1 /** @file gsThbs_geometry_test.cpp
3     @brief Tests for THB.
5     Random tests with:
6     - random hierarchical subdomain configuration (generated by randomized box insertions to the Quadtree)
7     - uniform knot vectors with different multiplicities- multiplicity added by random. max multiplicity is equal to degree
9     Parameter to change for different test cases:
10         T_nlevels - the maximum numbre of levels
11         test_num - number of tests (different box configurations)
12         point_num - number of evaluation points
13         max_deg_x - the maximum degree in x-direction
14         max_deg_y - the maximum degree in y-direction
15         num_knots_x - maximum number of inner knots in x direction- the real value i generated by random
16         num_knots_x - maximum number of inner knots in y direction- the real value i generated by random
17         rand_knot_num - maximum number of inserted knots- increase the multiplicity of the knots- does not add new knot values
18         max_level - maximum number of hierarchical levels
19         box_num - maximum number of boxes inserted into one level of hierarchy
21     This file is part of the G+Smo library.
23     This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
24     License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
25     file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
27     Author(s):
29 **/
31 #include "gismo_unittest.h"
33 using namespace gismo;
36 //lvl- max level of domain refinement, max number of boxes inserted
37 //per level, basis, alignement with the prewious level
random_refinement(int lvl,int max_nb,gismo::gsHTensorBasis<2> * bas,bool aligned=false)38 std::vector<index_t> random_refinement(int lvl, int max_nb,
39                                             gismo::gsHTensorBasis<2> *bas,
40                                             bool aligned = false)
41 {
43     //int max_x, max_y;
44     int boxes_in_lvl, bi,span_size;
45     std::vector<index_t> q;
46     std::vector<gsVector<index_t> > boxes;// boxes stores the boxes inserted to the previous level
47     std::vector<gsVector<index_t> > boxes_new;
48     gsVector<index_t, 2> i1;
49     gsVector<index_t, 2> i2;
50     span_size = 1 << lvl;
51     //gsDebug<<"Spansize is :"<< span_size<<"\n";
53     // left bottom corner box
54     i1.setZero();
55     i2[0] = bas->getBases()[0]->component(0).knots().unique().size()-1;
56     i2[1] = bas->getBases()[0]->component(1).knots().unique().size()-1;
58     i1[0] = i1[0] << (lvl); // get indices in lvl
59     i1[1] = i1[1] << (lvl);
60     i2[0] = i2[0] << (lvl);
61     i2[1] = i2[1] << (lvl);
63     boxes.push_back(i1);//insert the root of the tree into the boxes
64     boxes.push_back(i2);
65     srand((unsigned)time(NULL));//seed the random alg.
66     for(int i = 0; i < lvl; i++){//insert lvl levels
67         //gsDebug<<"level: "<<i+1<< "\n";
68         boxes_in_lvl = (rand()%max_nb);
69         if(boxes_in_lvl == 0){
70             boxes_in_lvl++;
71         }
72         for(int j = 0; j < boxes_in_lvl; j++){//insert number of boxes
73             bi = rand() % (boxes.size()/2);//pick a box from prewious level
74             if(aligned){
75                 //test if the box is a box not a point- insert only boxes
76                 i1[0] = ( ( (rand() % (boxes[2*bi+1][0]-boxes[2*bi][0]) ) + boxes[2*bi][0]) /span_size) << i;// left bottom corner box
77                 i1[1] = ( ( (rand() % (boxes[2*bi+1][1]-boxes[2*bi][1]) ) + boxes[2*bi][1]) /span_size) << i;
78                 i2[0] = ( ( (rand() % (boxes[2*bi+1][0]-i1[0]) +1) + i1[0]) /span_size) << i;// right top corner of the box
79                 i2[1] = ( ( (rand() % (boxes[2*bi+1][1]-i1[1]) +1) + i1[1]) /span_size) << i;
81                 i2[0] = math::max( i2[0], i1[0] + (bas->degree(1)+2)*(1 << lvl) );
82                 i2[1] = math::max( i2[1], i1[1] + (bas->degree(1)+2)*(1 << lvl) );
85                 //gsDebug<<"\naligned box inserted ["<< i1[0]<<" , "<< i1[1]<<"] ["<< i2[0]<<" , "<< i2[1]<<"]"<< " to level "<<i+1 <<"\n";
86                 boxes_new.push_back(i1);
87                 boxes_new.push_back(i2);
88                 q.push_back(i+1);
89                 i1[0] = i1[0] >> (lvl - (i+1)); // get indices in level i+1
90                 i1[1] = i1[1] >> (lvl - (i+1));
91                 i2[0] = i2[0] >> (lvl - (i+1));
92                 i2[1] = i2[1] >> (lvl - (i+1));
93                 q.push_back(i1[0]);
94                 q.push_back(i1[1]);
95                 q.push_back(i2[0]);
96                 q.push_back(i2[1]);
97                 //bas->insert_box(i1,i2,i+1);
98             }else{
99                 i1[0] = (rand() % (boxes[2*bi+1][0]-boxes[2*bi][0]) ) + boxes[2*bi][0];
100                 i1[1] = (rand() % (boxes[2*bi+1][1]-boxes[2*bi][1]) ) + boxes[2*bi][1];
101                 i2[0] = (rand() % (boxes[2*bi+1][0]-i1[0]) +1) + i1[0];
102                 i2[1] = (rand() % (boxes[2*bi+1][1]-i1[1]) +1) + i1[1];
103                 if( (i1[0]==i2[0]) || (i1[1]==i2[1]) ){
104                     i2[0] += span_size;
105                     i2[1] += span_size;
106                 }
107                 //gsDebug<<"\nbox inserted ["<< i1[0]<<" , "<< i1[1]<<"] ["<< i2[0]<<" , "<< i2[1]<<"]"<< " to level "<<i+1 <<"\n";
108                 boxes_new.push_back(i1);
109                 boxes_new.push_back(i2);
110                 q.push_back(i+1);
111                 i1[0] = i1[0] >> (lvl - (i+1)); // get indices in level i+1
112                 i1[1] = i1[1] >> (lvl - (i+1));
113                 i2[0] = i2[0] >> (lvl - (i+1));
114                 i2[1] = i2[1] >> (lvl - (i+1));
115                 q.push_back(i1[0]);
116                 q.push_back(i1[1]);
117                 q.push_back(i2[0]);
118                 q.push_back(i2[1]);
119                 //bas->insert_box(i1,i2,i+1);
120             }
121         }
122         span_size = span_size/2;
123         //gsDebug<<"Spansize is :"<< span_size<<endl;
124         boxes.clear();
125         for(unsigned int k = 0; k < boxes_new.size();k++){
126             boxes.push_back(boxes_new[k]);
127         }
128         boxes_new.clear();
129     }
130     return q;
131 }
SUITE(gsThbs_geometry_test)134 SUITE(gsThbs_geometry_test)
135 {
137     TEST(gsThbs_geometry_test)
138     {
139     gsVector<index_t> iv1;
140     gsVector<index_t> iv2;
141     iv1.resize(2);
142     iv2.resize(2);
144         srand((unsigned)time(NULL));//seed the random alg.
145         int test_num = 1;
146         int point_num = 10;
147         int max_deg_x = 2;
148         int max_deg_y = 2;
149         int num_knots_x = 2;
150         int num_knots_y = 2;
151         int rand_knot_num = 0;
152         int max_level = 2;
153         int box_num = 5;
154         for(int i =0; i < test_num;i++){
155             int deg_x = (rand()%max_deg_x)+1;
156             int deg_y = (rand()%max_deg_y)+1;
157             int kn = (rand()%num_knots_x)+1;
158             gsKnotVector<> T_KV (0, 1, kn , deg_x+1, 1 ) ;
159             kn = (rand()%num_knots_y)+1;
160             gsKnotVector<> T_KV1 (0, 1,kn,deg_y+1,1) ;
161             //gsInfo<<"Knot Vector"<<T_KV<<"\n";
162             //gsInfo<<"Knot Vector"<<T_KV1<<"\n";
163             for (int i2 = 0; i2 < rand_knot_num; i2 ++){
164                 int kn2 = rand()%T_KV.size();
165                 if(T_KV.multiplicity(T_KV[kn2]) < deg_x ){
166                     T_KV.insert(T_KV[kn2]);
167                 }
168             }
169             for (int i3 = 0; i3 < rand_knot_num; i3 ++){
170                 int kn3 = rand()%T_KV1.size();
171                 if(T_KV1.multiplicity(T_KV1[kn3]) < deg_y ){
172                     T_KV1.insert(T_KV1[kn3]);
173                 }
174             }
175             //gsInfo<<"Knot Vector"<<T_KV<<"\n";
176             //gsInfo<<"Knot Vector"<<T_KV1<<"\n";
177             gsTensorBSplineBasis<2> T_tbasis( T_KV, T_KV1 );
179             int T_nlevels =(rand()%max_level)+2;
180             gsTHBSplineBasis<2>  TT ( T_tbasis ); //necessary to create the refinement
181             gsTHBSplineBasis<2>  THB ( T_tbasis, random_refinement(T_nlevels-1, box_num, &TT )) ;
183             //gsInfo<<"knot vector"<< THB.m_cvs[0][0]<<"\n";
184             //gsInfo<<"knot vector"<< THB.m_cvs[1][0]<<"\n";
185             //gsInfo<<"Basis has degree "<< deg_x <<" and "<< deg_y <<". The number of levels is "<< T_nlevels<<"\n";
187             //gsInfo<<"The tree has "<< THB.tree().size() << " nodes.\n" << "\n";
189             // THB.printCharMatrix();
191             gsMatrix<> T_para  = THB.support();
192             gsVector<> T_c0 = T_para.col(0);
193             gsVector<> T_c1 = T_para.col(1);
194             gsMatrix<> T_pts = uniformPointGrid(T_c0,T_c1, point_num) ;
196             //gsInfo<<"\n"<< "The parameter range is: "<< "\n" << T_para <<"\n";
197             ////////coefficient matrix creation///////////
198             gsMatrix<> anch = THB.anchors();
200             //gsInfo<<"anchors"<< anch<<"\n";
201             gsMatrix<> eye = gsMatrix<>::Identity(THB.size(), THB.size());
202             gsTHBSpline<2> THB_geometry ( THB, eye);
203             gsMatrix<>   T_ev_geom  = THB_geometry.eval(anch);
204             gsMatrix<>   T_ev  = THB.eval(anch) ;
205             //gsInfo<<"eval  geometry \n"<<  T_ev_geom <<"\n";
206             CHECK_MATRIX_PARTITION_OF_UNIT_CLOSE(T_ev, (real_t)0.0000001);
207         }
209     }
211 }