1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 1998 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
16 #ifndef dealii_vector_memory_h
17 #define dealii_vector_memory_h
20 #include <deal.II/base/config.h>
22 #include <deal.II/base/logstream.h>
23 #include <deal.II/base/smartpointer.h>
24 #include <deal.II/base/thread_management.h>
26 #include <deal.II/lac/vector.h>
28 #include <iostream>
29 #include <memory>
30 #include <vector>
35 /*!@addtogroup VMemory */
36 /*@{*/
38 /**
39  * Memory management base class for vectors. This is an abstract base class
40  * used, among other places, by all iterative methods to allocate space for
41  * auxiliary vectors.
42  *
43  * The purpose of this class is as follows: in iterative solvers and other
44  * places, one needs to allocate temporary storage for vectors, for example
45  * for auxiliary vectors. One could allocate and release them anew every time,
46  * but this may be expensive in some situations if it has to happen very
47  * frequently. A common case for this is when an iterative method is used to
48  * invert a matrix in each iteration of an outer solver, such as when inverting
49  * a matrix block for a Schur complement solver. (step-20 does this, for
50  * example, but instead just keeps a vector around permanently for temporary
51  * storage.)
52  *
53  * In such situations, allocating and deallocating vectors anew in each call
54  * to the inner solver is expensive and leads to memory fragmentation. The
55  * present class allows to avoid this by offering an interface that other
56  * classes can use to allocate and deallocate vectors. Different derived
57  * classes then implement different strategies to provide temporary storage
58  * vectors to using classes.
59  *
60  * For example, the PrimitiveVectorMemory class simply allocates and
61  * deallocates vectors via the operating system facilities (i.e., using
62  * @p new and @p delete) each time it is asked for a vector. It is an
63  * appropriate implementation to use for iterative solvers that are called
64  * only once, or very infrequently.
65  *
66  * On the other hand, the GrowingVectorMemory class never returns memory space
67  * to the operating system memory management subsystem during its lifetime; it
68  * only marks them as unused and allows them to be reused next time a vector
69  * is requested.
70  *
71  *
72  * <h3> Practical use </h3>
73  *
74  * Classes derived from this base class return pointers to new vectors
75  * via the VectorMemory::alloc() function, and re-claim the vector
76  * when it is returned via VectorMemory::free(). These two functions
77  * therefore play a similar role as @p new and @p delete. This
78  * includes the usual drawbacks: It is simple to forget to call
79  * VectorMemory::free() at the end of a function that uses this
80  * facility, or to forget it in an @p if branch of the function where
81  * one has an early @p return from the function. In both cases, this
82  * results in a memory leak: a correct piece of code has to call
83  * VectorMemory::free() for all allocated vectors at <i>all</i>
84  * possible exit points. This includes places where a function is left
85  * because an exception is thrown further down in the call stack and
86  * not explicitly handled here.
87  *
88  * In other words, vectors allocated via VectorMemory::alloc() have
89  * the same issue as raw pointers allocated via @p new: It is easy to
90  * write code that has memory leaks. In the case of raw pointers, the
91  * common solution is to use the std::unique_ptr class instead (see
92  * http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/unique_ptr). In the case of
93  * the current class, the VectorMemory::Pointer class is the solution:
94  * it is a class that for all practical purposes looks like a pointer,
95  * but upon destruction also returns the vector back to the
96  * VectorMemory object from which it got it. Since destruction of the
97  * VectorMemory::Pointer class happens whenever it goes out of scope
98  * (whether because the function explicitly returns, or because
99  * control flow leaves it due to an exception), a memory leak cannot
100  * happen: the vector the VectroMemory::Pointer object points to is
101  * <i>always</i> returned.
102  */
103 template <typename VectorType = dealii::Vector<double>>
104 class VectorMemory : public Subscriptor
105 {
106 public:
107   /**
108    * Virtual destructor. This destructor is declared @p virtual to allow
109    * destroying objects of derived type through pointers to this base
110    * class.
111    */
112   virtual ~VectorMemory() override = default;
114   /**
115    * Return a pointer to a new vector. The number of elements or their
116    * subdivision into blocks (if applicable) is unspecified and users of this
117    * function should reset vectors to their proper size. The same holds for
118    * the contents of vectors: they are unspecified. In other words,
119    * the place that calls this function will need to resize or reinitialize
120    * it appropriately.
121    *
122    * @warning Just like using <code>new</code> and <code>delete</code>
123    *   explicitly in code invites bugs where memory is leaked (either
124    *   because the corresponding <code>delete</code> is forgotten
125    *   altogether, or because of exception safety issues), using the
126    *   alloc() and free() functions explicitly invites writing code
127    *   that accidentally leaks memory. You should consider using
128    *   the VectorMemory::Pointer class instead, which provides the
129    *   same kind of service that <code>std::unique</code> provides
130    *   for arbitrary memory allocated on the heap.
131    */
132   virtual VectorType *
133   alloc() = 0;
135   /**
136    * Return a vector and indicate that it is not going to be used any further
137    * by the place that called alloc() to get a pointer to it.
138    *
139    * @warning Just like using <code>new</code> and <code>delete</code>
140    *   explicitly in code invites bugs where memory is leaked (either
141    *   because the corresponding <code>delete</code> is forgotten
142    *   altogether, or because of exception safety issues), using the
143    *   alloc() and free() functions explicitly invites writing code
144    *   that accidentally leaks memory. You should consider using
145    *   the VectorMemory::Pointer class instead, which provides the
146    *   same kind of service that <code>std::unique</code> provides
147    *   for arbitrary memory allocated on the heap.
148    */
149   virtual void
150   free(const VectorType *const) = 0;
152   /**
153    * @addtogroup Exceptions
154    * @{
155    */
157   /**
158    * Vector was not allocated from this memory pool.
159    */
160   DeclExceptionMsg(
161     ExcNotAllocatedHere,
162     "You are trying to deallocate a vector from a memory pool, but this "
163     "vector has not actually been allocated by the same pool before.");
165   //@}
167   /**
168    * A class that looks like a pointer for all practical purposes and that
169    * upon construction time allocates a vector from a VectorMemory object
170    * (or an object of a class derived from VectorMemory) that is passed
171    * to the constructor of this class. The destructor then automatically
172    * returns the vector's ownership to the same VectorMemory object.
173    *
174    * Pointers of this type are therefore safe in the sense that they
175    * automatically call VectorMemory::free() when they are destroyed, whether
176    * that happens at the end of a code block or because local variables are
177    * destroyed during exception unwinding. These kinds of object thus relieve
178    * the user from using vector management functions explicitly.
179    *
180    * In many senses, this class acts like <code>std::unique_ptr</code> in that
181    * it is the unique owner of a chunk of memory that it frees upon destruction.
182    * The main differences to <code>std::unique_ptr</code> are (i) that it
183    * allocates memory from a memory pool upon construction, and (ii) that the
184    * memory is not destroyed using `operator delete` but returned to the
185    * VectorMemory pool.
186    */
187   class Pointer
188     : public std::unique_ptr<VectorType, std::function<void(VectorType *)>>
189   {
190   public:
191     /**
192      * Default constructor. This constructor corresponds to a @p nullptr
193      * object that does not own a vector. It can, however, later be
194      * assigned another Pointer object via move assignment in which case
195      * it will steal the vector owned by the other object
196      * (as @p std::unique_ptr does).
197      */
198     Pointer() = default;
200     /**
201      * Move constructor: this creates a new Pointer by stealing the internal
202      * data owned by @p p.
203      */
204     Pointer(Pointer &&p) noexcept = default;
206     /**
207      * Move operator: this releases the vector owned by the current Pointer
208      * and then steals the internal data owned by @p p.
209      */
210     Pointer &
211     operator=(Pointer &&p) noexcept = default;
213     /**
214      * Constructor. This constructor automatically allocates a vector from
215      * the given vector memory object @p mem.
216      */
217     Pointer(VectorMemory<VectorType> &mem);
219     /**
220      * Destructor, automatically releasing the vector from the memory pool.
221      */
222     ~Pointer() = default;
223   };
224 };
228 /**
229  * Simple memory management. See the documentation of the base class for a
230  * description of its purpose.
231  *
232  * This class allocates and deletes vectors as needed from the global heap,
233  * i.e. performs no specially adapted actions for memory management.
234  */
235 template <typename VectorType = dealii::Vector<double>>
236 class PrimitiveVectorMemory : public VectorMemory<VectorType>
237 {
238 public:
239   /**
240    * Return a pointer to a new vector. The number of elements or their
241    * subdivision into blocks (if applicable) is unspecified and users of this
242    * function should reset vectors to their proper size. The same holds for
243    * the contents of vectors: they are unspecified. In other words,
244    * the place that calls this function will need to resize or reinitialize
245    * it appropriately.
246    *
247    * For the present class, calling this function will allocate a new vector
248    * on the heap and returning a pointer to it. Later calling free() then
249    * returns the memory to the global heap managed by the operating system.
250    *
251    * @warning Just like using <code>new</code> and <code>delete</code>
252    *   explicitly in code invites bugs where memory is leaked (either
253    *   because the corresponding <code>delete</code> is forgotten
254    *   altogether, or because of exception safety issues), using the
255    *   alloc() and free() functions explicitly invites writing code
256    *   that accidentally leaks memory. You should consider using
257    *   the VectorMemory::Pointer class instead, which provides the
258    *   same kind of service that <code>std::unique</code> provides
259    *   for arbitrary memory allocated on the heap.
260    */
261   virtual VectorType *
262   alloc() override;
264   /**
265    * Return a vector and indicate that it is not going to be used any further
266    * by the instance that called alloc() to get a pointer to it.
267    *
268    * For the present class, this means that the vector is returned to the
269    * global heap.
270    *
271    * @warning Just like using <code>new</code> and <code>delete</code>
272    *   explicitly in code invites bugs where memory is leaked (either
273    *   because the corresponding <code>delete</code> is forgotten
274    *   altogether, or because of exception safety issues), using the
275    *   alloc() and free() functions explicitly invites writing code
276    *   that accidentally leaks memory. You should consider using
277    *   the VectorMemory::Pointer class instead, which provides the
278    *   same kind of service that <code>std::unique</code> provides
279    *   for arbitrary memory allocated on the heap.
280    */
281   virtual void
282   free(const VectorType *const v) override;
283 };
287 /**
288  * A pool based memory management class. See the documentation of the base
289  * class for a description of its purpose.
290  *
291  * Each time a vector is requested from this class, it checks if it has one
292  * available and returns its address, or allocates a new one on the heap. If a
293  * vector is returned from its user, through the GrowingVectorMemory::free()
294  * member function, it doesn't return the allocated memory to the operating
295  * system memory subsystem, but keeps it around unused for later use if
296  * GrowingVectorMemory::alloc() is called again. The
297  * class therefore avoid the overhead of repeatedly allocating memory on the
298  * heap if temporary vectors are required and released frequently; on the
299  * other hand, it doesn't release once-allocated memory at the earliest
300  * possible time and may therefore lead to an increased overall memory
301  * consumption.
302  *
303  * All GrowingVectorMemory objects of the same vector type use the same memory
304  * pool. (In other words: The pool of vectors from which this class draws is
305  * <i>global</i>, rather than a regular member variable of the current class
306  * that is destroyed at the time that the surrounding GrowingVectorMemory
307  * object is destroyed.) Therefore, functions can create such a
308  * GrowingVectorMemory object whenever needed without the performance penalty
309  * of creating a new memory pool every time. A drawback of this policy is that
310  * vectors once allocated are only released at the end of the program run.
311  */
312 template <typename VectorType = dealii::Vector<double>>
313 class GrowingVectorMemory : public VectorMemory<VectorType>
314 {
315 public:
316   /**
317    * Declare type for container size.
318    */
319   using size_type = types::global_dof_index;
321   /**
322    * Constructor.  The argument allows to preallocate a certain number of
323    * vectors. The default is not to do this.
324    */
325   GrowingVectorMemory(const size_type initial_size   = 0,
326                       const bool      log_statistics = false);
328   /**
329    * Destructor. The destructor also checks that all vectors that have been
330    * allocated through the current object have all been released again.
331    * However, as discussed in the class documentation, this does not imply
332    * that their memory is returned to the operating system.
333    */
334   virtual ~GrowingVectorMemory() override;
336   /**
337    * Return a pointer to a new vector. The number of elements or their
338    * subdivision into blocks (if applicable) is unspecified and users of this
339    * function should reset vectors to their proper size. The same holds for
340    * the contents of vectors: they are unspecified. In other words,
341    * the place that calls this function will need to resize or reinitialize
342    * it appropriately.
343    *
344    * @warning Just like using <code>new</code> and <code>delete</code>
345    *   explicitly in code invites bugs where memory is leaked (either
346    *   because the corresponding <code>delete</code> is forgotten
347    *   altogether, or because of exception safety issues), using the
348    *   alloc() and free() functions explicitly invites writing code
349    *   that accidentally leaks memory. You should consider using
350    *   the VectorMemory::Pointer class instead, which provides the
351    *   same kind of service that <code>std::unique</code> provides
352    *   for arbitrary memory allocated on the heap.
353    */
354   virtual VectorType *
355   alloc() override;
357   /**
358    * Return a vector and indicate that it is not going to be used any further
359    * by the instance that called alloc() to get a pointer to it.
360    *
361    * For the present class, this means retaining the vector for later reuse by
362    * the alloc() method.
363    *
364    * @warning Just like using <code>new</code> and <code>delete</code>
365    *   explicitly in code invites bugs where memory is leaked (either
366    *   because the corresponding <code>delete</code> is forgotten
367    *   altogether, or because of exception safety issues), using the
368    *   alloc() and free() functions explicitly invites writing code
369    *   that accidentally leaks memory. You should consider using
370    *   the VectorMemory::Pointer class instead, which provides the
371    *   same kind of service that <code>std::unique</code> provides
372    *   for arbitrary memory allocated on the heap.
373    */
374   virtual void
375   free(const VectorType *const) override;
377   /**
378    * Release all vectors that are not currently in use.
379    */
380   static void
381   release_unused_memory();
383   /**
384    * Memory consumed by this class and all currently allocated vectors.
385    */
386   virtual std::size_t
387   memory_consumption() const;
389 private:
390   /**
391    * A type that describes this entries of an array that represents
392    * the vectors stored by this object. The first component of the pair
393    * is be a flag telling whether the vector is used, the second
394    * a pointer to the vector itself.
395    */
396   using entry_type = std::pair<bool, std::unique_ptr<VectorType>>;
398   /**
399    * The class providing the actual storage for the memory pool.
400    *
401    * This is where the actual storage for GrowingVectorMemory is provided.
402    * Only one of these pools is used for each vector type, thus allocating all
403    * vectors from the same storage.
404    */
405   struct Pool
406   {
407     /**
408      * Standard constructor creating an empty pool
409      */
410     Pool();
412     /**
413      * Destructor.
414      */
415     ~Pool();
417     /**
418      * Create data vector; does nothing after first initialization
419      */
420     void
421     initialize(const size_type size);
423     /**
424      * Pointer to the storage object
425      */
426     std::vector<entry_type> *data;
427   };
429   /**
430    * Return an array of allocated vectors.
431    */
432   static Pool &
433   get_pool();
435   /**
436    * Overall number of allocations. Only used for bookkeeping and to generate
437    * output at the end of an object's lifetime.
438    */
439   size_type total_alloc;
441   /**
442    * Number of vectors currently allocated in this object; used for detecting
443    * memory leaks.
444    */
445   size_type current_alloc;
447   /**
448    * A flag controlling the logging of statistics by the destructor.
449    */
450   bool log_statistics;
452   /**
453    * Mutex to synchronize access to internal data of this object from multiple
454    * threads.
455    */
456   static Threads::Mutex mutex;
457 };
461 namespace internal
462 {
463   namespace GrowingVectorMemoryImplementation
464   {
465     void
466     release_all_unused_memory();
467   }
468 } // namespace internal
470 /*@}*/
472 #ifndef DOXYGEN
473 /* --------------------- inline functions ---------------------- */
476 template <typename VectorType>
Pointer(VectorMemory<VectorType> & mem)477 inline VectorMemory<VectorType>::Pointer::Pointer(VectorMemory<VectorType> &mem)
478   : std::unique_ptr<VectorType, std::function<void(VectorType *)>>(
479       mem.alloc(),
480       [&mem](VectorType *v) { mem.free(v); })
481 {}
485 template <typename VectorType>
486 VectorType *
alloc()487 PrimitiveVectorMemory<VectorType>::alloc()
488 {
489   return new VectorType();
490 }
494 template <typename VectorType>
495 void
free(const VectorType * const v)496 PrimitiveVectorMemory<VectorType>::free(const VectorType *const v)
497 {
498   delete v;
499 }
503 #endif // DOXYGEN
507 #endif