1 // Copyright (C) 2005, 2009 International Business Machines and others.
2 // All Rights Reserved.
3 // This code is published under the Eclipse Public License.
4 //
5 // $Id$
6 //
7 // Authors:  Andreas Waechter                IBM    2009-11-05
8 //              (based on IpLowRankAugSystemSolver.hpp rev 1324)
13 #include "IpAugSystemSolver.hpp"
14 #include "IpDiagMatrix.hpp"
15 #include "IpCompoundMatrix.hpp"
16 #include "IpCompoundVector.hpp"
17 #include "IpExpandedMultiVectorMatrix.hpp"
19 namespace Ipopt
20 {
22   /** Solver for the augmented system with LowRankUpdateSymMatrix
23    *  Hessian matrices.  This version works with only one backsolve
24    *  (so it is better for iterative linear solvers), by augmenting
25    *  the regular augmented system.
26    */
27   class LowRankSSAugSystemSolver : public AugSystemSolver
28   {
29   public:
30     /**@name Constructors/Destructors */
31     //@{
32     /** Constructor using an existing augmented system solver. the
33      *  max_rank argument is the maximal rank that can appear. */
34     LowRankSSAugSystemSolver(AugSystemSolver& aug_system_solver,
35 			     Index max_rank);
37     /** Default destructor */
38     virtual ~LowRankSSAugSystemSolver();
39     //@}
41     /** overloaded from AlgorithmStrategyObject */
42     bool InitializeImpl(const OptionsList& options,
43                         const std::string& prefix);
45     /** Set up the augmented system and solve it for a given right hand
46      *  side.
47      */
48     virtual ESymSolverStatus Solve(
49       const SymMatrix* W,
50       double W_factor,
51       const Vector* D_x,
52       double delta_x,
53       const Vector* D_s,
54       double delta_s,
55       const Matrix* J_c,
56       const Vector* D_c,
57       double delta_c,
58       const Matrix* J_d,
59       const Vector* D_d,
60       double delta_d,
61       const Vector& rhs_x,
62       const Vector& rhs_s,
63       const Vector& rhs_c,
64       const Vector& rhs_d,
65       Vector& sol_x,
66       Vector& sol_s,
67       Vector& sol_c,
68       Vector& sol_d,
69       bool check_NegEVals,
70       Index numberOfNegEVals);
72     /** Number of negative eigenvalues detected during last
73      * solve.  Returns the number of negative eigenvalues of
74      * the most recent factorized matrix.  This must not be called if
75      * the linear solver does not compute this quantities (see
76      * ProvidesInertia).
77      */
78     virtual Index NumberOfNegEVals() const;
80     /** Query whether inertia is computed by linear solver.
81      * Returns true, if linear solver provides inertia.
82      */
83     virtual bool ProvidesInertia() const;
85     /** Request to increase quality of solution for next solve.  Ask
86      *  underlying linear solver to increase quality of solution for
87      *  the next solve (e.g. increase pivot tolerance).  Returns
88      *  false, if this is not possible (e.g. maximal pivot tolerance
89      *  already used.)
90      */
91     virtual bool IncreaseQuality();
93   private:
94     /**@name Default Compiler Generated Methods
95      * (Hidden to avoid implicit creation/calling).
96      * These methods are not implemented and
97      * we do not want the compiler to implement
98      * them for us, so we declare them private
99      * and do not define them. This ensures that
100      * they will not be implicitly created/called. */
101     //@{
102     /** Default constructor. */
103     LowRankSSAugSystemSolver();
104     /** Copy Constructor */
105     LowRankSSAugSystemSolver(const LowRankSSAugSystemSolver&);
107     /** Overloaded Equals Operator */
108     void operator=(const LowRankSSAugSystemSolver&);
109     //@}
111     /** The augmented system solver object that should be used for the
112      *  factorization of the augmented system without the low-rank
113      *  update.
114      */
115     SmartPtr<AugSystemSolver> aug_system_solver_;
117     /** Maximal rank of low rank Hessian update */
118     Index max_rank_;
120     /**@name Tags and values to track in order to decide whether the
121        matrix has to be updated compared to the most recent call of
122        the Set method.
123      */
124     //@{
125     /** Tag for W matrix.  If W has been given to Set as NULL, then
126      *  this tag is set to 0
127      */
128     TaggedObject::Tag w_tag_;
129     /** Most recent value of W_factor */
130     double w_factor_;
131     /** Tag for D_x vector, representing the diagonal matrix D_x.  If
132      *  D_x has been given to Set as NULL, then this tag is set to 0
133      */
134     TaggedObject::Tag d_x_tag_;
135     /** Most recent value of delta_x from Set method */
136     double delta_x_;
137     /** Tag for D_s vector, representing the diagonal matrix D_s.  If
138      *  D_s has been given to Set as NULL, then this tag is set to 0
139      */
140     TaggedObject::Tag d_s_tag_;
141     /** Most recent value of delta_s from Set method */
142     double delta_s_;
143     /** Tag for J_c matrix.  If J_c has been given to Set as NULL, then
144      *  this tag is set to 0
145      */
146     TaggedObject::Tag j_c_tag_;
147     /** Tag for D_c vector, representing the diagonal matrix D_c.  If
148      *  D_c has been given to Set as NULL, then this tag is set to 0
149      */
150     TaggedObject::Tag d_c_tag_;
151     /** Most recent value of delta_c from Set method */
152     double delta_c_;
153     /** Tag for J_d matrix.  If J_d has been given to Set as NULL, then
154      *  this tag is set to 0
155      */
156     TaggedObject::Tag j_d_tag_;
157     /** Tag for D_d vector, representing the diagonal matrix D_d.  If
158      *  D_d has been given to Set as NULL, then this tag is set to 0
159      */
160     TaggedObject::Tag d_d_tag_;
161     /** Most recent value of delta_d from Set method */
162     double delta_d_;
163     //@}
165     /** Flag indicating if this is the first call */
166     bool first_call_;
168     /** @name Information to be stored in order to resolve for the
169      *  same matrix with a different right hand side. */
170     //@{
171     /** Hessian Matrix passed to the augmented system solver solving
172      *  the matrix without the low-rank update. */
173     SmartPtr<DiagMatrix> Wdiag_;
174     /** Artifical rows for Jac_c part for low rank data */
175     SmartPtr<ExpandedMultiVectorMatrix> expanded_vu_;
176     /** Extended Jac_c to include expanded_vu_ */
177     SmartPtr<CompoundMatrix> J_c_ext_;
178     /** Extended D_c diagonal */
179     SmartPtr<CompoundVector> D_c_ext_;
180     /** Extended vector space for y_c */
181     SmartPtr<CompoundVectorSpace> y_c_ext_space_;
182     /** Number of components in V, so that it can be used to correct
183      *  the inertia */
184     Index negEvalsCorrection_;
185     //@}
187     /** Stores the number of negative eigenvalues detected during most
188      *  recent factorization.  This is what is returned by
189      *  NumberOfNegEVals() of this class.  It usually is the number of
190      *  negative eigenvalues retured from the aug_system_solver solve,
191      *  but if a Cholesky factorization could not be performed, the
192      *  returned value is one more than this what the
193      *  aug_system_solver returned. */
194     Index num_neg_evals_;
196     /** @name Internal functions */
197     //@{
198     /** Method for updating the factorization, including J1_, J2_,
199      *  Vtilde1_, Utilde2, Wdiag_, compound_sol_vecspace_ */
200     ESymSolverStatus UpdateExtendedData(
201       const SymMatrix* W,
202       double W_factor,
203       const Vector* D_x,
204       double delta_x,
205       const Vector* D_s,
206       double delta_s,
207       const Matrix& J_c,
208       const Vector* D_c,
209       double delta_c,
210       const Matrix& J_d,
211       const Vector* D_d,
212       double delta_d,
213       const Vector& proto_rhs_x,
214       const Vector& proto_rhs_s,
215       const Vector& proto_rhs_c,
216       const Vector& proto_rhs_d);
218     /** Method that compares the tags of the data for the matrix with
219      *  those from the previous call.  Returns true, if there was a
220      *  change and the factorization has to be updated. */
221     bool AugmentedSystemRequiresChange(
222       const SymMatrix* W,
223       double W_factor,
224       const Vector* D_x,
225       double delta_x,
226       const Vector* D_s,
227       double delta_s,
228       const Matrix& J_c,
229       const Vector* D_c,
230       double delta_c,
231       const Matrix& J_d,
232       const Vector* D_d,
233       double delta_d);
234     //@}
236   };
238 } // namespace Ipopt
240 #endif