1 #include <stdio.h>
2 extern char inf1[],inf2[],inf3[],outf1[],outf2[],outf3[],temp1[],temp2[],
3      expg,exph,cr,dcr,triv;
4 extern int psp,trsp,svsp;
5 extern int  mpt,mb,
6        tree[],perm[],gorb[],lorbg[],lorbh[],base[],
7        fpt[],bpt[],coh_index[],*cp[],*trad[],*sv[],
8        *tailad[],**cpad[],**svgptr[],**svhptr[];
9 int trptr;
10 int npt,**lcp,**ucp,*stop,dummy,*pst,*pend,nb,fnt,lnt,
11       ind,coind,oind,cind,bno,pt,**expp,npg;
12 FILE *fopen(),*ip,*op,*opx;
14 /* The data structures of this program differ from other permutation group
15    programs. Permutations are not numbered, but are located by their base
16    adresses. Consequently, arrays sv and cp are arrays of pointers. The
17    current permutation in cp is stored in the middle of cp (since it has to be
18    expanded in both directions), between adresses lcp and ucp of cp.
19    The next six procedures are the equivlents of the corresponding ones
20    in permfns.c, but addsv can go in both directions.
21    In this half of the program, coset reps of H in G are computed.
22 */
24 int
image(int pt)25 image (int pt)
26 { int **p;
27   p=lcp;
28   while (p<=ucp) {pt=(*p)[pt]; p++;}
29   return(pt);
30 }
32 int
addsvb(int pt,int ** sv)33 addsvb (int pt, int **sv)
34 { int *p;
35   while ((p=sv[pt])!=stop) {pt=p[pt]; lcp--; *lcp =p-npt; }
36 }
38 int
addsvf(int pt,int ** sv)39 addsvf (int pt, int **sv)
40 { int *p;
41   while ((p=sv[pt])!=stop) {pt=p[pt]; ucp++; *ucp=p; }
42 }
44 int
invert(int * a,int * b)45 invert (int *a, int *b)
46 {int i; for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) b[a[i]]=i; }
48 int
rdperm(int * a,int * b)49 rdperm (int *a, int *b)
50 { int i,*r;
51   for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) fscanf(ip,"%d",a+i);
52   r=pst+1; fscanf(ip,"%d",r); invert(a,b);
53 }
55 int
rdsv(int ** sv)56 rdsv (int **sv)
57 { int i,j;
58   for (i=1;i<=npt;i++)
59   { fscanf(ip,"%d",&j); sv[i]= (j==0) ? 0 : (j== -1) ? stop : cp[j];}
60 }
62 int
cnprg1(void)63 cnprg1 (void)
64 { int i,j,k,ad,sad,nph,*svpt,*p1,*p2,**csvg,**csvh,nexp;
65   char pthere,w,ok,allok;  long fac;
66   stop = &dummy;
67   if ((ip=fopen(inf1,"r"))==0)
68   { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s.\n",inf1); return(-1); }
69   fscanf(ip,"%d%d%d%d",&npt,&npg,&nb,&k);
70   if (npt>mpt) {fprintf(stderr,"npt too big. Increase mpt.\n"); return(-1); }
71   if (nb>=mb) {fprintf(stderr,"nb too big. Increase MB.\n"); return(-1); }
72   if (2*nb*npt>svsp)
73   { fprintf(stderr,"svsp too small. Increase SVSP.\n"); return(-1); }
74   if (k<=0) {fprintf(stderr,"Wrong input format for G.\n"); return(-1); }
75   for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) fscanf(ip,"%d",base+i);
76   for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) fscanf(ip,"%d",lorbg+i);
77   pst=perm-1; pend=perm+psp-1;
78   if (pst+2*npg*npt>pend)
79   { fprintf(stderr,"Out of space.Increase PSP.\n"); return(-1);}
80   for (i=1;i<=npg;i++)
81   { p1=pst; p2=pst+npt; pst+=(2*npt); rdperm(p1,p2); cp[2*i-1]=p2; }
82   for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) {svgptr[i]=sv+npt*(i-1)-1; rdsv(svgptr[i]); }
83   fclose(ip);
84 /* G is read. Now read the subgroup H */
85   if (triv)
86   { nph=0; for (i=1;i<=nb;i++)
87     { lorbh[i]=1; svhptr[i]=sv+npt*(nb+i-1)-1;
88       for (j=1;j<=npt;j++) svhptr[i][j]=0; svhptr[i][base[i]]=stop;
89     }
90   }
91   else
92   { if ((ip=fopen(inf2,"r"))==0)
93     { fprintf(stderr,"Cannot open %s.\n",inf2); return(-1); }
94     fscanf(ip,"%d%d%d%d",&i,&nph,&j,&k); w=0;
95     if (k<=0) { fprintf(stderr,"Wrong input format for H.\n"); return(-1); }
96     if (i!=npt || j!=nb) w=1;
97     else for (i=1;i<=nb;i++)
98     { fscanf(ip,"%d",lorbh+i); if (lorbh[i]!=base[i]) w=1; }
99     if (w)
100     { fprintf(stderr,"npt or base for G and H do not agree.\n");return(-1);}
101     for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) fscanf(ip,"%d",lorbh+i);
102     if (pst+2*npt*nph+2>pend)
103     { fprintf(stderr,"Out of space.Increase PSP.\n"); return(-1);}
104     for (i=1;i<=nph;i++)
105     { p2=pend-npt; p1=p2-npt; pend-=(2*npt); rdperm(p1,p2); cp[2*i-1]=p2;}
106     for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) {svhptr[i]=sv+npt*(nb+i-1)-1; rdsv(svhptr[i]); }
107     fclose(ip);
108   }
109   for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) fpt[i]=0;
110   p1=pst; p2=p1+npt; pst+=(2*npt); lcp=cp; expp= cp+2*npt-1;
111   cind=1; fac=1; coh_index[nb+1]=1; lnt=0;
113 /* Now we compute the indices of H in G in the stabilizer chain into the array
114    coh_index. The nontrivial indices are linked by fpt and bpt.
115 */
116   for (i=nb;i>=1;i--)
117   { j=lorbg[i]; fac=fac*j; j=lorbh[i]; fac=fac/j; ind=fac; coh_index[i]=ind;
118     if (ind>coh_index[i+1])
119     { if (lnt==0) lnt=i;
120       else { fpt[i]=fnt; bpt[fnt]=i; }
121       fnt=i;
122     }
123   }
124   bpt[fnt]= -1; fpt[lnt]= -1;
125   printf("Indices:  ");
126   for (i=1;i<=nb;i++) printf("%5d",coh_index[i]); printf("\n");
127   if (ind==1) { fprintf(stderr,"G=H.\n"); return(-1); }
128   nexp=0; ind=1; oind=1; trptr=0;
130 /* Now we start the backtrack search for the left coset reps of H in G. The
131    necessary information about these is stored in the array tree. This is done
132    so as to make it as easy as possible to compute which coset an arbitrary
133    element of G lies in. If expg is true, then those perms in G which arise
134    are expanded and stored.
135    If dcr is true, then a small subset of the coset reps will need to be
136    output as perms, later. For this purpose, the base images of all coset reps
137    are output to a temporary file.
138    ind is the current coh_index coh_index[bno], and cind is the no of coset reps
139    found so far.
140 */
141   for (i=fnt;i!= -1;i=fpt[i])
142   { trad[i]=tree+trptr; tree[trptr]=base[i]; trptr+=2; }
143   if (dcr) opx=fopen(temp2,"w");
144   if (cr)
145   { op=fopen(outf3,"w");
146     fprintf(op,"%4d %d%4d%4d\n",npt,coh_index[1]-1,0,0);
147   }
148   sad=trptr; tree[trptr]=1; trptr++;
149   for (bno=lnt;bno!= -1;bno=bpt[bno])
150   { printf("bno=%d.\n",bno);
151     *gorb=1; gorb[1]=base[bno];
152     ind=coh_index[bno]; csvg=svgptr[bno]; csvh=svhptr[bno];
153     allok=(lorbh[bno]==1);
154 /* if allok, then all coset reps in this link of the stabilizer chain will be
155    coset reps of H in G.
156 */
157     if (expg) {for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) expp[i]=0; expp[base[bno]]=stop; }
158     for (pt=1;pt<=npt;pt++)
159     { svpt=csvg[pt];
160       if (svpt!=0 && svpt!=stop)
161       { ucp=lcp-1; addsvf(pt,csvg); pthere=0;
162         if (expg)
163         { for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) p1[i]=image(i);
164           invert(p1,p2); ucp=lcp; *ucp=p1;
165         }
166         j=sad;
167         for (i=fpt[bno];i!= -1;i=fpt[i])
168         { tailad[i]=tree+j; cpad[i]=ucp+1; j+=2; }
169 /* In the search, for each basic coset rep g in the stabilizer chain, we have
170    to try out gh as a possible coset rep of H in G, for each h in the list of
171    coset reps of H[bno-1] in G[bno-1]. coind and oind record the search
172    through this list.
173 */
174         coind=1;
175         while (coind<=oind)
176         { if (coind>1) advance(); ok=1;
177           if (allok==0)
178           for (i=1;i<=*gorb && ok;i++) if (csvh[image(gorb[i])]!=0) ok=0;
179 /* That was the membership test. ok true means we have found a new rep */
180           if (ok)
181           { if (pthere)
182             { ad=fpt[bno];
183               while (*tailad[ad]== *trad[ad]) ad=fpt[ad];
184               tree[trptr]= *tailad[ad];
185             }
186             else
187             { pthere=1; ad=bno; tree[trptr]=pt;
188               if (expg)
189               { expp[pt]=p1; p1=pst; p2=p1+npt; pst+=(2*npt); nexp++;
190                 if (pst>pend)
191                 { fprintf(stderr,"Out of perm space. Increase PSP.\n");
192                   return(-1);
193                 }
194               }
195             }
196             *(trad[ad]+1)=trptr; trad[ad]=tree+trptr; trptr+=2;
197             for (i=fpt[ad];i!= -1;i=fpt[i])
198             { *(trad[i]+1)= -1; tree[trptr]= *tailad[i];
199               trad[i]=tree+trptr; trptr+=2;
200             }
201             cind++; tree[trptr]=cind; trptr++;
202             if (trptr>trsp)
203             { fprintf(stderr,"Out of tree space. Increase TRSP.\n");
204               return(-1);
205             }
206             if (dcr) for (i=fnt;i!= -1;i=fpt[i]) fprintf(opx,"%5d",*trad[i]);
207 /* if cr, then we output each coset rep */
208             if (cr)
209             if (npt>=1000)
210             { for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) fprintf(op,"%5d",image(i));fprintf(op,"\n");}
211             else
212             { for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) fprintf(op,"%4d",image(i));fprintf(op,"\n");}
213             if (cind==ind) goto nextbno;
214           } /* if (ok) */
215           coind++;
216         }  /* while (coind<=oind) */
217         (*gorb)++; gorb[*gorb]=pt;
218       }  /* if (svpt!=0 ... */
219     } /* for (pt=1;pt<=npt;... */
220     fprintf(stderr,"Premature end of search.\n"); return(-1);
221 nextbno:
222     if (expg) for (i=1;i<=npt;i++) svgptr[bno][i]=expp[i];
223     sad-=2; oind=ind;
224   } /* main bno loop */
225   if (dcr) fclose(opx); if (cr) fclose(op);
226   for (i=fnt;i!= -1;i=fpt[i]) *(trad[i]+1)= -1;
227   printf("Tree space used = %d.\n",trptr);
228   if (expg) printf("Number of perms expanded = %d.\n",nexp);
229   return(0);
230 }
232 int
advance(void)233 advance (void)
234 /* This advances the element h in the search through elements gh */
235 { int ad,k,*p,*q;
236   ad=lnt;
237   while ((k= *(tailad[ad]+1)) == -1) ad=bpt[ad];
238   q=tree+k; ucp=cpad[ad]-1;
239   while (ad!= -1)
240   { tailad[ad]=q; cpad[ad]=ucp+1;
241     if (expg) { p=svgptr[ad][*q]; if (p!=stop) {ucp++; *ucp=p; }}
242     else addsvf(*q,svgptr[ad]);
243     q+=2; ad=fpt[ad];
244   }
245 }