1(in-package "BOOT")
2(setq |$globalExposureGroupAlist|
4;;define the groups |basic| |naglink| |anna| |categories| |Hidden| |defaults|
6  (|AlgebraicManipulations| . ALGMANIP)
7  (|AlgebraicNumber| . AN)
8  (|AlgFactor| . ALGFACT)
9  (|AlgebraicMultFact| . ALGMFACT)
10  (|AlgebraPackage| . ALGPKG)
11  (|AlgebraGivenByStructuralConstants| . ALGSC)
12  (|Any| . ANY)
13  (|AnyFunctions1| . ANY1)
14  (|ArrayStack| . ASTACK)
15  (|AssociatedJordanAlgebra| . JORDAN)
16  (|AssociatedLieAlgebra| . LIE)
17  (|AttachPredicates| . PMPRED)
18  (|BalancedBinaryTree| . BBTREE)
19  (|BasicOperator| . BOP)
20  (|BasicOperatorFunctions1| . BOP1)
21  (|BinaryExpansion| . BINARY)
22  (|BinaryFile| . BINFILE)
23  (|BinarySearchTree| . BSTREE)
24  (|BinaryTournament| . BTOURN)
25  (|BinaryTree| . BTREE)
26  (|Bits| . BITS)
27  (|Boolean| . BOOLEAN)
28  (|CardinalNumber| . CARD)
29  (|CartesianTensor| . CARTEN)
30  (|CartesianTensorFunctions2| . CARTEN2)
31  (|Character| . CHAR)
32  (|CharacterClass| . CCLASS)
33  (|CharacteristicPolynomialPackage| . CHARPOL)
34  (|CliffordAlgebra| . CLIF)
35  (|Color| . COLOR)
36  (|CommonDenominator| . CDEN)
37  (|Commutator| . COMM)
38  (|Complex| . COMPLEX)
39  (|ComplexFunctions2| . COMPLEX2)
40  (|ComplexRootPackage| . CMPLXRT)
41  (|ComplexTrigonometricManipulations| . CTRIGMNP)
42  (|ContinuedFraction| . CONTFRAC)
43  (|CoordinateSystems| . COORDSYS)
44  (|CRApackage| . CRAPACK)
45  (|CycleIndicators| . CYCLES)
46  (|Database| . DBASE)
47  (|DataList| . DLIST)
48  (|DecimalExpansion| . DECIMAL)
49  (|DenavitHartenbergMatrix| . DHMATRIX)
50  (|Dequeue| . DEQUEUE)
51  (|DiophantineSolutionPackage| . DIOSP)
52  (|DirectProductFunctions2| . DIRPROD2)
53  (|DisplayPackage| . DISPLAY)
54  (|DistinctDegreeFactorize| . DDFACT)
55  (|Distribution| . DISTRO)
56  (|DistributionContinuedFractionPackage| . DSTCFPG)
57  (|DistributionFunctions2| . DISTRO2)
58  (|DistributionPackage| . DISTEX)
59  (|DistributionPolynomialPackage| . DISTPOL)
60  (|DoubleFloat| . DFLOAT)
61  (|DoubleFloatEllipticIntegrals| . ELIPIDF)
62  (|DoubleFloatSpecialFunctions| . DFSFUN)
63  (|DoubleFloatSpecialFunctions2| . DFSFUN2)
64  (|DrawComplex| . DRAWCX)
65  (|DrawNumericHack| . DRAWHACK)
66  (|DrawOption| . DROPT)
67  (|EigenPackage| . EP)
68  (|ElementaryFunctionDefiniteIntegration| . DEFINTEF)
69  (|ElementaryFunctionLODESolver| . LODEEF)
70  (|ElementaryFunctionODESolver| . ODEEF)
71  (|ElementaryFunctionSign| . SIGNEF)
72  (|ElementaryFunctionStructurePackage| . EFSTRUC)
73  (|Equation| . EQ)
74  (|EquationFunctions2| . EQ2)
75  (|ErrorFunctions| . ERROR)
76  (|EuclideanGroebnerBasisPackage| . GBEUCLID)
77  (|Exit| . EXIT)
78  (|Expression| . EXPR)
79  (|ExpressionFunctions2| . EXPR2)
80  (|ExpressionSpaceFunctions2| . ES2)
81  (|ExpressionSpaceODESolver| . EXPRODE)
82  (|ExpressionToOpenMath| . OMEXPR)
83  (|ExpressionToUnivariatePowerSeries| . EXPR2UPS)
84  (|Factored| . FR)
85  (|FactoredFunctions2| . FR2)
86  (|File| . FILE)
87  (|FileName| . FNAME)
88  (|FiniteDivisorFunctions2| . FDIV2)
89  (|FiniteField| . FF)
90  (|FiniteFieldCyclicGroup| . FFCG)
91  (|FiniteFieldPolynomialPackage2| . FFPOLY2)
92  (|FiniteFieldNormalBasis| . FFNB)
93  (|FiniteFieldHomomorphisms| . FFHOM)
94  (|FiniteLinearAggregateFunctions2| . FLAGG2)
95  (|FiniteLinearAggregateSort| . FLASORT)
96  (|FiniteSetAggregateFunctions2| . FSAGG2)
97  (|FlexibleArray| . FARRAY)
98  (|Float| . FLOAT)
99  (|FloatEllipticFunctions| . FELFUN)
100  (|FloatLiouvilianFunctions| . FLIOUFUN)
101  (|FloatingRealPackage| . FLOATRP)
102  (|FloatingComplexPackage| . FLOATCP)
103  (|FloatSpecialFunctions| . FSFUN)
104  (|FourierSeries| . FSERIES)
105  (|Fraction| . FRAC)
106  (|FractionalIdealFunctions2| . FRIDEAL2)
107  (|FractionFunctions2| . FRAC2)
108  (|FreeModuleCoefficientFunctions2| . FMCF2)
109  (|FreeModuleFunctions2| . FM2)
110  (|FreeNilpotentLie| . FNLA)
111  (|FullPartialFractionExpansion| . FPARFRAC)
112  (|FunctionFieldCategoryFunctions2| . FFCAT2)
113  (|FunctionSpaceAssertions| . PMASSFS)
114  (|FunctionSpaceAttachPredicates| . PMPREDFS)
115  (|FunctionSpaceComplexIntegration| . FSCINT)
116  (|FunctionSpaceFunctions2| . FS2)
117  (|FunctionSpaceIntegration| . FSINT)
118  (|FunctionSpacePrimitiveElement| . FSPRMELT)
119  (|FunctionSpaceSum| . SUMFS)
120  (|GaussianFactorizationPackage| . GAUSSFAC)
121  (|GeneralUnivariatePowerSeries| . GSERIES)
122  (|GenerateUnivariatePowerSeries| . GENUPS)
123  (|GnuDraw| . GDRAW)
124  (|GraphicsDefaults| . GRDEF)
125  (|GroebnerPackage| . GB)
126  (|GroebnerFactorizationPackage| . GBF)
127  (|Guess| . GUESS)
128  (|GuessOption| . GOPT)
129  (|GuessInteger| . GUESSINT)
130  (|GuessPolynomial| . GUESSP)
131  (|GuessPolynomialInteger| . GUESSPI)
132  (|GuessFinite| . GUESSF)
133  (|HallBasis| . HB)
134  (|Heap| . HEAP)
135  (|HexadecimalExpansion| . HEXADEC)
136  (|IndexCard| . ICARD)
137  (|IdealDecompositionPackage| . IDECOMP)
138  (|InfiniteLambertProduct| . INFPROD0)
139  (|InfiniteTuple| . ITUPLE)
140  (|InfiniteTupleFunctions2| . ITFUN2)
141  (|InfiniteTupleFunctions3| . ITFUN3)
142  (|Infinity| . INFINITY)
143  (|Integer| . INT)
144  (|IntegerCombinatoricFunctions| . COMBINAT)
145  (|IntegerLinearDependence| . ZLINDEP)
146  (|IntegerNumberTheoryFunctions| . INTHEORY)
147  (|IntegerPrimesPackage| . PRIMES)
148  (|IntegerRetractions| . INTRET)
149  (|IntegerRoots| . IROOT)
150  (|IntegrationResultFunctions2| . IR2)
151  (|IntegrationResultRFToFunction| . IRRF2F)
152  (|IntegrationResultToFunction| . IR2F)
153  (|Interval| . INTRVL)
154  (|InventorDataSink| . IVDATA)
155  (|InventorViewPort| . IVVIEW)
156  (|InventorRenderPackage| . IVREND)
157  (|InverseLaplaceTransform| . INVLAPLA)
158  (|IrrRepSymNatPackage| . IRSN)
159  (|KernelFunctions2| . KERNEL2)
160  (|KeyedAccessFile| . KAFILE)
161  (|LaplaceTransform| . LAPLACE)
162  (|LazardMorenoSolvingPackage| . LAZM3PK)
163  (|Library| . LIB)
164  (|LieSquareMatrix| . LSQM)
165  (|LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperator| . LODO)
166  (|LinearSystemMatrixPackage| . LSMP)
167  (|LinearSystemMatrixPackage1| . LSMP1)
168  (|LinearSystemPolynomialPackage| . LSPP)
169  (|List| . LIST)
170  (|ListFunctions2| . LIST2)
171  (|ListFunctions3| . LIST3)
172  (|ListToMap| . LIST2MAP)
173  (|MakeFloatCompiledFunction| . MKFLCFN)
174  (|MakeFunction| . MKFUNC)
175  (|MakeRecord| . MKRECORD)
176  (|MappingPackage1| . MAPPKG1)
177  (|MappingPackage2| . MAPPKG2)
178  (|MappingPackage3| . MAPPKG3)
179  (|Matrix| . MATRIX)
180  (|MatrixCategoryFunctions2| . MATCAT2)
181  (|MatrixCommonDenominator| . MCDEN)
182  (|MatrixLinearAlgebraFunctions| . MATLIN)
183  (|MergeThing| . MTHING)
184  (|ModularDistinctDegreeFactorizer| . MDDFACT)
185  (|ModuleOperator| . MODOP)
186  (|MonoidRingFunctions2| . MRF2)
187  (|MoreSystemCommands| . MSYSCMD)
188  (|MPolyCatFunctions2| . MPC2)
189  (|MPolyCatRationalFunctionFactorizer| . MPRFF)
190  (|Multiset| . MSET)
191  (|MultivariateFactorize| . MULTFACT)
192  (|MultivariatePolynomial| . MPOLY)
193  (|MultFiniteFactorize| . MFINFACT)
194  (|NoneFunctions1| . NONE1)
195  (|NonNegativeInteger| . NNI)
196  (|NormalizationPackage| . NORMPK)
197  (|NormInMonogenicAlgebra| . NORMMA)
198  (|NumberTheoreticPolynomialFunctions| . NTPOLFN)
199  (|Numeric| . NUMERIC)
200  (|NumericalOrdinaryDifferentialEquations| . NUMODE)
201  (|NumericalQuadrature| . NUMQUAD)
202  (|NumericComplexEigenPackage| . NCEP)
203  (|NumericRealEigenPackage| . NREP)
204  (|NumericContinuedFraction| . NCNTFRAC)
205  (|Octonion| . OCT)
206  (|OctonionCategoryFunctions2| . OCTCT2)
207  (|OneDimensionalArray| . ARRAY1)
208  (|OneDimensionalArrayFunctions2| . ARRAY12)
209  (|OnePointCompletion| . ONECOMP)
210  (|OnePointCompletionFunctions2| . ONECOMP2)
211  (|OpenMathConnection| . OMCONN)
212  (|OpenMathDevice| . OMDEV)
213  (|OpenMathEncoding| . OMENC)
214  (|OpenMathError| . OMERR)
215  (|OpenMathErrorKind| . OMERRK)
216  (|OpenMathPackage| . OMPKG)
217  (|OpenMathServerPackage| . OMSERVER)
218  (|OperationsQuery| . OPQUERY)
219  (|OrderedCompletion| . ORDCOMP)
220  (|OrderedCompletionFunctions2| . ORDCOMP2)
221  (|OrdinaryDifferentialRing| . ODR)
222  (|OrdSetInts| . OSI)
223  (|OrthogonalPolynomialFunctions| . ORTHPOL)
224  (|OutputPackage| . OUT)
225  (|PadeApproximantPackage| . PADEPAC)
226  (|Palette| . PALETTE)
227  (|PartialFraction| . PFR)
228  (|PartialFractionPackage| . PFRPAC)
229  (|ParametricPlaneCurve| . PARPCURV)
230  (|ParametricSpaceCurve| . PARSCURV)
231  (|ParametricSurface| . PARSURF)
232  (|ParametricPlaneCurveFunctions2| . PARPC2)
233  (|ParametricSpaceCurveFunctions2| . PARSC2)
234  (|ParametricSurfaceFunctions2| . PARSU2)
235  (|PartitionsAndPermutations| . PARTPERM)
236  (|PatternFunctions2| . PATTERN2)
237  (|PatternMatch| . PATMATCH)
238  (|PatternMatchAssertions| . PMASS)
239  (|PatternMatchResultFunctions2| . PATRES2)
240  (|PendantTree| . PENDTREE)
241  (|Permanent| . PERMAN)
242  (|PermutationGroupExamples| . PGE)
243  (|PermutationGroup| . PERMGRP)
244  (|Permutation| . PERM)
245  (|Pi| . HACKPI)
246  (|PiCoercions| . PICOERCE)
247  (|PointFunctions2| . PTFUNC2)
248  (|PolyGroebner| . PGROEB)
249  (|Polynomial| . POLY)
250  (|PolynomialAN2Expression| . PAN2EXPR)
251  (|PolynomialFunctions2| . POLY2)
252  (|PolynomialIdeal| . IDEAL)
253  (|PolynomialToUnivariatePolynomial| . POLY2UP)
254  (|PositiveInteger| . PI)
255  (|PowerSeriesLimitPackage| . LIMITPS)
256  (|PrimeField| . PF)
257  (|PrimitiveArrayFunctions2| . PRIMARR2)
258  (|PrintPackage| . PRINT)
259  (|QuadraticForm| . QFORM)
260  (|QuasiComponentPackage| . QCMPACK)
261  (|Quaternion| . QUAT)
262  (|QuaternionCategoryFunctions2| . QUATCT2)
263  (|QueryEquation| . QEQUAT)
264  (|Queue| . QUEUE)
265  (|QuotientFieldCategoryFunctions2| . QFCAT2)
266  (|RadicalEigenPackage| . REP)
267  (|RadicalSolvePackage| . SOLVERAD)
268  (|RadixExpansion| . RADIX)
269  (|RadixUtilities| . RADUTIL)
270  (|RandomNumberSource| . RANDSRC)
271  (|RationalFunction| . RF)
272  (|RationalFunctionDefiniteIntegration| . DEFINTRF)
273  (|RationalFunctionFactor| . RFFACT)
274  (|RationalFunctionFactorizer| . RFFACTOR)
275  (|RationalFunctionIntegration| . INTRF)
276  (|RationalFunctionLimitPackage| . LIMITRF)
277  (|RationalFunctionSign| . SIGNRF)
278  (|RationalFunctionSum| . SUMRF)
279  (|RationalRetractions| . RATRET)
280  (|RealClosure| . RECLOS)
281  (|RealPolynomialUtilitiesPackage| . POLUTIL)
282  (|RealZeroPackage| . REAL0)
283  (|RealZeroPackageQ| . REAL0Q)
284  (|RectangularMatrixCategoryFunctions2| . RMCAT2)
285  (|RegularSetDecompositionPackage| . RSDCMPK)
286  (|RegularTriangularSet| . REGSET)
287  (|RegularTriangularSetGcdPackage| . RSETGCD)
288  (|RepresentationPackage1| . REP1)
289  (|RepresentationPackage2| . REP2)
290  (|ResolveLatticeCompletion| . RESLATC)
291  (|RewriteRule| . RULE)
292  (|RightOpenIntervalRootCharacterization| . ROIRC)
293  (|RomanNumeral| . ROMAN)
294  (|Ruleset| . RULESET)
295  (|Segment| . SEG)
296  (|SegmentBinding| . SEGBIND)
297  (|SegmentBindingFunctions2| . SEGBIND2)
298  (|SegmentFunctions2| . SEG2)
299  (|Sequence| . SEQU)
300  (|SequenceFunctions2| . SEQU2)
301  (|Set| . SET)
302  (|SimplifyAlgebraicNumberConvertPackage| . SIMPAN)
303  (|SingleInteger| . SINT)
304  (|SmithNormalForm| . SMITH)
305  (|SparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2| . SUP2)
306  (|SpecialOutputPackage| . SPECOUT)
307  (|SquareFreeRegularSetDecompositionPackage| . SRDCMPK)
308  (|SquareFreeRegularTriangularSet| . SREGSET)
309  (|SquareFreeRegularTriangularSetGcdPackage| . SFRGCD)
310  (|SquareFreeQuasiComponentPackage| . SFQCMPK)
311  (|Stack| . STACK)
312  (|STransformPackage| . STRANS)
313  (|Stream| . STREAM)
314  (|StreamFunctions1| . STREAM1)
315  (|StreamFunctions2| . STREAM2)
316  (|StreamFunctions3| . STREAM3)
317  (|String| . STRING)
318  (|SturmHabichtPackage| . SHP)
319  (|Symbol| . SYMBOL)
320  (|SymmetricGroupCombinatoricFunctions| . SGCF)
321  (|SystemSolvePackage| . SYSSOLP)
322  (|Tableau| . TABLEAU)
323  (|TaylorSeries| . TS)
324  (|TexFormat1| . TEX1)
325  (|TextFile| . TEXTFILE)
326  (|ThreeDimensionalViewport| . VIEW3D)
327  (|ThreeSpace| . SPACE3)
328  (|Timer|  . TIMER)
329  (|TopLevelDrawFunctions| . DRAW)
330  (|TopLevelDrawFunctionsForAlgebraicCurves| . DRAWCURV)
331  (|TopLevelDrawFunctionsForCompiledFunctions| . DRAWCFUN)
332  (|TopLevelDrawFunctionsForPoints| .  DRAWPT )
333  (|TopLevelThreeSpace| . TOPSP)
334  (|TranscendentalManipulations| . TRMANIP)
335  (|TransSolvePackage| . SOLVETRA)
336  (|Tree| . TREE)
337  (|TrigonometricManipulations| . TRIGMNIP)
338  (|UnivariateLaurentSeriesFunctions2| . ULS2)
339  (|UnivariatePolynomial| . UP)
340  (|UnivariatePolynomialCategoryFunctions2| . UPOLYC2)
341  (|UnivariatePolynomialCommonDenominator| . UPCDEN)
342  (|UnivariatePolynomialDecompositionPackage| . UPDECOMP)
343  (|UnivariatePolynomialFunctions2| . UP2)
344  (|UnivariatePolynomialMultiplicationPackage| . UPMP)
345  (|UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesFunctions2| . UPXS2)
346  (|UnivariateTaylorSeriesFunctions2| . UTS2)
347  (|UniversalSegment| . UNISEG)
348  (|UniversalSegmentFunctions2| . UNISEG2)
349  (|UserDefinedVariableOrdering| . UDVO)
350  (|Vector| . VECTOR)
351  (|VectorFunctions2| . VECTOR2)
352  (|ViewDefaultsPackage| . VIEWDEF)
353  (|Void| . VOID)
354  (|WuWenTsunTriangularSet| . WUTSET)
357  (|AbelianGroup| . ABELGRP)
358  (|AbelianMonoid| . ABELMON)
359  (|AbelianMonoidRing| . AMR)
360  (|AbelianSemiGroup| . ABELSG)
361  (|Aggregate| . AGG)
362  (|Algebra| . ALGEBRA)
363  (|AlgebraicallyClosedField| . ACF)
364  (|AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace| . ACFS)
365  (|ArcHyperbolicFunctionCategory| . AHYP)
366  (|ArcTrigonometricFunctionCategory| . ATRIG)
367  (|AssociationListAggregate| . ALAGG)
368  (|BagAggregate| . BGAGG)
369  (|BasicType| . BASTYPE)
370  (|Bialgebra| . BIALG)
371  (|BiModule| . BMODULE)
372  (|BinaryRecursiveAggregate| . BRAGG)
373  (|BinaryTreeCategory| . BTCAT)
374  (|BitAggregate| . BTAGG)
375  (|CachableSet| . CACHSET)
376  (|CancellationAbelianMonoid| . CABMON)
377  (|CharacteristicNonZero| . CHARNZ)
378  (|CharacteristicZero| . CHARZ)
379  (|Coalgebra| . COALG)
380  (|CoercibleTo| . KOERCE)
381  (|Collection| . CLAGG)
382  (|CombinatorialFunctionCategory| . CFCAT)
383  (|CombinatorialOpsCategory| . COMBOPC)
384  (|CommutativeRing| . COMRING)
385  (|ComplexCategory| . COMPCAT)
386  (|ConvertibleTo| . KONVERT)
387  (|DequeueAggregate| . DQAGG)
388  (|Dictionary| . DIAGG)
389  (|DictionaryOperations| . DIOPS)
390  (|DifferentialExtension| . DIFEXT)
391  (|DifferentialPolynomialCategory| . DPOLCAT)
392  (|DifferentialRing| . DIFRING)
393  (|DifferentialVariableCategory| . DVARCAT)
394  (|DirectProductCategory| . DIRPCAT)
395  (|DivisionRing| . DIVRING)
396  (|DoublyLinkedAggregate| . DLAGG)
397  (|ElementaryFunctionCategory| . ELEMFUN)
398  (|Eltable| . ELTAB)
399  (|EltableAggregate| . ELTAGG)
400  (|EntireRing| . ENTIRER)
401  (|EuclideanDomain| . EUCDOM)
402  (|Evalable| . EVALAB)
403  (|ExpressionSpace| . ES)
404  (|ExtensibleLinearAggregate| . ELAGG)
405  (|ExtensionField| . XF)
406  (|Field| . FIELD)
407  (|FieldOfPrimeCharacteristic| . FPC)
408  (|Finite| . FINITE)
409  (|FileCategory| . FILECAT)
410  (|FileNameCategory| . FNCAT)
411  (|FiniteAbelianMonoidRing| . FAMR)
412  (|FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField| . FAXF)
413  (|FiniteDivisorCategory| . FDIVCAT)
414  (|FiniteFieldCategory| . FFIELDC)
415  (|FiniteLinearAggregate| . FLAGG)
416  (|FiniteRankNonAssociativeAlgebra| . FINAALG)
417  (|FiniteRankAlgebra| . FINRALG)
418  (|FiniteSetAggregate| . FSAGG)
419  (|FloatingPointSystem| . FPS)
420  (|FramedAlgebra| . FRAMALG)
421  (|FramedNonAssociativeAlgebra| . FRNAALG)
422  (|FramedNonAssociativeAlgebraFunctions2| . FRNAAF2)
423  (|FreeLieAlgebra| . FLALG)
424  (|FreeModuleCategory| . FMCAT)
425  (|FullyEvalableOver| . FEVALAB)
426  (|FullyLinearlyExplicitOver| . FLINEXP)
427  (|FullyPatternMatchable| . FPATMAB)
428  (|FullyRetractableTo| . FRETRCT)
429  (|FunctionFieldCategory| . FFCAT)
430  (|FunctionSpace| . FS)
431  (|GcdDomain| . GCDDOM)
432  (|GradedAlgebra| . GRALG)
433  (|GradedModule| . GRMOD)
434  (|Group| . GROUP)
435  (|HomogeneousAggregate| . HOAGG)
436  (|HopfAlgebra| . HOPFALG)
437  (|HyperbolicFunctionCategory| . HYPCAT)
438  (|IndexedAggregate| . IXAGG)
439  (|IndexedDirectProductCategory| . IDPC)
440  (|InnerEvalable| . IEVALAB)
441  (|IntegerNumberSystem| . INS)
442  (|IntegralDomain| . INTDOM)
443  (|IntervalCategory| . INTCAT)
444  (|KeyedDictionary| . KDAGG)
445  (|LazyStreamAggregate| . LZSTAGG)
446  (|LeftAlgebra| . LALG)
447  (|LeftModule| . LMODULE)
448  (|LieAlgebra| . LIECAT)
449  (|LinearAggregate| . LNAGG)
450  (|LinearlyExplicitOver| . LINEXP)
451  (|LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorCategory| . LODOCAT)
452  (|LiouvillianFunctionCategory| . LFCAT)
453  (|ListAggregate| . LSAGG)
454  (|Logic| . LOGIC)
455  (|Magma| . MAGMA)
456  (|MagmaWithUnit| . MAGMAWU)
457  (|MatrixCategory| . MATCAT)
458  (|Module| . MODULE)
459  (|Monoid| . MONOID)
460  (|MonoidRingCategory| . MRCAT)
461  (|MonogenicAlgebra| . MONOGEN)
462  (|MultiDictionary| . MDAGG)
463  (|MultisetAggregate| . MSETAGG)
464  (|MultivariateTaylorSeriesCategory| . MTSCAT)
465  (|NonAssociativeAlgebra| . NAALG)
466  (|NonAssociativeRing| . NASRING)
467  (|NonAssociativeRng| . NARNG)
468  (|NormalizedTriangularSetCategory| . NTSCAT)
469  (|OctonionCategory| . OC)
470  (|OneDimensionalArrayAggregate| . A1AGG)
471  (|OpenMath| . OM)
472  (|OrderedAbelianGroup| . OAGROUP)
473  (|OrderedAbelianMonoid| . OAMON)
474  (|OrderedAbelianMonoidSup| . OAMONS)
475  (|OrderedAbelianSemiGroup| . OASGP)
476  (|OrderedCancellationAbelianMonoid| . OCAMON)
477  (|OrderedFinite| . ORDFIN)
478  (|OrderedIntegralDomain| . OINTDOM)
479  (|OrderedMonoid| . ORDMON)
480  (|OrderedMultisetAggregate| . OMSAGG)
481  (|OrderedRing| . ORDRING)
482  (|OrderedSet| . ORDSET)
483  (|PAdicIntegerCategory| . PADICCT)
484  (|PartialDifferentialRing| . PDRING)
485  (|PartialOrder| . PORDER)
486  (|PartialTranscendentalFunctions| . PTRANFN)
487  (|Patternable| . PATAB)
488  (|PatternMatchable| . PATMAB)
489  (|PermutationCategory| . PERMCAT)
490  (|PlottablePlaneCurveCategory| . PPCURVE)
491  (|PlottableSpaceCurveCategory| . PSCURVE)
492  (|PointCategory| . PTCAT)
493  (|PolynomialCategory| . POLYCAT)
494  (|PolynomialFactorizationExplicit| . PFECAT)
495  (|PolynomialSetCategory| . PSETCAT)
496  (|PowerSeriesCategory| . PSCAT)
497  (|PrimitiveFunctionCategory| . PRIMCAT)
498  (|PrincipalIdealDomain| . PID)
499  (|PriorityQueueAggregate| . PRQAGG)
500  (|QuaternionCategory| . QUATCAT)
501  (|QueueAggregate| . QUAGG)
502  (|QuotientFieldCategory| . QFCAT)
503  (|RadicalCategory| . RADCAT)
504  (|RealClosedField| . RCFIELD)
505  (|RealConstant| . REAL)
506  (|RealNumberSystem| . RNS)
507  (|RealRootCharacterizationCategory| . RRCC)
508  (|RectangularMatrixCategory| . RMATCAT)
509  (|RecursiveAggregate| . RCAGG)
510  (|RecursivePolynomialCategory| . RPOLCAT)
511  (|RegularChain| . RGCHAIN)
512  (|RegularTriangularSetCategory| . RSETCAT)
513  (|RetractableTo| . RETRACT)
514  (|RightModule| . RMODULE)
515  (|Ring| . RING)
516  (|Rng| . RNG)
517  (|SegmentCategory| . SEGCAT)
518  (|SegmentExpansionCategory| . SEGXCAT)
519  (|SemiGroup| . SGROUP)
520  (|SetAggregate| . SETAGG)
521  (|SetCategory| . SETCAT)
522  (|SExpressionCategory| . SEXCAT)
523  (|SpecialFunctionCategory| . SPFCAT)
524  (|SquareFreeNormalizedTriangularSetCategory| . SNTSCAT)
525  (|SquareFreeRegularTriangularSetCategory| . SFRTCAT)
526  (|SquareMatrixCategory| . SMATCAT)
527  (|StackAggregate| . SKAGG)
528  (|StepThrough| . STEP)
529  (|StreamAggregate| . STAGG)
530  (|StringAggregate| . SRAGG)
531  (|StringCategory| . STRICAT)
532  (|StructuralConstantsPackage| . SCPKG)
533  (|TableAggregate| . TBAGG)
534  (|TensorPowerCategory| . TENSPC)
535  (|TensorProductCategory| . TENSCAT)
536  (|TensorProductProperty| . TENSPRP)
537  (|ThreeSpaceCategory| . SPACEC)
538  (|TranscendentalFunctionCategory| . TRANFUN)
539  (|TriangularSetCategory| . TSETCAT)
540  (|TrigonometricFunctionCategory| . TRIGCAT)
541  (|TwoDimensionalArrayCategory| . ARR2CAT)
542  (|Type| . TYPE)
543  (|UnaryRecursiveAggregate| . URAGG)
544  (|UniqueFactorizationDomain| . UFD)
545  (|UnivariateLaurentSeriesCategory| . ULSCAT)
546  (|UnivariateLaurentSeriesConstructorCategory| . ULSCCAT)
547  (|UnivariatePolynomialCategory| . UPOLYC)
548  (|UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory| . UPSCAT)
549  (|UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesCategory| . UPXSCAT)
550  (|UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesConstructorCategory| . UPXSCCA)
551  (|UnivariateSkewPolynomialCategory| . OREPCAT)
552  (|UnivariateTaylorSeriesCategory| . UTSCAT)
553  (|VectorCategory| . VECTCAT)
554  (|XAlgebra| . XALG)
555  (|XFreeAlgebra| . XFALG)
556  (|XPolynomialsCat| . XPOLYC)
557  (|ZeroDimensionalSolvePackage| . ZDSOLVE))
559  (|AlgebraicFunction| . AF)
560  (|AlgebraicFunctionField| . ALGFF)
561  (|AlgebraicHermiteIntegration| . INTHERAL)
562  (|AlgebraicIntegrate| . INTALG)
563  (|AlgebraicIntegration| . INTAF)
564  (|AnonymousFunction| . ANON)
565  (|AntiSymm| . ANTISYM)
566  (|ApplyRules| . APPRULE)
567  (|ApplyUnivariateSkewPolynomial| . APPLYORE)
568  (|ArrayStack| . ASTACK)
569  (|AssociatedEquations| . ASSOCEQ)
570  (|AssociationList| . ALIST)
571  (|Automorphism| . AUTOMOR)
572  (|BalancedFactorisation| . BALFACT)
573  (|BalancedPAdicInteger| . BPADIC)
574  (|BalancedPAdicRational| . BPADICRT)
575  (|BezoutMatrix| . BEZOUT)
576  (|BoundIntegerRoots| . BOUNDZRO)
577  (|BrillhartTests| . BRILL)
578  (|ChangeOfVariable| . CHVAR)
579  (|CharacteristicPolynomialInMonogenicalAlgebra| . CPIMA)
580  (|ChineseRemainderToolsForIntegralBases| . IBACHIN)
581  (|CoerceVectorMatrixPackage| . CVMP)
582  (|CombinatorialFunction| . COMBF)
583  (|CommonOperators| . COMMONOP)
584  (|CommuteUnivariatePolynomialCategory| . COMMUPC)
585  (|ComplexIntegerSolveLinearPolynomialEquation| . CINTSLPE)
586  (|ComplexPattern| . COMPLPAT)
587  (|ComplexPatternMatch| . CPMATCH)
588  (|ComplexRootFindingPackage| . CRFP)
589  (|ConstantLODE| . ODECONST)
590  (|CyclicStreamTools| . CSTTOOLS)
591  (|CyclotomicPolynomialPackage| . CYCLOTOM)
592  (|DefiniteIntegrationTools| . DFINTTLS)
593  (|DegreeReductionPackage| . DEGRED)
594  (|DeRhamComplex| . DERHAM)
595  (|DifferentialSparseMultivariatePolynomial| . DSMP)
596  (|DirectProduct| . DIRPROD)
597  (|DirectProductMatrixModule| . DPMM)
598  (|DirectProductModule| . DPMO)
599  (|DiscreteLogarithmPackage| . DLP)
600  (|DistributedMultivariatePolynomial| . DMP)
601  (|DoubleResultantPackage| . DBLRESP)
602  (|DrawOptionFunctions0| . DROPT0)
603  (|DrawOptionFunctions1| . DROPT1)
604  (|ElementaryFunction| . EF)
605  (|ElementaryFunctionsUnivariateLaurentSeries| . EFULS)
606  (|ElementaryFunctionsUnivariatePuiseuxSeries| . EFUPXS)
607  (|ElementaryIntegration| . INTEF)
608  (|ElementaryRischDESystem| . RDEEFS)
609  (|EllipticFunctionsUnivariateTaylorSeries| . ELFUTS)
610  (|EqTable| . EQTBL)
611  (|EuclideanModularRing| . EMR)
612  (|EvaluateCycleIndicators| . EVALCYC)
613  (|ExponentialExpansion| . EXPEXPAN)
614  (|ExponentialOfUnivariatePuiseuxSeries| . EXPUPXS)
615  (|ExpressionSpaceFunctions1| . ES1)
616  (|ExpressionTubePlot| . EXPRTUBE)
617  (|ExtAlgBasis| . EAB)
618  (|FactoredFunctions| . FACTFUNC)
619  (|FactoredFunctionUtilities| . FRUTIL)
620  (|FactoringUtilities| . FACUTIL)
621  (|FGLMIfCanPackage| . FGLMICPK)
622  (|FindOrderFinite| . FORDER)
623  (|FiniteDivisor| . FDIV)
624  (|FiniteFieldCyclicGroupExtension| . FFCGX)
625  (|FiniteFieldCyclicGroupExtensionByPolynomial| . FFCGP)
626  (|FiniteFieldExtension| . FFX)
627  (|FiniteFieldExtensionByPolynomial| . FFP)
628  (|FiniteFieldFunctions| . FFF)
629  (|FiniteFieldNormalBasisExtension| . FFNBX)
630  (|FiniteFieldNormalBasisExtensionByPolynomial| . FFNBP)
631  (|FiniteFieldPolynomialPackage| . FFPOLY)
632  (|FiniteFieldSolveLinearPolynomialEquation| . FFSLPE)
633  (|FormalFraction| . FORMAL)
634  (|FourierComponent| . FCOMP)
635  (|FractionalIdeal| . FRIDEAL)
636  (|FreeGroup| . FGROUP)
637  (|FreeModule| . FM)
638  (|FreeMonoid| . FMONOID)
639  (|FunctionalSpecialFunction| . FSPECF)
640  (|FunctionCalled| . FUNCTION)
641  (|FunctionFieldIntegralBasis| . FFINTBAS)
642  (|FunctionSpaceReduce| . FSRED)
643  (|FunctionSpaceToUnivariatePowerSeries| . FS2UPS)
644  (|FunctionSpaceToExponentialExpansion| . FS2EXPXP)
645  (|GaloisGroupFactorizationUtilities| . GALFACTU)
646  (|GaloisGroupFactorizer| . GALFACT)
647  (|GaloisGroupPolynomialUtilities| . GALPOLYU)
648  (|GaloisGroupUtilities| . GALUTIL)
649  (|GeneralHenselPackage| . GHENSEL)
650  (|GeneralDistributedMultivariatePolynomial| . GDMP)
651  (|GeneralPolynomialGcdPackage| . GENPGCD)
652  (|GeneralSparseTable| . GSTBL)
653  (|GenericNonAssociativeAlgebra| . GCNAALG)
654  (|GenExEuclid| . GENEEZ)
655  (|GeneralizedMultivariateFactorize| . GENMFACT)
656  (|GeneralModulePolynomial| . GMODPOL)
657  (|GeneralPolynomialSet| . GPOLSET)
658  (|GeneralQuaternion| . QUAT2)
659  (|GeneralTriangularSet| . GTSET)
660  (|GenusZeroIntegration| . INTG0)
661  (|GosperSummationMethod| . GOSPER)
662  (|GraphImage| . GRIMAGE)
663  (|GrayCode| . GRAY)
664  (|GroebnerInternalPackage| . GBINTERN)
665  (|GroebnerSolve| . GROEBSOL)
666  (|HashTable| . HASHTBL)
667  (|Heap| . HEAP)
668  (|HeuGcd| . HEUGCD)
669  (|HomogeneousDistributedMultivariatePolynomial| . HDMP)
670  (|HyperellipticFiniteDivisor| . HELLFDIV)
671  (|IncrementingMaps| . INCRMAPS)
672  (|IndexedBits| . IBITS)
673  (|IndexedDirectProductObject| . IDPO)
674  (|IndexedExponents| . INDE)
675  (|IndexedFlexibleArray| . IFARRAY)
676  (|IndexedList| . ILIST)
677  (|IndexedMatrix| . IMATRIX)
678  (|IndexedOneDimensionalArray| . IARRAY1)
679  (|IndexedString| . ISTRING)
680  (|IndexedTwoDimensionalArray| . IARRAY2)
681  (|IndexedVector| . IVECTOR)
682  (|InnerAlgFactor| . IALGFACT)
683  (|InnerCommonDenominator| . ICDEN)
684  (|InnerFiniteField| . IFF)
685  (|InnerIndexedTwoDimensionalArray| . IIARRAY2)
686  (|InnerMatrixLinearAlgebraFunctions| . IMATLIN)
687  (|InnerMatrixQuotientFieldFunctions| . IMATQF)
688  (|InnerModularGcd| . INMODGCD)
689  (|InnerMultFact| . INNMFACT)
690  (|InnerNormalBasisFieldFunctions| . INBFF)
691  (|InnerNumericEigenPackage| . INEP)
692  (|InnerNumericFloatSolvePackage| . INFSP)
693  (|InnerPAdicInteger| . IPADIC)
694  (|InnerPolySign| . INPSIGN)
695  (|InnerPolySum| . ISUMP)
696  (|InnerPrimeField| . IPF)
697  (|InnerSparseUnivariatePowerSeries| . ISUPS)
698  (|InnerTable| . INTABL)
699  (|InnerTaylorSeries| . ITAYLOR)
700  (|InnerTrigonometricManipulations| . ITRIGMNP)
701  (|InputForm| . INFORM)
702  (|InputFormFunctions1| . INFORM1)
703  (|IntegerBits| . INTBIT)
704  (|IntegerFactorizationPackage| . INTFACT)
705  (|IntegerMod| . ZMOD)
706  (|IntegerSolveLinearPolynomialEquation| . INTSLPE)
707  (|IntegralBasisPolynomialTools| . IBPTOOLS)
708  (|IntegralBasisTools| . IBATOOL)
709  (|IntegrationResult| . IR)
710  (|IntegrationTools| . INTTOOLS)
711  (|InternalPrintPackage| . IPRNTPK)
712  (|InternalRationalUnivariateRepresentationPackage| . IRURPK)
713  (|IrredPolyOverFiniteField| . IRREDFFX)
714  (|Kernel| . KERNEL)
715  (|Kovacic| . KOVACIC)
716  (|LaurentPolynomial| . LAUPOL)
717  (|LeadingCoefDetermination| . LEADCDET)
718  (|LexTriangularPackage| . LEXTRIPK)
719  (|LieExponentials| . LEXP)
720  (|LiePolynomial| . LPOLY)
721  (|LinearDependence| . LINDEP)
722  (|LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorFactorizer| . LODOF)
723  (|LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperator1| . LODO1)
724  (|LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperator2| . LODO2)
725  (|LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorsOps| . LODOOPS)
726  (|LinearPolynomialEquationByFractions| . LPEFRAC)
727  (|LinGroebnerPackage| . LGROBP)
728  (|LiouvillianFunction| . LF)
729  (|ListMonoidOps| . LMOPS)
730  (|ListMultiDictionary| . LMDICT)
731  (|LocalAlgebra| . LA)
732  (|Localize| . LO)
733  (|LyndonWord| . LWORD)
734  (|MakeBinaryCompiledFunction| . MKBCFUNC)
735  (|MakeCachableSet| . MKCHSET)
736  (|MakeUnaryCompiledFunction| . MKUCFUNC)
737  (|MappingPackageInternalHacks1| . MAPHACK1)
738  (|MappingPackageInternalHacks2| . MAPHACK2)
739  (|MappingPackageInternalHacks3| . MAPHACK3)
740  (|MeshCreationRoutinesForThreeDimensions| . MESH)
741  (|ModMonic| . MODMON)
742  (|ModularField| . MODFIELD)
743  (|ModularHermitianRowReduction| . MHROWRED)
744  (|ModularRing| . MODRING)
745  (|ModuleMonomial| . MODMONOM)
746  (|MoebiusTransform| . MOEBIUS)
747  (|MonoidRing| . MRING)
748  (|MonomialExtensionTools| . MONOTOOL)
749  (|MPolyCatPolyFactorizer| . MPCPF)
750  (|MPolyCatFunctions3| . MPC3)
751  (|MRationalFactorize| . MRATFAC)
752  (|MultipleMap| . MMAP)
753  (|MultivariateLifting| . MLIFT)
754  (|MultivariateSquareFree| . MULTSQFR)
755  (|HomogeneousDirectProduct| . HDP)
756  (|NewSparseMultivariatePolynomial| . NSMP)
757  (|NewSparseUnivariatePolynomial| . NSUP)
758  (|NewSparseUnivariatePolynomialFunctions2| . NSUP2)
759  (|None| . NONE)
760  (|NonLinearFirstOrderODESolver| . NODE1)
761  (|NonLinearSolvePackage| . NLINSOL)
762  (|NormRetractPackage| . NORMRETR)
763  (|NPCoef| . NPCOEF)
764;;  (|NumberFormats| . NUMFMT)
765  (|NumberFieldIntegralBasis| . NFINTBAS)
766  (|NumericTubePlot| . NUMTUBE)
767  (|ODEIntegration| . ODEINT)
768  (|ODETools| . ODETOOLS)
769  (|Operator| . OP)
770  (|OrderedDirectProduct| . ODP)
771  (|OrderedVariableList| . OVAR)
772  (|OrderingFunctions| . ORDFUNS)
773  (|OrderlyDifferentialPolynomial| . ODPOL)
774  (|OrderlyDifferentialVariable| . ODVAR)
775  (|OrdinaryWeightedPolynomials| . OWP)
776  (|OutputForm| . OUTFORM)
777  (|PadeApproximants| . PADE)
778  (|PAdicInteger| . PADIC)
779  (|PAdicRational| . PADICRAT)
780  (|PAdicRationalConstructor| . PADICRC)
781  (|PAdicWildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis| . PWFFINTB)
782  (|ParadoxicalCombinatorsForStreams| . YSTREAM)
783  (|ParametricLinearEquations| . PLEQN)
784  (|Partition| . PRTITION)
785  (|Pattern| . PATTERN)
786  (|PatternFunctions1| . PATTERN1)
787  (|PatternMatchFunctionSpace| . PMFS)
788  (|PatternMatchIntegerNumberSystem| . PMINS)
789  (|PatternMatchIntegration| . INTPM)
790  (|PatternMatchKernel| . PMKERNEL)
791  (|PatternMatchListAggregate| . PMLSAGG)
792  (|PatternMatchListResult| . PATLRES)
793  (|PatternMatchPolynomialCategory| . PMPLCAT)
794  (|PatternMatchPushDown| . PMDOWN)
795  (|PatternMatchQuotientFieldCategory| . PMQFCAT)
796  (|PatternMatchResult| . PATRES)
797  (|PatternMatchSymbol| . PMSYM)
798  (|PatternMatchTools| . PMTOOLS)
799  (|PlaneAlgebraicCurvePlot| . ACPLOT)
800  (|Plot| . PLOT)
801  (|PlotFunctions1| . PLOT1)
802  (|PlotTools| . PLOTTOOL)
803  (|Plot3D| . PLOT3D)
804  (|PoincareBirkhoffWittLyndonBasis| . PBWLB)
805  (|Point| . POINT)
806  (|PointsOfFiniteOrder| . PFO)
807  (|PointsOfFiniteOrderRational| . PFOQ)
808  (|PointsOfFiniteOrderTools| . PFOTOOLS)
809  (|PointPackage| . PTPACK)
810  (|PolToPol| . POLTOPOL)
811  (|PolynomialCategoryLifting| . POLYLIFT)
812  (|PolynomialCategoryQuotientFunctions| . POLYCATQ)
813  (|PolynomialFactorizationByRecursion| . PFBR)
814  (|PolynomialGcdPackage| . PGCD)
815  (|PolynomialInterpolation| . PINTERP)
816  (|PolynomialInterpolationAlgorithms| . PINTERPA)
817  (|PolynomialNumberTheoryFunctions| . PNTHEORY)
818  (|PolynomialRing| . PR)
819  (|PolynomialRoots| . POLYROOT)
820  (|PolynomialSetUtilitiesPackage| . PSETPK)
821  (|PolynomialSolveByFormulas| . SOLVEFOR)
822  (|PolynomialSquareFree| . PSQFR)
823  (|PrecomputedAssociatedEquations| . PREASSOC)
824  (|PrimitiveArray| . PRIMARR)
825  (|PrimitiveElement| . PRIMELT)
826  (|PrimitiveRatDE| . ODEPRIM)
827  (|PrimitiveRatRicDE| . ODEPRRIC)
828  (|Product| . PRODUCT)
829  (|PseudoRemainderSequence| . PRS)
830  (|PseudoLinearNormalForm| . PSEUDLIN)
831  (|PureAlgebraicIntegration| . INTPAF)
832  (|PureAlgebraicLODE| . ODEPAL)
833  (|PushVariables| . PUSHVAR)
834  (|QuasiAlgebraicSet| . QALGSET)
835  (|QuasiAlgebraicSet2| . QALGSET2)
836  (|RadicalFunctionField| . RADFF)
837  (|RandomDistributions| . RDIST)
838  (|RandomFloatDistributions| . RFDIST)
839  (|RandomIntegerDistributions| . RIDIST)
840  (|RationalFactorize| . RATFACT)
841  (|RationalIntegration| . INTRAT)
842  (|RationalInterpolation| . RINTERP)
843  (|RationalLODE| . ODERAT)
844  (|RationalRicDE| . ODERTRIC)
845  (|RationalUnivariateRepresentationPackage| . RURPK)
846  (|RealSolvePackage| . REALSOLV)
847  (|RectangularMatrix| . RMATRIX)
848  (|ReducedDivisor| . RDIV)
849  (|ReduceLODE| . ODERED)
850  (|ReductionOfOrder| . REDORDER)
851  (|Reference| . REF)
852  (|RepeatedDoubling| . REPDB)
853  (|RepeatedSquaring| . REPSQ)
854  (|ResidueRing| . RESRING)
855  (|RetractSolvePackage| . RETSOL)
856  (|RuleCalled| . RULECOLD)
857  (|SetOfMIntegersInOneToN| . SETMN)
858  (|SExpression| . SEX)
859  (|SExpressionOf| . SEXOF)
860  (|SequentialDifferentialPolynomial| . SDPOL)
861  (|SequentialDifferentialVariable| . SDVAR)
862  (|SimpleAlgebraicExtension| . SAE)
863  (|SingletonAsOrderedSet| . SAOS)
864  (|SortedCache| . SCACHE)
865  (|SortPackage| . SORTPAK)
866  (|SparseMultivariatePolynomial| . SMP)
867  (|SparseMultivariateTaylorSeries| . SMTS)
868  (|SparseTable| . STBL)
869  (|SparseUnivariatePolynomial| . SUP)
870  (|SparseUnivariateSkewPolynomial| . ORESUP)
871  (|SparseUnivariateLaurentSeries| . SULS)
872  (|SparseUnivariatePuiseuxSeries| . SUPXS)
873  (|SparseUnivariateTaylorSeries| . SUTS)
874  (|SplitHomogeneousDirectProduct| . SHDP)
875  (|SplittingNode| . SPLNODE)
876  (|SplittingTree| . SPLTREE)
877  (|SquareMatrix| . SQMATRIX)
878  (|Stack| . STACK)
879  (|StorageEfficientMatrixOperations| . MATSTOR)
880  (|StreamTaylorSeriesOperations| . STTAYLOR)
881  (|StreamTranscendentalFunctions| . STTF)
882  (|StreamTranscendentalFunctionsNonCommutative| . STTFNC)
883  (|StringTable| . STRTBL)
884  (|SubResultantPackage| . SUBRESP)
885  (|SubSpace| . SUBSPACE)
886  (|SubSpaceComponentProperty| . COMPPROP)
887  (|SuchThat| . SUCH)
888  (|SymmetricFunctions| . SYMFUNC)
889  (|SymmetricPolynomial| . SYMPOLY)
890  (|SystemODESolver| . ODESYS)
891  (|Table| . TABLE)
892  (|TableauxBumpers| . TABLBUMP)
893  (|TabulatedComputationPackage| . TBCMPPK)
894  (|TangentExpansions| . TANEXP)
895  (|TensorProduct| . TENSOR)
896  (|TensorPower| . TENSPOW)
897  (|TensorPowerFunctions2| . TENSPO2)
898  (|ToolsForSign| . TOOLSIGN)
899  (|TranscendentalHermiteIntegration| . INTHERTR)
900  (|TranscendentalIntegration| . INTTR)
901  (|TranscendentalRischDESystem| . RDETRS)
902  (|TransSolvePackageService| . SOLVESER)
903  (|TriangularMatrixOperations| . TRIMAT)
904  (|TubePlot| . TUBE)
905  (|TubePlotTools| . TUBETOOL)
906  (|Tuple| . TUPLE)
907  (|TwoDimensionalArray| . ARRAY2)
908  (|TwoDimensionalPlotClipping| . CLIP)
909  (|TwoDimensionalViewport| . VIEW2D)
910  (|TwoFactorize| . TWOFACT)
911  (|Unittest| . TESTUNIT)
912  (|UnittestAux| . TESTAUX)
913  (|UnittestCount| . TESTCNT)
914  (|UnivariateLaurentSeries| . ULS)
915  (|UnivariateLaurentSeriesConstructor| . ULSCONS)
916  (|UnivariatePolynomialDivisionPackage| . UPDIVP)
917  (|UnivariatePolynomialSquareFree| . UPSQFREE)
918  (|UnivariatePuiseuxSeries| . UPXS)
919  (|UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesConstructor| . UPXSCONS)
920  (|UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesWithExponentialSingularity| . UPXSSING)
921  (|UnivariateSkewPolynomial| . OREUP)
922  (|UnivariateSkewPolynomialCategoryOps| . OREPCTO)
923  (|UnivariateTaylorSeries| . UTS)
924  (|UnivariateTaylorSeriesODESolver| . UTSODE)
925  (|UserDefinedPartialOrdering| . UDPO)
926  (|UTSodetools| . UTSODETL)
927  (|Variable| . VARIABLE)
928  (|ViewportPackage| . VIEW)
929  (|WeierstrassPreparation| . WEIER)
930  (|WeightedPolynomials| . WP)
931  (|WildFunctionFieldIntegralBasis| . WFFINTBS)
932  (|XDistributedPolynomial| . XDPOLY)
933  (|XExponentialPackage| . XEXPPKG)
934  (|XPBWPolynomial| . XPBWPOLY)
935  (|XPolynomial| . XPOLY)
936  (|XPolynomialRing| . XPR)
937  (|XRecursivePolynomial| . XRPOLY))
939  (|AbelianGroup&| . ABELGRP-)
940  (|AbelianMonoid&| . ABELMON-)
941  (|AbelianMonoidRing&| . AMR-)
942  (|AbelianSemiGroup&| . ABELSG-)
943  (|Aggregate&| . AGG-)
944  (|Algebra&| . ALGEBRA-)
945  (|AlgebraicallyClosedField&| . ACF-)
946  (|AlgebraicallyClosedFunctionSpace&| . ACFS-)
947  (|ArcTrigonometricFunctionCategory&| . ATRIG-)
948  (|BagAggregate&| . BGAGG-)
949  (|BasicType&| . BASTYPE-)
950  (|BinaryRecursiveAggregate&| . BRAGG-)
951  (|BinaryTreeCategory&| . BTCAT-)
952  (|BitAggregate&| . BTAGG-)
953  (|Collection&| . CLAGG-)
954  (|ComplexCategory&| . COMPCAT-)
955  (|Dictionary&| . DIAGG-)
956  (|DictionaryOperations&| . DIOPS-)
957  (|DifferentialExtension&| . DIFEXT-)
958  (|DifferentialPolynomialCategory&| . DPOLCAT-)
959  (|DifferentialRing&| . DIFRING-)
960  (|DifferentialVariableCategory&| . DVARCAT-)
961  (|DirectProductCategory&| . DIRPCAT-)
962  (|DivisionRing&| . DIVRING-)
963  (|ElementaryFunctionCategory&| . ELEMFUN-)
964  (|EltableAggregate&| . ELTAGG-)
965  (|EuclideanDomain&| . EUCDOM-)
966  (|Evalable&| . EVALAB-)
967  (|ExpressionSpace&| . ES-)
968  (|ExtensibleLinearAggregate&| . ELAGG-)
969  (|ExtensionField&| . XF-)
970  (|Field&| . FIELD-)
971  (|FieldOfPrimeCharacteristic&| . FPC-)
972  (|FiniteAbelianMonoidRing&| . FAMR-)
973  (|FiniteAlgebraicExtensionField&| . FAXF-)
974  (|FiniteDivisorCategory&| . FDIVCAT-)
975  (|FiniteFieldCategory&| . FFIELDC-)
976  (|FiniteLinearAggregate&| . FLAGG-)
977  (|FiniteSetAggregate&| . FSAGG-)
978  (|FiniteRankAlgebra&| . FINRALG-)
979  (|FiniteRankNonAssociativeAlgebra&| . FINAALG-)
980  (|FloatingPointSystem&| . FPS-)
981  (|FramedAlgebra&| . FRAMALG-)
982  (|FramedNonAssociativeAlgebra&| . FRNAALG-)
983  (|FullyEvalableOver&| . FEVALAB-)
984  (|FullyLinearlyExplicitOver&| . FLINEXP-)
985  (|FullyRetractableTo&| . FRETRCT-)
986  (|FunctionFieldCategory&| . FFCAT-)
987  (|FunctionSpace&| . FS-)
988  (|GcdDomain&| . GCDDOM-)
989  (|GradedAlgebra&| . GRALG-)
990  (|GradedModule&| . GRMOD-)
991  (|Group&| . GROUP-)
992  (|HomogeneousAggregate&| . HOAGG-)
993  (|HyperbolicFunctionCategory&| . HYPCAT-)
994  (|IndexedAggregate&| . IXAGG-)
995  (|InnerEvalable&| . IEVALAB-)
996  (|IntegerNumberSystem&| . INS-)
997  (|IntegralDomain&| . INTDOM-)
998  (|KeyedDictionary&| . KDAGG-)
999  (|LazyStreamAggregate&| . LZSTAGG-)
1000  (|LeftAlgebra&| . LALG-)
1001  (|LieAlgebra&| . LIECAT-)
1002  (|LinearAggregate&| . LNAGG-)
1003  (|ListAggregate&| . LSAGG-)
1004  (|Logic&| . LOGIC-)
1005  (|LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperatorCategory&| . LODOCAT-)
1006  (|Magma&| . MAGMA-)
1007  (|MagmaWithUnit&| . MAGMAWU-)
1008  (|MatrixCategory&| . MATCAT-)
1009  (|Module&| . MODULE-)
1010  (|MonogenicAlgebra&| . MONOGEN-)
1011  (|NonAssociativeAlgebra&| . NAALG-)
1012  (|NonAssociativeRing&| . NASRING-)
1013  (|NonAssociativeRng&| . NARNG-)
1014  (|OctonionCategory&| . OC-)
1015  (|OneDimensionalArrayAggregate&| . A1AGG-)
1016  (|OrderedRing&| . ORDRING-)
1017  (|OrderedSet&| . ORDSET-)
1018  (|PartialDifferentialRing&| . PDRING-)
1019  (|PolynomialCategory&| . POLYCAT-)
1020  (|PolynomialFactorizationExplicit&| . PFECAT-)
1021  (|PolynomialSetCategory&| . PSETCAT-)
1022  (|PowerSeriesCategory&| . PSCAT-)
1023  (|QuaternionCategory&| . QUATCAT-)
1024  (|QuotientFieldCategory&| . QFCAT-)
1025  (|RadicalCategory&| . RADCAT-)
1026  (|RealClosedField&| . RCFIELD-)
1027  (|RealNumberSystem&| . RNS-)
1028  (|RealRootCharacterizationCategory&| . RRCC-)
1029  (|RectangularMatrixCategory&| . RMATCAT-)
1030  (|RecursiveAggregate&| . RCAGG-)
1031  (|RecursivePolynomialCategory&| . RPOLCAT-)
1032  (|RegularTriangularSetCategory&| . RSETCAT-)
1033  (|RetractableTo&| . RETRACT-)
1034  (|SetAggregate&| . SETAGG-)
1035  (|SetCategory&| . SETCAT-)
1036  (|SquareMatrixCategory&| . SMATCAT-)
1037  (|StreamAggregate&| . STAGG-)
1038  (|StringAggregate&| . SRAGG-)
1039  (|TableAggregate&| . TBAGG-)
1040  (|TranscendentalFunctionCategory&| . TRANFUN-)
1041  (|TriangularSetCategory&| . TSETCAT-)
1042  (|TrigonometricFunctionCategory&| . TRIGCAT-)
1043  (|TwoDimensionalArrayCategory&| . ARR2CAT-)
1044  (|UnaryRecursiveAggregate&| . URAGG-)
1045  (|UniqueFactorizationDomain&| . UFD-)
1046  (|UnivariateLaurentSeriesConstructorCategory&| . ULSCCAT-)
1047  (|UnivariatePolynomialCategory&| . UPOLYC-)
1048  (|UnivariatePowerSeriesCategory&| . UPSCAT-)
1049  (|UnivariatePuiseuxSeriesConstructorCategory&| . UPXSCCA-)
1050  (|UnivariateSkewPolynomialCategory&| . OREPCAT-)
1051  (|UnivariateTaylorSeriesCategory&| . UTSCAT-)
1052  (|VectorCategory&| . VECTCAT-)
1053  ))
1055(setq |$localExposureDataDefault| (VECTOR
1057;;These groups will be exposed
1062;;These constructors will be explicitly exposed
1065;;These constructors will be explicitly hidden
1068(setq |$localExposureData|  (copy-seq |$localExposureDataDefault|))