1 /****************************************************************************/
2 /* This file is part of FreeFEM.                                            */
3 /*                                                                          */
4 /* FreeFEM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify          */
5 /* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as           */
6 /* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of           */
7 /* the License, or (at your option) any later version.                      */
8 /*                                                                          */
9 /* FreeFEM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,               */
10 /* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of           */
12 /* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                      */
13 /*                                                                          */
14 /* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License */
15 /* along with FreeFEM. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.          */
16 /****************************************************************************/
17 // SUMMARY : ...
18 // LICENSE : LGPLv3
19 // ORG     : LJLL Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, FRANCE
20 // AUTHORS : Frederic Hecht
21 // E-MAIL  : frederic.hecht@sorbonne-unviersite.fr
23 /* clang-format off */
24 //ff-c++-LIBRARY-dep: mumps_seq blas libseq fc pthread
25 //ff-c++-cpp-dep:
26 /* clang-format on */
28 // F. Hecht  december 2011
29 // ----------------------------
30 // file to add MUMPS sequentiel interface for sparce linear solver with dynamic load.
32 #include <iostream>
33 using namespace std;
35 #include "ff++.hpp"
37 #include "mumps_seq/mpi.h"
38 #include "dmumps_c.h"
39 #include "zmumps_c.h"
41 const int JOB_INIT = -1;
42 const int JOB_END = -2;
43 const int JOB_ANA = 1;
44 const int JOB_FAC = 2;
45 const int JOB_ANA_FAC = 4;
46 const int JOB_SOLVE = 3;
47 const int USE_COMM_WORLD = -987654;
49 template< typename RR >
51   typedef void MUMPS;
52   typedef void R;
53 };
55 template<>
56 struct MUMPS_STRUC_TRAIT< double > {
57   typedef DMUMPS_STRUC_C MUMPS;
58   typedef double R;
59 };
61 template<>
62 struct MUMPS_STRUC_TRAIT< Complex > {
63   typedef ZMUMPS_STRUC_C MUMPS;
64   typedef ZMUMPS_COMPLEX R;
65 };
mumps_c(DMUMPS_STRUC_C * id)67 void mumps_c(DMUMPS_STRUC_C *id) { dmumps_c(id); }
mumps_c(ZMUMPS_STRUC_C * id)69 void mumps_c(ZMUMPS_STRUC_C *id) { zmumps_c(id); }
71 // template<typename R>
72 template< class R = double >
73 class SolveMUMPS_seq : public VirtualSolver< int, R > {
74  public:
75   static const int orTypeSol;
76   typedef HashMatrix< int, R > HMat;
77   typedef R K;    //
78   HMat &A;
80   // typedef double R;
81   long verb;
82   double eps;
83   mutable double epsr;
84   double tgv;
85   int cn, cs;
86   typedef typename MUMPS_STRUC_TRAIT< R >::R MR;
87   mutable typename MUMPS_STRUC_TRAIT< R >::MUMPS id;
88   KN< double > *rinfog;
89   KN< long > *infog;
ICNTL(int i) const91   int &ICNTL(int i) const { return id.icntl[i - 1]; }
CNTL(int i) const92   double &CNTL(int i) const { return id.cntl[i - 1]; }
INFO(int i) const93   int &INFO(int i) const { return id.info[i - 1]; }
RINFO(int i) const94   double &RINFO(int i) const { return id.rinfo[i - 1]; }
INFOG(int i) const95   int &INFOG(int i) const { return id.infog[i - 1]; }
RINFOG(int i) const96   double &RINFOG(int i) const { return id.rinfog[i - 1]; }
SetVerb() const98   void SetVerb( ) const {
99     ICNTL(1) = 6;    //   output stream for error messages.
100     ICNTL(2) = 6;    //  stream for diagnostic printing, statistics, and warning messages.
101     ICNTL(3) = 6;    //  output stream global information, collected on the host.
102     ICNTL(4) = min(max(verb - 2, 1L), 4L);    // the level of printing for error, warning, and diag
103     if (verb == 0) ICNTL(4) = 0;
104     ICNTL(11) = 0;    // noerroranalysisisperformed(nostatistics).
105     if (id.job == JOB_SOLVE &&
106         verb > 99) {    // computes statistics related to an error analysis of the linear system
107       if (verb > 999)
108         ICNTL(11) = 1;    // All Stat (veryexpensive)
109       else
110         ICNTL(11) = 2;    // compute main statistics
111     }
112   }
Clean()113   void Clean( ) {
114     delete[] id.irn;
115     delete[] id.jcn;
116     delete[] id.a;
117     id.irn = 0;
118     id.jcn = 0;
119     id.a = 0;
120   }
to_mumps_mat()121   void to_mumps_mat( ) {
122     Clean( );
124     id.nrhs = 0;    //
125     int n = A.n;
126     int nz = A.nnz;
127     ffassert(A.n == A.m);
129     int *irn = new int[nz];
130     int *jcn = new int[nz];
131     R *a = new R[nz];
132     A.CSR( );
134     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
135       for (int k = A.p[i]; k < A.p[i + 1]; ++k) {
136         irn[k] = i + 1;
137         jcn[k] = A.j[k] + 1;
138         a[k] = A.aij[k];
139       }
140     }
142     id.n = n;
143     id.nz = nz;
144     id.irn = irn;
145     id.jcn = jcn;
146     id.a = (MR *)(void *)a;
147     id.rhs = 0;
148     ffassert(A.half == id.sym);    //
149     ICNTL(5) = 0;                         // input matrix type
150     ICNTL(7) = 7;                         // NUMBERING ...
152     ICNTL(9) = 1;    // 1: A x = b, !1 : tA x = b  during slove phase
153     ICNTL(18) = 0;
154   }
Check(const char * msg="mumps_seq")155   void Check(const char *msg = "mumps_seq") {
156     if (INFO(1) != 0) {
157       cout << " Erreur Mumps seq: number " << INFO(1) << endl;
158       cout << " Fatal Erreur  " << msg << endl;
159       Clean( );
160       id.job = JOB_END;
161       mumps_c(&id); /* Terminate instance */
162       ErrorExec(msg, INFO(1));
163     }
164   }
CopyInfo()165   void CopyInfo( ) {
166     if (rinfog) {
167       // copy rinfog
168       if (rinfog->N( ) < 40) {
169         rinfog->resize(40);
170       }
172       for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i) {
173         (*rinfog)[i] = RINFOG(i + 1);
174       }
175     }
177     if (infog) {
178       // copy ginfo
179       if (infog->N( ) < 40) {
180         infog->resize(40);
181       }
183       for (int i = 0; i < 40; ++i) {
184         (*infog)[i] = INFOG(i + 1);
185       }
186     }
187   }
SolveMUMPS_seq(HMat & AA,const Data_Sparse_Solver & ds,Stack stack)188   SolveMUMPS_seq(HMat &AA, const Data_Sparse_Solver &ds, Stack stack)
189     : A(AA), verb(ds.verb), eps(ds.epsilon), epsr(0), tgv(ds.tgv), cn(0), cs(0), rinfog(ds.rinfo),
190       infog(ds.info) {
192     int myid = 0;
194     id.irn = 0;
195     id.jcn = 0;
196     id.a = 0;
198     id.job = JOB_INIT;
199     id.par = 1;
200     id.sym = A.half;
201     id.comm_fortran = USE_COMM_WORLD;
202     SetVerb( );
203     mumps_c(&id);
205     Check("MUMPS_seq build/init");
206     if (verbosity > 3) {
207       cout << "  -- MUMPS   n=  " << id.n << ", peak Mem: " << INFOG(22) << " Mb"
208            << " sym: " << id.sym << endl;
209     }
210   }
~SolveMUMPS_seq()212   ~SolveMUMPS_seq( ) {
213     Clean( );
214     id.job = JOB_END;
215     SetVerb( );
216     mumps_c(&id); /* Terminate instance */
217                   /*int ierr = */
218   }
dosolver(K * x,K * b,int N,int trans)220   void dosolver(K *x, K *b, int N, int trans) {
221     if (verbosity > 1) {
222       cout << " -- MUMPS solve,  peak Mem : " << INFOG(22) << " Mb,   n = " << id.n
223            << " sym =" << id.sym << " trans = " << trans << endl;
224     }
225     ICNTL(9) = trans == 0;    // 1: A x = b, !1 : tA x = b  during slove phase
226     id.nrhs = N;
227     myscopy(id.n, b, x);
228     id.rhs = (MR *)(void *)(R *)x;
229     id.job = JOB_SOLVE;    // performs the analysis. and performs the factorization.
230     SetVerb( );
231     mumps_c(&id);
232     Check("MUMPS_seq dosolver");
234     if (verb > 9) {
236       for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
237         KN_< R > B(b + j * id.n, id.n);
238         cout << j << "   b linfty " << B.linfty( ) << endl;
239       }
240     }
242     if (verb > 2) {
244       for (int j = 0; j < N; ++j) {
245         KN_< R > B(x + j * id.n, id.n);
246         cout << "   x  " << j << "  linfty " << B.linfty( ) << endl;
247       }
248     }
249     CopyInfo( );
250   }
fac_init()252   void fac_init( ) { to_mumps_mat( ); }    // n, nzz fixe
fac_symbolic()253   void fac_symbolic( ) {
254     id.job = JOB_ANA;
255     SetVerb( );
256     mumps_c(&id);
257     Check("MUMPS_seq Analyse");
258     CopyInfo( );
259   }
fac_numeric()260   void fac_numeric( ) {
261     id.job = JOB_FAC;
262     SetVerb( );
263     mumps_c(&id);
264     Check("MUMPS_seq Factorize");
265     CopyInfo( );
266   }
UpdateState()267   void UpdateState( ) {
268     if (A.GetReDoNumerics( )) cn++;
269     if (A.GetReDoSymbolic( )) cs++;
270     this->ChangeCodeState(A.n, cs, cn);
271   }
272 };
273 struct InitEnd {
InitEndInitEnd274   InitEnd( ) {
275     cout << "init MUMPS_SEQ: MPI_Init" << endl;
276     int argc = 0;
277     char **argv = 0;
278     // BOF BOF
279     MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
280   }
~InitEndInitEnd281   ~InitEnd( ) {
282     cout << "close  MUMPS_SEQ: MPI_Finalize" << endl;
283     MPI_Finalize( );
284   }
285 };
286 static InitEnd global;    // To init SEQ MPI ????
288 // 1 unsym , 2 herm, 4 sym, 8 pos , 16 nopos, 32  seq, 64  ompi, 128 mpi
289 template<> const int SolveMUMPS_seq<double>::orTypeSol = 1|2|4|8|16|32;
290 template<> const int SolveMUMPS_seq<std::complex<double>>::orTypeSol = 1|4|8|16|32;
Load_Init()292 static void Load_Init( ) {
293   addsolver< SolveMUMPS_seq< double > >("MUMPS", 50, 1);
294   addsolver< SolveMUMPS_seq< Complex > >("MUMPS", 50, 1);
295   addsolver< SolveMUMPS_seq< double > >("MUMPSSEQ", 50, 1);
296   addsolver< SolveMUMPS_seq< Complex > >("MUMPSSEQ", 50, 1);
297   setptrstring(def_solver, "MUMPSSEQ");
298 }
299 LOADFUNC(Load_Init)