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.gitignoreH A D02-Aug-202181 1312

MakefileH A D02-Aug-20211.1 KiB3415

READMEH A D02-Aug-20212.8 KiB7453

all_pdfs.texH A D02-Aug-20211.9 KiB4439

create_website.shH A D02-Aug-20213.4 KiB10855

eight.bibH A D02-Aug-202114 KiB360329

eight.texH A D02-Aug-2021415 2215

eighteen.bibH A D02-Aug-202178 KiB1,9271,771

eighteen.texH A D02-Aug-2021466 2316

eleven.bibH A D02-Aug-202120.2 KiB492451

eleven.texH A D02-Aug-2021416 2215

fifteen.bibH A D02-Aug-202151.6 KiB1,2221,114

fifteen.texH A D02-Aug-2021465 2316

five.bibH A D02-Aug-20211.8 KiB3431

five.texH A D02-Aug-2021414 2215

four.bibH A D02-Aug-20213.3 KiB8476

four.texH A D02-Aug-2021414 2215

fourteen.bibH A D02-Aug-202137.1 KiB927845

fourteen.texH A D02-Aug-2021418 2215

libmesh.bibH A D02-Aug-2021444 1711

libmesh.texH A D02-Aug-2021392 2114

libmesh_refs.texH A D02-Aug-20211.6 KiB4135

nine.bibH A D02-Aug-202116 KiB384352

nine.texH A D02-Aug-2021414 2215

nineteen.bibH A D02-Aug-202168.6 KiB1,6941,565

nineteen.texH A D02-Aug-2021466 2316

preprints.bibH A D02-Aug-20217 KiB169155

preprints.texH A D02-Aug-2021390 2114

seven.bibH A D02-Aug-20214.9 KiB123112

seven.texH A D02-Aug-2021415 2215

seventeen.bibH A D02-Aug-202172.9 KiB1,7831,630

seventeen.texH A D02-Aug-2021467 2316

six.bibH A D02-Aug-20217.2 KiB178162

six.texH A D02-Aug-2021412 2215

sixteen.bibH A D02-Aug-202168.2 KiB1,6501,503

sixteen.texH A D02-Aug-2021465 2316

templates.bibH A D02-Aug-20211.5 KiB9079

ten.bibH A D02-Aug-202114.1 KiB373342

ten.texH A D02-Aug-2021413 2215

thirteen.bibH A D02-Aug-202145.6 KiB1,060967

thirteen.texH A D02-Aug-2021418 2215

twelve.bibH A D02-Aug-202129.9 KiB711653

twelve.texH A D02-Aug-2021416 2215

twenty.bibH A D02-Aug-202177.9 KiB1,8651,724

twenty.texH A D02-Aug-2021464 2316


1What is this?
3We like to keep track of any publications that actually *use* libmesh
4to obtain results.  It can be any type of publication: conference
5talk, poster, refereed article, technical report, user manual,
6dissertation, etc.  It's best if it is easily accessible from the web.
7We don't track publications here that only mention libmesh in a laundry
8list of FEM libraries, although it is nice to have the citations ;-)
12No, I mean what are all the files in this directory?
14A set of bibtex files (named by year, four.bib is from 2004 for
15example) and a few others (preprints.bib, theses.bib) which, using the
16accompanying Makefile and scripts, can be used to generate a PDF
17document or the publications.php page that currently resides at
18http://libmesh.sf.net/publications.php.  These scripts started life as
19something I [JWP] personally maintained, but have now been
20transitioned into the source repository, just in case I get hit by a
25OK, so what can I do?
27* Add a new reference:
28  Choose one of the templates in templates.bib, copy it to the appropriate
29  year (or theses.bib or preprints.bib if appropriate) and fill in the
30  relevant details.
32* Generate a PDF:
33  Type 'make all_pdfs'.  Assuming you have a reasonably modern version
34  of LaTeX installed, it will produce a file called all_pdfs.pdf with
35  all the references organized by year.  This is useful for ensuring
36  that your citation renders correctly (accents, etc.) in PDF.
38* Update the publications.php site:
39  You must have bibtex2html installed, grab it here:
41    https://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/bibtex2html
43  I built from source, but the binaries might also work for you.  Once
44  that's installed and in your PATH, run the ./create_website.sh
45  script.  Several files will be generated, the main one is called
46  publications.php.  You may be able to view it locally by renaming it
47  to publications.html and pointing your browser at
48  file:///path/to/publications.html.  Once you are satisfied with the
49  results, you can upload them to the libmesh site (assuming your sf
50  account name is jimbob and you are a developer on the libmesh
51  project) by doing:
53  sftp jimbob,libmesh@web.sf.net
54  cd htdocs
55  put publications.php
59Any other tips I should know?
61* I use preprints.bib primarily as a "TODO" list for citations that are
62  available online, but are still lacking some piece of information, such
63  as journal issue, page numbers, etc.
65* If you have any problems running the script, or if you have a reference
66  you want added, please let me know (jwpeterson at gmail).
72LocalWords:  libmesh bibtex preprints Makefile PDF php JWP LaTeX pdf
73LocalWords:  html jimbob sftp cd htdocs TODO pdfs jwpeterson gmail