1 /*! \file   DissectionQueue.hpp
2     \brief  management of threads for factorization and Fw/Bw substitution
3     \author Atsushi Suzuki, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions
4     \date   Mar. 30th 2012
5     \date   Jul. 12th 2015
6     \date   Nov. 30th 2016
7 */
9 // This file is part of Dissection
10 //
11 // Dissection is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
12 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
13 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
14 // (at your option) any later version.
15 //
16 // Linking Dissection statically or dynamically with other modules is making
17 // a combined work based on Disssection. Thus, the terms and conditions of
18 // the GNU General Public License cover the whole combination.
19 //
20 // As a special exception, the copyright holders of Dissection give you
21 // permission to combine Dissection program with free software programs or
22 // libraries that are released under the GNU LGPL and with independent modules
23 // that communicate with Dissection solely through the Dissection-fortran
24 // interface. You may copy and distribute such a system following the terms of
25 // the GNU GPL for Dissection and the licenses of the other code concerned,
26 // provided that you include the source code of that other code when and as
27 // the GNU GPL requires distribution of source code and provided that you do
28 // not modify the Dissection-fortran interface.
29 //
30 // Note that people who make modified versions of Dissection are not obligated
31 // to grant this special exception for their modified versions; it is their
32 // choice whether to do so. The GNU General Public License gives permission to
33 // release a modified version without this exception; this exception also makes
34 // it possible to release a modified version which carries forward this
35 // exception. If you modify the Dissection-fortran interface, this exception
36 // does not apply to your modified version of Dissection, and you must remove
37 // this exception when you distribute your modified version.
38 //
39 // This exception is an additional permission under section 7 of the GNU
40 // General Public License, version 3 ("GPLv3")
41 //
42 // Dissection is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
43 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
45 // GNU General Public License for more details.
46 //
47 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
48 // along with Dissection.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
49 //
53 #include "Compiler/OptionLibrary.hpp"
54 #include <cassert>
55 #include "Splitters/BisectionTree.hpp"
56 #include "Driver/DissectionMatrix.hpp"
57 #include "Driver/QueueRuntime.hpp"
58 #include "Compiler/elapsed_time.hpp"
59 #include <time.h>
60 #include <string>
62 template<typename T, typename U = T>
63 class DissectionQueue
64 {
65 public:
66   DissectionQueue(Dissection::Tree *btree,
67 		  vector<DissectionMatrix<T, U>*>& dissectionMatrix,
68 		  const int num_threads,
69 		  const bool isSym,
70 		  const bool verbose,
71 		  FILE *fp);
73   ~DissectionQueue();
75   void generate_queue(vector<DissectionMatrix<T, U>*>& dM,
76 		      int nnz, T *coefs);
78   void generate_queue_fwbw(vector<DissectionMatrix<T, U>*>& dissectionMatrix,
79 			   int dim, int nnz, T *coefs);
81   void exec_symb_fact();
83   void exec_num_fact(const int called,
84 		     const double eps_piv,
85 		     const bool kernel_detection,
86 		     const int aug_dim,
87 		     const U eps_machine,
88 		     const bool higher_precision);
90   void exec_fwbw(T *x, const int nrhs, bool isTrans);
91   void exec_fwbw_seq(T *x, const int nrhs, bool isTrans);
93   void erase_queue(void);
94   void erase_queue_fwbw(void);
DissectionQueue(const DissectionQueue & s)96   DissectionQueue(const DissectionQueue &s)
97   {
98     _queue_symb = s._queue_symb;
99     _queue_static = s._queue_static;
100     _queue_dynamic = s._queue_dynamic;
101     _pivots = s._pivots;
102   }
ChildContribs(int nb)104   list<child_contribution<T> >& ChildContribs(int nb) {
105     return _child_contribs[nb];
106   }
dimension() const108   int dimension() const { return _dim; }
nnz() const109   int nnz() const { return _nnz; }
111 private:
112   Dissection::Tree* _btree;
114   C_task_seq* _queue_symb;     // single set of tasks among sparse subdomains
115   C_task_seq* _queue_fwbw;
116   list<C_task_seq*> *_queue_static;
117   vector<C_task_seq *> *_queue_dynamic;
118   list<C_task *> _queue_dummy;
119   vector<int>* _children;
120   vector<C_task *>* _tasks_SparseSymb;
121   vector<C_task *>* _tasks_SparseNum;
122   vector<C_task *>* _tasks_SparseLocalSchur;
123   vector<C_task *>* _tasks_DFillSym;
124   vector<C_task *>* _tasks_DFullLDLt;
125   vector<C_task *>* _tasks_DTRSMScale;
126   vector<C_task *>* _tasks_DSymmGEMM;
127   vector<C_task *>* _tasks_deallocLocalSchur;
128   vector<C_task *>** _tasks_Dsub;
129   vector<C_task *>* _tasks_deallocLower;
130   list<child_contribution<T> > *_child_contribs;
132   int _num_threads;
133   int _num_threads_symb;
134   int _dim;
135   int _nnz;
136   int _nb_doms;
137   int _nb_level;
139   double _eps_piv;           // used in selecting pivot
140   bool _kernel_detection;
141   bool _higher_precision;
142   int _aug_dim;
143   U _eps_machine;            // magnitude of numerical perturbation
144   double *_pivots;
145   int _max_size_work_y;
146   list<diag_contribution>* _diag_contribs;
147   T ***_xi;
148   T ***_yi;
149   T ***_zi;
150   T ***_wi;
151   T **_x;   // a pointer to keep rhs and solution vectors
153   int **_nrhs;    // these values contain only address information during
154   bool **_isTrans;
155   // queue generation of fw/bw subtitutions
156   bool _verbose;
157   FILE *_fp;
158   FILE **_fps;
159   bool _isSym;
161   QueueRuntime* _dissectionRuntime;
162   bool _queue_symb_allocated;
163   bool _queue_numrc_allocated;
164   bool _queue_fwbw_allocated;
166   static const T _one;  // (1.0);
167   static const T _zero; // (0.0);
168   static const T _none; // (-1.0);
169 }; // End class DissictionQueue
171 #endif