1 /*
2     Qalculate
4     Copyright (C) 2003-2007, 2008, 2016-2018  Hanna Knutsson (hanna.knutsson@protonmail.com)
6     This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7     it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8     the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9     (at your option) any later version.
10 */
12 #ifndef CALCULATOR_H
13 #define CALCULATOR_H
15 #include <libqalculate/includes.h>
16 #include <libqalculate/util.h>
17 #include <sys/time.h>
19 /** @file */
21 /** \mainpage Index
22 *
23 * \section intro_sec Introduction
24 *
25 * libqalculate is math libary for expression evaluation with units, variables and functions support and CAS functionality.
26 *
27 * The main parts of the library is the almighty Calculator class, the MathStructure class for mathematical expressions and classes for objects in an expression,
28 * mostly of the class Numbers and sub classes of ExpressionItem.
29 *
30 * A simple application using libqalculate need only create a calculator object, perhaps load definitions (functions, variables, units, etc.), and calculate (and output) an expression as follows:
31 * \code
32 * new Calculator();
33 * CALCULATOR->loadExchangeRates();
34 * CALCULATOR->loadGlobalDefinitions();
35 * CALCULATOR->loadLocalDefinitions();
36 * cout << CALCULATOR->calculateAndPrint("1 + 1", 2000) << endl;\endcode
37 * In the above example, the calculation is terminated after two seconds (2000 ms), if it is not finished before then.
38 * Applications using localized numbers should first call Calculalor::unlocalizeExpression() on the expression.
39 *
40 * A less simple application might calculate and output the expression separately.
41 * \code
42 * EvaluationOptions eo;
43 * MathStructure result;
44 * CALCULATOR->calculate(&mstruct, unlocalizeExpression("1 + 1"), 2000, eo);\endcode
45 *
46 * More complex usage mainly involves manipulating objects of the MathStructure class directly.
47 *
48 * To display the resulting expression use Calculator::print() as follows:
49 * \code
50 * PrintOptions po;
51 * string result_str = CALCULATOR->print(result, 2000, po);\endcode
52 * Alternatively MathStructure::format() followed by MathStructure::print() can be used, whithout the possiblity to specify a time limit.
53 *
54 * Central to the flexiblity of libqalculate is the many options passed to evaluating and display functions with EvaluationOptions and PrintOptions.
55 *
56 * \section usage_sec Using the library
57 *
58 * libqalculate uses pkg-config.
59 *
60 * For a simple program use pkg-config on the command line:
61 * \code c++ `pkg-config --cflags --libs libqalculate` hello.c -o hello \endcode
62 *
63 * If the program uses autoconf, put the following in configure.ac:
65 *	libqalculate >= 1.0.0
66 *	])
69 */
71 typedef std::vector<Prefix*> p_type;
73 /// Parameters passed to plotting functions.
74 struct PlotParameters {
75 	/// Title label.
76 	std::string title;
77 	/// Y-axis label.
78 	std::string y_label;
79 	/// X-axis label.
80 	std::string x_label;
81 	/// Image to save plot to. If empty shows plot in a window on the screen.
82 	std::string filename;
83 	/// The image type to save as. Set to PLOT_FILETYPE_AUTO to guess from file extension.
84 	PlotFileType filetype;
85 	/// Font used for text
86 	std::string font;
87 	/// Set to true for colored plot, false for monochrome. Default: true
88 	bool color;
89 	/// If the minimum y-axis value shall be set automatically (otherwise uses y_min). Default: true
90 	bool auto_y_min;
91 	/// If the minimum x-axis value shall be set automatically (otherwise uses x_min). Default: true
92 	bool auto_x_min;
93 	/// If the maximum y-axis value shall be set automatically (otherwise uses y_max). Default: true
94 	bool auto_y_max;
95 	/// If the maximum x-axis value shall be set automatically (otherwise uses x_max). Default: true
96 	bool auto_x_max;
97 	/// Minimum y-axis value.
98 	float y_min;
99 	/// Minimum x-axis value.
100 	float x_min;
101 	/// Maximum y-axis value.
102 	float y_max;
103 	/// Maximum x-axis value.
104 	float x_max;
105 	/// If a logarithimic scale shall be used for the y-axis. Default: false
106 	bool y_log;
107 	/// If a logarithimic scale shall be used for the x-axis. Default: false
108 	bool x_log;
109 	/// Logarithimic base for the y-axis. Default: 10
110 	int y_log_base;
111 	/// Logarithimic base for the x-axis. Default: 10
112 	int x_log_base;
113 	/// If  a grid shall be shown in the plot. Default: false
114 	bool grid;
115 	/// Width of lines. Default: 2
116 	int linewidth;
117 	/// If the plot shall be surrounded by borders on all sides (not just axis). Default: false
118 	bool show_all_borders;
119 	/// Where the plot legend shall be placed. Default: PLOT_LEGEND_TOP_RIGHT
120 	PlotLegendPlacement legend_placement;
121 	PlotParameters();
122 };
124 /// Parameters for plot data series.
125 struct PlotDataParameters {
126 	/// Title label.
127 	std::string title;
128 	/// Plot smoothing.
129 	PlotSmoothing smoothing;
130 	/// Plot style
131 	PlotStyle style;
132 	/// Use scale on second y-axis
133 	bool yaxis2;
134 	/// Use scale on second x-axis
135 	bool xaxis2;
136 	/// Check if data is continuous
137 	bool test_continuous;
138 	PlotDataParameters();
139 };
141 ///Message types
142 typedef enum {
146 } MessageType;
148 typedef enum {
153 } AutomaticFractionFormat;
155 typedef enum {
160 } AutomaticApproximation;
162 ///Message stages
166 #define MESSAGE_STAGE_PARSING			-1
167 #define MESSAGE_STAGE_UNSET			0
169 ///Message categories
175 /// A message with information to the user. Primarily used for errors and warnings.
176 class CalculatorMessage {
177   protected:
178 	std::string smessage;
179 	MessageType mtype;
180 	int i_stage, i_cat;
181   public:
182 	CalculatorMessage(std::string message_, MessageType type_ = MESSAGE_WARNING, int cat_ = MESSAGE_CATEGORY_NONE, int stage_ = MESSAGE_STAGE_UNSET);
183 	CalculatorMessage(const CalculatorMessage &e);
184 	std::string message() const;
185 	const char* c_message() const;
186 	MessageType type() const;
187 	int stage() const;
188 	int category() const;
189 };
191 #include <libqalculate/MathStructure.h>
193 enum {
194 	VARIABLE_ID_I = 200,
198 	VARIABLE_ID_X = 300,
199 	VARIABLE_ID_Y = 301,
200 	VARIABLE_ID_Z = 302,
201 	VARIABLE_ID_N = 303,
202 	VARIABLE_ID_C = 304
203 };
205 enum {
206 	UNIT_ID_EURO = 510,
207 	UNIT_ID_BYN = 515,
208 	UNIT_ID_BTC = 520,
209 	UNIT_ID_SECOND = 550,
210 	UNIT_ID_MINUTE = 551,
211 	UNIT_ID_HOUR = 552,
212 	UNIT_ID_DAY = 553,
213 	UNIT_ID_MONTH = 554,
214 	UNIT_ID_YEAR = 555,
215 	UNIT_ID_KELVIN = 560,
216 	UNIT_ID_RANKINE = 561,
217 	UNIT_ID_CELSIUS = 562,
219 };
221 enum {
228 	METALS,
234 };
236 typedef enum {
240 } TemperatureCalculationMode;
242 struct Element {
243 	std::string symbol, name;
244 	int number, group;
245 	std::string weight;
246 	int x_pos, y_pos;
247 };
249 #define UFV_LENGTHS	20
251 class Calculate_p;
253 /// The almighty calculator class.
254 /** The calculator class is responsible for loading functions, variables and units, and keeping track of them, as well as parsing expressions and much more. A calculator object must be created before any other Qalculate! class is used. There should never be more than one calculator object, accessed with CALCULATOR.
255 *
256 * A simple application using libqalculate need only create a calculator object, perhaps load definitions (functions, variables, units, etc.) and use the calculate function as follows:
257 * \code new Calculator();
258 * CALCULATOR->loadGlobalDefinitions();
259 * CALCULATOR->loadLocalDefinitions();
260 * MathStructure result = CALCULATOR->calculate("1 + 1");\endcode
261 */
262 class Calculator {
264   protected:
266 	std::vector<CalculatorMessage> messages;
268 	int ianglemode;
269 	int i_precision;
270 	bool b_interval;
271 	int i_stop_interval;
272 	int i_start_interval;
273 	char vbuffer[200];
274 	std::vector<void*> ufvl;
275 	std::vector<char> ufvl_t;
276 	std::vector<size_t> ufvl_i;
277 	std::vector<void*> ufv[4][UFV_LENGTHS];
278 	std::vector<size_t> ufv_i[4][UFV_LENGTHS];
280 	std::vector<DataSet*> data_sets;
282 	class Calculator_p *priv;
284 	std::vector<std::string> signs;
285 	std::vector<std::string> real_signs;
286 	std::vector<std::string> default_signs;
287 	std::vector<std::string> default_real_signs;
288 	bool b_ignore_locale;
289 	char *saved_locale;
290 	int disable_errors_ref;
291 	std::vector<int> stopped_errors_count;
292 	std::vector<int> stopped_warnings_count;
293 	std::vector<int> stopped_messages_count;
294 	std::vector<std::vector<CalculatorMessage> > stopped_messages;
296 	Thread *calculate_thread;
300 	bool b_argument_errors;
301 	int current_stage;
303 	time_t exchange_rates_time[3], exchange_rates_check_time[3];
304 	int b_exchange_rates_used;
305 	bool b_exchange_rates_warning_enabled;
307 	bool b_gnuplot_open;
308 	std::string gnuplot_cmdline;
309 	FILE *gnuplot_pipe;
311 	bool local_to;
313 	Assumptions *default_assumptions;
315 	std::vector<Variable*> deleted_variables;
316 	std::vector<MathFunction*> deleted_functions;
317 	std::vector<Unit*> deleted_units;
319 	bool b_var_units;
321 	bool b_save_called;
323 	int i_timeout;
324 	struct timeval t_end;
325 	int i_aborted;
326 	bool b_controlled;
328 	std::string per_str, times_str, plus_str, minus_str, and_str, AND_str, or_str, OR_str, XOR_str;
329 	size_t per_str_len, times_str_len, plus_str_len, minus_str_len, and_str_len, AND_str_len, or_str_len, OR_str_len, XOR_str_len;
331 	std::vector<MathStructure*> rpn_stack;
333 	bool calculateRPN(MathStructure *mstruct, int command, size_t index, int msecs, const EvaluationOptions &eo, int function_arguments = 0);
334 	bool calculateRPN(std::string str, int command, size_t index, int msecs, const EvaluationOptions &eo, MathStructure *parsed_struct, MathStructure *to_struct, bool make_to_division, int function_arguments = 0);
336   public:
338 	KnownVariable *v_pi, *v_e, *v_euler, *v_catalan, *v_i, *v_pinf, *v_minf, *v_undef, *v_precision;
339 	KnownVariable *v_percent, *v_permille, *v_permyriad;
340 	KnownVariable *v_today, *v_yesterday, *v_tomorrow, *v_now;
341 	UnknownVariable *v_x, *v_y, *v_z;
342 	UnknownVariable *v_C, *v_n;
343 	MathFunction *f_vector, *f_sort, *f_rank, *f_limits, *f_component, *f_dimension, *f_merge_vectors;
344 	MathFunction *f_matrix, *f_matrix_to_vector, *f_area, *f_rows, *f_columns, *f_row, *f_column, *f_elements, *f_element, *f_transpose, *f_identity, *f_determinant, *f_permanent, *f_adjoint, *f_cofactor, *f_inverse, *f_magnitude, *f_hadamard, *f_entrywise;
345 	MathFunction *f_factorial, *f_factorial2, *f_multifactorial, *f_binomial;
346 	MathFunction *f_xor, *f_bitxor, *f_even, *f_odd, *f_shift, *f_bitcmp;
347 	MathFunction *f_abs, *f_gcd, *f_lcm, *f_signum, *f_heaviside, *f_dirac, *f_round, *f_floor, *f_ceil, *f_trunc, *f_int, *f_frac, *f_rem, *f_mod;
348 	MathFunction *f_polynomial_unit, *f_polynomial_primpart, *f_polynomial_content, *f_coeff, *f_lcoeff, *f_tcoeff, *f_degree, *f_ldegree;
349 	MathFunction *f_re, *f_im, *f_arg, *f_numerator, *f_denominator;
350 	MathFunction *f_interval, *f_uncertainty;
351   	MathFunction *f_sqrt, *f_cbrt, *f_root, *f_sq;
352 	MathFunction *f_exp;
353 	MathFunction *f_ln, *f_logn;
354 	MathFunction *f_lambert_w;
355 	MathFunction *f_sin, *f_cos, *f_tan, *f_asin, *f_acos, *f_atan, *f_sinh, *f_cosh, *f_tanh, *f_asinh, *f_acosh, *f_atanh, *f_atan2, *f_sinc, *f_radians_to_default_angle_unit;
356 	MathFunction *f_zeta, *f_gamma, *f_digamma, *f_beta, *f_airy, *f_besselj, *f_bessely, *f_erf, *f_erfc;
357 	MathFunction *f_total, *f_percentile, *f_min, *f_max, *f_mode, *f_rand;
358 	MathFunction *f_date, *f_datetime, *f_timevalue, *f_timestamp, *f_stamptodate, *f_days, *f_yearfrac, *f_week, *f_weekday, *f_month, *f_day, *f_year, *f_yearday, *f_time, *f_add_days, *f_add_months, *f_add_years;
359 	MathFunction *f_lunarphase, *f_nextlunarphase;
360 	MathFunction *f_bin, *f_oct, *f_hex, *f_base, *f_roman;
361 	MathFunction *f_ascii, *f_char;
362 	MathFunction *f_length, *f_concatenate;
363 	MathFunction *f_replace, *f_stripunits;
364 	MathFunction *f_genvector, *f_for, *f_sum, *f_product, *f_process, *f_process_matrix, *f_csum, *f_if, *f_is_number, *f_is_real, *f_is_rational, *f_is_integer, *f_represents_number, *f_represents_real, *f_represents_rational, *f_represents_integer, *f_function, *f_select;
365 	MathFunction *f_diff, *f_integrate, *f_solve, *f_multisolve, *f_dsolve, *f_limit;
366 	MathFunction *f_li, *f_Li, *f_Ei, *f_Si, *f_Ci, *f_Shi, *f_Chi, *f_igamma;
367 	MathFunction *f_error, *f_warning, *f_message, *f_save, *f_load, *f_export, *f_title;
368 	MathFunction *f_register, *f_stack;
369 	MathFunction *f_plot;
371 	Unit *u_rad, *u_gra, *u_deg, *u_euro, *u_btc, *u_second, *u_minute, *u_hour, *u_year, *u_month, *u_day;
372 	DecimalPrefix *decimal_null_prefix;
373 	BinaryPrefix *binary_null_prefix;
375   	bool place_currency_code_before, place_currency_sign_before;
376 	bool place_currency_code_before_negative, place_currency_sign_before_negative;
377 	bool default_dot_as_separator;
378 	std::string local_digit_group_separator, local_digit_group_format;
380   	bool b_busy;
381 	std::string expression_to_calculate;
382 	EvaluationOptions tmp_evaluationoptions;
383 	MathStructure *tmp_parsedstruct;
384 	MathStructure *tmp_tostruct;
385 	MathStructure *tmp_rpn_mstruct;
386 	bool tmp_maketodivision;
387 	int tmp_proc_command;
388 	int tmp_proc_registers;
389 	size_t tmp_rpnindex;
391 	PrintOptions save_printoptions, message_printoptions;
393 	std::vector<Variable*> variables;
394 	std::vector<MathFunction*> functions;
395 	std::vector<Unit*> units;
396 	std::vector<Prefix*> prefixes;
397 	std::vector<DecimalPrefix*> decimal_prefixes;
398 	std::vector<BinaryPrefix*> binary_prefixes;
400 	/** @name Constructor */
401 	//@{
402 	Calculator();
403 	Calculator(bool ignore_locale);
404 	virtual ~Calculator();
405 	//@}
407 	/** @name Functions for calculating expressions. */
408 	//@{
409 	/** Calculates an expression. The expression should be unlocalized first with unlocalizeExpression().
410 	* This function starts the calculation in a separate thread and will return when the calculation has started unless a maximum time has been specified.
411 	* The calculation can then be stopped with abort().
412 	*
413 	* @param[out] mstruct Math structure to fill with the result.
414 	* @param str Expression.
415 	* @param msecs The maximum time for the calculation in milliseconds. If msecs <= 0 the time will be unlimited.
416 	* @param eo Options for the evaluation and parsing of the expression.
417 	* @param[out] parsed_struct NULL or a math structure to fill with the result of the parsing of the expression.
418 	* @param[out] to_struct NULL or a math structure to fill with unit expression parsed after "to". If expression does not contain a "to" string, and to_struct is a unit or a symbol (a unit expression string), to_struct will be used instead.
419 	* @param make_to_division If true, the expression after "to" will be interpreted as a unit epxression to convert the result to.
420 	* @returns true if the calculation was successfully started (and finished if msecs > 0).
421 	*/
422 	bool calculate(MathStructure *mstruct, std::string str, int msecs, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, MathStructure *parsed_struct = NULL, MathStructure *to_struct = NULL, bool make_to_division = true);
423 	/** Calculates an expression. The expression should be unlocalized first with unlocalizeExpression().
424 	*
425 	* @param str Expression.
426 	* @param eo Options for the evaluation and parsing of the expression.
427 	* @param[out] parsed_struct NULL or a math structure to fill with the result of the parsing of the expression.
428 	* @param[out] to_struct NULL or a math structure to fill with unit expression parsed after "to". If expression does not contain a "to" string, and to_struct is a unit or a symbol (a unit expression string), to_struct will be used instead.
429 	* @param make_to_division If true, the expression after "to" will be interpreted as a unit epxression to convert the result to.
430 	* @returns The result of the calculation.
431 	*/
432 	MathStructure calculate(std::string str, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, MathStructure *parsed_struct = NULL, MathStructure *to_struct = NULL, bool make_to_division = true);
433 	/** Calculates a parsed value.
434 	* This function starts the calculation in a separate thread and will return when the calculation has started unless a maximum time has been specified.
435 	* The calculation can then be stopped with abort().
436 	*
437 	* @param[out] mstruct Parsed value to evaluate and fill with the result.
438 	* @param msecs The maximum time for the calculation in milliseconds. If msecs <= 0 the time will be unlimited.
439 	* @param eo Options for the evaluation of the expression.
440 	* @param to_str "to" expression for conversion.
441 	* @returns The result of the calculation.
442 	*/
443 	bool calculate(MathStructure *mstruct, int msecs, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, std::string to_str = "");
444 	/** Calculates a parsed value.
445 	*
446 	* @param mstruct Parsed value to evaluate.
447 	* @param eo Options for the evaluation of the expression.
448 	* @param to_str "to" expression for conversion.
449 	* @returns The result of the calculation.
450 	*/
451 	MathStructure calculate(const MathStructure &mstruct, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, std::string to_str = "");
452 	/** Calculates an expression.and outputs the result to a text string. The expression should be unlocalized first with unlocalizeExpression().
453 	*
454 	* Unlike other functions for expression evaluation this function handles ending "to"-commmands, in addition to unit conversion, such "to hexadecimal" or to "fractions", similar to the qalc application.
455 	*
456 	*
457 	* @param str Expression.
458 	* @param msecs The maximum time for the calculation in milliseconds. If msecs <= 0 the time will be unlimited.
459 	* @param eo Options for the evaluation and parsing of the expression.
460 	* @param po Result formatting options.
461 	* @returns The result of the calculation.
462 	* \since 2.6.0
463 	*/
464 	std::string calculateAndPrint(std::string str, int msecs = 10000, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, const PrintOptions &po = default_print_options);
465 	std::string calculateAndPrint(std::string str, int msecs, const EvaluationOptions &eo, const PrintOptions &po, std::string *parsed_expression);
466 	std::string calculateAndPrint(std::string str, int msecs, const EvaluationOptions &eo, const PrintOptions &po, AutomaticFractionFormat auto_fraction, AutomaticApproximation auto_approx = AUTOMATIC_APPROXIMATION_OFF, std::string *parsed_expression = NULL, int max_length = -1, bool *result_is_comparison = NULL);
467 	int testCondition(std::string expression);
468 	//@}
470 	/** @name Functions for printing expressions with the option to set maximum time or abort. */
471 	//@{
472 	/** Calls MathStructure::format(po) and MathStructure::print(po). The process is aborted after msecs milliseconds.
473 	*/
474 	std::string print(const MathStructure &mstruct, int milliseconds = 100000, const PrintOptions &op = default_print_options);
475 	///Deprecated: use print() instead
476 	std::string printMathStructureTimeOut(const MathStructure &mstruct, int milliseconds = 100000, const PrintOptions &op = default_print_options);
478 	/** Called before calculation, formatting or printing of a MathStructure (Calculator::calculate(), without maximum time, MathStructure::eval(), MathStructure::format() and MathStructure::print(), etc.) or printing of a Number (using Number::print) to be able to abort the process. Always use Calculator::stopControl() after finishing.
479 	*
480 	* @param milliseconds The maximum time for the process in milliseconds. If msecs <= 0 the time will be unlimited (stop with abort()).
481 	*/
482 	void startControl(int milliseconds = 0);
483 	/** Always call this function after Calculator::startControl() after formatting, printing or calculation has finished.
484 	*/
485 	void stopControl(void);
486 	/** Abort formatting, printing or evaluation (after startControl() has been called).
487 	* This function will normally be called from a thread that checks for user input or other conditions.
488 	*
489 	* @returns false if the calculation thread was forcibly stopped
490 	*/
491 	bool abort();
492 	bool aborted(void);
493 	bool isControlled(void) const;
494 	std::string abortedMessage(void) const;
495 	std::string timedOutString(void) const;
497 	///Deprecated: use startControl()
498 	void startPrintControl(int milliseconds = 0);
499 	///Deprecated: use abort()
500 	void abortPrint(void);
501 	///Deprecated: use stopControl()
502 	void stopPrintControl(void);
503 	/// Deprecated: use aborted()
504 	bool printingAborted(void);
505 	/// Deprecated: use isControlled()
506 	bool printingControlled(void) const;
507 	/// Deprecated: use abortedMessage()
508 	std::string printingAbortedMessage(void) const;
509 	//@}
511 	/** @name Functions for handling of threaded calculations */
512 	//@{
513 	/** Returns true if the calculate or print thread is busy. */
514 	bool busy();
515 	/// Deprecated: does nothing.
516 	void saveState();
517 	/// Deprecated: does nothing.
518 	void restoreState();
519 	/** Clears all stored values. Used internally after aborted calculation. */
520 	void clearBuffers();
521 	/** Terminate calculation and print threads if started. Do not use to terminate calculation. */
522 	void terminateThreads();
523 	//@}
525 	/** @name Functions for manipulation of the RPN stack. */
526 	//@{
527 	/** Evaluates a value on the RPN stack.
528 	* This function starts the calculation in a separate thread and will return when the calculation has started unless a maximum time has been specified.
529 	* The calculation can then be stopped with abort().
530 	*
531 	* @param index Index, starting at 1, on the RPN stack.
532 	* @param msecs The maximum time for the calculation in milliseconds. If msecs <= 0 the time will be unlimited.
533 	* @param eo Options for the evaluation and parsing of the expression.
534 	* @returns true if the calculation was successfully started (and finished if msecs > 0).
535 	*/
536 	bool calculateRPNRegister(size_t index, int msecs, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options);
537 	/** Applies a mathematical operation to the first and second value on the RPN stack. The the second value is changed with input from the first value.
538 	* For example, with OPERATION_SUBTRACT the first value is subtracted from the second. The first value on the stack is removed.
539 	* If not enough registers is available, then zeros are added.
540 	* This function starts the calculation in a separate thread and will return when the calculation has started unless a maximum time has been specified.
541 	* The calculation can then be stopped with abort().
542 	*
543 	* @param op Operation.
544 	* @param msecs The maximum time for the calculation in milliseconds. If msecs <= 0 the time will be unlimited.
545 	* @param eo Options for the evaluation and parsing of the expression.
546 	* @param[out] parsed_struct NULL or a math structure to fill with the unevaluated result.
547 	* @returns true if the calculation was successfully started (and finished if msecs > 0).
548 	*/
549 	bool calculateRPN(MathOperation op, int msecs, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, MathStructure *parsed_struct = NULL);
550 	/** Applies a mathematical operation to the first value on the RPN stack. The value is set as the first argument of the function.
551 	* If no register is available, then zero is added.
552 	* This function starts the calculation in a separate thread and will return when the calculation has started unless a maximum time has been specified.
553 	* The calculation can then be stopped with abort().
554 	*
555 	* @param f Mathematical function.
556 	* @param msecs The maximum time for the calculation in milliseconds. If msecs <= 0 the time will be unlimited.
557 	* @param eo Options for the evaluation and parsing of the expression.
558 	* @param[out] parsed_struct NULL or a math structure to fill with the unevaluated result.
559 	* @returns true if the calculation was successfully started (and finished if msecs > 0).
560 	*/
561 	bool calculateRPN(MathFunction *f, int msecs, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, MathStructure *parsed_struct = NULL);
562 	/** Applies bitwise not to the first value on the RPN stack.
563 	* If no register is available, then zero is added.
564 	* This function starts the calculation in a separate thread and will return when the calculation has started unless a maximum time has been specified.
565 	* The calculation can then be stopped with abort().
566 	*
567 	* @param msecs The maximum time for the calculation in milliseconds. If msecs <= 0 the time will be unlimited.
568 	* @param eo Options for the evaluation and parsing of the expression.
569 	* @param[out] parsed_struct NULL or a math structure to fill with the unevaluated result.
570 	* @returns true if the calculation was successfully started (and finished if msecs > 0).
571 	*/
572 	bool calculateRPNBitwiseNot(int msecs, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, MathStructure *parsed_struct = NULL);
573 	/** Applies logical not to the first value on the RPN stack.
574 	* If no register is available, then zero is added.
575 	* This function starts the calculation in a separate thread and will return when the calculation has started unless a maximum time has been specified.
576 	* The calculation can then be stopped with abort().
577 	*
578 	* @param msecs The maximum time for the calculation in milliseconds. If msecs <= 0 the time will be unlimited.
579 	* @param eo Options for the evaluation and parsing of the expression.
580 	* @param[out] parsed_struct NULL or a math structure to fill with the unevaluated result.
581 	* @returns true if the calculation was successfully started (and finished if msecs > 0).
582 	*/
583 	bool calculateRPNLogicalNot(int msecs, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, MathStructure *parsed_struct = NULL);
584 	/** Applies a mathematical operation to the first and second value on the RPN stack. The the second value is changed with input from the first value.
585 	* For example, with OPERATION_SUBTRACT the first value is subtracted from the second. The first value on the stack is removed.
586 	* If not enough registers is available, then zeros are added.
587 	*
588 	* @param op Operation.
589 	* @param eo Options for the evaluation and parsing of the expression.
590 	* @param[out] parsed_struct NULL or a math structure to fill with the unevaluated result.
591 	* @returns The first value on the stack.
592 	*/
593 	MathStructure *calculateRPN(MathOperation op, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, MathStructure *parsed_struct = NULL);
594 	/** Applies a mathematical operation to the first value on the RPN stack. The value is set as the first argument of the function.
595 	* If no register is available, then zero is added.
596 	*
597 	* @param f Mathematical function.
598 	* @param eo Options for the evaluation and parsing of the expression.
599 	* @param[out] parsed_struct NULL or a math structure to fill with the unevaluated result.
600 	* @returns The first value on the stack.
601 	*/
602 	MathStructure *calculateRPN(MathFunction *f, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, MathStructure *parsed_struct = NULL);
603 	/** Applies bitwise not to the first value on the RPN stack.
604 	* If no register is available, then zero is added.
605 	*
606 	* @param eo Options for the evaluation and parsing of the expression.
607 	* @param[out] parsed_struct NULL or a math structure to fill with the unevaluated result.
608 	* @returns The first value on the stack.
609 	*/
610 	MathStructure *calculateRPNBitwiseNot(const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, MathStructure *parsed_struct = NULL);
611 	/** Applies logical not to the first value on the RPN stack.
612 	* If no register is available, then zero is added.
613 	*
614 	* @param eo Options for the evaluation and parsing of the expression.
615 	* @param[out] parsed_struct NULL or a math structure to fill with the unevaluated result.
616 	* @returns The first value on the stack.
617 	*/
618 	MathStructure *calculateRPNLogicalNot(const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, MathStructure *parsed_struct = NULL);
619 	/** Evaluates a value and adds the result first on the RPN stack.
620 	* This function starts the calculation in a separate thread and will return when the calculation has started unless a maximum time has been specified.
621 	* The calculation can then be stopped with abort().
622 	*
623 	* @param mstruct Value.
624 	* @param msecs The maximum time for the calculation in milliseconds. If msecs <= 0 the time will be unlimited.
625 	* @param eo Options for the evaluation of the expression.
626 	* @returns true if the calculation was successfully started (and finished if msecs > 0).
627 	*/
628 	bool RPNStackEnter(MathStructure *mstruct, int msecs, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options);
629 	/** Calculates an expression and adds the result first on the RPN stack. The expression should be unlocalized first with unlocalizeExpression().
630 	* This function starts the calculation in a separate thread and will return when the calculation has started unless a maximum time has been specified.
631 	* The calculation can then be stopped with abort().
632 	*
633 	* @param str Expression.
634 	* @param msecs The maximum time for the calculation in milliseconds. If msecs <= 0 the time will be unlimited.
635 	* @param eo Options for the evaluation and parsing of the expression.
636 	* @param[out] parsed_struct NULL or a math structure to fill with the result of the parsing of the expression.
637 	* @param[out] to_struct NULL or a math structure to fill with unit expression parsed after "to".
638 	* @param make_to_division If true, the expression after "to" will be interpreted as a unit epxression to convert the result to.
639 	* @returns true if the calculation was successfully started (and finished if msecs > 0).
640 	*/
641 	bool RPNStackEnter(std::string str, int msecs, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, MathStructure *parsed_struct = NULL, MathStructure *to_struct = NULL, bool make_to_division = true);
642 	/** Adds a value first on the RPN stack.
643 	*
644 	* @param mstruct Value.
645 	* @param eval If true, the the mathematical structure will be evaluated first.
646 	*/
647 	void RPNStackEnter(MathStructure *mstruct, bool eval = false, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options);
648 	/** Calculates an expression adds the result first on the RPN stack. The expression should be unlocalized first with unlocalizeExpression().
649 	*
650 	* @param str Expression.
651 	* @param eo Options for the evaluation and parsing of the expression.
652 	* @param[out] parsed_struct NULL or a math structure to fill with the result of the parsing of the expression.
653 	* @param[out] to_struct NULL or a math structure to fill with unit expression parsed after "to".
654 	* @param make_to_division If true, the expression after "to" will be interpreted as a unit epxression to convert the result to.
655 	*/
656 	void RPNStackEnter(std::string str, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, MathStructure *parsed_struct = NULL, MathStructure *to_struct = NULL, bool make_to_division = true);
657 	bool setRPNRegister(size_t index, MathStructure *mstruct, int msecs, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options);
658 	bool setRPNRegister(size_t index, std::string str, int msecs, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, MathStructure *parsed_struct = NULL, MathStructure *to_struct = NULL, bool make_to_division = true);
659 	void setRPNRegister(size_t index, MathStructure *mstruct, bool eval = false, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options);
660 	void setRPNRegister(size_t index, std::string str, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, MathStructure *parsed_struct = NULL, MathStructure *to_struct = NULL, bool make_to_division = true);
661 	void deleteRPNRegister(size_t index);
662 	MathStructure *getRPNRegister(size_t index = 1) const;
663 	size_t RPNStackSize() const;
664 	void clearRPNStack();
665 	void moveRPNRegister(size_t old_index, size_t new_index);
666 	void moveRPNRegisterUp(size_t index);
667 	void moveRPNRegisterDown(size_t index);
668 	//@}
670 	/** @name Functions for expression parsing. */
671 	//@{
672 	/** Returns a localized expressions. Affects decimal signs and argument separators.
673 	*
674 	* @param str The expression to localize.
675 	* @returns A localized expression.
676 	*/
677 	std::string localizeExpression(std::string str, const ParseOptions &po = default_parse_options) const;
678 	/** Returns an unlocalized expressions. Affects decimal signs and argument separators.
679 	*
680 	* @param str The expression to unlocalize.
681 	* @returns An unlocalized expression.
682 	*/
683 	std::string unlocalizeExpression(std::string str, const ParseOptions &po = default_parse_options) const;
684 	/** Split an expression string after and before " to ".
685 	*
686 	* @param[out] str The expression. Will be set to the string before " to ".
687 	* @param[out] to_str Will be set to the string after " to ".
688 	* @param eo Options for the evaluation and parsing of the expression (nothing will be done if units are not enabled).
689 	* @returns true if " to " was found and the expression split.
690 	*/
691 	bool separateToExpression(std::string &str, std::string &to_str, const EvaluationOptions &eo, bool keep_modifiers = false, bool allow_empty_from = false) const;
692 	bool hasToExpression(const std::string &str, bool allow_empty_from = false) const;
693 	bool hasToExpression(const std::string &str, bool allow_empty_from, const EvaluationOptions &eo) const;
695 	/// Split an expression string after and before " where ".
696 	bool separateWhereExpression(std::string &str, std::string &where_str, const EvaluationOptions &eo) const;
697 	bool hasWhereExpression(const std::string &str, const EvaluationOptions &eo) const;
699 	std::string parseComments(std::string &str, const ParseOptions &po = default_parse_options, bool *double_tag = NULL);
700 	void parseSigns(std::string &str, bool convert_to_internal_representation = false) const;
701 	/** Parse an expression and place in a MathStructure object.
702 	*
703 	* @param str Expression
704 	* @param po Parse options.
705 	* @returns MathStructure with result of parse.
706 	*/
707 	MathStructure parse(std::string str, const ParseOptions &po = default_parse_options);
708 	void parse(MathStructure *mstruct, std::string str, const ParseOptions &po = default_parse_options);
709 	bool parseNumber(MathStructure *mstruct, std::string str, const ParseOptions &po = default_parse_options);
710 	bool parseOperators(MathStructure *mstruct, std::string str, const ParseOptions &po = default_parse_options);
711 	bool parseAdd(std::string &str, MathStructure *mstruct, const ParseOptions &po, MathOperation s, bool append = true);
712 	bool parseAdd(std::string &str, MathStructure *mstruct, const ParseOptions &po);
713 	//@}
715 	/** @name Functions converting epxressions between units. */
716 	//@{
717 	/** Converts to a unit expression.
718 	* The converted value is evaluated.
719 	*
720 	* @param mstruct The value to convert.
721 	* @param composite_ Unit expression.
722 	* @param eo Evaluation options.
723 	* @param[out] units NULL or a math structure to fill with the parsed unit expression(or set to undefined if no units were found).
724 	* @returns Converted value.
725 	*/
726 	MathStructure convert(const MathStructure &mstruct, std::string composite_, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, MathStructure *units = NULL);
727 	/** Converts to a unit.
728 	* The converted value is evaluated.
729 	*
730 	* @param mstruct The value to convert.
731 	* @param composite_ Unit to convert to.
732 	* @param eo Evaluation options.
733 	* @param always_convert ...
734 	* @returns Converted value.
735 	*/
736 	MathStructure convert(const MathStructure &mstruct, Unit *to_unit, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, bool always_convert = true, bool convert_to_mixed_units = true);
737 	MathStructure convert(const MathStructure &mstruct, KnownVariable *to_var, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options);
738 	MathStructure convert(double value, Unit *from_unit, Unit *to_unit, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options);
739 	MathStructure convert(std::string str, Unit *from_unit, Unit *to_unit, int milliseconds, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options);
740 	/** Depecated: use convert() */
741 	MathStructure convertTimeOut(std::string str, Unit *from_unit, Unit *to_unit, int milliseconds, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options);
742 	MathStructure convert(std::string str, Unit *from_unit, Unit *to_unit, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options);
743 	MathStructure convertToBaseUnits(const MathStructure &mstruct, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options);
744 	/** Deprecated: use getOptimalUnit() */
745 	Unit *getBestUnit(Unit *u, bool allow_only_div = false, bool convert_to_local_currency = true);
746 	Unit *getOptimalUnit(Unit *u, bool allow_only_div = false, bool convert_to_local_currency = true);
747 	/** Deprecated: use convertToOptimalUnit() */
748 	MathStructure convertToBestUnit(const MathStructure &mstruct, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, bool convert_to_si_units = true);
749 	MathStructure convertToOptimalUnit(const MathStructure &mstruct, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, bool convert_to_si_units = true);
750 	MathStructure convertToCompositeUnit(const MathStructure &mstruct, CompositeUnit *cu, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options, bool always_convert = true);
751 	MathStructure convertToMixedUnits(const MathStructure &mstruct, const EvaluationOptions &eo = default_user_evaluation_options);
752 	//@}
754 	void setTemperatureCalculationMode(TemperatureCalculationMode temperature_calculation_mode);
755 	TemperatureCalculationMode getTemperatureCalculationMode() const;
757 	/** Used by the UI to find unit category for a mathematical expression.*/
758 	Unit *findMatchingUnit(const MathStructure &mstruct);
760 	/** @name Functions for default assumptions for unknown variables and symbols */
761 	//@{
762 	/** Set assumptions for objects without own assumptions (unknown variables and symbols).
763 	*/
764 	void setDefaultAssumptions(Assumptions *ass);
765 	/** Returns the default assumptions for objects without own assumptions (unknown variables and symbols).
766 	*/
767 	Assumptions *defaultAssumptions();
768 	//@}
770 	/** @name Functions for retrieval of angle units */
771 	//@{
772 	/** Returns the gradians unit.
773 	*/
774 	Unit *getGraUnit();
775 	/** Returns the radians unit.
776 	*/
777 	Unit *getRadUnit();
778 	/** Returns the degrees unit.
779 	*/
780 	Unit *getDegUnit();
781 	//@}
783 	/** @name Functions for finding a suitable prefix. */
784 	//@{
785 		/** Returns a decimal prefix with exactly the provided value, that fulfils the condition prefix->exponent(exp) == exp10.
786 	*
787 	* @param exp10 Base-10 exponent of the requested prefix.
788 	* @param exp The exponent of the unit.
789 	* @returns A prefix or NULL if not found.
790 	*/
791 	DecimalPrefix *getExactDecimalPrefix(int exp10, int exp = 1) const;
792 	/** Returns a binary prefix with exactly the provided value, that fulfils the condition prefix->exponent(exp) == exp2.
793 	*
794 	* @param exp2 Base-2 exponent of the requested prefix.
795 	* @param exp The exponent of the unit.
796 	* @returns A prefix or NULL if not found.
797 	*/
798 	BinaryPrefix *getExactBinaryPrefix(int exp2, int exp = 1) const;
799 	/** Returns a prefix with exactly the provided value, that fulfils the condition prefix->value(exp) == o.
800 	*
801 	* @param o Value of the requested prefix.
802 	* @param exp The exponent of the unit.
803 	* @returns A prefix or NULL if not found.
804 	*/
805 	Prefix *getExactPrefix(const Number &o, int exp = 1) const;
806 	/** Returns the nearest decimal prefix for a value.
807 	*
808 	* @param exp10 Base-10 exponent of the value.
809 	* @param exp The exponent of the unit.
810 	* @returns A prefix or NULL if no decimal prefix is available.
811 	*/
812 	DecimalPrefix *getNearestDecimalPrefix(int exp10, int exp = 1) const;
813 	/** Returns the best suited decimal prefix for a value.
814 	*
815 	* @param exp10 Base-10 exponent of the value.
816 	* @param exp The exponent of the unit.
817 	* @param all_prefixes If false, prefixes which is not a multiple of thousand (centi, deci, deka, hekto) will be skipped.
818 	* @returns A prefix or NULL if the unit should be left without prefix.
819 	*/
820 	DecimalPrefix *getOptimalDecimalPrefix(int exp10, int exp = 1, bool all_prefixes = true) const;
821 	/** Returns the best suited decimal prefix for a value.
822 	*
823 	* @param exp10 Base-10 exponent of the value.
824 	* @param exp The exponent of the unit.
825 	* @param all_prefixes If false, prefixes which is not a multiple of thousand (centi, deci, deka, hekto) will be skipped.
826 	* @returns A prefix or NULL if the unit should be left without prefix.
827 	*/
828 	DecimalPrefix *getOptimalDecimalPrefix(const Number &exp10, const Number &exp, bool all_prefixes = true) const;
829 	/** Returns the nearest binary prefix for a value.
830 	*
831 	* @param exp10 Base-2 exponent of the value.
832 	* @param exp The exponent of the unit.
833 	* @returns A prefix or NULL if no binary prefix is available.
834 	*/
835 	BinaryPrefix *getNearestBinaryPrefix(int exp2, int exp = 1) const;
836 	/** Returns the best suited binary prefix for a value.
837 	*
838 	* @param exp10 Base-2 exponent of the value.
839 	* @param exp The exponent of the unit.
840 	* @returns A prefix or NULL if the unit should be left without prefix.
841 	*/
842 	BinaryPrefix *getOptimalBinaryPrefix(int exp2, int exp = 1) const;
843 	/** Returns the best suited binary prefix for a value.
844 	*
845 	* @param exp10 Base-2 exponent of the value.
846 	* @param exp The exponent of the unit.
847 	* @returns A prefix or NULL if the unit should be left without prefix.
848 	*/
849 	BinaryPrefix *getOptimalBinaryPrefix(const Number &exp2, const Number &exp) const;
850 	/** Controls if binary, instead of decimal, prefixes will be used by default.
851 	* 1 = use binary prefixes for information units, 2 = use binary prefixes for all units.
852 	*/
853 	int usesBinaryPrefixes() const;
854 	void useBinaryPrefixes(int use_binary_prefixes);
855 	/** Add a new prefix to the calculator. */
856 	Prefix *addPrefix(Prefix *p);
857 	/** Used internally. */
858 	void prefixNameChanged(Prefix *p, bool new_item = false);
859 	//@}
861 	/** @name Functions for managing functions, variables, units, prefixes and data sets. */
862 	//@{
863 	void expressionItemActivated(ExpressionItem *item);
864 	void expressionItemDeactivated(ExpressionItem *item);
865 	void expressionItemDeleted(ExpressionItem *item);
866 	void nameChanged(ExpressionItem *item, bool new_item = false);
867 	void deleteName(std::string name_, ExpressionItem *object = NULL);
868 	void deleteUnitName(std::string name_, Unit *object = NULL);
869 	Unit* addUnit(Unit *u, bool force = true, bool check_names = true);
870 	void delPrefixUFV(Prefix *object);
871 	void delUFV(ExpressionItem *object);
872 	/** Checks if a variable exists/is registered in the calculator. */
873 	bool hasVariable(Variable *v);
874 	/** Checks if a unit exists/is registered in the calculator. */
875 	bool hasUnit(Unit *u);
876 	/** Checks if a function exists/is registered in the calculator. */
877 	bool hasFunction(MathFunction *f);
878 	/** Checks if a pointer points to a variable that still exists in the calculator.
879 	* As opposed to hasFunction(), this function only checks if the mathematical function has been deleted.
880 	*/
881 	bool stillHasVariable(Variable *v);
882 	/** Checks if a pointer points to a unit that still exists in the calculator.
883 	* As opposed to hasUnit(), this function only checks if the unit has been deleted.
884 	*/
885 	bool stillHasUnit(Unit *u);
886 	/** Checks if a pointer points to a mathematical function that still exists in the calculator.
887 	* As opposed to hasFunction(), this function only checks if the mathematical function has been deleted.
888 	*/
889 	bool stillHasFunction(MathFunction *f);
890 	void saveFunctionCalled();
891 	bool checkSaveFunctionCalled();
892 	ExpressionItem *getActiveExpressionItem(std::string name, ExpressionItem *item = NULL);
893 	ExpressionItem *getInactiveExpressionItem(std::string name, ExpressionItem *item = NULL);
894 	ExpressionItem *getActiveExpressionItem(ExpressionItem *item);
895 	ExpressionItem *getExpressionItem(std::string name, ExpressionItem *item = NULL);
896 	Unit* getUnit(std::string name_);
897 	Unit* getUnitById(int id) const;
898 	Unit* getActiveUnit(std::string name_);
899 	Unit* getCompositeUnit(std::string internal_name_);
900 	Unit* getLocalCurrency();
901 	void setLocalCurrency(Unit *u);
902 	/** Returns prefix for an index (starting at zero). All prefixes can be traversed by starting at index zero and increasing the index until NULL is returned.
903 	*
904 	* @param index Index of prefix.
905 	* @returns Prefix for index or NULL if not found.
906 	*/
907 	Prefix *getPrefix(size_t index) const;
908 	/** Returns prefix with provided name.
909 	*
910 	* @param name_ Name of prefix to retrieve.
911 	* @returns Prefix with provided name or NULL if not found.
912 	*/
913 	Prefix *getPrefix(std::string name_) const;
914 	Prefix *getDecimalNullPrefix() const;
915 	Prefix *getBinaryNullPrefix() const;
916 	Variable* addVariable(Variable *v, bool force = true, bool check_names = true);
917 	void variableNameChanged(Variable *v, bool new_item = false);
918 	void functionNameChanged(MathFunction *f, bool new_item = false);
919 	void unitNameChanged(Unit *u, bool new_item = false);
920 	Variable* getVariable(std::string name_);
921 	Variable* getVariableById(int id) const;
922 	Variable* getActiveVariable(std::string name_);
923 	ExpressionItem *addExpressionItem(ExpressionItem *item, bool force = true);
924 	MathFunction* addFunction(MathFunction *f, bool force = true, bool check_names = true);
925 	DataSet* addDataSet(DataSet *dc, bool force = true, bool check_names = true);
926 	DataSet* getDataSet(size_t index);
927 	DataSet* getDataSet(std::string name);
928 	MathFunction* getFunction(std::string name_);
929 	MathFunction* getFunctionById(int id) const;
930 	MathFunction* getActiveFunction(std::string name_);
931 	/** Returns variable for an index (starting at zero). All variables can be traversed by starting at index zero and increasing the index until NULL is returned.
932 	*
933 	* @param index Index of variable.
934 	* @returns Variable for index or NULL if not found.
935 	*/
936 	Variable *getVariable(size_t index) const;
937 	/** Returns unit for an index (starting at zero). All units can be traversed by starting at index zero and increasing the index until NULL is returned.
938 	*
939 	* @param index Index of unit.
940 	* @returns Unit for index or NULL if not found.
941 	*/
942 	Unit *getUnit(size_t index) const;
943 	/** Returns function for an index (starting at zero). All functions can be traversed by starting at index zero and increasing the index until NULL is returned.
944 	*
945 	* @param index Index of function.
946 	* @returns Function for index or NULL if not found.
947 	*/
948 	MathFunction *getFunction(size_t index) const;
949 	bool unitIsUsedByOtherUnits(const Unit *u) const;
950 	//@}
952 	/** @name Functions for handling of builtin expression items */
953 	//@{
954 	/** Unloads all non-builtin variables. */
955 	void resetVariables();
956 	/** Unloads all non-builtin functions. */
957 	void resetFunctions();
958 	/** Unloads all non-builtin units. */
959 	void resetUnits();
960 	/** Unloads all non-builtin variables, functions and units. */
961 	void reset();
962 	/** Adds builtin variables. Called automatically when the calculator is created. */
963 	void addBuiltinVariables();
964 	/** Adds builtin functions. Called automatically when the calculator is created. */
965 	void addBuiltinFunctions();
966 	/** Adds builtin units. Called automatically when the calculator is created. */
967 	void addBuiltinUnits();
968 	//@}
970 	void setVariableUnitsEnabled(bool enable_variable_units = true);
971 	bool variableUnitsEnabled() const;
973 	/** @name Functions for testing validity of functions, variable and unit names. */
974 	//@{
975 	/** Tests if a name is valid for a variable.
976 	*
977 	* @param name_ Variable name.
978 	* @returns true if the name is valid for a variable.
979 	*/
980 	bool variableNameIsValid(const std::string &name_);
981 	/** Tests if a name is valid for a variable.
982 	*
983 	* @param name_ Variable name.
984 	* @returns true if the name is valid for a variable.
985 	*/
986 	bool variableNameIsValid(const char *name_);
987 	bool variableNameIsValid(const char *name_, int version_numbers[3], bool is_user_defs);
988 	bool variableNameIsValid(const std::string &name_, int version_numbers[3], bool is_user_defs);
989 	std::string convertToValidVariableName(std::string name_);
990 	bool functionNameIsValid(const std::string &name_);
991 	bool functionNameIsValid(const char *name_);
992 	bool functionNameIsValid(const char *name_, int version_numbers[3], bool is_user_defs);
993 	bool functionNameIsValid(const std::string &name_, int version_numbers[3], bool is_user_defs);
994 	std::string convertToValidFunctionName(std::string name_);
995 	bool unitNameIsValid(const std::string &name_);
996 	bool unitNameIsValid(const char *name_);
997 	bool unitNameIsValid(const char *name_, int version_numbers[3], bool is_user_defs);
998 	bool unitNameIsValid(const std::string &name_, int version_numbers[3], bool is_user_defs);
999 	bool utf8_pos_is_valid_in_name(char *pos);
1000 	std::string convertToValidUnitName(std::string name_);
1001 	/** Checks if a name is used by another object which is not allowed to have the same name.
1002 	*
1003 	* @param name Name.
1004 	* @param object Object to exclude from check.
1005 	* @returns true if the name is used.
1006 	*/
1007 	bool nameTaken(std::string name, ExpressionItem *object = NULL);
1008 	bool variableNameTaken(std::string name, Variable *object = NULL);
1009 	bool unitNameTaken(std::string name, Unit *object = NULL);
1010 	bool functionNameTaken(std::string name, MathFunction *object = NULL);
1011 	std::string getName(std::string name = "", ExpressionItem *object = NULL, bool force = false, bool always_append = false);
1012 	//@}
1014 	/** @name Functions for message handling. */
1015 	//@{
1016 	void error(bool critical, int message_category, const char *TEMPLATE,...);
1017 	void error(bool critical, const char *TEMPLATE,...);
1018 	/** Put a message in the message queue.
1019 	*/
1020 	void message(MessageType mtype, int message_category, const char *TEMPLATE,...);
1021 	void message(MessageType mtype, const char *TEMPLATE,...);
1022 	void message(MessageType mtype, int message_category, const char *TEMPLATE, va_list ap);
1023 	/** Returns the first message in queue.
1024 	*/
1025 	CalculatorMessage *message();
1026 	/** Removes the first message in queue and returns the next.
1027 	*/
1028 	CalculatorMessage *nextMessage();
1029 	/** Clear the message queue.
1030 	*/
1031 	void clearMessages();
1032 	bool showArgumentErrors() const;
1033 	void beginTemporaryStopMessages();
1034 	int endTemporaryStopMessages(int *message_count = NULL, int *warning_count = NULL, int release_messages_if_no_equal_or_greater_than_message_type = -1);
1035 	void endTemporaryStopMessages(bool release_messages, std::vector<CalculatorMessage> *blocked_messages = NULL);
1036 	void addMessages(std::vector<CalculatorMessage> *message_vector);
1037 	const PrintOptions &messagePrintOptions() const;
1038 	void setMessagePrintOptions(const PrintOptions &po);
1039 	void cleanMessages(const MathStructure &mstruct, size_t first_message = 1);
1040 	//@}
1042 	/** @name Functions for loading and saving definitions (variables, functions, units, etc.). */
1043 	//@{
1044 	/** Load all standard global (system wide) definitions from the global data directory ($PREFIX/share/qalculate).
1045 	*
1046 	* @returns true if the definitions were successfully loaded.
1047 	*/
1048 	bool loadGlobalDefinitions();
1049 	/** Load global (system wide) definitions from a file in the global data directory ($PREFIX/share/qalculate).
1050 	*
1051 	* @param filename Name of the file in the global data directory.
1052 	* @returns true if the definitions were successfully loaded.
1053 	*/
1054 	bool loadGlobalDefinitions(std::string filename);
1055 	/** Load prefixes.
1056 	*
1057 	* @returns true if the definitions were successfully loaded.
1058 	*/
1059 	bool loadGlobalPrefixes();
1060 	/** Load currencies.
1061 	*
1062 	* @returns true if the definitions were successfully loaded.
1063 	*/
1064 	bool loadGlobalCurrencies();
1065 	/** Load units.
1066 	*
1067 	* @returns true if the definitions were successfully loaded.
1068 	*/
1069 	bool loadGlobalUnits();
1070 	/** Load variables.
1071 	*
1072 	* @returns true if the definitions were successfully loaded.
1073 	*/
1074 	bool loadGlobalVariables();
1075 	/** Load functions.
1076 	*
1077 	* @returns true if the definitions were successfully loaded.
1078 	*/
1079 	bool loadGlobalFunctions();
1080 	/** Load data sets.
1081 	*
1082 	* @returns true if the definitions were successfully loaded.
1083 	*/
1084 	bool loadGlobalDataSets();
1085 	/** Load local, user specific, definitions from the local definitions directory (~/.qalculate/definitions).
1086 	* All files in the directory and in the datasets subdirectory are loaded.
1087 	*
1088 	* @returns true if the definitions were successfully loaded.
1089 	*/
1090 	bool loadLocalDefinitions();
1091 	/** Load definitions from a file.
1092 	*
1093 	* @param file_name The path to the file to load.
1094 	* @param is_user_defs true if the definitions are local, false if they are global.
1095 	* @returns true if the definitions were successfully loaded.
1096 	*/
1097 	int loadDefinitions(const char *file_name, bool is_user_defs = true, bool check_duplicates_of_global = false);
1098 	/** Save local definitions to ~/.qalculate/definitions/
1099 	*
1100 	* @returns true if definitions was successfully saved.
1101 	*/
1102 	bool saveDefinitions();
1103 	int saveDataObjects();
1104 	int savePrefixes(const char *file_name, bool save_global = false);
1105 	std::string temporaryCategory(void) const;
1106 	int saveVariables(const char *file_name, bool save_global = false);
1107 	int saveUnits(const char *file_name, bool save_global = false);
1108 	int saveFunctions(const char *file_name, bool save_global = false);
1109 	int saveDataSets(const char *file_name, bool save_global = false);
1110 	//@}
1112 	/** @name Functions for CSV file import/export. */
1113 	//@{
1114 	bool importCSV(MathStructure &mstruct, const char *file_name, int first_row = 1, std::string delimiter = ",", std::vector<std::string> *headers = NULL);
1115 	bool importCSV(const char *file_name, int first_row = 1, bool headers = true, std::string delimiter = ",", bool to_matrix = false, std::string name = "", std::string title = "", std::string category = "");
1116 	bool exportCSV(const MathStructure &mstruct, const char *file_name, std::string delimiter = ",");
1117 	//@}
1119 	/** @name Functions for exchange rates. */
1120 	/** Checks if able to downloading exchange rates from the Internet (using libcurl).
1121 	*
1122 	* @returns true if exchange rates can downloaded (if libcurl is available).
1123 	*/
1124 	bool canFetch();
1125 	///Deprecated: gvfs is not needed anymore.
1126 	bool hasGVFS();
1127 	///Deprecated: gvfs is not needed anymore.
1128 	bool hasGnomeVFS();
1129 	/** Load exchange rates. Use before loadGlobalCurrencies() or loadGlobalDefinitions().
1130 	*
1131 	* @returns true if operation successful.
1132 	*/
1133 	bool loadExchangeRates();
1134 	/** Name of the exchange rates file on local disc.
1135 	* Multiple exchange rates sources might be used. Iterate over these, using the index parameter, until an empty string is returned.
1136 	*
1137 	* @param index The index (starting at one) of the exchange rate source
1138 	* @returns name of local exchange rates file.
1139 	*/
1140 	std::string getExchangeRatesFileName(int index = 1);
1141 	/** Url of the exchange rates file on the Internet.
1142 	* Multiple exchange rates sources might be used. Iterate over these, using the index parameter, until an empty string is returned.
1143 	*
1144 	* @param index The index (starting at one) of the exchange rate source
1145 	* @returns Url of exchange rates file.
1146 	*/
1147 	std::string getExchangeRatesUrl(int index = 1);
1148 	/** Modification time of the exchange rates file.
1149 	*
1150 	* @returns Returns exchange rates modification time.
1151 	*/
1152 	time_t getExchangeRatesTime(int index = -1);
1153 	///Deprecated: wget arguments are not used
1154 	bool fetchExchangeRates(int seconds, std::string wget_args);
1155 	/** Download current exchange rates from the Internet to local disc with default wget arguments.
1156 	*
1157 	* @param seconds Maximum time for donwload try
1158 	* @returns true if operation was successful.
1159 	*/
1160 	bool fetchExchangeRates(int seconds = 15, int n = -1);
1161 	/** Check age of exchange rates on local disc.
1162 	*
1163 	* @param n_days How old in days exchange rates may be before exchange rates need updating
1164 	* @param force_check If exchange rates date should be checked again even if found outdated within n_days before
1165 	* @param send_warning If the standard exchange rates warning should be sent.
1166 	* @returns false if exchange.rates need updating
1167 	*/
1168 	bool checkExchangeRatesDate(unsigned int n_days = 7, bool force_check = false, bool send_warning = false, int n = -1);
1169 	/// Enable or disable old exchange rates warning (initial state is true).
1170 	void setExchangeRatesWarningEnabled(bool enable);
1171 	bool exchangeRatesWarningEnabled() const;
1172 	/// Check if exchange rates has been used since resetExchangeRatesUsed() was last called
1173 	int exchangeRatesUsed() const;
1174 	void resetExchangeRatesUsed();
1175 	/// For internal use, called by currency units
1176 	void setExchangeRatesUsed(int index);
1177 	//@}
1179 	/** @name Functions for plotting */
1180 	//@{
1181 	/** Checks if gnuplot is available.
1182 	*
1183 	* @returns true if gnuplot was found.
1184 	*/
1185 	bool canPlot();
1186 	MathStructure expressionToPlotVector(std::string expression, const MathStructure &min, const MathStructure &max, int steps, MathStructure *x_vector = NULL, std::string x_var = "\\x", const ParseOptions &po = default_parse_options, int msecs = 5000);
1187 	MathStructure expressionToPlotVector(std::string expression, float min, float max, int steps, MathStructure *x_vector = NULL, std::string x_var = "\\x", const ParseOptions &po = default_parse_options, int msecs = 5000);
1188 	MathStructure expressionToPlotVector(std::string expression, const MathStructure &min, const MathStructure &max, const MathStructure &step, MathStructure *x_vector = NULL, std::string x_var = "\\x", const ParseOptions &po = default_parse_options, int msecs = 5000);
1189 	MathStructure expressionToPlotVector(std::string expression, float min, float max, float step, MathStructure *x_vector = NULL, std::string x_var = "\\x", const ParseOptions &po = default_parse_options, int msecs = 5000);
1190 	MathStructure expressionToPlotVector(std::string expression, const MathStructure &x_vector, std::string x_var = "\\x", const ParseOptions &po = default_parse_options, int msecs = 5000);
1191 	bool plotVectors(PlotParameters *param, const std::vector<MathStructure> &y_vectors, const std::vector<MathStructure> &x_vectors, std::vector<PlotDataParameters*> &pdps, bool persistent = false, int msecs = 5000);
1192 	bool invokeGnuplot(std::string commands, std::string commandline_extra = "", bool persistent = false);
1193 	bool closeGnuplot();
1194 	bool gnuplotOpen();
1195 	//@}
1197 	/** @name Functions for global precision */
1198 	//@{
1199 	/** Set default precision for approximate calculations.
1200 	*
1201 	* @param precision Precision.
1202 	*/
1203 	void setPrecision(int precision = DEFAULT_PRECISION);
1204 	/** Returns default precision for approximate calculations.
1205 	*/
1206 	int getPrecision() const;
1207 	/** Set if interval should be produced for approximate functions and irrational numbers.
1208 	* This does not affect calculation of lower precision explicit intervals (uncertainty propagation).
1209 	*
1210 	* @param use_interval_arithmetic Set true to activate, or false to deactivate, interval arithmetic.
1211 	*/
1212 	void useIntervalArithmetic(bool use_interval_arithmetic = true);
1213 	/** Returns true if interval arithmetic are activated.
1214 	*/
1215 	bool usesIntervalArithmetic() const;
1216 	void beginTemporaryStopIntervalArithmetic();
1217 	void endTemporaryStopIntervalArithmetic();
1218 	void beginTemporaryEnableIntervalArithmetic();
1219 	void endTemporaryEnableIntervalArithmetic();
1220 	//@}
1222 	void setCustomInputBase(Number nr);
1223 	void setCustomOutputBase(Number nr);
1224 	const Number &customInputBase() const;
1225 	const Number &customOutputBase() const;
1227 	/** @name Functions for localization */
1228 	//@{
1229 	/** Returns the preferred decimal point character.
1230 	*/
1231 	const std::string &getDecimalPoint() const;
1232 	/** Returns the preferred comma character for separating arguments.*/
1233 	const std::string &getComma() const;
1234 	/** Sets argument separator and decimal sign from the current locale. Mainly for internal use. */
1235 	void setLocale();
1236 	///Deprecated: use pass true to constructor instead
1237 	void setIgnoreLocale();
1238 	bool getIgnoreLocale();
1239 	void useDecimalComma();
1240 	/** Use point as decimal separator.
1241 	* To use comma as an ignored separator in numbers, must be invoked with comma_as_separator = true, to change the default function argument separator to semicolon, in addition to using ParseOptions::comma_as_separator.
1242 	*/
1243 	void useDecimalPoint(bool comma_as_separator = false);
1244 	/** Resets argument separator and decimal sign. Mainly for internal use. */
1245 	void unsetLocale();
1246 	/** Returns the translated text string used in expressions for converting to a specific unit expression (ex "5 meters to feet.*/
1247 	std::string localToString(bool include_spaces = true) const;
1248 	std::string localWhereString() const;
1249 	//@}
1251 	/** @name Functions adding alternative symbols for operators and such */
1252 	//@{
1253 	void addStringAlternative(std::string replacement, std::string standard);
1254 	bool delStringAlternative(std::string replacement, std::string standard);
1255 	void addDefaultStringAlternative(std::string replacement, std::string standard);
1256 	bool delDefaultStringAlternative(std::string replacement, std::string standard);
1257 	//@}
1259 	/** @name Functions for storing values with associated identifiers */
1260 	//@{
1261 	/** Stores a value with an associated id. Mainly for internal use.
1262 	*
1263 	* @param mstruct The value to store.
1264 	* @param persistent If false the values will be removed from storage when retrieved with getId().
1265 	* @returns Storage id.
1266 	*/
1267 	size_t addId(MathStructure *mstruct, bool persistent = false);
1268 	/** Stores a function value with arguments parsed from a text string using Function::parse(), with an associated id. Mainly for internal use.
1269 	*
1270 	* @param f Mathematical function.
1271 	* @param str Arguments.
1272 	* @param po Parse options.
1273 	* @param persistent If false the values will be removed from storage when retrieved with getId().
1274 	* @returns Storage id.
1275 	*/
1276 	size_t parseAddId(MathFunction *f, const std::string &str, const ParseOptions &po, bool persistent = false);
1277 	size_t parseAddIdAppend(MathFunction *f, const MathStructure &append_mstruct, const std::string &str, const ParseOptions &po, bool persistent = false);
1278 	size_t parseAddVectorId(const std::string &str, const ParseOptions &po, bool persistent = false);
1279 	/** Returns a stored value. Mainly for internal use.
1280 	*
1281 	* @param id Storage id.
1282 	* @returns A stored value.
1283 	*/
1284 	MathStructure *getId(size_t id);
1285 	/** Removes and unreferences (value->unref() will be called) a value from storage. Mainly for internal use.
1286 	*
1287 	* @param id Storage id.
1288 	*/
1289 	void delId(size_t id);
1290 	//@}
1292 };
1294 #endif