1 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2003 - 2020 by the deal.II authors
4 //
5 // This file is part of the deal.II library.
6 //
7 // The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
8 // it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
9 // Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10 // version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11 // The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE.md at
12 // the top level directory of deal.II.
13 //
14 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
17 #include <deal.II/base/qprojector.h>
18 #include <deal.II/base/quadrature.h>
19 #include <deal.II/base/quadrature_lib.h>
20 #include <deal.II/base/table.h>
21 #include <deal.II/base/utilities.h>
23 #include <deal.II/dofs/dof_accessor.h>
25 #include <deal.II/fe/fe.h>
26 #include <deal.II/fe/fe_abf.h>
27 #include <deal.II/fe/fe_tools.h>
28 #include <deal.II/fe/fe_values.h>
29 #include <deal.II/fe/mapping.h>
31 #include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
32 #include <deal.II/grid/tria_iterator.h>
34 #include <iostream>
35 #include <memory>
36 #include <sstream>
39 // TODO: implement the adjust_quad_dof_index_for_face_orientation_table and
40 // adjust_line_dof_index_for_line_orientation_table fields, and write tests
41 // similar to bits/face_orientation_and_fe_q_*
47 template <int dim>
FE_ABF(const unsigned int deg)48 FE_ABF<dim>::FE_ABF(const unsigned int deg)
49   : FE_PolyTensor<dim>(
50       PolynomialsABF<dim>(deg),
51       FiniteElementData<dim>(get_dpo_vector(deg),
52                              dim,
53                              deg + 2,
54                              FiniteElementData<dim>::Hdiv),
55       std::vector<bool>(PolynomialsABF<dim>::n_polynomials(deg), true),
56       std::vector<ComponentMask>(PolynomialsABF<dim>::n_polynomials(deg),
57                                  std::vector<bool>(dim, true)))
58   , rt_order(deg)
59 {
60   Assert(dim >= 2, ExcImpossibleInDim(dim));
61   const unsigned int n_dofs = this->n_dofs_per_cell();
63   this->mapping_kind = {mapping_raviart_thomas};
64   // First, initialize the
65   // generalized support points and
66   // quadrature weights, since they
67   // are required for interpolation.
68   initialize_support_points(deg);
70   // Now compute the inverse node matrix, generating the correct
71   // basis functions from the raw ones. For a discussion of what
72   // exactly happens here, see FETools::compute_node_matrix.
73   const FullMatrix<double> M = FETools::compute_node_matrix(*this);
74   this->inverse_node_matrix.reinit(n_dofs, n_dofs);
75   this->inverse_node_matrix.invert(M);
76   // From now on, the shape functions provided by FiniteElement::shape_value
77   // and similar functions will be the correct ones, not
78   // the raw shape functions from the polynomial space anymore.
80   // Reinit the vectors of
81   // restriction and prolongation
82   // matrices to the right sizes.
83   // Restriction only for isotropic
84   // refinement
85   this->reinit_restriction_and_prolongation_matrices(true);
86   // Fill prolongation matrices with embedding operators
87   FETools::compute_embedding_matrices(*this, this->prolongation, false, 1.e-10);
89   initialize_restriction();
91   // TODO: the implementation makes the assumption that all faces have the
92   // same number of dofs
93   AssertDimension(this->n_unique_faces(), 1);
94   const unsigned int face_no = 0;
96   // TODO[TL]: for anisotropic refinement we will probably need a table of
97   // submatrices with an array for each refine case
98   std::vector<FullMatrix<double>> face_embeddings(
99     1 << (dim - 1),
100     FullMatrix<double>(this->n_dofs_per_face(face_no),
101                        this->n_dofs_per_face(face_no)));
102   // TODO: Something goes wrong there. The error of the least squares fit
103   // is to large ...
104   // FETools::compute_face_embedding_matrices(*this, face_embeddings.data(), 0,
105   // 0);
106   this->interface_constraints.reinit((1 << (dim - 1)) *
107                                        this->n_dofs_per_face(face_no),
108                                      this->n_dofs_per_face(face_no));
109   unsigned int target_row = 0;
110   for (const auto &face_embedding : face_embeddings)
111     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < face_embedding.m(); ++i)
112       {
113         for (unsigned int j = 0; j < face_embedding.n(); ++j)
114           this->interface_constraints(target_row, j) = face_embedding(i, j);
115         ++target_row;
116       }
117 }
121 template <int dim>
122 std::string
get_name() const123 FE_ABF<dim>::get_name() const
124 {
125   // note that the
126   // FETools::get_fe_by_name
127   // function depends on the
128   // particular format of the string
129   // this function returns, so they
130   // have to be kept in synch
132   std::ostringstream namebuf;
134   namebuf << "FE_ABF<" << dim << ">(" << rt_order << ")";
136   return namebuf.str();
137 }
141 template <int dim>
142 std::unique_ptr<FiniteElement<dim, dim>>
clone() const143 FE_ABF<dim>::clone() const
144 {
145   return std::make_unique<FE_ABF<dim>>(rt_order);
146 }
149 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
150 // Auxiliary and internal functions
151 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
155 // Version for 2d and higher. See above for 1d version
156 template <int dim>
157 void
initialize_support_points(const unsigned int deg)158 FE_ABF<dim>::initialize_support_points(const unsigned int deg)
159 {
160   QGauss<dim>        cell_quadrature(deg + 2);
161   const unsigned int n_interior_points = cell_quadrature.size();
163   // TODO: the implementation makes the assumption that all faces have the
164   // same number of dofs
165   AssertDimension(this->n_unique_faces(), 1);
166   const unsigned int face_no = 0;
168   unsigned int n_face_points = (dim > 1) ? 1 : 0;
169   // compute (deg+1)^(dim-1)
170   for (unsigned int d = 1; d < dim; ++d)
171     n_face_points *= deg + 1;
173   this->generalized_support_points.resize(
174     GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell * n_face_points + n_interior_points);
175   this->generalized_face_support_points[face_no].resize(n_face_points);
178   // These might be required when the faces contribution is computed
179   // Therefore they will be initialized at this point.
180   std::array<std::unique_ptr<AnisotropicPolynomials<dim>>, dim> polynomials_abf;
182   // Generate x_1^{i} x_2^{r+1} ...
183   for (unsigned int dd = 0; dd < dim; ++dd)
184     {
185       std::vector<std::vector<Polynomials::Polynomial<double>>> poly(dim);
186       for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
187         poly[d].push_back(Polynomials::Monomial<double>(deg + 1));
188       poly[dd] = Polynomials::Monomial<double>::generate_complete_basis(deg);
190       polynomials_abf[dd] = std::make_unique<AnisotropicPolynomials<dim>>(poly);
191     }
193   // Number of the point being entered
194   unsigned int current = 0;
196   if (dim > 1)
197     {
198       QGauss<dim - 1>                   face_points(deg + 1);
199       TensorProductPolynomials<dim - 1> legendre =
200         Polynomials::Legendre::generate_complete_basis(deg);
202       boundary_weights.reinit(n_face_points, legendre.n());
204       //       Assert (face_points.size() == this->n_dofs_per_face(),
205       //            ExcInternalError());
207       for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n_face_points; ++k)
208         {
209           this->generalized_face_support_points[face_no][k] =
210             face_points.point(k);
211           // Compute its quadrature
212           // contribution for each
213           // moment.
214           for (unsigned int i = 0; i < legendre.n(); ++i)
215             {
216               boundary_weights(k, i) =
217                 face_points.weight(k) *
218                 legendre.compute_value(i, face_points.point(k));
219             }
220         }
222       Quadrature<dim> faces =
223         QProjector<dim>::project_to_all_faces(this->reference_cell_type(),
224                                               face_points);
225       for (; current < GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell * n_face_points;
226            ++current)
227         {
228           // Enter the support point
229           // into the vector
230           this->generalized_support_points[current] = faces.point(current);
231         }
234       // Now initialize edge interior weights for the ABF elements.
235       // These are completely independent from the usual edge moments. They
236       // stem from applying the Gauss theorem to the nodal values, which
237       // was necessary to cast the ABF elements into the deal.II framework
238       // for vector valued elements.
239       boundary_weights_abf.reinit(faces.size(), polynomials_abf[0]->n() * dim);
240       for (unsigned int k = 0; k < faces.size(); ++k)
241         {
242           for (unsigned int i = 0; i < polynomials_abf[0]->n() * dim; ++i)
243             {
244               boundary_weights_abf(k, i) =
245                 polynomials_abf[i % dim]->compute_value(i / dim,
246                                                         faces.point(k)) *
247                 faces.weight(k);
248             }
249         }
250     }
252   // Create Legendre basis for the
253   // space D_xi Q_k
254   if (deg > 0)
255     {
256       std::array<std::unique_ptr<AnisotropicPolynomials<dim>>, dim> polynomials;
258       for (unsigned int dd = 0; dd < dim; ++dd)
259         {
260           std::vector<std::vector<Polynomials::Polynomial<double>>> poly(dim);
261           for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
262             poly[d] = Polynomials::Legendre::generate_complete_basis(deg);
263           poly[dd] = Polynomials::Legendre::generate_complete_basis(deg - 1);
265           polynomials[dd] = std::make_unique<AnisotropicPolynomials<dim>>(poly);
266         }
268       interior_weights.reinit(
269         TableIndices<3>(n_interior_points, polynomials[0]->n(), dim));
271       for (unsigned int k = 0; k < cell_quadrature.size(); ++k)
272         {
273           for (unsigned int i = 0; i < polynomials[0]->n(); ++i)
274             for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
275               interior_weights(k, i, d) =
276                 cell_quadrature.weight(k) *
277                 polynomials[d]->compute_value(i, cell_quadrature.point(k));
278         }
279     }
282   // Decouple the creation of the generalized support points
283   // from computation of interior weights.
284   for (unsigned int k = 0; k < cell_quadrature.size(); ++k)
285     this->generalized_support_points[current++] = cell_quadrature.point(k);
287   // Additional functionality for the ABF elements
288   // TODO: Here the canonical extension of the principle
289   // behind the ABF elements is implemented. It is unclear,
290   // if this really leads to the ABF spaces in 3D!
291   interior_weights_abf.reinit(TableIndices<3>(cell_quadrature.size(),
292                                               polynomials_abf[0]->n() * dim,
293                                               dim));
294   Tensor<1, dim> poly_grad;
296   for (unsigned int k = 0; k < cell_quadrature.size(); ++k)
297     {
298       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < polynomials_abf[0]->n() * dim; ++i)
299         {
300           poly_grad =
301             polynomials_abf[i % dim]->compute_grad(i / dim,
302                                                    cell_quadrature.point(k)) *
303             cell_quadrature.weight(k);
304           // The minus sign comes from the use of the Gauss theorem to replace
305           // the divergence.
306           for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
307             interior_weights_abf(k, i, d) = -poly_grad[d];
308         }
309     }
311   Assert(current == this->generalized_support_points.size(),
312          ExcInternalError());
313 }
317 // This function is the same Raviart-Thomas interpolation performed by
318 // interpolate. Still, we cannot use interpolate, since it was written
319 // for smooth functions. The functions interpolated here are not
320 // smooth, maybe even not continuous. Therefore, we must double the
321 // number of quadrature points in each direction in order to integrate
322 // only smooth functions.
324 // Then again, the interpolated function is chosen such that the
325 // moments coincide with the function to be interpolated.
327 template <int dim>
328 void
initialize_restriction()329 FE_ABF<dim>::initialize_restriction()
330 {
331   if (dim == 1)
332     {
333       unsigned int iso = RefinementCase<dim>::isotropic_refinement - 1;
334       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_cell;
335            ++i)
336         this->restriction[iso][i].reinit(0, 0);
337       return;
338     }
339   unsigned int       iso = RefinementCase<dim>::isotropic_refinement - 1;
340   QGauss<dim - 1>    q_base(rt_order + 1);
341   const unsigned int n_face_points = q_base.size();
342   // First, compute interpolation on
343   // subfaces
344   for (unsigned int face : GeometryInfo<dim>::face_indices())
345     {
346       // The shape functions of the
347       // child cell are evaluated
348       // in the quadrature points
349       // of a full face.
350       Quadrature<dim> q_face =
351         QProjector<dim>::project_to_face(this->reference_cell_type(),
352                                          q_base,
353                                          face);
354       // Store shape values, since the
355       // evaluation suffers if not
356       // ordered by point
357       Table<2, double> cached_values_face(this->n_dofs_per_cell(),
358                                           q_face.size());
359       for (unsigned int k = 0; k < q_face.size(); ++k)
360         for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->n_dofs_per_cell(); ++i)
361           cached_values_face(i, k) = this->shape_value_component(
362             i, q_face.point(k), GeometryInfo<dim>::unit_normal_direction[face]);
364       for (unsigned int sub = 0; sub < GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_face;
365            ++sub)
366         {
367           // The weight functions for
368           // the coarse face are
369           // evaluated on the subface
370           // only.
371           Quadrature<dim> q_sub = QProjector<dim>::project_to_subface(
372             this->reference_cell_type(), q_base, face, sub);
373           const unsigned int child = GeometryInfo<dim>::child_cell_on_face(
374             RefinementCase<dim>::isotropic_refinement, face, sub);
376           // On a certain face, we must
377           // compute the moments of ALL
378           // fine level functions with
379           // the coarse level weight
380           // functions belonging to
381           // that face. Due to the
382           // orthogonalization process
383           // when building the shape
384           // functions, these weights
385           // are equal to the
386           // corresponding shape
387           // functions.
388           for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n_face_points; ++k)
389             for (unsigned int i_child = 0; i_child < this->n_dofs_per_cell();
390                  ++i_child)
391               for (unsigned int i_face = 0;
392                    i_face < this->n_dofs_per_face(face);
393                    ++i_face)
394                 {
395                   // The quadrature
396                   // weights on the
397                   // subcell are NOT
398                   // transformed, so we
399                   // have to do it here.
400                   this->restriction[iso][child](
401                     face * this->n_dofs_per_face(face) + i_face, i_child) +=
402                     Utilities::fixed_power<dim - 1>(.5) * q_sub.weight(k) *
403                     cached_values_face(i_child, k) *
404                     this->shape_value_component(
405                       face * this->n_dofs_per_face(face) + i_face,
406                       q_sub.point(k),
407                       GeometryInfo<dim>::unit_normal_direction[face]);
408                 }
409         }
410     }
412   if (rt_order == 0)
413     return;
415   // Create Legendre basis for the
416   // space D_xi Q_k. Here, we cannot
417   // use the shape functions
418   std::array<std::unique_ptr<AnisotropicPolynomials<dim>>, dim> polynomials;
419   for (unsigned int dd = 0; dd < dim; ++dd)
420     {
421       std::vector<std::vector<Polynomials::Polynomial<double>>> poly(dim);
422       for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
423         poly[d] = Polynomials::Legendre::generate_complete_basis(rt_order);
424       poly[dd] = Polynomials::Legendre::generate_complete_basis(rt_order - 1);
426       polynomials[dd] = std::make_unique<AnisotropicPolynomials<dim>>(poly);
427     }
429   // TODO: the implementation makes the assumption that all faces have the
430   // same number of dofs
431   AssertDimension(this->n_unique_faces(), 1);
432   const unsigned int face_no = 0;
434   QGauss<dim>        q_cell(rt_order + 1);
435   const unsigned int start_cell_dofs =
436     GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell * this->n_dofs_per_face(face_no);
438   // Store shape values, since the
439   // evaluation suffers if not
440   // ordered by point
441   Table<3, double> cached_values_cell(this->n_dofs_per_cell(),
442                                       q_cell.size(),
443                                       dim);
444   for (unsigned int k = 0; k < q_cell.size(); ++k)
445     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->n_dofs_per_cell(); ++i)
446       for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
447         cached_values_cell(i, k, d) =
448           this->shape_value_component(i, q_cell.point(k), d);
450   for (unsigned int child = 0; child < GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_cell;
451        ++child)
452     {
453       Quadrature<dim> q_sub =
454         QProjector<dim>::project_to_child(this->reference_cell_type(),
455                                           q_cell,
456                                           child);
458       for (unsigned int k = 0; k < q_sub.size(); ++k)
459         for (unsigned int i_child = 0; i_child < this->n_dofs_per_cell();
460              ++i_child)
461           for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
462             for (unsigned int i_weight = 0; i_weight < polynomials[d]->n();
463                  ++i_weight)
464               {
465                 this->restriction[iso][child](start_cell_dofs + i_weight * dim +
466                                                 d,
467                                               i_child) +=
468                   q_sub.weight(k) * cached_values_cell(i_child, k, d) *
469                   polynomials[d]->compute_value(i_weight, q_sub.point(k));
470               }
471     }
472 }
476 template <int dim>
477 std::vector<unsigned int>
get_dpo_vector(const unsigned int rt_order)478 FE_ABF<dim>::get_dpo_vector(const unsigned int rt_order)
479 {
480   if (dim == 1)
481     {
482       Assert(false, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
483       return std::vector<unsigned int>();
484     }
486   // the element is face-based (not
487   // to be confused with George
488   // W. Bush's Faith Based
489   // Initiative...), and we have
490   // (rt_order+1)^(dim-1) DoFs per face
491   unsigned int dofs_per_face = 1;
492   for (int d = 0; d < dim - 1; ++d)
493     dofs_per_face *= rt_order + 1;
495   // and then there are interior dofs
496   const unsigned int interior_dofs = dim * (rt_order + 1) * dofs_per_face;
498   std::vector<unsigned int> dpo(dim + 1);
499   dpo[dim - 1] = dofs_per_face;
500   dpo[dim]     = interior_dofs;
502   return dpo;
503 }
505 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
506 // Data field initialization
507 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
509 template <int dim>
510 bool
has_support_on_face(const unsigned int shape_index,const unsigned int face_index) const511 FE_ABF<dim>::has_support_on_face(const unsigned int shape_index,
512                                  const unsigned int face_index) const
513 {
514   AssertIndexRange(shape_index, this->n_dofs_per_cell());
515   AssertIndexRange(face_index, GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell);
517   // Return computed values if we
518   // know them easily. Otherwise, it
519   // is always safe to return true.
520   switch (rt_order)
521     {
522       case 0:
523         {
524           switch (dim)
525             {
526               case 2:
527                 {
528                   // only on the one
529                   // non-adjacent face
530                   // are the values
531                   // actually zero. list
532                   // these in a table
533                   return (face_index !=
534                           GeometryInfo<dim>::opposite_face[shape_index]);
535                 }
537               default:
538                 return true;
539             }
540         }
542       default: // other rt_order
543         return true;
544     }
546   return true;
547 }
551 template <int dim>
552 void
convert_generalized_support_point_values_to_dof_values(const std::vector<Vector<double>> & support_point_values,std::vector<double> & nodal_values) const553 FE_ABF<dim>::convert_generalized_support_point_values_to_dof_values(
554   const std::vector<Vector<double>> &support_point_values,
555   std::vector<double> &              nodal_values) const
556 {
557   Assert(support_point_values.size() == this->generalized_support_points.size(),
558          ExcDimensionMismatch(support_point_values.size(),
559                               this->generalized_support_points.size()));
560   Assert(support_point_values[0].size() == this->n_components(),
561          ExcDimensionMismatch(support_point_values[0].size(),
562                               this->n_components()));
563   Assert(nodal_values.size() == this->n_dofs_per_cell(),
564          ExcDimensionMismatch(nodal_values.size(), this->n_dofs_per_cell()));
566   std::fill(nodal_values.begin(), nodal_values.end(), 0.);
568   const unsigned int n_face_points = boundary_weights.size(0);
569   for (unsigned int face : GeometryInfo<dim>::face_indices())
570     for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n_face_points; ++k)
571       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < boundary_weights.size(1); ++i)
572         {
573           nodal_values[i + face * this->n_dofs_per_face(face)] +=
574             boundary_weights(k, i) *
575             support_point_values[face * n_face_points + k][GeometryInfo<
576               dim>::unit_normal_direction[face]];
577         }
579   // TODO: the implementation makes the assumption that all faces have the
580   // same number of dofs
581   AssertDimension(this->n_unique_faces(), 1);
582   const unsigned int face_no = 0;
584   const unsigned int start_cell_dofs =
585     GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell * this->n_dofs_per_face(face_no);
586   const unsigned int start_cell_points =
587     GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell * n_face_points;
589   for (unsigned int k = 0; k < interior_weights.size(0); ++k)
590     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < interior_weights.size(1); ++i)
591       for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
592         nodal_values[start_cell_dofs + i * dim + d] +=
593           interior_weights(k, i, d) *
594           support_point_values[k + start_cell_points][d];
596   const unsigned int start_abf_dofs =
597     start_cell_dofs + interior_weights.size(1) * dim;
599   // Cell integral of ABF terms
600   for (unsigned int k = 0; k < interior_weights_abf.size(0); ++k)
601     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < interior_weights_abf.size(1); ++i)
602       for (unsigned int d = 0; d < dim; ++d)
603         nodal_values[start_abf_dofs + i] +=
604           interior_weights_abf(k, i, d) *
605           support_point_values[k + start_cell_points][d];
607   // Face integral of ABF terms
608   for (unsigned int face : GeometryInfo<dim>::face_indices())
609     {
610       const double n_orient = GeometryInfo<dim>::unit_normal_orientation[face];
611       for (unsigned int fp = 0; fp < n_face_points; ++fp)
612         {
613           // TODO: Check what the face_orientation, face_flip and face_rotation
614           // have to be in 3D
615           unsigned int k = QProjector<dim>::DataSetDescriptor::face(
616             this->reference_cell_type(),
617             face,
618             false,
619             false,
620             false,
621             n_face_points);
622           for (unsigned int i = 0; i < boundary_weights_abf.size(1); ++i)
623             nodal_values[start_abf_dofs + i] +=
624               n_orient * boundary_weights_abf(k + fp, i) *
625               support_point_values[face * n_face_points + fp][GeometryInfo<
626                 dim>::unit_normal_direction[face]];
627         }
628     }
630   // TODO: Check if this "correction" can be removed.
631   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < boundary_weights_abf.size(1); ++i)
632     if (std::fabs(nodal_values[start_abf_dofs + i]) < 1.0e-16)
633       nodal_values[start_abf_dofs + i] = 0.0;
634 }
638 template <int dim>
639 std::size_t
memory_consumption() const640 FE_ABF<dim>::memory_consumption() const
641 {
642   Assert(false, ExcNotImplemented());
643   return 0;
644 }
648 /*-------------- Explicit Instantiations -------------------------------*/
649 #include "fe_abf.inst"