2{- | Construct a graph from constraints
4   x + n <= y   becomes   x ---(-n)---> y
5   x <= n + y   becomes   x ---(+n)---> y
7the default edge (= no edge) is labelled with infinity.
9Building the graph involves keeping track of the node names.
10We do this in a finite map, assigning consecutive numbers to nodes.
12module Agda.Utils.Warshall where
14import Control.Monad.State
16import Data.Maybe
17import Data.Array
18import qualified Data.List as List
19import Data.Map (Map)
20import qualified Data.Map as Map
22import Agda.Utils.SemiRing
23import Agda.Utils.List (nubOn)
24import Agda.Utils.Pretty as P
26type Matrix a = Array (Int,Int) a
28-- assuming a square matrix
29warshall :: SemiRing a => Matrix a -> Matrix a
30warshall a0 = loop r a0 where
31  b@((r,c),(r',c')) = bounds a0 -- assuming r == c and r' == c'
32  loop k a | k <= r' =
33    loop (k+1) (array b [ ((i,j),
34                           (a!(i,j)) `oplus` ((a!(i,k)) `otimes` (a!(k,j))))
35                        | i <- [r..r'], j <- [c..c'] ])
36           | otherwise = a
38type AdjList node edge = Map node [(node, edge)]
40-- | Warshall's algorithm on a graph represented as an adjacency list.
41warshallG :: (SemiRing edge, Ord node) => AdjList node edge -> AdjList node edge
42warshallG g = fromMatrix $ warshall m
43  where
44    nodes = zip (nubOn id $ Map.keys g ++ map fst (concat $ Map.elems g))
45                [0..]
46    len   = length nodes
47    b     = ((0,0), (len - 1,len - 1))
49    edge i j = do
50      es <- Map.lookup i g
51      foldr oplus Nothing [ Just v | (j', v) <- es, j == j' ]
53    m = array b [ ((n, m), edge i j) | (i, n) <- nodes, (j, m) <- nodes ]
55    fromMatrix matrix = Map.fromList $ do
56      (i, n) <- nodes
57      let es = [ (fst (nodes !! m), e)
58               | m <- [0..len - 1]
59               , Just e <- [matrix ! (n, m)]
60               ]
61      return (i, es)
63-- | Edge weight in the graph, forming a semi ring.
64data Weight
65  = Finite Int
66  | Infinite
67  deriving (Eq, Show)
69inc :: Weight -> Int -> Weight
70inc Infinite   n = Infinite
71inc (Finite k) n = Finite (k + n)
73instance Pretty Weight where
74  pretty (Finite i) = pretty i
75  pretty Infinite   = "."
77instance Ord Weight where
78  a <= Infinite = True
79  Infinite <= b = False
80  Finite a <= Finite b = a <= b
82instance SemiRing Weight where
83  ozero = Infinite
84  oone  = Finite 0
86  oplus = min
88  otimes Infinite _ = Infinite
89  otimes _ Infinite = Infinite
90  otimes (Finite a) (Finite b) = Finite (a + b)
92-- constraints ---------------------------------------------------
94-- | Nodes of the graph are either
95-- - flexible variables (with identifiers drawn from @Int@),
96-- - rigid variables (also identified by @Int@s), or
97-- - constants (like 0, infinity, or anything between).
99data Node = Rigid Rigid
100          | Flex  FlexId
101            deriving (Eq, Ord)
103data Rigid = RConst Weight
104           | RVar RigidId
105             deriving (Eq, Ord)
107type NodeId  = Int
108type RigidId = Int
109type FlexId  = Int
110type Scope   = RigidId -> Bool
111-- ^ Which rigid variables a flex may be instatiated to.
113instance Pretty Node where
114  pretty (Flex  i)                   = "?" P.<> pretty i
115  pretty (Rigid (RVar i))            = "v" P.<> pretty i
116  pretty (Rigid (RConst Infinite))   = "#"
117  pretty (Rigid (RConst (Finite n))) = pretty n
119infinite :: Rigid -> Bool
120infinite (RConst Infinite) = True
121infinite _                 = False
123-- | @isBelow r w r'@
124--   checks, if @r@ and @r'@ are connected by @w@ (meaning @w@ not infinite),
125--   whether @r + w <= r'@.
126--   Precondition: not the same rigid variable.
127isBelow :: Rigid -> Weight -> Rigid -> Bool
128isBelow _ Infinite _ = True
129isBelow _ n (RConst Infinite) = True
130isBelow (RConst (Finite i)) (Finite n) (RConst (Finite j)) = i + n <= j
131isBelow _ _ _ = False -- rigid variables are not related
133-- | A constraint is an edge in the graph.
134data Constraint
135  = NewFlex FlexId Scope
136  | Arc Node Int Node
137    -- ^ For @Arc v1 k v2@  at least one of @v1@ or @v2@ is a @MetaV@ (Flex),
138    --                      the other a @MetaV@ or a @Var@ (Rigid).
139    --   If @k <= 0@ this means  @suc^(-k) v1 <= v2@
140    --   otherwise               @v1 <= suc^k v3@.
142instance Pretty Constraint where
143  pretty (NewFlex i s) = hcat [ "SizeMeta(?", pretty i, ")" ]
144  pretty (Arc v1 k v2)
145    | k == 0    = hcat [ pretty v1, "<=", pretty v2 ]
146    | k < 0     = hcat [ pretty v1, "+", pretty (-k), "<=", pretty v2 ]
147    | otherwise = hcat [ pretty v1, "<=", pretty v2, "+", pretty k ]
149type Constraints = [Constraint]
151emptyConstraints :: Constraints
152emptyConstraints = []
154-- graph (matrix) ------------------------------------------------
156data Graph = Graph
157  { flexScope :: Map FlexId Scope           -- ^ Scope for each flexible var.
158  , nodeMap   :: Map Node NodeId            -- ^ Node labels to node numbers.
159  , intMap    :: Map NodeId Node            -- ^ Node numbers to node labels.
160  , nextNode  :: NodeId                     -- ^ Number of nodes @n@.
161  , graph     :: NodeId -> NodeId -> Weight -- ^ The edges (restrict to @[0..n[@).
162  }
164-- | The empty graph: no nodes, edges are all undefined (infinity weight).
165initGraph :: Graph
166initGraph = Graph Map.empty Map.empty Map.empty 0 (\ x y -> Infinite)
168-- | The Graph Monad, for constructing a graph iteratively.
169type GM = State Graph
171-- | Add a size meta node.
172addFlex :: FlexId -> Scope -> GM ()
173addFlex x scope = do
174  modify $ \ st -> st { flexScope = Map.insert x scope (flexScope st) }
175  _ <- addNode (Flex x)
176  return ()
178-- | Lookup identifier of a node.
179--   If not present, it is added first.
180addNode :: Node -> GM Int
181addNode n = do
182  st <- get
183  case Map.lookup n (nodeMap st) of
184    Just i -> return i
185    Nothing -> do
186      let i = nextNode st
187      put $ st { nodeMap  = Map.insert n i (nodeMap st)
188               , intMap   = Map.insert i n (intMap st)
189               , nextNode = i + 1
190               }
191      return i
193-- | @addEdge n1 k n2@
194--   improves the weight of egde @n1->n2@ to be at most @k@.
195--   Also adds nodes if not yet present.
196addEdge :: Node -> Int -> Node -> GM ()
197addEdge n1 k n2 = do
198  i1 <- addNode n1
199  i2 <- addNode n2
200  st <- get
201  let graph' x y = if (x,y) == (i1,i2) then Finite k `oplus` graph st x y
202                   else graph st x y
203  put $ st { graph = graph' }
205addConstraint :: Constraint -> GM ()
206addConstraint (NewFlex x scope) = addFlex x scope
207addConstraint (Arc n1 k n2)     = addEdge n1 k n2
209buildGraph :: Constraints -> Graph
210buildGraph cs = execState (mapM_ addConstraint cs) initGraph
212mkMatrix :: Int -> (Int -> Int -> Weight) -> Matrix Weight
213mkMatrix n g = array ((0,0),(n-1,n-1))
214                 [ ((i,j), g i j) | i <- [0..n-1], j <- [0..n-1]]
216-- displaying matrices with row and column labels --------------------
218-- | A matrix with row descriptions in @b@ and column descriptions in @c@.
219data LegendMatrix a b c = LegendMatrix
220  { matrix   :: Matrix a
221  , rowdescr :: Int -> b
222  , coldescr :: Int -> c
223  }
225instance (Pretty a, Pretty b, Pretty c) => Pretty (LegendMatrix a b c) where
226  pretty (LegendMatrix m rd cd) =
227    -- first show column description
228    let ((r,c),(r',c')) = bounds m
229    in foldr (\ j s -> "\t" P.<> pretty (cd j) P.<> s) "" [c .. c'] P.<>
230    -- then output rows
231       foldr (\ i s -> "\n" P.<> pretty (rd i) P.<>
232                foldr (\ j t -> "\t" P.<> pretty (m!(i,j)) P.<> t)
233                      s
234                      [c .. c'])
235             "" [r .. r']
237-- solving the constraints -------------------------------------------
239-- | A solution assigns to each flexible variable a size expression
240--   which is either a constant or a @v + n@ for a rigid variable @v@.
241type Solution = Map Int SizeExpr
243emptySolution :: Solution
244emptySolution = Map.empty
246extendSolution :: Solution -> Int -> SizeExpr -> Solution
247extendSolution subst k v = Map.insert k v subst
249data SizeExpr = SizeVar RigidId Int   -- ^ e.g. x + 5
250              | SizeConst Weight      -- ^ a number or infinity
252instance Pretty SizeExpr where
253  pretty (SizeVar n 0) = pretty (Rigid (RVar n))
254  pretty (SizeVar n k) = pretty (Rigid (RVar n)) P.<> "+" P.<> pretty k
255  pretty (SizeConst w) = pretty w
257-- | @sizeRigid r n@ returns the size expression corresponding to @r + n@
258sizeRigid :: Rigid -> Int -> SizeExpr
259sizeRigid (RConst k) n = SizeConst (inc k n)
260sizeRigid (RVar i)   n = SizeVar i n
263apply :: SizeExpr -> Solution -> SizeExpr
264apply e@(SizeExpr (Rigid _) _) phi = e
265apply e@(SizeExpr (Flex  x) i) phi = case Map.lookup x phi of
266  Nothing -> e
267  Just (SizeExpr v j) -> SizeExpr v (i + j)
269after :: Solution -> Solution -> Solution
270after psi phi = Map.map (\ e -> e `apply` phi) psi
273{- compute solution
275a solution CANNOT exist if
277  v < v  for a rigid variable v
279  -- Andreas, 2012-09-19 OUTDATED are:
281  -- v <= v' for rigid variables v,v'
283  -- x < v   for a flexible variable x and a rigid variable v
286thus, for each flexible x, only one of the following cases is possible
288  r+n <= x+m <= infty  for a unique rigid r  (meaning r --(m-n)--> x)
289  x <= r+n             for a unique rigid r  (meaning x --(n)--> r)
291we are looking for the least values for flexible variables that solve
292the constraints.  Algorithm
294while flexible variables and rigid rows left
295  find a rigid variable row i
296    for all flexible columns j
297      if i --n--> j with n<=0 (meaning i+n <= j) then j = i + n
299while flexible variables j left
300  search the row j for entry i
301    if j --n--> i with n >= 0 (meaning j <= i + n) then j = i + n
305solve :: Constraints -> Maybe Solution
306solve cs = -- trace (prettyShow cs) $
307   -- trace (prettyShow lm0) $
308    -- trace (prettyShow lm) $ -- trace (prettyShow d) $
309     let solution = if solvable then loop1 flexs rigids emptySolution
310                    else Nothing
311     in -- trace (prettyShow solution) $
312         solution
313   where -- compute the graph and its transitive closure m
314         gr  = buildGraph cs
315         n   = nextNode gr            -- number of nodes
316         m0  = mkMatrix n (graph gr)
317         m   = warshall m0
319         -- tracing only: build output version of transitive graph
320         legend i = fromJust $ Map.lookup i (intMap gr) -- trace only
321         lm0 = LegendMatrix m0 legend legend            -- trace only
322         lm  = LegendMatrix m legend legend             -- trace only
324         -- compute the sets of flexible and rigid node numbers
325         ns  = Map.keys (nodeMap gr)
326         -- a set of flexible variables
327         flexs  = List.foldl' (\ l -> \case (Flex i ) -> i : l
328                                            (Rigid _) -> l)     [] ns
329         -- a set of rigid variables
330         rigids = List.foldl' (\ l -> \case (Flex _ ) -> l
331                                            (Rigid i) -> i : l) [] ns
333         -- rigid matrix indices
334         rInds = List.foldl' (\ l r -> let Just i = Map.lookup (Rigid r) (nodeMap gr)
335                                       in i : l) [] rigids
337         -- check whether there is a solution
338         -- d   = [ m!(i,i) | i <- [0 .. (n-1)] ]  -- diagonal
339-- a rigid variable might not be less than it self, so no -.. on the
340-- rigid part of the diagonal
341         solvable = all (\ x -> x >= Finite 0) [ m!(i,i) | i <- rInds ] && True
343{-  Andreas, 2012-09-19
344    We now can have constraints between rigid variables, like i < j.
345    Thus we skip the following two test.  However, a solution must be
346    checked for consistency with the constraints on rigid vars.
348-- a rigid variable might not be bounded below by infinity or
349-- bounded above by a constant
350-- it might not be related to another rigid variable
351           all (\ (r,  r') -> r == r' ||
352                let Just row = (Map.lookup (Rigid r)  (nodeMap gr))
353                    Just col = (Map.lookup (Rigid r') (nodeMap gr))
354                    edge = m!(row,col)
355                in  isBelow r edge r' )
356             [ (r,r') | r <- rigids, r' <- rigids ]
357           &&
358-- a flexible variable might not be strictly below a rigid variable
359           all (\ (x, v) ->
360                let Just row = (Map.lookup (Flex x)  (nodeMap gr))
361                    Just col = (Map.lookup (Rigid (RVar v)) (nodeMap gr))
362                    edge = m!(row,col)
363                in  edge >= Finite 0)
364             [ (x,v) | x <- flexs, (RVar v) <- rigids ]
367         inScope :: FlexId -> Rigid -> Bool
368         inScope x (RConst _) = True
369         inScope x (RVar v)   = scope v
370             where Just scope = Map.lookup x (flexScope gr)
372{- loop1
374while flexible variables and rigid rows left
375  find a rigid variable row i
376    for all flexible columns j
377      if i --n--> j with n<=0 (meaning i + n <= j) then j = i + n
380         loop1 :: [FlexId] -> [Rigid] -> Solution -> Maybe Solution
381         loop1 [] rgds subst = Just subst
382         loop1 flxs [] subst = loop2 flxs subst
383         loop1 flxs (r:rgds) subst =
384            let row = fromJust $ Map.lookup (Rigid r) (nodeMap gr)
385                (flxs',subst') =
386                  List.foldl' (\ (flx,sub) f ->
387                          let col = fromJust $ Map.lookup (Flex f) (nodeMap gr)
388                          in  case (inScope f r, m!(row,col)) of
389--                                Finite z | z <= 0 ->
390                                (True, Finite z) ->
391                                   let trunc z | z >= 0 = 0
392                                            | otherwise = -z
393                                   in (flx, extendSolution sub f (sizeRigid r (trunc z)))
394                                _ -> (f : flx, sub)
395                     ) ([], subst) flxs
396            in loop1 flxs' rgds subst'
398{- loop2
400while flexible variables j left
401  search the row j for entry i
402    if j --n--> i with n >= 0 (meaning j <= i + n) then j = i
405         loop2 :: [FlexId] -> Solution -> Maybe Solution
406         loop2 [] subst = Just subst
407         loop2 (f:flxs) subst = loop3 0 subst
408           where row = fromJust $ Map.lookup (Flex f) (nodeMap gr)
409                 loop3 col subst | col >= n =
410                   -- default to infinity
411                    loop2 flxs (extendSolution subst f (SizeConst Infinite))
412                 loop3 col subst =
413                   case Map.lookup col (intMap gr) of
414                     Just (Rigid r) | not (infinite r) ->
415                       case (inScope f r, m!(row,col)) of
416                        (True, Finite z) | z >= 0 ->
417                            loop2 flxs (extendSolution subst f (sizeRigid r z))
418                        (_, Infinite) -> loop3 (col+1) subst
419                        _ -> -- trace ("unusable rigid: " ++ prettyShow r ++ " for flex " ++ prettyShow f)
420                              Nothing  -- NOT: loop3 (col+1) subst
421                     _ -> loop3 (col+1) subst