2! KGEN-generated Fortran source file
4! Filename    : physconst.F90
5! Generated at: 2015-04-12 19:37:50
6! KGEN version: 0.4.9
10    MODULE physconst
11        USE kgen_utils_mod, ONLY : kgen_dp, check_t, kgen_init_check, kgen_print_check
12        ! Physical constants.  Use CCSM shared values whenever available.
13        USE shr_kind_mod, ONLY: r8 => shr_kind_r8
14        USE shr_const_mod, ONLY: shr_const_rdair
15        ! Dimensions and chunk bounds
17        PRIVATE
18        ! Constants based off share code or defined in physconst
19        ! Avogadro's number (molecules/kmole)
20        ! Boltzman's constant (J/K/molecule)
21        ! sec in calendar day ~ sec
22        ! specific heat of dry air (J/K/kg)
23        ! specific heat of fresh h2o (J/K/kg)
24        ! Von Karman constant
25        ! Latent heat of fusion (J/kg)
26        ! Latent heat of vaporization (J/kg)
27        ! 3.14...
28        ! Standard pressure (Pascals)
29        ! Universal gas constant (J/K/kmol)
30        ! Density of liquid water (STP)
31        !special value
32        ! Stefan-Boltzmann's constant (W/m^2/K^4)
33        ! Triple point temperature of water (K)
34        ! Speed of light in a vacuum (m/s)
35        ! Planck's constant (J.s)
36        ! Molecular weights
37        ! molecular weight co2
38        ! molecular weight n2o
39        ! molecular weight ch4
40        ! molecular weight cfc11
41        ! molecular weight cfc12
42        ! molecular weight O3
43        ! modifiable physical constants for aquaplanet
44        ! gravitational acceleration (m/s**2)
45        ! sec in siderial day ~ sec
46        ! molecular weight h2o
47        ! specific heat of water vapor (J/K/kg)
48        ! molecular weight dry air
49        ! radius of earth (m)
50        ! Freezing point of water (K)
51        !---------------  Variables below here are derived from those above -----------------------
52        ! reciprocal of gravit
53        ! reciprocal of earth radius
54        ! earth rot ~ rad/sec
55        ! Water vapor gas constant ~ J/K/kg
56        REAL(KIND=r8), public :: rair         = shr_const_rdair ! Dry air gas constant     ~ J/K/kg
57        ! ratio of h2o to dry air molecular weights
58        ! (rh2o/rair) - 1
59        ! CPWV/CPDAIR - 1.0
60        ! density of dry air at STP  ~ kg/m^3
61        ! R/Cp
62        ! Coriolis expansion coeff -> omega/sqrt(0.375)
63        !---------------  Variables below here are for WACCM-X -----------------------
64        ! composition dependent specific heat at constant pressure
65        ! composition dependent gas "constant"
66        ! rairv/cpairv
67        ! composition dependent atmosphere mean mass
68        ! molecular viscosity      kg/m/s
69        ! molecular conductivity   J/m/s/K
70        !---------------  Variables below here are for turbulent mountain stress -----------------------
71        !================================================================================================
72            PUBLIC kgen_read_externs_physconst
73        CONTAINS
75        ! write subroutines
76        ! No subroutines
78        ! module extern variables
80        SUBROUTINE kgen_read_externs_physconst(kgen_unit)
81            INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kgen_unit
82            READ(UNIT=kgen_unit) rair
83        END SUBROUTINE kgen_read_externs_physconst
85        !================================================================================================
87        !==============================================================================
88        ! Read namelist variables.
90        !===============================================================================
92    END MODULE physconst