1Changes in 5.4.1
3* NEW "with rgbimage" and "with rgbalpha" accept single column ARGB input
4* NEW add toggle in toolbar widget for qt terminal option "ctrl-q"
5* NEW keyword "smooth kdensity period <val>"
6* NEW time format %tD encodes days relative to time 0
7* NEW pm3d quadrangles in 2D projection are clipped smoothly to x and y
8* CHANGE gif animation 'optimize' option is deprecated Bugs #1992 #2070 #2348
9* CHANGE svg increase coordinate precision to two decimal points Bug #2369
10* FIX y autoscaling of default "with filledcurves" #Bug 2294
11* FIX placement of mirrored x and y tics in mode 'set view projection ...'
12* FIX pm3d lighting calculation for degenerate quadrangles
13* FIX botched deprecation of old syntax for "call" arguments Bug #2298 #2368
14* FIX pm3d "depthorder" affects 'set obj polygon' with >4 vertices Bug #2297
15* FIX loss of precision for asin(x), asinh(x) with real x << 0 Bug #2302
16* FIX error handling of bad font name in enhanced text Bugs #2303 #2308
17* FIX incomplete domain for complex acosh(x), real x < -1 was treated as NaN
18* FIX error handling of fuzzed input  Bugs #2306 #2307 #2309 #2312 #2344
19* FIX add range check for plot of binned data (allows clipping on y)
20* FIX "unzoom" applied to autoscaled volatile data
21* FIX no default for binary columns needed if there is a 'using' spec Bug #2315
22* FIX buffer overflow of enhanced text fragment  Bugs #2310 #2311
23* FIX qnorm and Hann functions applied in dgrid3d Bugs #2277 #2318
24* FIX handling of dashtype given as a string with leading whitespace Bug #2336
25* FIX preserve key position across isolated instance of "title at x,y" Bug #2342
26* FIX contour labels had spurious point symbols
27* FIX allow "pointtype variable" in combination with jitter Bug #2354
28* FIX cgm: sanity for non-zero font size Bug #2358
29* FIX more checks for valid UTF-8 Bugs #2362 #2364
31Changes in 5.4
33* NEW support for 64-bit integer arithmetic
34* NEW support for voxel grids
35* NEW plot ... with table if <expression>
36* NEW "set walls" command to show xy xz and yz planes in 3D plots
37* NEW "set clip radial" for line segments in polar mode plots
38* NEW "splot ... with isosurface"
39* NEW "splot ... with circles"
40* NEW "splot ... with boxes"
41* NEW "plot ... with arrows"
42* NEW "plot ... with polygons"
43* NEW "set view projection {xz|yz}"
44* NEW "set datafile columnheaders"
45* NEW per-plot fillcolor and fillstyle for pm3d surfaces
46* NEW allow separate color column with dgrid3d surfaces (but not color splines)
47* NEW string function trim(" padded string ") removes leading and trailing whitespace
48* NEW unicode escape sequences \U+hhhh
49* NEW order N Bessel functions of 1st and 2nd kind (besjn besyn)
50* NEW modified Bessel functions I0 (besi0) and I1 (besi1)
51* NEW modified Bessel function of order n (besin)
52* NEW "set object polygon depthsort" as an alternative to front/back/behind
53* NEW "set pixmap" object-like bitmap images from png/gif/jpeg input files
54* NEW overflow avoidance extends range of arguments handled by complex division
55* NEW largely extended pcl5 terminal supports PCL5e/PCL5c printers
56* NEW revised pstricks and texdraw LaTeX terminals
57* NEW extended dospc terminal (DOS32/OpenWatcom)
58* NEW extended svga terminal using the (M)GRX library (DOS32/DJGPP)
59* NEW heavily revised fig terminal
60* NEW LaTeX terminal pict2e uses the LaTeX2e pict2e environment
61* NEW Left-click on hypertext label will copy text to clipboard (wxt qt)
62* NEW smooth option "zsort" controls order that points are plotting in
63* NEW multiple textbox styles
64* NEW Time/date input recognizes format %p to handle am/pm field
65* EXPERIMENTAL "set mouse mouseformat function <stringval_from_xy(x,y)>"
67* CHANGE revised syntax for plot style "with parallelaxes"
68* CHANGE deprecate command "reread"
69* CHANGE remove deprecated command "update"
70* CHANGE remove deprecated option "thru"
71* CHANGE special case optimization of nonlinear code to speed up logscale
72* CHANGE windows terminal can print using Direct2D
73* CHANGE windows terminal supports color fonts (Direct2D)
74* CHANGE arrow head size can be decoupled from arrow size
75* CHANGE apply trange to sampling on pseudofile '+'
76* CHANGE move tgif terminal to "legacy" status; build only if configured
77* CHANGE imaginary values from the using spec of a 2D plot are treated as NaN
78* CHANGE remove compile option EXTENDED_COLOR_SPECS used only by vgagl.trm
79* CHANGE remove linux and vgagl terminals
80* CHANGE remove undocumented EXPERIMENTAL option for pm3d filled contours
81* CHANGE print to datablock expands embedded \n into a separate block entry
82* CHANGE boxplot outliers affect autoscaling only if they are enabled
83* CHANGE remove latex, emtex, eepic, and tpic terminals from default build
84* CHANGE pm3d quadrangles are by default clipped smoothly to zrange
85* CHANGE `set offset` is ignored when the axis range is not autoscaled
86* FIX allow mixed use of in-key plot titles and manually placed titles
87* FIX open/close path for polygons
88* FIX several stability issues of the caca terminal
89* FIX gd terminals: rendering of white lines with lw > 1
90* FIX do not reapply "set offset" on refresh or scrolling event
91* FIX for negative relative time format with leading element zero
93New features introduced to 5.2 in patchlevel releases
95* NEW "set grid {no}vertical" adds grid lines in the xz and xz planes
96* NEW "set cntrparam {firstlinetype N} {{un}sorted}"
97* NEW set table separator {tab|comma|"char"} allows creation of csv files
98* NEW hotkey for changing azimuth in 3D plots with mousing
99* NEW splot ... with lines title at {beg|end}
100* NEW Rework gstrptime() to handle relative time formats tH tM tS
101* NEW command "set rgbmax <value>" controls interpretation of input RGB values
102* NEW allow array size to be determined automatically from initializer
103* NEW "set pm3d noclipcb" will skip drawing quadrangles whose color is < cbmin
104* NEW imaginary component of array values is available to "using" in column 3
105* NEW "exit status <val>" exits program with user-provided status
107New features, changes and fixes in gnuplot version 5.2 (initial release)
109* NEW plot styles
110* NEW    splot ... using <x>:<y>:<z>:<zlow>:<zhigh> with zerrorfill
111* NEW    "set jitter" allows creation of bee swarm plots
112* NEW    data filter "bins" sorts input into equal width bins on x
113* NEW    "with points" and "with linespoints" accept `pointtype variable`
114* NEW    hidden3d now treats 'image' and 'rgbimage' as occluding rectangles
115* NEW    "smooth fnormal" normalized frequency
116* NEW polar mode improvements and extensions
117* NEW    "set [m]ttics" places labels around perimeter of polar grid
118* NEW    "set rlabel" places a label above the r axis
119* NEW    "set rrange [90:0]" plots in celestial horizontal coordinates
120* NEW    "set border polar" uses border linetype for perimeter of polar plot
121* NEW    "set theta <origin> <sense>" orientation of polar coordinate theta
122* NEW    label, arrow, and object positions may be given in polar coordinates
123* NEW nonlinear coordinate systems
124* NEW    "set nonlinear <axis> via f(axis) inverse g(axis)"
125* NEW    "set log" re-implemented as special case of "set nonlinear"
126* NEW data type array[size]
127* NEW commands and command options
128* NEW    "break" exits from iteration loop
129* NEW    "continue" begins next iteration immediately
130* NEW    "toggle {<plotno> | "plottitle" | all}"
131* NEW    "set pm3d lighting" specifies lighting model with specular highlighting
132* NEW    "set table OUTFILE {append}"
133* NEW    "set minussign" and "set micro" (first appeared in 5.0.5)
134* NEW    "set view azimuth <angle>" controls azimuth of the z axis in 3D plots
135* NEW    "save fit <filename>" replaces deprecated command "update"
136* NEW terminals and terminal options
137* NEW    terminal domterm (supports in-line SVG in DomTerm terminal emulator)
138* NEW    terminal sixelgd (sixel terminal graphics using gdlib)
139* NEW    svg 'standalone' embeds images rather than including by reference
140* NEW    windows terminal supports saving graph as bitmap
141* NEW    windows graph windows can be docked to the wgnuplot text window
142* NEW    windows terminal has experimental Direct2D driver
143* NEW    wxt supports saving graph as EMF on Windows
144* NEW    wxt supports printing on Windows
145* NEW    dumb supports ANSI colors and filled polygons
146* NEW Optional sampling interval in range specifier for pseudofile '+'
147* NEW gnuplot on Windows
148*        converts Unicode (BMP) input to current `set encoding`, including UTF-8
149*        is system DPI aware
150* NEW textbox style supports fillcolor and bordercolor
151* CHANGE point style associated with "plot with labels" is shown in the key
152* CHANGE Revise placement of axis labels in 3D plots
153* CHANGE Timestamp is now placed relative to page rather than plot boundary
154* CHANGE Track font/enhanced for key title separately from the key entries
155* CHANGE order of margins in `set margins <left>, <right>, <bottom>, <top>`
156* CHANGE Store and reuse x,y dimensions from the time image data is read in
157* CHANGE Some STATS_* variables are of type integer rather than real (complex)
158* CHANGE ^R starts a backward search when using the built-in readline
159* CHANGE Only update axis->data_min/max if the point being stored is INRANGE
160* CHANGE auto-generation of minitics on logscale axis has changed
161* CHANGE revised printing dialogs on Windows
162* CHANGE preserve whitespace following opening { in enhanced text strings
163* CHANGE windows terminal provides better oversampling
164* CHANGE New default "set key fixed" prevents 3D key box from rotating with plot
165* CHANGE Deprecate pdf terminal requiring non-free library PDFlib
166* CHANGE windows terminal also uses GDI+ for printing and copy-to-clipboard
167* CHANGE raxis/polar grid can coexist with cartesian axes
168* CHANGE evaluation of norm(x) or x**y returns 0 on floating underflow
169* CHANGE support for space-in-x11-raises-KDE3-konsole is now a configure option
170* CHANGE don't use loadpath to choose output directory for "save"
171* CHANGE GNUTERM may contain terminal options in addition to bare terminal name
172* CHANGE remove legacy terminals corel and dxf from default build
173* FIX cairo.trm - reset terminal font after printing an enhanced text string
174* FIX autoscaling of data with "smooth cnorm"
175* FIX Built-in readline handles S-JIS encoding
176* FIX Output to printer on Windows via special file "PRN"
178Changes in 5.0.rc3
181* NEW new command set {xyz}tics {timedate|geographic|numeric} sets axis->tictype
182* NEW add the tictype keywords to set format {axis} {time|geographic|numeric}
183* NEW format modifier 't' in timedate mode indicates a time rather than a date
184* CHANGE separate input format (axis->datatype) and output format (axis->tictype)
185* CHANGE report and save xyz position using time coordinates if appropriate
186* CHANGE emulate v4 syntax for timecolumn(<single-param>)
187* CHANGE revised v5 "fit" syntax does not match -rc1 and -rc2
188* CHANGE auto-detect and accept v4 "fit" syntax
189* CHANGE remove obsolete terminals aed and v384
190* FIX "splot ... with dots" was not drawing the dots
191* FIX revert arrowhead changes introduced in -rc1
192* FIX lua terminal support for LT_NODRAW, RGBA linecolors
193* FIX stats code was confusing x- and y- dimensions of matrix data
194* FIX track :Italic and :Bold given in "set term" for cairo terminals
195* FIX if $2 is NaN, plot FOO using 1:(oops=f($2)) should set oops to NaN
197Changes in 5.0.rc2
200* NEW grey out key entries when corresponding plot is toggled off
201* NEW allow parenthesized expressions as call parameters
202* NEW set margins <left>, <right>, <top>, <bottom>
203* NEW set trange [theta_min:theta_max] filters input data in polar plots
204* NEW "set mouse zoomfactors <xfact>,<yfact>"
205* NEW New matrix keywords for text data: "columnheaders" and "rowheaders"
206* CHANGE apply "set key {no}enhanced}" to the key title
207* CHANGE scale dashlength with line width
208* CHANGE respond to left mouse click on press rather than on release
209* CHANGE remove bf_test dependence on all other gnuplot files and libraries
210* CHANGE apply default rectangle style during "set obj" rather than when drawn
211* FIX wxgtk3 requires initialization of Xthreads
212* FIX width adjustment for long key title in multicolumn keys
213* FIX treat data value read as "NaN" the same as we would "1/0"
214* FIX handle pointtype PT_CHARACTER in 3D plots
215* FIX do not store long strings (e.g. epslatex_header) in terminal options array
216* FIX [maybe] extra resize of initial qt window may fix problems on OSX, Debian
217* FIX handling of events triggered by closing the qt plot window
218* FIX refresh of plot with log-scaled color box
219* FIX MSWin pipe issues
220* FIX if terminal is in "monochrome" mode, convert color requests to black
221* FIX apply user-defined line colors to text color also
222* FIX Fix y extent and clipping of rectangles with y<0 or inverted axes
223* FIX dashtype bugs in rectangles, arrows, and probably other things
226New features, changes and fixes in gnuplot version 5.0
229* NEW The dashtype property on any line can be separately controlled
230* NEW custom dashtypes
231* NEW LFS support for datafiles
232* NEW timecolumn(col,"timeformat') now requires 2nd parameter, the format
233* NEW 'set view map {scale}' allows resizing a 3D projection plot
234* NEW 'nodraw' keyword to suppress lines (e.g. in style linespoints)
235* NEW bold/italic text markup in enhanced text mode
236* NEW bit-shifing binary operators << and >>
237* NEW stat calculates skewness, kurtosis, and standard errors
238* NEW function plugins, e.g. 'import f(x) from "plugins.so"'
239* NEW option to tabulate all input columns "set table; plot ... with table"
240* NEW smoothing option "mcsplines" for piecewise monotonic cubic splines
241* NEW 'history !N' reexecutes the command at history entry N.
242* NEW 'set history {size <N>} {quiet|numbers} {full|trim} {default}'
243* NEW piecewise functions via separate sampling ranges for each plot element
244* NEW function hsv2rgb(H,S,V) creates a 24-bit RGB value
245* NEW plot title can be placed next to the plot line in the graph proper
246* NEW inline data can be stored for reuse in named data blocks
247* NEW 'set print|table $datablock' to redirect output to a named data block
248* NEW hypertext labels can be displayed on mouse-over
249* NEW geographic (Degrees Minutes Seconds) data axes
250* NEW set arrow <tag> from <start> length <len> angle <ang>
251* NEW arrow style keywords "noborder" and "fixed"
252* NEW the high bits of RGB colors are treated as an alpha channel
253* NEW 'set surface explicit' disables automatic generation of a surface mesh
254* NEW 'set link [x2|y2]' ties secondary axis range to the primary axis
255* NEW 'set link x2 via f(x) inverse g(x)' introduces generic nonlinear axes
256* NEW linked axes can be used to place x2 and y2 labels on 3D plots in map mode
257* NEW 'set key opaque' works for 3D plots also
258* NEW x11 terminal is aware of current and requested plot aspect ratio
259* NEW x11 support for toggling plots on/off with left mouseclick on the key
260* NEW post term can use /FlateDecode to reduce the size of embedded images
261* NEW 'set fit quiet|results|brief|verbose' changes fit's verbosity
262* NEW fit optionally stores final covariances to user variables
263* NEW fit command takes errors of independent variables into account
264* NEW 'set multiplot next/previous'
265* NEW 'set contours; splot FOO with labels' places labels on the contour lines
266* NEW Additional levels of user-specified axis tics
267* NEW complex math routines cerf, cdawson, erfi, faddeeva from libcerf if present
268* NEW i/v/V hotkeys to toggle all plots on the screen on/off
269* NEW 'set mrtics'   (minor tics on polar axis)
270* NEW 'reset session'
271* NEW call argument convention ARGC, ARG0 ARG1 ... ARG<ARGC>
272* NEW shell invocation gnuplot -c scriptfile ARG1 ARG2 ARG3
273* NEW format %h is like %g but uses LaTeX or enhanced markup for the exponent
274* NEW LaTeX terminals use math mode for axis tic labels
275* NEW Interrupt scripts or fits by pressing Ctrl-C in Windows console mode
276      gnuplot or Ctrl-Break in wgnuplot.
277* NEW optional faster windows terminal variant using GDI+
278* NEW plot option to "skip N" lines at start of an ascii data file
279* NEW interactive color character art terminal "caca"
280* CHANGE mouse events are handled even when the program is not waiting on stdin
281* CHANGE mouse wheel and +/- keys zoom centered on current mouse position
282* CHANGE Provide kdensity bandwidth via a keyword rather than a data column
283* CHANGE Pipe (popen/pclose) emulation within wgnuplot
284* CHANGE 'set [xyz]axis ... reverse' affects only auto-scaling
285* CHANGE Revised handling of NaN in input data stream
286* CHANGE Remove the BACKWARDS_COMPATIBLE build option (deprecated since v4.0)
287* CHANGE The number of valid columns in the first line of a data line
288         is used to decide the interpretation of all lines in the file.
289* CHANGE Automake 1.12 imposes an absolute requirement for C prototypes
290* CHANGE binary plot options are less order-dependent, but may be persistent
291* CHANGE leave axis log base non-zero so gprintf format %L works on linear axes
292* CHANGE time calcs use the standard epoch date 01-jan-1970 rather than 2000
293* CHANGE fit options are controlled via `set fit` instead of FIT_ variables
294* CHANGE fit defaults to brief one-line progress reports
295* CHANGE fit 'prescale's parameters by default
296* CHANGE new fit syntax to specify errors in dependent and independent variables
297* CHANGE treat empty field in a csv file as "missing" rather than "bad"
298* CHANGE strip \r from data lines on input so that DOS format *.csv can be read
299* CHANGE Use Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm for clipping polygons and filled curves
300* CHANGE Maximum number of fit dimensions increased to 12 (was 5).
301* CHANGE pgnuplot no longer included in binary distribution
302* CHANGE new implementation of Airy function (much higher precision)
303* CHANGE 'call' arguments are evaluated to yield a string if at all possible
304* CHANGE reworked qt driver for use with qt5, much faster rendering
305* CHANGE gnuplot-mode (emacs plugin) now maintained as a separate project
306* CHANGE autoscaled impulse plots will extend to y=0
307* CHANGE object borders can have dashtype and other line properties
308* FIX Hitting ^C twice will forcibly terminate wxt if server connection is lost
311New features, changes and fixes in gnuplot version 4.6
314* NEW individual plots can be toggled on/off by clicking on the key sample
315    (wxt, svg, canvas, qt, win)
316* NEW syntax allowing column selection by matching a string in the first line
317* NEW syntax supporting multi-line blocks of code delimited by curly braces
318    if (<cond>) { ... } else { ... }
319    do for [...] { ... }
320    while (<cond>) { ... }
321* NEW summation expression:   sum [<var> = <beg> : <end>] <something>
322* NEW nested iteration e.g. "plot for [i=1:5] for [j=1:5]"
323* NEW explicit justification for tic labels, e.g. "set xtics right"
324* NEW time formats can handle fractional seconds (microsecond precision)
325* NEW time() function returns current time
326* NEW hidden3d supports "with impulses"
327* NEW hidden3d supports arrow style parameters for "with vectors"
328* NEW user-definable linetypes
329* NEW plot style "with boxplot"
330* NEW plot style "with circles" allows start/end angles for each arc
331* NEW plot style "with ellipses"
332* NEW plot style "with fillsteps"
333* NEW qt terminal driver
334* NEW epscairo terminal driver
335* NEW context terminal driver
336* NEW cairolatex terminal driver
337* NEW variable (per-data point) color for additional plot styles
338* NEW "set key opaque" produces a key with an opaque background
339* NEW ISO-IEC-80000 prefixes (ki Mi Gi etc) available as gprintf formats %b %B
340* NEW encodings cp950 cp1251
341* NEW option "set fit quiet"
342* NEW option "kdensity2d" for two-dimensional kernel density plots
343* NEW configuration option --without-bitmap-terminals (see note in INSTALL)
344* NEW polar mode raxis, rtics, rrange, log-scaling, bounded filledcurves
345* NEW Shift-JIS encoding recognized by postscript, gd, svg, and win terminals
346* NEW windows terminal supports encodings
347* NEW mouse tracking for SVG terminal
348* NEW tab-completion for builtin readline
349* NEW windows terminal can save graph as EMF file
350* NEW cubehelix scheme for color palettes
351* NEW localisation support for Windows help and menu file
352* NEW Windows installer
353* NEW shared initialization file $GNUPLOT_SHARE_DIR/gnuplotrc
354* FIX length estimation of UTF-8 strings
355* FIX accurate placement of color boundaries in the colorbar
356* FIX Built-in readline handles UTF-8 encoding
357* FIX asin(sin(z)) == z for complex z
358* FIX default configuration does not initialize from ./.gnuplot
359* CHANGE 3D zoom using middle mouse button is now a logarithmic response
360* CHANGE 3D impulses are now always drawn from z=0
361* CHANGE remove vestigial code supporting Amiga, Apollo, and 16-bit MSDOS/WIN
362* CHANGE remove obsolete drivers unixplot, gnugraph, and SCO cgi
363* CHANGE extend formats x/X/o/O to 64 bits if necessary to represent the value
364* CHANGE "set palette maxcolors" no longer fights with "set palette defined"
365* CHANGE javascript support for HTML5 canvas does not use global variables
366* CHANGE Built-in readline DEL recognized as forward-delete (system-dependent)
367* CHANGE Built-in readline ^W deletes previous full or partial word
368* CHANGE wgnuplot text window supports wrapping of long lines
369* CHANGE new Windows help file format (chm)
370* CHANGE copy graph to clipboard as enhanced metafile in windows terminal
371* CHANGE improved windows terminal driver
372* CHANGE hidden3d top/bottom surface colors taken from linetype, not line style
375New features, changes and fixes in gnuplot version 4.4.0
378* NEW CANDLESTICKS accept an option 6th input column specifying width
379* NEW point property 'pointinterval'
380* NEW gnuplot.exe is a full-featured console mode gnuplot executable for Windows
381* NEW plot style "with circles"
382* NEW object types circle, ellipse, and polygon
383* NEW options front and back to "set colorbox"
384* NEW x11 can plot into a window opened and managed by an external application
385* NEW gd terminal can use fonts through fontconfig (libgd version > 2.0.35)
386* NEW optional 3 columns of data to generate histogram errorbars
387* NEW 'volatile' data, including inline data, can be replotted without rereading
388* NEW 'refresh' command replots without rereading data if possible
389* NEW rgbimage style now works in 2D and 3D for all terminals that support RGB
390* NEW plot style rgbalpha
391* NEW transparent fill styles
392* NEW iteration within a plot command; e.g. plot for [i=1:10] foo(i)
393* NEW iteration with set/unset commands
394* NEW operators '=' and ',' in expression syntax
395* NEW terminal lua generates commands for interpretation by external lua script
396* NEW terminal tikz uses a lua script to generate output for latex TikZ package
397* NEW terminal canvas for HTML 5 canvas element
398* NEW terminal pdfcairo based on cairo and pango
399* NEW terminal pngcairo based on cairo and pango
400* NEW terminal dpu414 - Seiko DPU-414 thermal printer
401* NEW error status variables GPVAL_ERRNO and GPVAL_ERRMSG
404* NEW variables GPVAL_PWD
405* NEW per-plot export of information needed for external mousing scripts
406* NEW support for dashed linetypes in additional terminals
407* NEW the 'bind' command accepts non-keyboard triggers, e.g. 'close'
408* NEW commands 'show bind' and 'reset bind'
409* NEW individual plots can be omitted from autoscaling of axis ranges
410* NEW more smoothing options: new kernels (for dgrid3d) and 'smooth cumulative'
411* NEW command 'evaluate' executes commands from a string variable
412* NEW z-axis tic labels can be colored by Z value
413* NEW command 'set view equal {xy|xyz}' forces axes in a 3D plot to the same scale
414* NEW 'set pm3d interpolate m,n' supports also non-positive m,n as nbs of points
415* FIX domain restrictions on ibeta()
416* FIX remove the limit of 64 characters read as string data from a data file
417* FIX remainder of command line is not lost after a "load" command
418* FIX more complete support for locale internationalization, UTF-8 encoding
419* FIX various font-handling problems in postscript terminal driver
420* FIX avoid infinite loop on resizing x11 plot window under ion, fluxbox
421* FIX handle addition plot styles in mode 'set table'
422* FIX purge tick labels read from a datafile at the end of each plot
423* FIX 2nd colour in the colour box for negative palette in postscript
424* FIX interpolatation for pm3d surfaces given by both z and colour coordinates
425* FIX 'set datafile binary format=...' was documented, but not implemented
426* FIX enhanced text mode treatment of UTF-8 characters
427* CHANGE A number that begins with a . must continue with a digit
428* CHANGE syntax of 'set datafile binary' array= and record= options
429* CHANGE 'reset' does not affect locale, encoding, decimalsign settings
430* CHANGE 'set key textcolor rgb variable' will use plot colors for key entries
431* CHANGE Remove obsolete IRIS4D terminal type
432* CHANGE Remove obsolete atari terminal types (atariaes atarivdi multitos)
433* CHANGE Use empty/solid fill for candlesticks rather than empty/striped
434* CHANGE 'l' and 'L' hotkeys toggle colorbar logscale iff mouse is in colorbar
437Features, changes and fixes in gnuplot version 4.2
440Below you find a list of news, changes and fixes in gnuplot version 4.2.
442Please see also section "What is New in Version 4.2" in gnuplot documentation
443(files gnuplot.gih, gnuplot.hlp, gnuplot.inf, etc.) available by the command
444    gnuplot> help new
445from gnuplot 4.2. You may find it also in files gnuplot.pdf, gnuplot.html
446or gnuplot.info optionally available in your distribution, or online at
447    http://www.gnuplot.info/docs/gnuplot.html#What_is_New_in_Version_4.2
449* NEW autogenerated read-only variables prefixed GPVAL_ and "show variables all"
450* NEW Japanese language documentation - FAQ and User Manual
451* NEW multi-platform and interactive wxWidgets terminal
452* NEW windows terminal supports enhanced text mode
453* NEW support for placement of individual rectangles within plot or canvas
454* NEW command "set style increment user" allows customization of default lines
455* NEW commands raise and lower
456* NEW y and y2 axis label rotation can be explicitly controlled (2D plots only)
457* NEW {no}enhanced flag can be applied to individual labels
458* NEW suboption 'set pm3d interpolate' for bilinear interpolation of surfaces
459* NEW 3D plots can read RGB color triples as part of input data
460* NEW write command history file also for gnuplot's readline
461* NEW more versatile key placement and arrangement
462* NEW 'splot x*y with pm3d' no longer requires prior 'set pm3d'
463* NEW store a sequence of plots to an animated gif (requires libgd > 2.0.28)
464* NEW multi-byte font support in x11, controlled by the locale setting LC_CTYPE
465* NEW control decimal sign conventions using locale setting LC_NUMERIC
466* NEW pstex, pslatex and epslatex terminals share functionality with postscript
467* NEW suboptions "set pm3d corners2color min|max"
468* NEW suboption  "set pm3d depthorder" does hidden-surface removal (sort of)
469* NEW linetype colors via "lt {palette {frac <val> | cb <val>}}"
470* NEW linetype colors via "lt {rgbcolor {"name" | "#RRGGBB"}}"
471* NEW palette and rgb linetype colors apply to all 2D and 3D plot elements
472* NEW user defined variables can contain strings
473* NEW expression evaluation can manipulate and return strings
474* NEW built-in string functions sprintf, gprintf, substr, strstrt, word, words
475* NEW built-in string function system("shell command")
476* NEW command line macro expansion   @<stringvariablename>
477* NEW automatic variable $# expanded to number of arguments after "call"
478* NEW reading of (almost) arbitrary image binary files
479* NEW plot styles "with image" and "with rgbimage"
480* NEW plot style "with labels" reads text data along with X/Y/Z coordinates
481* NEW plot style "with histograms" creates clustered or stacked histograms
482* NEW auto-layout of multiplot using "set multiplot layout <rows>, <cols>"
483* NEW variant of plot "with filledcurves" that fills the area between two curves
484* NEW variant of "with filledcurves" that fills only above or below the curve
485* NEW using options {x|y|z}ticlabels(<col>)
486* NEW option to read plot title from data file: set key autotitle columnheader
487* NEW command 'set termoption <foo>' changes single property of current terminal
488* NEW png driver supports antialiasing and TrueColor images
489* NEW encoding koi8-u
490* NEW plot style "with vectors" applies to both 2D and 3D plots
491* NEW plot style "with points" can read variable point size from input file
492* NEW "set tics" can change most settings for {x|y|z|cb}tics at once
493* NEW tic scale can be set per axis using "set {x|y|z|cb}tics scale"
494* CHANGE history file is written by default
495* CHANGE PostScript prolog and character encoding files now maintained separately
496* CHANGE Placement of z-axis label in 3D plots is now equivalent to x and y axes
497* CHANGE "set ticsscale" is deprecated, use "set tics scale" instead
498* CHANGE gnuplot on x11 has mousing always enabled on startup
499* CHANGE 'set datafile fortran' is now required in order to read D or Q constants
500* CHANGE let the string in '{s}plot ... notitle "string"' be silently ignored
501* CHANGE libgd versions 2.0.28+ support GIF images as well as PNG/JPEG
502* CHANGE remove old (non-libgd) GIF and PNG drivers
503* CHANGE X-resource gnuplot*ctrlq:on requires <ctrl>q to kill plot window
504* CHANGE X-resource gnuplot*exportselection:off disables plot->clipboard export
505* CHANGE prefer use of offset keyword in 'set [xyz]label "foo" offset -1,-1'
506* CHANGE 'set table "outfile"; ...; unset table' replaces 'set term table'
507* CHANGE 'defined(foo)' is deprecated; new syntax is 'exists("foo")'
508* FIXED empty datafiles are not a fatal error
509* FIXED setenv GNUTERM now works for png, jpeg, and gif drivers
510* FIXED PostScript output can be restricted to Level 1 compatible features
511* FIXED emf output is compatible with MSWin XP SP 2
512* FIXED limit size of X11 requests to half the maximum allowed by the X display
513* FIXED arrowheads drawn in solid lines even if the shaft is dotted (PostScript)
514* FIXED estimate true effective length of strings in enhanced text mode
515* FIXED clipping of filled curves
518Changes between gnuplot versions 3.7.2 and 4.0
521Below you find list of news, changes and fixes in gnuplot version 4.0
522and older.
524Please see also section "What is New in Version 4.0" in gnuplot documentation
525(files gnuplot.gih, gnuplot.hlp, gnuplot.inf, etc.) available by the command
526    gnuplot> help new
527from gnuplot 4.0. You may find it also in files gnuplot.pdf, gnuplot.html
528or gnuplot.info optionally available in your distribution, or online at
529    http://www.gnuplot.info/docs/gnuplot.html#What_is_New_in_Version_4.0
532Mouse and hotkey support in screen terminals
534  The pm, x11, ggi and windows terminals support interactive work with mouse
535  and hotkeys. The usage of the mouse is mainly self-explanatory. Just type 'h'
536  in the graph window (hereafter we mean either PM, X11, ... terminal window)
537  and a short overview of commands will pop up. The mouse is turned on and off
538  with the hotkey 'm'. See 'help mouse' and 'help bind' for more details.
540  The coordinates of mouse clicks are exported to variables MOUSE_X, MOUSE_Y,
541  MOUSE_X2, MOUSE_Y2, and MOUSE_BUTTON accessible from the gnuplot command
542  line. This allows gnuplot scripts to alter their behaviour based on
543  interactive mouse input. See 'help mouse variables' and 'help pause mouse',
544  and the example script demo/mousevariables.dem. Further it allows interaction
545  of a gnuplot mouseable terminal and external programs in C, Python, Octave,
546  etc. using gnuplot as their graph engine. This is demonstrated on gnuplot web
547  page in section "Programming interfaces - bidirectional interaction".
550Brief list of news in gnuplot 4.0:
552* CHANGE sample calculated "smooth csplines" only in actual xrange
553* CHANGE 'set term gif' compile-time option to write PNG format instead
554* CHANGE pattern fill styles are uniform across all supporting terminals
555* CHANGE X-window plot and font size is used to adjust plot layout
556* CHANGE 'set key {on|off|default}' is preferred method for controlling key
557* CHANGE mouse position is tracked in all X windows (not just current one)
558* NEW enhanced text mode for additional terminal types
559* NEW built-in function 'defined(<variablename>)'
560* NEW mouse input information is exported to user-accessible variables
561* NEW 'set term png' and 'set term jpeg' using modern GD library
562* NEW set size ratio now works for splots, too
563* NEW grid options: {layerdefault | front | back}
564* NEW plot option "smooth frequency"
565* NEW terminal names now sorted alphabetically
566* NEW "with palette" also for points
567* NEW plotstyle "with filledcurves"
568* NEW 'set style fill' applies to boxes, boxxyerror, boxerror, candlesticks
569* NEW "set boxwidth <number> relative"
570* NEW options to FIG terminal driver
571* NEW parse errors in datafile reading now show the culprit
572* NEW labels can be printed attached to a point
573* FIXED interaction of "set xtics <incr>"  with time/date axes
574* FIXED candlesticks now ignore order of high/low entries
575* FIXED keeping old arrow options if new "set" command modifies it
576* FIXED undoing a mouse zoom that started from autoscaled axis
577* FIXED contour line colours in pm3d's "with palette" mode
578* FIXED PostScript stack pollution caused by "Symbol Oblique" patch
579* FIXED warnings from perl -w in tkcanvas terminal output
580* FIXED dgrid3d floating point exception
581* FIXED logscaled colorbox axis
582* FIXED pgnuplot for Windows NT/2K/XP
585Time-organized list of news until gnuplot 4.0:
588* NEW let gnuplot on windows support -persist option
589* NEW encoding koi8-r
590* NEW 'set term x11 title "title"' and 'set term x11 close'
591* NEW 'test palette'
592* NEW 'set palette palette <n>' options {float|int} and output to that of
593  'set print'
594* NEW enhanced text mode for x11 gd pdf and dumb terminals
595* UPDATED aquaterm terminal driver (Mac OS X). Requires AquaTerm 1.0 or later.
598* NEW 'show palette fit2rgbformulae'
599* NEW 'set datafile commentschars {"<chars>"}'
600* NEW 'set datafile separator {whitespace | "<char>"}'
601* CHANGE terminal provided by openstep is called "openstep", not "next"
602* CHANGE terminal provided by gnugraph is called "gnugraph", not "unixplot"
603* NEW pm3d option corners2color
604* NEW PM3D support for pstricks terminal
605* NEW configure option --with-gihdir to specify location of .gih file
606* NEW aquaterm terminal driver, for MacOS X
609* NEW 'set style arrow' and back angles for arrow heads.
610* NEW option 'set view map'
611* NEW encapsulate PFA, PFB, TTF font file definitions into postscript files:
612  option `set terminal postscript ... fontfile`
613* NEW command 'set fontfile'
614* NEW color modes for pm3d, see `help palette`
615* NEW option `set terminal postscript ... palfuncparam`
616* NEW set key {no}autotitles
617* NEW arbitrary text rotations; 'set label ... [no]rotate [by] ...'
618* NEW set arrow ... filled | nofilled ...
619* NEW set title ... textcolor ...
620* NEW set [x|y|z|cb|...]label ... textcolor ...
621* NEW set label ... textcolor ...
622* NEW show plot add2history
623* NEW explicit coloring of splots ... with lines|points palette according to
624  the 4th column in the data file
625* NEW pm3d option {no}ftriangles
626* NEW splot ... with pm3d {at option}
627* CHANGE pause supports subsecond time resolution (on systems supporting it)
628* CHANGE "configure --with-x11-driver" and "set term x11 driver" removed.
629* CHANGE gnuplot_x11 now goes to $pkglibdir/$version, not $bindir
630* NEW environment variable GNUPLOT_DRIVER_DIR to override that path
631* NEW set log cb - since now, z and cb axes are completely independent
632* NEW set decimalsign
633* NEW set key {no}enhanced
634* NEW pm3d splots support independent z and color coordinates according to an
635  optional 4th column of using
636* NEW X11 can rotate text
639* NEW set key height <height>
642* CHANGE set label with any line type (colour), point type and point size
643* CHANGE use either two or five minitic steps, never 4 (in logscale)
644* CHANGE reject candlesticks/financebars plots of to few columns --- warn
645  and then plot with "points", instead
646* NEW Hotkeys to access clipboard in MS Windows version
647* NEW set style [data | function] filledcurves {options}
648      plot ... with filledcurves {options}
649* NEW autoscale options: `fix`, `keepfix`
650* NEW some more fancy 3D demo plots
651* NEW mouse support and PM3D are now enabled by default
652* NEW more point symbol types in Windows terminal
653* FIXED PostScript font reencoding for non-default fonts
654* FIXED dgrid for logscaled axes
655* FIXED tic generation for axes that have |min/max| very close to 1
656* FIXED several "impossible" parse errors in "show" command.
657* FIXED bounding box of PSLatex generated .eps files
658* (attempted) FIX: X11 deadlocks caused by stdio buffering vs. select()
659* FIXED baseline of "histeps" plots with logscaled or shifted y axis.
660* FIXED document spherical coordinates by reference to latitude/longitude
661* FIXED warn about missing HOME directory only in interactive mode
662* FIXED tpic terminal coordinate handling
665* NEW pipes under Windows (if compiled by MingW)
666* NEW PDF terminal driver --- needs PDFlib
667* NEW SVG terminal driver
668* NEW epslatex & EMF terminal drivers now always built in
669* NEW PM3D support for CGM, GGI and tgif terminals
670* NEW PM3D "set palette maxcolors" support for X11 and PostScript
671* NEW special maths function lambertw()
672* NEW axis for the color box
673* NEW encodings ISO-8859-2 and CP-852 for PostScript terminal
674* NEW PM terminal uses codepage 912 for	iso_8859_2 encoding
675* NEW "index" option for "matrix" type datafiles
676* NEW commands 'set term push' and 'set term pop'
677* NEW much extended EEPIC terminal driver
678* NEW implement "clear" for Windows and OS/2
679* NEW option "picsize" for PNG terminal
680* NEW mouse support for MS Windows
681* FIXED endless loop if both 'set timefmt' & 'set xtics <incr>'
682* FIXED detection of too new gd library without GIF support
683* FIXED interaction of autoscaling and "set size ratio"
684* FIXED PM3D allocated too many colors for multiplots
685* FIXED key sample line types in contour plots
686* FIXED timefmt parsing of "01Dec2000" vs. Fortran doubles
687* FIXED MS Windows pause box eating 100% CPU
688* FIXED ooold problem with HP-UX GCC breaking tic positioning
689* FIXED positioning of multiplots
690* FIXED correct rounding of exponents for %[SLT] --- needs %s to come first
691* FIXED ticmarks for very short axes (max - min < DBL_EPS)
692* FIXED "show ticslevel" and "show ticscale"
693* FIXED parse errors after "set xdata time"
694* FIXED MSDOS file corruption if re-opening same "set output"
695* FIXED reject many-column plot styles when plotting a function
698* NEW Major new feature "pm3d" for color plotting (formerly a branch version)
699* NEW set label can print numbers into the label text
700* NEW hidden3d allows non-grid datasets to be part of the plot
701* NEW hidden3d works with contour lines
702* NEW overprinting feature for PostScript revised
703* NEW Windows terminal now has linewidth support from inside gnuplot
704* NEW table terminal will output additional columns with some plot styles
705* FIXED hidden3d display of tics and axes
708* NEW <Space> in Windows graph window beams focus to text window
709* NEW point sample and offset options for "set label"
710* NEW relative endpoints and choosable head shapes for "set arrow"
711* NEW interactive inline data input now has a prompt
712* NEW terminal driver epslatex --- like pslatex
713* NEW terminal driver GGI
714* NEW experimental driver for Enhanced Metafile Format (EMF)
715* NEW %s timefmt for reading seconds since the epoch
716* FIXED Pslatex actually changes the fontsize
717* FIXED PSTRICKS and EEPIC bounding box
718* FIXED output of filenames in enhanced-text terminals
719* FIXED reading of ~/.Xdefaults
720* FIXED block mouse-generated replot if inline data in use
721* FIXED 3D clipping of "key below" or "outside" samples
722* FIXED zeroaxes bug introduced by vector clipping
723* FIXED bug with "smooth unique" inrange/outrange conditions
724* FIXED autoscale writeback bug (see BUGS entry 3)
725* FIXED png parser bug
726* FIXED buggy `show m[xyz][2]tics' command
727* FIXED bug in `show key' if key is boxed
728* FIXED building on VMS
729* FIXED bug in 3d plot introduced by mouse code
730* terminal-dependent configuration of GNU readline
731* updated FIG terminal driver to new file format version
733CGM terminal mods:
734* NEW: files are now compliant with MIL-D-28003A.
735* NEW: Standard font table now includes the standard WebCGM fonts and
736  the Hershey fonts.  Gnuplot knows the widths of the standard fonts.
737  Default font is now "Helvetica Bold".  New fonts can be added to the
738  table without deleting the standard ones.
739* NEW: open markers.  yellow removed due to poor visibility.  Orange
740  and gray added.  User can specify new line colors.
741* UPDATE: "winword6" option is now just a deprecated synonym for
742  "nofontlist".
743* FIXED: Font height handling (e.g. crowded keys)
744* FIXED: "solid" option.
745* FIXED: linewidth changes were sometimes applied to the wrong lines.
748* NEW mouse support for OS/2 and X11
749  - --enable-mouse option
750  - --with-X11-driver option
751  - new commands "bind", "set historysize", "set mouse",
752    and "set label [no]pointstyle".
753* NEW configure.vms script for VMS
754* NEW oblique symbol font for ps driver
755* NEW introduce pipe for load command gnuplot> load "< ...".
756* FIXED typo in save xrange
757* FIXED defunct 'unset [xyz]tics' commands
758* FIXED segfault in pslatex driver
759* FIXED crash in OS/2 REXX code
760* FIXED crash in fit code
761* FIXED bug in 3d plot size after setting nokey
762* FIXED bug in postscript epsf option
763* don't put pslatex's postscript code into preamble, as this will
764  only use the settings for the last picture if several pictures
765  are present
766* the results of unset border and unset clabel are different
767  from reset
770* retain backwards compatibility for old syntax
771* ongoing work: modularisation
772* NEW, improved version of hidden3d code
773* --enable-history configure option renamed to --enable-history-file
774  to avoid mixup with new 'history' command
775* fix to find gethostbyname(3) on LynxOS
776* added new implementation of hidden3d code
777* FIXED png driver now shares web-friendly palette with gif driver;
778  also new transparency option and user defined colour specs
779* FIXED data format for table driver
780* FIXED monochrome plots with Windows driver
781* FIXED bug in contour handling
782* FIXED clipping of contour input points outside fixed ranges
783* FIXED bug in coordinates saving
784* history command now works with GNU readline
785* implemented vector style clipping for 2D plots
786* UPDATED gnugraph driver now requires plotutils 2.2+
787* UPDATED platform makefileS
788* UPDATED hpgl driver
792* doc2texi.el, gnuplot.texi added; remove doc2info.c,
793  doc2html.c, doc2texi.pl, and fixinfo.el; the info
794  and html files are now created with makeinfo, the
795  latter requires makeinfo (GNU texinfo) 4.0
796* FIXED the 'set ?range' commands now use a decimal point
797  to prevent integer overflow on 16 bit platforms
798* FIXED 'save'd files are now consistent with the new syntax
800[ - internal only]
801* removed DJGPP version 1 support
802* improved version of stdin wrapper for Win32
803* ongoing work: rewrite of input parser
804* gnuplot now passes the correct return value back to
805  the environment
806* FIXED buffering bug in gnuplot_x11
807* FIXED crash in 16bit Windows
808* FAQ updated
809* FIXED some inconsistencies in error messages and the manual
810* INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: the 'set data style', 'set function style'
811  and 'set linestyle' commands have been removed. They have been
812  replaced with 'set style data|function|line'. The 'set nolinestyle'
813  command, however, is still available for the time being.
814* NEW 'system', 'unset' command
815* INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: all 'set noVariable' commands have been
816  replaced with the new 'unset Variable' command.
817* NEW 'save term' option
818* FIXED building on NeXT
819* NEW 'history' command, by Petr Mikulik. Currently works only
820  without GNU readline.
821* FIXED gnuplot now checks for minimum and maximum of required columns
822  in data plots
823* UPDATED VMS build procedures
824* gnuplot-mode updated to 0.5j
825* FIXED reversed 'set {x|y}zeroaxis' behaviour
826* FIXED plotting of test page before line properties are specified completely
827* UPDATED metapost driver
828* better modularisation
831* moved some declarations to new header files
832* more static arrays removed or replaced with malloc'd storage
833* duplicate functions removed
834* driver for OpenStep/MacOS X server now complete
835* FIXED bug in plot positioning with multiplot
836* FIXED bug in J. Pepin's layers patch
837* FIXED bug in M. Gardner's help formatting patch
838* FIXED definition of ANSI_C on autoconf platforms
839* FIXED argument passing to gnuplot_x11 on VMS
840* NEW `save' command now accepts "-" as filename, "saving" to stdout
841* INCOMPATIBLE CHANGE: "%y" date specifiers are now interpreted according
842  the recommendations of The Open Group. When a century is not otherwise
843  specified, values in the range 69-99 refer to the twentieth century and
844  values in the range 00-68 refer to the twenty-first century.
847* embedding document font is now default font in latex output
848* static limits for user defined function and variable names removed
849* 'make check' now passes GNUTERM from the command line to gnuplot.
850* FIXED off-by-one error in gif driver y-scaling
851* gnuplot-mode updated to 0.5g
852* FIXED errors in 'set view <z_scale>'. Related demos have
853  been updated too.
854* src directory now uses automake Makefile
855* #error and #warning directives have been removed.
856* more efficient way of building docs/allterm.h
857* FIXED auxiliary ps filename generation in pslatex driver
860* FIXED timestamp positioning problem in X11 terminal
861* FIXED exit/quit in batch files now works as documented
862* FIXED 'replot' with no args does not discard rest of
863  ';' separated command line anymore
864* no more fixed limit to the number of contour levels,
865  now allocated dynamically
866* improvements in the OS/2 mouse driver
867* backtic command substitution now works inside quoted strings
868* NEW driver for metapost output
869* NEW driver for openstep/MacOS X Server
870* NEW perltk driver integrated into tkcanvas driver
871* NEW loadpath feature, uses GNUPLOT_LIB env var
872  see 'help environment' and 'help loadpath'
873* updated to version 0.5f of gnuplot-mode
874* CHANGE in command line substitution:
875  Newlines in the output produced by the spawned command are
876  stripped. They are NOT replaced with blanks anymore. This is
877  a possible source of incompatibility.
878* CHANGE gnuplot's error and warning functions now accept a
879  variable number of arguments. On platforms without vfprintf
880  or doprnt, the number of format-dependent arguments is
881  limited to 8.
884* Petr Mikulik's OS/2 mouse patch integrated
885* 'make check' now runs demos non-interactively
886* Linux SVGA driver: don't drop root privilege until VGA is initialised
887* LaTeX tutorial updated for LaTeX2e
888* gnuplot-mode updated to 0.5e
889* old patches for postscript driver integrated:
890  different colours for key text and sample (blacktext),
891  linewidth, dashlength options
892* extensions to tkcanvas driver
893* fixes in fig and metafont drivers
894* bugfixes related to secondary axes (show/nologscale)
895* new '--without-lisp-files' and '--without-tutorial' configure options
896* new targets to build documentation with groff
897* quoting bug fixed
898* new files VERSION, PATCHLEVEL, README.exp
901* another off-by-one error fixed in pstricks driver
902* updated to latest version of gnuplot-mode
903* added tilde-expansion of filenames
904* win/pgnuplot.c added, stdin redirection for gnuplot
905  under Windows
906* extended interactive Tk/Tcl capabilities
907* only read from stdin if the complete filename is "-"
908* added fitting of time format data
909* workaround for the bug that made 'set key below' sometimes
910  lack some of the key texts
911* build lisp files, LaTeX tutorial only if emacs, latex, resp.
912  are found
913* moved CVS repository to new dir structure
914* gnuplot can now be compiled with GNU libplot 2.2
915* docs/doc2hlp.com renamed to docs/doc2hlp.vms pending better solution
918* switched to new directory structure!
919* fix to plot all lines in multiline labels within plot borders
920* hardwire terminal sources into docs/Makefile.in
921* better docs for 'set missing'
922* hopefully complete fix for off-by-one error in pslatex driver
923* fix core dump in alloc.c (only relevant for memory debugging)
925[] (released as patch only)
926* brush up the various platform makefiles
927* typo in plot.c free() statement fixed
928* some fixes in the Be driver
931* add pgp keys
932* NEW driver for BeOS
933* X11 driver now uses ececvp() instead of execl()
934  to eliminate intermediate shell process
935* NEW gnuplot-mode.el for X/Emacs
936* update to OS/2 REXX interface
937* more drivers enabled by default under OS/2
938* Bezier interpolation rewritten to prevent overflow
939* Windows linestyle fixed
940* introduce layers (front, back) for labels and arrows
941* tiny and giant fonts added to gif driver
942* tilde expansion; (does not work for "cd" and "set output")
943* GNU readline related:
944    new syntax for --with-readline option in configure
945    no more duplicate history entries
946    use gnuplot history file
947* SECURITY: --with-linux-vga=no is now default
948* SECURITY: better control when Linux executable with
949  SVGAlib access actually runs as root
950* SECURITY: potential risk fixed in iris4d terminal
951* EXPERIMENTAL: new --enable-thin-splines option in configure
952  to enable thin plate splines in plot3d.c
953* configuration: --enable-apollo, --enable-gpr and --enable-unixpc
954  options removed, related code is now in syscfg.h.
955  --enable-cgi and --enable-sun options removed, now automatically
956  detected at configure time. --enable-system-time option removed.
959* bug fix for negative aspect ratio
960* bug fixes in the cgm, eepic, png, and pslatex driver
961* bug fix in the data fitting code
962* bug fixes for HP-UX, NEXT, and Windows
963* bug fixes for save and set lmargin commands
964* better makefile for Amiga SAS/c