1C grpsupp.tex 1. Supportive functions for groups
2S 1.1. Predefined groups
3F 1.1. TWGroup
4F 1.1. IdTWGroup
5S 1.2. Operation tables for groups
6F 1.2. PrintTable
7S 1.3. Group endomorphisms
8F 1.3. Endomorphisms
9S 1.4. Group automorphisms
10F 1.4. Automorphisms
11S 1.5. Inner automorphisms of a group
12F 1.5. InnerAutomorphisms
13S 1.6. Isomorphic groups
14F 1.6. IsIsomorphicGroup
15S 1.7. Subgroups of a group
16F 1.7. Subgroups
17S 1.8. Normal subgroups generated by a single element
18F 1.8. OneGeneratedNormalSubgroups
19S 1.9. Invariant subgroups
20F 1.9. IsInvariantUnderMaps
21F 1.9. IsCharacteristicSubgroup
22F 1.9. IsCharacteristicInParent
23F 1.9. IsFullinvariant
24F 1.9. IsFullinvariantInParent
25S 1.10. Coset representatives
26F 1.10. RepresentativesModNormalSubgroup
27F 1.10. NontrivialRepresentativesModNormalSubgroup
28S 1.11. Scott length
29F 1.11. ScottLength
30S 1.12. Other useful functions for groups
31F 1.12. AsPermGroup
32C nr.tex 2. Nearrings
33S 2.1. Defining a nearring multiplication
34F 2.1. IsNearRingMultiplication
35F 2.1. NearRingMultiplicationByOperationTable
36S 2.2. Construction of nearrings
37F 2.2. ExplicitMultiplicationNearRing
38F 2.2. ExplicitMultiplicationNearRingNC
39F 2.2. IsNearRing
40F 2.2. IsExplicitMultiplicationNearRing
41S 2.3. Direct products of nearrings
42F 2.3. DirectProductNearRing
43S 2.4. Operation tables for nearrings
44F 2.4. PrintTable!near rings
45S 2.5. Modified symbols for the operation tables
46F 2.5. SetSymbols
47F 2.5. SetSymbolsSupervised
48F 2.5. Symbols
49S 2.6. Accessing nearring elements
50F 2.6. AsNearRingElement
51F 2.6. AsGroupReductElement
52S 2.7. Nearring elements
53F 2.7. AsList!near rings
54F 2.7. AsSortedList!near rings
55F 2.7. Enumerator!near rings
56S 2.8. Random nearring elements
57F 2.8. Random!near ring element
58S 2.9. Nearring generators
59F 2.9. GeneratorsOfNearRing
60S 2.10. Size of a nearring
61F 2.10. Size!near rings
62S 2.11. The additive group of a nearring
63F 2.11. GroupReduct
64S 2.12. Nearring endomorphisms
65F 2.12. Endomorphisms!near rings
66S 2.13. Nearring automorphisms
67F 2.13. Automorphisms!near rings
68S 2.14. Isomorphic nearrings
69F 2.14. IsIsomorphicNearRing
70S 2.15. Subnearrings
71F 2.15. SubNearRings
72S 2.16. Invariant subnearrings
73F 2.16. InvariantSubNearRings
74S 2.17. Constructing subnearrings
75F 2.17. SubNearRingBySubgroupNC
76S 2.18. Intersection of nearrings
77F 2.18. Intersection!for nearrings
78S 2.19. Identity of a nearring
79F 2.19. Identity
80F 2.19. One
81F 2.19. IsNearRingWithOne
82S 2.20. Units of a nearring
83F 2.20. IsNearRingUnit
84F 2.20. NearRingUnits
85S 2.21. Distributivity in a nearring
86F 2.21. Distributors
87F 2.21. DistributiveElements
88F 2.21. IsDistributiveNearRing
89S 2.22. Elements of a nearring with special properties
90F 2.22. ZeroSymmetricElements
91F 2.22. IdempotentElements
92F 2.22. NilpotentElements
93F 2.22. QuasiregularElements
94F 2.22. RegularElements
95S 2.23. Special properties of a nearring
96F 2.23. IsAbelianNearRing
97F 2.23. IsAbstractAffineNearRing
98F 2.23. IsBooleanNearRing
99F 2.23. IsNilNearRing
100F 2.23. IsNilpotentNearRing
101F 2.23. IsNilpotentFreeNearRing
102F 2.23. IsCommutative
103F 2.23. IsDgNearRing
104F 2.23. IsIntegralNearRing
105F 2.23. IsPrimeNearRing
106F 2.23. IsQuasiregularNearRing
107F 2.23. IsRegularNearRing
108F 2.23. IsNearField
109F 2.23. IsPlanarNearRing
110F 2.23. IsWdNearRing
111C libnr.tex 3. The nearring library
112S 3.1. Extracting nearrings from the library
113F 3.1. LibraryNearRing
114F 3.1. NumberLibraryNearRings
115F 3.1. AllLibraryNearRings
116F 3.1. LibraryNearRingWithOne
117F 3.1. NumberLibraryNearRingsWithOne
118F 3.1. AllLibraryNearRingsWithOne
119S 3.2. Identifying nearrings
120F 3.2. IdLibraryNearRing
121F 3.2. IdLibraryNearRingWithOne
122S 3.3. IsLibraryNearRing
123F 3.3. IsLibraryNearRing
124S 3.4. Accessing the information about a nearring stored in the library
125F 3.4. LibraryNearRingInfo
126C tfms.tex 4. Arbitrary functions on groups: EndoMappings
127S 4.1. Defining endo mappings
128F 4.1. EndoMappingByPositionList
129F 4.1. EndoMappingByFunction
130F 4.1. AsEndoMapping
131F 4.1. AsGroupGeneralMappingByImages
132F 4.1. IsEndoMapping
133F 4.1. IdentityEndoMapping
134F 4.1. ConstantEndoMapping
135S 4.2. Properties of endo mappings
136F 4.2. IsIdentityEndoMapping
137F 4.2. IsConstantEndoMapping
138F 4.2. IsDistributiveEndoMapping
139S 4.3. Operations for endo mappings
140S 4.4. Nicer ways to print a mapping
141F 4.4. GraphOfMapping
142F 4.4. PrintAsTerm
143C tfmnr.tex 5. Transformation nearrings
144S 5.1. Constructing transformation nearrings
145F 5.1. TransformationNearRingByGenerators
146F 5.1. TransformationNearRingByAdditiveGenerators
147S 5.2. Nearrings of transformations
148F 5.2. MapNearRing
149F 5.2. TransformationNearRing
150F 5.2. IsFullTransformationNearRing
151F 5.2. PolynomialNearRing
152F 5.2. EndomorphismNearRing
153F 5.2. AutomorphismNearRing
154F 5.2. InnerAutomorphismNearRing
155F 5.2. CompatibleFunctionNearRing
156F 5.2. ZeroSymmetricCompatibleFunctionNearRing
157F 5.2. IsCompatibleEndoMapping
158F 5.2. Is1AffineComplete
159F 5.2. CentralizerNearRing
160F 5.2. RestrictedEndomorphismNearRing
161F 5.2. LocalInterpolationNearRing
162S 5.3. The group a transformation nearring acts on
163F 5.3. Gamma
164S 5.4. Transformation nearrings and other nearrings
165F 5.4. AsTransformationNearRing
166F 5.4. AsExplicitMultiplicationNearRing
167S 5.5. Noetherian quotients for transformation nearrings
168F 5.5. NoetherianQuotient!for transformation nearrings
169F 5.5. CongruenceNoetherianQuotient!for nearrings of polynomial functions
170F 5.5. CongruenceNoetherianQuotientForInnerAutomorphismNearRings !for inner automorphism nearrings
171S 5.6. Zerosymmetric mappings
172F 5.6. ZeroSymmetricPart!for transformation nearrings
173C ideals.tex 6. Nearring ideals
174S 6.1. Construction of nearring ideals
175F 6.1. NearRingIdealByGenerators
176F 6.1. NearRingLeftIdealByGenerators
177F 6.1. NearRingRightIdealByGenerators
178F 6.1. NearRingIdealBySubgroupNC
179F 6.1. NearRingLeftIdealBySubgroupNC
180F 6.1. NearRingRightIdealBySubgroupNC
181F 6.1. NearRingIdeals
182F 6.1. NearRingLeftIdeals
183F 6.1. NearRingRightIdeals
184S 6.2. Testing for ideal properties
185F 6.2. IsNRI
186F 6.2. IsNearRingLeftIdeal
187F 6.2. IsNearRingRightIdeal
188F 6.2. IsNearRingIdeal
189F 6.2. IsSubgroupNearRingLeftIdeal
190F 6.2. IsSubgroupNearRingRightIdeal
191S 6.3. Special ideal properties
192F 6.3. IsPrimeNearRingIdeal
193F 6.3. IsMaximalNearRingIdeal
194S 6.4. Generators of nearring ideals
195F 6.4. GeneratorsOfNearRingIdeal
196F 6.4. GeneratorsOfNearRingLeftIdeal
197F 6.4. GeneratorsOfNearRingRightIdeal
198S 6.5. Near-ring ideal elements
199F 6.5. AsList!near ring ideals
200F 6.5. AsSortedList!near ring ideals
201F 6.5. Enumerator!near ring ideals
202S 6.6. Random ideal elements
203F 6.6. Random!near ring ideal element
204S 6.7. Membership of an ideal
205F 6.7. in
206S 6.8. Size of ideals
207F 6.8. Size!near ring ideals
208S 6.9. Group reducts of ideals
209F 6.9. GroupReduct!near ring ideals
210S 6.10. Comparision of ideals
211F 6.10. =
212S 6.11. Operations with ideals
213F 6.11. Intersection!for nearring ideals
214F 6.11. Intersection
215F 6.11. ClosureNearRingLeftIdeal
216F 6.11. ClosureNearRingRightIdeal
217F 6.11. ClosureNearRingIdeal
218S 6.12. Commutators
219F 6.12. NearRingCommutator
220S 6.13. Simple nearrings
221F 6.13. IsSimpleNearRing
222S 6.14. Factor nearrings
223F 6.14. FactorNearRing
224F 6.14. /
225C xsonata.tex 7. Graphic ideal lattices (X-GAP only)
226F 7.0. GraphicIdealLattice
227C ngroups.tex 8. N-groups
228S 8.1. Construction of N-groups
229F 8.1. NGroup
230F 8.1. NGroupByNearRingMultiplication
231F 8.1. NGroupByApplication
232F 8.1. NGroupByRightIdealFactor
233S 8.2. Operation tables of N-groups
234F 8.2. PrintTable!for N-groups
235S 8.3. Functions for N-groups
236F 8.3. IsNGroup
237F 8.3. NearRingActingOnNGroup
238F 8.3. ActionOfNearRingOnNGroup
239S 8.4. N-subgroups
240F 8.4. NSubgroup
241F 8.4. NSubgroups
242F 8.4. IsNSubgroup
243S 8.5. N0-subgroups
244F 8.5. N0Subgroups
245S 8.6. Ideals of N-groups
246F 8.6. NIdeal
247F 8.6. NIdeals
248F 8.6. IsNIdeal
249F 8.6. IsSimpleNGroup
250F 8.6. IsN0SimpleNGroup
251S 8.7. Special properties of N-groups
252F 8.7. IsCompatible
253F 8.7. IsTameNGroup
254F 8.7. Is2TameNGroup
255F 8.7. Is3TameNGroup
256F 8.7. IsMonogenic
257F 8.7. IsStronglyMonogenic
258F 8.7. TypeOfNGroup
259S 8.8. Noetherian quotients
260F 8.8. NoetherianQuotient
261S 8.9. Nearring radicals
262F 8.9. NuRadical
263F 8.9. NuRadicals
264C fpf.tex 9. Fixed-point-free automorphism groups
265S 9.1. Fixed-point-free automorphism groups and Frobenius groups
266F 9.1. IsFpfAutomorphismGroup
267F 9.1. FpfAutomorphismGroupsMaxSize
268F 9.1. FrobeniusGroup
269S 9.2. Fixed-point-free representations
270F 9.2. IsFpfRepresentation
271F 9.2. DegreeOfIrredFpfRepCyclic
272F 9.2. DegreeOfIrredFpfRepMetacyclic
273F 9.2. DegreeOfIrredFpfRep2
274F 9.2. DegreeOfIrredFpfRep3
275F 9.2. DegreeOfIrredFpfRep4
276F 9.2. FpfRepresentationsCyclic
277F 9.2. FpfRepresentationsMetacyclic
278F 9.2. FpfRepresentations2
279F 9.2. FpfRepresentations3
280F 9.2. FpfRepresentations4
281S 9.3. Fixed-point-free automorphism groups
282F 9.3. FpfAutomorphismGroupsCyclic
283F 9.3. FpfAutomorphismGroupsMetacyclic
284F 9.3. FpfAutomorphismGroups2
285F 9.3. FpfAutomorphismGroups3
286F 9.3. FpfAutomorphismGroups4
287C nfplwd.tex 10. Nearfields, planar nearrings and weakly divisible nearrings
288S 10.1. Dickson numbers
289F 10.1. IsPairOfDicksonNumbers
290S 10.2. Dickson nearfields
291F 10.2. DicksonNearFields
292F 10.2. NumberOfDicksonNearFields
293S 10.3. Exceptional nearfields
294F 10.3. ExceptionalNearFields
295F 10.3. AllExceptionalNearFields
296S 10.4. Planar nearrings
297F 10.4. PlanarNearRing
298F 10.4. OrbitRepresentativesForPlanarNearRing
299S 10.5. Weakly divisible nearrings
300F 10.5. WdNearRing
301C design.tex 11. Designs
302S 11.1. Constructing a design
303F 11.1. DesignFromPointsAndBlocks
304F 11.1. DesignFromIncidenceMat
305F 11.1. DesignFromPlanarNearRing
306F 11.1. DesignFromFerreroPair
307F 11.1. DesignFromWdNearRing
308S 11.2. Properties of a design
309F 11.2. PointsOfDesign
310F 11.2. BlocksOfDesign
311F 11.2. DesignParameter
312F 11.2. IncidenceMat
313F 11.2. PrintIncidenceMat
314F 11.2. BlockIntersectionNumbers
315F 11.2. BlockIntersectionNumbersK
316F 11.2. IsCircularDesign
317S 11.3. Working with the points and blocks of a design
318F 11.3. IsPointIncidentBlock
319F 11.3. PointsIncidentBlocks
320F 11.3. BlocksIncidentPoints