1 /** @file gsQuadRule.h
3     @brief Provides a base class for a quadrature rule
5     This file is part of the G+Smo library.
7     This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
8     License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
9     file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
11     Author(s): A. Mantzaflaris
12 */
14 #pragma once
16 #include <gsCore/gsLinearAlgebra.h>
18 namespace gismo
19 {
21 /**
22     \brief Class representing a reference quadrature rule
24     \ingroup Assembler
25 */
27 template<class T>
28 class gsQuadRule
29 {
30 public:
32     typedef memory::unique_ptr<gsQuadRule> uPtr;
34     /// Default empty constructor
gsQuadRule()35     gsQuadRule()
36     { }
~gsQuadRule()38     virtual ~gsQuadRule() { }
40     /**
41      * @brief Initialize quadrature rule with \a numNodes number of
42      * quadrature points per integration variable
43      *
44      * The call of this function initializes the quadrature rule for
45      * further use, i.e., the quadrature points and weights on the
46      * reference cube are set up and stored.  The dimension \a d of
47      * the reference cube is specified by the length of the vector \a
48      * numNodes.
49      *
50      * Example: numNodes = [2,5] corresponds to quadrature in 2D where
51      * two quadrature points are used for the first coordinate and
52      * five quadrature points for the second coordinate. In this case,
53      * 2*5 = 10 quadrature nodes and weights are set up.
54      *
55      * <hr>\b Parameters
56      * \n\b numNodes vector of length \a digits containing numbers of
57      * nodes to be used (per integration variable).
58      * \n\b digits accuracy of nodes and weights. If 0, the quadrature
59      * rule will use precomputed tables if possible. If greater then 0,
60      * it will force to compute it everytime.
61      */
62     virtual void setNodes( gsVector<index_t> const &,
63                            unsigned = 0)
66     /**
67      * @brief Initialize a univariate quadrature rule with \a numNodes
68      * quadrature points
69      * @param numNodes quadrature point
70      * @param digits accuracy of nodes and weights. If 0, the quadrature
71      * rule will use precomputed tables if possible. If greater then 0,
72      * it will force to compute it everytime.
73      */
74     void setNodes( index_t numNodes,
75                    unsigned digits = 0 )
76     {
77         gsVector<index_t> nn(1);
78         nn[0] = numNodes;
79         this->setNodes(nn, digits);
80     }
82     /**
83      * @brief Returns reference nodes for the currently kept rule.
84      *
85      * @returns v Vector of length \a d = dim(), where each entry
86      * \a v_i of \a v is again a vector. \a v_i contains the reference
87      * quadrature points for the <em>i</em>-th coordinate direction.
88      *
89      */
referenceNodes()90     const gsMatrix<T> & referenceNodes() const { return m_nodes; }
92     /**
93      * @brief Returns reference weights for the currently kept rule.
94      *
95      * @returns v Vector of length \a d = dim(), where each entry
96      * \a v_i of \a v is again a vector. \a v_i contains the reference
97      * quadrature weights for the <em>i</em>-th coordinate direction.
98      *
99      */
referenceWeights()100     const gsVector<T> & referenceWeights() const { return m_weights; }
102     // Reference element is [-1,1]^d
103     //const gsMatrix<T> & referenceElement() { }
105     /// \brief Number of nodes in the currently kept rule
numNodes()106     index_t numNodes() const { return m_weights.size(); }
108     /// \brief Dimension of the rule
dim()109     index_t dim() const { return m_nodes.rows(); }
112     /**\brief Maps quadrature rule (i.e., points and weights) from the
113      * reference domain to an element.
114      *
115      * The currently kept rule (which is initialized on the reference
116      * hypercube [-1,1]^<em>d</em> by calling setNodes()) is mapped to
117      * the <em>d</em>-dimensional hypercube specified by \a lower and
118      * \a upper.\n For example, for <em>d=2</em>, the square
119      * <em>[a,b]x[c,d]</em> is defined by <em>lower = [a,c]</em>,
120      * <em>upper = [b,d]</em>.  \param[in] lower vector of length \a
121      * d, defining the coordinates of the lower corner of the
122      * hypercube.  \param[in] upper vector of length \a d, defining
123      * the coordinates of the upper corner of the hypercube.
124      * \param[in,out] nodes will be overwritten with the coordinates
125      * of the quadrature nodes.\n Size of the matrix \a nodes =
126      * <em>d</em> x <em>n</em>, where \n \a d is the dimension of the
127      * element, and\n \a n is the number of quadrature points.
128      * \param[in,out] weights will be overwritten with the
129      * corresponding Gauss quadrature weights.\n Length of the vector
130      * \a weights = number of quadrature nodes.
131      */
132     virtual inline void mapTo( const gsVector<T>& lower, const gsVector<T>& upper,
133                        gsMatrix<T> & nodes, gsVector<T> & weights ) const;
135     void mapTo(const gsMatrix<T>& ab, gsMatrix<T> & nodes) const;
137     /**\brief Maps a univariate quadrature rule (i.e., points and
138      * weights) from the reference interval to an arbitrary interval.
139      */
140     virtual void mapTo( T startVal, T endVal,
141                 gsMatrix<T> & nodes, gsVector<T> & weights ) const;
143     /**\brief Maps a univariate quadrature rule (i.e., points and
144      * weights) from the reference interval to a number of intervals,
145      * implied by the \a breaks.
146      */
147     void mapToAll( const std::vector<T> & breaks,
148                    gsMatrix<T> & nodes, gsVector<T> & weights ) const;
150 protected:
152     /// \brief Computes the tensor product rule from coordinate-wise
153     /// 1D \a nodes and \a weights.
154     void computeTensorProductRule(const std::vector<gsVector<T> > & nodes,
155                                   const std::vector<gsVector<T> > & weights);
157     void computeTensorProductRule_into( const std::vector<gsVector<T> > & nodes,
158                                         const std::vector<gsVector<T> > & weights,
159                                         gsMatrix<T> & targetNodes,
160                                         gsVector<T> & targetWeights
161                                         ) const;
163 protected:
165     /// \brief Reference quadrature nodes (on the interval [-1,1]).
166     gsMatrix<T> m_nodes;
168     /// \brief Reference quadrature weights (corresponding to interval
169     /// [-1,1]).
170     gsVector<T> m_weights;
172 }; // class gsQuadRule
175 // Note: left here for inlining
176 template<class T> void
mapTo(const gsVector<T> & lower,const gsVector<T> & upper,gsMatrix<T> & nodes,gsVector<T> & weights)177 gsQuadRule<T>::mapTo( const gsVector<T>& lower, const gsVector<T>& upper,
178                       gsMatrix<T> & nodes, gsVector<T> & weights ) const
179 {
180     const index_t d = lower.size();
181     GISMO_ASSERT( d == m_nodes.rows(), "Inconsistent quadrature mapping");
183     nodes.resize( m_nodes.rows(), m_nodes.cols() );
184     weights.resize( m_weights.size() );
185     nodes.setZero();
186     weights.setZero();
188     const gsVector<T> h = (upper-lower) / T(2) ;
189     // Linear map from [-1,1]^d to [lower,upper]
190     nodes.noalias() = ( h.asDiagonal() * (m_nodes.array()+1).matrix() ).colwise() + lower;
192     T hprod(1.0); //volume of the cube.
193     for ( index_t i = 0; i!=d; ++i)
194     {
195         // the factor 0.5 is due to the reference interval is [-1,1].
196         hprod *= ( 0 == h[i] ? T(0.5) : h[i] );
197     }
199     // Adjust the weights (multiply by the Jacobian of the linear map)
200     weights.noalias() = hprod * m_weights;
201 }
203 } // namespace gismo
205 #ifndef GISMO_BUILD_LIB
206 #include GISMO_HPP_HEADER(gsQuadRule.hpp)
207 #endif