1 /****************************************************************************
2 **
3 **  This file is part of GAP, a system for computational discrete algebra.
4 **
5 **  Copyright of GAP belongs to its developers, whose names are too numerous
6 **  to list here. Please refer to the COPYRIGHT file for details.
7 **
8 **  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
9 **
10 **  This file contains the functions for permutations (small and large).
11 **
12 **  Mathematically a permutation is a bijective mapping  of a finite set onto
13 **  itself.  In \GAP\ this subset must always be of the form [ 1, 2, .., N ],
14 **  where N is at most $2^32$.
15 **
16 **  Internally a permutation <p> is viewed as a mapping of [ 0, 1, .., N-1 ],
17 **  because in C indexing of  arrays is done with the origin  0 instead of 1.
18 **  A permutation is represented by a bag of type 'T_PERM2' or 'T_PERM4' of
19 **  the form
20 **
21 **      (CONST_)ADDR_OBJ(p)
22 **      |
23 **      v
24 **      +------+-------+-------+-------+-------+- - - -+-------+-------+
25 **      | inv. | image | image | image | image |       | image | image |
26 **      | perm | of  0 | of  1 | of  2 | of  3 |       | of N-2| of N-1|
27 **      +------+-------+-------+-------+-------+- - - -+-------+-------+
28 **             ^
29 **             |
30 **             (CONST_)ADDR_PERM2(p) resp. (CONST_)ADDR_PERM4(p)
31 **
32 **  The first entry of the bag <p> is either zero, or a reference to another
33 **  permutation representing the inverse of <p>. The remaining entries of the
34 **  bag form an array describing the permutation. For bags of type 'T_PERM2',
35 **  the entries are of type 'UInt2' (defined in 'system.h' as an 16 bit wide
36 **  unsigned integer type), for type 'T_PERM4' the entries are of type
37 **  'UInt4' (defined as a 32bit wide unsigned integer type). The first of
38 **  these entries is the image of 0, the second is the image of 1, and so on.
39 **  Thus, the entry at C index <i> is the image of <i>, if we view the
40 **  permutation as mapping of [ 0, 1, 2, .., N-1 ] as described above.
41 **
42 **  Permutations are never  shortened.  For  example, if  the product  of two
43 **  permutations of degree 100 is the identity, it  is nevertheless stored as
44 **  array of length 100, in  which the <i>-th  entry is of course simply <i>.
45 **  Testing whether a product has trailing  fixpoints would be pretty costly,
46 **  and permutations of equal degree can be handled by the functions faster.
47 */
49 extern "C" {
51 #include "permutat.h"
53 #include "ariths.h"
54 #include "bool.h"
55 #include "error.h"
56 #include "gapstate.h"
57 #include "integer.h"
58 #include "io.h"
59 #include "listfunc.h"
60 #include "lists.h"
61 #include "modules.h"
62 #include "opers.h"
63 #include "plist.h"
64 #include "precord.h"
65 #include "range.h"
66 #include "records.h"
67 #include "saveload.h"
68 #include "sysfiles.h"
69 #include "trans.h"
71 } // extern "C"
73 #include "permutat_intern.hh"
76 /****************************************************************************
77 **
78 *F  IMAGE(<i>,<pt>,<dg>)  . . . . . .  image of <i> under <pt> of degree <dg>
79 **
80 **  'IMAGE'  returns the  image of the   point <i> under  the permutation  of
81 **  degree <dg> pointed to  by <pt>.   If the  point  <i> is greater  than or
82 **  equal to <dg> the image is <i> itself.
83 **
84 **  'IMAGE' is  implemented as a macro so  do not use  it with arguments that
85 **  have side effects.
86 */
87 #define IMAGE(i,pt,dg)  (((i) < (dg)) ? (pt)[(i)] : (i))
90 /****************************************************************************
91 **
92 *V  IdentityPerm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  identity permutation
93 **
94 **  'IdentityPerm' is an identity permutation.
95 */
96 Obj             IdentityPerm;
100 static ModuleStateOffset PermutatStateOffset = -1;
102 typedef struct {
104 /****************************************************************************
105 **
106 *V  TmpPerm . . . . . . . handle of the buffer bag of the permutation package
107 **
108 **  'TmpPerm' is the handle  of a bag of type  'T_PERM4', which is created at
109 **  initialization time  of this package.  Functions  in this package can use
110 **  this bag for  whatever  purpose they want.  They   have to make sure   of
111 **  course that it is large enough.
112 **  The buffer is *not* guaranteed to have any particular value, routines
113 **  that require a zero-initialization need to do this at the start.
114 **  This buffer is only constructed once it is needed, to avoid startup
115 **  costs (particularly when starting new threads).
116 **  Use the UseTmpPerm(<size>) utility function to ensure it is constructed!
117 */
118 Obj TmpPerm;
120 } PermutatModuleState;
122 #define  TmpPerm MODULE_STATE(Permutat).TmpPerm
UseTmpPerm(UInt size)125 static UInt1 * UseTmpPerm(UInt size)
126 {
127     if (TmpPerm == (Obj)0)
128         TmpPerm  = NewBag(T_PERM4, size);
129     else if (SIZE_BAG(TmpPerm) < size)
130         ResizeBag(TmpPerm, size);
131     return (UInt1 *)(ADDR_OBJ(TmpPerm) + 1);
132 }
134 template <typename T>
ADDR_TMP_PERM()135 static inline T * ADDR_TMP_PERM()
136 {
137     // no GAP_ASSERT here on purpose
138     return (T *)(ADDR_OBJ(TmpPerm) + 1);
139 }
142 /****************************************************************************
143 **
144 *F  TypePerm( <perm> )  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . type of a permutation
145 **
146 **  'TypePerm' returns the type of permutations.
147 **
148 **  'TypePerm' is the function in 'TypeObjFuncs' for permutations.
149 */
150 static Obj TYPE_PERM2;
152 static Obj TYPE_PERM4;
TypePerm2(Obj perm)154 static Obj TypePerm2(Obj perm)
155 {
156     return TYPE_PERM2;
157 }
TypePerm4(Obj perm)159 static Obj TypePerm4(Obj perm)
160 {
161     return TYPE_PERM4;
162 }
164 // Forward declarations
165 template <typename T>
166 static inline UInt LargestMovedPointPerm_(Obj perm);
168 template <typename T>
169 static Obj InvPerm(Obj perm);
172 /****************************************************************************
173 **
174 *F  PrintPerm( <perm> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . print a permutation
175 **
176 **  'PrintPerm' prints the permutation <perm> in the usual cycle notation. It
177 **  uses the degree to print all points with same width, which  looks  nicer.
178 **  Linebreaks are prefered most after cycles and  next  most  after  commas.
179 **
180 **  It does not remember which points have already  been  printed.  To  avoid
181 **  printing a cycle twice each is printed with the smallest  element  first.
182 **  This may in the worst case, for (1,2,..,n), take n^2/2 steps, but is fast
183 **  enough to keep a terminal at 9600 baud busy for all but the extrem cases.
184 */
185 template <typename T>
PrintPerm(Obj perm)186 static void PrintPerm(Obj perm)
187 {
188     UInt                degPerm;        /* degree of the permutation       */
189     const T *           ptPerm;         /* pointer to the permutation      */
190     UInt                p,  q;          /* loop variables                  */
191     UInt                isId;           /* permutation is the identity?    */
192     const char *        fmt1;           /* common formats to print points  */
193     const char *        fmt2;           /* common formats to print points  */
195     /* set up the formats used, so all points are printed with equal width */
196     // Use LargestMovedPoint so printing is consistent
197     degPerm = LargestMovedPointPerm_<T>(perm);
198     if      ( degPerm <    10 ) { fmt1 = "%>(%>%1d%<"; fmt2 = ",%>%1d%<"; }
199     else if ( degPerm <   100 ) { fmt1 = "%>(%>%2d%<"; fmt2 = ",%>%2d%<"; }
200     else if ( degPerm <  1000 ) { fmt1 = "%>(%>%3d%<"; fmt2 = ",%>%3d%<"; }
201     else if ( degPerm < 10000 ) { fmt1 = "%>(%>%4d%<"; fmt2 = ",%>%4d%<"; }
202     else                        { fmt1 = "%>(%>%5d%<"; fmt2 = ",%>%5d%<"; }
204     /* run through all points                                              */
205     isId = 1;
206     ptPerm = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
207     for ( p = 0; p < degPerm; p++ ) {
209         /* find the smallest element in this cycle                         */
210         q = ptPerm[p];
211         while ( p < q )  q = ptPerm[q];
213         /* if the smallest is the one we started with lets print the cycle */
214         if ( p == q && ptPerm[p] != p ) {
215             isId = 0;
216             Pr(fmt1,(Int)(p+1),0L);
217             ptPerm = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
218             for ( q = ptPerm[p]; q != p; q = ptPerm[q] ) {
219                 Pr(fmt2,(Int)(q+1),0L);
220                 ptPerm = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
221             }
222             Pr("%<)",0L,0L);
223             /* restore pointer, in case Pr caused a garbage collection */
224             ptPerm = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
225         }
227     }
229     /* special case for the identity                                       */
230     if ( isId )  Pr("()",0L,0L);
231 }
234 /****************************************************************************
235 **
236 *F  EqPerm( <opL>, <opR> )  . . . . . . .  test if two permutations are equal
237 **
238 **  'EqPerm' returns 'true' if the two permutations <opL> and <opR> are equal
239 **  and 'false' otherwise.
240 **
241 **  Two permutations may be equal, even if the two sequences do not have  the
242 **  same length, if  the  larger  permutation  fixes  the  exceeding  points.
243 **
244 */
245 template <typename TL, typename TR>
EqPerm(Obj opL,Obj opR)246 static Int EqPerm(Obj opL, Obj opR)
247 {
248     UInt                degL;           /* degree of the left operand      */
249     const TL *          ptL;            /* pointer to the left operand     */
250     UInt                degR;           /* degree of the right operand     */
251     const TR *          ptR;            /* pointer to the right operand    */
252     UInt                p;              /* loop variable                   */
254     /* get the degrees                                                     */
255     degL = DEG_PERM<TL>(opL);
256     degR = DEG_PERM<TR>(opR);
258     /* set up the pointers                                                 */
259     ptL = CONST_ADDR_PERM<TL>(opL);
260     ptR = CONST_ADDR_PERM<TR>(opR);
262     /* search for a difference and return False if you find one          */
263     if ( degL <= degR ) {
264         for ( p = 0; p < degL; p++ )
265             if ( *(ptL++) != *(ptR++) )
266                 return 0L;
267         for ( p = degL; p < degR; p++ )
268             if (        p != *(ptR++) )
269                 return 0L;
270     }
271     else {
272         for ( p = 0; p < degR; p++ )
273             if ( *(ptL++) != *(ptR++) )
274                 return 0L;
275         for ( p = degR; p < degL; p++ )
276             if ( *(ptL++) !=        p )
277                 return 0L;
278     }
280     /* otherwise they must be equal                                        */
281     return 1L;
282 }
285 /****************************************************************************
286 **
287 *F  LtPerm( <opL>, <opR> )  . test if one permutation is smaller than another
288 **
289 **  'LtPerm' returns  'true' if the permutation <opL>  is strictly  less than
290 **  the permutation  <opR>.  Permutations are  ordered lexicographically with
291 **  respect to the images of 1,2,.., etc.
292 */
293 template <typename TL, typename TR>
LtPerm(Obj opL,Obj opR)294 static Int LtPerm(Obj opL, Obj opR)
295 {
296     UInt                degL;           /* degree of the left operand      */
297     const TL *          ptL;            /* pointer to the left operand     */
298     UInt                degR;           /* degree of the right operand     */
299     const TR *          ptR;            /* pointer to the right operand    */
300     UInt                p;              /* loop variable                   */
302     /* get the degrees of the permutations                                 */
303     degL = DEG_PERM<TL>(opL);
304     degR = DEG_PERM<TR>(opR);
306     /* set up the pointers                                                 */
307     ptL = CONST_ADDR_PERM<TL>(opL);
308     ptR = CONST_ADDR_PERM<TR>(opR);
310     /* search for a difference and return if you find one                  */
311     if ( degL <= degR ) {
313         for (p = 0; p < degL; p++, ptL++, ptR++)
314             if (*ptL != *ptR) {
315                 return *ptL < *ptR;
316             }
317         for (p = degL; p < degR; p++, ptR++)
318             if (p != *ptR) {
319                 return p < *ptR;
320             }
321     }
322     else {
323         for (p = 0; p < degR; p++, ptL++, ptR++)
324             if (*ptL != *ptR) {
325                 return *ptL < *ptR;
326             }
327         for (p = degR; p < degL; p++, ptL++)
328             if (*ptL != p) {
329                 return *ptL < p;
330             }
331     }
333     /* otherwise they must be equal                                        */
334     return 0;
335 }
338 /****************************************************************************
339 **
340 *F  ProdPerm( <opL>, <opR> )  . . . . . . . . . . . . product of permutations
341 **
342 **  'ProdPerm' returns the product of the two permutations <opL> and <opR>.
343 **
344 **  This is a little bit tuned but should be sufficiently easy to understand.
345 */
346 template <typename TL, typename TR>
ProdPerm(Obj opL,Obj opR)347 static Obj ProdPerm(Obj opL, Obj opR)
348 {
349     typedef typename ResultType<TL,TR>::type Res;
351     Obj                 prd;            /* handle of the product (result)  */
352     UInt                degP;           /* degree of the product           */
353     Res *               ptP;            /* pointer to the product          */
354     UInt                degL;           /* degree of the left operand      */
355     const TL *          ptL;            /* pointer to the left operand     */
356     UInt                degR;           /* degree of the right operand     */
357     const TR *          ptR;            /* pointer to the right operand    */
358     UInt                p;              /* loop variable                   */
360     degL = DEG_PERM<TL>(opL);
361     degR = DEG_PERM<TR>(opR);
363     // handle trivial cases
364     if (degL == 0) {
365         return opR;
366     }
367     if (degR == 0) {
368         return opL;
369     }
371     // compute the size of the result and allocate a bag
372     degP = degL < degR ? degR : degL;
373     prd  = NEW_PERM<Res>( degP );
375     /* set up the pointers                                                 */
376     ptL = CONST_ADDR_PERM<TL>(opL);
377     ptR = CONST_ADDR_PERM<TR>(opR);
378     ptP = ADDR_PERM<Res>(prd);
380     /* if the left (inner) permutation has smaller degree, it is very easy */
381     if ( degL <= degR ) {
382         for ( p = 0; p < degL; p++ )
383             *(ptP++) = ptR[ *(ptL++) ];
384         for ( p = degL; p < degR; p++ )
385             *(ptP++) = ptR[ p ];
386     }
388     /* otherwise we have to use the macro 'IMAGE'                          */
389     else {
390         for ( p = 0; p < degL; p++ )
391             *(ptP++) = IMAGE( ptL[ p ], ptR, degR );
392     }
394     /* return the result                                                   */
395     return prd;
396 }
399 /****************************************************************************
400 **
401 *F  QuoPerm( <opL>, <opR> ) . . . . . . . . . . . .  quotient of permutations
402 **
403 **  'QuoPerm' returns the quotient of the permutations <opL> and <opR>, i.e.,
404 **  the product '<opL>\*<opR>\^-1'.
405 **
406 **  Unfortunatly this can not be done in <degree> steps, we need 2 * <degree>
407 **  steps.
408 */
QuoPerm(Obj opL,Obj opR)409 static Obj QuoPerm(Obj opL, Obj opR)
410 {
411     return PROD(opL, INV(opR));
412 }
415 /****************************************************************************
416 **
417 *F  LQuoPerm( <opL>, <opR> )  . . . . . . . . . left quotient of permutations
418 **
419 **  'LQuoPerm' returns the  left quotient of  the  two permutations <opL> and
420 **  <opR>, i.e., the value of '<opL>\^-1*<opR>', which sometimes comes handy.
421 **
422 **  This can be done as fast as a single multiplication or inversion.
423 */
424 template <typename TL, typename TR>
LQuoPerm(Obj opL,Obj opR)425 static Obj LQuoPerm(Obj opL, Obj opR)
426 {
427     typedef typename ResultType<TL,TR>::type Res;
429     Obj                 mod;            /* handle of the quotient (result) */
430     UInt                degM;           /* degree of the quotient          */
431     Res *               ptM;            /* pointer to the quotient         */
432     UInt                degL;           /* degree of the left operand      */
433     const TL *          ptL;            /* pointer to the left operand     */
434     UInt                degR;           /* degree of the right operand     */
435     const TR *          ptR;            /* pointer to the right operand    */
436     UInt                p;              /* loop variable                   */
438     degL = DEG_PERM<TL>(opL);
439     degR = DEG_PERM<TR>(opR);
441     // handle trivial cases
442     if (degL == 0) {
443         return opR;
444     }
445     if (degR == 0) {
446         return InvPerm<TL>(opL);
447     }
449     // compute the size of the result and allocate a bag
450     degM = degL < degR ? degR : degL;
451     mod = NEW_PERM<Res>( degM );
453     /* set up the pointers                                                 */
454     ptL = CONST_ADDR_PERM<TL>(opL);
455     ptR = CONST_ADDR_PERM<TR>(opR);
456     ptM = ADDR_PERM<Res>(mod);
458     /* it is one thing if the left (inner) permutation is smaller          */
459     if ( degL <= degR ) {
460         for ( p = 0; p < degL; p++ )
461             ptM[ *(ptL++) ] = *(ptR++);
462         for ( p = degL; p < degR; p++ )
463             ptM[ p ] = *(ptR++);
464     }
466     /* and another if the right (outer) permutation is smaller             */
467     else {
468         for ( p = 0; p < degR; p++ )
469             ptM[ *(ptL++) ] = *(ptR++);
470         for ( p = degR; p < degL; p++ )
471             ptM[ *(ptL++) ] = p;
472     }
474     /* return the result                                                   */
475     return mod;
476 }
479 /****************************************************************************
480 **
481 *F  InvPerm( <perm> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  inverse of a permutation
482 */
483 template <typename T>
InvPerm(Obj perm)484 static Obj InvPerm(Obj perm)
485 {
486     Obj                 inv;            /* handle of the inverse (result)  */
487     T *                 ptInv;          /* pointer to the inverse          */
488     const T *           ptPerm;         /* pointer to the permutation      */
489     UInt                deg;            /* degree of the permutation       */
490     UInt                p;              /* loop variables                  */
492     inv = STOREDINV_PERM(perm);
493     if (inv != 0)
494         return inv;
496     deg = DEG_PERM<T>(perm);
497     inv = NEW_PERM<T>(deg);
499     // get pointer to the permutation and the inverse
500     ptPerm = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
501     ptInv = ADDR_PERM<T>(inv);
503     // invert the permutation
504     for ( p = 0; p < deg; p++ )
505         ptInv[ *ptPerm++ ] = p;
507     // store and return the inverse
508     SET_STOREDINV_PERM(perm, inv);
509     return inv;
510 }
513 /****************************************************************************
514 **
515 *F  PowPermInt( <opL>, <opR> )  . . . . . . .  integer power of a permutation
516 **
517 **  'PowPermInt' returns the <opR>-th power  of the permutation <opL>.  <opR>
518 **  must be a small integer.
519 **
520 **  This repeatedly applies the permutation <opR> to all points  which  seems
521 **  to be faster than binary powering, and does not need  temporary  storage.
522 */
523 template <typename T>
PowPermInt(Obj opL,Obj opR)524 static Obj PowPermInt(Obj opL, Obj opR)
525 {
526     Obj                 pow;            /* handle of the power (result)    */
527     T *                 ptP;            /* pointer to the power            */
528     const T *           ptL;            /* pointer to the permutation      */
529     UInt1 *             ptKnown;        /* pointer to temporary bag        */
530     UInt                deg;            /* degree of the permutation       */
531     Int                 exp,  e;        /* exponent (right operand)        */
532     UInt                len;            /* length of cycle (result)        */
533     UInt                p,  q,  r;      /* loop variables                  */
536     /* handle zeroth and first powers and stored inverses separately */
537     if ( opR == INTOBJ_INT(0))
538       return IdentityPerm;
539     if ( opR == INTOBJ_INT(1))
540       return opL;
541     if (opR == INTOBJ_INT(-1))
542         return InvPerm<T>(opL);
544     deg = DEG_PERM<T>(opL);
546     // handle trivial permutations
547     if (deg == 0) {
548         return IdentityPerm;
549     }
551     // allocate a result bag
552     pow = NEW_PERM<T>(deg);
554     /* compute the power by repeated mapping for small positive exponents  */
555     if ( IS_INTOBJ(opR)
556       && 2 <= INT_INTOBJ(opR) && INT_INTOBJ(opR) < 8 ) {
558         /* get pointer to the permutation and the power                    */
559         exp = INT_INTOBJ(opR);
560         ptL = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(opL);
561         ptP = ADDR_PERM<T>(pow);
563         /* loop over the points of the permutation                         */
564         for ( p = 0; p < deg; p++ ) {
565             q = p;
566             for ( e = 0; e < exp; e++ )
567                 q = ptL[q];
568             ptP[p] = q;
569         }
571     }
573     /* compute the power by raising the cycles individually for large exps */
574     else if ( IS_INTOBJ(opR) && 8 <= INT_INTOBJ(opR) ) {
576         /* make sure that the buffer bag is large enough                   */
577         UseTmpPerm(SIZE_OBJ(opL));
578         ptKnown = ADDR_TMP_PERM<UInt1>();
580         /* clear the buffer bag                                            */
581         memset(ptKnown, 0, DEG_PERM<T>(opL));
583         /* get pointer to the permutation and the power                    */
584         exp = INT_INTOBJ(opR);
585         ptL = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(opL);
586         ptP = ADDR_PERM<T>(pow);
588         /* loop over all cycles                                            */
589         for ( p = 0; p < deg; p++ ) {
591             /* if we haven't looked at this cycle so far                   */
592             if ( ptKnown[p] == 0 ) {
594                 /* find the length of this cycle                           */
595                 len = 1;
596                 for ( q = ptL[p]; q != p; q = ptL[q] ) {
597                     len++;  ptKnown[q] = 1;
598                 }
600                 /* raise this cycle to the power <exp> mod <len>           */
601                 r = p;
602                 for ( e = 0; e < exp % len; e++ )
603                     r = ptL[r];
604                 ptP[p] = r;
605                 r = ptL[r];
606                 for ( q = ptL[p]; q != p; q = ptL[q] ) {
607                     ptP[q] = r;
608                     r = ptL[r];
609                 }
611             }
613         }
616     }
618     /* compute the power by raising the cycles individually for large exps */
619     else if ( TNUM_OBJ(opR) == T_INTPOS ) {
621         /* make sure that the buffer bag is large enough                   */
622         UseTmpPerm(SIZE_OBJ(opL));
623         ptKnown = ADDR_TMP_PERM<UInt1>();
625         /* clear the buffer bag                                            */
626         memset(ptKnown, 0, DEG_PERM<T>(opL));
628         /* get pointer to the permutation and the power                    */
629         ptL = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(opL);
630         ptP = ADDR_PERM<T>(pow);
632         /* loop over all cycles                                            */
633         for ( p = 0; p < deg; p++ ) {
635             /* if we haven't looked at this cycle so far                   */
636             if ( ptKnown[p] == 0 ) {
638                 /* find the length of this cycle                           */
639                 len = 1;
640                 for ( q = ptL[p]; q != p; q = ptL[q] ) {
641                     len++;  ptKnown[q] = 1;
642                 }
644                 /* raise this cycle to the power <exp> mod <len>           */
645                 r = p;
646                 exp = INT_INTOBJ( ModInt( opR, INTOBJ_INT(len) ) );
647                 for ( e = 0; e < exp; e++ )
648                     r = ptL[r];
649                 ptP[p] = r;
650                 r = ptL[r];
651                 for ( q = ptL[p]; q != p; q = ptL[q] ) {
652                     ptP[q] = r;
653                     r = ptL[r];
654                 }
656             }
658         }
660     }
662     /* compute the power by repeated mapping for small negative exponents  */
663     else if ( IS_INTOBJ(opR)
664           && -8 < INT_INTOBJ(opR) && INT_INTOBJ(opR) < 0 ) {
666         /* get pointer to the permutation and the power                    */
667         exp = -INT_INTOBJ(opR);
668         ptL = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(opL);
669         ptP = ADDR_PERM<T>(pow);
671         /* loop over the points                                            */
672         for ( p = 0; p < deg; p++ ) {
673             q = p;
674             for ( e = 0; e < exp; e++ )
675                 q = ptL[q];
676             ptP[q] = p;
677         }
679     }
681     /* compute the power by raising the cycles individually for large exps */
682     else if ( IS_INTOBJ(opR) && INT_INTOBJ(opR) <= -8 ) {
684         /* make sure that the buffer bag is large enough                   */
685         UseTmpPerm(SIZE_OBJ(opL));
686         ptKnown = ADDR_TMP_PERM<UInt1>();
688         /* clear the buffer bag                                            */
689         memset(ptKnown, 0, DEG_PERM<T>(opL));
691         /* get pointer to the permutation and the power                    */
692         exp = -INT_INTOBJ(opR);
693         ptL = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(opL);
694         ptP = ADDR_PERM<T>(pow);
696         /* loop over all cycles                                            */
697         for ( p = 0; p < deg; p++ ) {
699             /* if we haven't looked at this cycle so far                   */
700             if ( ptKnown[p] == 0 ) {
702                 /* find the length of this cycle                           */
703                 len = 1;
704                 for ( q = ptL[p]; q != p; q = ptL[q] ) {
705                     len++;  ptKnown[q] = 1;
706                 }
708                 /* raise this cycle to the power <exp> mod <len>           */
709                 r = p;
710                 for ( e = 0; e < exp % len; e++ )
711                     r = ptL[r];
712                 ptP[r] = p;
713                 r = ptL[r];
714                 for ( q = ptL[p]; q != p; q = ptL[q] ) {
715                     ptP[r] = q;
716                     r = ptL[r];
717                 }
719             }
721         }
723     }
725     /* compute the power by raising the cycles individually for large exps */
726     else if ( TNUM_OBJ(opR) == T_INTNEG ) {
727         /* do negation first as it can cause a garbage collection          */
728         opR = AInvInt(opR);
730         /* make sure that the buffer bag is large enough                   */
731         UseTmpPerm(SIZE_OBJ(opL));
732         ptKnown = ADDR_TMP_PERM<UInt1>();
734         /* clear the buffer bag                                            */
735         memset(ptKnown, 0, DEG_PERM<T>(opL));
737         /* get pointer to the permutation and the power                    */
738         ptL = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(opL);
739         ptP = ADDR_PERM<T>(pow);
741         /* loop over all cycles                                            */
742         for ( p = 0; p < deg; p++ ) {
744             /* if we haven't looked at this cycle so far                   */
745             if ( ptKnown[p] == 0 ) {
747                 /* find the length of this cycle                           */
748                 len = 1;
749                 for ( q = ptL[p]; q != p; q = ptL[q] ) {
750                     len++;  ptKnown[q] = 1;
751                 }
753                 /* raise this cycle to the power <exp> mod <len>           */
754                 r = p;
755                 exp = INT_INTOBJ( ModInt( opR, INTOBJ_INT(len) ) );
756                 for ( e = 0; e < exp % len; e++ )
757                     r = ptL[r];
758                 ptP[r] = p;
759                 r = ptL[r];
760                 for ( q = ptL[p]; q != p; q = ptL[q] ) {
761                     ptP[r] = q;
762                     r = ptL[r];
763                 }
765             }
767         }
769     }
771     /* return the result                                                   */
772     return pow;
773 }
776 /****************************************************************************
777 **
778 *F  PowIntPerm( <opL>, <opR> )  . . . image of an integer under a permutation
779 **
780 **  'PowIntPerm' returns the  image of the positive  integer  <opL> under the
781 **  permutation <opR>.  If <opL>  is larger than the  degree of <opR> it is a
782 **  fixpoint of the permutation and thus simply returned.
783 */
784 template <typename T>
PowIntPerm(Obj opL,Obj opR)785 static Obj PowIntPerm(Obj opL, Obj opR)
786 {
787     Int                 img;            /* image (result)                  */
789     GAP_ASSERT(TNUM_OBJ(opL) == T_INTPOS || TNUM_OBJ(opL) == T_INT);
791     /* large positive integers (> 2^28-1) are fixed by any permutation     */
792     if ( TNUM_OBJ(opL) == T_INTPOS )
793         return opL;
795     img = INT_INTOBJ(opL);
796     RequireArgumentConditionEx("PowIntPerm", opL, "<point>", img > 0,
797                                "must be a positive integer");
799     /* compute the image                                                   */
800     if ( img <= DEG_PERM<T>(opR) ) {
801         img = (CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(opR))[img-1] + 1;
802     }
804     /* return it                                                           */
805     return INTOBJ_INT(img);
806 }
809 /****************************************************************************
810 **
811 *F  QuoIntPerm( <opL>, <opR> )  .  preimage of an integer under a permutation
812 **
813 **  'QuoIntPerm' returns the preimage of the preimage integer <opL> under the
814 **  permutation <opR>.  If <opL> is larger than  the degree of  <opR> is is a
815 **  fixpoint, and thus simply returned.
816 **
817 **  There are basically two ways to find the preimage.  One is to run through
818 **  <opR>  and  look  for <opL>.  The index where it's found is the preimage.
819 **  The other is to  find  the image of  <opL> under <opR>, the image of that
820 **  point and so on, until we come  back to  <opL>.  The  last point  is  the
821 **  preimage of <opL>.  This is faster because the cycles are  usually short.
822 */
825 template <typename T>
QuoIntPerm(Obj opL,Obj opR)826 static Obj QuoIntPerm(Obj opL, Obj opR)
827 {
828     T                   pre;            /* preimage (result)               */
829     Int                 img;            /* image (left operand)            */
830     const T *           ptR;            /* pointer to the permutation      */
832     GAP_ASSERT(TNUM_OBJ(opL) == T_INTPOS || TNUM_OBJ(opL) == T_INT);
834     /* large positive integers (> 2^28-1) are fixed by any permutation     */
835     if ( TNUM_OBJ(opL) == T_INTPOS )
836         return opL;
838     img = INT_INTOBJ(opL);
839     RequireArgumentConditionEx("QuoIntPerm", opL, "<point>", img > 0,
840                                "must be a positive integer");
842     Obj inv = STOREDINV_PERM(opR);
844     if (inv == 0 && PERM_INVERSE_THRESHOLD != 0 &&
847         inv = InvPerm<T>(opR);
849     if (inv != 0)
850         return INTOBJ_INT(
851             IMAGE(img - 1, CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(inv), DEG_PERM<T>(inv)) + 1);
853     /* compute the preimage                                                */
854     if ( img <= DEG_PERM<T>(opR) ) {
855         pre = T(img - 1);
856         ptR = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(opR);
857         while (ptR[pre] != T(img - 1))
858             pre = ptR[pre];
859         /* return it */
860         return INTOBJ_INT(pre + 1);
861     }
862     else
863         return INTOBJ_INT(img);
864 }
867 /****************************************************************************
868 **
869 *F  PowPerm( <opL>, <opR> ) . . . . . . . . . . . conjugation of permutations
870 **
871 **  'PowPerm' returns the   conjugation  of the  two permutations  <opL>  and
872 **  <opR>, that s  defined as the  following product '<opR>\^-1 \*\ <opL> \*\
873 **  <opR>'.
874 */
875 template <typename TL, typename TR>
PowPerm(Obj opL,Obj opR)876 static Obj PowPerm(Obj opL, Obj opR)
877 {
878     typedef typename ResultType<TL,TR>::type Res;
880     Obj                 cnj;            /* handle of the conjugation (res) */
881     UInt                degC;           /* degree of the conjugation       */
882     Res *               ptC;            /* pointer to the conjugation      */
883     UInt                degL;           /* degree of the left operand      */
884     const TL *          ptL;            /* pointer to the left operand     */
885     UInt                degR;           /* degree of the right operand     */
886     const TR *          ptR;            /* pointer to the right operand    */
887     UInt                p;              /* loop variable                   */
889     degL = DEG_PERM<TL>(opL);
890     degR = DEG_PERM<TR>(opR);
892     // handle trivial cases
893     if (degL == 0) {
894         return IdentityPerm;
895     }
897     if (degR == 0) {
898         return opL;
899     }
901     // compute the size of the result and allocate a bag
902     degC = degL < degR ? degR : degL;
903     cnj = NEW_PERM<Res>( degC );
905     /* set up the pointers                                                 */
906     ptL = CONST_ADDR_PERM<TL>(opL);
907     ptR = CONST_ADDR_PERM<TR>(opR);
908     ptC = ADDR_PERM<Res>(cnj);
910     /* it is faster if the both permutations have the same size            */
911     if ( degL == degR ) {
912         for ( p = 0; p < degC; p++ )
913             ptC[ ptR[p] ] = ptR[ ptL[p] ];
914     }
916     /* otherwise we have to use the macro 'IMAGE' three times              */
917     else {
918         for ( p = 0; p < degC; p++ )
919             ptC[ IMAGE(p,ptR,degR) ] = IMAGE( IMAGE(p,ptL,degL), ptR, degR );
920     }
922     /* return the result                                                   */
923     return cnj;
924 }
927 /****************************************************************************
928 **
929 *F  CommPerm( <opL>, <opR> )  . . . . . . . .  commutator of two permutations
930 **
931 **  'CommPerm' returns the  commutator  of  the  two permutations  <opL>  and
932 **  <opR>, that is defined as '<hd>\^-1 \*\ <opR>\^-1 \*\ <opL> \*\ <opR>'.
933 */
934 template <typename TL, typename TR>
CommPerm(Obj opL,Obj opR)935 static Obj CommPerm(Obj opL, Obj opR)
936 {
937     typedef typename ResultType<TL,TR>::type Res;
939     Obj                 com;            /* handle of the commutator  (res) */
940     UInt                degC;           /* degree of the commutator        */
941     Res *               ptC;            /* pointer to the commutator       */
942     UInt                degL;           /* degree of the left operand      */
943     const TL *          ptL;            /* pointer to the left operand     */
944     UInt                degR;           /* degree of the right operand     */
945     const TR *          ptR;            /* pointer to the right operand    */
946     UInt                p;              /* loop variable                   */
948     degL = DEG_PERM<TL>(opL);
949     degR = DEG_PERM<TR>(opR);
951     // handle trivial cases
952     if (degL == 0 || degR == 0) {
953         return IdentityPerm;
954     }
956     // compute the size of the result and allocate a bag
957     degC = degL < degR ? degR : degL;
958     com = NEW_PERM<Res>( degC );
960     /* set up the pointers                                                 */
961     ptL = CONST_ADDR_PERM<TL>(opL);
962     ptR = CONST_ADDR_PERM<TR>(opR);
963     ptC = ADDR_PERM<Res>(com);
965     /* it is faster if the both permutations have the same size            */
966     if ( degL == degR ) {
967         for ( p = 0; p < degC; p++ )
968             ptC[ ptL[ ptR[ p ] ] ] = ptR[ ptL[ p ] ];
969     }
971     /* otherwise we have to use the macro 'IMAGE' four times               */
972     else {
973         for ( p = 0; p < degC; p++ )
974             ptC[ IMAGE( IMAGE(p,ptR,degR), ptL, degL ) ]
975                = IMAGE( IMAGE(p,ptL,degL), ptR, degR );
976     }
978     /* return the result                                                   */
979     return com;
980 }
983 /****************************************************************************
984 **
985 *F  OnePerm( <perm> )
986 */
OnePerm(Obj op)987 static Obj OnePerm(Obj op)
988 {
989     return IdentityPerm;
990 }
994 /****************************************************************************
995 **
996 *F  FiltIS_PERM( <self>, <val> ) . . . . . . test if a value is a permutation
997 **
998 **  'FiltIS_PERM' implements the internal function 'IsPerm'.
999 **
1000 **  'IsPerm( <val> )'
1001 **
1002 **  'IsPerm' returns 'true' if the value <val> is a permutation and  'false'
1003 **  otherwise.
1004 */
1005 static Obj IsPermFilt;
FiltIS_PERM(Obj self,Obj val)1007 static Obj FiltIS_PERM(Obj self, Obj val)
1008 {
1009     /* return 'true' if <val> is a permutation and 'false' otherwise       */
1010     if ( TNUM_OBJ(val) == T_PERM2 || TNUM_OBJ(val) == T_PERM4 ) {
1011         return True;
1012     }
1013     else if ( TNUM_OBJ(val) < FIRST_EXTERNAL_TNUM ) {
1014         return False;
1015     }
1016     else {
1017         return DoFilter( self, val );
1018     }
1019 }
1022 /****************************************************************************
1023 **
1024 *F  FuncPermList( <self>, <list> )  . . . . . convert a list to a permutation
1025 **
1026 **  'FuncPermList' implements the internal function 'PermList'
1027 **
1028 **  'PermList( <list> )'
1029 **
1030 **  Converts the list <list> into a  permutation,  which  is  then  returned.
1031 **
1032 **  'FuncPermList' simply copies the list pointwise into  a  permutation  bag.
1033 **  It also does some checks to make sure that the  list  is  a  permutation.
1034 */
1035 template <typename T>
PermList(Obj list)1036 static inline Obj PermList(Obj list)
1037 {
1038     Obj                 perm;           /* handle of the permutation       */
1039     T *                 ptPerm;         /* pointer to the permutation      */
1040     UInt                degPerm;        /* degree of the permutation       */
1041     const Obj *         ptList;         /* pointer to the list             */
1042     T *                 ptTmp;          /* pointer to the buffer bag       */
1043     Int                 i,  k;          /* loop variables                  */
1045     PLAIN_LIST( list );
1047     degPerm = LEN_LIST( list );
1049     /* make sure that the global buffer bag is large enough for checkin*/
1050     UseTmpPerm(SIZEBAG_PERM<T>(degPerm));
1052     /* allocate the bag for the permutation and get pointer            */
1053     perm    = NEW_PERM<T>(degPerm);
1054     ptPerm  = ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
1055     ptList  = CONST_ADDR_OBJ(list);
1056     ptTmp   = ADDR_TMP_PERM<T>();
1058     /* make the buffer bag clean                                       */
1059     for ( i = 1; i <= degPerm; i++ )
1060         ptTmp[i-1] = 0;
1062     /* run through all entries of the list                             */
1063     for ( i = 1; i <= degPerm; i++ ) {
1065         /* get the <i>th entry of the list                             */
1066         if ( ptList[i] == 0 ) {
1067             return Fail;
1068         }
1069         if ( !IS_INTOBJ(ptList[i]) ) {
1070             return Fail;
1071         }
1072         k = INT_INTOBJ(ptList[i]);
1073         if ( k <= 0 || degPerm < k ) {
1074             return Fail;
1075         }
1077         /* make sure we haven't seen this entry yet                     */
1078         if ( ptTmp[k-1] != 0 ) {
1079             return Fail;
1080         }
1081         ptTmp[k-1] = 1;
1083         /* and finally copy it into the permutation                    */
1084         ptPerm[i-1] = k-1;
1085     }
1087     /* return the permutation                                              */
1088     return perm;
1089 }
FuncPermList(Obj self,Obj list)1091 static Obj FuncPermList(Obj self, Obj list)
1092 {
1093     /* check the arguments                                                 */
1094     RequireSmallList("PermList", list);
1096     UInt len = LEN_LIST( list );
1097     if ( len <= 65536 ) {
1098         return PermList<UInt2>(list);
1099     }
1100     else if (len <= MAX_DEG_PERM4) {
1101         return PermList<UInt4>(list);
1102     }
1103     else {
1104         ErrorMayQuit("PermList: list length %i exceeds maximum permutation degree\n",
1105              len, 0);
1106     }
1107 }
1109 /****************************************************************************
1110 **
1111 *F  LargestMovedPointPerm( <perm> ) largest point moved by perm
1112 **
1113 **  'LargestMovedPointPerm' returns  the  largest  positive  integer that  is
1114 **  moved by the permutation <perm>.
1115 **
1116 **  This is easy, except that permutations may  contain  trailing  fixpoints.
1117 */
1118 template <typename T>
LargestMovedPointPerm_(Obj perm)1119 static inline UInt LargestMovedPointPerm_(Obj perm)
1120 {
1121     UInt      sup;
1122     const T * ptPerm;
1124     ptPerm = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
1125     for (sup = DEG_PERM<T>(perm); 1 <= sup; sup--) {
1126         if (ptPerm[sup - 1] != sup - 1)
1127             break;
1128     }
1129     return sup;
1130 }
LargestMovedPointPerm(Obj perm)1132 UInt LargestMovedPointPerm(Obj perm)
1133 {
1134     GAP_ASSERT(TNUM_OBJ(perm) == T_PERM2 || TNUM_OBJ(perm) == T_PERM4);
1136     if (TNUM_OBJ(perm) == T_PERM2)
1137         return LargestMovedPointPerm_<UInt2>(perm);
1138     else
1139         return LargestMovedPointPerm_<UInt4>(perm);
1140 }
1143 /****************************************************************************
1144 **
1145 *F  FuncLARGEST_MOVED_POINT_PERM( <self>, <perm> ) largest point moved by perm
1146 **
1147 **  GAP-level wrapper for 'LargestMovedPointPerm'.
1148 */
FuncLARGEST_MOVED_POINT_PERM(Obj self,Obj perm)1149 static Obj FuncLARGEST_MOVED_POINT_PERM(Obj self, Obj perm)
1150 {
1152     /* check the argument                                                  */
1153     RequirePermutation("LargestMovedPointPerm", perm);
1155     return INTOBJ_INT(LargestMovedPointPerm(perm));
1156 }
1159 /****************************************************************************
1160 **
1161 *F  FuncCYCLE_LENGTH_PERM_INT( <self>, <perm>, <point> ) . . . . . . . . . .
1162 *F  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . length of a cycle under a permutation
1163 **
1164 **  'FuncCycleLengthInt' implements the internal function
1165 **  'CycleLengthPermInt'
1166 **
1167 **  'CycleLengthPermInt( <perm>, <point> )'
1168 **
1169 **  'CycleLengthPermInt' returns the length of the cycle  of  <point>,  which
1170 **  must be a positive integer, under the permutation <perm>.
1171 **
1172 **  Note that the order of the arguments to this function has been  reversed.
1173 */
1174 template <typename T>
CYCLE_LENGTH_PERM_INT(Obj perm,UInt pnt)1175 static inline Obj CYCLE_LENGTH_PERM_INT(Obj perm, UInt pnt)
1176 {
1177     const T *           ptPerm;         /* pointer to the permutation      */
1178     UInt                deg;            /* degree of the permutation       */
1179     UInt                len;            /* length of cycle (result)        */
1180     UInt                p;              /* loop variable                   */
1182     /* get pointer to the permutation, the degree, and the point       */
1183     ptPerm = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
1184     deg = DEG_PERM<T>(perm);
1186     /* now compute the length by looping over the cycle                */
1187     len = 1;
1188     if ( pnt < deg ) {
1189         for ( p = ptPerm[pnt]; p != pnt; p = ptPerm[p] )
1190             len++;
1191     }
1193     return INTOBJ_INT(len);
1194 }
FuncCYCLE_LENGTH_PERM_INT(Obj self,Obj perm,Obj point)1196 static Obj FuncCYCLE_LENGTH_PERM_INT(Obj self, Obj perm, Obj point)
1197 {
1198     UInt                pnt;            /* value of the point              */
1200     /* evaluate and check the arguments                                    */
1201     RequirePermutation("CycleLengthPermInt", perm);
1202     pnt = GetPositiveSmallInt("CycleLengthPermInt", point) - 1;
1204     if ( TNUM_OBJ(perm) == T_PERM2 ) {
1205         return CYCLE_LENGTH_PERM_INT<UInt2>(perm, pnt);
1206     }
1207     else {
1208         return CYCLE_LENGTH_PERM_INT<UInt4>(perm, pnt);
1209     }
1210 }
1213 /****************************************************************************
1214 **
1215 *F  FuncCYCLE_PERM_INT( <self>, <perm>, <point> ) . .  cycle of a permutation
1216 *
1217 **  'FuncCYCLE_PERM_INT' implements the internal function 'CyclePermInt'.
1218 **
1219 **  'CyclePermInt( <perm>, <point> )'
1220 **
1221 **  'CyclePermInt' returns the cycle of <point>, which  must  be  a  positive
1222 **  integer, under the permutation <perm> as a list.
1223 */
1224 template <typename T>
CYCLE_PERM_INT(Obj perm,UInt pnt)1225 static inline Obj CYCLE_PERM_INT(Obj perm, UInt pnt)
1226 {
1227     Obj                 list;           /* handle of the list (result)     */
1228     Obj *               ptList;         /* pointer to the list             */
1229     const T *           ptPerm;         /* pointer to the permutation      */
1230     UInt                deg;            /* degree of the permutation       */
1231     UInt                len;            /* length of the cycle             */
1232     UInt                p;              /* loop variable                   */
1234     /* get pointer to the permutation, the degree, and the point       */
1235     ptPerm = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
1236     deg = DEG_PERM<T>(perm);
1238     /* now compute the length by looping over the cycle                */
1239     len = 1;
1240     if ( pnt < deg ) {
1241         for ( p = ptPerm[pnt]; p != pnt; p = ptPerm[p] )
1242             len++;
1243     }
1245     /* allocate the list                                               */
1246     list = NEW_PLIST( T_PLIST, len );
1247     SET_LEN_PLIST( list, len );
1248     ptList = ADDR_OBJ(list);
1249     ptPerm = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
1251     /* copy the points into the list                                   */
1252     len = 1;
1253     ptList[len++] = INTOBJ_INT( pnt+1 );
1254     if ( pnt < deg ) {
1255         for ( p = ptPerm[pnt]; p != pnt; p = ptPerm[p] )
1256             ptList[len++] = INTOBJ_INT( p+1 );
1257     }
1259     return list;
1260 }
FuncCYCLE_PERM_INT(Obj self,Obj perm,Obj point)1262 static Obj FuncCYCLE_PERM_INT(Obj self, Obj perm, Obj point)
1263 {
1264     UInt                pnt;            /* value of the point              */
1266     /* evaluate and check the arguments                                    */
1267     RequirePermutation("CyclePermInt", perm);
1268     pnt = GetPositiveSmallInt("CyclePermInt", point) - 1;
1270     if ( TNUM_OBJ(perm) == T_PERM2 ) {
1271         return CYCLE_PERM_INT<UInt2>(perm, pnt);
1272     }
1273     else {
1274         return CYCLE_PERM_INT<UInt4>(perm, pnt);
1275     }
1276 }
1278 /****************************************************************************
1279 **
1280 *F  FuncCYCLE_STRUCT_PERM( <self>, <perm> ) . . . . . cycle structure of perm
1281 *
1282 **  'FuncCYCLE_STRUCT_PERM' implements the internal function
1283 **  `CycleStructPerm'.
1284 **
1285 **  `CycleStructPerm( <perm> )'
1286 **
1287 **  'CycleStructPerm' returns a list of the form as described under
1288 **  `CycleStructure'.
1289 */
1290 template <typename T>
CYCLE_STRUCT_PERM(Obj perm)1291 static inline Obj CYCLE_STRUCT_PERM(Obj perm)
1292 {
1293     Obj                 list;           /* handle of the list (result)     */
1294     Obj *               ptList;         /* pointer to the list             */
1295     const T *           ptPerm;         /* pointer to the permutation      */
1296     T *                 scratch;
1297     T *                 offset;
1298     UInt                deg;            /* degree of the permutation       */
1299     UInt                pnt;            /* value of the point              */
1300     UInt                len;            /* length of the cycle             */
1301     UInt                p;              /* loop variable                   */
1302     UInt                max;            /* maximal cycle length            */
1303     UInt                cnt;
1304     UInt                ende;
1305     UInt                bytes;
1306     UInt1 *             clr;
1308     /* make sure that the buffer bag is large enough                       */
1309     UseTmpPerm(SIZE_OBJ(perm) + 8);
1311     /* find the largest moved point                                    */
1312     ptPerm = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
1313     for (deg = DEG_PERM<T>(perm); 1 <= deg; deg--) {
1314         if (ptPerm[deg - 1] != deg - 1)
1315             break;
1316     }
1317     if (deg == 0) {
1318         /* special treatment of identity */
1319         list = NEW_PLIST(T_PLIST, 0);
1320         return list;
1321     }
1323     scratch = ADDR_TMP_PERM<T>();
1325     /* the first deg bytes of TmpPerm hold a bit list of points done
1326      * so far. The remaining bytes will form the lengths of nontrivial
1327      * cycles (as numbers of type T). As every nontrivial cycle requires
1328      * at least 2 points, this is guaranteed to fit. */
1329     bytes = ((deg / sizeof(T)) + 1) * sizeof(T); // ensure alignment
1330     offset = (T *)((UInt)scratch + (bytes));
1331     clr = (UInt1 *)scratch;
1333     /* clear out the bits */
1334     for (cnt = 0; cnt < bytes; cnt++) {
1335         clr[cnt] = (UInt1)0;
1336     }
1338     cnt = 0;
1339     clr = (UInt1 *)scratch;
1340     max = 0;
1341     for (pnt = 0; pnt < deg; pnt++) {
1342         if (clr[pnt] == 0) {
1343             len = 0;
1344             clr[pnt] = 1;
1345             for (p = ptPerm[pnt]; p != pnt; p = ptPerm[p]) {
1346                 clr[p] = 1;
1347                 len++;
1348             }
1350             if (len > 0) {
1351                 offset[cnt] = (T)len;
1352                 cnt++;
1353                 if (len > max) {
1354                     max = len;
1355                 }
1356             }
1357         }
1358     }
1360     ende = cnt;
1362     /* create the list */
1363     list = NEW_PLIST(T_PLIST, max);
1364     SET_LEN_PLIST(list, max);
1365     ptList = ADDR_OBJ(list);
1367     /* Recalculate after possible GC */
1368     scratch = ADDR_TMP_PERM<T>();
1369     offset = (T *)((UInt)scratch + (bytes));
1371     for (cnt = 0; cnt < ende; cnt++) {
1372         pnt = (UInt)offset[cnt];
1373         if (ptList[pnt] == 0) {
1374             ptList[pnt] = INTOBJ_INT(1);
1375         }
1376         else {
1377             ptList[pnt] = INTOBJ_INT(INT_INTOBJ(ptList[pnt]) + 1);
1378         }
1379     }
1381     return list;
1382 }
FuncCYCLE_STRUCT_PERM(Obj self,Obj perm)1384 static Obj FuncCYCLE_STRUCT_PERM(Obj self, Obj perm)
1385 {
1386     /* evaluate and check the arguments                                    */
1387     RequirePermutation("CycleStructPerm", perm);
1389     if (TNUM_OBJ(perm) == T_PERM2) {
1390         return CYCLE_STRUCT_PERM<UInt2>(perm);
1391     }
1392     else {
1393         return CYCLE_STRUCT_PERM<UInt4>(perm);
1394     }
1395 }
1397 /****************************************************************************
1398 **
1399 *F  FuncORDER_PERM( <self>, <perm> ) . . . . . . . . . order of a permutation
1400 **
1401 **  'FuncORDER_PERM' implements the internal function 'OrderPerm'.
1402 **
1403 **  'OrderPerm( <perm> )'
1404 **
1405 **  'OrderPerm' returns the  order  of  the  permutation  <perm>,  i.e.,  the
1406 **  smallest positive integer <n> such that '<perm>\^<n>' is the identity.
1407 **
1408 **  Since the largest element in S(65536) has order greater than 10^382  this
1409 **  computation may easily overflow.  So we have to use  arbitrary precision.
1410 */
1411 template <typename T>
ORDER_PERM(Obj perm)1412 static inline Obj ORDER_PERM(Obj perm)
1413 {
1414     const T *           ptPerm;         /* pointer to the permutation      */
1415     Obj                 ord;            /* order (result), may be huge     */
1416     T *                 ptKnown;        /* pointer to temporary bag        */
1417     UInt                len;            /* length of one cycle             */
1418     UInt                p, q;           /* loop variables                  */
1420     /* make sure that the buffer bag is large enough                       */
1421     UseTmpPerm(SIZE_OBJ(perm));
1423     /* get the pointer to the bags                                     */
1424     ptPerm  = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
1425     ptKnown = ADDR_TMP_PERM<T>();
1427     /* clear the buffer bag                                            */
1428     for ( p = 0; p < DEG_PERM<T>(perm); p++ )
1429         ptKnown[p] = 0;
1431     /* start with order 1                                              */
1432     ord = INTOBJ_INT(1);
1434     /* loop over all cycles                                            */
1435     for ( p = 0; p < DEG_PERM<T>(perm); p++ ) {
1437         /* if we haven't looked at this cycle so far                   */
1438         if ( ptKnown[p] == 0 && ptPerm[p] != p ) {
1440             /* find the length of this cycle                           */
1441             len = 1;
1442             for ( q = ptPerm[p]; q != p; q = ptPerm[q] ) {
1443                 len++;  ptKnown[q] = 1;
1444             }
1446             ord = LcmInt( ord, INTOBJ_INT( len ) );
1448             // update bag pointers, in case a garbage collection happened
1449             ptPerm  = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
1450             ptKnown = ADDR_TMP_PERM<T>();
1452         }
1454     }
1456     /* return the order                                                    */
1457     return ord;
1458 }
FuncORDER_PERM(Obj self,Obj perm)1460 static Obj FuncORDER_PERM(Obj self, Obj perm)
1461 {
1462     /* check arguments and extract permutation                             */
1463     RequirePermutation("OrderPerm", perm);
1465     if ( TNUM_OBJ(perm) == T_PERM2 ) {
1466         return ORDER_PERM<UInt2>(perm);
1467     }
1468     else {
1469         return ORDER_PERM<UInt4>(perm);
1470     }
1471 }
1474 /****************************************************************************
1475 **
1476 *F  FuncSIGN_PERM( <self>, <perm> ) . . . . . . . . . . sign of a permutation
1477 **
1478 **  'FuncSIGN_PERM' implements the internal function 'SignPerm'.
1479 **
1480 **  'SignPerm( <perm> )'
1481 **
1482 **  'SignPerm' returns the sign of the permutation <perm>.  The sign is +1 if
1483 **  <perm> is the product of an *even* number of transpositions,  and  -1  if
1484 **  <perm> is the product of an *odd*  number  of  transpositions.  The  sign
1485 **  is a homomorphism from the symmetric group onto the multiplicative  group
1486 **  $\{ +1, -1 \}$, the kernel of which is the alternating group.
1487 */
1488 template <typename T>
SIGN_PERM(Obj perm)1489 static inline Obj SIGN_PERM(Obj perm)
1490 {
1491     const T *           ptPerm;         /* pointer to the permutation      */
1492     Int                 sign;           /* sign (result)                   */
1493     T *                 ptKnown;        /* pointer to temporary bag        */
1494     UInt                len;            /* length of one cycle             */
1495     UInt                p,  q;          /* loop variables                  */
1497     /* make sure that the buffer bag is large enough                       */
1498     UseTmpPerm(SIZE_OBJ(perm));
1500     /* get the pointer to the bags                                     */
1501     ptPerm  = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
1502     ptKnown = ADDR_TMP_PERM<T>();
1504     /* clear the buffer bag                                            */
1505     for ( p = 0; p < DEG_PERM<T>(perm); p++ )
1506         ptKnown[p] = 0;
1508     /* start with sign  1                                              */
1509     sign = 1;
1511     /* loop over all cycles                                            */
1512     for ( p = 0; p < DEG_PERM<T>(perm); p++ ) {
1514         /* if we haven't looked at this cycle so far                   */
1515         if ( ptKnown[p] == 0 && ptPerm[p] != p ) {
1517             /* find the length of this cycle                           */
1518             len = 1;
1519             for ( q = ptPerm[p]; q != p; q = ptPerm[q] ) {
1520                 len++;  ptKnown[q] = 1;
1521             }
1523             /* if the length is even invert the sign                   */
1524             if ( len % 2 == 0 )
1525                 sign = -sign;
1527         }
1529     }
1531     /* return the sign                                                     */
1532     return INTOBJ_INT( sign );
1533 }
FuncSIGN_PERM(Obj self,Obj perm)1535 static Obj FuncSIGN_PERM(Obj self, Obj perm)
1536 {
1537     /* check arguments and extract permutation                             */
1538     RequirePermutation("SignPerm", perm);
1540     if ( TNUM_OBJ(perm) == T_PERM2 ) {
1541         return SIGN_PERM<UInt2>(perm);
1542     }
1543     else {
1544         return SIGN_PERM<UInt4>(perm);
1545     }
1546 }
1549 /****************************************************************************
1550 **
1551 *F  FuncSMALLEST_GENERATOR_PERM( <self>, <perm> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1552 *F  . . . . . . . smallest generator of cyclic group generated by permutation
1553 **
1554 **  'FuncSMALLEST_GENERATOR_PERM' implements the internal function
1555 **  'SmallestGeneratorPerm'.
1556 **
1557 **  'SmallestGeneratorPerm( <perm> )'
1558 **
1559 **  'SmallestGeneratorPerm' returns the   smallest generator  of  the  cyclic
1560 **  group generated by the  permutation  <perm>.  That  is   the result is  a
1561 **  permutation that generates the same  cyclic group as  <perm> and is  with
1562 **  respect  to the lexicographical order  defined  by '\<' the smallest such
1563 **  permutation.
1564 */
1565 template <typename T>
1567 {
1568     Obj                 small;          /* handle of the smallest gen      */
1569     T *                 ptSmall;        /* pointer to the smallest gen     */
1570     const T *           ptPerm;         /* pointer to the permutation      */
1571     T *                 ptKnown;        /* pointer to temporary bag        */
1572     Obj                 ord;            /* order, may be huge              */
1573     Obj                 pow;            /* power, may also be huge         */
1574     UInt                len;            /* length of one cycle             */
1575     UInt                gcd,  s,  t;    /* gcd( len, ord ), temporaries    */
1576     UInt                min;            /* minimal element in a cycle      */
1577     UInt                p,  q;          /* loop variables                  */
1578     UInt                l, n, x, gcd2;  /* loop variable                   */
1580     /* make sure that the buffer bag is large enough                       */
1581     UseTmpPerm(SIZE_OBJ(perm));
1583     /* allocate the result bag                                         */
1584     small = NEW_PERM<T>( DEG_PERM<T>(perm) );
1586     /* get the pointer to the bags                                     */
1587     ptPerm   = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
1588     ptKnown  = ADDR_TMP_PERM<T>();
1589     ptSmall  = ADDR_PERM<T>(small);
1591     /* clear the buffer bag                                            */
1592     for ( p = 0; p < DEG_PERM<T>(perm); p++ )
1593         ptKnown[p] = 0;
1595     /* we only know that we must raise <perm> to a power = 0 mod 1     */
1596     ord = INTOBJ_INT(1);  pow = INTOBJ_INT(0);
1598     /* loop over all cycles                                            */
1599     for ( p = 0; p < DEG_PERM<T>(perm); p++ ) {
1601         /* if we haven't looked at this cycle so far                   */
1602         if ( ptKnown[p] == 0 ) {
1604             /* find the length of this cycle                           */
1605             len = 1;
1606             for ( q = ptPerm[p]; q != p; q = ptPerm[q] ) {
1607                 len++;  ptKnown[q] = 1;
1608             }
1610             /* compute the gcd with the previously order ord           */
1611             /* Note that since len is single precision, ord % len is to*/
1612             gcd = len;  s = INT_INTOBJ( ModInt( ord, INTOBJ_INT(len) ) );
1613             while ( s != 0 ) {
1614                 t = s;  s = gcd % s;  gcd = t;
1615             }
1617             /* we must raise the cycle into a power = pow mod gcd      */
1618             x = INT_INTOBJ( ModInt( pow, INTOBJ_INT( gcd ) ) );
1620             /* find the smallest element in the cycle at such a positio*/
1621             min = DEG_PERM<T>(perm)-1;
1622             n = 0;
1623             for ( q = p, l = 0; l < len; l++ ) {
1624                 gcd2 = len;  s = l;
1625                 while ( s != 0 ) { t = s; s = gcd2 % s; gcd2 = t; }
1626                 if ( l % gcd == x && gcd2 == 1 && q <= min ) {
1627                     min = q;
1628                     n = l;
1629                 }
1630                 q = ptPerm[q];
1631             }
1633             /* raise the cycle to that power and put it in the result  */
1634             ptSmall[p] = min;
1635             for ( q = ptPerm[p]; q != p; q = ptPerm[q] ) {
1636                 min = ptPerm[min];  ptSmall[q] = min;
1637             }
1639             /* compute the new order and the new power                 */
1640             while ( INT_INTOBJ( ModInt( pow, INTOBJ_INT(len) ) ) != n )
1641                 pow = SumInt( pow, ord );
1642             ord = ProdInt( ord, INTOBJ_INT( len / gcd ) );
1644         }
1646     }
1648     /* return the smallest generator                                       */
1649     return small;
1650 }
FuncSMALLEST_GENERATOR_PERM(Obj self,Obj perm)1652 static Obj FuncSMALLEST_GENERATOR_PERM(Obj self, Obj perm)
1653 {
1654     /* check arguments and extract permutation                             */
1655     RequirePermutation("SmallestGeneratorPerm", perm);
1657     if ( TNUM_OBJ(perm) == T_PERM2 ) {
1658         return SMALLEST_GENERATOR_PERM<UInt2>(perm);
1659     }
1660     else {
1661         return SMALLEST_GENERATOR_PERM<UInt4>(perm);
1662     }
1663 }
1665 /****************************************************************************
1666 **
1667 *F  FuncRESTRICTED_PERM( <self>, <perm>, <dom>, <test> ) . . RestrictedPerm
1668 **
1669 **  'FuncRESTRICTED_PERM' implements the internal function
1671 **
1672 **  'RESTRICTED_PERM( <perm>, <dom>, <test> )'
1673 **
1674 **  'RESTRICTED_PERM' returns the restriction of <perm> to <dom>. If <test>
1675 **  is set to `true' is is verified that <dom> is the union of cycles of
1676 **  <perm>.
1677 */
1678 template <typename T>
RESTRICTED_PERM(Obj perm,Obj dom,Obj test)1679 static inline Obj RESTRICTED_PERM(Obj perm, Obj dom, Obj test)
1680 {
1681     Obj rest;
1682     T *                ptRest;
1683     const T *          ptPerm;
1684     const Obj *        ptDom;
1685     Int i,inc,len,p,deg;
1687     /* make sure that the buffer bag is large enough */
1688     UseTmpPerm(SIZE_OBJ(perm));
1690     /* allocate the result bag                                         */
1691     deg = DEG_PERM<T>(perm);
1692     rest = NEW_PERM<T>(deg);
1694     /* get the pointer to the bags                                     */
1695     ptPerm  = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
1696     ptRest  = ADDR_PERM<T>(rest);
1698     /* create identity everywhere */
1699     for ( p = 0; p < deg; p++ ) {
1700         ptRest[p]=(T)p;
1701     }
1703     if ( ! IS_RANGE(dom) ) {
1704       if ( ! IS_PLIST( dom ) ) {
1705         return Fail;
1706       }
1707       /* domain is list */
1708       ptPerm  = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
1709       ptRest  = ADDR_PERM<T>(rest);
1710       ptDom  = CONST_ADDR_OBJ(dom);
1711       len = LEN_LIST(dom);
1712       for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
1713           if (IS_POS_INTOBJ(ptDom[i])) {
1714               p = INT_INTOBJ(ptDom[i]);
1715               if (p <= deg) {
1716                   p -= 1;
1717                   ptRest[p] = ptPerm[p];
1718               }
1719           }
1720           else {
1721               return Fail;
1722           }
1723       }
1724     }
1725     else {
1726       len = GET_LEN_RANGE(dom);
1727       p = GET_LOW_RANGE(dom);
1728       inc = GET_INC_RANGE(dom);
1729       while (p<1) {
1730         p+=inc;
1731         len=-1;
1732       }
1733       i=p+(inc*len)-1;
1734       while (i>deg) {
1735         i-=inc;
1736       }
1737       p-=1;
1738       i-=1;
1739       while (p<=i) {
1740         ptRest[p]=ptPerm[p];
1741         p+=inc;
1742       }
1743     }
1745     if (test==True) {
1747       T * ptTmp  = ADDR_TMP_PERM<T>();
1749       /* cleanout */
1750       for ( p = 0; p < deg; p++ ) {
1751         ptTmp[p]=0;
1752       }
1754       /* check whether the result is a permutation */
1755       for (p=0;p<deg;p++) {
1756         inc=ptRest[p];
1757         if (ptTmp[inc]==1) return Fail; /* point was known */
1758         else ptTmp[inc]=1; /* now point is known */
1759       }
1761     }
1763     /* return the restriction */
1764     return rest;
1765 }
FuncRESTRICTED_PERM(Obj self,Obj perm,Obj dom,Obj test)1767 static Obj FuncRESTRICTED_PERM(Obj self, Obj perm, Obj dom, Obj test)
1768 {
1769     /* check arguments and extract permutation                             */
1770     RequirePermutation("RestrictedPerm", perm);
1772     if ( TNUM_OBJ(perm) == T_PERM2 ) {
1773         return RESTRICTED_PERM<UInt2>(perm, dom, test);
1774     }
1775     else {
1776         return RESTRICTED_PERM<UInt4>(perm, dom, test);
1777     }
1778 }
1780 /****************************************************************************
1781 **
1782 *F  FuncTRIM_PERM( <self>, <perm>, <n> ) . . . . . . . . . trim a permutation
1783 **
1784 **  'TRIM_PERM' trims a permutation to the first <n> points. This can be
1785 ##  useful to save memory
1786 */
FuncTRIM_PERM(Obj self,Obj perm,Obj n)1787 static Obj FuncTRIM_PERM(Obj self, Obj perm, Obj n)
1788 {
1789     RequirePermutation("TRIM_PERM", perm);
1790     RequireNonnegativeSmallInt("TRIM_PERM", n);
1791     UInt newDeg = INT_INTOBJ(n);
1792     UInt oldDeg =
1793         (TNUM_OBJ(perm) == T_PERM2) ? DEG_PERM2(perm) : DEG_PERM4(perm);
1794     if (newDeg > oldDeg)
1795         newDeg = oldDeg;
1796     TrimPerm(perm, newDeg);
1797     return 0;
1798 }
1800 /****************************************************************************
1801 **
1802 *F  FuncSPLIT_PARTITION( <Ppoints>, <Qnum>,<j>,<g>,<l>)
1803 **  <l> is a list [<a>,<b>,<max>] -- needed because of large parameter number
1804 **
1805 **  This function is used in the partition backtrack to split a partition.
1806 **  The points <i> in the list Ppoints between a (start) and b (end) such
1807 **  that Qnum[i^g]=j will be moved at the end.
1808 **  At most <max> points will be moved.
1809 **  The function returns the start point of the new partition (or -1 if too
1810 **  many are moved).
1811 **  Ppoints and Qnum must be plain lists of small integers.
1812 */
1813 template <typename T>
1814 static inline Obj
SPLIT_PARTITION(Obj Ppoints,Obj Qnum,Obj jval,Obj g,Obj lst)1815 SPLIT_PARTITION(Obj Ppoints, Obj Qnum, Obj jval, Obj g, Obj lst)
1816 {
1817   Int a;
1818   Int b;
1819   Int cnt;
1820   Int max;
1821   Int blim;
1822   UInt deg;
1823   const T * ptPerm;
1824   Obj tmp;
1827   a=INT_INTOBJ(ELM_PLIST(lst,1))-1;
1828   b=INT_INTOBJ(ELM_PLIST(lst,2))+1;
1829   max=INT_INTOBJ(ELM_PLIST(lst,3));
1830   cnt=0;
1831   blim=b-max-1;
1833     deg=DEG_PERM<T>(g);
1834     ptPerm=CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(g);
1835     while ( (a<b)) {
1836       do {
1837         b--;
1838         if (b<blim) {
1839           /* too many points got moved out */
1840           return INTOBJ_INT(-1);
1841         }
1842       } while (ELM_PLIST(Qnum,
1843                IMAGE(INT_INTOBJ(ELM_PLIST(Ppoints,b))-1,ptPerm,deg)+1)==jval);
1844       do {
1845         a++;
1846       } while ((a<b)
1847               &&(!(ELM_PLIST(Qnum,
1848                    IMAGE(INT_INTOBJ(ELM_PLIST(Ppoints,a))-1,ptPerm,deg)+1)==jval)));
1849       /* swap */
1850       if (a<b) {
1851         tmp=ELM_PLIST(Ppoints,a);
1852         SET_ELM_PLIST(Ppoints,a,ELM_PLIST(Ppoints,b));
1853         SET_ELM_PLIST(Ppoints,b,tmp);
1854         cnt++;
1855       }
1856     }
1858   /* list is not necc. sorted wrt. \< (any longer) */
1862   return INTOBJ_INT(b+1);
1863 }
1865 static Obj
FuncSPLIT_PARTITION(Obj self,Obj Ppoints,Obj Qnum,Obj jval,Obj g,Obj lst)1866 FuncSPLIT_PARTITION(Obj self, Obj Ppoints, Obj Qnum, Obj jval, Obj g, Obj lst)
1867 {
1868   if (TNUM_OBJ(g)==T_PERM2) {
1869     return SPLIT_PARTITION<UInt2>(Ppoints, Qnum, jval, g, lst);
1870   }
1871   else {
1872     return SPLIT_PARTITION<UInt4>(Ppoints, Qnum, jval, g, lst);
1873   }
1874 }
1876 /*****************************************************************************
1877 **
1878 *F  FuncDISTANCE_PERMS( <perm1>, <perm2> )
1879 **
1880 **  'DistancePerms' returns the number of points moved by <perm1>/<perm2>
1881 **
1882 */
1883 template <typename TL, typename TR>
DISTANCE_PERMS(Obj opL,Obj opR)1884 static inline Obj DISTANCE_PERMS(Obj opL, Obj opR)
1885 {
1886     UInt       dist = 0;
1887     const TL * ptL = CONST_ADDR_PERM<TL>(opL);
1888     const TR * ptR = CONST_ADDR_PERM<TR>(opR);
1889     UInt       degL = DEG_PERM<TL>(opL);
1890     UInt       degR = DEG_PERM<TR>(opR);
1891     UInt       i;
1892     if (degL < degR) {
1893         for (i = 0; i < degL; i++)
1894             if (ptL[i] != ptR[i])
1895                 dist++;
1896         for (; i < degR; i++)
1897             if (ptR[i] != i)
1898                 dist++;
1899     }
1900     else {
1901         for (i = 0; i < degR; i++)
1902             if (ptL[i] != ptR[i])
1903                 dist++;
1904         for (; i < degL; i++)
1905             if (ptL[i] != i)
1906                 dist++;
1907     }
1909     return INTOBJ_INT(dist);
1910 }
FuncDISTANCE_PERMS(Obj self,Obj opL,Obj opR)1912 static Obj FuncDISTANCE_PERMS(Obj self, Obj opL, Obj opR)
1913 {
1914     UInt type = (TNUM_OBJ(opL) == T_PERM2 ? 20 : 40) + (TNUM_OBJ(opR) == T_PERM2 ? 2 : 4);
1915     switch (type) {
1916     case 22:
1917         return DISTANCE_PERMS<UInt2, UInt2>(opL, opR);
1918     case 24:
1919         return DISTANCE_PERMS<UInt2, UInt4>(opL, opR);
1920     case 42:
1921         return DISTANCE_PERMS<UInt4, UInt2>(opL, opR);
1922     case 44:
1923         return DISTANCE_PERMS<UInt4, UInt4>(opL, opR);
1924     }
1925     return Fail;
1926 }
1928 /****************************************************************************
1929 **
1930 *F  FuncSMALLEST_IMG_TUP_PERM( <tup>, <perm> )
1931 **
1932 **  `SmallestImgTuplePerm' returns the smallest image of the  tuple  <tup>
1933 **  under  the permutation <perm>.
1934 */
1935 template <typename T>
SMALLEST_IMG_TUP_PERM(Obj tup,Obj perm)1936 static inline Obj SMALLEST_IMG_TUP_PERM(Obj tup, Obj perm)
1937 {
1938     UInt                res;            /* handle of the image, result     */
1939     const Obj *         ptTup;          /* pointer to the tuple            */
1940     const T *           ptPrm;         /* pointer to the permutation      */
1941     UInt                tmp;            /* temporary handle                */
1942     UInt                lmp;            /* largest moved point             */
1943     UInt                i, k;           /* loop variables                  */
1945     res = MAX_DEG_PERM4; /* ``infty''. */
1947     /* get the pointer                                                 */
1948     ptTup = CONST_ADDR_OBJ(tup) + LEN_LIST(tup);
1949     ptPrm = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
1950     lmp = DEG_PERM<T>(perm);
1952     /* loop over the entries of the tuple                              */
1953     for ( i = LEN_LIST(tup); 1 <= i; i--, ptTup-- ) {
1954       k = INT_INTOBJ( *ptTup );
1955       if ( k <= lmp )
1956           tmp = ptPrm[k-1] + 1;
1957       else
1958           tmp = k;
1959       if (tmp<res) res = tmp;
1960     }
1962     /* return the result                                                   */
1963     return INTOBJ_INT(res);
1965 }
FuncSMALLEST_IMG_TUP_PERM(Obj self,Obj tup,Obj perm)1967 static Obj FuncSMALLEST_IMG_TUP_PERM(Obj self, Obj tup, Obj perm)
1968 {
1969     if ( TNUM_OBJ(perm) == T_PERM2 ) {
1970         return SMALLEST_IMG_TUP_PERM<UInt2>(tup, perm);
1971     }
1972     else {
1973         return SMALLEST_IMG_TUP_PERM<UInt4>(tup, perm);
1974     }
1975 }
1977 /****************************************************************************
1978 **
1979 *F  OnTuplesPerm( <tup>, <perm> )  . . . .  operations on tuples of points
1980 **
1981 **  'OnTuplesPerm'  returns  the  image  of  the  tuple  <tup>   under  the
1982 **  permutation <perm>.  It is called from 'FuncOnTuples'.
1983 **
1984 **  The input <tup> must be a non-empty and dense plain list. This is is not
1985 **  verified.
1986 */
1987 template <typename T>
OnTuplesPerm_(Obj tup,Obj perm)1988 static inline Obj OnTuplesPerm_(Obj tup, Obj perm)
1989 {
1990     Obj                 res;            /* handle of the image, result     */
1991     Obj *               ptRes;          /* pointer to the result           */
1992     const Obj *         ptTup;          /* pointer to the tuple            */
1993     const T *           ptPrm;          /* pointer to the permutation      */
1994     Obj                 tmp;            /* temporary handle                */
1995     UInt                lmp;            /* largest moved point             */
1996     UInt                i, k;           /* loop variables                  */
1998     GAP_ASSERT(IS_PLIST(tup));
1999     GAP_ASSERT(LEN_PLIST(tup) > 0);
2001     const UInt len = LEN_PLIST(tup);
2003     /* make a bag for the result and initialize pointers                   */
2005     SET_LEN_PLIST(res, len);
2007     /* get the pointer                                                 */
2008     ptTup = CONST_ADDR_OBJ(tup) + len;
2009     ptRes = ADDR_OBJ(res) + len;
2010     ptPrm = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
2011     lmp = DEG_PERM<T>(perm);
2013     /* loop over the entries of the tuple                              */
2014     for ( i = len; 1 <= i; i--, ptTup--, ptRes-- ) {
2015         if (IS_POS_INTOBJ(*ptTup)) {
2016             k = INT_INTOBJ( *ptTup );
2017             if (k <= lmp)
2018                 tmp = INTOBJ_INT( ptPrm[k-1] + 1 );
2019             else
2020                 tmp = *ptTup;
2021             *ptRes = tmp;
2022         }
2023         else {
2024             if (*ptTup == NULL) {
2025               ErrorQuit("OnTuples for perm: list must not contain holes",
2026                         0L, 0L);
2027             }
2028             tmp = POW( *ptTup, perm );
2029             ptTup = CONST_ADDR_OBJ(tup) + i;
2030             ptRes = ADDR_OBJ(res) + i;
2031             ptPrm = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
2032             *ptRes = tmp;
2033             CHANGED_BAG( res );
2034         }
2035     }
2037     return res;
2038 }
OnTuplesPerm(Obj tup,Obj perm)2040 Obj             OnTuplesPerm (
2041     Obj                 tup,
2042     Obj                 perm )
2043 {
2044     if ( TNUM_OBJ(perm) == T_PERM2 ) {
2045         return OnTuplesPerm_<UInt2>(tup, perm);
2046     }
2047     else {
2048         return OnTuplesPerm_<UInt4>(tup, perm);
2049     }
2050 }
2053 /****************************************************************************
2054 **
2055 *F  OnSetsPerm( <set>, <perm> ) . . . . . . . .  operations on sets of points
2056 **
2057 **  'OnSetsPerm' returns the  image of the  tuple <set> under the permutation
2058 **  <perm>.  It is called from 'FuncOnSets'.
2059 **
2060 **  The input <set> must be a non-empty set, i.e., plain, dense and strictly
2061 **  sorted. This is is not verified.
2062 */
2063 template <typename T>
OnSetsPerm_(Obj set,Obj perm)2064 static inline Obj OnSetsPerm_(Obj set, Obj perm)
2065 {
2066     Obj                 res;            /* handle of the image, result     */
2067     Obj *               ptRes;          /* pointer to the result           */
2068     const Obj *         ptTup;          /* pointer to the tuple            */
2069     const T *           ptPrm;          /* pointer to the permutation      */
2070     Obj                 tmp;            /* temporary handle                */
2071     UInt                lmp;            /* largest moved point             */
2072     UInt                isint;          /* <set> only holds integers       */
2073     UInt                i, k;           /* loop variables                  */
2075     GAP_ASSERT(IS_PLIST(set));
2076     GAP_ASSERT(LEN_PLIST(set) > 0);
2078     const UInt len = LEN_PLIST(set);
2080     /* make a bag for the result and initialize pointers                   */
2082     SET_LEN_PLIST(res, len);
2084     /* get the pointer                                                 */
2085     ptTup = CONST_ADDR_OBJ(set) + len;
2086     ptRes = ADDR_OBJ(res) + len;
2087     ptPrm = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
2088     lmp = DEG_PERM<T>(perm);
2090     /* loop over the entries of the tuple                              */
2091     isint = 1;
2092     for ( i = len; 1 <= i; i--, ptTup--, ptRes-- ) {
2093         if (IS_POS_INTOBJ(*ptTup)) {
2094             k = INT_INTOBJ( *ptTup );
2095             if (k <= lmp)
2096                 tmp = INTOBJ_INT( ptPrm[k-1] + 1 );
2097             else
2098                 tmp = INTOBJ_INT( k );
2099             *ptRes = tmp;
2100         }
2101         else {
2102             isint = 0;
2103             tmp = POW( *ptTup, perm );
2104             ptTup = CONST_ADDR_OBJ(set) + i;
2105             ptRes = ADDR_OBJ(res) + i;
2106             ptPrm = CONST_ADDR_PERM<T>(perm);
2107             *ptRes = tmp;
2108             CHANGED_BAG( res );
2109         }
2110     }
2112     // sort the result
2113     if (isint) {
2114         SortPlistByRawObj(res);
2115         RetypeBagSM(res, T_PLIST_CYC_SSORT);
2116     }
2117     else {
2118         SortDensePlist(res);
2119     }
2121     /* return the result                                                   */
2122     return res;
2123 }
OnSetsPerm(Obj set,Obj perm)2125 Obj             OnSetsPerm (
2126     Obj                 set,
2127     Obj                 perm )
2128 {
2129     if ( TNUM_OBJ(perm) == T_PERM2 ) {
2130         return OnSetsPerm_<UInt2>(set, perm);
2131     }
2132     else {
2133         return OnSetsPerm_<UInt4>(set, perm);
2134     }
2135 }
2138 /****************************************************************************
2139 **
2140 *F  SavePerm2( <perm2> )
2141 **
2142 */
SavePerm2(Obj perm)2143 static void SavePerm2(Obj perm)
2144 {
2145     SaveSubObj(STOREDINV_PERM(perm));
2146     UInt len = DEG_PERM2(perm);
2147     const UInt2 *ptr = CONST_ADDR_PERM2(perm);
2148     for (UInt i = 0; i < len; i++)
2149         SaveUInt2( *ptr++);
2150 }
2152 /****************************************************************************
2153 **
2154 *F  SavePerm4( <perm4> )
2155 **
2156 */
SavePerm4(Obj perm)2157 static void SavePerm4(Obj perm)
2158 {
2159     SaveSubObj(STOREDINV_PERM(perm));
2160     UInt len = DEG_PERM4(perm);
2161     const UInt4 *ptr = CONST_ADDR_PERM4(perm);
2162     for (UInt i = 0; i < len; i++)
2163         SaveUInt4( *ptr++);
2164 }
2166 /****************************************************************************
2167 **
2168 *F  LoadPerm2( <perm2> )
2169 **
2170 */
LoadPerm2(Obj perm)2171 static void LoadPerm2(Obj perm)
2172 {
2173     ADDR_OBJ(perm)[0] = LoadSubObj();    // stored inverse
2174     UInt len = DEG_PERM2(perm);
2175     UInt2 *ptr = ADDR_PERM2(perm);
2176     for (UInt i = 0; i < len; i++)
2177         *ptr++ = LoadUInt2();
2178 }
2180 /****************************************************************************
2181 **
2182 *F  LoadPerm4( <perm4> )
2183 **
2184 */
LoadPerm4(Obj perm)2185 static void LoadPerm4(Obj perm)
2186 {
2187     ADDR_OBJ(perm)[0] = LoadSubObj();    // stored inverse
2188     UInt len = DEG_PERM4(perm);
2189     UInt4 *ptr = ADDR_PERM4(perm);
2190     for (UInt i = 0; i < len; i++)
2191         *ptr++ = LoadUInt4( );
2192 }
2195 /****************************************************************************
2196 **
2197 *F  Array2Perm( <array> ) . . . . . . . . . convert array of cycles into perm
2198 **
2199 **  This function may be used by C code generated by the GAP compiler.
2200 */
Array2Perm(Obj array)2201 Obj Array2Perm (
2202     Obj                 array )
2203 {
2204     Obj                 perm;           /* permutation, result             */
2205     UInt                m;              /* maximal entry in permutation    */
2206     Obj                 cycle;          /* one cycle of permutation        */
2207     UInt                i;              /* loop variable                   */
2209     /* special case for identity permutation                               */
2210     if ( LEN_LIST(array) == 0 ) {
2211         return IdentityPerm;
2212     }
2214     /* allocate the new permutation                                        */
2215     m = 0;
2216     perm = NEW_PERM4( 0 );
2218     /* loop over the cycles                                                */
2219     for ( i = 1; i <= LEN_LIST(array); i++ ) {
2220         cycle = ELM_LIST( array, i );
2221         RequireSmallList("Array2Perm", cycle);
2223         m = ScanPermCycle(perm, m, cycle, LEN_LIST(cycle), ELM_LIST);
2224     }
2226     /* if possible represent the permutation with short entries            */
2227     TrimPerm(perm, m);
2229     /* return the permutation                                              */
2230     return perm;
2231 }
TrimPerm(Obj perm,UInt m)2233 void TrimPerm(Obj perm, UInt m)
2234 {
2235     CLEAR_STOREDINV_PERM(perm);
2236     if (TNUM_OBJ(perm) == T_PERM2) {
2237         GAP_ASSERT(m <= DEG_PERM2(perm));
2238         ResizeBag(perm, SIZEBAG_PERM2(m));
2239     }
2240     else if (m <= 65536) {
2241         GAP_ASSERT(m <= DEG_PERM4(perm));
2242         UInt2 *       ptr2 = ADDR_PERM2(perm);
2243         const UInt4 * ptr4 = CONST_ADDR_PERM4(perm);
2244         for (UInt k = 1; k <= m; k++) {
2245             ptr2[k - 1] = ptr4[k - 1];
2246         };
2247         RetypeBag(perm, T_PERM2);
2248         ResizeBag(perm, SIZEBAG_PERM2(m));
2249     }
2250     else {
2251         GAP_ASSERT(m <= DEG_PERM4(perm));
2252         ResizeBag(perm, SIZEBAG_PERM4(m));
2253     }
2254 }
ScanPermCycle(Obj perm,UInt m,Obj cycle,UInt len,Obj (* readElm)(Obj,Int))2256 UInt ScanPermCycle(
2257     Obj perm, UInt m, Obj cycle, UInt len, Obj (*readElm)(Obj, Int))
2258 {
2259     UInt4 * ptr4;    /* pointer into perm               */
2260     Obj     val;     /* one entry as value              */
2261     UInt    c, p, l; /* entries in permutation          */
2262     UInt    j, k;    /* loop variable                   */
2264     GAP_ASSERT(len >= 1);
2266     /* loop over the entries of the cycle                              */
2267     c = p = l = 0;
2268     for (j = len; 1 <= j; j--) {
2270         /* get and check current entry for the cycle                   */
2271         val = readElm(cycle, j);
2272         c = GetPositiveSmallIntEx("Permutation", val, "<expr>");
2273         if (c > MAX_DEG_PERM4)
2274             ErrorMayQuit(
2275                 "Permutation literal exceeds maximum permutation degree", 0,
2276                 0);
2278         /* if necessary resize the permutation                         */
2279         if (DEG_PERM4(perm) < c) {
2280             ResizeBag(perm, SIZEBAG_PERM4((c + 1023) / 1024 * 1024));
2281             ptr4 = ADDR_PERM4(perm);
2282             for (k = m + 1; k <= DEG_PERM4(perm); k++) {
2283                 ptr4[k - 1] = k - 1;
2284             }
2285         }
2286         else {
2287             ptr4 = ADDR_PERM4(perm);
2288         }
2289         if (m < c) {
2290             m = c;
2291         }
2293         /* check that the cycles are disjoint                          */
2294         if ((p != 0 && p == c) || (ptr4[c - 1] != c - 1)) {
2295             ErrorMayQuit(
2296                 "Permutation: cycles must be disjoint and duplicate-free", 0,
2297                 0);
2298         }
2300         /* enter the previous entry at current location                */
2301         if (p != 0) {
2302             ptr4[c - 1] = p - 1;
2303         }
2304         else {
2305             l = c;
2306         }
2308         /* remember current entry for next round                       */
2309         p = c;
2310     }
2312     /* enter first (last popped) entry at last (first popped) location */
2313     ptr4 = ADDR_PERM4(perm);
2314     if (ptr4[l - 1] != l - 1) {
2315         ErrorMayQuit(
2316             "Permutation: cycles must be disjoint and duplicate-free", 0, 0);
2317     }
2318     ptr4[l - 1] = p - 1;
2320     return m;
2321 }
myquo(Obj pt,Obj perm)2324 static inline Int myquo(Obj pt, Obj perm)
2325 {
2326   if (TNUM_OBJ(perm) == T_PERM2)
2327     return INT_INTOBJ(QuoIntPerm<UInt2>(pt, perm));
2328   else if (TNUM_OBJ(perm) == T_PERM4)
2329     return INT_INTOBJ(QuoIntPerm<UInt4>(pt, perm));
2330   else
2331     return INT_INTOBJ(QUO(pt, perm));
2332 }
2335 /* Stabilizer chain helper implements AddGeneratorsExtendSchreierTree Inner loop */
FuncAGESTC(Obj self,Obj args)2336 static Obj FuncAGESTC(Obj self, Obj args)
2337 {
2338   Int i,j;
2339   Obj pt;
2340   Obj oj, lj;
2341   Int img;
2342   Obj orbit = ELM_PLIST(args,1);
2343   Obj newlabs = ELM_PLIST(args,2);
2344   Obj cycles = ELM_PLIST(args,3);
2345   Obj labels = ELM_PLIST(args,4);
2346   Obj translabels = ELM_PLIST(args,5);
2347   Obj transversal = ELM_PLIST(args, 6);
2348   Obj genlabels = ELM_PLIST(args,7);
2349   Int len = LEN_PLIST(orbit);
2350   Int len2 = len;
2351   Int lenn = LEN_PLIST(newlabs);
2352   Int lenl = LEN_PLIST(genlabels);
2353   for (i = 1; i<= len; i++) {
2354     pt = ELM_PLIST(orbit, i);
2355     for (j = 1; j <= lenn; j++) {
2356       oj = ELM_PLIST(newlabs,j);
2357       lj = ELM_PLIST(labels, INT_INTOBJ(oj));
2358       img = myquo(pt, lj);
2359       if (img <= LEN_PLIST(translabels) && (Obj)0 != ELM_PLIST(translabels,img))
2360         ASS_LIST(cycles, i, True);
2361       else {
2362         ASS_LIST(translabels, img, oj);
2363         ASS_LIST(transversal, img, lj);
2364         ASS_LIST(orbit, ++len2, INTOBJ_INT(img));
2365         ASS_LIST(cycles, len2, False);
2366       }
2367     }
2368   }
2369   while (i <= len2) {
2370     pt = ELM_PLIST(orbit, i);
2371     for (j = 1; j <= lenl; j++) {
2372       oj = ELM_PLIST(genlabels, j);
2373       lj = ELM_PLIST(labels, INT_INTOBJ(oj));
2374       img = myquo(pt, lj);
2375       if (img <= LEN_PLIST(translabels) && (Obj)0 != ELM_PLIST(translabels,img))
2376         ASS_LIST(cycles, i, True);
2377       else {
2378         ASS_LIST(translabels, img, oj);
2379         ASS_LIST(transversal, img, lj);
2380         ASS_LIST(orbit, ++len2, INTOBJ_INT(img));
2381         ASS_LIST(cycles, len2, False);
2382       }
2383     }
2384     i++;
2385   }
2386   return (Obj) 0;
2387 }
2389 /* Stabilizer chain helper implements AddGeneratorsExtendSchreierTree Inner loop */
FuncAGEST(Obj self,Obj orbit,Obj newlabs,Obj labels,Obj translabels,Obj transversal,Obj genlabels)2390 static Obj FuncAGEST(Obj self,
2391                      Obj orbit,
2392                      Obj newlabs,
2393                      Obj labels,
2394                      Obj translabels,
2395                      Obj transversal,
2396                      Obj genlabels)
2397 {
2398   Int i,j;
2399   Int len = LEN_PLIST(orbit);
2400   Int len2 = len;
2401   Int lenn = LEN_PLIST(newlabs);
2402   Int lenl = LEN_PLIST(genlabels);
2403   Obj pt;
2404   Obj oj,lj;
2405   Int img;
2406   for (i = 1; i<= len; i++) {
2407     pt = ELM_PLIST(orbit, i);
2408     for (j = 1; j <= lenn; j++) {
2409       oj = ELM_PLIST(newlabs,j);
2410       lj = ELM_PLIST(labels, INT_INTOBJ(oj));
2411       img = myquo(pt,lj);
2412       if (img > LEN_PLIST(translabels) || (Obj)0 == ELM_PLIST(translabels,img)) {
2413         ASS_LIST(translabels, img, oj);
2414         ASS_LIST(transversal, img, lj);
2415         ASS_LIST(orbit, ++len2, INTOBJ_INT(img));
2416       }
2417     }
2418   }
2419   while (i <= len2) {
2420     pt = ELM_PLIST(orbit, i);
2421     for (j = 1; j <= lenl; j++) {
2422       oj = ELM_PLIST(genlabels, j);
2423       lj = ELM_PLIST(labels, INT_INTOBJ(oj));
2424       img = myquo(pt, lj);
2425         if (img > LEN_PLIST(translabels) || (Obj)0 == ELM_PLIST(translabels,img)) {
2426           ASS_LIST(translabels, img, oj);
2427           ASS_LIST(transversal, img, lj);
2428           ASS_LIST(orbit, ++len2, INTOBJ_INT(img));
2429         }
2430     }
2431     i++;
2432   }
2433   return (Obj) 0;
2434 }
2437 /****************************************************************************
2438 **
2439 *F  MappingPermListList( <src>, <dst> ) . . . . . return a perm mapping src to
2440 **  dst
2441 **
2442 */
FuncMappingPermListList(Obj self,Obj src,Obj dst)2446 static Obj FuncMappingPermListList(Obj self, Obj src, Obj dst)
2447 {
2448     Int l;
2449     Int i;
2450     Int d;
2451     Int next;
2452     Obj out;
2453     Obj tabdst, tabsrc;
2454     Int x;
2455     Obj obj;
2456     Int mytabs[DEGREELIMITONSTACK+1];
2457     Int mytabd[DEGREELIMITONSTACK+1];
2459     RequireDenseList("AddRowVector", src);
2460     RequireDenseList("AddRowVector", dst);
2461     RequireSameLength("AddRowVector", src, dst);
2463     l = LEN_LIST(src);
2464     d = 0;
2465     for (i = 1;i <= l;i++) {
2466         obj = ELM_LIST(src, i);
2467         if (!IS_POS_INTOBJ(obj)) {
2468             ErrorMayQuit("<src> must be a dense list of positive small integers", 0L, 0L);
2469         }
2470         x = INT_INTOBJ(obj);
2471         if (x > d) d = x;
2472     }
2473     for (i = 1;i <= l;i++) {
2474         obj = ELM_LIST(dst, i);
2475         if (!IS_POS_INTOBJ(obj)) {
2476             ErrorMayQuit("<dst> must be a dense list of positive small integers", 0L, 0L);
2477         }
2478         x = INT_INTOBJ(obj);
2479         if (x > d) d = x;
2480     }
2481     if (d <= DEGREELIMITONSTACK) {
2482         /* Small case where we work on the stack: */
2483         memset(&mytabs,0,sizeof(mytabs));
2484         memset(&mytabd,0,sizeof(mytabd));
2485         for (i = 1;i <= l;i++) {
2486             Int val = INT_INTOBJ(ELM_LIST(src, i));
2487             if (mytabs[val]) {
2488                 // Already read where this value maps, check it is the same
2489                 if (ELM_LIST(dst, mytabs[val]) != ELM_LIST(dst, i)) {
2490                     return Fail;
2491                 }
2492             }
2493             mytabs[val] = i;
2494         }
2495         for (i = 1;i <= l;i++) {
2496             Int val = INT_INTOBJ(ELM_LIST(dst, i));
2497             if (mytabd[val]) {
2498                 // Already read where this value is mapped from, check it is
2499                 // the same
2500                 if (ELM_LIST(src, mytabd[val]) != ELM_LIST(src, i)) {
2501                     return Fail;
2502                 }
2503             }
2504             mytabd[val] = i;
2505         }
2507         out = NEW_PLIST(T_PLIST_CYC,d);
2508         SET_LEN_PLIST(out,d);
2509         /* No garbage collection from here ... */
2510         next = 1;
2511         for (i = 1;i <= d;i++) {
2512             if (mytabs[i]) {   /* if i is in src */
2513                 SET_ELM_PLIST(out,i, ELM_LIST(dst,mytabs[i]));
2514             } else {
2515                 if (mytabd[i]) {
2516                     // Skip things in dst:
2517                     while (mytabd[next] ||
2518                            (mytabs[next] == 0 && mytabd[next] == 0))
2519                         next++;
2520                     SET_ELM_PLIST(out, i, INTOBJ_INT(next));
2521                     next++;
2522                 }
2523                 else {    // map elements in neither list to themselves
2524                     SET_ELM_PLIST(out, i, INTOBJ_INT(i));
2525                 }
2526             }
2527         }
2528         /* ... to here! No CHANGED_BAG needed since this is a new object! */
2529     } else {
2530         /* Version with intermediate objects: */
2531         tabsrc = NEW_PLIST(T_PLIST,d);
2532         /* No garbage collection from here ... */
2533         for (i = 1;i <= l;i++) {
2534             Int val = INT_INTOBJ(ELM_LIST(src, i));
2535             if (ELM_PLIST(tabsrc, val)) {
2536                 if (ELM_LIST(dst, INT_INTOBJ(ELM_PLIST(tabsrc, val))) !=
2537                     ELM_LIST(dst, i)) {
2538                     return Fail;
2539                 }
2540             }
2541             else {
2542                 SET_ELM_PLIST(tabsrc, val, INTOBJ_INT(i));
2543             }
2544         }
2545         /* ... to here! No CHANGED_BAG needed since this is a new object! */
2546         tabdst = NEW_PLIST(T_PLIST,d);
2547         /* No garbage collection from here ... */
2548         for (i = 1;i <= l;i++) {
2549             int val = INT_INTOBJ(ELM_LIST(dst, i));
2550             if (ELM_PLIST(tabdst, val)) {
2551                 if (ELM_LIST(src, INT_INTOBJ(ELM_PLIST(tabdst, val))) !=
2552                     ELM_LIST(src, i)) {
2553                     return Fail;
2554                 }
2555             }
2556             else {
2557                 SET_ELM_PLIST(tabdst, val, INTOBJ_INT(i));
2558             }
2559         }
2560         /* ... to here! No CHANGED_BAG needed since this is a new object! */
2561         out = NEW_PLIST(T_PLIST_CYC,d);
2562         SET_LEN_PLIST(out,d);
2563         /* No garbage collection from here ... */
2564         next = 1;
2565         for (i = 1;i <= d;i++) {
2566             if (ELM_PLIST(tabsrc,i)) {   /* if i is in src */
2567                 SET_ELM_PLIST(out,i,
2568                     ELM_LIST(dst,INT_INTOBJ(ELM_PLIST(tabsrc,i))));
2569             } else {
2570                 if (ELM_PLIST(tabdst, i)) {
2571                     // Skip things in dst:
2572                     while (ELM_PLIST(tabdst, next) ||
2573                            (ELM_PLIST(tabdst, next) == 0 &&
2574                             ELM_PLIST(tabsrc, next) == 0)) {
2575                         next++;
2576                     }
2577                     SET_ELM_PLIST(out, i, INTOBJ_INT(next));
2578                     next++;
2579                 }
2580                 else {
2581                     SET_ELM_PLIST(out, i, INTOBJ_INT(i));
2582                 }
2583             }
2584         }
2585         /* ... to here! No CHANGED_BAG needed since this is a new object! */
2586     }
2587     return FuncPermList(self,out);
2588 }
2590 /* InstallGlobalFunction( SCRSift, function ( S, g ) */
2591 /*     local stb,   # the stabilizer of S we currently work with */
2592 /*           bpt;   # first point of stb.orbit */
2594 /*     stb := S; */
2595 /*     while IsBound( stb.stabilizer ) do */
2596 /*         bpt := stb.orbit[1]; */
2597 /*         if IsBound( stb.transversal[bpt^g] ) then */
2598 /*             while bpt <> bpt^g do */
2599 /*                 g := g*stb.transversal[bpt^g]; */
2600 /*             od; */
2601 /*             stb := stb.stabilizer; */
2602 /*         else */
2603 /*             #current g witnesses that input was not in S */
2604 /*             return g; */
2605 /*         fi; */
2606 /*     od; */
2608 /*     return g; */
2609 /* end ); */
2612 static UInt RN_stabilizer = 0;
2613 static UInt RN_orbit = 0;
2614 static UInt RN_transversal = 0;
2616 template <typename TG, typename Res>
SCR_SIFT_HELPER(Obj stb,Obj g,UInt nn)2617 static Obj SCR_SIFT_HELPER(Obj stb, Obj g, UInt nn)
2618 {
2619     int  i;
2620     Obj  result = NEW_PERM<Res>(nn);
2621     UInt dg = DEG_PERM<TG>(g);
2623     if (dg > nn) /* In this case the caller has messed up or
2624                     g just ends with a lot of fixed points which we can
2625                     ignore */
2626         dg = nn;
2628     /* Copy g into the buffer */
2629     Res *      ptR = ADDR_PERM<Res>(result);
2630     const TG * ptG = CONST_ADDR_PERM<TG>(g);
2631     if (sizeof(TG) == sizeof(Res)) {
2632         memcpy(ptR, ptG, sizeof(TG) * dg);
2633     }
2634     else {
2635         for (i = 0; i < dg; i++)
2636             ptR[i] = (Res)ptG[i];
2637     }
2638     for (i = dg; i < nn; i++)
2639         ptR[i] = (Res)i;
2642     while (IsbPRec(stb, RN_stabilizer)) {
2643         Obj trans = ElmPRec(stb, RN_transversal);
2644         Obj orb = ElmPRec(stb, RN_orbit);
2645         Int bpt = INT_INTOBJ(ELM_LIST(orb, 1)) - 1;
2647         const Res * ptrResult = CONST_ADDR_PERM<Res>(result);
2648         UInt        degResult = DEG_PERM<Res>(result);
2649         Int         im = (Int)(IMAGE(bpt, ptrResult, degResult));
2650         Obj         t = ELM0_LIST(trans, im + 1);
2652         if (!t)
2653             break;
2655         while (bpt != im) {
2657             ptR = ADDR_PERM<Res>(result);
2658             if (IS_PERM2(t)) {
2659                 const UInt2 * ptT = CONST_ADDR_PERM2(t);
2660                 UInt          dt = DEG_PERM2(t);
2661                 if (dt >= nn)
2662                     for (i = 0; i < nn; i++)
2663                         ptR[i] = ptT[ptR[i]];
2664                 else
2665                     for (i = 0; i < nn; i++)
2666                         ptR[i] = IMAGE(ptR[i], ptT, dt);
2667             }
2668             else {
2669                 const UInt4 * ptT = CONST_ADDR_PERM4(t);
2670                 UInt          dt = DEG_PERM4(t);
2671                 if (dt >= nn)
2672                     for (i = 0; i < nn; i++)
2673                         ptR[i] = ptT[ptR[i]];
2674                 else
2675                     for (i = 0; i < nn; i++)
2676                         ptR[i] = IMAGE(ptR[i], ptT, dt);
2677             }
2678             im = (Int)ptR[bpt];
2679             t = ELM_PLIST(trans, im + 1);
2680         }
2681         stb = ElmPRec(stb, RN_stabilizer);
2682     }
2683     /* so we're done sifting, and now we just have to clean up result */
2684     return result;
2685 }
FuncSCR_SIFT_HELPER(Obj self,Obj stb,Obj g,Obj n)2687 static Obj FuncSCR_SIFT_HELPER(Obj self, Obj stb, Obj g, Obj n)
2688 {
2689     if (!IS_PREC(stb))
2690         RequireArgument("SCR_SIFT_HELPER", stb, "must be a plain record");
2691     RequirePermutation("SCR_SIFT_HELPER", g);
2692     UInt nn = GetSmallInt("SCR_SIFT_HELPER", n);
2694     /* Setup the result, sort out which rep we are going to work in  */
2695     if (nn > 65535) {
2696         if (IS_PERM2(g))
2697             return SCR_SIFT_HELPER<UInt2, UInt4>(stb, g, nn);
2698         else
2699             return SCR_SIFT_HELPER<UInt4, UInt4>(stb, g, nn);
2700     }
2701     else {
2702         if (IS_PERM2(g))
2703             return SCR_SIFT_HELPER<UInt2, UInt2>(stb, g, nn);
2704         else
2705             return SCR_SIFT_HELPER<UInt4, UInt2>(stb, g, nn);
2706     }
2707 }
2710 /****************************************************************************
2711 **
2712 *F * * * * * * * * * * * * * initialize module * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
2713 */
2716 /****************************************************************************
2717 **
2718 *V  BagNames  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . list of bag names
2719 */
2720 static StructBagNames BagNames[] = {
2721   { T_PERM2, "permutation (small)" },
2722   { T_PERM4, "permutation (large)" },
2723   { -1, "" }
2724 };
2727 /****************************************************************************
2728 **
2729 *V  GVarFilts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . list of filters to export
2730 */
2731 static StructGVarFilt GVarFilts[] = {
2733     GVAR_FILT(IS_PERM, "obj", &IsPermFilt),
2734     { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
2736 };
2739 /****************************************************************************
2740 **
2741 *V  GVarFuncs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . list of functions to export
2742 */
2743 static StructGVarFunc GVarFuncs [] = {
2745     GVAR_FUNC(PermList, 1, "list"),
2747     GVAR_FUNC(CYCLE_LENGTH_PERM_INT, 2, "perm, point"),
2748     GVAR_FUNC(CYCLE_PERM_INT, 2, "perm, point"),
2749     GVAR_FUNC(CYCLE_STRUCT_PERM, 1, "perm"),
2750     GVAR_FUNC(ORDER_PERM, 1, "perm"),
2751     GVAR_FUNC(SIGN_PERM, 1, "perm"),
2753     GVAR_FUNC(RESTRICTED_PERM, 3, "perm,domain,test"),
2754     GVAR_FUNC(TRIM_PERM, 2, "perm, degree"),
2755     GVAR_FUNC(SPLIT_PARTITION, 5, "Ppoints,Qn,j,g,a_b_max"),
2756     GVAR_FUNC(SMALLEST_IMG_TUP_PERM, 2, "tuple, perm"),
2757     GVAR_FUNC(DISTANCE_PERMS, 2, "perm1, perm2"),
2758     GVAR_FUNC(AGEST, 6, "orbit, newlabels, labels, translabels, transversal,genblabels"),
2759     GVAR_FUNC(AGESTC, -1, "orbit, newlabels, cycles, labels, translabels, transversal, genlabels"),
2760     GVAR_FUNC(MappingPermListList, 2, "src, dst"),
2761     GVAR_FUNC(SCR_SIFT_HELPER, 3, "stabrec, perm, n"),
2762     { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
2764 };
2767 /****************************************************************************
2768 **
2769 *F  InitKernel( <module> )  . . . . . . . . initialise kernel data structures
2770 */
InitKernel(StructInitInfo * module)2772 static Int InitKernel (
2773     StructInitInfo *    module )
2774 {
2775     // set the bag type names (for error messages and debugging)
2776     InitBagNamesFromTable( BagNames );
2778     /* install the marking function                                        */
2779     InitMarkFuncBags(T_PERM2, MarkOneSubBags);
2780     InitMarkFuncBags(T_PERM4, MarkOneSubBags);
2782 #ifdef HPCGAP
2783     MakeBagTypePublic( T_PERM2);
2784     MakeBagTypePublic( T_PERM4);
2785 #endif
2789     /* install the type functions                                           */
2790     ImportGVarFromLibrary( "TYPE_PERM2", &TYPE_PERM2 );
2791     ImportGVarFromLibrary( "TYPE_PERM4", &TYPE_PERM4 );
2794     TypeObjFuncs[ T_PERM2 ] = TypePerm2;
2795     TypeObjFuncs[ T_PERM4 ] = TypePerm4;
2797     /* init filters and functions                                          */
2798     InitHdlrFiltsFromTable( GVarFilts );
2799     InitHdlrFuncsFromTable( GVarFuncs );
2801     /* make the buffer bag                                                 */
2802 #ifndef HPCGAP
2803     InitGlobalBag( &TmpPerm, "src/permutat.cc:TmpPerm" );
2804 #endif
2806     /* make the identity permutation                                       */
2807     InitGlobalBag( &IdentityPerm, "src/permutat.cc:IdentityPerm" );
2809     /* install the saving functions */
2810     SaveObjFuncs[ T_PERM2 ] = SavePerm2;
2811     SaveObjFuncs[ T_PERM4 ] = SavePerm4;
2812     LoadObjFuncs[ T_PERM2 ] = LoadPerm2;
2813     LoadObjFuncs[ T_PERM4 ] = LoadPerm4;
2815     /* install the printing functions                                      */
2816     PrintObjFuncs[ T_PERM2   ] = PrintPerm<UInt2>;
2817     PrintObjFuncs[ T_PERM4   ] = PrintPerm<UInt4>;
2819     /* install the comparison methods                                      */
2820     EqFuncs  [ T_PERM2  ][ T_PERM2  ] = EqPerm<UInt2, UInt2>;
2821     EqFuncs  [ T_PERM2  ][ T_PERM4  ] = EqPerm<UInt2, UInt4>;
2822     EqFuncs  [ T_PERM4  ][ T_PERM2  ] = EqPerm<UInt4, UInt2>;
2823     EqFuncs  [ T_PERM4  ][ T_PERM4  ] = EqPerm<UInt4, UInt4>;
2824     LtFuncs  [ T_PERM2  ][ T_PERM2  ] = LtPerm<UInt2, UInt2>;
2825     LtFuncs  [ T_PERM2  ][ T_PERM4  ] = LtPerm<UInt2, UInt4>;
2826     LtFuncs  [ T_PERM4  ][ T_PERM2  ] = LtPerm<UInt4, UInt2>;
2827     LtFuncs  [ T_PERM4  ][ T_PERM4  ] = LtPerm<UInt4, UInt4>;
2829     /* install the binary operations                                       */
2830     ProdFuncs[ T_PERM2  ][ T_PERM2  ] = ProdPerm<UInt2, UInt2>;
2831     ProdFuncs[ T_PERM2  ][ T_PERM4  ] = ProdPerm<UInt2, UInt4>;
2832     ProdFuncs[ T_PERM4  ][ T_PERM2  ] = ProdPerm<UInt4, UInt2>;
2833     ProdFuncs[ T_PERM4  ][ T_PERM4  ] = ProdPerm<UInt4, UInt4>;
2834     QuoFuncs[T_PERM2][T_PERM2] = QuoPerm;
2835     QuoFuncs[T_PERM2][T_PERM4] = QuoPerm;
2836     QuoFuncs[T_PERM4][T_PERM2] = QuoPerm;
2837     QuoFuncs[T_PERM4][T_PERM4] = QuoPerm;
2838     LQuoFuncs[ T_PERM2  ][ T_PERM2  ] = LQuoPerm<UInt2, UInt2>;
2839     LQuoFuncs[ T_PERM2  ][ T_PERM4  ] = LQuoPerm<UInt2, UInt4>;
2840     LQuoFuncs[ T_PERM4  ][ T_PERM2  ] = LQuoPerm<UInt4, UInt2>;
2841     LQuoFuncs[ T_PERM4  ][ T_PERM4  ] = LQuoPerm<UInt4, UInt4>;
2842     PowFuncs [ T_PERM2  ][ T_INT    ] = PowPermInt<UInt2>;
2843     PowFuncs [ T_PERM2  ][ T_INTPOS ] = PowPermInt<UInt2>;
2844     PowFuncs [ T_PERM2  ][ T_INTNEG ] = PowPermInt<UInt2>;
2845     PowFuncs [ T_PERM4  ][ T_INT    ] = PowPermInt<UInt4>;
2846     PowFuncs [ T_PERM4  ][ T_INTPOS ] = PowPermInt<UInt4>;
2847     PowFuncs [ T_PERM4  ][ T_INTNEG ] = PowPermInt<UInt4>;
2848     PowFuncs [ T_INT    ][ T_PERM2  ] = PowIntPerm<UInt2>;
2849     PowFuncs [ T_INTPOS ][ T_PERM2  ] = PowIntPerm<UInt2>;
2850     PowFuncs [ T_INT    ][ T_PERM4  ] = PowIntPerm<UInt4>;
2851     PowFuncs [ T_INTPOS ][ T_PERM4  ] = PowIntPerm<UInt4>;
2852     QuoFuncs [ T_INT    ][ T_PERM2  ] = QuoIntPerm<UInt2>;
2853     QuoFuncs [ T_INTPOS ][ T_PERM2  ] = QuoIntPerm<UInt2>;
2854     QuoFuncs [ T_INT    ][ T_PERM4  ] = QuoIntPerm<UInt4>;
2855     QuoFuncs [ T_INTPOS ][ T_PERM4  ] = QuoIntPerm<UInt4>;
2856     PowFuncs [ T_PERM2  ][ T_PERM2  ] = PowPerm<UInt2, UInt2>;
2857     PowFuncs [ T_PERM2  ][ T_PERM4  ] = PowPerm<UInt2, UInt4>;
2858     PowFuncs [ T_PERM4  ][ T_PERM2  ] = PowPerm<UInt4, UInt2>;
2859     PowFuncs [ T_PERM4  ][ T_PERM4  ] = PowPerm<UInt4, UInt4>;
2860     CommFuncs[ T_PERM2  ][ T_PERM2  ] = CommPerm<UInt2, UInt2>;
2861     CommFuncs[ T_PERM2  ][ T_PERM4  ] = CommPerm<UInt2, UInt4>;
2862     CommFuncs[ T_PERM4  ][ T_PERM2  ] = CommPerm<UInt4, UInt2>;
2863     CommFuncs[ T_PERM4  ][ T_PERM4  ] = CommPerm<UInt4, UInt4>;
2865     /* install the 'ONE' function for permutations                         */
2866     OneFuncs[ T_PERM2 ] = OnePerm;
2867     OneFuncs[ T_PERM4 ] = OnePerm;
2868     OneMutFuncs[ T_PERM2 ] = OnePerm;
2869     OneMutFuncs[ T_PERM4 ] = OnePerm;
2871     /* install the 'INV' function for permutations                         */
2872     InvFuncs[ T_PERM2 ] = InvPerm<UInt2>;
2873     InvFuncs[ T_PERM4 ] = InvPerm<UInt4>;
2874     InvMutFuncs[ T_PERM2 ] = InvPerm<UInt2>;
2875     InvMutFuncs[ T_PERM4 ] = InvPerm<UInt4>;
2877     /* return success                                                      */
2878     return 0;
2879 }
2882 /****************************************************************************
2883 **
2884 *F  PostRestore( <module> ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . after restore workspace
2885 */
PostRestore(StructInitInfo * module)2886 static Int PostRestore(StructInitInfo * module)
2887 {
2888     RN_stabilizer = RNamName("stabilizer");
2889     RN_orbit = RNamName("orbit");
2890     RN_transversal = RNamName("transversal");
2892     /* return success                                                      */
2893     return 0;
2894 }
2897 /****************************************************************************
2898 **
2899 *F  InitLibrary( <module> ) . . . . . . .  initialise library data structures
2900 */
InitLibrary(StructInitInfo * module)2901 static Int InitLibrary (
2902     StructInitInfo *    module )
2903 {
2904     /* init filters and functions                                          */
2905     InitGVarFiltsFromTable( GVarFilts );
2906     InitGVarFuncsFromTable( GVarFuncs );
2908     /* make the identity permutation                                       */
2909     IdentityPerm = NEW_PERM2(0);
2911     /* return success                                                      */
2912     return PostRestore(module);
2913 }
InitModuleState(void)2916 static Int InitModuleState(void)
2917 {
2918     /* make the buffer bag                                                 */
2919     TmpPerm = 0;
2921     // return success
2922     return 0;
2923 }
2926 /****************************************************************************
2927 **
2928 *F  InitInfoPermutat()  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . table of init functions
2929 */
2930 static StructInitInfo module = {
2931  /* type        = */ MODULE_BUILTIN,
2932  /* name        = */ "permutat",
2933  /* revision_c  = */ 0,
2934  /* revision_h  = */ 0,
2935  /* version     = */ 0,
2936  /* crc         = */ 0,
2937  /* initKernel  = */ InitKernel,
2938  /* initLibrary = */ InitLibrary,
2939  /* checkInit   = */ 0,
2940  /* preSave     = */ 0,
2941  /* postSave    = */ 0,
2942  /* postRestore = */ PostRestore,
2943  /* moduleStateSize      = */ sizeof(PermutatModuleState),
2944  /* moduleStateOffsetPtr = */ &PermutatStateOffset,
2945  /* initModuleState      = */ InitModuleState,
2946  /* destroyModuleState   = */ 0,
2947 };
InitInfoPermutat(void)2949 StructInitInfo * InitInfoPermutat ( void )
2950 {
2951     return &module;
2952 }