1 /*
2  * Software License Agreement (BSD License)
3  *
4  *  Copyright (c) 2011-2014, Willow Garage, Inc.
5  *  Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Open Source Robotics Foundation
6  *  All rights reserved.
7  *
8  *  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
9  *  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
10  *  are met:
11  *
12  *   * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
13  *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
14  *   * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
15  *     copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
16  *     disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
17  *     with the distribution.
18  *   * Neither the name of Open Source Robotics Foundation nor the names of its
19  *     contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
20  *     from this software without specific prior written permission.
21  *
34  */
36 /** @author Jia Pan */
41 #include "fcl/narrowphase/detail/convexity_based_algorithm/gjk_libccd.h"
42 #include "fcl/narrowphase/detail/failed_at_this_configuration.h"
44 #include <array>
45 #include <unordered_map>
46 #include <unordered_set>
48 #include "fcl/common/unused.h"
49 #include "fcl/common/warning.h"
51 namespace fcl
52 {
54 namespace detail
55 {
57 //==============================================================================
58 extern template
59 class FCL_EXPORT GJKInitializer<double, Cylinder<double>>;
61 //==============================================================================
62 extern template
63 class FCL_EXPORT GJKInitializer<double, Sphere<double>>;
65 //==============================================================================
66 extern template
67 class FCL_EXPORT GJKInitializer<double, Ellipsoid<double>>;
69 //==============================================================================
70 extern template
71 class FCL_EXPORT GJKInitializer<double, Box<double>>;
73 //==============================================================================
74 extern template
75 class FCL_EXPORT GJKInitializer<double, Capsule<double>>;
77 //==============================================================================
78 extern template
79 class FCL_EXPORT GJKInitializer<double, Cone<double>>;
81 //==============================================================================
82 extern template
83 class FCL_EXPORT GJKInitializer<double, Convex<double>>;
85 //==============================================================================
86 extern template
87 void* triCreateGJKObject(
88     const Vector3d& P1, const Vector3d& P2, const Vector3d& P3);
90 //==============================================================================
91 extern template
92 void* triCreateGJKObject(
93     const Vector3d& P1,
94     const Vector3d& P2,
95     const Vector3d& P3,
96     const Transform3d& tf);
98 //==============================================================================
99 extern template
100 bool GJKCollide(
101     void* obj1,
102     ccd_support_fn supp1,
103     ccd_center_fn cen1,
104     void* obj2,
105     ccd_support_fn supp2,
106     ccd_center_fn cen2,
107     unsigned int max_iterations,
108     double tolerance,
109     Vector3d* contact_points,
110     double* penetration_depth,
111     Vector3d* normal);
113 //==============================================================================
114 extern template
115 bool GJKDistance(
116     void* obj1,
117     ccd_support_fn supp1,
118     void* obj2,
119     ccd_support_fn supp2,
120     unsigned int max_iterations,
121     double tolerance,
122     double* dist,
123     Vector3d* p1,
124     Vector3d* p2);
126 extern template
127 bool GJKSignedDistance(
128     void* obj1,
129     ccd_support_fn supp1,
130     void* obj2,
131     ccd_support_fn supp2,
132     unsigned int max_iterations,
133     double tolerance,
134     double* dist,
135     Vector3d* p1,
136     Vector3d* p2);
138 struct ccd_obj_t
139 {
140   ccd_vec3_t pos;
141   ccd_quat_t rot, rot_inv;
142 };
144 struct ccd_box_t : public ccd_obj_t
145 {
146   ccd_real_t dim[3];
147 };
149 struct ccd_cap_t : public ccd_obj_t
150 {
151   ccd_real_t radius, height;
152 };
154 struct ccd_cyl_t : public ccd_obj_t
155 {
156   ccd_real_t radius, height;
157 };
159 struct ccd_cone_t : public ccd_obj_t
160 {
161   ccd_real_t radius, height;
162 };
164 struct ccd_sphere_t : public ccd_obj_t
165 {
166   ccd_real_t radius;
167 };
169 struct ccd_ellipsoid_t : public ccd_obj_t
170 {
171   ccd_real_t radii[3];
172 };
174 template <typename S>
175 struct ccd_convex_t : public ccd_obj_t
176 {
177   const Convex<S>* convex;
178 };
180 struct ccd_triangle_t : public ccd_obj_t
181 {
182   ccd_vec3_t p[3];
183   ccd_vec3_t c;
184 };
186 namespace libccd_extension
187 {
simplexReduceToTriangle(ccd_simplex_t * simplex,ccd_real_t dist,ccd_vec3_t * best_witness)189 static ccd_real_t simplexReduceToTriangle(ccd_simplex_t *simplex,
190                                           ccd_real_t dist,
191                                           ccd_vec3_t *best_witness)
192 {
193   ccd_real_t newdist;
194   ccd_vec3_t witness;
195   int best = -1;
196   int i;
198   // try the fourth point in all three positions
199   for (i = 0; i < 3; i++){
200     newdist = ccdVec3PointTriDist2(ccd_vec3_origin,
201                                    &ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, (i == 0 ? 3 : 0))->v,
202                                    &ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, (i == 1 ? 3 : 1))->v,
203                                    &ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, (i == 2 ? 3 : 2))->v,
204                                    &witness);
205     newdist = CCD_SQRT(newdist);
207     // record the best triangle
208     if (newdist < dist){
209       dist = newdist;
210       best = i;
211       ccdVec3Copy(best_witness, &witness);
212     }
213   }
215   if (best >= 0){
216     ccdSimplexSet(simplex, best, ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 3));
217   }
218   ccdSimplexSetSize(simplex, 3);
220   return dist;
221 }
tripleCross(const ccd_vec3_t * a,const ccd_vec3_t * b,const ccd_vec3_t * c,ccd_vec3_t * d)223 _ccd_inline void tripleCross(const ccd_vec3_t *a, const ccd_vec3_t *b,
224                              const ccd_vec3_t *c, ccd_vec3_t *d)
225 {
226   ccd_vec3_t e;
227   ccdVec3Cross(&e, a, b);
228   ccdVec3Cross(d, &e, c);
229 }
231 /* This is *not* an implementation of the general function: what's the nearest
232  point on the line segment AB to the origin O? It is not intended to be.
233  This is a limited, special case which exploits the known (or at least
234  expected) construction history of AB. The history is as follows:
236    1. We originally started with the Minkowski support point B (p_OB), which
237       was *not* the origin.
238    2. We define a support direction as p_BO = -p_OB and use that to get the
239       Minkowski support point A.
240    3. We confirm that O is not strictly beyond A in the direction p_BO
241       (confirming separation).
242    4. Then, and only then, do we invoke this method.
244  The method will do one of two things:
246    - determine if the origin lies within the simplex (i.e. lies on the line
247      segment, confirming non-separation) and reports if this is the case,
248    - otherwise it computes a new support direction: a vector pointing to the
249      origin from the nearest point on the segment AB. The direction is
250      guaranteed; the only guarantee about the magnitude is that it is
251      numerically viable (i.e. greater than epsilon).
253  The algorithm exploits the construction history as outlined below. Without
254  loss of generality, we place B some non-zero distance away from the origin
255  along the î direction (all other orientations can be rigidly transformed to
256  this canonical example). The diagram below shows the origin O and the point
257  B. It also shows three regions: 1, 2, and 3.
259 260               1      ⯅    2        3
261                      │░░░░░░░░░░┆▒▒▒▒▒
262                      │░░░░░░░░░░┆▒▒▒▒▒
263                      │░░░░░░░░░░┆▒▒▒▒▒
264                      │░░░░░░░░░░┆▒▒▒▒▒
265                      │░░░░░░░░░░┆▒▒▒▒▒
266           ───────────O──────────B────⯈  î
267                      │░░░░░░░░░░┆▒▒▒▒▒
268                      │░░░░░░░░░░┆▒▒▒▒▒
269                      │░░░░░░░░░░┆▒▒▒▒▒
270                      │░░░░░░░░░░┆▒▒▒▒▒
271                      │░░░░░░░░░░┆▒▒▒▒▒
273  The point A cannot lie in region 3.
275    - B is a support point of the Minkowski difference. p_BO defines the
276      support vector that produces the support point A. Vertex A must lie at
277      least as far in the p_BO as B otherwise A is not actually a valid support
278      point for that direction. It could lie on the boundary of regions 2 & 3
279      and still be a valid support point.
281  The point A cannot lie in region 2 (or on the boundary between 2 & 3).
282    - We confirm that O is not strictly beyond A in the direction p_BO. For all
283      A in region 2, O lies beyond A (when projected onto the p_BO vector).
285  The point A _must_ lie in region 1 (including the boundary between regions 1 &
286  2) by process of elimination.
288  The implication of this is that the O must project onto the _interior_ of the
289  line segment AB (with one notable exception). If A = O, then the projection of
290  O is at the end point and, is in fact, itself.
292  Therefore, this function can only have two possible outcomes:
294    1. In the case where p_BA = k⋅p_BO (i.e., they are co-linear), we know the
295       origin lies "in" the simplex. If A = O, it lies on the simplex's surface
296       and the objects are touching, otherwise, the objects are penetrating.
297       Either way, we can report that they are definitely *not* separated.
298    2. p_BA ≠ k⋅p_BO, we define the new support direction as perpendicular to the
299       line segment AB, pointing to O from the nearest point on the segment to O.
301  Return value indicates concrete knowledge that the origin lies "in" the
302  2-simplex (encoded as a 1), or indication that computation should continue (0).
304  @note: doSimplex2 should _only_ be called with the construction history
305  outlined above: promotion of a 1-simplex. doSimplex2() is only invoked by
306  doSimplex(). This follows the computation of A and the promotion of the
307  simplex. Therefore, the history is always valid. Even though doSimplex3() can
308  demote itself to a 2-simplex, that 2-simplex immediately gets promoted back to
309  a 3-simplex via the same construction process. Therefore, as long as
310  doSimplex2() is only called from doSimplex() its region 1 assumption _should_
311  remain valid.
312 */
doSimplex2(ccd_simplex_t * simplex,ccd_vec3_t * dir)313 static int doSimplex2(ccd_simplex_t *simplex, ccd_vec3_t *dir) {
314   // Used to define numerical thresholds near zero; typically scaled to the size
315   // of the quantities being tested.
316   constexpr ccd_real_t eps = constants<ccd_real_t>::eps();
318   const Vector3<ccd_real_t> p_OA(simplex->ps[simplex->last].v.v);
319   const Vector3<ccd_real_t> p_OB(simplex->ps[0].v.v);
321   // Confirm that A is in region 1. Given that A may be very near to the origin,
322   // we must avoid normalizing p_OA. So, we use this instead.
323   //  let A' be the projection of A onto the line defined by O and B.
324   //  |A'B| >= |OB| iff A is in region 1.
325   // Numerically, we can express it as follows (allowing for |A'B| to be ever
326   // so slightly *less* than |OB|):
327   //             p_AB ⋅ phat_OB >= |p_OB| - |p_OB| * ε = |p_OB| * (1 - ε)
328   //    p_AB ⋅ phat_OB ⋅ |p_OB| >= |p_OB|⋅|p_OB| * (1 - ε)
329   //                p_AB ⋅ p_OB >= |p_OB|² * (1 - ε)
330   //       (p_OB - p_OA) ⋅ p_OB >= |p_OB|² * (1 - ε)
331   //  p_OB ⋅ p_OB - p_OA ⋅ p_OB >= |p_OB|² * (1 - ε)
332   //      |p_OB|² - p_OA ⋅ p_OB >= |p_OB|² * (1 - ε)
333   //               -p_OA ⋅ p_OB >= -|p_OB|²ε
334   //                p_OA ⋅ p_OB <= |p_OB|²ε
335   assert(p_OA.dot(p_OB) <= p_OB.squaredNorm() * eps && "A is not in region 1");
337   // Test for co-linearity. Given A is in region 1, co-linearity --> O is "in"
338   // the simplex.
339   // We'll use the angle between two vectors to determine co-linearity: p_AB
340   // and p_OB. If they are co-linear, then the angle between them (θ) is zero.
341   // Similarly, sin(θ) is zero. Ideally, it can be expressed as:
342   //   |p_AB × p_OB| = |p_AB||p_OB||sin(θ)| = 0
343   // Numerically, we allow θ (and sin(θ)) to be slightly larger than zero
344   // leading to a numerical formulation as:
345   //   |p_AB × p_OB| = |p_AB||p_OB||sin(θ)| < |p_AB||p_OB|ε
346   // Finally, to reduce the computational cost, we eliminate the square roots by
347   // evaluating the equivalently discriminating test:
348   //   |p_AB × p_OB|² < |p_AB|²|p_OB|²ε²
349   //
350   // In addition to providing a measure of co-linearity, the cross product gives
351   // us the normal to the plane on which points A, B, and O lie (which we will
352   // use later to compute a new support direction, as necessary).
353   const Vector3<ccd_real_t> p_AB = p_OB - p_OA;
354   const Vector3<ccd_real_t> plane_normal = p_OB.cross(p_AB);
355   if (plane_normal.squaredNorm() <
356       p_AB.squaredNorm() * p_OB.squaredNorm() * eps * eps) {
357     return 1;
358   }
360   // O is not co-linear with AB, so dist(O, AB) > ε. Define `dir` as the
361   // direction to O from the nearest point on AB.
362   // Note: We use the normalized `plane_normal` (n̂) because we've already
363   // concluded that the origin is farther from AB than ε. We want to make sure
364   // `dir` likewise has a magnitude larger than ε. With normalization, we know
365   // |dir| = |n̂ × AB| = |AB| > dist(O, AB) > ε.
366   // Without normalizing, if |OA| and |OB| were smaller than ³√ε but
367   // sufficiently larger than ε, dist(O, AB) > ε, but |dir| < ε.
368   const Vector3<ccd_real_t> new_dir = plane_normal.normalized().cross(p_AB);
369   ccdVec3Set(dir, new_dir(0), new_dir(1), new_dir(2));
370   return 0;
371 }
373 // Compares the given `value` against a _squared epsilon_. This is particularly
374 // important when testing some quantity (e.g., distance) to see if it
375 // is _functionally_ zero but using its _squared_ value in the test. Comparing
376 // _squared distance_ directly against epsilon is equivalent to comparing
377 // distance to sqrt(epsilon) -- we classify the distance as zero or not using
378 // only half the available precision.
isAbsValueLessThanEpsSquared(ccd_real_t val)379 static bool isAbsValueLessThanEpsSquared(ccd_real_t val) {
380     return std::abs(val) < std::numeric_limits<ccd_real_t>::epsilon() *
381                            std::numeric_limits<ccd_real_t>::epsilon();
382 }
384 // TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Define the return value:
385 //   1: (like doSimplex2) --> origin is "in" the simplex.
386 //   0:
387 //  -1: If the 3-simplex is degenerate. How is this intepreted?
doSimplex3(ccd_simplex_t * simplex,ccd_vec3_t * dir)388 static int doSimplex3(ccd_simplex_t *simplex, ccd_vec3_t *dir)
389 {
390   const ccd_support_t *A, *B, *C;
391   ccd_vec3_t AO, AB, AC, ABC, tmp;
392   ccd_real_t dot;
394   // get last added as A
395   A = ccdSimplexLast(simplex);
396   // get the other points
397   B = ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 1);
398   C = ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 0);
400   // check touching contact
401   // Compute origin_projection as well. Without computing the origin projection,
402   // libccd could give inaccurate result. See
403   // https://github.com/danfis/libccd/issues/55.
404   ccd_vec3_t origin_projection_unused;
406   const ccd_real_t dist_squared = ccdVec3PointTriDist2(
407       ccd_vec3_origin, &A->v, &B->v, &C->v, &origin_projection_unused);
408   if (isAbsValueLessThanEpsSquared(dist_squared)) {
409     return 1;
410   }
412   // check if triangle is really triangle (has area > 0)
413   // if not simplex can't be expanded and thus no intersection is found
414   // TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Coincident points is sufficient but not necessary
415   // for a zero-area triangle. What about co-linearity? Can we guarantee that
416   // co-linearity can't happen?  See the `triangle_area_is_zero()` method in
417   // this same file.
418   if (ccdVec3Eq(&A->v, &B->v) || ccdVec3Eq(&A->v, &C->v)){
419     // TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Why do we simply quit if the simplex is degenerate?
420     return -1;
421   }
423   // compute AO vector
424   ccdVec3Copy(&AO, &A->v);
425   ccdVec3Scale(&AO, -CCD_ONE);
427   // compute AB and AC segments and ABC vector (perpendircular to triangle)
428   ccdVec3Sub2(&AB, &B->v, &A->v);
429   ccdVec3Sub2(&AC, &C->v, &A->v);
430   ccdVec3Cross(&ABC, &AB, &AC);
432   ccdVec3Cross(&tmp, &ABC, &AC);
433   dot = ccdVec3Dot(&tmp, &AO);
434   if (ccdIsZero(dot) || dot > CCD_ZERO){
435     dot = ccdVec3Dot(&AC, &AO);
436     if (ccdIsZero(dot) || dot > CCD_ZERO){
437       // C is already in place
438       ccdSimplexSet(simplex, 1, A);
439       ccdSimplexSetSize(simplex, 2);
440       tripleCross(&AC, &AO, &AC, dir);
441     }else{
442     ccd_do_simplex3_45:
443       dot = ccdVec3Dot(&AB, &AO);
444       if (ccdIsZero(dot) || dot > CCD_ZERO){
445         ccdSimplexSet(simplex, 0, B);
446         ccdSimplexSet(simplex, 1, A);
447         ccdSimplexSetSize(simplex, 2);
448         tripleCross(&AB, &AO, &AB, dir);
449       }else{
450         ccdSimplexSet(simplex, 0, A);
451         ccdSimplexSetSize(simplex, 1);
452         ccdVec3Copy(dir, &AO);
453       }
454     }
455   }else{
456     ccdVec3Cross(&tmp, &AB, &ABC);
457     dot = ccdVec3Dot(&tmp, &AO);
458     if (ccdIsZero(dot) || dot > CCD_ZERO){
459       goto ccd_do_simplex3_45;
460     }else{
461       dot = ccdVec3Dot(&ABC, &AO);
462       if (ccdIsZero(dot) || dot > CCD_ZERO){
463         ccdVec3Copy(dir, &ABC);
464       }else{
465         ccd_support_t Ctmp;
466         ccdSupportCopy(&Ctmp, C);
467         ccdSimplexSet(simplex, 0, B);
468         ccdSimplexSet(simplex, 1, &Ctmp);
470         ccdVec3Copy(dir, &ABC);
471         ccdVec3Scale(dir, -CCD_ONE);
472       }
473     }
474   }
476   return 0;
477 }
doSimplex4(ccd_simplex_t * simplex,ccd_vec3_t * dir)479 static int doSimplex4(ccd_simplex_t *simplex, ccd_vec3_t *dir)
480 {
481   const ccd_support_t *A, *B, *C, *D;
482   ccd_vec3_t AO, AB, AC, AD, ABC, ACD, ADB;
483   int B_on_ACD, C_on_ADB, D_on_ABC;
484   int AB_O, AC_O, AD_O;
486   // get last added as A
487   A = ccdSimplexLast(simplex);
488   // get the other points
489   B = ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 2);
490   C = ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 1);
491   D = ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 0);
493   // check if tetrahedron is really tetrahedron (has volume > 0)
494   // if it is not simplex can't be expanded and thus no intersection is
495   // found.
496   // point_projection_on_triangle_unused is not used. We ask
497   // ccdVec3PointTriDist2 to compute this witness point, so as to get a
498   // numerical robust dist_squared. See
499   // https://github.com/danfis/libccd/issues/55 for an explanation.
500   ccd_vec3_t point_projection_on_triangle_unused;
501   ccd_real_t dist_squared = ccdVec3PointTriDist2(
502       &A->v, &B->v, &C->v, &D->v, &point_projection_on_triangle_unused);
503   if (isAbsValueLessThanEpsSquared(dist_squared)) {
504     return -1;
505   }
507   // check if origin lies on some of tetrahedron's face - if so objects
508   // intersect
509   dist_squared = ccdVec3PointTriDist2(ccd_vec3_origin, &A->v, &B->v, &C->v,
510                                       &point_projection_on_triangle_unused);
511   if (isAbsValueLessThanEpsSquared((dist_squared))) return 1;
512   dist_squared = ccdVec3PointTriDist2(ccd_vec3_origin, &A->v, &C->v, &D->v,
513                                       &point_projection_on_triangle_unused);
514   if (isAbsValueLessThanEpsSquared((dist_squared))) return 1;
515   dist_squared = ccdVec3PointTriDist2(ccd_vec3_origin, &A->v, &B->v, &D->v,
516                                       &point_projection_on_triangle_unused);
517   if (isAbsValueLessThanEpsSquared(dist_squared)) return 1;
518   dist_squared = ccdVec3PointTriDist2(ccd_vec3_origin, &B->v, &C->v, &D->v,
519                                       &point_projection_on_triangle_unused);
520   if (isAbsValueLessThanEpsSquared(dist_squared)) return 1;
522   // compute AO, AB, AC, AD segments and ABC, ACD, ADB normal vectors
523   ccdVec3Copy(&AO, &A->v);
524   ccdVec3Scale(&AO, -CCD_ONE);
525   ccdVec3Sub2(&AB, &B->v, &A->v);
526   ccdVec3Sub2(&AC, &C->v, &A->v);
527   ccdVec3Sub2(&AD, &D->v, &A->v);
528   ccdVec3Cross(&ABC, &AB, &AC);
529   ccdVec3Cross(&ACD, &AC, &AD);
530   ccdVec3Cross(&ADB, &AD, &AB);
532   // side (positive or negative) of B, C, D relative to planes ACD, ADB
533   // and ABC respectively
534   B_on_ACD = ccdSign(ccdVec3Dot(&ACD, &AB));
535   C_on_ADB = ccdSign(ccdVec3Dot(&ADB, &AC));
536   D_on_ABC = ccdSign(ccdVec3Dot(&ABC, &AD));
538   // whether origin is on same side of ACD, ADB, ABC as B, C, D
539   // respectively
540   AB_O = ccdSign(ccdVec3Dot(&ACD, &AO)) == B_on_ACD;
541   AC_O = ccdSign(ccdVec3Dot(&ADB, &AO)) == C_on_ADB;
542   AD_O = ccdSign(ccdVec3Dot(&ABC, &AO)) == D_on_ABC;
544   if (AB_O && AC_O && AD_O){
545     // origin is in tetrahedron
546     return 1;
548     // rearrange simplex to triangle and call doSimplex3()
549   }else if (!AB_O){
550     // B is farthest from the origin among all of the tetrahedron's
551     // points, so remove it from the list and go on with the triangle
552     // case
554     // D and C are in place
555     ccdSimplexSet(simplex, 2, A);
556     ccdSimplexSetSize(simplex, 3);
557   }else if (!AC_O){
558     // C is farthest
559     ccdSimplexSet(simplex, 1, D);
560     ccdSimplexSet(simplex, 0, B);
561     ccdSimplexSet(simplex, 2, A);
562     ccdSimplexSetSize(simplex, 3);
563   }else{ // (!AD_O)
564     ccdSimplexSet(simplex, 0, C);
565     ccdSimplexSet(simplex, 1, B);
566     ccdSimplexSet(simplex, 2, A);
567     ccdSimplexSetSize(simplex, 3);
568   }
570   return doSimplex3(simplex, dir);
571 }
doSimplex(ccd_simplex_t * simplex,ccd_vec3_t * dir)573 static int doSimplex(ccd_simplex_t *simplex, ccd_vec3_t *dir)
574 {
575   if (ccdSimplexSize(simplex) == 2){
576     // simplex contains segment only one segment
577     return doSimplex2(simplex, dir);
578   }else if (ccdSimplexSize(simplex) == 3){
579     // simplex contains triangle
580     return doSimplex3(simplex, dir);
581   }else{ // ccdSimplexSize(simplex) == 4
582     // tetrahedron - this is the only shape which can encapsule origin
583     // so doSimplex4() also contains test on it
584     return doSimplex4(simplex, dir);
585   }
586 }
588 /** Transforms simplex to polytope, two vertices required */
simplexToPolytope2(const void * obj1,const void * obj2,const ccd_t * ccd,const ccd_simplex_t * simplex,ccd_pt_t * pt,ccd_pt_el_t ** nearest)589 static int simplexToPolytope2(const void *obj1, const void *obj2,
590                               const ccd_t *ccd,
591                               const ccd_simplex_t *simplex,
592                               ccd_pt_t *pt, ccd_pt_el_t **nearest)
593 {
594     const ccd_support_t *a, *b;
595     ccd_vec3_t ab, ac, dir;
596     ccd_support_t supp[4];
597     ccd_pt_vertex_t *v[6];
598     ccd_pt_edge_t *e[12];
599     size_t i;
600     int found;
602     a = ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 0);
603     b = ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 1);
605     // This situation is a bit tricky. If only one segment comes from
606     // previous run of GJK - it means that either this segment is on
607     // minkowski edge (and thus we have touch contact) or it it isn't and
608     // therefore segment is somewhere *inside* minkowski sum and it *must*
609     // be possible to fully enclose this segment with polyhedron formed by
610     // at least 8 triangle faces.
612     // get first support point (any)
613     found = 0;
614     for (i = 0; i < ccd_points_on_sphere_len; i++){
615         __ccdSupport(obj1, obj2, &ccd_points_on_sphere[i], ccd, &supp[0]);
616         if (!ccdVec3Eq(&a->v, &supp[0].v) && !ccdVec3Eq(&b->v, &supp[0].v)){
617             found = 1;
618             break;
619         }
620     }
621     if (!found)
622         goto simplexToPolytope2_touching_contact;
624     // get second support point in opposite direction than supp[0]
625     ccdVec3Copy(&dir, &supp[0].v);
626     ccdVec3Scale(&dir, -CCD_ONE);
627     __ccdSupport(obj1, obj2, &dir, ccd, &supp[1]);
628     if (ccdVec3Eq(&a->v, &supp[1].v) || ccdVec3Eq(&b->v, &supp[1].v))
629         goto simplexToPolytope2_touching_contact;
631     // next will be in direction of normal of triangle a,supp[0],supp[1]
632     ccdVec3Sub2(&ab, &supp[0].v, &a->v);
633     ccdVec3Sub2(&ac, &supp[1].v, &a->v);
634     ccdVec3Cross(&dir, &ab, &ac);
635     __ccdSupport(obj1, obj2, &dir, ccd, &supp[2]);
636     if (ccdVec3Eq(&a->v, &supp[2].v) || ccdVec3Eq(&b->v, &supp[2].v))
637         goto simplexToPolytope2_touching_contact;
639     // and last one will be in opposite direction
640     ccdVec3Scale(&dir, -CCD_ONE);
641     __ccdSupport(obj1, obj2, &dir, ccd, &supp[3]);
642     if (ccdVec3Eq(&a->v, &supp[3].v) || ccdVec3Eq(&b->v, &supp[3].v))
643         goto simplexToPolytope2_touching_contact;
645     goto simplexToPolytope2_not_touching_contact;
646 simplexToPolytope2_touching_contact:
647     v[0] = ccdPtAddVertex(pt, a);
648     v[1] = ccdPtAddVertex(pt, b);
649     *nearest = (ccd_pt_el_t *)ccdPtAddEdge(pt, v[0], v[1]);
650     if (*nearest == NULL)
651         return -2;
653     return -1;
655 simplexToPolytope2_not_touching_contact:
656     // form polyhedron
657     v[0] = ccdPtAddVertex(pt, a);
658     v[1] = ccdPtAddVertex(pt, &supp[0]);
659     v[2] = ccdPtAddVertex(pt, b);
660     v[3] = ccdPtAddVertex(pt, &supp[1]);
661     v[4] = ccdPtAddVertex(pt, &supp[2]);
662     v[5] = ccdPtAddVertex(pt, &supp[3]);
664     e[0] = ccdPtAddEdge(pt, v[0], v[1]);
665     e[1] = ccdPtAddEdge(pt, v[1], v[2]);
666     e[2] = ccdPtAddEdge(pt, v[2], v[3]);
667     e[3] = ccdPtAddEdge(pt, v[3], v[0]);
669     e[4] = ccdPtAddEdge(pt, v[4], v[0]);
670     e[5] = ccdPtAddEdge(pt, v[4], v[1]);
671     e[6] = ccdPtAddEdge(pt, v[4], v[2]);
672     e[7] = ccdPtAddEdge(pt, v[4], v[3]);
674     e[8]  = ccdPtAddEdge(pt, v[5], v[0]);
675     e[9]  = ccdPtAddEdge(pt, v[5], v[1]);
676     e[10] = ccdPtAddEdge(pt, v[5], v[2]);
677     e[11] = ccdPtAddEdge(pt, v[5], v[3]);
679     if (ccdPtAddFace(pt, e[4], e[5], e[0]) == NULL
680             || ccdPtAddFace(pt, e[5], e[6], e[1]) == NULL
681             || ccdPtAddFace(pt, e[6], e[7], e[2]) == NULL
682             || ccdPtAddFace(pt, e[7], e[4], e[3]) == NULL
684             || ccdPtAddFace(pt, e[8],  e[9],  e[0]) == NULL
685             || ccdPtAddFace(pt, e[9],  e[10], e[1]) == NULL
686             || ccdPtAddFace(pt, e[10], e[11], e[2]) == NULL
687             || ccdPtAddFace(pt, e[11], e[8],  e[3]) == NULL){
688         return -2;
689     }
691     return 0;
692 }
694 #ifndef NDEBUG
isPolytopeEmpty(const ccd_pt_t & polytope)695 static bool isPolytopeEmpty(const ccd_pt_t& polytope) {
696   ccd_pt_vertex_t* v = nullptr;
697   ccdListForEachEntry(&polytope.vertices, v, ccd_pt_vertex_t, list) {
698     if (v) {
699       return false;
700     }
701   }
702   ccd_pt_edge_t* e = nullptr;
703   ccdListForEachEntry(&polytope.edges, e, ccd_pt_edge_t, list) {
704     if (e) {
705       return false;
706     }
707   }
708   ccd_pt_face_t* f = nullptr;
709   ccdListForEachEntry(&polytope.faces, f, ccd_pt_face_t, list) {
710     if (f) {
711       return false;
712     }
713   }
714   return true;
715 }
716 #endif
718 /** Transforms a 2-simplex (triangle) to a polytope (tetrahedron), three
719  * vertices required.
720  * Both the simplex and the transformed polytope contain the origin. The simplex
721  * vertices lie on the surface of the Minkowski difference obj1 ⊖ obj2.
722  * @param[in] obj1 object 1 on which the distance is queried.
723  * @param[in] obj2 object 2 on which the distance is queried.
724  * @param[in] ccd The ccd solver.
725  * @param[in] simplex The simplex (with three vertices) that contains the
726  * origin.
727  * @param[out] polytope The polytope (tetrahedron) that also contains the origin
728  * on one of its faces. At input, the polytope should be empty.
729  * @param[out] nearest If the function detects that obj1 and obj2 are touching,
730  * then set *nearest to be the nearest points on obj1 and obj2 respectively;
731  * otherwise set *nearest to NULL. @note nearest cannot be NULL.
732  * @retval status return 0 on success, -1 if touching contact is detected, and
733  * -2 on non-recoverable failure (mostly due to memory allocation bug).
734  */
convert2SimplexToTetrahedron(const void * obj1,const void * obj2,const ccd_t * ccd,const ccd_simplex_t * simplex,ccd_pt_t * polytope,ccd_pt_el_t ** nearest)735 static int convert2SimplexToTetrahedron(const void* obj1, const void* obj2,
736                               const ccd_t* ccd, const ccd_simplex_t* simplex,
737                               ccd_pt_t* polytope, ccd_pt_el_t** nearest) {
738   assert(nearest);
739   assert(isPolytopeEmpty(*polytope));
740   assert(simplex->last == 2); // a 2-simplex.
741   const ccd_support_t *a, *b, *c;
742   ccd_support_t d, d2;
743   ccd_vec3_t ab, ac, dir;
744   ccd_pt_vertex_t* v[4];
745   ccd_pt_edge_t* e[6];
747   *nearest = NULL;
749   a = ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 0);
750   b = ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 1);
751   c = ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 2);
753   // The 2-simplex is just a triangle containing the origin. We will expand this
754   // triangle to a tetrahedron, by adding the support point along the normal
755   // direction of the triangle.
756   ccdVec3Sub2(&ab, &b->v, &a->v);
757   ccdVec3Sub2(&ac, &c->v, &a->v);
758   ccdVec3Cross(&dir, &ab, &ac);
759   __ccdSupport(obj1, obj2, &dir, ccd, &d);
760   ccd_vec3_t point_projection_on_triangle_unused;
761   const ccd_real_t dist_squared = ccdVec3PointTriDist2(
762       &d.v, &a->v, &b->v, &c->v, &point_projection_on_triangle_unused);
764   // and second one take in opposite direction
765   ccdVec3Scale(&dir, -CCD_ONE);
766   __ccdSupport(obj1, obj2, &dir, ccd, &d2);
767   const ccd_real_t dist_squared_opposite = ccdVec3PointTriDist2(
768       &d2.v, &a->v, &b->v, &c->v, &point_projection_on_triangle_unused);
770   // check if face isn't already on edge of minkowski sum and thus we
771   // have touching contact
772   if (ccdIsZero(dist_squared) || ccdIsZero(dist_squared_opposite)) {
773     v[0] = ccdPtAddVertex(polytope, a);
774     v[1] = ccdPtAddVertex(polytope, b);
775     v[2] = ccdPtAddVertex(polytope, c);
776     e[0] = ccdPtAddEdge(polytope, v[0], v[1]);
777     e[1] = ccdPtAddEdge(polytope, v[1], v[2]);
778     e[2] = ccdPtAddEdge(polytope, v[2], v[0]);
779     *nearest = (ccd_pt_el_t*)ccdPtAddFace(polytope, e[0], e[1], e[2]);
780     if (*nearest == NULL) return -2;
782     return -1;
783   }
784   // Form a tetrahedron with abc as one face, pick either d or d2, based
785   // on which one has larger distance to the face abc. We pick the larger
786   // distance because it gives a tetrahedron with larger volume, so potentially
787   // more "expanded" than the one with the smaller volume.
788   auto FormTetrahedron = [polytope, a, b, c, &v,
789                           &e](const ccd_support_t& new_support) -> int {
790     v[0] = ccdPtAddVertex(polytope, a);
791     v[1] = ccdPtAddVertex(polytope, b);
792     v[2] = ccdPtAddVertex(polytope, c);
793     v[3] = ccdPtAddVertex(polytope, &new_support);
795     e[0] = ccdPtAddEdge(polytope, v[0], v[1]);
796     e[1] = ccdPtAddEdge(polytope, v[1], v[2]);
797     e[2] = ccdPtAddEdge(polytope, v[2], v[0]);
798     e[3] = ccdPtAddEdge(polytope, v[0], v[3]);
799     e[4] = ccdPtAddEdge(polytope, v[1], v[3]);
800     e[5] = ccdPtAddEdge(polytope, v[2], v[3]);
802     // ccdPtAdd*() functions return NULL either if the memory allocation
803     // failed of if any of the input pointers are NULL, so the bad
804     // allocation can be checked by the last calls of ccdPtAddFace()
805     // because the rest of the bad allocations eventually "bubble up" here
806     // Note, there is no requirement on the winding of the face, namely we do
807     // not guarantee if all f.e(0).cross(f.e(1)) points outward (or inward) for
808     // all the faces added below.
809     if (ccdPtAddFace(polytope, e[0], e[1], e[2]) == NULL ||
810         ccdPtAddFace(polytope, e[3], e[4], e[0]) == NULL ||
811         ccdPtAddFace(polytope, e[4], e[5], e[1]) == NULL ||
812         ccdPtAddFace(polytope, e[5], e[3], e[2]) == NULL) {
813       return -2;
814     }
815     return 0;
816   };
818   if (std::abs(dist_squared) > std::abs(dist_squared_opposite)) {
819     return FormTetrahedron(d);
820   } else {
821     return FormTetrahedron(d2);
822   }
823 }
825 /** Transforms simplex to polytope. It is assumed that simplex has 4
826  *  vertices! */
simplexToPolytope4(const void * obj1,const void * obj2,const ccd_t * ccd,ccd_simplex_t * simplex,ccd_pt_t * pt,ccd_pt_el_t ** nearest)827 static int simplexToPolytope4(const void* obj1, const void* obj2,
828                               const ccd_t* ccd, ccd_simplex_t* simplex,
829                               ccd_pt_t* pt, ccd_pt_el_t** nearest) {
830   const ccd_support_t *a, *b, *c, *d;
831   bool use_polytope3{false};
832   ccd_pt_vertex_t* v[4];
833   ccd_pt_edge_t* e[6];
834   size_t i;
836   a = ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 0);
837   b = ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 1);
838   c = ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 2);
839   d = ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 3);
841   // The origin can lie on any of the tetrahedra faces. In fact, for a
842   // degenerate tetrahedron, it could be considered to lie on multiple faces
843   // simultaneously. If it lies on any face, we can simply reduce the dimension
844   // of the simplex to that face and then attempt to construct the polytope from
845   // the resulting face. We simply take the first face which exhibited the
846   // trait.
847   ccd_real_t dist_squared =
848       ccdVec3PointTriDist2(ccd_vec3_origin, &a->v, &b->v, &c->v, NULL);
849   if (isAbsValueLessThanEpsSquared(dist_squared)) {
850     use_polytope3 = true;
851   }
852   if (!use_polytope3) {
853     dist_squared =
854         ccdVec3PointTriDist2(ccd_vec3_origin, &a->v, &c->v, &d->v, NULL);
855     if (isAbsValueLessThanEpsSquared(dist_squared)) {
856       use_polytope3 = true;
857       ccdSimplexSet(simplex, 1, c);
858       ccdSimplexSet(simplex, 2, d);
859     }
860   }
861   if (!use_polytope3) {
862     dist_squared =
863         ccdVec3PointTriDist2(ccd_vec3_origin, &a->v, &b->v, &d->v, NULL);
864     if (isAbsValueLessThanEpsSquared(dist_squared)) {
865       use_polytope3 = true;
866       ccdSimplexSet(simplex, 2, d);
867     }
868   }
869   if (!use_polytope3) {
870     dist_squared =
871         ccdVec3PointTriDist2(ccd_vec3_origin, &b->v, &c->v, &d->v, NULL);
872     if (isAbsValueLessThanEpsSquared(dist_squared)) {
873       use_polytope3 = true;
874       ccdSimplexSet(simplex, 0, b);
875       ccdSimplexSet(simplex, 1, c);
876       ccdSimplexSet(simplex, 2, d);
877     }
878   }
880   if (use_polytope3) {
881     ccdSimplexSetSize(simplex, 3);
882     return convert2SimplexToTetrahedron(obj1, obj2, ccd, simplex, pt, nearest);
883   }
885   // no touching contact - simply create tetrahedron
886   for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
887     v[i] = ccdPtAddVertex(pt, ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, i));
888   }
890   e[0] = ccdPtAddEdge(pt, v[0], v[1]);
891   e[1] = ccdPtAddEdge(pt, v[1], v[2]);
892   e[2] = ccdPtAddEdge(pt, v[2], v[0]);
893   e[3] = ccdPtAddEdge(pt, v[3], v[0]);
894   e[4] = ccdPtAddEdge(pt, v[3], v[1]);
895   e[5] = ccdPtAddEdge(pt, v[3], v[2]);
897   // ccdPtAdd*() functions return NULL either if the memory allocation
898   // failed of if any of the input pointers are NULL, so the bad
899   // allocation can be checked by the last calls of ccdPtAddFace()
900   // because the rest of the bad allocations eventually "bubble up" here
901   if (ccdPtAddFace(pt, e[0], e[1], e[2]) == NULL ||
902       ccdPtAddFace(pt, e[3], e[4], e[0]) == NULL ||
903       ccdPtAddFace(pt, e[4], e[5], e[1]) == NULL ||
904       ccdPtAddFace(pt, e[5], e[3], e[2]) == NULL) {
905     return -2;
906   }
908   return 0;
909 }
911 /** Reports true if p and q are coincident. */
are_coincident(const ccd_vec3_t & p,const ccd_vec3_t & q)912 static bool are_coincident(const ccd_vec3_t& p, const ccd_vec3_t& q) {
913   // This uses a scale-dependent basis for determining coincidence. It examines
914   // each axis independently, and only, if all three axes are sufficiently
915   // close (relative to its own scale), are the two points considered
916   // coincident.
917   //
918   // For dimension i, two values are considered the same if:
919   //   |pᵢ - qᵢ| <= ε·max(1, |pᵢ|, |qᵢ|)
920   // And the points are coincident if the previous condition holds for all
921   // `i ∈ {0, 1, 2}` (i.e. the x-, y-, *and* z-dimensions).
922   using std::abs;
923   using std::max;
925   constexpr ccd_real_t eps = constants<ccd_real_t>::eps();
926   // NOTE: Wrapping "1.0" with ccd_real_t accounts for mac problems where ccd
927   // is actually float based.
928   for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
929     const ccd_real_t tolerance =
930         max({ccd_real_t{1}, abs(p.v[i]), abs(q.v[i])}) * eps;
931     const ccd_real_t delta = abs(p.v[i] - q.v[i]);
932     if (delta > tolerance) return false;
933   }
934   return true;
935 }
937 /** Determines if the the triangle defined by the three vertices has zero area.
938  Area can be zero for one of two reasons:
939    - the triangle is so small that the vertices are functionally coincident, or
940    - the vertices are co-linear.
941  Both conditions are computed with respect to machine precision.
942  @returns true if the area is zero.  */
triangle_area_is_zero(const ccd_vec3_t & a,const ccd_vec3_t & b,const ccd_vec3_t & c)943 static bool triangle_area_is_zero(const ccd_vec3_t& a, const ccd_vec3_t& b,
944                                   const ccd_vec3_t& c) {
945   // First coincidence condition. This doesn't *explicitly* test for b and c
946   // being coincident. That will be captured in the subsequent co-linearity
947   // test. If b and c *were* coincident, it would be cheaper to perform the
948   // coincidence test than the co-linearity test.
949   // However, the expectation is that typically the triangle will not have zero
950   // area. In that case, we want to minimize the number of tests performed on
951   // the average, so we prefer to eliminate one coincidence test.
952   if (are_coincident(a, b) || are_coincident(a, c)) return true;
954   // We're going to compute the *sine* of the angle θ between edges (given that
955   // the vertices are *not* coincident). If the sin(θ) < ε, the edges are
956   // co-linear.
957   ccd_vec3_t AB, AC, n;
958   ccdVec3Sub2(&AB, &b, &a);
959   ccdVec3Sub2(&AC, &c, &a);
960   ccdVec3Normalize(&AB);
961   ccdVec3Normalize(&AC);
962   ccdVec3Cross(&n, &AB, &AC);
963   constexpr ccd_real_t eps = constants<ccd_real_t>::eps();
964   // Second co-linearity condition.
965   if (ccdVec3Len2(&n) < eps * eps) return true;
966   return false;
967 }
969 /**
970  * Computes the normal vector of a triangular face on a polytope, and the normal
971  * vector points outward from the polytope. Notice we assume that the origin
972  * lives within the polytope, and the normal vector may not have unit length.
973  * @param[in] polytope The polytope on which the face lives. We assume that the
974  * origin also lives inside the polytope.
975  * @param[in] face The face for which the normal vector is computed.
976  * @retval dir The vector normal to the face, and points outward from the
977  * polytope. `dir` is unnormalized, that it does not necessarily have a unit
978  * length.
979  * @throws UnexpectedConfigurationException if built in debug mode _and_ the
980  * triangle has zero area (either by being too small, or being co-linear).
981  */
faceNormalPointingOutward(const ccd_pt_t * polytope,const ccd_pt_face_t * face)982 static ccd_vec3_t faceNormalPointingOutward(const ccd_pt_t* polytope,
983                                             const ccd_pt_face_t* face) {
984   // This doesn't necessarily define a triangle; I don't know that the third
985   // vertex added here is unique from the other two.
986 #ifndef NDEBUG
987   // quick test for degeneracy
988   const ccd_vec3_t& a = face->edge[0]->vertex[1]->v.v;
989   const ccd_vec3_t& b = face->edge[0]->vertex[0]->v.v;
990   const ccd_vec3_t& test_v = face->edge[1]->vertex[0]->v.v;
991   const ccd_vec3_t& c = are_coincident(test_v, a) || are_coincident(test_v, b) ?
992                         face->edge[1]->vertex[1]->v.v : test_v;
993   if (triangle_area_is_zero(a, b, c)) {
995         "Cannot compute face normal for a degenerate (zero-area) triangle");
996   }
997 #endif
998   // We find two edges of the triangle as e1 and e2, and the normal vector
999   // of the face is e1.cross(e2).
1000   ccd_vec3_t e1, e2;
1001   ccdVec3Sub2(&e1, &(face->edge[0]->vertex[1]->v.v),
1002               &(face->edge[0]->vertex[0]->v.v));
1003   ccdVec3Sub2(&e2, &(face->edge[1]->vertex[1]->v.v),
1004               &(face->edge[1]->vertex[0]->v.v));
1005   ccd_vec3_t dir;
1006   // TODO(hongkai.dai): we ignore the degeneracy here, namely we assume e1 and
1007   // e2 are not colinear. We should check if e1 and e2 are colinear, and handle
1008   // this corner case.
1009   ccdVec3Cross(&dir, &e1, &e2);
1010   const ccd_real_t dir_norm = std::sqrt(ccdVec3Len2(&dir));
1011   ccd_vec3_t unit_dir = dir;
1012   ccdVec3Scale(&unit_dir, 1.0 / dir_norm);
1013   // The winding of the triangle is *not* guaranteed. The normal `n = e₁ × e₂`
1014   // may point inside or outside. We rely on the fact that the origin lies
1015   // within the polytope to resolve this ambiguity. A vector from the origin to
1016   // any point on the triangle must point in the "same" direction as the normal
1017   // (positive dot product).
1019   // However, the distance to the origin may be too small for the origin to
1020   // serve as a reliable witness of inside-ness. In that case, we examine the
1021   // polytope's *other* vertices; they should all lie on the "inside" of the
1022   // current triangle. If at least one is a reliable distance, then that is
1023   // considered to be the inside. If all vertices are "too close" (like the
1024   // origin), then "inside" is defined as the side of the triangle that had the
1025   // most distant vertex.
1027   // For these tests, we use the arbitrary distance of 0.01 unit length as a
1028   // "reliable" distance for both the origin and other vertices. Even if it
1029   // seems large, the fall through case of comparing the maximum distance will
1030   // always guarantee correctness.
1031   const ccd_real_t dist_tol = 0.01;
1032   // origin_distance_to_plane computes the signed distance from the origin to
1033   // the plane nᵀ * (x - v) = 0 coinciding with the triangle,  where v is a
1034   // point on the triangle.
1035   const ccd_real_t origin_distance_to_plane =
1036       ccdVec3Dot(&unit_dir, &(face->edge[0]->vertex[0]->v.v));
1037   if (origin_distance_to_plane < -dist_tol) {
1038     // Origin is more than `dist_tol` away from the plane, but the negative
1039     // value implies that the normal vector is pointing in the wrong direction;
1040     // flip it.
1041     ccdVec3Scale(&dir, ccd_real_t(-1));
1042   } else if (-dist_tol <= origin_distance_to_plane &&
1043              origin_distance_to_plane <= dist_tol) {
1044     // The origin is close to the plane of the face. Pick another vertex to test
1045     // the normal direction.
1046     ccd_real_t max_distance_to_plane = -CCD_REAL_MAX;
1047     ccd_real_t min_distance_to_plane = CCD_REAL_MAX;
1048     ccd_pt_vertex_t* v;
1049     // If the magnitude of the distance_to_plane is larger than dist_tol,
1050     // then it means one of the vertices is at least `dist_tol` away from the
1051     // plane coinciding with the face.
1052     ccdListForEachEntry(&polytope->vertices, v, ccd_pt_vertex_t, list) {
1053       // distance_to_plane is the signed distance from the
1054       // vertex v->v.v to the face, i.e., distance_to_plane = nᵀ *
1055       // (v->v.v - face_point). Note that origin_distance_to_plane = nᵀ *
1056       // face_point.
1057       const ccd_real_t distance_to_plane =
1058           ccdVec3Dot(&unit_dir, &(v->v.v)) - origin_distance_to_plane;
1059       if (distance_to_plane > dist_tol) {
1060         // The vertex is at least dist_tol away from the face plane, on the same
1061         // direction of `dir`. So we flip dir to point it outward from the
1062         // polytope.
1063         ccdVec3Scale(&dir, ccd_real_t(-1));
1064         return dir;
1065       } else if (distance_to_plane < -dist_tol) {
1066         // The vertex is at least `dist_tol` away from the face plane, on the
1067         // opposite direction of `dir`. So `dir` points outward already.
1068         return dir;
1069       } else {
1070         max_distance_to_plane =
1071             std::max(max_distance_to_plane, distance_to_plane);
1072         min_distance_to_plane =
1073             std::min(min_distance_to_plane, distance_to_plane);
1074       }
1075     }
1076     // If max_distance_to_plane > |min_distance_to_plane|, it means that the
1077     // vertices that are on the positive side of the plane, has a larger maximal
1078     // distance than the vertices on the negative side of the plane. Thus we
1079     // regard that `dir` points into the polytope. Hence we flip `dir`.
1080     if (max_distance_to_plane > std::abs(min_distance_to_plane)) {
1081       ccdVec3Scale(&dir, ccd_real_t(-1));
1082     }
1083   }
1084   return dir;
1085 }
1087 // Return true if the point `pt` is on the outward side of the half-plane, on
1088 // which the triangle `f1 lives. Notice if the point `pt` is exactly on the
1089 // half-plane, the return is false.
1090 // @param f A triangle on a polytope.
1091 // @param pt A point.
isOutsidePolytopeFace(const ccd_pt_t * polytope,const ccd_pt_face_t * f,const ccd_vec3_t * pt)1092 static bool isOutsidePolytopeFace(const ccd_pt_t* polytope,
1093                                 const ccd_pt_face_t* f, const ccd_vec3_t* pt) {
1094   ccd_vec3_t n = faceNormalPointingOutward(polytope, f);
1095   // r_VP is the vector from a vertex V on the face `f`, to the point P `pt`.
1096   ccd_vec3_t r_VP;
1097   ccdVec3Sub2(&r_VP, pt, &(f->edge[0]->vertex[0]->v.v));
1098   return ccdVec3Dot(&n, &r_VP) > 0;
1099 }
1101 #ifndef NDEBUG
1102 // The function ComputeVisiblePatchRecursiveSanityCheck() is only called in the
1103 // debug mode. In the release mode, this function is declared/defined but not
1104 // used. Without this NDEBUG macro, the function will cause a -Wunused-function
1105 // error on CI's release builds.
1106 /**
1107  * Reports true if the visible patch is valid.
1108  * The invariant for computing the visible patch is that for each edge in the
1109  * polytope, if both neighbouring faces are visible, then the edge is an
1110  * internal edge; if only one neighbouring face is visible, then the edge
1111  * is a border edge.
1112  * For each face, if one of its edges is an internal edge, then the face is
1113  * visible.
1114  */
ComputeVisiblePatchRecursiveSanityCheck(const ccd_pt_t & polytope,const std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t * > & border_edges,const std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_face_t * > & visible_faces,const std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t * > & internal_edges)1115 static bool ComputeVisiblePatchRecursiveSanityCheck(
1116     const ccd_pt_t& polytope,
1117     const std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t*>& border_edges,
1118     const std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_face_t*>& visible_faces,
1119     const std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t*>& internal_edges) {
1120   ccd_pt_face_t* f;
1121   // TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Instead of returning false, have this throw the
1122   //  exception itself so that it can provide additional information.
1123   ccdListForEachEntry(&polytope.faces, f, ccd_pt_face_t, list) {
1124     bool has_edge_internal = false;
1125     for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
1126       // Since internal_edges is a set, internal_edges.count(e) means that e
1127       // is contained in the set internal_edges.
1128       if (internal_edges.count(f->edge[i]) > 0) {
1129         has_edge_internal = true;
1130         break;
1131       }
1132     }
1133     if (has_edge_internal) {
1134       if (visible_faces.count(f) == 0) {
1135         return false;
1136       }
1137     }
1138   }
1139   ccd_pt_edge_t* e;
1140   ccdListForEachEntry(&polytope.edges, e, ccd_pt_edge_t, list) {
1141     if (visible_faces.count(e->faces[0]) > 0 &&
1142         visible_faces.count(e->faces[1]) > 0) {
1143       if (internal_edges.count(e) == 0) {
1144         return false;
1145       }
1146     } else if (visible_faces.count(e->faces[0]) +
1147                    visible_faces.count(e->faces[1]) ==
1148                1) {
1149       if (border_edges.count(e) == 0) {
1150         return false;
1151       }
1152     }
1153   }
1154   for (const auto b : border_edges) {
1155     if (internal_edges.count(b) > 0) {
1156       return false;
1157     }
1158   }
1159   return true;
1160 }
1161 #endif
1163 /** Attempts to classify the given `edge` as a border edge, confirming it hasn't
1164  already been classified as an internal edge.
1165  @param edge              The edge to classify.
1166  @param border_edges      The set of edges already classified as border.
1167  @param internal_edges    The set of edges already classified as internal.
1168  @throws ThrowFailedAtThisConfiguration if the edge is being re-classified.
1169  */
ClassifyBorderEdge(ccd_pt_edge_t * edge,std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t * > * border_edges,std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t * > * internal_edges)1170 static void ClassifyBorderEdge(ccd_pt_edge_t* edge,
1171                         std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t*>* border_edges,
1172                         std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t*>* internal_edges) {
1173   border_edges->insert(edge);
1174   if (internal_edges->count(edge) > 0) {
1176         "An edge is being classified as border that has already been "
1177         "classifed as internal");
1178   }
1179 }
1181 /** Attempts to classify the given `edge` as an internal edge, confirming it
1182  hasn't already been classified as a border edge.
1183  @param edge              The edge to classify.
1184  @param border_edges      The set of edges already classified as border.
1185  @param internal_edges    The set of edges already classified as internal.
1186  @throws ThrowFailedAtThisConfiguration if the edge is being re-classified.
1187  */
ClassifyInternalEdge(ccd_pt_edge_t * edge,std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t * > * border_edges,std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t * > * internal_edges)1188 static void ClassifyInternalEdge(ccd_pt_edge_t* edge,
1189                           std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t*>* border_edges,
1190                           std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t*>* internal_edges) {
1191   internal_edges->insert(edge);
1192   if (border_edges->count(edge) > 0) {
1194         "An edge is being classified as internal that has already been "
1195         "classified as border");
1196   }
1197 }
1199 /**
1200  * This function contains the implementation detail of ComputeVisiblePatch()
1201  * function. It should not be called by any function other than
1202  * ComputeVisiblePatch().
1203  * The parameters are documented as in ComputeVisiblePatch() but has the
1204  * additional parameter: hidden_faces. Every visited face will be categorized
1205  * explicitly as either visible or hidden.
1206  * By design, whatever classification is _first_ given to a face (visible or
1207  * hidden) it can't change. This doesn't purport that the first classification
1208  * is more correct than any subsequent code that might otherwise classify it
1209  * differently. This simply precludes the possibility of classifying edges
1210  * multiple ways.
1211  */
ComputeVisiblePatchRecursive(const ccd_pt_t & polytope,ccd_pt_face_t & f,int edge_index,const ccd_vec3_t & query_point,std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t * > * border_edges,std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_face_t * > * visible_faces,std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_face_t * > * hidden_faces,std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t * > * internal_edges)1212 static void ComputeVisiblePatchRecursive(
1213     const ccd_pt_t& polytope, ccd_pt_face_t& f, int edge_index,
1214     const ccd_vec3_t& query_point,
1215     std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t*>* border_edges,
1216     std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_face_t*>* visible_faces,
1217     std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_face_t*>* hidden_faces,
1218     std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t*>* internal_edges) {
1219   ccd_pt_edge_t* edge = f.edge[edge_index];
1221   ccd_pt_face_t* g = edge->faces[0] == &f ? edge->faces[1] : edge->faces[0];
1222   assert(g != nullptr);
1224   bool is_visible = visible_faces->count(g) > 0;
1225   bool is_hidden = hidden_faces->count(g) > 0;
1226   assert(!(is_visible && is_hidden));
1228   // First check to see if face `g` has been classifed already.
1229   if (is_visible) {
1230     // Face f is visible (prerequisite), and g has been previously
1231     // marked visible (via a different path); their shared edge should be
1232     // marked internal.
1233     ClassifyInternalEdge(edge, border_edges, internal_edges);
1234     return;
1235   }
1237   if (is_hidden) {
1238     // Face *has* already been classified as hidden; we just need to classify
1239     // the edge.
1240     ClassifyBorderEdge(edge, border_edges, internal_edges);
1241     return;
1242   }
1244   // Face `g` has not been classified yet. Try to classify it as visible (i.e.,
1245   // the `query_point` lies outside of this face).
1246   is_visible = isOutsidePolytopeFace(&polytope, g, &query_point);
1247   if (!is_visible) {
1248     // Face `g` is *apparently* not visible from the query point. However, it
1249     // might _still_ be considered visible. The query point could be co-linear
1250     // with `edge` which, by definition means that `g` *is* visible and
1251     // numerical error led to considering it hidden. We can detect this case
1252     // if the triangle formed by edge and query point has zero area.
1253     //
1254     // It may be that the previous designation that `f` was visible was a
1255     // mistake and now face `g` is inheriting that visible status. This is a
1256     // conservative resolution that will prevent us from creating co-planar
1257     // faces (at the cost of a longer border).
1258     is_visible = triangle_area_is_zero(query_point, edge->vertex[0]->v.v,
1259                                        edge->vertex[1]->v.v);
1260   }
1262   if (is_visible) {
1263     visible_faces->insert(g);
1264     ClassifyInternalEdge(edge, border_edges, internal_edges);
1265     for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
1266       if (g->edge[i] != edge) {
1267         // One of the neighbouring face is `f`, so do not need to visit again.
1268         ComputeVisiblePatchRecursive(polytope, *g, i, query_point, border_edges,
1269                                      visible_faces, hidden_faces,
1270                                      internal_edges);
1271       }
1272     }
1273   } else {
1274     // No logic could classify the face as visible, so mark it hidden and
1275     // mark the edge as a border edge.
1276     ClassifyBorderEdge(edge, border_edges, internal_edges);
1277     hidden_faces->insert(g);
1278   }
1279 }
1281 /** Defines the "visible" patch on the given convex `polytope` (with respect to
1282  * the given `query_vertex` which is a point outside the polytope.)
1283  *
1284  * A patch is characterized by:
1285  *   - a contiguous set of visible faces
1286  *   - internal edges (the edges for which *both* adjacent faces are in the
1287  * patch)
1288  *   - border edges (edges for which only *one* adjacent face is in the patch)
1289  *
1290  * A face `f` (with vertices `(v₀, v₁, v₂)` and outward pointing normal `n̂`) is
1291  * "visible" and included in the patch if, for query vertex `q`:
1292  *
1293  *    `n̂ ⋅ (q - v₀) > 0`
1294  *
1295  * Namely the query vertex `q` is on the "outer" side of the face `f`.
1296  *
1297  * @param polytope             The polytope to evaluate.
1298  * @param f                    A face known to be visible to the query point.
1299  * @param query_point          The point from which visibility is evaluated.
1300  * @param[out] border_edges    The collection of patch border edges.
1301  * @param[out] visible_faces   The collection of patch faces.
1302  * @param[out] internal_edges  The collection of internal edges.
1303  * @throws UnexpectedConfigurationException in debug builds if the resulting
1304  * patch is not consistent.
1305  *
1306  * @pre The `polytope` is convex.
1307  * @pre The face `f` is visible from `query_point`.
1308  * @pre Output parameters are non-null.
1309  * TODO(hongkai.dai@tri.global) Replace patch computation with patch deletion
1310  * and return border edges as an optimization.
1311  * TODO(hongkai.dai@tri.global) Consider caching results of per-face visibility
1312  * status to prevent redundant recalculation -- or by associating the face
1313  * normal with the face.
1314  */
ComputeVisiblePatch(const ccd_pt_t & polytope,ccd_pt_face_t & f,const ccd_vec3_t & query_point,std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t * > * border_edges,std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_face_t * > * visible_faces,std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t * > * internal_edges)1315 static void ComputeVisiblePatch(
1316     const ccd_pt_t& polytope, ccd_pt_face_t& f,
1317     const ccd_vec3_t& query_point,
1318     std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t*>* border_edges,
1319     std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_face_t*>* visible_faces,
1320     std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t*>* internal_edges) {
1321   assert(border_edges);
1322   assert(visible_faces);
1323   assert(internal_edges);
1324   assert(border_edges->empty());
1325   assert(visible_faces->empty());
1326   assert(internal_edges->empty());
1327   assert(isOutsidePolytopeFace(&polytope, &f, &query_point));
1328   std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_face_t*> hidden_faces;
1329   visible_faces->insert(&f);
1330   for (int edge_index = 0; edge_index < 3; ++edge_index) {
1331     ComputeVisiblePatchRecursive(polytope, f, edge_index, query_point,
1332                                  border_edges, visible_faces, &hidden_faces,
1333                                  internal_edges);
1334   }
1335 #ifndef NDEBUG
1336   // TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Extend the sanity check to include hidden_faces.
1337   if (!ComputeVisiblePatchRecursiveSanityCheck(
1338           polytope, *border_edges, *visible_faces, *internal_edges)) {
1340         "The visible patch failed its sanity check");
1341   }
1342 #endif
1343 }
1345 /** Expands the polytope by adding a new vertex `newv` to the polytope. The
1346  * new polytope is the convex hull of the new vertex together with the old
1347  * polytope. This new polytope includes new edges (by connecting the new vertex
1348  * with existing vertices) and new faces (by connecting the new vertex with
1349  * existing edges). We only keep the edges and faces that are on the boundary
1350  * of the new polytope. The edges/faces on the original polytope that would be
1351  * interior to the new convex hull are discarded.
1352  * @param[in/out] polytope The polytope.
1353  * @param[in] el A feature that is visible from the point `newv` and contains
1354  * the polytope boundary point that is closest to the origin. This feature
1355  * should be either a face or an edge. A face is visible from a point outside
1356  * the original polytope, if the point is on the "outer" side of the face. If an
1357  * edge is visible from that point, at least one of its neighbouring faces is
1358  * visible. This feature contains the point that is closest to the origin on
1359  * the boundary of the polytope. If the feature is an edge, and the two
1360  * neighbouring faces of that edge are not co-planar, then the origin must lie
1361  * on that edge. The feature should not be a vertex, as that would imply the two
1362  * objects are in touching contact, causing the algorithm to exit before calling
1363  * expandPolytope() function.
1364  * @param[in] newv The new vertex add to the polytope.
1365  * @retval status Returns 0 on success. Returns -2 otherwise.
1366  * @throws UnexpectedConfigurationException if expanding is meaningless either
1367  * because 1) the nearest feature is a vertex, 2) the new vertex lies on
1368  * an edge of the current polytope, or 3) the visible feature is an edge with
1369  * one or more adjacent faces with no area.
1370  */
expandPolytope(ccd_pt_t * polytope,ccd_pt_el_t * el,const ccd_support_t * newv)1371 static int expandPolytope(ccd_pt_t *polytope, ccd_pt_el_t *el,
1372                           const ccd_support_t *newv)
1373 {
1374   // The outline of the algorithm is as follows:
1375   //  1. Compute the visible patch relative to the new vertex (See
1376   //  ComputeVisiblePatch() for details).
1377   //  2. Delete the faces and internal edges.
1378   //  3. Build a new face from each border edge and the new vertex.
1380   // To remove all faces that can be seen from the new vertex, we start with the
1381   // face on which the closest point lives, and then do a depth-first search on
1382   // its neighbouring triangles, until the triangle cannot be seen from the new
1383   // vertex.
1384   // TODO(hongkai.dai@tri.global): it is inefficient to store visible
1385   // faces/edges. A better implementation should remove visible faces and
1386   // internal edges inside ComputeVisiblePatch() function, when traversing the
1387   // faces on the polytope. We focus on the correctness in the first place.
1388   // Later when we make sure that the whole EPA implementation is bug free, we
1389   // will improve the performance.
1391   ccd_pt_face_t* start_face = NULL;
1393   if (el->type == CCD_PT_VERTEX) {
1395         "The visible feature is a vertex. This should already have been "
1396         "identified as a touching contact");
1397   }
1398   // Start with the face on which the closest point lives
1399   if (el->type == CCD_PT_FACE) {
1400     start_face = reinterpret_cast<ccd_pt_face_t*>(el);
1401   } else if (el->type == CCD_PT_EDGE) {
1402     // Check the two neighbouring faces of the edge.
1403     ccd_pt_face_t* f[2];
1404     ccdPtEdgeFaces(reinterpret_cast<ccd_pt_edge_t*>(el), &f[0], &f[1]);
1405     if (isOutsidePolytopeFace(polytope, f[0], &newv->v)) {
1406       start_face = f[0];
1407     } else if (isOutsidePolytopeFace(polytope, f[1], &newv->v)) {
1408       start_face = f[1];
1409     } else {
1411           "Both the nearest point and the new vertex are on an edge, thus the "
1412           "nearest distance should be 0. This is touching contact, and should "
1413           "already have been identified");
1414     }
1415   }
1417   std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_face_t*> visible_faces;
1418   std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t*> internal_edges;
1419   std::unordered_set<ccd_pt_edge_t*> border_edges;
1420   ComputeVisiblePatch(*polytope, *start_face, newv->v, &border_edges,
1421                       &visible_faces, &internal_edges);
1423   // Now remove all the obsolete faces.
1424   // TODO(hongkai.dai@tri.global): currently we need to loop through each face
1425   // in visible_faces, and then do a linear search in the list pt->faces to
1426   // delete `face`. It would be better if we only loop through the list
1427   // polytope->faces for once. Same for the edges.
1428   for (const auto& f : visible_faces) {
1429     ccdPtDelFace(polytope, f);
1430   }
1432   // Now remove all the obsolete edges.
1433   for (const auto& e : internal_edges) {
1434     ccdPtDelEdge(polytope, e);
1435   }
1437   // Note: this does not delete any vertices that were on the interior of the
1438   // deleted patch. There are no longer any faces or edges that reference them.
1439   // Technically, they are still part of the polytope but have no effect (except
1440   // for footprint in memory). It's just as simple to leave them, knowing the
1441   // whole polytope will be destroyed when we're done with the query.
1443   // A vertex cannot be obsolete, since a vertex is always on the boundary of
1444   // the Minkowski difference A ⊖ B.
1445   // TODO(hongkai.dai@tri.global): as a sanity check, we should make sure that
1446   // all vertices has at least one face/edge invisible from the new vertex
1447   // `newv`.
1449   // Now add the new vertex.
1450   ccd_pt_vertex_t* new_vertex = ccdPtAddVertex(polytope, newv);
1452   // Now add the new edges and faces, by connecting the new vertex with vertices
1453   // on border_edges. map_vertex_to_new_edge maps a vertex on the silhouette
1454   // edges to a new edge, with one end being the new vertex, and the other end
1455   // being that vertex on the silhouette edges.
1456   std::unordered_map<ccd_pt_vertex_t*, ccd_pt_edge_t*> map_vertex_to_new_edge;
1457   for (const auto& border_edge : border_edges) {
1458     ccd_pt_edge_t* e[2];  // The two new edges added by connecting new_vertex
1459                           // to the two vertices on border_edge.
1460     for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
1461       auto it = map_vertex_to_new_edge.find(border_edge->vertex[i]);
1462       if (it == map_vertex_to_new_edge.end()) {
1463         // This edge has not been added yet.
1464         e[i] = ccdPtAddEdge(polytope, new_vertex, border_edge->vertex[i]);
1465         map_vertex_to_new_edge.emplace_hint(it, border_edge->vertex[i],
1466                                             e[i]);
1467       } else {
1468         e[i] = it->second;
1469       }
1470     }
1471     // Now add the face.
1472     ccdPtAddFace(polytope, border_edge, e[0], e[1]);
1473   }
1475   return 0;
1476 }
1478 /** In each iteration of EPA algorithm, given the nearest point on the polytope
1479  * boundary to the origin, a support direction will be computed, to find the
1480  * support of the Minkowski difference A ⊖ B along that direction, so as to
1481  * expand the polytope.
1482  * @param polytope The polytope contained in A ⊖ B.
1483  * @param nearest_feature The feature containing the nearest point on the
1484  * boundary of the polytope to the origin.
1485  * @retval dir The support direction along which to expand the polytope. Notice
1486  * that dir is a normalized vector.
1487  * @throws UnexpectedConfigurationException if the nearest feature is a vertex.
1488  */
supportEPADirection(const ccd_pt_t * polytope,const ccd_pt_el_t * nearest_feature)1489 static ccd_vec3_t supportEPADirection(const ccd_pt_t* polytope,
1490                                       const ccd_pt_el_t* nearest_feature) {
1491   /*
1492   If we denote the nearest point as v, when v is not the origin, then the
1493   support direction is v. If v is the origin, then v should be an interior
1494   point on a face, and the support direction is the normal of that face,
1495   pointing outward from the polytope.
1496   */
1497   ccd_vec3_t dir;
1498   if (ccdIsZero(nearest_feature->dist)) {
1499     // nearest point is the origin.
1500     switch (nearest_feature->type) {
1501       case CCD_PT_VERTEX: {
1503             "The nearest point to the origin is a vertex of the polytope. This "
1504             "should be identified as a touching contact");
1505         break;
1506       }
1507       case CCD_PT_EDGE: {
1508         // When the nearest point is on an edge, the origin must be on that
1509         // edge. The support direction could be in the range between
1510         // edge.faces[0].normal and edge.faces[1].normal, where the face normals
1511         // point outward from the polytope. In this implementation, we
1512         // arbitrarily choose faces[0] normal.
1513         const ccd_pt_edge_t* edge =
1514             reinterpret_cast<const ccd_pt_edge_t*>(nearest_feature);
1515         dir = faceNormalPointingOutward(polytope, edge->faces[0]);
1516         break;
1517       }
1518       case CCD_PT_FACE: {
1519         // If origin is an interior point of a face, then choose the normal of
1520         // that face as the sample direction.
1521         const ccd_pt_face_t* face =
1522             reinterpret_cast<const ccd_pt_face_t*>(nearest_feature);
1523         dir = faceNormalPointingOutward(polytope, face);
1524         break;
1525       }
1526     }
1527   } else {
1528     ccdVec3Copy(&dir, &(nearest_feature->witness));
1529   }
1530   ccdVec3Normalize(&dir);
1531   return dir;
1532 }
1534 /** Finds next support point (and stores it in out argument).
1535  * @param[in] polytope The current polytope contained inside the Minkowski
1536  * difference A ⊖ B.
1537  * @param[in] obj1 Geometric object A.
1538  * @param[in] obj2 Geometric object B.
1539  * @param[in] ccd The libccd solver.
1540  * @param[in] el The polytope boundary feature that contains the point nearest
1541  * to the origin.
1542  * @param[out] out The next support point.
1543  * @retval status If the next support point is found, then returns 0; otherwise
1544  * returns -1. There are several reasons why the next support point is not
1545  * found:
1546  * 1. If the nearest point on the boundary of the polytope to the origin is a
1547  * vertex of the polytope. Then we know the two objects A and B are in touching
1548  * contact.
1549  * 2. If the difference between the upper bound and lower bound of the distance
1550  * is below ccd->epa_tolerance, then we converge to a distance whose
1551  * difference from the real distance is less than ccd->epa_tolerance.
1552  */
nextSupport(const ccd_pt_t * polytope,const void * obj1,const void * obj2,const ccd_t * ccd,const ccd_pt_el_t * el,ccd_support_t * out)1553 static int nextSupport(const ccd_pt_t* polytope, const void* obj1,
1554                        const void* obj2, const ccd_t* ccd,
1555                        const ccd_pt_el_t* el, ccd_support_t* out) {
1556   ccd_vec3_t *a, *b, *c;
1558   if (el->type == CCD_PT_VERTEX) return -1;
1560   const ccd_vec3_t dir = supportEPADirection(polytope, el);
1562   __ccdSupport(obj1, obj2, &dir, ccd, out);
1564   // Compute distance of support point in the support direction, so we can
1565   // determine whether we expanded a polytope surrounding the origin a bit.
1566   const ccd_real_t dist = ccdVec3Dot(&out->v, &dir);
1568   // el->dist is the squared distance from the feature "el" to the origin..
1569   // dist is an upper bound on the distance from the boundary of the Minkowski
1570   // difference to the origin, and sqrt(el->dist) is a lower bound of that
1571   // distance.
1572   if (dist - std::sqrt(el->dist) < ccd->epa_tolerance) return -1;
1574   ccd_real_t dist_squared{};
1575   if (el->type == CCD_PT_EDGE) {
1576     // fetch end points of edge
1577     ccdPtEdgeVec3(reinterpret_cast<const ccd_pt_edge_t*>(el), &a, &b);
1579     // get distance from segment
1580     dist_squared = ccdVec3PointSegmentDist2(&out->v, a, b, NULL);
1581   } else {  // el->type == CCD_PT_FACE
1582     // fetch vertices of triangle face
1583     ccdPtFaceVec3(reinterpret_cast<const ccd_pt_face_t*>(el), &a, &b, &c);
1585     // check if new point can significantly expand polytope
1586     ccd_vec3_t point_projection_on_triangle_unused;
1587     dist_squared = ccdVec3PointTriDist2(&out->v, a, b, c,
1588                                         &point_projection_on_triangle_unused);
1589   }
1591   if (std::sqrt(dist_squared) < ccd->epa_tolerance) return -1;
1593   return 0;
1594 }
__ccdGJK(const void * obj1,const void * obj2,const ccd_t * ccd,ccd_simplex_t * simplex)1597 static int __ccdGJK(const void *obj1, const void *obj2,
1598                     const ccd_t *ccd, ccd_simplex_t *simplex)
1599 {
1600   unsigned long iterations;
1601   ccd_vec3_t dir; // direction vector
1602   ccd_support_t last; // last support point
1603   int do_simplex_res;
1605   // initialize simplex struct
1606   ccdSimplexInit(simplex);
1608   // get first direction
1609   ccd->first_dir(obj1, obj2, &dir);
1610   // get first support point
1611   __ccdSupport(obj1, obj2, &dir, ccd, &last);
1612   // and add this point to simplex as last one
1613   ccdSimplexAdd(simplex, &last);
1615   // set up direction vector to as (O - last) which is exactly -last
1616   ccdVec3Copy(&dir, &last.v);
1617   ccdVec3Scale(&dir, -CCD_ONE);
1619   // start iterations
1620   for (iterations = 0UL; iterations < ccd->max_iterations; ++iterations) {
1621     // obtain support point
1622     __ccdSupport(obj1, obj2, &dir, ccd, &last);
1624     // check if farthest point in Minkowski difference in direction dir
1625     // isn't somewhere before origin (the test on negative dot product)
1626     // - because if it is, objects are not intersecting at all.
1627     if (ccdVec3Dot(&last.v, &dir) < CCD_ZERO){
1628       return -1; // intersection not found
1629     }
1631     // add last support vector to simplex
1632     ccdSimplexAdd(simplex, &last);
1634     // if doSimplex returns 1 if objects intersect, -1 if objects don't
1635     // intersect and 0 if algorithm should continue
1636     do_simplex_res = doSimplex(simplex, &dir);
1637     if (do_simplex_res == 1){
1638       return 0; // intersection found
1639     }else if (do_simplex_res == -1){
1640       return -1; // intersection not found
1641     }
1643     if (ccdIsZero(ccdVec3Len2(&dir))){
1644       return -1; // intersection not found
1645     }
1646   }
1648   // intersection wasn't found
1649   return -1;
1650 }
1652 /**
1653  * When the nearest feature of a polytope to the origin is an edge, and the
1654  * origin is inside the polytope, it implies one of the following conditions
1655  * 1. The origin lies exactly on that edge
1656  * 2. The two neighbouring faces of that edge are coplanar, and the projection
1657  * of the origin onto that plane is on the edge.
1658  * At times libccd incorrectly claims that the nearest feature is an edge.
1659  * Inside this function, we will verify if one of these two conditions are true.
1660  * If not, we will modify the nearest feature stored inside @p polytope, such
1661  * that it stores the correct nearest feature and distance.
1662  * @note we assume that even if the edge is not the correct nearest feature, the
1663  * correct one should be one of the neighbouring faces of that edge. Namely the
1664  * libccd solution is just slightly wrong.
1665  * @param polytope The polytope whose nearest feature is being verified (and
1666  * corrected if the edge should not be nearest feature).
1667  * @note Only call this function in the EPA functions, where the origin should
1668  * be inside the polytope.
1669  */
validateNearestFeatureOfPolytopeBeingEdge(ccd_pt_t * polytope)1670 static void validateNearestFeatureOfPolytopeBeingEdge(ccd_pt_t* polytope) {
1671   assert(polytope->nearest_type == CCD_PT_EDGE);
1673   // We define epsilon to include an additional bit of noise. The goal is to
1674   // pick the smallest epsilon possible. This factor of two proved necessary
1675   // due to unit test behavior on the mac. In the future, as we collect
1676   // more evidence, it may be necessary to increase to more bits. But the need
1677   // should always be demonstrable and not purely theoretical.
1678   constexpr ccd_real_t kEps = 2 * constants<ccd_real_t>::eps();
1680   // Only verify the feature if the nearest feature is an edge.
1682   const ccd_pt_edge_t* const nearest_edge =
1683       reinterpret_cast<ccd_pt_edge_t*>(polytope->nearest);
1684   // Find the outward normals on the two neighbouring faces of the edge, if
1685   // the origin is on the "inner" side of these two faces, then we regard the
1686   // origin to be inside the polytope. Note that these face_normals are
1687   // normalized.
1688   std::array<ccd_vec3_t, 2> face_normals;
1689   std::array<double, 2> origin_to_face_distance;
1691   // We define the plane equation using vertex[0]. If vertex[0] is far away
1692   // from the origin, it can magnify rounding error. We scale epsilon to account
1693   // for this possibility.
1694   const ccd_real_t v0_dist =
1695       std::sqrt(ccdVec3Len2(&nearest_edge->vertex[0]->v.v));
1696   const ccd_real_t plane_threshold =
1697       kEps * std::max(static_cast<ccd_real_t>(1.0), v0_dist);
1699   for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
1700     face_normals[i] =
1701         faceNormalPointingOutward(polytope, nearest_edge->faces[i]);
1702     ccdVec3Normalize(&face_normals[i]);
1703     // If the origin o is on the "inner" side of the face, then
1704     // n̂ ⋅ (o - vₑ) ≤ 0 or, with simplification, -n̂ ⋅ vₑ ≤ 0 (since n̂ ⋅ o = 0).
1705     origin_to_face_distance[i] =
1706         -ccdVec3Dot(&face_normals[i], &nearest_edge->vertex[0]->v.v);
1707     // If the origin lies *on* the edge, then it also lies on the two adjacent
1708     // faces. Rather than failing on strictly *positive* signed distance, we
1709     // introduce an epsilon threshold. This usage of epsilon is to account for a
1710     // discrepancy in the signed distance computation. How GJK (and partially
1711     // EPA) compute the signed distance from origin to face may *not* be exactly
1712     // the same as done in this test (i.e. for a given set of vertices, the
1713     // plane equation can be defined various ways. Those ways are
1714     // *mathematically* equivalent but numerically will differ due to rounding).
1715     // We account for those differences by allowing a very small positive signed
1716     // distance to be considered zero. We assume that the GJK/EPA code
1717     // ultimately classifies inside/outside around *zero* and *not* epsilon.
1718     if (origin_to_face_distance[i] > plane_threshold) {
1720           "The origin is outside of the polytope. This should already have "
1721           "been identified as separating.");
1722     }
1723   }
1725   // We know the reported squared distance to the edge. If that distance is
1726   // functionally zero, then the edge must *truly* be the nearest feature.
1727   // If it isn't, then it must be one of the adjacent faces.
1728   const bool is_edge_closest_feature = nearest_edge->dist < kEps * kEps;
1730   if (!is_edge_closest_feature) {
1731     // We assume that libccd is not crazily wrong. Although the closest
1732     // feature is not the edge, it is near that edge. Hence we select the
1733     // neighboring face that is closest to the origin.
1734     polytope->nearest_type = CCD_PT_FACE;
1735     // Note origin_to_face_distance is the *signed* distance and it is
1736     // guaranteed to be negative if we are here, hence sense of this
1737     // comparison is reversed.
1738     const int closest_face =
1739         origin_to_face_distance[0] < origin_to_face_distance[1] ? 1 : 0;
1740     polytope->nearest =
1741         reinterpret_cast<ccd_pt_el_t*>(nearest_edge->faces[closest_face]);
1742     // polytope->nearest_dist stores the SQUARED distance.
1743     polytope->nearest_dist = pow(origin_to_face_distance[closest_face], 2);
1744   }
1745 }
__ccdEPA(const void * obj1,const void * obj2,const ccd_t * ccd,ccd_simplex_t * simplex,ccd_pt_t * polytope,ccd_pt_el_t ** nearest)1747 static int __ccdEPA(const void *obj1, const void *obj2,
1748                     const ccd_t *ccd,
1749                     ccd_simplex_t* simplex,
1750                     ccd_pt_t *polytope, ccd_pt_el_t **nearest)
1751 {
1752     ccd_support_t supp; // support point
1753     int ret, size;
1756     ret = 0;
1757     *nearest = NULL;
1759     // transform simplex to polytope - simplex won't be used anymore
1760     size = ccdSimplexSize(simplex);
1761     if (size == 4){
1762         ret = simplexToPolytope4(obj1, obj2, ccd, simplex, polytope, nearest);
1763     } else if (size == 3) {
1764       ret = convert2SimplexToTetrahedron(obj1, obj2, ccd, simplex, polytope,
1765                                          nearest);
1766     }else{ // size == 2
1767         ret = simplexToPolytope2(obj1, obj2, ccd, simplex, polytope, nearest);
1768     }
1771     if (ret == -1){
1772         // touching contact
1773         return 0;
1774     }else if (ret == -2){
1775         // failed memory allocation
1776         return -2;
1777     }
1779     while (1) {
1780       // get triangle nearest to origin
1781       *nearest = ccdPtNearest(polytope);
1782       if (polytope->nearest_type == CCD_PT_EDGE) {
1783         // When libccd thinks the nearest feature is an edge, that is often
1784         // wrong, hence we validate the nearest feature by ourselves.
1785         // TODO remove this validation step when we can reliably compute the
1786         // nearest feature of a polytope.
1787         validateNearestFeatureOfPolytopeBeingEdge(polytope);
1788         *nearest = ccdPtNearest(polytope);
1789       }
1791       // get next support point
1792       if (nextSupport(polytope, obj1, obj2, ccd, *nearest, &supp) != 0) {
1793         break;
1794       }
1796       // expand nearest triangle using new point - supp
1797       if (expandPolytope(polytope, *nearest, &supp) != 0) return -2;
1798     }
1800     return 0;
1801 }
1803 /** Given a single support point, `q`, extract the point `p1` and `p2`, the
1804  points on object 1 and 2, respectively, in the support data of `q`.  */
extractObjectPointsFromPoint(ccd_support_t * q,ccd_vec3_t * p1,ccd_vec3_t * p2)1805 static void extractObjectPointsFromPoint(ccd_support_t *q, ccd_vec3_t *p1,
1806                                          ccd_vec3_t *p2) {
1807   // TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): Determine if I should be demanding that p1 and p2
1808   // are defined.
1809   // Closest points are the ones stored in the simplex
1810   if (p1) *p1 = q->v1;
1811   if (p2) *p2 = q->v2;
1812 }
1814 /** Given two support points which define a line segment (`a` and `b`), and a
1815  point on that line segment `p`, computes the points `p1` and `p2`, the points
1816  on object 1 and 2, respectively, in the support data which correspond to `p`.
1817  @pre `p = a + s(b - a), 0 <= s <= 1`  */
extractObjectPointsFromSegment(ccd_support_t * a,ccd_support_t * b,ccd_vec3_t * p1,ccd_vec3_t * p2,ccd_vec3_t * p)1818 static void extractObjectPointsFromSegment(ccd_support_t *a, ccd_support_t *b,
1819                                            ccd_vec3_t *p1, ccd_vec3_t *p2,
1820                                            ccd_vec3_t *p) {
1821   // Closest points lie on the segment defined by the points in the simplex
1822   // Let the segment be defined by points A and B. We can write p as
1823   //
1824   // p = A + s*AB, 0 <= s <= 1
1825   // p - A = s*AB
1826   ccd_vec3_t AB;
1827   ccdVec3Sub2(&AB, &(b->v), &(a->v));
1829   // This defines three equations, but we only need one. Taking the i-th
1830   // component gives
1831   //
1832   // p_i - A_i = s*AB_i.
1833   //
1834   // Thus, s is given by
1835   //
1836   // s = (p_i - A_i)/AB_i.
1837   //
1838   // To avoid dividing by an AB_i ≪ 1, we choose i such that |AB_i| is
1839   // maximized
1840   ccd_real_t abs_AB_x{std::abs(ccdVec3X(&AB))};
1841   ccd_real_t abs_AB_y{std::abs(ccdVec3Y(&AB))};
1842   ccd_real_t abs_AB_z{std::abs(ccdVec3Z(&AB))};
1844   ccd_real_t A_i, AB_i, p_i;
1845   if (abs_AB_x >= abs_AB_y && abs_AB_x >= abs_AB_z) {
1846     A_i = ccdVec3X(&(a->v));
1847     AB_i = ccdVec3X(&AB);
1848     p_i = ccdVec3X(p);
1849   } else if (abs_AB_y >= abs_AB_z) {
1850     A_i = ccdVec3Y(&(a->v));
1851     AB_i = ccdVec3Y(&AB);
1852     p_i = ccdVec3Y(p);
1853   } else {
1854     A_i = ccdVec3Z(&(a->v));
1855     AB_i = ccdVec3Z(&AB);
1856     p_i = ccdVec3Z(p);
1857   }
1859   if (std::abs(AB_i) < constants<ccd_real_t>::eps()) {
1860     // Points are coincident; treat as a single point.
1861     extractObjectPointsFromPoint(a, p1, p2);
1862     return;
1863   }
1865   auto calc_p = [](ccd_vec3_t *p_a, ccd_vec3_t *p_b, ccd_vec3_t *p,
1866                    ccd_real_t s) {
1867     ccd_vec3_t sAB;
1868     ccdVec3Sub2(&sAB, p_b, p_a);
1869     ccdVec3Scale(&sAB, s);
1870     ccdVec3Copy(p, p_a);
1871     ccdVec3Add(p, &sAB);
1872   };
1874   // TODO(SeanCurtis-TRI): If p1 or p2 is null, there seems little point in
1875   // calling this method. It seems that both of these being non-null should be
1876   // a *requirement*. Determine that this is the case and do so.
1877   ccd_real_t s = (p_i - A_i) / AB_i;
1879   if (p1) {
1880     // p1 = A1 + s*A1B1
1881     calc_p(&(a->v1), &(b->v1), p1, s);
1882   }
1883   if (p2) {
1884     // p2 = A2 + s*A2B2
1885     calc_p(&(a->v2), &(b->v2), p2, s);
1886   }
1887 }
1889 /** Returns the points `p1` and `p2` on the original shapes that correspond to
1890  point `p` in the given simplex.
1891  @pre simplex size <= 3.
1892  @pre p lies _on_ the simplex (i.e., within the triangle, line segment, or is
1893       coincident with the point).  */
extractClosestPoints(ccd_simplex_t * simplex,ccd_vec3_t * p1,ccd_vec3_t * p2,ccd_vec3_t * p)1894 static void extractClosestPoints(ccd_simplex_t *simplex, ccd_vec3_t *p1,
1895                                  ccd_vec3_t *p2, ccd_vec3_t *p) {
1896   const int simplex_size = ccdSimplexSize(simplex);
1897   assert(simplex_size <= 3);
1898   if (simplex_size == 1)
1899   {
1900     extractObjectPointsFromPoint(&simplex->ps[0], p1, p2);
1901   }
1902   else if (simplex_size == 2)
1903   {
1904     extractObjectPointsFromSegment(&simplex->ps[0], &simplex->ps[1], p1, p2, p);
1905   }
1906   else // simplex_size == 3
1907   {
1908     if (triangle_area_is_zero(simplex->ps[0].v, simplex->ps[1].v,
1909                               simplex->ps[2].v)) {
1910       // The triangle is degenerate; compute the nearest point to a line
1911       // segment. The segment is defined by the most-distant vertex pair.
1912       int a_index, b_index;
1913       ccd_vec3_t AB, AC, BC;
1914       ccdVec3Sub2(&AB, &(simplex->ps[1].v), &(simplex->ps[0].v));
1915       ccdVec3Sub2(&AC, &(simplex->ps[2].v), &(simplex->ps[0].v));
1916       ccdVec3Sub2(&BC, &(simplex->ps[2].v), &(simplex->ps[1].v));
1917       ccd_real_t AB_len2 = ccdVec3Len2(&AB);
1918       ccd_real_t AC_len2 = ccdVec3Len2(&AC);
1919       ccd_real_t BC_len2 = ccdVec3Len2(&BC);
1920       if (AB_len2 >= AC_len2 && AB_len2 >= BC_len2) {
1921         a_index = 0;
1922         b_index = 1;
1923       } else if (AC_len2 >= AB_len2 && AC_len2 >= BC_len2) {
1924         a_index = 0;
1925         b_index = 2;
1926       } else {
1927         a_index = 1;
1928         b_index = 2;
1929       }
1930       extractObjectPointsFromSegment(&simplex->ps[a_index],
1931                                      &simplex->ps[b_index], p1, p2, p);
1932       return;
1933     }
1935     // Compute the barycentric coordinates of point p in triangle ABC.
1936     //
1937     //             A
1938     //             ╱╲                p = αA + βB + γC
1939     //            ╱ |╲
1940     //           ╱  | ╲              α = 1 - β - γ
1941     //          ╱ p |  ╲             β = AREA(pAC) / AREA(ABC)
1942     //         ╱   / \  ╲            γ = AREA(pAB) / AREA(ABC)
1943     //        ╱__/_____\_╲
1944     //      B             C          AREA(XYZ) = |r_XY × r_XZ| / 2
1945     //
1946     //  Rewrite coordinates in terms of cross products.
1947     //
1948     //    β = AREA(pAC) / AREA(ABC) = |r_Ap × r_AC| / |r_AB × r_AC|
1949     //    γ = AREA(pAB) / AREA(ABC) = |r_AB × r_Ap| / |r_AB × r_AC|
1950     //
1951     // NOTE: There are multiple options for the cross products, these have been
1952     // selected to re-use as many symbols as possible.
1953     //
1954     // Solving for β and γ:
1955     //
1956     //  β = |r_Ap × r_AC| / |r_AB × r_AC|
1957     //  β = |r_Ap × r_AC| / |n|                  n ≙ r_AB × r_AC, n̂ = n / |n|
1958     //  β = n̂·(r_Ap × r_AC) / n̂·n                This step arises from the fact
1959     //                                           that (r_Ap × r_AC) and n point
1960     //                                           in the same direction. It
1961     //                                           allows us to take a single sqrt
1962     //                                           instead of three.
1963     //  β = (n/|n|)·(r_Ap × r_AC) / (n/|n|)·n
1964     //  β = n·(r_Ap × r_AC) / n·n
1965     //  β = n·(r_Ap × r_AC) / |n|²
1966     //
1967     // A similar process to solve for gamma
1968     //  γ = n·(r_AB × r_Ap) / |n|²
1970     // Compute n and |n|².
1971     ccd_vec3_t r_AB, r_AC, n;
1972     ccdVec3Sub2(&r_AB, &(simplex->ps[1].v), &(simplex->ps[0].v));
1973     ccdVec3Sub2(&r_AC, &(simplex->ps[2].v), &(simplex->ps[0].v));
1974     ccdVec3Cross(&n, &r_AB, &r_AC);
1975     ccd_real_t norm_squared_n{ccdVec3Len2(&n)};
1977     // Compute r_Ap.
1978     ccd_vec3_t r_Ap;
1979     ccdVec3Sub2(&r_Ap, p, &(simplex->ps[0].v));
1981     // Compute the cross products in the numerators.
1982     ccd_vec3_t r_Ap_cross_r_AC, r_AB_cross_r_Ap;
1983     ccdVec3Cross(&r_Ap_cross_r_AC, &r_Ap, &r_AC);  // r_Ap × r_AC
1984     ccdVec3Cross(&r_AB_cross_r_Ap, &r_AB, &r_Ap);  // r_AB × r_Ap
1986     // Compute beta and gamma.
1987     ccd_real_t beta{ccdVec3Dot(&n, &r_Ap_cross_r_AC) / norm_squared_n};
1988     ccd_real_t gamma{ccdVec3Dot(&n, &r_AB_cross_r_Ap) / norm_squared_n};
1990     // Evaluate barycentric interpolation (with the locally defined barycentric
1991     // coordinates).
1992     auto interpolate = [&beta, &gamma](const ccd_vec3_t& r_WA,
1993                                        const ccd_vec3_t& r_WB,
1994                                        const ccd_vec3_t& r_WC,
1995                                        ccd_vec3_t* r_WP) {
1996       // r_WP = r_WA + β * r_AB + γ * r_AC
1997       ccdVec3Copy(r_WP, &r_WA);
1999       ccd_vec3_t beta_r_AB;
2000       ccdVec3Sub2(&beta_r_AB, &r_WB, &r_WA);
2001       ccdVec3Scale(&beta_r_AB, beta);
2002       ccdVec3Add(r_WP, &beta_r_AB);
2004       ccd_vec3_t  gamma_r_AC;
2005       ccdVec3Sub2(&gamma_r_AC, &r_WC, &r_WA);
2006       ccdVec3Scale(&gamma_r_AC, gamma);
2007       ccdVec3Add(r_WP, &gamma_r_AC);
2008     };
2010     if (p1) {
2011       interpolate(simplex->ps[0].v1, simplex->ps[1].v1, simplex->ps[2].v1, p1);
2012     }
2014     if (p2) {
2015       interpolate(simplex->ps[0].v2, simplex->ps[1].v2, simplex->ps[2].v2, p2);
2016     }
2017   }
2018 }
2020 // Computes the distance between two non-penetrating convex objects, `obj1` and
2021 // `obj2` based on the warm-started witness simplex, returning the distance and
2022 // nearest points on each object.
2023 // @param obj1 The first convex object.
2024 // @param obj2 The second convex object.
2025 // @param ccd The libccd configuration.
2026 // @param simplex A witness to the objects' separation generated by the GJK
2027 // algorithm. NOTE: the simplex is not necessarily sufficiently refined to
2028 // report the actual distance and may be further refined in this method.
2029 // @param p1 If the objects are non-penetrating, the point on the surface of
2030 // obj1 closest to obj2 (expressed in the world frame).
2031 // @param p2 If the objects are non-penetrating, the point on the surface of
2032 // obj2 closest to obj1 (expressed in the world frame).
2033 // @returns The minimum distance between the two objects. If they are
2034 // penetrating, -1 is returned.
_ccdDist(const void * obj1,const void * obj2,const ccd_t * ccd,ccd_simplex_t * simplex,ccd_vec3_t * p1,ccd_vec3_t * p2)2035 static inline ccd_real_t _ccdDist(const void *obj1, const void *obj2,
2036                                   const ccd_t *ccd,
2037                                   ccd_simplex_t* simplex,
2038                                   ccd_vec3_t* p1, ccd_vec3_t* p2)
2039 {
2040   ccd_real_t last_dist = CCD_REAL_MAX;
2042   for (unsigned long iterations = 0UL; iterations < ccd->max_iterations;
2043        ++iterations) {
2044     ccd_vec3_t closest_p; // The point on the simplex that is closest to the
2045                           // origin.
2046     ccd_real_t dist;
2047     // get a next direction vector
2048     // we are trying to find out a point on the minkowski difference
2049     // that is nearest to the origin, so we obtain a point on the
2050     // simplex that is nearest and try to exapand the simplex towards
2051     // the origin
2052     if (ccdSimplexSize(simplex) == 1)
2053     {
2054       ccdVec3Copy(&closest_p, &ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 0)->v);
2055       dist = ccdVec3Len2(&ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 0)->v);
2056       dist = CCD_SQRT(dist);
2057     }
2058     else if (ccdSimplexSize(simplex) == 2)
2059     {
2060       dist = ccdVec3PointSegmentDist2(ccd_vec3_origin,
2061                                       &ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 0)->v,
2062                                       &ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 1)->v,
2063                                       &closest_p);
2064       dist = CCD_SQRT(dist);
2065     }
2066     else if (ccdSimplexSize(simplex) == 3)
2067     {
2068       dist = ccdVec3PointTriDist2(ccd_vec3_origin,
2069                                   &ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 0)->v,
2070                                   &ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 1)->v,
2071                                   &ccdSimplexPoint(simplex, 2)->v,
2072                                   &closest_p);
2073       dist = CCD_SQRT(dist);
2074     }
2075     else
2076     { // ccdSimplexSize(&simplex) == 4
2077       dist = simplexReduceToTriangle(simplex, last_dist, &closest_p);
2078     }
2080     // check whether we improved for at least a minimum tolerance
2081     if ((last_dist - dist) < ccd->dist_tolerance)
2082     {
2083       extractClosestPoints(simplex, p1, p2, &closest_p);
2084       return dist;
2085     }
2087     // point direction towards the origin
2088     ccd_vec3_t dir; // direction vector
2089     ccdVec3Copy(&dir, &closest_p);
2090     ccdVec3Scale(&dir, -CCD_ONE);
2091     ccdVec3Normalize(&dir);
2093     // find out support point
2094     ccd_support_t last; // last support point
2095     __ccdSupport(obj1, obj2, &dir, ccd, &last);
2097     // record last distance
2098     last_dist = dist;
2100     // check whether we improved for at least a minimum tolerance
2101     // this is here probably only for a degenerate cases when we got a
2102     // point that is already in the simplex
2103     dist = ccdVec3Len2(&last.v);
2104     dist = CCD_SQRT(dist);
2105     if (CCD_FABS(last_dist - dist) < ccd->dist_tolerance)
2106     {
2107       extractClosestPoints(simplex, p1, p2, &closest_p);
2108       return last_dist;
2109     }
2111     // add a point to simplex
2112     ccdSimplexAdd(simplex, &last);
2113   }
2115   return -CCD_REAL(1.);
2116 }
2118 /**
2119  * Given the nearest point on the polytope inside the Minkowski difference
2120  * A ⊖ B, returns the point p1 on geometric object A and p2 on geometric object
2121  * B, such that p1 is the deepest penetration point on A, and p2 is the deepest
2122  * penetration point on B.
2123  * @param[in] nearest The feature with the point that is nearest to the origin
2124  * on the boundary of the polytope.
2125  * @param[out] p1 the deepest penetration point on A, measured and expressed in
2126  * the world frame.
2127  * @param[out] p2 the deepest penetration point on B, measured and expressed in
2128  * the world frame.
2129  * @retval status Return 0 on success, and -1 on failure.
2130  */
penEPAPosClosest(const ccd_pt_el_t * nearest,ccd_vec3_t * p1,ccd_vec3_t * p2)2131 static int penEPAPosClosest(const ccd_pt_el_t* nearest, ccd_vec3_t* p1,
2132                             ccd_vec3_t* p2) {
2133   // We reconstruct the simplex on which the nearest point lives, and then
2134   // compute the deepest penetration point on each geometric objects. Note that
2135   // the reconstructed simplex has size up to 3 (at most 3 vertices).
2136   if (nearest->type == CCD_PT_VERTEX) {
2137     ccd_pt_vertex_t* v = (ccd_pt_vertex_t*)nearest;
2138     ccdVec3Copy(p1, &v->v.v1);
2139     ccdVec3Copy(p2, &v->v.v2);
2140     return 0;
2141   } else {
2142     ccd_simplex_t s;
2143     ccdSimplexInit(&s);
2144     if (nearest->type == CCD_PT_EDGE) {
2145       const ccd_pt_edge_t* e = reinterpret_cast<const ccd_pt_edge_t*>(nearest);
2146       ccdSimplexAdd(&s, &(e->vertex[0]->v));
2147       ccdSimplexAdd(&s, &(e->vertex[1]->v));
2148     } else if (nearest->type == CCD_PT_FACE) {
2149       const ccd_pt_face_t* f = reinterpret_cast<const ccd_pt_face_t*>(nearest);
2150       // The face triangle has three edges, each edge consists of two end
2151       // points, so there are 6 end points in total, each vertex of the triangle
2152       // appears twice among the 6 end points. We need to choose the three
2153       // distinctive vertices out of these 6 end points.
2154       // First we pick edge0, the two end points of edge0 are distinct.
2155       ccdSimplexAdd(&s, &(f->edge[0]->vertex[0]->v));
2156       ccdSimplexAdd(&s, &(f->edge[0]->vertex[1]->v));
2157       // Next we pick edge1, one of the two end points on edge1 is distinct from
2158       // the end points in edge0, we will add this distinct vertex to the
2159       // simplex.
2160       for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
2161         ccd_pt_vertex_t* third_vertex = f->edge[1]->vertex[i];
2162         if (third_vertex != f->edge[0]->vertex[0] &&
2163             third_vertex != f->edge[0]->vertex[1]) {
2164           ccdSimplexAdd(&s, &(third_vertex->v));
2165           break;
2166         }
2167       }
2168     } else {
2169       throw std::logic_error(
2170           "FCL penEPAPosClosest(): Unsupported feature type. The closest point "
2171           "should be either a vertex, on an edge, or on a face.");
2172     }
2173     // Now compute the closest point in the simplex.
2174     // TODO(hongkai.dai@tri.global): we do not need to compute the closest point
2175     // on the simplex, as that is already given in `nearest`. We only need to
2176     // extract the deepest penetration points on each geometric object.
2177     // Sean.Curtis@tri.global and I will refactor this code in the future, to
2178     // avoid calling extractClosestPoints.
2179     ccd_vec3_t p;
2180     ccdVec3Copy(&p, &(nearest->witness));
2181     extractClosestPoints(&s, p1, p2, &p);
2182     return 0;
2183   }
2184 }
ccdGJKSignedDist(const void * obj1,const void * obj2,const ccd_t * ccd,ccd_vec3_t * p1,ccd_vec3_t * p2)2186 static inline ccd_real_t ccdGJKSignedDist(const void* obj1, const void* obj2,
2187                                           const ccd_t* ccd, ccd_vec3_t* p1,
2188                                           ccd_vec3_t* p2)
2189 {
2190   ccd_simplex_t simplex;
2192   if (__ccdGJK(obj1, obj2, ccd, &simplex) == 0) // in collision, then using the EPA
2193   {
2194     ccd_pt_t polytope;
2195     ccd_pt_el_t *nearest;
2196     ccd_real_t depth;
2198     ccdPtInit(&polytope);
2199     int ret = __ccdEPA(obj1, obj2, ccd, &simplex, &polytope, &nearest);
2200     if (ret == 0 && nearest)
2201     {
2202       depth = -CCD_SQRT(nearest->dist);
2204       ccd_vec3_t pos1, pos2;
2205       penEPAPosClosest(nearest, &pos1, &pos2);
2207       if (p1) *p1 = pos1;
2208       if (p2) *p2 = pos2;
2210       //ccd_vec3_t dir; // direction vector
2211       //ccdVec3Copy(&dir, &nearest->witness);
2212       //std::cout << dir.v[0] << " " << dir.v[1] << " " << dir.v[2] << std::endl;
2213       //ccd_support_t last;
2214       //__ccdSupport(obj1, obj2, &dir, ccd, &last);
2216       //if (p1) *p1 = last.v1;
2217       //if (p2) *p2 = last.v2;
2218     }
2219     else
2220     {
2221       depth = -CCD_ONE;
2222     }
2224     ccdPtDestroy(&polytope);
2226     return depth;
2227   }
2228   else // not in collision
2229   {
2230     return _ccdDist(obj1, obj2, ccd, &simplex, p1, p2);
2231   }
2232 }
2235 // Computes the distance between two non-penetrating convex objects, `obj1` and
2236 // `obj2`, returning the distance and
2237 // nearest points on each object.
2238 // @param obj1 The first convex object.
2239 // @param obj2 The second convex object.
2240 // @param ccd The libccd configuration.
2241 // @param p1 If the objects are non-penetrating, the point on the surface of
2242 // obj1 closest to obj2 (expressed in the world frame).
2243 // @param p2 If the objects are non-penetrating, the point on the surface of
2244 // obj2 closest to obj1 (expressed in the world frame).
2245 // @returns The minimum distance between the two objects. If they are
2246 // penetrating, -1 is returned.
2247 // @note Unlike _ccdDist function, this function does not need a warm-started
2248 // simplex as the input argument.
ccdGJKDist2(const void * obj1,const void * obj2,const ccd_t * ccd,ccd_vec3_t * p1,ccd_vec3_t * p2)2249 static inline ccd_real_t ccdGJKDist2(const void *obj1, const void *obj2,
2250                                      const ccd_t *ccd, ccd_vec3_t* p1,
2251                                      ccd_vec3_t* p2)
2252 {
2253   ccd_simplex_t simplex;
2254   // first find an intersection
2255   if (__ccdGJK(obj1, obj2, ccd, &simplex) == 0)
2256     return -CCD_ONE;
2258   return _ccdDist(obj1, obj2, ccd, &simplex, p1, p2);
2259 }
2261 } // namespace libccd_extension
2263 /** Basic shape to ccd shape */
2264 template <typename S>
shapeToGJK(const ShapeBase<S> & s,const Transform3<S> & tf,ccd_obj_t * o)2265 static void shapeToGJK(const ShapeBase<S>& s, const Transform3<S>& tf,
2266                        ccd_obj_t* o)
2267 {
2268   FCL_UNUSED(s);
2270   const Quaternion<S> q(tf.linear());
2271   const Vector3<S>& T = tf.translation();
2272   ccdVec3Set(&o->pos, T[0], T[1], T[2]);
2273   ccdQuatSet(&o->rot, q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), q.w());
2274   ccdQuatInvert2(&o->rot_inv, &o->rot);
2275 }
2277 template <typename S>
boxToGJK(const Box<S> & s,const Transform3<S> & tf,ccd_box_t * box)2278 static void boxToGJK(const Box<S>& s, const Transform3<S>& tf, ccd_box_t* box)
2279 {
2280   shapeToGJK(s, tf, box);
2281   box->dim[0] = s.side[0] / 2.0;
2282   box->dim[1] = s.side[1] / 2.0;
2283   box->dim[2] = s.side[2] / 2.0;
2284 }
2286 template <typename S>
capToGJK(const Capsule<S> & s,const Transform3<S> & tf,ccd_cap_t * cap)2287 static void capToGJK(const Capsule<S>& s, const Transform3<S>& tf,
2288                      ccd_cap_t* cap)
2289 {
2290   shapeToGJK(s, tf, cap);
2291   cap->radius = s.radius;
2292   cap->height = s.lz / 2;
2293 }
2295 template <typename S>
cylToGJK(const Cylinder<S> & s,const Transform3<S> & tf,ccd_cyl_t * cyl)2296 static void cylToGJK(const Cylinder<S>& s, const Transform3<S>& tf,
2297                      ccd_cyl_t* cyl)
2298 {
2299   shapeToGJK(s, tf, cyl);
2300   cyl->radius = s.radius;
2301   cyl->height = s.lz / 2;
2302 }
2304 template <typename S>
coneToGJK(const Cone<S> & s,const Transform3<S> & tf,ccd_cone_t * cone)2305 static void coneToGJK(const Cone<S>& s, const Transform3<S>& tf,
2306                       ccd_cone_t* cone)
2307 {
2308   shapeToGJK(s, tf, cone);
2309   cone->radius = s.radius;
2310   cone->height = s.lz / 2;
2311 }
2313 template <typename S>
sphereToGJK(const Sphere<S> & s,const Transform3<S> & tf,ccd_sphere_t * sph)2314 static void sphereToGJK(const Sphere<S>& s, const Transform3<S>& tf,
2315                         ccd_sphere_t* sph)
2316 {
2317   shapeToGJK(s, tf, sph);
2318   sph->radius = s.radius;
2319 }
2321 template <typename S>
ellipsoidToGJK(const Ellipsoid<S> & s,const Transform3<S> & tf,ccd_ellipsoid_t * ellipsoid)2322 static void ellipsoidToGJK(const Ellipsoid<S>& s, const Transform3<S>& tf,
2323                            ccd_ellipsoid_t* ellipsoid)
2324 {
2325   shapeToGJK(s, tf, ellipsoid);
2326   ellipsoid->radii[0] = s.radii[0];
2327   ellipsoid->radii[1] = s.radii[1];
2328   ellipsoid->radii[2] = s.radii[2];
2329 }
2331 template <typename S>
convexToGJK(const Convex<S> & s,const Transform3<S> & tf,ccd_convex_t<S> * conv)2332 static void convexToGJK(const Convex<S>& s, const Transform3<S>& tf,
2333                         ccd_convex_t<S>* conv)
2334 {
2335   shapeToGJK(s, tf, conv);
2336   conv->convex = &s;
2337 }
2339 /** Support functions */
supportBox(const void * obj,const ccd_vec3_t * dir_,ccd_vec3_t * v)2340 static inline void supportBox(const void* obj, const ccd_vec3_t* dir_,
2341                               ccd_vec3_t* v)
2342 {
2343   // Use a customized sign function, so that the support of the box always
2344   // appears in one of the box vertices.
2345   // Picking support vertices on the interior of faces/edges can lead to
2346   // degenerate triangles in the EPA algorithm and are no more correct than just
2347   // picking box corners.
2348   auto sign = [](ccd_real_t x) -> ccd_real_t {
2349     return x >= 0 ? ccd_real_t(1.0) : ccd_real_t(-1.0);
2350   };
2351   const ccd_box_t* o = static_cast<const ccd_box_t*>(obj);
2352   ccd_vec3_t dir;
2353   ccdVec3Copy(&dir, dir_);
2354   ccdQuatRotVec(&dir, &o->rot_inv);
2355   ccdVec3Set(v, sign(ccdVec3X(&dir)) * o->dim[0],
2356              sign(ccdVec3Y(&dir)) * o->dim[1],
2357              sign(ccdVec3Z(&dir)) * o->dim[2]);
2358   ccdQuatRotVec(v, &o->rot);
2359   ccdVec3Add(v, &o->pos);
2360 }
supportCap(const void * obj,const ccd_vec3_t * dir_,ccd_vec3_t * v)2362 static inline void supportCap(const void* obj, const ccd_vec3_t* dir_,
2363                               ccd_vec3_t* v)
2364 {
2365   const ccd_cap_t* o = static_cast<const ccd_cap_t*>(obj);
2366   ccd_vec3_t dir, pos1, pos2;
2368   ccdVec3Copy(&dir, dir_);
2369   ccdQuatRotVec(&dir, &o->rot_inv);
2371   ccdVec3Set(&pos1, CCD_ZERO, CCD_ZERO, o->height);
2372   ccdVec3Set(&pos2, CCD_ZERO, CCD_ZERO, -o->height);
2374   ccdVec3Copy(v, &dir);
2375   ccdVec3Normalize (v);
2376   ccdVec3Scale(v, o->radius);
2377   ccdVec3Add(&pos1, v);
2378   ccdVec3Add(&pos2, v);
2380   if (ccdVec3Z (&dir) > 0)
2381     ccdVec3Copy(v, &pos1);
2382   else
2383     ccdVec3Copy(v, &pos2);
2385   // transform support vertex
2386   ccdQuatRotVec(v, &o->rot);
2387   ccdVec3Add(v, &o->pos);
2388 }
supportCyl(const void * obj,const ccd_vec3_t * dir_,ccd_vec3_t * v)2390 static inline void supportCyl(const void* obj, const ccd_vec3_t* dir_,
2391                               ccd_vec3_t* v)
2392 {
2393   const ccd_cyl_t* cyl = static_cast<const ccd_cyl_t*>(obj);
2394   ccd_vec3_t dir;
2395   double zdist, rad;
2397   ccdVec3Copy(&dir, dir_);
2398   ccdQuatRotVec(&dir, &cyl->rot_inv);
2400   zdist = dir.v[0] * dir.v[0] + dir.v[1] * dir.v[1];
2401   zdist = sqrt(zdist);
2402   if (ccdIsZero(zdist))
2403     ccdVec3Set(v, 0., 0., ccdSign(ccdVec3Z(&dir)) * cyl->height);
2404   else
2405   {
2406     rad = cyl->radius / zdist;
2408     ccdVec3Set(v, rad * ccdVec3X(&dir),
2409                rad * ccdVec3Y(&dir),
2410                ccdSign(ccdVec3Z(&dir)) * cyl->height);
2411   }
2413   // transform support vertex
2414   ccdQuatRotVec(v, &cyl->rot);
2415   ccdVec3Add(v, &cyl->pos);
2416 }
supportCone(const void * obj,const ccd_vec3_t * dir_,ccd_vec3_t * v)2418 static inline void supportCone(const void* obj, const ccd_vec3_t* dir_,
2419                                ccd_vec3_t* v)
2420 {
2421   const ccd_cone_t* cone = static_cast<const ccd_cone_t*>(obj);
2422   ccd_vec3_t dir;
2424   ccdVec3Copy(&dir, dir_);
2425   ccdQuatRotVec(&dir, &cone->rot_inv);
2427   double zdist, len, rad;
2428   zdist = dir.v[0] * dir.v[0] + dir.v[1] * dir.v[1];
2429   len = zdist + dir.v[2] * dir.v[2];
2430   zdist = sqrt(zdist);
2431   len = sqrt(len);
2433   double sin_a = cone->radius / sqrt(cone->radius * cone->radius + 4 * cone->height * cone->height);
2435   if (dir.v[2] > len * sin_a)
2436     ccdVec3Set(v, 0., 0., cone->height);
2437   else if (zdist > 0)
2438   {
2439     rad = cone->radius / zdist;
2440     ccdVec3Set(v, rad * ccdVec3X(&dir), rad * ccdVec3Y(&dir), -cone->height);
2441   }
2442   else
2443     ccdVec3Set(v, 0, 0, -cone->height);
2445   // transform support vertex
2446   ccdQuatRotVec(v, &cone->rot);
2447   ccdVec3Add(v, &cone->pos);
2448 }
supportSphere(const void * obj,const ccd_vec3_t * dir_,ccd_vec3_t * v)2450 static inline void supportSphere(const void* obj, const ccd_vec3_t* dir_,
2451                                  ccd_vec3_t* v)
2452 {
2453   const ccd_sphere_t* s = static_cast<const ccd_sphere_t*>(obj);
2454   ccd_vec3_t dir;
2456   ccdVec3Copy(&dir, dir_);
2457   ccdQuatRotVec(&dir, &s->rot_inv);
2459   ccdVec3Copy(v, &dir);
2460   ccdVec3Scale(v, s->radius);
2461   ccdVec3Scale(v, CCD_ONE / CCD_SQRT(ccdVec3Len2(&dir)));
2463   // transform support vertex
2464   ccdQuatRotVec(v, &s->rot);
2465   ccdVec3Add(v, &s->pos);
2466 }
supportEllipsoid(const void * obj,const ccd_vec3_t * dir_,ccd_vec3_t * v)2468 static inline void supportEllipsoid(const void* obj, const ccd_vec3_t* dir_,
2469                                     ccd_vec3_t* v)
2470 {
2471   const ccd_ellipsoid_t* s = static_cast<const ccd_ellipsoid_t*>(obj);
2472   ccd_vec3_t dir;
2474   ccdVec3Copy(&dir, dir_);
2475   ccdQuatRotVec(&dir, &s->rot_inv);
2477   ccd_vec3_t abc2;
2478   abc2.v[0] = s->radii[0] * s->radii[0];
2479   abc2.v[1] = s->radii[1] * s->radii[1];
2480   abc2.v[2] = s->radii[2] * s->radii[2];
2482   v->v[0] = abc2.v[0] * dir.v[0];
2483   v->v[1] = abc2.v[1] * dir.v[1];
2484   v->v[2] = abc2.v[2] * dir.v[2];
2486   ccdVec3Scale(v, CCD_ONE / CCD_SQRT(ccdVec3Dot(v, &dir)));
2488   // transform support vertex
2489   ccdQuatRotVec(v, &s->rot);
2490   ccdVec3Add(v, &s->pos);
2491 }
2493 template <typename S>
supportConvex(const void * obj,const ccd_vec3_t * dir_,ccd_vec3_t * v)2494 static void supportConvex(const void* obj, const ccd_vec3_t* dir_,
2495                           ccd_vec3_t* v)
2496 {
2497   const auto* c = (const ccd_convex_t<S>*)obj;
2499   // Transform the support direction vector from the query frame Q to the
2500   // convex mesh's local frame C. I.e., dir_Q -> dir_C.
2501   ccd_vec3_t dir;
2502   ccdVec3Copy(&dir, dir_);
2503   ccdQuatRotVec(&dir, &c->rot_inv);
2504   // Note: The scalar type ccd_real_t is fixed w.r.t. S. That means if S is
2505   // float and ccd_real_t is double, this conversion requires narrowing. To
2506   // avoid warning/errors about implicit narrowing, we explicitly convert.
2507   Vector3<S> dir_C{S(dir.v[0]), S(dir.v[1]), S(dir.v[2])};
2509   // The extremal point E measured and expressed in Frame C.
2510   const Vector3<S>& p_CE = c->convex->findExtremeVertex(dir_C);
2512   // Now measure and express E in the original query frame Q: p_CE -> p_QE.
2513   v->v[0] = p_CE(0);
2514   v->v[1] = p_CE(1);
2515   v->v[2] = p_CE(2);
2516   ccdQuatRotVec(v, &c->rot);
2517   ccdVec3Add(v, &c->pos);
2518 }
supportTriangle(const void * obj,const ccd_vec3_t * dir_,ccd_vec3_t * v)2520 static void supportTriangle(const void* obj, const ccd_vec3_t* dir_,
2521                             ccd_vec3_t* v)
2522 {
2523   const ccd_triangle_t* tri = static_cast<const ccd_triangle_t*>(obj);
2524   ccd_vec3_t dir, p;
2525   ccd_real_t maxdot, dot;
2526   int i;
2528   ccdVec3Copy(&dir, dir_);
2529   ccdQuatRotVec(&dir, &tri->rot_inv);
2531   maxdot = -CCD_REAL_MAX;
2533   for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
2534   {
2535     ccdVec3Set(&p, tri->p[i].v[0] - tri->c.v[0], tri->p[i].v[1] - tri->c.v[1],
2536         tri->p[i].v[2] - tri->c.v[2]);
2537     dot = ccdVec3Dot(&dir, &p);
2538     if (dot > maxdot)
2539     {
2540       ccdVec3Copy(v, &tri->p[i]);
2541       maxdot = dot;
2542     }
2543   }
2545   // transform support vertex
2546   ccdQuatRotVec(v, &tri->rot);
2547   ccdVec3Add(v, &tri->pos);
2548 }
centerShape(const void * obj,ccd_vec3_t * c)2550 static inline void centerShape(const void* obj, ccd_vec3_t* c)
2551 {
2552   const ccd_obj_t *o = static_cast<const ccd_obj_t*>(obj);
2553   ccdVec3Copy(c, &o->pos);
2554 }
2556 template <typename S>
centerConvex(const void * obj,ccd_vec3_t * c)2557 static void centerConvex(const void* obj, ccd_vec3_t* c)
2558 {
2559   const auto *o = static_cast<const ccd_convex_t<S>*>(obj);
2560   const Vector3<S>& p = o->convex->getInteriorPoint();
2561   ccdVec3Set(c, p[0], p[1], p[2]);
2562   ccdQuatRotVec(c, &o->rot);
2563   ccdVec3Add(c, &o->pos);
2564 }
centerTriangle(const void * obj,ccd_vec3_t * c)2566 static void centerTriangle(const void* obj, ccd_vec3_t* c)
2567 {
2568   const ccd_triangle_t *o = static_cast<const ccd_triangle_t*>(obj);
2569   ccdVec3Copy(c, &o->c);
2570   ccdQuatRotVec(c, &o->rot);
2571   ccdVec3Add(c, &o->pos);
2572 }
2574 template <typename S>
GJKCollide(void * obj1,ccd_support_fn supp1,ccd_center_fn cen1,void * obj2,ccd_support_fn supp2,ccd_center_fn cen2,unsigned int max_iterations,S tolerance,Vector3<S> * contact_points,S * penetration_depth,Vector3<S> * normal)2575 bool GJKCollide(void* obj1, ccd_support_fn supp1, ccd_center_fn cen1,
2576                 void* obj2, ccd_support_fn supp2, ccd_center_fn cen2,
2577                 unsigned int max_iterations, S tolerance,
2578                 Vector3<S>* contact_points, S* penetration_depth,
2579                 Vector3<S>* normal)
2580 {
2581   ccd_t ccd;
2582   int res;
2583   ccd_real_t depth;
2584   ccd_vec3_t dir, pos;
2587   CCD_INIT(&ccd);
2588   ccd.support1 = supp1;
2589   ccd.support2 = supp2;
2590   ccd.center1 = cen1;
2591   ccd.center2 = cen2;
2592   ccd.max_iterations = max_iterations;
2593   ccd.mpr_tolerance = tolerance;
2595   if (!contact_points)
2596   {
2597     return ccdMPRIntersect(obj1, obj2, &ccd);
2598   }
2601   /// libccd returns dir and pos in world space and dir is pointing from
2602   /// object 1 to object 2
2603   res = ccdMPRPenetration(obj1, obj2, &ccd, &depth, &dir, &pos);
2604   if (res == 0)
2605   {
2606     *contact_points << ccdVec3X(&pos), ccdVec3Y(&pos), ccdVec3Z(&pos);
2607     *penetration_depth = depth;
2608     *normal << ccdVec3X(&dir), ccdVec3Y(&dir), ccdVec3Z(&dir);
2610     return true;
2611   }
2613   return false;
2614 }
2616 // For two geometric objects, computes the distance between the two objects and
2617 // returns the closest points. The return argument is the distance when the two
2618 // objects are not colliding, thus a non-negative number; it is a negative
2619 // number when the object is colliding, though the meaning of that negative
2620 // number depends on the implementation.
2621 using DistanceFn = std::function<ccd_real_t (
2622     const void*, const void*, const ccd_t*, ccd_vec3_t*, ccd_vec3_t*)>;
2624 /** Compute the distance between two objects using GJK algorithm.
2625  * @param[in] obj1 A convex geometric object.
2626  * @param[in] supp1 A function to compute the support of obj1 along some
2627  * direction.
2628  * @param[in] obj2 A convex geometric object.
2629  * @param[in] supp2 A function to compute the support of obj2 along some
2630  * direction.
2631  * @param max_iterations The maximal iterations before the GJK algorithm
2632  * terminates.
2633  * @param[in] tolerance The tolerance used in GJK. When the change of distance
2634  * is smaller than this tolerance, the algorithm terminates.
2635  * @param[in] distance_func The actual function that computes the distance.
2636  * Different functions should be passed in, depending on whether the user wants
2637  * to compute a signed distance (with penetration depth) or not.
2638  * @param[out] res The distance between the objects. When the two objects are
2639  * not colliding, this is the actual distance, a positive number. When the two
2640  * objects are colliding, it is a negative value. The actual meaning of the
2641  * negative distance is defined by `distance_func`.
2642  * @param[out] p1 The closest point on object 1 in the world frame.
2643  * @param[out] p2 The closest point on object 2 in the world frame.
2644  * @retval is_separated True if the objects are separated, false otherwise.
2645  */
2646 template <typename S>
GJKDistanceImpl(void * obj1,ccd_support_fn supp1,void * obj2,ccd_support_fn supp2,unsigned int max_iterations,S tolerance,detail::DistanceFn distance_func,S * res,Vector3<S> * p1,Vector3<S> * p2)2647 bool GJKDistanceImpl(void* obj1, ccd_support_fn supp1, void* obj2,
2648                      ccd_support_fn supp2, unsigned int max_iterations,
2649                      S tolerance, detail::DistanceFn distance_func, S* res,
2650                      Vector3<S>* p1, Vector3<S>* p2) {
2651   ccd_t ccd;
2652   ccd_real_t dist;
2653   CCD_INIT(&ccd);
2654   ccd.support1 = supp1;
2655   ccd.support2 = supp2;
2657   ccd.max_iterations = max_iterations;
2658   ccd.dist_tolerance = tolerance;
2659   ccd.epa_tolerance = tolerance;
2661   ccd_vec3_t p1_, p2_;
2662   // NOTE(JS): p1_ and p2_ are set to zeros in order to suppress uninitialized
2663   // warning. It seems the warnings occur since libccd_extension::ccdGJKDist2
2664   // conditionally set p1_ and p2_. If this wasn't intentional then please
2665   // remove the initialization of p1_ and p2_, and change the function
2666   // libccd_extension::ccdGJKDist2(...) to always set p1_ and p2_.
2667   ccdVec3Set(&p1_, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
2668   ccdVec3Set(&p2_, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
2669   dist = distance_func(obj1, obj2, &ccd, &p1_, &p2_);
2670   if (p1) *p1 << ccdVec3X(&p1_), ccdVec3Y(&p1_), ccdVec3Z(&p1_);
2671   if (p2) *p2 << ccdVec3X(&p2_), ccdVec3Y(&p2_), ccdVec3Z(&p2_);
2672   if (res) *res = dist;
2673   if (dist < 0)
2674     return false;
2675   else
2676     return true;
2677 }
2679 template <typename S>
GJKDistance(void * obj1,ccd_support_fn supp1,void * obj2,ccd_support_fn supp2,unsigned int max_iterations,S tolerance,S * res,Vector3<S> * p1,Vector3<S> * p2)2680 bool GJKDistance(void* obj1, ccd_support_fn supp1,
2681                  void* obj2, ccd_support_fn supp2,
2682                  unsigned int max_iterations, S tolerance,
2683                  S* res, Vector3<S>* p1, Vector3<S>* p2) {
2684   return detail::GJKDistanceImpl(obj1, supp1, obj2, supp2, max_iterations,
2685                                  tolerance, libccd_extension::ccdGJKDist2, res,
2686                                  p1, p2);
2687 }
2689 /**
2690  * Compute the signed distance between two mesh objects. When the objects are
2691  * separating, the signed distance is > 0. When the objects are touching or
2692  * penetrating, the signed distance is <= 0.
2693  * @param tolerance. When the objects are separating, the GJK algorithm
2694  * terminates when the change of distance between iterations is smaller than
2695  * this tolerance. Note that this does NOT necessarily mean that the computed
2696  * distance is within @p tolerance to the actual distance. On the other hand,
2697  * when the objects are penetrating, the EPA algorithm terminates when the
2698  * difference between the upper bound and the lower bound of the penetration
2699  * depth is smaller than @p tolerance. Hence the computed penetration depth is
2700  * within @p tolerance to the true depth.
2701  */
2702 template <typename S>
GJKSignedDistance(void * obj1,ccd_support_fn supp1,void * obj2,ccd_support_fn supp2,unsigned int max_iterations,S tolerance,S * res,Vector3<S> * p1,Vector3<S> * p2)2703 bool GJKSignedDistance(void* obj1, ccd_support_fn supp1,
2704                        void* obj2, ccd_support_fn supp2,
2705                        unsigned int max_iterations,
2706                        S tolerance, S* res, Vector3<S>* p1, Vector3<S>* p2) {
2707   return detail::GJKDistanceImpl(
2708       obj1, supp1, obj2, supp2, max_iterations, tolerance,
2709       libccd_extension::ccdGJKSignedDist, res, p1, p2);
2710 }
2712 template <typename S>
getSupportFunction()2713 GJKSupportFunction GJKInitializer<S, Cylinder<S>>::getSupportFunction()
2714 {
2715   return &supportCyl;
2716 }
2718 template <typename S>
getCenterFunction()2719 GJKCenterFunction GJKInitializer<S, Cylinder<S>>::getCenterFunction()
2720 {
2721   return &centerShape;
2722 }
2724 template <typename S>
createGJKObject(const Cylinder<S> & s,const Transform3<S> & tf)2725 void* GJKInitializer<S, Cylinder<S>>::createGJKObject(const Cylinder<S>& s,
2726                                                       const Transform3<S>& tf)
2727 {
2728   ccd_cyl_t* o = new ccd_cyl_t;
2729   cylToGJK(s, tf, o);
2730   return o;
2731 }
2733 template <typename S>
deleteGJKObject(void * o_)2734 void GJKInitializer<S, Cylinder<S>>::deleteGJKObject(void* o_)
2735 {
2736   ccd_cyl_t* o = static_cast<ccd_cyl_t*>(o_);
2737   delete o;
2738 }
2740 template <typename S>
getSupportFunction()2741 GJKSupportFunction GJKInitializer<S, Sphere<S>>::getSupportFunction()
2742 {
2743   return &supportSphere;
2744 }
2746 template <typename S>
getCenterFunction()2747 GJKCenterFunction GJKInitializer<S, Sphere<S>>::getCenterFunction()
2748 {
2749   return &centerShape;
2750 }
2752 template <typename S>
createGJKObject(const Sphere<S> & s,const Transform3<S> & tf)2753 void* GJKInitializer<S, Sphere<S>>::createGJKObject(const Sphere<S>& s,
2754                                                     const Transform3<S>& tf)
2755 {
2756   ccd_sphere_t* o = new ccd_sphere_t;
2757   sphereToGJK(s, tf, o);
2758   return o;
2759 }
2761 template <typename S>
deleteGJKObject(void * o_)2762 void GJKInitializer<S, Sphere<S>>::deleteGJKObject(void* o_)
2763 {
2764   ccd_sphere_t* o = static_cast<ccd_sphere_t*>(o_);
2765   delete o;
2766 }
2768 template <typename S>
getSupportFunction()2769 GJKSupportFunction GJKInitializer<S, Ellipsoid<S>>::getSupportFunction()
2770 {
2771   return &supportEllipsoid;
2772 }
2774 template <typename S>
getCenterFunction()2775 GJKCenterFunction GJKInitializer<S, Ellipsoid<S>>::getCenterFunction()
2776 {
2777   return &centerShape;
2778 }
2780 template <typename S>
createGJKObject(const Ellipsoid<S> & s,const Transform3<S> & tf)2781 void* GJKInitializer<S, Ellipsoid<S>>::createGJKObject(const Ellipsoid<S>& s,
2782                                                        const Transform3<S>& tf)
2783 {
2784   ccd_ellipsoid_t* o = new ccd_ellipsoid_t;
2785   ellipsoidToGJK(s, tf, o);
2786   return o;
2787 }
2789 template <typename S>
deleteGJKObject(void * o_)2790 void GJKInitializer<S, Ellipsoid<S>>::deleteGJKObject(void* o_)
2791 {
2792   ccd_ellipsoid_t* o = static_cast<ccd_ellipsoid_t*>(o_);
2793   delete o;
2794 }
2796 template <typename S>
getSupportFunction()2797 GJKSupportFunction GJKInitializer<S, Box<S>>::getSupportFunction()
2798 {
2799   return &supportBox;
2800 }
2802 template <typename S>
getCenterFunction()2803 GJKCenterFunction GJKInitializer<S, Box<S>>::getCenterFunction()
2804 {
2805   return &centerShape;
2806 }
2808 template <typename S>
createGJKObject(const Box<S> & s,const Transform3<S> & tf)2809 void* GJKInitializer<S, Box<S>>::createGJKObject(const Box<S>& s,
2810                                                  const Transform3<S>& tf)
2811 {
2812   ccd_box_t* o = new ccd_box_t;
2813   boxToGJK(s, tf, o);
2814   return o;
2815 }
2817 template <typename S>
deleteGJKObject(void * o_)2818 void GJKInitializer<S, Box<S>>::deleteGJKObject(void* o_)
2819 {
2820   ccd_box_t* o = static_cast<ccd_box_t*>(o_);
2821   delete o;
2822 }
2824 template <typename S>
getSupportFunction()2825 GJKSupportFunction GJKInitializer<S, Capsule<S>>::getSupportFunction()
2826 {
2827   return &supportCap;
2828 }
2830 template <typename S>
getCenterFunction()2831 GJKCenterFunction GJKInitializer<S, Capsule<S>>::getCenterFunction()
2832 {
2833   return &centerShape;
2834 }
2836 template <typename S>
createGJKObject(const Capsule<S> & s,const Transform3<S> & tf)2837 void* GJKInitializer<S, Capsule<S>>::createGJKObject(const Capsule<S>& s,
2838                                                      const Transform3<S>& tf)
2839 {
2840   ccd_cap_t* o = new ccd_cap_t;
2841   capToGJK(s, tf, o);
2842   return o;
2843 }
2845 template <typename S>
deleteGJKObject(void * o_)2846 void GJKInitializer<S, Capsule<S>>::deleteGJKObject(void* o_)
2847 {
2848   ccd_cap_t* o = static_cast<ccd_cap_t*>(o_);
2849   delete o;
2850 }
2852 template <typename S>
getSupportFunction()2853 GJKSupportFunction GJKInitializer<S, Cone<S>>::getSupportFunction()
2854 {
2855   return &supportCone;
2856 }
2858 template <typename S>
getCenterFunction()2859 GJKCenterFunction GJKInitializer<S, Cone<S>>::getCenterFunction()
2860 {
2861   return &centerShape;
2862 }
2864 template <typename S>
createGJKObject(const Cone<S> & s,const Transform3<S> & tf)2865 void* GJKInitializer<S, Cone<S>>::createGJKObject(const Cone<S>& s,
2866                                                   const Transform3<S>& tf)
2867 {
2868   ccd_cone_t* o = new ccd_cone_t;
2869   coneToGJK(s, tf, o);
2870   return o;
2871 }
2873 template <typename S>
deleteGJKObject(void * o_)2874 void GJKInitializer<S, Cone<S>>::deleteGJKObject(void* o_)
2875 {
2876   ccd_cone_t* o = static_cast<ccd_cone_t*>(o_);
2877   delete o;
2878 }
2880 template <typename S>
getSupportFunction()2881 GJKSupportFunction GJKInitializer<S, Convex<S>>::getSupportFunction()
2882 {
2883   return &supportConvex<S>;
2884 }
2886 template <typename S>
getCenterFunction()2887 GJKCenterFunction GJKInitializer<S, Convex<S>>::getCenterFunction()
2888 {
2889   return &centerConvex<S>;
2890 }
2892 template <typename S>
createGJKObject(const Convex<S> & s,const Transform3<S> & tf)2893 void* GJKInitializer<S, Convex<S>>::createGJKObject(const Convex<S>& s,
2894                                                     const Transform3<S>& tf)
2895 {
2896   auto* o = new ccd_convex_t<S>;
2897   convexToGJK(s, tf, o);
2898   return o;
2899 }
2901 template <typename S>
deleteGJKObject(void * o_)2902 void GJKInitializer<S, Convex<S>>::deleteGJKObject(void* o_)
2903 {
2904   auto* o = static_cast<ccd_convex_t<S>*>(o_);
2905   delete o;
2906 }
triGetSupportFunction()2908 inline GJKSupportFunction triGetSupportFunction()
2909 {
2910   return &supportTriangle;
2911 }
triGetCenterFunction()2913 inline GJKCenterFunction triGetCenterFunction()
2914 {
2915   return &centerTriangle;
2916 }
2918 template <typename S>
triCreateGJKObject(const Vector3<S> & P1,const Vector3<S> & P2,const Vector3<S> & P3)2919 void* triCreateGJKObject(const Vector3<S>& P1, const Vector3<S>& P2,
2920                          const Vector3<S>& P3)
2921 {
2922   ccd_triangle_t* o = new ccd_triangle_t;
2923   Vector3<S> center((P1[0] + P2[0] + P3[0]) / 3, (P1[1] + P2[1] + P3[1]) / 3,
2924       (P1[2] + P2[2] + P3[2]) / 3);
2926   ccdVec3Set(&o->p[0], P1[0], P1[1], P1[2]);
2927   ccdVec3Set(&o->p[1], P2[0], P2[1], P2[2]);
2928   ccdVec3Set(&o->p[2], P3[0], P3[1], P3[2]);
2929   ccdVec3Set(&o->c, center[0], center[1], center[2]);
2930   ccdVec3Set(&o->pos, 0., 0., 0.);
2931   ccdQuatSet(&o->rot, 0., 0., 0., 1.);
2932   ccdQuatInvert2(&o->rot_inv, &o->rot);
2934   return o;
2935 }
2937 template <typename S>
triCreateGJKObject(const Vector3<S> & P1,const Vector3<S> & P2,const Vector3<S> & P3,const Transform3<S> & tf)2938 void* triCreateGJKObject(const Vector3<S>& P1, const Vector3<S>& P2,
2939                          const Vector3<S>& P3, const Transform3<S>& tf)
2940 {
2941   ccd_triangle_t* o = new ccd_triangle_t;
2942   Vector3<S> center((P1[0] + P2[0] + P3[0]) / 3, (P1[1] + P2[1] + P3[1]) / 3,
2943       (P1[2] + P2[2] + P3[2]) / 3);
2945   ccdVec3Set(&o->p[0], P1[0], P1[1], P1[2]);
2946   ccdVec3Set(&o->p[1], P2[0], P2[1], P2[2]);
2947   ccdVec3Set(&o->p[2], P3[0], P3[1], P3[2]);
2948   ccdVec3Set(&o->c, center[0], center[1], center[2]);
2949   const Quaternion<S> q(tf.linear());
2950   const Vector3<S>& T = tf.translation();
2951   ccdVec3Set(&o->pos, T[0], T[1], T[2]);
2952   ccdQuatSet(&o->rot, q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), q.w());
2953   ccdQuatInvert2(&o->rot_inv, &o->rot);
2955   return o;
2956 }
triDeleteGJKObject(void * o_)2958 inline void triDeleteGJKObject(void* o_)
2959 {
2960   ccd_triangle_t* o = static_cast<ccd_triangle_t*>(o_);
2961   delete o;
2962 }
2964 } // namespace detail
2965 } // namespace fcl
2967 #endif