1 /* bignum.c (bignum arithmetic) */
3 /***********************************************************************
4 *  This code is part of GLPK (GNU Linear Programming Kit).
5 *  Copyright (C) 2006-2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
6 *  Written by Andrew Makhorin <mao@gnu.org>.
7 *
8 *  GLPK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9 *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
10 *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 *  (at your option) any later version.
12 *
13 *  GLPK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
14 *  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
15 *  or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public
16 *  License for more details.
17 *
18 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
19 *  along with GLPK. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 ***********************************************************************/
22 #include "env.h"
23 #include "bignum.h"
25 /***********************************************************************
26 *  Two routines below are intended to multiply and divide unsigned
27 *  integer numbers of arbitrary precision.
28 *
29 *  The routines assume that an unsigned integer number is represented in
30 *  the positional numeral system with the base 2^16 = 65536, i.e. each
31 *  "digit" of the number is in the range [0, 65535] and represented as
32 *  a 16-bit value of the unsigned short type. In other words, a number x
33 *  has the following representation:
34 *
35 *         n-1
36 *     x = sum d[j] * 65536^j,
37 *         j=0
38 *
39 *  where n is the number of places (positions), and d[j] is j-th "digit"
40 *  of x, 0 <= d[j] <= 65535.
41 ***********************************************************************/
43 /***********************************************************************
44 *  NAME
45 *
46 *  bigmul - multiply unsigned integer numbers of arbitrary precision
47 *
49 *
50 *  #include "bignum.h"
51 *  void bigmul(int n, int m, unsigned short x[], unsigned short y[]);
52 *
54 *
55 *  The routine bigmul multiplies unsigned integer numbers of arbitrary
56 *  precision.
57 *
58 *  n is the number of digits of multiplicand, n >= 1;
59 *
60 *  m is the number of digits of multiplier, m >= 1;
61 *
62 *  x is an array containing digits of the multiplicand in elements
63 *  x[m], x[m+1], ..., x[n+m-1]. Contents of x[0], x[1], ..., x[m-1] are
64 *  ignored on entry.
65 *
66 *  y is an array containing digits of the multiplier in elements y[0],
67 *  y[1], ..., y[m-1].
68 *
69 *  On exit digits of the product are stored in elements x[0], x[1], ...,
70 *  x[n+m-1]. The array y is not changed. */
bigmul(int n,int m,unsigned short x[],unsigned short y[])72 void bigmul(int n, int m, unsigned short x[], unsigned short y[])
73 {     int i, j;
74       unsigned int t;
75       xassert(n >= 1);
76       xassert(m >= 1);
77       for (j = 0; j < m; j++) x[j] = 0;
78       for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
79       {  if (x[i+m])
80          {  t = 0;
81             for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
82             {  t += (unsigned int)x[i+m] * (unsigned int)y[j] +
83                     (unsigned int)x[i+j];
84                x[i+j] = (unsigned short)t;
85                t >>= 16;
86             }
87             x[i+m] = (unsigned short)t;
88          }
89       }
90       return;
91 }
93 /***********************************************************************
94 *  NAME
95 *
96 *  bigdiv - divide unsigned integer numbers of arbitrary precision
97 *
99 *
100 *  #include "bignum.h"
101 *  void bigdiv(int n, int m, unsigned short x[], unsigned short y[]);
102 *
104 *
105 *  The routine bigdiv divides one unsigned integer number of arbitrary
106 *  precision by another with the algorithm described in [1].
107 *
108 *  n is the difference between the number of digits of dividend and the
109 *  number of digits of divisor, n >= 0.
110 *
111 *  m is the number of digits of divisor, m >= 1.
112 *
113 *  x is an array containing digits of the dividend in elements x[0],
114 *  x[1], ..., x[n+m-1].
115 *
116 *  y is an array containing digits of the divisor in elements y[0],
117 *  y[1], ..., y[m-1]. The highest digit y[m-1] must be non-zero.
118 *
119 *  On exit n+1 digits of the quotient are stored in elements x[m],
120 *  x[m+1], ..., x[n+m], and m digits of the remainder are stored in
121 *  elements x[0], x[1], ..., x[m-1]. The array y is changed but then
122 *  restored.
123 *
125 *
126 *  1. D. Knuth. The Art of Computer Programming. Vol. 2: Seminumerical
127 *  Algorithms. Stanford University, 1969. */
bigdiv(int n,int m,unsigned short x[],unsigned short y[])129 void bigdiv(int n, int m, unsigned short x[], unsigned short y[])
130 {     int i, j;
131       unsigned int t;
132       unsigned short d, q, r;
133       xassert(n >= 0);
134       xassert(m >= 1);
135       xassert(y[m-1] != 0);
136       /* special case when divisor has the only digit */
137       if (m == 1)
138       {  d = 0;
139          for (i = n; i >= 0; i--)
140          {  t = ((unsigned int)d << 16) + (unsigned int)x[i];
141             x[i+1] = (unsigned short)(t / y[0]);
142             d = (unsigned short)(t % y[0]);
143          }
144          x[0] = d;
145          goto done;
146       }
147       /* multiply dividend and divisor by a normalizing coefficient in
148        * order to provide the condition y[m-1] >= base / 2 */
149       d = (unsigned short)(0x10000 / ((unsigned int)y[m-1] + 1));
150       if (d == 1)
151          x[n+m] = 0;
152       else
153       {  t = 0;
154          for (i = 0; i < n+m; i++)
155          {  t += (unsigned int)x[i] * (unsigned int)d;
156             x[i] = (unsigned short)t;
157             t >>= 16;
158          }
159          x[n+m] = (unsigned short)t;
160          t = 0;
161          for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
162          {  t += (unsigned int)y[j] * (unsigned int)d;
163             y[j] = (unsigned short)t;
164             t >>= 16;
165          }
166       }
167       /* main loop */
168       for (i = n; i >= 0; i--)
169       {  /* estimate and correct the current digit of quotient */
170          if (x[i+m] < y[m-1])
171          {  t = ((unsigned int)x[i+m] << 16) + (unsigned int)x[i+m-1];
172             q = (unsigned short)(t / (unsigned int)y[m-1]);
173             r = (unsigned short)(t % (unsigned int)y[m-1]);
174             if (q == 0) goto putq; else goto test;
175          }
176          q = 0;
177          r = x[i+m-1];
178 decr:    q--; /* if q = 0 then q-- = 0xFFFF */
179          t = (unsigned int)r + (unsigned int)y[m-1];
180          r = (unsigned short)t;
181          if (t > 0xFFFF) goto msub;
182 test:    t = (unsigned int)y[m-2] * (unsigned int)q;
183          if ((unsigned short)(t >> 16) > r) goto decr;
184          if ((unsigned short)(t >> 16) < r) goto msub;
185          if ((unsigned short)t > x[i+m-2]) goto decr;
186 msub:    /* now subtract divisor multiplied by the current digit of
187           * quotient from the current dividend */
188          if (q == 0) goto putq;
189          t = 0;
190          for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
191          {  t += (unsigned int)y[j] * (unsigned int)q;
192             if (x[i+j] < (unsigned short)t) t += 0x10000;
193             x[i+j] -= (unsigned short)t;
194             t >>= 16;
195          }
196          if (x[i+m] >= (unsigned short)t) goto putq;
197          /* perform correcting addition, because the current digit of
198           * quotient is greater by one than its correct value */
199          q--;
200          t = 0;
201          for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
202          {  t += (unsigned int)x[i+j] + (unsigned int)y[j];
203             x[i+j] = (unsigned short)t;
204             t >>= 16;
205          }
206 putq:    /* store the current digit of quotient */
207          x[i+m] = q;
208       }
209       /* divide divisor and remainder by the normalizing coefficient in
210        * order to restore their original values */
211       if (d > 1)
212       {  t = 0;
213          for (i = m-1; i >= 0; i--)
214          {  t = (t << 16) + (unsigned int)x[i];
215             x[i] = (unsigned short)(t / (unsigned int)d);
216             t %= (unsigned int)d;
217          }
218          t = 0;
219          for (j = m-1; j >= 0; j--)
220          {  t = (t << 16) + (unsigned int)y[j];
221             y[j] = (unsigned short)(t / (unsigned int)d);
222             t %= (unsigned int)d;
223          }
224       }
225 done: return;
226 }
228 /**********************************************************************/
230 #ifdef GLP_TEST
231 #include <assert.h>
232 #include <stdio.h>
233 #include <stdlib.h>
234 #include "rng.h"
236 #define N_MAX 7
237 /* maximal number of digits in multiplicand */
239 #define M_MAX 5
240 /* maximal number of digits in multiplier */
242 #define N_TEST 1000000
243 /* number of tests */
main(void)245 int main(void)
246 {     RNG *rand;
247       int d, j, n, m, test;
248       unsigned short x[N_MAX], y[M_MAX], z[N_MAX+M_MAX];
249       rand = rng_create_rand();
250       for (test = 1; test <= N_TEST; test++)
251       {  /* x[0,...,n-1] := multiplicand */
252          n = 1 + rng_unif_rand(rand, N_MAX-1);
253          assert(1 <= n && n <= N_MAX);
254          for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
255          {  d = rng_unif_rand(rand, 65536);
256             assert(0 <= d && d <= 65535);
257             x[j] = (unsigned short)d;
258          }
259          /* y[0,...,m-1] := multiplier */
260          m = 1 + rng_unif_rand(rand, M_MAX-1);
261          assert(1 <= m && m <= M_MAX);
262          for (j = 0; j < m; j++)
263          {  d = rng_unif_rand(rand, 65536);
264             assert(0 <= d && d <= 65535);
265             y[j] = (unsigned short)d;
266          }
267          if (y[m-1] == 0) y[m-1] = 1;
268          /* z[0,...,n+m-1] := x * y */
269          for (j = 0; j < n; j++) z[m+j] = x[j];
270          bigmul(n, m, z, y);
271          /* z[0,...,m-1] := z mod y, z[m,...,n+m-1] := z div y */
272          bigdiv(n, m, z, y);
273          /* z mod y must be 0 */
274          for (j = 0; j < m; j++) assert(z[j] == 0);
275          /* z div y must be x */
276          for (j = 0; j < n; j++) assert(z[m+j] == x[j]);
277       }
278       fprintf(stderr, "%d tests successfully passed\n", N_TEST);
279       rng_delete_rand(rand);
280       return 0;
281 }
282 #endif
284 /* eof */