1 /* -*- mode: c; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
2 Copyright (c) 2012 Marcus Geelnard
4 This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
5 warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
6 arising from the use of this software.
8 Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
9 including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
10 freely, subject to the following restrictions:
12     1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
13     claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
14     in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
15     appreciated but is not required.
17     2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
18     misrepresented as being the original software.
20     3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source
21     distribution.
22 */
24 #ifndef _TINYCTHREAD_H_
25 #define _TINYCTHREAD_H_
27 /**
28 * @file
29 * @mainpage TinyCThread API Reference
30 *
31 * @section intro_sec Introduction
32 * TinyCThread is a minimal, portable implementation of basic threading
33 * classes for C.
34 *
35 * They closely mimic the functionality and naming of the C11 standard, and
36 * should be easily replaceable with the corresponding standard variants.
37 *
38 * @section port_sec Portability
39 * The Win32 variant uses the native Win32 API for implementing the thread
40 * classes, while for other systems, the POSIX threads API (pthread) is used.
41 *
42 * @section misc_sec Miscellaneous
43 * The following special keywords are available: #_Thread_local.
44 *
45 * For more detailed information, browse the different sections of this
46 * documentation. A good place to start is:
47 * tinycthread.h.
48 */
50 /* Which platform are we on? */
52   #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__WINDOWS__)
53     #define _TTHREAD_WIN32_
54   #else
55     #define _TTHREAD_POSIX_
56   #endif
58 #endif
60 /* Activate some POSIX functionality (e.g. clock_gettime and recursive mutexes) */
61 #if defined(_TTHREAD_POSIX_)
62   #undef _FEATURES_H
63   #if !defined(_GNU_SOURCE)
64     #define _GNU_SOURCE
65   #endif
66   #if !defined(_POSIX_C_SOURCE) || ((_POSIX_C_SOURCE - 0) < 199309L)
67     #undef _POSIX_C_SOURCE
68     #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 199309L
69   #endif
70   #if !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) || ((_XOPEN_SOURCE - 0) < 500)
71     #undef _XOPEN_SOURCE
72     #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500
73   #endif
74 #endif
76 /* Generic includes */
77 #include <time.h>
79 /* Platform specific includes */
80 #if defined(_TTHREAD_POSIX_)
81   #include <sys/time.h>
82   #include <pthread.h>
83 #elif defined(_TTHREAD_WIN32_)
84   #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
85     #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
86     #define __UNDEF_LEAN_AND_MEAN
87   #endif
88   #include <windows.h>
89   #ifdef __UNDEF_LEAN_AND_MEAN
90     #undef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
91     #undef __UNDEF_LEAN_AND_MEAN
92   #endif
93 #endif
95 /* Workaround for missing TIME_UTC: If time.h doesn't provide TIME_UTC,
96    it's quite likely that libc does not support it either. Hence, fall back to
97    the only other supported time specifier: CLOCK_REALTIME (and if that fails,
98    we're probably emulating clock_gettime anyway, so anything goes). */
99 #ifndef TIME_UTC
100   #ifdef CLOCK_REALTIME
102   #else
103     #define TIME_UTC 0
104   #endif
105 #endif
107 /* Workaround for missing clock_gettime (most Windows compilers, afaik) */
108 #if defined(_TTHREAD_WIN32_) || defined(__APPLE_CC__)
110 /* Emulate struct timespec */
111 #if defined(_TTHREAD_WIN32_)
112 struct _ttherad_timespec {
113   time_t tv_sec;
114   long   tv_nsec;
115 };
116 #define timespec _ttherad_timespec
117 #endif
119 /* Emulate clockid_t */
120 typedef int _tthread_clockid_t;
121 #define clockid_t _tthread_clockid_t
123 /* Emulate clock_gettime */
124 int _tthread_clock_gettime(clockid_t clk_id, struct timespec *ts);
125 #define clock_gettime _tthread_clock_gettime
126 #ifndef CLOCK_REALTIME
127   #define CLOCK_REALTIME 0
128 #endif
129 #endif
132 /** TinyCThread version (major number). */
134 /** TinyCThread version (minor number). */
136 /** TinyCThread version (full version). */
139 /**
140 * @def _Thread_local
141 * Thread local storage keyword.
142 * A variable that is declared with the @c _Thread_local keyword makes the
143 * value of the variable local to each thread (known as thread-local storage,
144 * or TLS). Example usage:
145 * @code
146 * // This variable is local to each thread.
147 * _Thread_local int variable;
148 * @endcode
149 * @note The @c _Thread_local keyword is a macro that maps to the corresponding
150 * compiler directive (e.g. @c __declspec(thread)).
151 * @note This directive is currently not supported on Mac OS X (it will give
152 * a compiler error), since compile-time TLS is not supported in the Mac OS X
153 * executable format. Also, some older versions of MinGW (before GCC 4.x) do
154 * not support this directive.
155 * @hideinitializer
156 */
158 /* FIXME: Check for a PROPER value of __STDC_VERSION__ to know if we have C11 */
159 #if !(defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 201102L)) && !defined(_Thread_local)
160  #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) || defined(__SUNPRO_CC) || defined(__IBMCPP__)
161   #define _Thread_local __thread
162  #else
163   #define _Thread_local __declspec(thread)
164  #endif
165 #endif
167 /* Macros */
170 /* Function return values */
171 #define thrd_error    0 /**< The requested operation failed */
172 #define thrd_success  1 /**< The requested operation succeeded */
173 #define thrd_timeout  2 /**< The time specified in the call was reached without acquiring the requested resource */
174 #define thrd_busy     3 /**< The requested operation failed because a tesource requested by a test and return function is already in use */
175 #define thrd_nomem    4 /**< The requested operation failed because it was unable to allocate memory */
177 /* Mutex types */
178 #define mtx_plain     1
179 #define mtx_timed     2
180 #define mtx_try       4
181 #define mtx_recursive 8
183 /* Mutex */
184 #if defined(_TTHREAD_WIN32_)
185 typedef struct {
186   CRITICAL_SECTION mHandle;   /* Critical section handle */
187   int mAlreadyLocked;         /* TRUE if the mutex is already locked */
188   int mRecursive;             /* TRUE if the mutex is recursive */
189 } mtx_t;
190 #else
191 typedef pthread_mutex_t mtx_t;
192 #endif
194 /** Create a mutex object.
195 * @param mtx A mutex object.
196 * @param type Bit-mask that must have one of the following six values:
197 *   @li @c mtx_plain for a simple non-recursive mutex
198 *   @li @c mtx_timed for a non-recursive mutex that supports timeout
199 *   @li @c mtx_try for a non-recursive mutex that supports test and return
200 *   @li @c mtx_plain | @c mtx_recursive (same as @c mtx_plain, but recursive)
201 *   @li @c mtx_timed | @c mtx_recursive (same as @c mtx_timed, but recursive)
202 *   @li @c mtx_try | @c mtx_recursive (same as @c mtx_try, but recursive)
203 * @return @ref thrd_success on success, or @ref thrd_error if the request could
204 * not be honored.
205 */
206 int mtx_init(mtx_t *mtx, int type);
208 /** Release any resources used by the given mutex.
209 * @param mtx A mutex object.
210 */
211 void mtx_destroy(mtx_t *mtx);
213 /** Lock the given mutex.
214 * Blocks until the given mutex can be locked. If the mutex is non-recursive, and
215 * the calling thread already has a lock on the mutex, this call will block
216 * forever.
217 * @param mtx A mutex object.
218 * @return @ref thrd_success on success, or @ref thrd_error if the request could
219 * not be honored.
220 */
221 int mtx_lock(mtx_t *mtx);
224 */
225 int mtx_timedlock(mtx_t *mtx, const struct timespec *ts);
227 /** Try to lock the given mutex.
228 * The specified mutex shall support either test and return or timeout. If the
229 * mutex is already locked, the function returns without blocking.
230 * @param mtx A mutex object.
231 * @return @ref thrd_success on success, or @ref thrd_busy if the resource
232 * requested is already in use, or @ref thrd_error if the request could not be
233 * honored.
234 */
235 int mtx_trylock(mtx_t *mtx);
237 /** Unlock the given mutex.
238 * @param mtx A mutex object.
239 * @return @ref thrd_success on success, or @ref thrd_error if the request could
240 * not be honored.
241 */
242 int mtx_unlock(mtx_t *mtx);
244 /* Condition variable */
245 #if defined(_TTHREAD_WIN32_)
246 typedef struct {
247   HANDLE mEvents[2];                  /* Signal and broadcast event HANDLEs. */
248   unsigned int mWaitersCount;         /* Count of the number of waiters. */
249   CRITICAL_SECTION mWaitersCountLock; /* Serialize access to mWaitersCount. */
250 } cnd_t;
251 #else
252 typedef pthread_cond_t cnd_t;
253 #endif
255 /** Create a condition variable object.
256 * @param cond A condition variable object.
257 * @return @ref thrd_success on success, or @ref thrd_error if the request could
258 * not be honored.
259 */
260 int cnd_init(cnd_t *cond);
262 /** Release any resources used by the given condition variable.
263 * @param cond A condition variable object.
264 */
265 void cnd_destroy(cnd_t *cond);
267 /** Signal a condition variable.
268 * Unblocks one of the threads that are blocked on the given condition variable
269 * at the time of the call. If no threads are blocked on the condition variable
270 * at the time of the call, the function does nothing and return success.
271 * @param cond A condition variable object.
272 * @return @ref thrd_success on success, or @ref thrd_error if the request could
273 * not be honored.
274 */
275 int cnd_signal(cnd_t *cond);
277 /** Broadcast a condition variable.
278 * Unblocks all of the threads that are blocked on the given condition variable
279 * at the time of the call. If no threads are blocked on the condition variable
280 * at the time of the call, the function does nothing and return success.
281 * @param cond A condition variable object.
282 * @return @ref thrd_success on success, or @ref thrd_error if the request could
283 * not be honored.
284 */
285 int cnd_broadcast(cnd_t *cond);
287 /** Wait for a condition variable to become signaled.
288 * The function atomically unlocks the given mutex and endeavors to block until
289 * the given condition variable is signaled by a call to cnd_signal or to
290 * cnd_broadcast. When the calling thread becomes unblocked it locks the mutex
291 * before it returns.
292 * @param cond A condition variable object.
293 * @param mtx A mutex object.
294 * @return @ref thrd_success on success, or @ref thrd_error if the request could
295 * not be honored.
296 */
297 int cnd_wait(cnd_t *cond, mtx_t *mtx);
299 /** Wait for a condition variable to become signaled.
300 * The function atomically unlocks the given mutex and endeavors to block until
301 * the given condition variable is signaled by a call to cnd_signal or to
302 * cnd_broadcast, or until after the specified time. When the calling thread
303 * becomes unblocked it locks the mutex before it returns.
304 * @param cond A condition variable object.
305 * @param mtx A mutex object.
306 * @param xt A point in time at which the request will time out (absolute time).
307 * @return @ref thrd_success upon success, or @ref thrd_timeout if the time
308 * specified in the call was reached without acquiring the requested resource, or
309 * @ref thrd_error if the request could not be honored.
310 */
311 int cnd_timedwait(cnd_t *cond, mtx_t *mtx, const struct timespec *ts);
313 /* Thread */
314 #if defined(_TTHREAD_WIN32_)
315 typedef HANDLE thrd_t;
316 #else
317 typedef pthread_t thrd_t;
318 #endif
320 /** Thread start function.
321 * Any thread that is started with the @ref thrd_create() function must be
322 * started through a function of this type.
323 * @param arg The thread argument (the @c arg argument of the corresponding
324 *        @ref thrd_create() call).
325 * @return The thread return value, which can be obtained by another thread
326 * by using the @ref thrd_join() function.
327 */
328 typedef int (*thrd_start_t)(void *arg);
330 /** Create a new thread.
331 * @param thr Identifier of the newly created thread.
332 * @param func A function pointer to the function that will be executed in
333 *        the new thread.
334 * @param arg An argument to the thread function.
335 * @return @ref thrd_success on success, or @ref thrd_nomem if no memory could
336 * be allocated for the thread requested, or @ref thrd_error if the request
337 * could not be honored.
338 * @note A thread’s identifier may be reused for a different thread once the
339 * original thread has exited and either been detached or joined to another
340 * thread.
341 */
342 int thrd_create(thrd_t *thr, thrd_start_t func, void *arg);
344 /** Identify the calling thread.
345 * @return The identifier of the calling thread.
346 */
347 thrd_t thrd_current(void);
350 */
351 int thrd_detach(thrd_t thr);
353 /** Compare two thread identifiers.
354 * The function determines if two thread identifiers refer to the same thread.
355 * @return Zero if the two thread identifiers refer to different threads.
356 * Otherwise a nonzero value is returned.
357 */
358 int thrd_equal(thrd_t thr0, thrd_t thr1);
360 /** Terminate execution of the calling thread.
361 * @param res Result code of the calling thread.
362 */
363 void thrd_exit(int res);
365 /** Wait for a thread to terminate.
366 * The function joins the given thread with the current thread by blocking
367 * until the other thread has terminated.
368 * @param thr The thread to join with.
369 * @param res If this pointer is not NULL, the function will store the result
370 *        code of the given thread in the integer pointed to by @c res.
371 * @return @ref thrd_success on success, or @ref thrd_error if the request could
372 * not be honored.
373 */
374 int thrd_join(thrd_t thr, int *res);
376 /** Put the calling thread to sleep.
377 * Suspend execution of the calling thread.
378 * @param time_point A point in time at which the thread will resume (absolute time).
379 * @param remaining If non-NULL, this parameter will hold the remaining time until
380 *                  time_point upon return. This will typically be zero, but if
381 *                  the thread was woken up by a signal that is not ignored before
382 *                  time_point was reached @c remaining will hold a positive
383 *                  time.
384 * @return 0 (zero) on successful sleep, or -1 if an interrupt occurred.
385 */
386 int thrd_sleep(const struct timespec *time_point, struct timespec *remaining);
388 /** Yield execution to another thread.
389 * Permit other threads to run, even if the current thread would ordinarily
390 * continue to run.
391 */
392 void thrd_yield(void);
394 /* Thread local storage */
395 #if defined(_TTHREAD_WIN32_)
396 typedef DWORD tss_t;
397 #else
398 typedef pthread_key_t tss_t;
399 #endif
401 /** Destructor function for a thread-specific storage.
402 * @param val The value of the destructed thread-specific storage.
403 */
404 typedef void (*tss_dtor_t)(void *val);
406 /** Create a thread-specific storage.
407 * @param key The unique key identifier that will be set if the function is
408 *        successful.
409 * @param dtor Destructor function. This can be NULL.
410 * @return @ref thrd_success on success, or @ref thrd_error if the request could
411 * not be honored.
412 * @note The destructor function is not supported under Windows. If @c dtor is
413 * not NULL when calling this function under Windows, the function will fail
414 * and return @ref thrd_error.
415 */
416 int tss_create(tss_t *key, tss_dtor_t dtor);
418 /** Delete a thread-specific storage.
419 * The function releases any resources used by the given thread-specific
420 * storage.
421 * @param key The key that shall be deleted.
422 */
423 void tss_delete(tss_t key);
425 /** Get the value for a thread-specific storage.
426 * @param key The thread-specific storage identifier.
427 * @return The value for the current thread held in the given thread-specific
428 * storage.
429 */
430 void *tss_get(tss_t key);
432 /** Set the value for a thread-specific storage.
433 * @param key The thread-specific storage identifier.
434 * @param val The value of the thread-specific storage to set for the current
435 *        thread.
436 * @return @ref thrd_success on success, or @ref thrd_error if the request could
437 * not be honored.
438 */
439 int tss_set(tss_t key, void *val);
442 #endif /* _TINYTHREAD_H_ */