1 /*
2  * gfanlib_tropicalhomotopy.h
3  *
4  *  Created on: Apr 10, 2016
5  *      Author: anders
6  */
11 #include "gfanlib_paralleltraverser.h"
12 #include "gfanlib_matrix.h"
14 namespace gfan{
16 class Flags{
17 public:
18 	 static const bool computeDotProductInMatrix=true;
19  };
21 /**
22  * We identify six possibly different types needed with possibly varying precission:
23  * 1) The entries of the circuits (or possibly their packed representation)
24  * 2) The mixed volume contribution of a single cell. This is obtained from an entry of a circuit and therefore can be represented by the above type.
25  * 3) The accumulated mixed volume. This will exceed the bound of the above type in many cases. Overflows are easily checked.
26  * 4) The type that dotVector uses as a result when dotting with the target. (Also used in campareInequalities)
27  * 5) The intermediate type for dotVector.
28  * 6) The type used in compareRevLexInverted
29  *
30  *
31  * Type 1 and 2 are the same.
32  * Type 3 is typically different.
33  *
34  * To simplify our design:
35  *  we assume that type 4 is the same as 1 and 2. This is reasonable, as we need some bound to make type 6 efficient.
36  *  we use a special (longer) type for 5, as that allows to do overflow checks at the end, assuming some bound on the target.
37  *  In 6, we observe that there is no accumulation taking place. Moreover, with the assumption that 4 and 1 are the same, we only need a type with double precission to do the comparisons here, and now overflow check will be required.
38  *
39  *
40  * To conclude, we make two types. A single precision type for 1,2,4 and a double precision type for 3,5,6
41  * We further need to make assumptions on the absolute value of the entries of the target vector and the number of entries in combination to ensure that dot product computations do not overflow.
42  * Overflow checks are then only needed:
43  *  when casting the return value of dotVector
44  *  when doing the dotDivVector operation. But since bounds are known, in most cases checks are not needed
45  *  when accumulating the mixed volume
46  *
47  *
48  *  Suggested implementations:
49  *   a pair of 32/64 bit integers with only the overflow checking listed above
50  *   a pair of gmp integers for exact precision.
51  */
57 template<class mvtyp>
simplex(int n,mvtyp d)58 static Matrix<mvtyp> simplex(int n, mvtyp d)
59 {
60 	  Matrix<mvtyp> ret(n,n+1);
61 	  for(int i=0;i<n;i++)ret[i][i+1]=d;
62 	  return ret;
63 }
67 template<class mvtyp, class mvtypDouble, class mvtypDivisor>
68 	class SingleTropicalHomotopyTraverser{
69 		 class InequalityComparisonResult{//actual comparison functions were moved to the InequalityTable
70 		 public:
71 			  bool empty;
72 			  int configurationIndex;//used for finding best
73 			  int columnIndex;//used for finding best
74 		 };
75 	class InequalityTable //circuit table // This table has been moved inside the IntegersectionTraverser simply because it is used nowhere else and is specific to mixed cells in Cayley configurations.
76 	 {
77 		/* All methods are marked to show if they can overflow without throwing/asserting.
78 		 * Overflowing methods at the moment are:
79 		 *  replaceFirstOrSecond:       subroutine calls may overflow (dotDivVector)
80 		 *  compareInequalities:           only if target entries are too big
81 		 *  dotVector:                     only if target entries are too big
82 		 *  setChoicesFromEarlierHomotopy: only if tuple entries are too big
83 		 */
84 		std::vector<Matrix<mvtyp> > tuple;
85 		std::vector<int> offsets;
86 		std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > choices;
87 		Matrix<mvtyp> A;//one row for each potential inequality, to store entries with indices in chosen
88 		Vector<mvtyp> tempA;
89 		Vector<mvtyp> Abounds;// a negative bound for each row of A, bounding the absolute value of the rows;
90 		std::vector<mvtyp> svec;//used locally
91 		int subconfigurationIndex;
92 		mvtyp denominator;
93 		int m;
94 		int k;
isLegalIndex(int subconfigurationIndex,int columnIndex)95 		bool isLegalIndex(int subconfigurationIndex, int columnIndex)const
96 		{// Cannot overflow
97 			return choices[subconfigurationIndex].first!=columnIndex && choices[subconfigurationIndex].second!=columnIndex;
98 		}
99 		  mvtyp dotVector(int subconfigurationIndex, int columnIndex, Vector<mvtyp> const &target, int onlyK=-1)const
100 		  {   // May overflow if entries of target are too big.
101 			  //if onlyK!=-1 then only the onlyKth subconfiguration is considered
102 			  mvtypDouble ret;
103 			  if(onlyK!=-1)
104 			  {
105 				  if(onlyK==subconfigurationIndex)
106 				  {
107 					  int i=subconfigurationIndex;
108 					  ret+=extendedMultiplication(A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,columnIndex+offsets[subconfigurationIndex]),target.UNCHECKEDACCESS((choices)[i].second+offsets[i]));
109 					  ret-=extendedMultiplication(A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,columnIndex+offsets[subconfigurationIndex]),target.UNCHECKEDACCESS((choices)[i].first+offsets[i]));
110 					  ret-=extendedMultiplication(denominator,target.UNCHECKEDACCESS((choices)[i].first+offsets[i]));// the multiplication can be merged with multiplication above except that that could cause and overflow.
111 					  ret+=extendedMultiplication(denominator,target.UNCHECKEDACCESS(columnIndex+offsets[i]));
112 					  return ret.castToSingle();
113 				  }
114 				  else
115 				  {
116 					  int i=onlyK;
117 					  if(target.UNCHECKEDACCESS((choices)[i].first+offsets[i]).isNonZero())
118 					  {
119 						  ret+=extendedMultiplication(A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,columnIndex+offsets[subconfigurationIndex]),target.UNCHECKEDACCESS((choices)[i].second+offsets[i]));
120 						  ret-=extendedMultiplication(A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,columnIndex+offsets[subconfigurationIndex]),target.UNCHECKEDACCESS((choices)[i].first+offsets[i]));
121 					  }
122 					  return ret.castToSingle();
123 				  }
124 			  }
125 			  for(int i=0;i<tuple.size();i++)
126 			  {
127 				  ret+=extendedMultiplication(A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,columnIndex+offsets[subconfigurationIndex]),target.UNCHECKEDACCESS((choices)[i].second+offsets[i]));
128 				  if(i==subconfigurationIndex)
129 				  {
130 					  ret-=extendedMultiplication(A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,columnIndex+offsets[subconfigurationIndex]),target.UNCHECKEDACCESS((choices)[i].first+offsets[i]));
131 					  ret-=extendedMultiplication(denominator,target.UNCHECKEDACCESS((choices)[i].first+offsets[i]));// the multiplication can be merged with multiplication above except that that could cause and overflow.
132 					  ret+=extendedMultiplication(denominator,target.UNCHECKEDACCESS(columnIndex+offsets[i]));
133 				  }
134 				  else
135 				  {
136 					  ret-=extendedMultiplication(A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,columnIndex+offsets[subconfigurationIndex]),target.UNCHECKEDACCESS((choices)[i].first+offsets[i]));
137 				  }
138 			  }
139 			  return ret.castToSingle();
140 		  }
141 		  void assignDotProducts(Vector<mvtyp> const &target, int onlyK=-1)
142 		  {// Cannot overflow
143 			  int J=0;
144 			  for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
145 				  for(int j=0;j<tuple[i].getWidth();j++,J++)
146 					  A[k][J]=dotVector(i,j,target,onlyK);
147 		  }
isReverseLexInvertedLessThanZero(int subconfigurationIndex,int columnIndex)148 		  bool isReverseLexInvertedLessThanZero(int subconfigurationIndex, int columnIndex)const __attribute__ ((always_inline))//As in ReverseLexicographicInvertedTermOrder. Compare against zero
149 		  {// Cannot overflow
150 			  int i;
151 			  int index=columnIndex+offsets[subconfigurationIndex];
152 			  for(i=0;i<subconfigurationIndex;i++)
153 				  if(A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,index).isNonZero())
154 				  {
155 					  if(choices[i].first<choices[i].second)
156 						  return A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,index).isNegative();
157 					  else
158 						  return A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,index).isPositive();
159 				  }
161 				  mvtyp a=A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,index);
162 				  {
163 					  int firstIndex=choices[i].first;
164 					  int secondIndex=choices[i].second;
165 					  int thirdIndex=columnIndex;
166 					  mvtyp firstValue=-a-denominator;
167 					  mvtyp secondValue=a;
168 					  mvtyp thirdValue=denominator;
170 					  // Bubble sort
171 					  if(secondIndex<firstIndex)
172 					  {
173 						  std::swap(secondIndex,firstIndex);
174 						  std::swap(secondValue,firstValue);
175 					  }
176 					  if(thirdIndex<secondIndex)
177 					  {
178 						  std::swap(secondIndex,thirdIndex);
179 						  std::swap(secondValue,thirdValue);
180 					  }
181 					  if(secondIndex<firstIndex)
182 					  {
183 						  std::swap(secondIndex,firstIndex);
184 						  std::swap(secondValue,firstValue);
185 					  }
187 					  if(firstValue.isNonZero())
188 						  return firstValue.isPositive();
189 					  if(secondValue.isNonZero())
190 						  return secondValue.isPositive();
191 					  if(thirdValue.isNonZero())
192 						  return thirdValue.isPositive();
193 				  }
194 				  i++;
195 				  for(;i<k;i++)
196 					  if(A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,index).isNonZero())
197 					  {
198 						  if(choices[i].first<choices[i].second)
199 							  return A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,index).isNegative();
200 						  else
201 							  return A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,index).isPositive();
202 					  }
205 				  return false;
206 		  }
207 	 public:
computeABounds()208 			void computeABounds()
209 			{//Cannot overflow
210 				for(int i=0;i<A.getHeight();i++)
211 					Abounds[i]=mvtyp::computeNegativeBound(&(A[i][0]),A.getWidth());
212 			}
checkABounds()213 			void checkABounds()const//remove?
214 			{//Cannot overflow
215 				for(int i=0;i<A.getHeight();i++)
216 				{
217 					mvtyp M=0;
218 					mvtyp m=0;
219 					for(int j=0;j<A.getWidth();j++)
220 					{
221 						if(M<=A[i][j])M=A[i][j];
222 						if(A[i][j]<=m)m=A[i][j];
223 					}
224 					assert(Abounds[i]<=m);
225 					assert(Abounds[i]<=-M);
226 				}
227 			}
getCoordinateOfInequality(int subconfigurationIndex,int columnIndex,int i,int j)228 		  mvtypDouble getCoordinateOfInequality(int subconfigurationIndex, int columnIndex, int i, int j)const
229 		  {// Cannot overflows
230 			  //get (i,j)th coordinate of (subconfigurationIndex,columnIndex)th inequality
231 			  if(i==subconfigurationIndex)
232 			  {
233 				  if(choices[i].first==j)return -A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,offsets[subconfigurationIndex]+columnIndex).extend()-denominator.extend();
234 				  else if(choices[i].second==j)return A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,offsets[subconfigurationIndex]+columnIndex).extend();
235 				  else if(j==columnIndex)return denominator.extend();
236 				  else return mvtypDouble(0);
237 			  }
238 			  else
239 				  if(choices[i].first==j)return -A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,offsets[subconfigurationIndex]+columnIndex).extend();
240 				  else if(choices[i].second==j)return A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,offsets[subconfigurationIndex]+columnIndex).extend();
241 				  else return mvtypDouble(0);
242 		  }
sort2uniquely(int * v,int a,int b)243 		  int sort2uniquely(int *v, int a, int b)const//a and b different
244 		  {// Cannot overflow
245 			  v[a>b]=a;
246 			  v[b>a]=b;
247 			  return 2;
248 		  }
sort3uniquely(int * v,int a,int b,int c)249 		  int sort3uniquely(int *v, int a, int b, int c)const//a and b and c different
250 		  {// Cannot overflow
251 			  v[(a>b)+int(a>c)]=a;
252 			  v[(b>a)+int(b>c)]=b;
253 			  v[(c>a)+int(c>b)]=c;
254 			  return 3;
255 		  }
sort4uniquely(int * v,int a,int b,int c,int d)256 		  int sort4uniquely(int *v, int a, int b, int c, int d)const// a and b different and different from c and d, but c may equal d
257 		  {// Cannot overflow
258 			  if(c!=d)
259 			  {
260 			  v[(a>b)+int(a>c)+int(a>d)]=a;
261 			  v[(b>a)+int(b>c)+int(b>d)]=b;
262 			  v[(c>a)+int(c>b)+int(c>d)]=c;
263 			  v[(d>a)+int(d>b)+int(d>c)]=d;
264 			  return 4;
265 			  }
266 			  else return sort3uniquely(v,a,b,c);
267 		  }
compareReverseLexicographicInverted(int i1,int j1,int i2,int j2,mvtyp s1,mvtyp s2)268 		  bool compareReverseLexicographicInverted(int i1, int j1, int i2, int j2, mvtyp s1, mvtyp s2)const//s1 and s2 are always negative
269 		  {// cannot overflow
270 			  for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
271 			  {
272 					  if(i1!=i && i2!=i)
273 					  {
274 						  int temp=determinantSign1(A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,offsets[i1]+j1),s1,A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,offsets[i2]+j2),s2);
275 						  if(temp)
276 						  {
277 							  if(choices[i].first<choices[i].second)
278 								  return temp<0;
279 							  else
280 								  return temp>0;
281 						  }
282 					  }
283 				  int indices[4];
284 				  int F=choices[i].first;
285 				  int S=choices[i].second;
286 				  int toCheck;
287 				  if(i1==i)
288 					  if(i2==i)
289 						  toCheck=sort4uniquely(indices,F,S,j1,j2);
290 					  else
291 						  toCheck=sort3uniquely(indices,F,S,j1);
292 				  else
293 					  if(i2==i)
294 						  toCheck=sort3uniquely(indices,F,S,j2);
295 					  else
296 						  toCheck=sort2uniquely(indices,F,S);
298 				  for(int J=0;J<toCheck;J++)
299 				  {
300 					  int j=indices[J];
301 					  int temp=determinantSign2(getCoordinateOfInequality(i1,j1,i,j),s1,getCoordinateOfInequality(i2,j2,i,j),s2);
302 					  if(temp>0)
303 						  return true;
304 					  else if(temp<0)
305 						  return false;
306 				  }
307 			  }
308 			  return false;
309 		  }
getVolume()310 		  mvtyp getVolume()
311 		  {// Cannot overflow
312 			  return denominator;
313 		  }
replaceFirstOrSecond(bool first,int subconfigurationIndex,int newIndex,Vector<mvtyp> const & target)314 		void replaceFirstOrSecond(bool first, int subconfigurationIndex, int newIndex, Vector<mvtyp> const &target)__attribute__ ((always_inline))//updates the inequality table according to replacing first or second by newIndex in the subconfigurationIndex'th configuration
315 		{// Cannot overflow
316 			int newIndex2=newIndex;for(int i=0;i<subconfigurationIndex;i++)newIndex2+=tuple[i].getWidth();
317 			int oldIndex=first?choices[subconfigurationIndex].first:choices[subconfigurationIndex].second;
318 			(first?choices[subconfigurationIndex].first:choices[subconfigurationIndex].second)=newIndex;
320 			mvtyp nextDenominator=(first?A[subconfigurationIndex][newIndex2].extend()+denominator.extend():-A[subconfigurationIndex][newIndex2].extend()).castToSingle();
321 			mvtyp t=nextDenominator;
322 			mvtypDivisor denominatorDivisor(denominator);
323 			for(int c=0;c<k+Flags::computeDotProductInMatrix;c++)tempA.UNCHECKEDACCESS(c)=A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(c,newIndex2);
325 			(-Abounds[subconfigurationIndex].extend()).castToSingle();//This conversion will fail if the following fails
326 			for(int u=0;u<m;u++)
327 				svec[u]=first?-A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(subconfigurationIndex,u):A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(subconfigurationIndex,u);
328 			mvtyp svecBound=Abounds[subconfigurationIndex];
330 			if(first)
331 				for(int j=0;j<tuple[subconfigurationIndex].getWidth();j++)
332 					svec[offsets[subconfigurationIndex]+j].subWithOverflowChecking(denominator);
333 			svecBound.subWithOverflowChecking(denominator);
336 			for(int a=0;a<k+Flags::computeDotProductInMatrix;a++)
337 				if(first||a!=subconfigurationIndex)
338 				Abounds.UNCHECKEDACCESS(a)=mvtyp::dotDivVector(&A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(a,0),&(svec[0]),t,tempA.UNCHECKEDACCESS(a),denominatorDivisor,m,Abounds[a],svecBound);
339 	//			for(int u=0;u<m;u++)
340 	//				*A.UNCHECKEDACCESSRESTRICT(a,u)=dotDiv(svec[u],tempA.UNCHECKEDACCESS(a),t,A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(a,u),denominatorDivisor);
343 			{
344 				for(int a=0;a<k+Flags::computeDotProductInMatrix;a++)
345 					{
346 						A[a][offsets[subconfigurationIndex]+oldIndex]=tempA[a].negatedWithOverflowChecking();
347 						Abounds[a]=min(Abounds[a],negabs(tempA[a]));
348 					}
350 				if(!first)
351 				{
352 					A[subconfigurationIndex][offsets[subconfigurationIndex]+oldIndex]=denominator.negatedWithOverflowChecking();
353 					Abounds[subconfigurationIndex].subWithOverflowChecking(denominator);
354 				}
355 			}
356 			denominator=nextDenominator;
358 			// We clear these unused entries of A to ensure that these columns are not chosen when comparing inequalities
359 			for(int i=0;i<k+Flags::computeDotProductInMatrix;i++)
360 			{
361 				A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,offsets[subconfigurationIndex]+choices[subconfigurationIndex].first)=0;
362 				A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(i,offsets[subconfigurationIndex]+choices[subconfigurationIndex].second)=0;
363 			}
364 		}
replaceFirst(int subconfigurationIndex,int newIndex,Vector<mvtyp> const & target)365 		void replaceFirst(int subconfigurationIndex, int newIndex, Vector<mvtyp> const &target){replaceFirstOrSecond(true,subconfigurationIndex,newIndex,target);}
replaceSecond(int subconfigurationIndex,int newIndex,Vector<mvtyp> const & target)366 		void replaceSecond(int subconfigurationIndex, int newIndex, Vector<mvtyp> const &target){replaceFirstOrSecond(false,subconfigurationIndex,newIndex,target);}
InequalityTable(std::vector<Matrix<mvtyp>> const & tuple_,int subconfigurationIndex_)368 		InequalityTable(std::vector<Matrix<mvtyp> > const &tuple_, int subconfigurationIndex_):
369 			tempA(tuple_.size()+Flags::computeDotProductInMatrix),
370 			tuple(tuple_),
371 			choices(tuple_.size()),
372 			subconfigurationIndex(subconfigurationIndex_),
373 			offsets(tuple_.size())
374 		{// Cannot overflow
375 			k=tuple.size();
376 			m=0;
377 			for(int i=0;i<tuple.size();i++)m+=tuple[i].getWidth();
378 			svec.resize(m);
379 			A=Matrix<mvtyp>(k+Flags::computeDotProductInMatrix,m);
380 			{int offset=0;for(int i=0;i<tuple.size();i++){offsets[i]=offset;offset+=tuple[i].getWidth();}}
381 			Abounds=Vector<mvtyp>(k+Flags::computeDotProductInMatrix);
382 		}
setChoicesInitially()383 		void setChoicesInitially()
384 		{// Cannot overflow
386 			//sets denominators,A and choices (these must have been initialized to the right sizes)
387 			for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
388 				choices[i]=std::pair<int, int> (i+0,i+1);
389 			for(int i=0;i<m;i++)
390 				for(int j=0;j<k;j++)
391 					A[j][i]=0;
392 			//we follow the lemma in the article. Why does the proof of the lemma split into 3 cases and not just 2?
393 			int a=0;
394 			for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
395 				for(int gamma=0;gamma<tuple[i].getWidth();gamma++,a++)
396 					if(gamma>i+1)
397 						for(int ii=i;ii<gamma;ii++)
398 							A[ii][a]=-1;
399 					else
400 						for(int ii=gamma;ii<i;ii++)
401 							A[ii][a]=1;
402 			denominator=1;
403 			for(int i=0;i<k;i++)Abounds[i]=-1;
404 	//		assignDotProducts(target);
405 		}
406 		void compareInequalities(InequalityComparisonResult &result, Vector<mvtyp> const &target, int onlyK=-1)
407 		{// Can only overflow if target entries are too big. Actually it seems that it is not this function that will overflow but dotVector.
408 			bool empty=true;
409 			int bestConfigurationIndex=-1;
410 			int bestColumnIndex=-1;
411 			mvtyp targetDotBest=0;
413 			for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
414 			{
415 				// TO DO: exchange the line with the template parameter version:
416 //	            gfan::Matrix<mvtyp>::const_RowRef Ak=const_cast<const gfan::Matrix<mvtyp>&>(A)[k];
417 	            gfan::Matrix<CircuitTableInt32>::const_RowRef Ak=const_cast<const gfan::Matrix<mvtyp>&>(A)[k];
418 	            int offsetsi=offsets[i];
419 	            int tupleiwidth=tuple[i].getWidth();
421 				if(onlyK!=-1)if(i!=onlyK)continue;
422 				for(int j=0;j<tupleiwidth;j++)
423 					if(Flags::computeDotProductInMatrix || isLegalIndex(i,j))//unused inequalities will have value 0. Therefore isLegalIndex(i,j) is not required if values are stored.
424 					{
425 						mvtyp ineqDotTarget=Flags::computeDotProductInMatrix?Ak.UNCHECKEDACCESS(offsetsi+j):dotVector(i,j,target,onlyK);
426 						if(ineqDotTarget.isNegative())
427 						{
428 							if(!isReverseLexInvertedLessThanZero(i,j))
429 							{
430 								if(empty||compareReverseLexicographicInverted(bestConfigurationIndex,bestColumnIndex,i,j,ineqDotTarget,targetDotBest))
431 								{
432 									targetDotBest=ineqDotTarget;
433 									empty=false;
434 									bestConfigurationIndex=i;
435 									bestColumnIndex=j;
436 								}
437 							}
438 		//					assert(!ineq.isZero());
439 						}
440 					}
441 			}
442 			result.empty=empty;
443 			result.configurationIndex=bestConfigurationIndex;
444 			result.columnIndex=bestColumnIndex;
445 	//		assert(denominator>0);
446 		}
setChoicesFromEarlierHomotopy(InequalityTable const & parent,mvtyp degreeScaling,Vector<mvtyp> const & target)447 		void setChoicesFromEarlierHomotopy(InequalityTable const &parent, mvtyp degreeScaling, Vector<mvtyp> const &target)
448 		{	// Overflows may happen, but only if the tuple entries are too big.
449 			// Notice that the code below has overflow checks everywhere, except in the loop marked with a comment.
451 			//sets denominators,A and choices (these must have been initialized to the right sizes
452 			//columns have been added to configuration this->subconfigurationIndex
453 			//for that reason we need to introduce new circuits. Old circuits are preserved.
454 			//chioices are "relative" so no update is needed.
456 			choices=parent.choices;
457 			int numberToDrop=(subconfigurationIndex!=0) ? numberToDrop=k+1 : 0;
459 			choices[subconfigurationIndex-1].first-=numberToDrop;
460 			choices[subconfigurationIndex-1].second-=numberToDrop;
462 			denominator=parent.denominator;
463 			int offsetOld=0;
464 			int offsetNew=0;
465 			for(int i=0;i<k;i++)
466 			{
467 				int localNumberToDrop=0;
468 				if(i==subconfigurationIndex-1)
469 					localNumberToDrop=numberToDrop;
470 				for(int a=0;a<A.getHeight()-Flags::computeDotProductInMatrix;a++)
471 					if(a==subconfigurationIndex)
472 						for(int j=0;j<parent.tuple[i].getWidth()-localNumberToDrop;j++)
473 							A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(a,offsetNew+j)=parent.A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(a,offsetOld+j+localNumberToDrop);
474 					else
475 					{
476 						// We can get an estimated 3 percent speed up by using known bounds to check if any of the multiplications below can overflow.
477 						// Moreover, these multiplications can be moved outside the outer loop, to give better vectorisation.
478 						for(int j=0;j<parent.tuple[i].getWidth()-localNumberToDrop;j++)
479 							A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(a,offsetNew+j)=extendedMultiplication(degreeScaling,parent.A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(a,offsetOld+j+localNumberToDrop)).castToSingle();
480 					}
481 				if(i==subconfigurationIndex)
482 				{
483 					for(int j=parent.tuple[i].getWidth();j<tuple[i].getWidth();j++)
484 					{
485 						for(int a=0;a<A.getHeight()-Flags::computeDotProductInMatrix;a++)
486 							A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(a,offsetNew+j)=0;
487 						{
488 							int b=choices[subconfigurationIndex].second-1;
489 							if(b>=0)
490 								A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(subconfigurationIndex,offsetNew+j).msubWithOverflowChecking(tuple[i].UNCHECKEDACCESS(b,j),denominator);
491 						}
492 						for(int a=0;a<k+Flags::computeDotProductInMatrix;a++)
493 						{   // If tuple entries are not bounded, overflow can happen in the following loop
494 							mvtypDouble tempDouble=A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(a,offsetNew+j).extend();
495 							for(int b=0;b<k;b++)
496 								if(choices[subconfigurationIndex].second!=b+1 &&choices[subconfigurationIndex].first!=b+1)
497 									tempDouble+=extendedMultiplication(tuple[i].UNCHECKEDACCESS(b,j),A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(a,offsetNew+b+1));
498 							A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(a,offsetNew+j)=tempDouble.castToSingle();
499 						}
500 						mvtypDouble left=degreeScaling.extend();
501 						for(int b=0;b<k;b++)
502 							left-=mvtyp(tuple[i].UNCHECKEDACCESS(b,j)).extend();
504 						mvtyp leftS=left.castToSingle();
506 						if(choices[subconfigurationIndex].second==0)
507 							A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(subconfigurationIndex,offsetNew+j).msubWithOverflowChecking(leftS,denominator);
508 						else if(choices[subconfigurationIndex].first!=0)
509 							for(int a=0;a<k+Flags::computeDotProductInMatrix;a++)
510 								A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(a,offsetNew+j).maddWithOverflowChecking(leftS,mvtyp(A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(a,offsetNew)));
511 					}
512 					for(int j=0;j<parent.tuple[i].getWidth();j++)// <-- this loop has side effects on addExpressionOfCeb() above. Therefore it is placed after the loop above.
513 						for(int a=0;a<A.getHeight()-Flags::computeDotProductInMatrix;a++)
514 							A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(a,offsetNew+j)=extendedMultiplication(A.UNCHECKEDACCESS(a,offsetNew+j),degreeScaling).castToSingle();
515 				}
516 				offsetOld+=parent.tuple[i].getWidth();
517 				offsetNew+=tuple[i].getWidth();
518 			}
519 			denominator=extendedMultiplication(denominator,degreeScaling).castToSingle();
520 			if(Flags::computeDotProductInMatrix)assignDotProducts(target,subconfigurationIndex);
521 			computeABounds();
522 			for(int a=0;a<k;a++)
523 			for(int i=0;i<k+Flags::computeDotProductInMatrix;i++)
524 			{
525 				A[i][offsets[a]+choices[a].first]=0;
526 				A[i][offsets[a]+choices[a].second]=0;
527 			}
528 		}
529 	};
530 		struct StackItem{
531 			int columnIndex;
532 			int configurationIndex;
533 			bool b;
534 			int choice;
535 			bool useFirstChanged,useSecondChanged;
StackItemStackItem536 			StackItem(int columnIndex_, int configurationIndex_, bool b_, int choice_, bool useFirstChanged_, bool useSecondChanged_):
537 				columnIndex(columnIndex_),
538 				configurationIndex(configurationIndex_),
539 				b(b_),
540 				choice(choice_),
541 				useFirstChanged(useFirstChanged_),
542 				useSecondChanged(useSecondChanged_)
543 			{
544 			}
545 		};
546 	public:
547 		std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > choices;
548 		Vector<mvtyp> target;
549 		bool useFirstChanged;
550 		bool useSecondChanged;
551 		std::vector<StackItem> stack;
552 		int eliminatedK;
553 		int eliminatedKOffset;
554 		std::vector<Matrix<mvtyp> > tuple;
555 		std::vector<int> offsets;
556 		int m;
557 		InequalityComparisonResult result;
558 		InequalityTable inequalityTable;
constructInequalityTableFromParent(InequalityTable const & parentTable,mvtyp degreeScaling)559 		void constructInequalityTableFromParent(InequalityTable const &parentTable, mvtyp degreeScaling)
560 		{
561 			inequalityTable.setChoicesFromEarlierHomotopy(parentTable, degreeScaling, target);
562 		}
constructInequalityTableInitially(mvtyp degreeScaling)563 		void constructInequalityTableInitially(mvtyp degreeScaling)
564 		{
565 			std::vector<Matrix<mvtyp> > tempTuple;for(int i=0;i<tuple.size();i++)tempTuple.push_back(simplex<mvtyp>(tuple.size(),1));
566 			InequalityTable tempTable(tempTuple,-1);
567 			tempTable.setChoicesInitially();
568 			constructInequalityTableFromParent(tempTable,degreeScaling);
569 		}
SingleTropicalHomotopyTraverser(std::vector<Matrix<mvtyp>> const & tuple_,int m_,std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> const & choices_,Vector<mvtyp> const & target_,int eliminatedK_)570 		SingleTropicalHomotopyTraverser(std::vector<Matrix<mvtyp> > const &tuple_, int m_, std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > const &choices_, Vector<mvtyp> const &target_, int eliminatedK_):
571 			choices(choices_),
572 			target(target_),
573 			eliminatedK(eliminatedK_),
574 			tuple(tuple_),
575 			m(m_),
576 			inequalityTable(tuple,eliminatedK),
577 			offsets(tuple_.size())
578 		{
579 			eliminatedKOffset=0;for(int i=0;i<eliminatedK;i++)eliminatedKOffset+=tuple_[i].getWidth();
580 			{int offset=0;for(int i=0;i<tuple.size();i++){offsets[i]=offset;offset+=tuple[i].getWidth();}}
582 			/* We also need to check that the input is within the required bounds
583 			 * This is important to not have overflows in:
584 			 *   dotVector
585 			 *   setChoicesFromEarlierHomotopy
586 			 * The number of summands is bounded by 3k+4*/
588 			bool isOK=mvtyp::isSuitableSummationNumber(3*tuple.size()+4);
589 			for(int i=0;i<target.size();i++)isOK&=mvtyp(target[i]).fitsInHalf();
590 			for(int i=0;i<tuple.size();i++)
591 				for(int j=0;j<tuple[i].getHeight();j++)
592 					for(int k=0;k<tuple[i].getWidth();k++)
593 						isOK&=mvtyp(tuple[i][j][k]).fitsInHalf();
594 			if(!isOK)throw MVMachineIntegerOverflow;
595 		}
process()596 		virtual void process()
597 		{
598 		}
findOutgoingAndProcess(bool doProcess)599 		bool findOutgoingAndProcess(bool doProcess)//sets up useFirstChanged and useSecondChanged and processes if process is true
600 		{//returns true if we are at a leaf
601 //			inequalityTable.checkABounds();
602 			useFirstChanged=false;
603 			useSecondChanged=false;
604 			int onlyK=-1;
605 #if 1
606 			if(eliminatedK!=-1)
607 				if(target[choices[eliminatedK].first+eliminatedKOffset]==target[choices[eliminatedK].second+eliminatedKOffset])
608 					onlyK=eliminatedK;
609 #endif
611 			inequalityTable.compareInequalities(result,target,onlyK);
613 			if(result.empty)
614 			{
615 				if(doProcess)process();
616 				return true;
617 			}
619 			 // reverse search rule:
621 			mvtypDouble bestAtFirst=inequalityTable.getCoordinateOfInequality(result.configurationIndex,result.columnIndex,result.configurationIndex,choices[result.configurationIndex].first);
622 			mvtypDouble bestAtSecond=inequalityTable.getCoordinateOfInequality(result.configurationIndex,result.columnIndex,result.configurationIndex,choices[result.configurationIndex].second);
623 			if(bestAtFirst.isNegative())
624 			{
625 				if(bestAtSecond.isNegative())
626 				{
627 					useFirstChanged=true;
628 					useSecondChanged=true;
629 				}
630 				else
631 				{
632 					if(bestAtSecond.isZero())
633 					useFirstChanged=true;
634 					else
635 					if(choices[result.configurationIndex].second<result.columnIndex)
636 					useFirstChanged=true;
637 				}
638 			}
639 			else
640 			{
641 				if(bestAtSecond.isNegative())
642 				{
643 					if(bestAtFirst.isZero())
644 					useSecondChanged=true;
645 					else
646 					if(choices[result.configurationIndex].first<result.columnIndex)
647 					useSecondChanged=true;
648 				}
649 				else
650 				{
651 					assert(0);
652 				}
653 			}
654 			return false;
655 		}
goToFirstChild()656 		void goToFirstChild()
657 		{
658 //			debug<<"First:  configuration index:"<<data.configurationIndex<<" column index:"<<data.columnIndex<<"\n";
659 			assert(useFirstChanged);
660 			{
661 				stack.push_back(StackItem(
662 						result.columnIndex,
663 						result.configurationIndex,
664 						false,
665 						choices[result.configurationIndex].first,
666 						useFirstChanged,
667 						useSecondChanged));
668 				choices[result.configurationIndex].first=result.columnIndex;
669 				inequalityTable.replaceFirst(result.configurationIndex,result.columnIndex,target);
670 			}
671 		}
goToSecondChild()672 		void goToSecondChild()
673 		{
674 //			debug<<"Second: configuration index:"<<data.configurationIndex<<" column index:"<<data.columnIndex<<"\n";
675 			assert(useSecondChanged);
676 			{
677 				stack.emplace_back(StackItem(
678 						result.columnIndex,
679 						result.configurationIndex,
680 						true,
681 						choices[result.configurationIndex].second,
682 						useFirstChanged,
683 						useSecondChanged));
684 				choices[result.configurationIndex].second=result.columnIndex;
685 				inequalityTable.replaceSecond(result.configurationIndex,result.columnIndex,target);
686 			}
687 		}
numberOfChildren()688 		int numberOfChildren()
689 		{
690 			return int(useFirstChanged)+int(useSecondChanged);
691 		}
goToNthChild(int n)692 		void goToNthChild(int n)
693 		{
694 			if(n==0)
695 				if(useFirstChanged)
696 					goToFirstChild();
697 				else
698 					goToSecondChild();
699 			else
700 				goToSecondChild();
701 		}
goBack()702 		void goBack()
703 		{
704 			StackItem &B=stack.back();
705 			result.columnIndex=B.columnIndex;
706 			result.configurationIndex=B.configurationIndex;
707 			if(B.b)
708 			{
709 				choices[result.configurationIndex].second=B.choice;
710 				inequalityTable.replaceSecond(result.configurationIndex,B.choice,target);
711 			}
712 			else
713 			{
714 				choices[result.configurationIndex].first=B.choice;
715 				inequalityTable.replaceFirst(result.configurationIndex,B.choice,target);
716 			}
717 			useFirstChanged=B.useFirstChanged;
718 			useSecondChanged=B.useSecondChanged;
719 			stack.pop_back();
720 		}
atRoot()721 		bool atRoot()
722 		{
723 			return stack.empty();
724 		}
725 	};
728 /*
729  *  This class concatenates several homotopies to a single tree.
730  */
731 template<class mvtyp, class mvtypDouble, class mvtypDivisor>
732 	class TropicalRegenerationTraverser{
733 		// The following class is an attempt to separate homotopy data from the traversal logic.
734 		class Data{
degree(Matrix<mvtyp> const & m)735 			static mvtyp degree(Matrix<mvtyp> const &m)//assumes entries of m are non-negative
736 			{
737 				  mvtyp ret=0;
738 				  for(int i=0;i<m.getWidth();i++)
739 				  {
740 					  mvtyp s(0);
741 					  for(int j=0;j<m.getHeight();j++)
742 						  s.addWithOverflowChecking(m[j][i]);
743 					  ret=max(s,ret);
744 				  }
745 				  return ret;
746 			}
747 		  public:
748 			  std::vector<Vector<mvtyp> > targets;
749 			  std::vector<Matrix<mvtyp> > tuple;
750 			  std::vector<std::vector<Matrix<mvtyp> > > tuples;
751 			  Vector<mvtyp> degrees;
isFiniteIndex(int level,int index)752 			  bool isFiniteIndex(int level, int index)
753 			  {
754 				  return index>=tuple[0].getHeight()+1;
755 			  }
produceIthTuple(int i)757 			  std::vector<Matrix<mvtyp> > produceIthTuple(int i)
758 				{
759 				  int n=tuple[0].getHeight();
760 				  std::vector<Matrix<mvtyp> > ret;
761 				  for(int j=0;j<tuple.size();j++)
762 				  {
763 					  if(j<i)ret.push_back(tuple[j]);
764 					  if(j==i)ret.push_back(combineLeftRight(simplex<mvtyp>(n,degree(tuple[j])),tuple[j]));
765 					  if(j>i)ret.push_back(simplex<mvtyp>(n,1));
766 				  }
767 				  return ret;
768 				}
Data(std::vector<Matrix<mvtyp>> const & tuple_)769 			  Data(std::vector<Matrix<mvtyp> > const &tuple_):tuple(tuple_)
770 			  {
771 				  int n=tuple[0].getHeight();
773 				  {//adjusting to positive orthant
774 					  for(int i=0;i<tuple.size();i++)
775 						  for(int j=0;j<tuple[i].getHeight();j++)
776 						  {
777 							  mvtyp m;
778 							  if(tuple[i].getWidth()==0)
779 								  m=0;
780 							  else
781 								  m=tuple[i][j][0];
782 							  for(int k=0;k<tuple[i].getWidth();k++)m=min(m,tuple[i][j][k]);
783 							  for(int k=0;k<tuple[i].getWidth();k++)tuple[i][j][k].subWithOverflowChecking(m);
784 						  }
785 				  }
787 				  for(int i=0;i<tuple.size();i++)
788 					  degrees.push_back(degree(tuple[i]));
790 				  for(int i=0;i<tuple.size();i++)
791 					  tuples.push_back(produceIthTuple(i));
793 				  for(int i=0;i<tuple.size();i++)
794 				  {
795 					  Vector<mvtyp> targ;
796 					  for(int j=0;j<tuple.size();j++)
797 					  {
798 						  if(j==i)
799 							  targ=concatenation(targ,concatenation(Vector<mvtyp>::allOnes(n+1),Vector<mvtyp>(tuple[i].getWidth())));
800 						  else
801 							  targ=concatenation(targ,Vector<mvtyp>(tuples[i][j].getWidth()));
802 					  }
803 					  targets.push_back(targ);
804 				  }
805 			  };
firstIntersection()807 			  std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > firstIntersection()
808 			  {
809 				  std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > ret;
810 				  for(int i=0;i<tuple.size();i++)
811 					  ret.push_back(std::pair<int,int>(i+0,i+1));
812 				  return ret;
813 			  }
castToNextLevel(std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> const & choices,int i,int S,std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> & ret)815 			  void castToNextLevel(std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > const &choices, int i, int S, std::vector<std::pair<int,int> > &ret)
816 			  {
817 				  assert(ret.size()==choices.size());
818 				  for(int j=0;j<choices.size();j++)
819 					  ret[j]=choices[j];
821 				  assert(ret[i].first>=S);
822 				  assert(ret[i].second>=S);
823 				  ret[i].first-=S;
824 				  ret[i].second-=S;
825 			  }
826 		  };
cayleyConfigurationWidth(std::vector<Matrix<mvtyp>> const & tuple)827 		static int cayleyConfigurationWidth(std::vector<Matrix<mvtyp> > const &tuple)
828 		{
829 			  int m2=0;
830 			  for(int i=0;i<tuple.size();i++)
831 				  m2+=tuple[i].getWidth();
832 			  return m2;
833 		}
834 	public:
835 		int depth;
836 		int counter;
837 		typedef SingleTropicalHomotopyTraverser<mvtyp,mvtypDouble,mvtypDivisor> MySingleTropicalHomotopyTraverser;
838 		std::vector<MySingleTropicalHomotopyTraverser> traversers;
839 		Data fullData;
840 		int level;
841 		bool deadEnd;
842 		bool isLevelLeaf;
843 		bool isSolutionVertex;
844 		std::vector<bool> isLevelLeafStack;
TropicalRegenerationTraverser(std::vector<Matrix<mvtyp>> const & tuple_)845 		TropicalRegenerationTraverser(std::vector<Matrix<mvtyp> > const &tuple_):
846 			fullData(tuple_),counter(0),depth(0)
847 		{
848 			assert(tuple_.size());
849 			for(int i=0;i<tuple_.size();i++)
850 				traversers.push_back(MySingleTropicalHomotopyTraverser(fullData.tuples[i],cayleyConfigurationWidth(fullData.tuples[i]),fullData.firstIntersection(),fullData.targets[i],i));
851 			traversers[0].constructInequalityTableInitially(fullData.degrees[0]);
852 			level=0;
853 		}
process()854 		virtual void process()
855 		{
856 		}
findOutgoingAndProcess(bool doProcess)857 		bool findOutgoingAndProcess(bool doProcess)
858 		{
859 			isSolutionVertex=false;
860 			deadEnd=false;
861 			isLevelLeaf=traversers[level].findOutgoingAndProcess(false);
862 			if(isLevelLeaf)
863 			{//leaf
864 				bool isFinite=fullData.isFiniteIndex(level,traversers[level].choices[level].first)&&fullData.isFiniteIndex(level,traversers[level].choices[level].second);
865 				deadEnd=!isFinite;
866 				if(isFinite && (level==fullData.tuple.size()-1))
867 				{
868 					isSolutionVertex=true;
869 					if(doProcess){process();}
870 					return true;
871 				}
872 			}
873 			return false;
874 		}
numberOfChildren()875 		int numberOfChildren()
876 		{
877 			if(isLevelLeaf&&(level==fullData.tuple.size()-1))return 0;
878 			if(!isLevelLeaf)
879 				return traversers[level].numberOfChildren();
880 			else
881 				return 1-deadEnd;
882 		}
goToNthChild(int n)883 		void goToNthChild(int n)
884 		{
885 			depth++;
886 			isLevelLeafStack.push_back(isLevelLeaf);
887 			if(!isLevelLeaf)
888 				traversers[level].goToNthChild(n);
889 			else
890 			{
891 				fullData.castToNextLevel(traversers[level].choices,level,fullData.tuples[level][level].getWidth()-fullData.tuples[level+1][level].getWidth(),traversers[level+1].choices);
892 				traversers[level+1].constructInequalityTableFromParent(traversers[level].inequalityTable,fullData.degrees[level+1]);
893 				level++;
894 			}
895 		}
print()896 		void print()
897 		{
898 		}
goBack()899 		void goBack()
900 		{
901 			depth--;
902 			counter++;
903 			deadEnd=false;
904 			if(traversers[level].atRoot())
905 				level--;
906 			else
907 				traversers[level].goBack();
908 			isLevelLeaf=isLevelLeafStack.back();
909 			isLevelLeafStack.pop_back();
910 		}
911 	};
913 	/*
914 	 * This class glues Bjarne Knudsen's parallel traverser to our MultiLevelIntersectionTraverser.
915 	 * This class should eventually be written so that it works on any homotopy.
916 	 *
917 	 * Since we are not sure about how exceptions would be handled by the parallel traverser,
918 	 * we write ugly aborting code, which may actually work.
919 	 */
920 	template<class mvtyp, class mvtypDouble, class mvtypDivisor>
921 	class SpecializedRTraverser: public Traverser
922 	{
923 	public:
924 		typedef TropicalRegenerationTraverser<mvtyp,mvtypDouble,mvtypDivisor> MyTropicalRegenerationTraverser;
925 		MyTropicalRegenerationTraverser T;
926 		mvtypDouble mixedVolume;
927 		int numberOfExpensiveSteps;
SpecializedRTraverser(std::vector<Matrix<mvtyp>> const & tuple_)928 		SpecializedRTraverser(std::vector<Matrix<mvtyp> > const &tuple_):
929 			 mixedVolume(),
930 			 numberOfExpensiveSteps(0),
931 			 T(tuple_) //Constructor my throw if input is too big.
932 		{
933 			numberOfExpensiveSteps++;
934 			T.findOutgoingAndProcess(false);
935 		}
getEdgeCountNext(void)936 		int  getEdgeCountNext( void )
937 		{
938 			if(!aborting)
939 			{
940 				try{
941 					return T.numberOfChildren();
942 				}
943 				catch(...){abort();}
944 			}
945 			return 0;
946 		}
moveToNext(int index,bool collect_info)948 		int  moveToNext( int   index,
949 	                           bool  collect_info )
950 		{
951 			if(!aborting)
952 			{
953 				try{
954 					T.goToNthChild(index);
955 					numberOfExpensiveSteps++;
956 					T.findOutgoingAndProcess(false);
957 				}
958 				catch(...){abort();}
959 			}
960 			return 0;
961 		}
moveToPrev(int index)963 	  void  moveToPrev( int  index )
964 	  {
965 		  if(!aborting)
966 		  {
967 			  try{
968 				  T.goBack(); //index ignored
969 			  }
970 			  catch(...){abort();}
971 		  }
972 	  }
collectInfo(void)974 	  void  collectInfo( void )
975 	  {
976 		  if(!aborting)
977 		  {
978 			  try{
979 				  if(T.isSolutionVertex)
980 					  mixedVolume.addWithOverflowCheck(T.traversers[T.level].inequalityTable.getVolume().extend());
981 			  }
982 			  catch(...){abort();}
983 		  }
984 	  }
printState(void)986 	  void  printState( void )
987 	  {
988 		  T.print();
989 	  }
990 	};
991 }