two vectors.  The return type is the
465    * underlying type of @p this vector, so the return type and the accuracy
466    * with which it the result is computed depend on the order of the arguments
467    * of this vector.
468    *
469    * For complex vectors, the scalar product is implemented as
470    * $\left<v,w\right>=\sum_i v_i \bar{w_i}$.
471    *
472    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded The algorithm uses pairwise summation
473    * with the same order of summation in every run, which gives fully
474    * repeatable results from one run to another.
475    */
476   template <typename Number2>
477   Number operator*(const Vector<Number2> &V) const;
479   /**
480    * Return the square of the $l_2$-norm.
481    *
482    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded The algorithm uses pairwise summation
483    * with the same order of summation in every run, which gives fully
484    * repeatable results from one run to another.
485    */
486   real_type
487   norm_sqr() const;
489   /**
490    * Mean value of the elements of this vector.
491    *
492    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded The algorithm uses pairwise summation
493    * with the same order of summation in every run, which gives fully
494    * repeatable results from one run to another.
495    */
496   Number
497   mean_value() const;
499   /**
500    * $l_1$-norm of the vector. The sum of the absolute values.
501    *
502    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded The algorithm uses pairwise summation
503    * with the same order of summation in every run, which gives fully
504    * repeatable results from one run to another.
505    */
506   real_type
507   l1_norm() const;
509   /**
510    * $l_2$-norm of the vector. The square root of the sum of the squares of
511    * the elements.
512    *
513    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded The algorithm uses pairwise summation
514    * with the same order of summation in every run, which gives fully
515    * repeatable results from one run to another.
516    */
517   real_type
518   l2_norm() const;
520   /**
521    * $l_p$-norm of the vector. The pth root of the sum of the pth powers of
522    * the absolute values of the elements.
523    *
524    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded The algorithm uses pairwise summation
525    * with the same order of summation in every run, which gives fully
526    * repeatable results from one run to another.
527    */
528   real_type
529   lp_norm(const real_type p) const;
531   /**
532    * Maximum absolute value of the elements.
533    */
534   real_type
535   linfty_norm() const;
537   /**
538    * Performs a combined operation of a vector addition and a subsequent inner
539    * product, returning the value of the inner product. In other words, the
540    * result of this function is the same as if the user called
541    * @code
542    * this->add(a, V);
543    * return_value = *this * W;
544    * @endcode
545    *
546    * The reason this function exists is that this operation involves less
547    * memory transfer than calling the two functions separately. This method
548    * only needs to load three vectors, @p this, @p V, @p W, whereas calling
549    * separate methods means to load the calling vector @p this twice. Since
550    * most vector operations are memory transfer limited, this reduces the time
551    * by 25\% (or 50\% if @p W equals @p this).
552    *
553    * For complex-valued vectors, the scalar product in the second step is
554    * implemented as
555    * $\left<v,w\right>=\sum_i v_i \bar{w_i}$.
556    *
557    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded The algorithm uses pairwise summation
558    * with the same order of summation in every run, which gives fully
559    * repeatable results from one run to another.
560    */
561   Number
562   add_and_dot(const Number a, const Vector<Number> &V, const Vector<Number> &W);
564   //@}
567   /**
568    * @name Data access
569    */
570   //@{
572   /**
573    * Return a pointer to the underlying data buffer.
574    */
575   pointer
576   data();
578   /**
579    * Return a const pointer to the underlying data buffer.
580    */
581   const_pointer
582   data() const;
584   /**
585    * Make the @p Vector class a bit like the <tt>vector<></tt> class of the
586    * C++ standard library by returning iterators to the start and end of the
587    * elements of this vector.
588    */
589   iterator
590   begin();
592   /**
593    * Return constant iterator to the start of the vectors.
594    */
595   const_iterator
596   begin() const;
598   /**
599    * Return an iterator pointing to the element past the end of the array.
600    */
601   iterator
602   end();
604   /**
605    * Return a constant iterator pointing to the element past the end of the
606    * array.
607    */
608   const_iterator
609   end() const;
611   /**
612    * Access the value of the @p ith component.
613    */
614   Number
615   operator()(const size_type i) const;
617   /**
618    * Access the @p ith component as a writeable reference.
619    */
620   Number &
621   operator()(const size_type i);
623   /**
624    * Access the value of the @p ith component.
625    *
626    * Exactly the same as operator().
627    */
628   Number operator[](const size_type i) const;
630   /**
631    * Access the @p ith component as a writeable reference.
632    *
633    * Exactly the same as operator().
634    */
635   Number &operator[](const size_type i);
637   /**
638    * Instead of getting individual elements of a vector via operator(),
639    * this function allows getting a whole set of elements at once. The
640    * indices of the elements to be read are stated in the first argument, the
641    * corresponding values are returned in the second.
642    *
643    * If the current vector is called @p v, then this function is the equivalent
644    * to the code
645    * @code
646    *   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i)
647    *     values[i] = v[indices[i]];
648    * @endcode
649    *
650    * @pre The sizes of the @p indices and @p values arrays must be identical.
651    */
652   template <typename OtherNumber>
653   void
654   extract_subvector_to(const std::vector<size_type> &indices,
655                        std::vector<OtherNumber> &    values) const;
657   /**
658    * Instead of getting individual elements of a vector via operator(),
659    * this function allows getting a whole set of elements at once. In
660    * contrast to the previous function, this function obtains the
661    * indices of the elements by dereferencing all elements of the iterator
662    * range provided by the first two arguments, and puts the vector
663    * values into memory locations obtained by dereferencing a range
664    * of iterators starting at the location pointed to by the third
665    * argument.
666    *
667    * If the current vector is called @p v, then this function is the equivalent
668    * to the code
669    * @code
670    *   ForwardIterator indices_p = indices_begin;
671    *   OutputIterator  values_p  = values_begin;
672    *   while (indices_p != indices_end)
673    *     {
674    *       *values_p = v[*indices_p];
675    *       ++indices_p;
676    *       ++values_p;
677    *     }
678    * @endcode
679    *
680    * @pre It must be possible to write into as many memory locations
681    *   starting at @p values_begin as there are iterators between
682    *   @p indices_begin and @p indices_end.
683    */
684   template <typename ForwardIterator, typename OutputIterator>
685   void
686   extract_subvector_to(ForwardIterator       indices_begin,
687                        const ForwardIterator indices_end,
688                        OutputIterator        values_begin) const;
689   //@}
692   /**
693    * @name Modification of vectors
694    */
695   //@{
697   /**
698    * Add the given vector to the present one.
699    *
700    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded
701    */
702   Vector<Number> &
703   operator+=(const Vector<Number> &V);
705   /**
706    * Subtract the given vector from the present one.
707    *
708    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded
709    */
710   Vector<Number> &
711   operator-=(const Vector<Number> &V);
713   /**
714    * A collective add operation: This function adds a whole set of values
715    * stored in @p values to the vector components specified by @p indices.
716    */
717   template <typename OtherNumber>
718   void
719   add(const std::vector<size_type> &  indices,
720       const std::vector<OtherNumber> &values);
722   /**
723    * This is a second collective add operation. As a difference, this function
724    * takes a deal.II vector of values.
725    */
726   template <typename OtherNumber>
727   void
728   add(const std::vector<size_type> &indices, const Vector<OtherNumber> &values);
730   /**
731    * Take an address where <tt>n_elements</tt> are stored contiguously and add
732    * them into the vector. Handles all cases which are not covered by the
733    * other two <tt>add()</tt> functions above.
734    */
735   template <typename OtherNumber>
736   void
737   add(const size_type    n_elements,
738       const size_type *  indices,
739       const OtherNumber *values);
741   /**
742    * Addition of @p s to all components. Note that @p s is a scalar and not a
743    * vector.
744    *
745    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded
746    */
747   void
748   add(const Number s);
750   /**
751    * Multiple addition of scaled vectors, i.e. <tt>*this += a*V+b*W</tt>.
752    *
753    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded
754    */
755   void
756   add(const Number          a,
757       const Vector<Number> &V,
758       const Number          b,
759       const Vector<Number> &W);
761   /**
762    * Simple addition of a multiple of a vector, i.e. <tt>*this += a*V</tt>.
763    *
764    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded
765    */
766   void
767   add(const Number a, const Vector<Number> &V);
769   /**
770    * Scaling and simple vector addition, i.e.  <tt>*this = s*(*this)+V</tt>.
771    *
772    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded
773    */
774   void
775   sadd(const Number s, const Vector<Number> &V);
777   /**
778    * Scaling and simple addition, i.e.  <tt>*this = s*(*this)+a*V</tt>.
779    *
780    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded
781    */
782   void
783   sadd(const Number s, const Number a, const Vector<Number> &V);
785   /**
786    * Scale each element of the vector by a constant value.
787    *
788    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded
789    */
790   Vector<Number> &
791   operator*=(const Number factor);
793   /**
794    * Scale each element of the vector by the inverse of the given value.
795    *
796    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded
797    */
798   Vector<Number> &
799   operator/=(const Number factor);
801   /**
802    * Scale each element of this vector by the corresponding element in the
803    * argument. This function is mostly meant to simulate multiplication (and
804    * immediate re-assignment) by a diagonal scaling matrix.
805    *
806    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded
807    */
808   void
809   scale(const Vector<Number> &scaling_factors);
811   /**
812    * Scale each element of this vector by the corresponding element in the
813    * argument. This function is mostly meant to simulate multiplication (and
814    * immediate re-assignment) by a diagonal scaling matrix.
815    */
816   template <typename Number2>
817   void
818   scale(const Vector<Number2> &scaling_factors);
820   /**
821    * Assignment <tt>*this = a*u</tt>.
822    *
823    * @dealiiOperationIsMultithreaded
824    */
825   void
826   equ(const Number a, const Vector<Number> &u);
828   /**
829    * Assignment <tt>*this = a*u</tt>.
830    */
831   template <typename Number2>
832   void
833   equ(const Number a, const Vector<Number2> &u);
835   /**
836    * This function does nothing but exists for compatibility with the @p
837    * parallel vector classes (e.g., LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector class).
838    */
839   void
840   update_ghost_values() const;
841   //@}
844   /**
845    * @name Input and output
846    */
847   //@{
848   /**
849    * Print to a stream. @p precision denotes the desired precision with which
850    * values shall be printed, @p scientific whether scientific notation shall
851    * be used. If @p across is @p true then the vector is printed in a line,
852    * while if @p false then the elements are printed on a separate line each.
853    */
854   void
855   print(std::ostream &     out,
856         const unsigned int precision  = 3,
857         const bool         scientific = true,
858         const bool         across     = true) const;
860   /**
861    * Write the vector en bloc to a file. This is done in a binary mode, so the
862    * output is neither readable by humans nor (probably) by other computers
863    * using a different operating system or number format.
864    */
865   void
866   block_write(std::ostream &out) const;
868   /**
869    * Read a vector en block from a file. This is done using the inverse
870    * operations to the above function, so it is reasonably fast because the
871    * bitstream is not interpreted.
872    *
873    * The vector is resized if necessary.
874    *
875    * A primitive form of error checking is performed which will recognize the
876    * bluntest attempts to interpret some data as a vector stored bitwise to a
877    * file, but not more.
878    */
879   void
880   block_read(std::istream &in);
882   /**
883    * Write the data of this object to a stream for the purpose of
884    * serialization.
885    */
886   template <class Archive>
887   void
888   save(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version) const;
890   /**
891    * Read the data of this object from a stream for the purpose of
892    * serialization.
893    */
894   template <class Archive>
895   void
896   load(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version);
898 #ifdef DOXYGEN
899   /**
900    * Write and read the data of this object from a stream for the purpose
901    * of serialization.
902    */
903   template <class Archive>
904   void
905   serialize(Archive &archive, const unsigned int version);
906 #else
907   // This macro defines the serialize() method that is compatible with
908   // the templated save() and load() method that have been implemented.
910 #endif
912   /**
913    * @}
914    */
916   /**
917    * @name Information about the object
918    */
919   //@{
921   /**
922    * Return true if the given global index is in the local range of this
923    * processor.  Since this is not a distributed vector the method always
924    * returns true.
925    */
926   bool
927   in_local_range(const size_type global_index) const;
929   /**
930    * Return an index set that describes which elements of this vector are
931    * owned by the current processor. Note that this index set does not include
932    * elements this vector may store locally as ghost elements but that are in
933    * fact owned by another processor. As a consequence, the index sets
934    * returned on different processors if this is a distributed vector will
935    * form disjoint sets that add up to the complete index set. Obviously, if a
936    * vector is created on only one processor, then the result would satisfy
937    * @code
938    *   vec.locally_owned_elements() == complete_index_set (vec.size())
939    * @endcode
940    *
941    * Since the current data type does not support parallel data storage across
942    * different processors, the returned index set is the complete index set.
943    */
944   IndexSet
945   locally_owned_elements() const;
947   /**
948    * Return dimension of the vector.
949    */
950   size_type
951   size() const;
953   /**
954    * Return whether the vector contains only elements with value zero. This
955    * function is mainly for internal consistency checks and should seldom be
956    * used when not in debug mode since it uses quite some time.
957    */
958   bool
959   all_zero() const;
961   /**
962    * Return @p true if the vector has no negative entries, i.e. all entries
963    * are zero or positive. This function is used, for example, to check
964    * whether refinement indicators are really all positive (or zero).
965    *
966    * The function obviously only makes sense if the template argument of this
967    * class is a real type. If it is a complex type, then an exception is
968    * thrown.
969    */
970   bool
971   is_non_negative() const;
973   /**
974    * Determine an estimate for the memory consumption (in bytes) of this
975    * object.
976    */
977   std::size_t
978   memory_consumption() const;
980   /**
981    * This function exists for compatibility with the @p
982    * parallel vector classes (e.g., LinearAlgebra::distributed::Vector class).
983    * Always returns false since this implementation is serial.
984    */
985   bool
986   has_ghost_elements() const;
987   //@}
989 private:
990   /**
991    * Array of elements owned by this vector.
992    */
993   AlignedVector<Number> values;
995   /**
996    * Convenience function used at the end of initialization or
997    * reinitialization. Resets (if necessary) the loop partitioner to the
998    * correct state, based on its current state and the length of the vector.
999    */
1000   void
1001   maybe_reset_thread_partitioner();
1003   /**
1004    * Actual implementation of the reinit functions.
1005    */
1006   void
1007   do_reinit(const size_type new_size,
1008             const bool      omit_zeroing_entries,
1009             const bool      reset_partitioner);
1011   /**
1012    * For parallel loops with TBB, this member variable stores the affinity
1013    * information of loops.
1014    */
1015   mutable std::shared_ptr<parallel::internal::TBBPartitioner>
1016     thread_loop_partitioner;
1018   // Make all other vector types friends.
1019   template <typename Number2>
1020   friend class Vector;
1021 };
1023 /*@}*/
1024 /*----------------------- Inline functions ----------------------------------*/
1027 #ifndef DOXYGEN
1030 //------------------------ declarations for explicit specializations
1031 template <>
1032 Vector<int>::real_type
1033 Vector<int>::lp_norm(const real_type) const;
1036 //------------------------ inline functions
1038 template <typename Number>
Vector()1039 inline Vector<Number>::Vector()
1040 {
1041   // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
1042   // override in a derived class
1043   // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
1044   Vector<Number>::reinit(0);
1045 }
1049 template <typename Number>
1050 template <typename OtherNumber>
Vector(const std::initializer_list<OtherNumber> & v)1051 Vector<Number>::Vector(const std::initializer_list<OtherNumber> &v)
1052   : Vector(v.begin(), v.end())
1053 {}
1057 template <typename Number>
1058 template <typename InputIterator>
Vector(const InputIterator first,const InputIterator last)1059 Vector<Number>::Vector(const InputIterator first, const InputIterator last)
1060 {
1061   // allocate memory. do not initialize it, as we will copy over to it in a
1062   // second
1063   reinit(std::distance(first, last), true);
1064   std::copy(first, last, begin());
1065 }
1069 template <typename Number>
Vector(const size_type n)1070 inline Vector<Number>::Vector(const size_type n)
1071 {
1072   // virtual functions called in constructors and destructors never use the
1073   // override in a derived class
1074   // for clarity be explicit on which function is called
1075   Vector<Number>::reinit(n, false);
1076 }
1080 template <typename Number>
1081 inline typename Vector<Number>::size_type
size()1082 Vector<Number>::size() const
1083 {
1084   return values.size();
1085 }
1088 template <typename Number>
1089 inline bool
in_local_range(const size_type)1090 Vector<Number>::in_local_range(const size_type) const
1091 {
1092   return true;
1093 }
1097 template <typename Number>
1098 inline typename Vector<Number>::pointer
data()1099 Vector<Number>::data()
1100 {
1101   return values.data();
1102 }
1106 template <typename Number>
1107 inline typename Vector<Number>::const_pointer
data()1108 Vector<Number>::data() const
1109 {
1110   return values.data();
1111 }
1115 template <typename Number>
1116 inline typename Vector<Number>::iterator
begin()1117 Vector<Number>::begin()
1118 {
1119   return values.begin();
1120 }
1124 template <typename Number>
1125 inline typename Vector<Number>::const_iterator
begin()1126 Vector<Number>::begin() const
1127 {
1128   return values.begin();
1129 }
1133 template <typename Number>
1134 inline typename Vector<Number>::iterator
end()1135 Vector<Number>::end()
1136 {
1137   return values.end();
1138 }
1142 template <typename Number>
1143 inline typename Vector<Number>::const_iterator
end()1144 Vector<Number>::end() const
1145 {
1146   return values.end();
1147 }
1151 template <typename Number>
1152 inline Number
operator()1153 Vector<Number>::operator()(const size_type i) const
1154 {
1155   AssertIndexRange(i, size());
1156   return values[i];
1157 }
1161 template <typename Number>
1162 inline Number &
operator()1163 Vector<Number>::operator()(const size_type i)
1164 {
1165   AssertIndexRange(i, size());
1166   return values[i];
1167 }
1171 template <typename Number>
1172 inline Number Vector<Number>::operator[](const size_type i) const
1173 {
1174   return operator()(i);
1175 }
1179 template <typename Number>
1180 inline Number &Vector<Number>::operator[](const size_type i)
1181 {
1182   return operator()(i);
1183 }
1187 template <typename Number>
1188 template <typename OtherNumber>
1189 inline void
extract_subvector_to(const std::vector<size_type> & indices,std::vector<OtherNumber> & values)1190 Vector<Number>::extract_subvector_to(const std::vector<size_type> &indices,
1191                                      std::vector<OtherNumber> &    values) const
1192 {
1193   for (size_type i = 0; i < indices.size(); ++i)
1194     values[i] = operator()(indices[i]);
1195 }
1199 template <typename Number>
1200 template <typename ForwardIterator, typename OutputIterator>
1201 inline void
extract_subvector_to(ForwardIterator indices_begin,const ForwardIterator indices_end,OutputIterator values_begin)1202 Vector<Number>::extract_subvector_to(ForwardIterator       indices_begin,
1203                                      const ForwardIterator indices_end,
1204                                      OutputIterator        values_begin) const
1205 {
1206   while (indices_begin != indices_end)
1207     {
1208       *values_begin = operator()(*indices_begin);
1209       indices_begin++;
1210       values_begin++;
1211     }
1212 }
1216 template <typename Number>
1217 inline Vector<Number> &
1218 Vector<Number>::operator/=(const Number factor)
1219 {
1220   AssertIsFinite(factor);
1221   Assert(factor != Number(0.), ExcZero());
1223   this->operator*=(Number(1.) / factor);
1224   return *this;
1225 }
1229 template <typename Number>
1230 template <typename OtherNumber>
1231 inline void
add(const std::vector<size_type> & indices,const std::vector<OtherNumber> & values)1232 Vector<Number>::add(const std::vector<size_type> &  indices,
1233                     const std::vector<OtherNumber> &values)
1234 {
1235   Assert(indices.size() == values.size(),
1236          ExcDimensionMismatch(indices.size(), values.size()));
1237   add(indices.size(), indices.data(), values.data());
1238 }
1242 template <typename Number>
1243 template <typename OtherNumber>
1244 inline void
add(const std::vector<size_type> & indices,const Vector<OtherNumber> & values)1245 Vector<Number>::add(const std::vector<size_type> &indices,
1246                     const Vector<OtherNumber> &   values)
1247 {
1248   Assert(indices.size() == values.size(),
1249          ExcDimensionMismatch(indices.size(), values.size()));
1250   add(indices.size(), indices.data(), values.values.begin());
1251 }
1255 template <typename Number>
1256 template <typename OtherNumber>
1257 inline void
add(const size_type n_indices,const size_type * indices,const OtherNumber * values)1258 Vector<Number>::add(const size_type    n_indices,
1259                     const size_type *  indices,
1260                     const OtherNumber *values)
1261 {
1262   for (size_type i = 0; i < n_indices; ++i)
1263     {
1264       AssertIndexRange(indices[i], size());
1265       Assert(
1266         numbers::is_finite(values[i]),
1267         ExcMessage(
1268           "The given value is not finite but either infinite or Not A Number (NaN)"));
1270       this->values[indices[i]] += values[i];
1271     }
1272 }
1276 template <typename Number>
1277 template <typename Number2>
1278 inline bool
1279 Vector<Number>::operator!=(const Vector<Number2> &v) const
1280 {
1281   return !(*this == v);
1282 }
1286 template <typename Number>
compress(::dealii::VectorOperation::values)1287 inline void Vector<Number>::compress(::dealii::VectorOperation::values) const
1288 {}
1291 template <typename Number>
1292 inline bool
has_ghost_elements()1293 Vector<Number>::has_ghost_elements() const
1294 {
1295   return false;
1296 }
1298 template <typename Number>
1299 inline void
update_ghost_values()1300 Vector<Number>::update_ghost_values() const
1301 {}
1305 // Moved from vector.templates.h as an inline function by Luca Heltai
1306 // on 2009/04/12 to prevent strange compiling errors, after making
1307 // swap virtual.
1308 template <typename Number>
1309 inline void
swap(Vector<Number> & v)1310 Vector<Number>::swap(Vector<Number> &v)
1311 {
1312   values.swap(v.values);
1313   std::swap(thread_loop_partitioner, v.thread_loop_partitioner);
1314 }
1318 template <typename Number>
1319 template <class Archive>
1320 inline void
save(Archive & ar,const unsigned int)1321 Vector<Number>::save(Archive &ar, const unsigned int) const
1322 {
1323   // forward to serialization function in the base class.
1324   ar &static_cast<const Subscriptor &>(*this);
1325   ar &values;
1326 }
1330 template <typename Number>
1331 template <class Archive>
1332 inline void
load(Archive & ar,const unsigned int)1333 Vector<Number>::load(Archive &ar, const unsigned int)
1334 {
1335   // the load stuff again from the archive
1336   ar &static_cast<Subscriptor &>(*this);
1337   ar &values;
1338   maybe_reset_thread_partitioner();
1339 }
1341 #endif
1344 /*! @addtogroup Vectors
1345  *@{
1346  */
1349 /**
1350  * Global function @p swap which overloads the default implementation of the
1351  * C++ standard library which uses a temporary object. The function simply
1352  * exchanges the data of the two vectors.
1353  *
1354  * @relatesalso Vector
1355  */
1356 template <typename Number>
1357 inline void
swap(Vector<Number> & u,Vector<Number> & v)1358 swap(Vector<Number> &u, Vector<Number> &v)
1359 {
1360   u.swap(v);
1361 }
1364 /**
1365  * Output operator writing a vector to a stream. This operator outputs the
1366  * elements of the vector one by one, with a space between entries. Each entry
1367  * is formatted according to the flags set on the output stream.
1368  *
1369  * @relatesalso Vector
1370  */
1371 template <typename number>
1372 inline std::ostream &
1373 operator<<(std::ostream &out, const Vector<number> &v)
1374 {
1375   Assert(v.size() != 0, ExcEmptyObject());
1376   AssertThrow(out, ExcIO());
1378   for (typename Vector<number>::size_type i = 0; i < v.size() - 1; ++i)
1379     out << v(i) << ' ';
1380   out << v(v.size() - 1);
1382   AssertThrow(out, ExcIO());
1384   return out;
1385 }
1387 /*@}*/
1390 /**
1391  * Declare dealii::Vector< Number > as serial vector.
1392  *
1393  * @relatesalso Vector
1394  */
1395 template <typename Number>
1396 struct is_serial_vector<Vector<Number>> : std::true_type
1397 {};
1402 #endif