1-- | Extract highlighting syntax from abstract syntax.
3-- Implements one big fold over abstract syntax.
5-- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-unused-imports #-}  -- Data.Semigroup is redundant in later GHC versions
6{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fwarn-unused-binds   #-}
8module Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.FromAbstract
9  ( runHighlighter
10  , NameKinds
11  ) where
13import Prelude hiding (null)
15import Control.Applicative
16import Control.Monad.Reader
18import qualified Data.Map      as Map
19import           Data.Maybe
20import           Data.Semigroup       ( Semigroup(..) )          -- for ghc 8.0
21import           Data.Void            ( Void )
23import           Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.Precise hiding ( singleton )
24import qualified Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.Precise as H
25import           Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.Range   ( rToR )  -- Range is ambiguous
27import           Agda.Syntax.Abstract                ( IsProjP(..) )
28import qualified Agda.Syntax.Abstract      as A
29import           Agda.Syntax.Common        as Common
30import           Agda.Syntax.Concrete                ( FieldAssignment'(..) )
31import qualified Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Name as C
32import           Agda.Syntax.Info                    ( ModuleInfo(..) )
33import           Agda.Syntax.Literal
34import qualified Agda.Syntax.Position      as P
35import           Agda.Syntax.Position                ( Range, HasRange, getRange, noRange )
36import           Agda.Syntax.Scope.Base              ( AbstractName(..), ResolvedName(..), exactConName )
38import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
39  hiding (ModuleInfo, MetaInfo, Primitive, Constructor, Record, Function, Datatype)
41import           Agda.Utils.FileName
42import           Agda.Utils.Function
43import           Agda.Utils.Functor
44import           Agda.Utils.List                     ( initLast1 )
45import           Agda.Utils.List1                    ( List1 )
46import qualified Agda.Utils.List1          as List1
47import           Agda.Utils.Maybe
48import qualified Agda.Utils.Maybe.Strict   as Strict
49import           Agda.Utils.Pretty
50import           Agda.Utils.Singleton
52-- Entry point:
53-- | Create highlighting info for some piece of syntax.
54runHighlighter ::
55  Hilite a =>
56  SourceToModule -> AbsolutePath -> NameKinds -> a ->
57  HighlightingInfoBuilder
58runHighlighter modMap fileName kinds x =
59  runReader (hilite x) $
60  HiliteEnv
61    { hleNameKinds = kinds
62    , hleModMap    = modMap
63    , hleFileName  = fileName
64    }
66-- | Environment of the highlighter.
67data HiliteEnv = HiliteEnv
68  { hleNameKinds :: NameKinds
69      -- ^ Function mapping qualified names to their kind.
70  , hleModMap    :: SourceToModule
71      -- ^ Maps source file paths to module names.
72  , hleFileName  :: AbsolutePath
73      -- ^ The file name of the current module. Used for consistency checking.
74  }
76-- | A function mapping names to the kind of name they stand for.
77type NameKinds = A.QName -> Maybe NameKind
79-- | Highlighting monad.
80type HiliteM = Reader HiliteEnv
82-- | Highlighter.
84type Hiliter = HiliteM HighlightingInfoBuilder
86instance Monoid Hiliter where
87  mempty  = pure mempty
88  mappend = (<>)
90-- | Traversal to extract highlighting information.
92class Hilite a where
93  hilite :: a -> Hiliter
95  default hilite :: (Foldable t, Hilite b, t b ~ a) => a -> Hiliter
96  hilite = foldMap hilite
98-- * Generic instances
101instance Hilite a => Hilite [a]
102instance Hilite a => Hilite (List1 a)
103instance Hilite a => Hilite (Maybe a)
104instance Hilite a => Hilite (WithHiding a)
106instance Hilite Void where
107  hilite _ = mempty
109instance (Hilite a, Hilite b) => Hilite (Either a b) where
110  hilite = either hilite hilite
112instance (Hilite a, Hilite b) => Hilite (a, b) where
113  hilite (a, b) = hilite a <> hilite b
115-- * Major syntactic categories
118-- | Reengineered from the old Geniplate-implemented highlighting extraction.
119-- This was the old procedure:
121-- Traversal over declaration in abstract syntax that collects the
122-- following hiliting information:
124-- [1. @constructorInfo@ (highest prio)]
125-- 2. @theRest@ (medium prio)
126-- 3. @nameInfo@ (lowest prio)
128-- @nameInfo@:
129--   "All names mentioned in the syntax tree (not bound variables)."
130-- For each possibly ambiguous name (QName and AmbiguousQName)
131-- that not isExtendedLambdaName,
132-- do @hiliteAmbiguous@ (used to be called@generate@).
134-- @constructorInfo@ (only when highlighting level == Full):
135--   "After the code has been type checked more information may be
136--   available for overloaded constructors, and
137--   generateConstructorInfo takes advantage of this information.
138--   Note, however, that highlighting for overloaded constructors is
139--   included also in nameInfo."
140-- This is not computed by recursion over the abstract syntax,
141-- but gets the constructor names stDisambiguatedNames
142-- that fall within the bounds of the current declaration.
144-- @theRest@:
145--   Bound variables, dotted patterns, record fields, module names,
146--   the "as" and "to" symbols and some other things.
148-- Here is a table what @theRest@ used to collect:
150-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
151-- | A.Expr
152-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
153-- | getVarAndField (Expr) | A.Var                       | bound
154-- | getVarAndField        | A.Rec(Update)               | field
155-- | getExpr        (Expr) | A.PatternSyn                | patsyn
156-- | getExpr               | A.Macro                     | macro
157-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
158-- | A.LetBinding
159-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
160-- | getLet                | A.LetBind                   | bound
161-- | getLet                | A.LetDeclaredVariable       | bound
162-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
163-- | A.LamBinding
164-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
165-- | getLam                | A.Binder under A.DomainFree | bound
166-- | getTyped              | A.Binder under A.TBind      | bound
167-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
168-- | A.Pattern'
169-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
170-- | getPattern(Syn)       | A.VarP                      | bound
171-- | getPattern(Syn)       | A.AsP                       | bound
172-- | getPattern(Syn)       | A.DotP (not isProjP)        | DottedPattern
173-- | getPattern(Syn)       | A.RecP                      | field
174-- | getPattern(Syn)       | A.PatternSynP               | patsyn
175-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
176-- | A.Declaration
177-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
178-- | getFieldDecl          | A.Field under A.RecDef      | field
179-- | getPatSynArgs         | A.PatternSynDef             | bound
180-- | getPragma             | A.BuiltinPragma...          | keyword
181-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
182-- | A.NamedArg (polymorphism not supported in geniplate)
183-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
184-- | getNamedArg           | NamedArg a                  | nameOf
185-- | getNamedArgE          | NamedArg Exp                | nameOf
186-- | getNamedArgP          | NamedArg Pattern            | nameOf
187-- | getNamedArgB          | NamedArg BindName           | nameOf
188-- | getNamedArgL          | NamedArg LHSCore            | nameOf
190-- | getModuleName         | A.MName                     | mod
191-- | getModuleInfo         | ModuleInfo                  | asName, (range of as,to)
192-- | getQuantityAttr       | Common.Quantity             | Symbol (if range)
194instance Hilite A.RecordDirectives where
195  hilite (RecordDirectives _ _ _ c) = hilite c
197instance Hilite A.Declaration where
198  hilite = \case
199      A.Axiom _ax _di ai _occ x e            -> hl ai <> hl x <> hl e
200      A.Generalize _names _di ai x e         -> hl ai <> hl x <> hl e
201      A.Field _di x e                        -> hlField x <> hl e
202      A.Primitive _di x e                    -> hl x <> hl e
203      A.Mutual _mi ds                        -> hl ds
204      A.Section _r x tel ds                  -> hl x <> hl tel <> hl ds
205      A.Apply mi x a _ci dir                 -> hl mi <> hl x <> hl a <> hl dir
206      A.Import mi x dir                      -> hl mi <> hl x <> hl dir
207      A.Open mi x dir                        -> hl mi <> hl x <> hl dir
208      A.FunDef _di x _delayed cs             -> hl x <> hl cs
209      A.DataSig _di x tel e                  -> hl x <> hl tel <> hl e
210      A.DataDef _di x _uc pars cs            -> hl x <> hl pars <> hl cs
211      A.RecSig _di x tel e                   -> hl x <> hl tel <> hl e
212      A.RecDef _di x _uc dir bs e ds         -> hl x <> hl dir <> hl bs <> hl e <> hl ds
213      A.PatternSynDef x xs p                 -> hl x <> hl xs <> hl p
214      A.UnquoteDecl _mi _di xs e             -> hl xs <> hl e
215      A.UnquoteDef _di xs e                  -> hl xs <> hl e
216      A.ScopedDecl s ds                      -> hl ds
217      A.Pragma _r pragma                     -> hl pragma
218    where
219    hl      a = hilite a
220    hlField x = hiliteField (concreteQualifier x) (concreteBase x) (Just $ bindingSite x)
222instance Hilite A.Pragma where
223  hilite = \case
224    A.OptionsPragma _strings     -> mempty
225    A.BuiltinPragma b x          -> singleAspect Keyword b <> hilite x
226    A.BuiltinNoDefPragma b k x   -> singleAspect Keyword b <> hiliteQName (Just $ kindOfNameToNameKind k) x
227    A.CompilePragma b x _foreign -> singleAspect Keyword b <> hilite x
228    A.RewritePragma r xs         -> singleAspect Keyword r <> hilite xs
229    A.StaticPragma x             -> hilite x
230    A.EtaPragma x                -> hilite x
231    A.InjectivePragma x          -> hilite x
232    A.InlinePragma _inline x     -> hilite x
233    A.DisplayPragma x ps e       -> hilite x <> hilite ps <> hilite e
235instance Hilite A.Expr where
236  hilite = \case
237      A.Var x                       -> hl $ A.BindName x        -- bound variable like binder
238      A.Def' q _                    -> hiliteQName Nothing q
239      A.Proj _o qs                  -> hiliteAmbiguousQName Nothing qs  -- Issue #4604: not: hiliteProjection qs
240                                         -- Names from @open R r@ should not be highlighted as projections
241      A.Con qs                      -> hiliteAmbiguousQName Nothing qs  -- TODO? Con aspect
242      A.PatternSyn qs               -> hilitePatternSynonym qs
243      A.Macro q                     -> hiliteQName (Just Macro) q
244      A.Lit _r l                    -> hl l
245      A.QuestionMark _mi _ii        -> mempty
246      A.Underscore _mi              -> mempty
247      A.Dot _r e                    -> hl e                   -- TODO? Projection?
248      A.App _r e es                 -> hl e <> hl es
249      A.WithApp _r e es             -> hl e <> hl es
250      A.Lam _r bs e                 -> hl bs <> hl e
251      A.AbsurdLam _r _h             -> mempty
252      A.ExtendedLam _r _di _e _q cs -> hl cs -- No hilighting of generated extended lambda name!
253      A.Pi _r tel b                 -> hl tel <> hl b
254      A.Generalized _qs e           -> hl e
255      A.Fun _r a b                  -> hl a <> hl b
256      A.Let _r bs e                 -> hl bs <> hl e
257      A.ETel _tel                   -> mempty  -- Printing only construct
258      A.Rec _r ass                  -> hl ass
259      A.RecUpdate _r e ass          -> hl e <> hl ass
260      A.ScopedExpr _ e              -> hl e
261      A.Quote _r                    -> mempty
262      A.QuoteTerm _r                -> mempty
263      A.Unquote _r                  -> mempty
264      A.Tactic _r e es              -> hl e <> hl es
265      A.DontCare e                  -> hl e
266    where
267    hl a = hilite a
269instance (Hilite a, IsProjP a) => Hilite (A.Pattern' a) where
270  hilite = \case
271      A.VarP x               -> hl x
272      A.ConP _i qs es        -> hiliteInductiveConstructor qs <> hl es
273        -- No matching on coinductive constructors, thus, can determine NameKind here.
274      A.ProjP _r _o qs       -> hiliteProjection qs
275      A.DefP _r qs es        -> hl qs <> hl es
276      A.WildP _r             -> mempty
277      A.AsP _r x p           -> hl x <> hl p
278      A.DotP r e             -> case isProjP e of
279                                  Nothing       -> singleOtherAspect DottedPattern r <> hl e
280                                  Just (_o, qs) -> hiliteProjection qs
281      A.AbsurdP _r           -> mempty
282      A.LitP _r l            -> hl l
283      A.PatternSynP _r qs es -> hilitePatternSynonym qs <> hl es
284      A.RecP _r ps           -> hl ps
285      A.EqualP _r ps         -> hl ps
286      A.WithP _ p            -> hl p
287      A.AnnP _r a p          -> hl p
289    where
290    hl a = hilite a
292instance Hilite Literal where
293  hilite = \case
294    LitNat{}                 -> mempty
295    LitWord64{}              -> mempty
296    LitFloat{}               -> mempty
297    LitString{}              -> mempty
298    LitChar{}                -> mempty
299    LitQName x               -> hilite x
300    LitMeta _fileName _id    -> mempty
302-- * Minor syntactic categories
305instance Hilite A.LHS where
306  hilite (A.LHS _r lhs) = hilite lhs
308instance (Hilite a, IsProjP a) => Hilite (A.LHSCore' a) where
309  hilite = \case
310    A.LHSHead q ps       -> hilite q   <> hilite ps
311    A.LHSProj q lhs ps   -> hilite lhs <> hilite q   <> hilite ps -- TODO? Projection?
312    A.LHSWith lhs wps ps -> hilite lhs <> hilite wps <> hilite ps
314instance Hilite A.RHS where
315  hilite = \case
316      A.RHS e _ce                          -> hl e
317      A.AbsurdRHS                          -> mempty
318      A.WithRHS _q es cs                   -> hl es  <> hl cs  -- No highlighting for with-function-name!
319      A.RewriteRHS eqs strippedPats rhs wh -> hl eqs <> hl strippedPats <> hl rhs <> hl wh
320    where
321    hl a = hilite a
323instance (HasRange n, Hilite p, Hilite e) => Hilite (RewriteEqn' x n p e) where
324  hilite = \case
325    Rewrite es    -> hilite $ fmap snd es
326    Invert _x pes -> hilite pes
328instance Hilite a => Hilite (A.Clause' a) where
329  hilite (A.Clause lhs strippedPats rhs wh _catchall) =
330    hilite lhs <> hilite strippedPats <> hilite rhs <> hilite wh
332instance Hilite A.ProblemEq where
333  hilite (A.ProblemEq p _t _dom) = hilite p
335instance Hilite A.WhereDeclarations where
336  hilite (A.WhereDecls m ds) = hilite m <> hilite ds
338instance Hilite A.GeneralizeTelescope where
339  hilite (A.GeneralizeTel _gen tel) = hilite tel
341instance Hilite A.DataDefParams where
342  hilite (A.DataDefParams _gen pars) = hilite pars
344instance Hilite A.ModuleApplication where
345  hilite = \case
346    A.SectionApp tel x es    -> hilite tel <> hilite x <> hilite es
347    A.RecordModuleInstance x -> hilite x
349instance Hilite A.LetBinding where
350  hilite = \case
351      A.LetBind    _r ai x t e     -> hl ai <> hl x <> hl t <> hl e
352      A.LetPatBind _r p e          -> hl p  <> hl e
353      A.LetApply   mi x es _ci dir -> hl mi <> hl x <> hl es <> hl dir
354      A.LetOpen    mi x dir        -> hl mi <> hl x <> hl dir
355      A.LetDeclaredVariable x      -> hl x
356    where
357    hl x = hilite x
359instance Hilite A.TypedBinding where
360  hilite = \case
361    A.TBind _r tac binds e -> hilite tac <> hilite binds <> hilite e
362    A.TLet _r binds        -> hilite binds
364instance Hilite A.LamBinding where
365  hilite = \case
366    A.DomainFree tac binds -> hilite tac <> hilite binds
367    A.DomainFull bind      -> hilite bind
369instance Hilite a => Hilite (A.Binder' a) where
370  hilite (A.Binder p x) = hilite p <> hilite x
372instance Hilite A.BindName where
373  hilite (A.BindName x) = hiliteBound x
375instance Hilite a => Hilite (FieldAssignment' a) where
376  hilite (FieldAssignment x e) = hiliteField [] x Nothing <> hilite e
378instance (Hilite a, HasRange n) => Hilite (Named n a) where
379  hilite (Named mn e)
380    =  maybe mempty (singleAspect $ Name (Just Argument) False) mn
381    <> hilite e
383instance Hilite a => Hilite (Arg a) where
384  hilite (Arg ai e) = hilite ai <> hilite e
386instance Hilite ArgInfo where
387  hilite (ArgInfo _hiding modality _origin _fv _a) = hilite modality
389instance Hilite Modality where
390  hilite (Modality _relevance quantity _cohesion) = hilite quantity
392-- | If the 'Quantity' attribute comes with a 'Range', highlight the
393-- corresponding attribute as 'Symbol'.
394instance Hilite Quantity where
395  hilite = singleAspect Symbol
397instance Hilite ModuleInfo where
398  hilite (ModuleInfo _r rAsTo asName _open _impDir)
399    =  singleAspect Symbol rAsTo            -- TODO: 'to' already covered by A.ImportDirective
400    <> maybe mempty hiliteAsName asName
401    -- <> hilite impDir                     -- Should be covered by A.ImportDirective
402    where
403    hiliteAsName :: C.Name -> Hiliter
404    hiliteAsName n = hiliteCName [] n noRange Nothing $ nameAsp Module
406instance (Hilite m, Hilite n, Hilite (RenamingTo m), Hilite (RenamingTo n))
407       => Hilite (ImportDirective' m n) where
408  hilite (ImportDirective _r using hiding renaming _ropen) =
409    hilite using <> hilite hiding <> hilite renaming
411instance (Hilite m, Hilite n) => Hilite (Using' m n) where
412  hilite = \case
413    UseEverything -> mempty
414    Using using   -> hilite using
416instance (Hilite m, Hilite n, Hilite (RenamingTo m), Hilite (RenamingTo n))
417       => Hilite (Renaming' m n) where
418  hilite (Renaming from to _fixity rangeKwTo)
419    =  hilite from
420    <> singleAspect Symbol rangeKwTo
421         -- Currently, the "to" is already highlited by rAsTo above.
422         -- TODO: remove the "to" ranges from rAsTo.
423    <> hilite (RenamingTo to)
425instance (Hilite m, Hilite n) => Hilite (ImportedName' m n) where
426  hilite = \case
427    ImportedModule m -> hilite m
428    ImportedName   n -> hilite n
430-- * Highlighting of names
433instance Hilite DisambiguatedName where
434  hilite (DisambiguatedName k x) = hiliteQName (Just k) x
436instance Hilite ResolvedName where
437  hilite = \case
438    VarName           x _bindSrc -> hiliteBound x
439    DefinedName  _acc x _suffix  -> hilite $ anameName x
440    FieldName         xs         -> hiliteProjection $ A.AmbQ $ fmap anameName xs
441    ConstructorName i xs         -> hiliteAmbiguousQName k $ A.AmbQ $ fmap anameName xs
442      where k = kindOfNameToNameKind <$> exactConName i
443    PatternSynResName xs         -> hilitePatternSynonym $ A.AmbQ $ fmap anameName xs
444    UnknownName                  -> mempty
446instance Hilite A.QName where
447  hilite = hiliteQName Nothing
449instance Hilite A.AmbiguousQName where
450  hilite = hiliteAmbiguousQName Nothing
452instance Hilite A.ModuleName where
453  hilite m@(A.MName xs) = do
454    modMap <- asks hleModMap
455    hiliteModule (isTopLevelModule modMap, m)
456    where
457    isTopLevelModule modMap =
458      case mapMaybe
459          ((Strict.toLazy . P.srcFile) <=< (P.rStart . A.nameBindingSite)) xs of
460        f : _ ->
461          Map.lookup f modMap
462            == Just (C.toTopLevelModuleName $ A.mnameToConcrete m)
463        [] -> False
465  -- Andreas, 2020-09-29, issue #4952.
466-- The target of a @renaming@ clause needs to be highlighted in a special way.
467newtype RenamingTo a = RenamingTo a
469instance Hilite (RenamingTo A.QName) where
470  -- Andreas, 2020-09-29, issue #4952.
471  -- Do not include the bindingSite, because the HTML backed turns it into garbage.
472  hilite (RenamingTo q) = do
473    kind <- asks hleNameKinds <&> ($ q)
474    hiliteAName q False $ nameAsp' kind
476instance Hilite (RenamingTo A.ModuleName) where
477  -- Andreas, 2020-09-29, issue #4952.
478  -- Do not include the bindingSite, because the HTML backed turns it into garbage.
479  hilite (RenamingTo (A.MName ns)) = flip foldMap ns $ \ n ->
480    hiliteCName [] (A.nameConcrete n) noRange Nothing $ nameAsp Module
482instance (Hilite (RenamingTo m), Hilite (RenamingTo n))
483       => Hilite (RenamingTo (ImportedName' m n)) where
484  hilite (RenamingTo x) = case x of
485    ImportedModule m -> hilite (RenamingTo m)
486    ImportedName   n -> hilite (RenamingTo n)
489  :: Maybe NameKind   -- ^ Is 'NameKind' already known from the context?
490  -> A.QName
491  -> Hiliter
492hiliteQName mkind q
493  | isExtendedLambdaName q = mempty
494  | isAbsurdLambdaName   q = mempty
495  | otherwise = do
496      kind <- ifJust mkind (pure . Just) {-else-} $ asks hleNameKinds <&> ($ q)
497      hiliteAName q True $ nameAsp' kind
499-- | Takes the first 'NameKind'.  Binding site only included if unique.
501  :: Maybe NameKind   -- ^ Is 'NameKind' already known from the context?
502  -> A.AmbiguousQName
503  -> Hiliter
504hiliteAmbiguousQName mkind (A.AmbQ qs) = do
505  kind <- ifJust mkind (pure . Just) {-else-} $ do
506    kinds <- asks hleNameKinds
507    pure $ listToMaybe $ List1.catMaybes $ fmap kinds qs
508      -- Ulf, 2014-06-03: [issue1064] It's better to pick the first rather
509      -- than doing no highlighting if there's an ambiguity between an
510      -- inductive and coinductive constructor.
511  flip foldMap qs $ \ q ->
512    hiliteAName q include $ nameAsp' kind
513  where
514  include = List1.allEqual $ fmap bindingSite qs
516hiliteBound :: A.Name -> Hiliter
517hiliteBound x =
518  hiliteCName [] (A.nameConcrete x) noRange (Just $ A.nameBindingSite x) $ nameAsp Bound
520hiliteInductiveConstructor :: A.AmbiguousQName -> Hiliter
521hiliteInductiveConstructor = hiliteAmbiguousQName $ Just $ Constructor Inductive
523hilitePatternSynonym :: A.AmbiguousQName -> Hiliter
524hilitePatternSynonym = hiliteInductiveConstructor  -- There are no coinductive pattern synonyms!?
526hiliteProjection :: A.AmbiguousQName -> Hiliter
527hiliteProjection = hiliteAmbiguousQName (Just Field)
529hiliteField :: [C.Name] -> C.Name -> Maybe Range -> Hiliter
530hiliteField xs x bindingR = hiliteCName xs x noRange bindingR $ nameAsp Field
532-- For top level modules, we set the binding site to the beginning of the file
533-- so that clicking on an imported module will jump to the beginning of the file
534-- which defines this module.
535hiliteModule :: (Bool, A.ModuleName) -> Hiliter
536hiliteModule (isTopLevelModule, A.MName []) = mempty
537hiliteModule (isTopLevelModule, A.MName (n:ns)) =
538  hiliteCName
539    (map A.nameConcrete ms)
540    (A.nameConcrete m)
541    noRange
542    mR
543    (nameAsp Module)
544  where
545  (ms, m) = initLast1 n ns
546  mR = Just $
547       applyWhen isTopLevelModule P.beginningOfFile $
548       A.nameBindingSite m
550-- This was Highlighting.Generate.nameToFile:
551-- | Converts names to suitable 'File's.
553  :: [C.Name]
554     -- ^ The name qualifier (may be empty).
555  -> C.Name     -- ^ The base name.
556  -> Range
557     -- ^ The 'Range' of the name in its fixity declaration (if any).
558  -> Maybe Range
559     -- ^ The definition site of the name. The calculated
560     --   meta information is extended with this information, if possible.
561  -> (Bool -> Aspects)
562     -- ^ Meta information to be associated with the name.
563     --   The argument is 'True' iff the name is an operator.
564  -> Hiliter
565hiliteCName xs x fr mR asp = do
566  HiliteEnv _ modMap fileName <- ask
567  -- We don't care if we get any funny ranges.
568  if all (== Strict.Just fileName) fileNames then pure $
569    frFile modMap <>
570    H.singleton (rToR rs)
571                (aspects { definitionSite = mFilePos modMap })
572   else
573    mempty
574  where
575  aspects       = asp $ C.isOperator x
576  fileNames     = mapMaybe (fmap P.srcFile . P.rStart . getRange) (x : xs)
577  frFile modMap = H.singleton (rToR fr) (aspects { definitionSite = notHere <$> mFilePos modMap })
578  rs            = getRange (x : xs)
580  -- The fixity declaration should not get a symbolic anchor.
581  notHere d = d { defSiteHere = False }
583  mFilePos
584    :: SourceToModule  -- Maps source file paths to module names.
585    -> Maybe DefinitionSite
586  mFilePos modMap = do
587    r <- mR
588    P.Pn { P.srcFile = Strict.Just f, P.posPos = p } <- P.rStart r
589    mod <- Map.lookup f modMap
590    -- Andreas, 2017-06-16, Issue #2604: Symbolic anchors.
591    -- We drop the file name part from the qualifiers, since
592    -- this is contained in the html file name already.
593    -- We want to get anchors of the form:
594    -- @<a name="TopLevelModule.html#LocalModule.NestedModule.identifier">@
595    let qualifiers = drop (length $ C.moduleNameParts mod) xs
596    -- For bound variables, we do not create symbolic anchors.
597        local = maybe True isLocalAspect $ aspect aspects
598    return $ DefinitionSite
599      { defSiteModule = mod
600      , defSitePos    = fromIntegral p
601        -- Is our current position the definition site?
602      , defSiteHere   = r == getRange x
603        -- For bound variables etc. we do not create a symbolic anchor name.
604        -- Also not for names that include anonymous modules,
605        -- otherwise, we do not get unique anchors.
606      , defSiteAnchor = if local || C.isNoName x || any Common.isUnderscore qualifiers
607          then Nothing
608          else Just $ prettyShow $ foldr C.Qual (C.QName x) qualifiers
609      }
611  -- Is the name a bound variable or similar? If in doubt, yes.
612  isLocalAspect :: Aspect -> Bool
613  isLocalAspect = \case
614    Name (Just kind) _ -> isLocal kind
615    _ -> True
616  isLocal :: NameKind -> Bool
617  isLocal = \case
618    Bound         -> True
619    Generalizable -> True
620    Argument      -> True
621    Constructor{} -> False
622    Datatype      -> False
623    Field         -> False
624    Function      -> False
625    Module        -> False
626    Postulate     -> False
627    Primitive     -> False
628    Record        -> False
629    Macro         -> False
631-- This was Highlighting.Generate.nameToFileA:
632-- | A variant of 'hiliteCName' for qualified abstract names.
634  :: A.QName
635     -- ^ The name.
636  -> Bool
637     -- ^ Should the binding site be included in the file?
638  -> (Bool -> Aspects)
639     -- ^ Meta information to be associated with the name.
640     -- ^ The argument is 'True' iff the name is an operator.
641  -> Hiliter
642hiliteAName x include asp = do
643  fileName <- asks hleFileName
644  hiliteCName (concreteQualifier x)
645              (concreteBase x)
646              (rangeOfFixityDeclaration fileName)
647              (if include then Just $ bindingSite x else Nothing)
648              asp
649    <> (notationFile fileName)
650  where
651  -- TODO: Currently we highlight fixity and syntax declarations by
652  -- producing highlighting something like once per occurrence of the
653  -- related name(s) in the file of the declaration (and we explicitly
654  -- avoid doing this for other files). Perhaps it would be better to
655  -- only produce this highlighting once.
657  rangeOfFixityDeclaration fileName =
658    if P.rangeFile r == Strict.Just fileName
659    then r else noRange
660    where
661    r = theNameRange $ A.nameFixity $ A.qnameName x
663  notationFile fileName = pure $
664    if P.rangeFile (getRange notation) == Strict.Just fileName
665    then mconcat $ map genPartFile notation
666    else mempty
667    where
668    notation = theNotation $ A.nameFixity $ A.qnameName x
670    boundAspect = nameAsp Bound False
672    genPartFile (BindHole r i)   = several [rToR r, rToR $ getRange i] boundAspect
673    genPartFile (NormalHole r i) = several [rToR r, rToR $ getRange i] boundAspect
674    genPartFile WildHole{}       = mempty
675    genPartFile (IdPart x)       = H.singleton (rToR $ getRange x) (asp False)
677-- * Short auxiliary functions.
680singleAspect :: HasRange a => Aspect -> a -> Hiliter
681singleAspect a x = pure $ H.singleton (rToR $ getRange x) $ parserBased { aspect = Just a }
683singleOtherAspect :: HasRange a => OtherAspect -> a -> Hiliter
684singleOtherAspect a x = pure $ H.singleton (rToR $ getRange x) $ parserBased { otherAspects = singleton a }
686nameAsp' :: Maybe NameKind -> Bool -> Aspects
687nameAsp' k isOp = parserBased { aspect = Just $ Name k isOp }
689nameAsp :: NameKind -> Bool -> Aspects
690nameAsp = nameAsp' . Just
692concreteBase :: A.QName -> C.Name
693concreteBase = A.nameConcrete . A.qnameName
695concreteQualifier :: A.QName -> [C.Name]
696concreteQualifier = map A.nameConcrete . A.mnameToList . A.qnameModule
698bindingSite :: A.QName -> Range
699bindingSite = A.nameBindingSite . A.qnameName