1 /****************************************************************************/
2 /* This file is part of FreeFEM.                                            */
3 /*                                                                          */
4 /* FreeFEM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          */
5 /* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as           */
6 /* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of           */
7 /* the License, or (at your option) any later version.                      */
8 /*                                                                          */
9 /* FreeFEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               */
10 /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           */
12 /* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                      */
13 /*                                                                          */
14 /* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
15 /* along with FreeFEM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.          */
16 /****************************************************************************/
17 // SUMMARY : ...
18 // LICENSE : LGPLv3
19 // ORG     : LJLL Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, FRANCE
20 // AUTHORS : ...
21 // E-MAIL  : ...
23 /* clang-format off */
24 //ff-c++-LIBRARY-dep:
25 //ff-c++-cpp-dep:
26 /* clang-format on */
28 #include "ff++.hpp"
29 #include "AddNewFE.h"
31 // Attention probleme de numerotation des inconnues
32 // -------------------------------------------------
33 // dans freefem, il y a un noeud par objets  sommet, arete, element.
34 // et donc la numerotation des dl dans l'element depend
35 // de l'orientation des aretes
36 //
37 /// ---------------------------------------------------------------
38 namespace Fem2D {
39   // ------ P3dc
40   class TypeOfFE_P3dcLagrange : public TypeOfFE {
41    public:
42     static const int k = 3;
43     static const int ndf = (k + 2) * (k + 1) / 2;
44     static int Data[];
45     static double Pi_h_coef[];
46     static const int nn[10][3];
47     static const int aa[10][3];
48     static const int ff[10];
49     static const int il[10];
50     static const int jl[10];
51     static const int kl[10];
52     static const R2 G;
53     static const R cshrink;
54     static const R cshrink1;
Shrink(const R2 & P)55     static R2 Shrink(const R2 &P) { return (P - G) * cshrink + G; }
Shrink1(const R2 & P)57     static R2 Shrink1(const R2 &P) { return (P - G) * cshrink1 + G; }
TypeOfFE_P3dcLagrange()59     TypeOfFE_P3dcLagrange( ) : TypeOfFE(3 + 2 * 3 + 1, 1, Data, 4, 1, 10, 10, Pi_h_coef) {
60       static const R2 Pt[10] = {R2(0 / 3., 0 / 3.), R2(3 / 3., 0 / 3.), R2(0 / 3., 3 / 3.),
61                                 R2(2 / 3., 1 / 3.), R2(1 / 3., 2 / 3.), R2(0 / 3., 2 / 3.),
62                                 R2(0 / 3., 1 / 3.), R2(1 / 3., 0 / 3.), R2(2 / 3., 0 / 3.),
63                                 R2(1 / 3., 1 / 3.)};
65       // 3,4,5,6,7,8
66       for (int i = 0; i < NbDoF; i++) {
67         pij_alpha[i] = IPJ(i, i, 0);
68         P_Pi_h[i] = Shrink(Pt[i]);
69       }
70     }
72     void FB(const bool *whatd, const Mesh &Th, const Triangle &K, const RdHat &P1,
73             RNMK_ &val) const;
74   };
76   const R2 TypeOfFE_P3dcLagrange::G(1. / 3., 1. / 3.);
77   const R TypeOfFE_P3dcLagrange::cshrink = 1 - 1e-2;
78   const R TypeOfFE_P3dcLagrange::cshrink1 = 1. / TypeOfFE_P3dcLagrange::cshrink;
80   // on what     nu df on node node of df
81   int TypeOfFE_P3dcLagrange::Data[] = {
82     6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6,    // the support number  of the node of the df
83     0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,    // the number of the df on  the node
84     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,    // the node of the df
85     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,    // the df come from which FE (generaly 0)
86     0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,    // which are de df on sub FE
87     0,                               // for each compontant $j=0,N-1$ it give the sub FE associated
88     0, 10};
89   double TypeOfFE_P3dcLagrange::Pi_h_coef[] = {1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1., 1.};
FB(const bool * whatd,const Mesh &,const Triangle & K,const RdHat & P1,RNMK_ & val) const90   void TypeOfFE_P3dcLagrange::FB(const bool *whatd, const Mesh &, const Triangle &K,
91                                  const RdHat &P1, RNMK_ &val) const {
92     R2 P = Shrink1(P1);
93     R2 A(K[0]), B(K[1]), C(K[2]);
94     R l0 = 1 - P.x - P.y, l1 = P.x, l2 = P.y;
95     R L[3] = {l0 * k, l1 * k, l2 * k};
97     throwassert(val.N( ) >= 10);
98     throwassert(val.M( ) == 1);
99     // Attention il faut renumeroter les fonction de bases
100     // car dans freefem++, il y a un node par sommet, arete or element
101     // et la numerotation naturelle  mais 2 noud pas arete
102     // donc p est la perumation
103     // echange de numerotation si les arete sont dans le mauvais sens
104     int p[10];
106     for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
107       p[i] = i;
108     }
110     /*
111      * if(K.EdgeOrientation(0) <0) Exchange(p[3],p[4]);// 3,4
112      * if(K.EdgeOrientation(1) <0) Exchange(p[5],p[6]);// 5,6
113      * if(K.EdgeOrientation(2) <0) Exchange(p[7],p[8]);// 7,8
114      */
115     // cout << KN_<int>(p,10) <<endl;
116     val = 0;
117     /*
118      * //  les fonction de base du Pk Lagrange sont
119      * //
120      * //
121      */
122     // --
124     if (whatd[op_id]) {
125       RN_ f0(val('.', 0, op_id));
127       for (int df = 0; df < ndf; df++) {
128         int pdf = p[df];
129         R f = 1. / ff[df];
131         for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
132           f *= L[nn[df][i]] - aa[df][i];
133         }
135         f0[pdf] = f;
136       }
137     }
139     if (whatd[op_dx] || whatd[op_dy] || whatd[op_dxx] || whatd[op_dyy] || whatd[op_dxy]) {
140       R ks = k * cshrink1;
141       R2 D[] = {K.H(0) * ks, K.H(1) * ks, K.H(2) * ks};
142       if (whatd[op_dx] || whatd[op_dy]) {
143         for (int df = 0; df < ndf; df++) {
144           int pdf = p[df];
145           R fx = 0., fy = 0., f = 1. / ff[df];
147           for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
148             int n = nn[df][i];
149             R Ln = L[n] - aa[df][i];
150             fx = fx * Ln + f * D[n].x;
151             fy = fy * Ln + f * D[n].y;
152             f = f * Ln;
153           }
155           if (whatd[op_dx]) {
156             val(pdf, 0, op_dx) = fx;
157           }
159           if (whatd[op_dy]) {
160             val(pdf, 0, op_dy) = fy;
161           }
162         }
163       }
165       if (whatd[op_dyy] || whatd[op_dxy] || whatd[op_dxx]) {
166         for (int df = 0; df < ndf; df++) {
167           int pdf = p[df];
168           R fx = 0., fy = 0., f = 1. / ff[df];
169           R fxx = 0., fyy = 0., fxy = 0.;
171           for (int i = 0; i < k; ++i) {
172             int n = nn[df][i];
173             R Ln = L[n] - aa[df][i];
174             fxx = fxx * Ln + 2. * fx * D[n].x;
175             fyy = fyy * Ln + 2. * fy * D[n].y;
176             fxy = fxy * Ln + fx * D[n].y + fy * D[n].x;
177             fx = fx * Ln + f * D[n].x;
178             fy = fy * Ln + f * D[n].y;
179             f = f * Ln;
180           }
182           if (whatd[op_dxx]) {
183             val(pdf, 0, op_dxx) = fxx;
184           }
186           if (whatd[op_dyy]) {
187             val(pdf, 0, op_dyy) = fyy;
188           }
190           if (whatd[op_dxy]) {
191             val(pdf, 0, op_dxy) = fxy;
192           }
193         }
194       }
195     }
196   }
198 #include "Element_P3dc.hpp"
200   // link with FreeFem++
201   static TypeOfFE_P3dcLagrange P3dcLagrangeP3dc;
202   // a static variable to add the finite element to freefem++
203   static AddNewFE P3dcLagrange("P3dc", &P3dcLagrangeP3dc);
204 }    // namespace Fem2D
206 // --- fin --