1 //==============================================================================================
2 //
3 //	This file is part of LiDIA --- a library for computational number theory
4 //
5 //	Copyright (c) 1994--2001 the LiDIA Group.  All rights reserved.
6 //
7 //	See http://www.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/TI/LiDIA/
8 //
9 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 //
11 //	$Id$
12 //
13 //	Author	: Nigel Smart (NS)
14 //                Adaption of John Cremona's code
15 //	Changes	: See CVS log
16 //
17 //==============================================================================================
20 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
21 # include	"config.h"
22 #endif
23 #include	"LiDIA/rational_factorization.h"
24 #include	"LiDIA/elliptic_curves/ec_arith.h"
29 namespace LiDIA {
30 #endif
convert(bigint & a,const bigrational & b)34 void convert(bigint& a, const bigrational& b)
35 {
36 	if (!b.denominator().is_one()) {
37 		lidia_error_handler("convert", "Cannot convert bigrational to bigint");
38 	}
39 	a.assign(b.numerator());
40 }
44 base_vector< bigint >
int_roots_cubic(const bigint & a,const bigint & b,const bigint & c)45 int_roots_cubic(const bigint& a,
46 		const bigint& b,
47 		const bigint& c)
48 {
49 	bigcomplex za(a), zb(b), zc(c);
50 	bigcomplex* croots = solve_cubic(za, zb, zc);
51 	base_vector< bigint > iroots(3, 0);
52 	int niroots = 0;
53 	bigint x, cx;
54 	for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
55 		croots[i].real().bigintify(x);
56 		if (x.is_zero()) {
57 			if (c.is_zero()) {
58 				int newone = 1;
59 				for (int j = 0; (j < niroots) && newone; j++)
60 					newone = (x != iroots[j]);
61 				if (newone)
62 					iroots[niroots++] = x;
63 			}
64 		}
65 		else {
66 			cx = c/x;
67 			if (x*cx == c)
68 				if (((x+a)*x+b+cx).is_zero()) {
69 					//x is a root, so add to list if not there already:
70 					int newone = 1;
71 					for (int j = 0; (j < niroots) && newone; j++)
72 						newone = (x != iroots[j]);
73 					if (newone)
74 						iroots[niroots++] = x;
75 				}
76 		}
77 	}
78 	delete[] croots;
79 	return iroots;
80 }
84 bigcomplex
discriminant(const bigcomplex & b,const bigcomplex & c,const bigcomplex & d)85 discriminant(const bigcomplex& b,
86 	     const bigcomplex& c,
87 	     const bigcomplex& d)
88 {
89 	bigcomplex bb = b*b, cc = c*c, bc = b*c;
90 	return bigfloat(27.0)*d*d-bc*bc+bigfloat(4.0)*bb*b*d-bigfloat(18.0)*bc*d+bigfloat(4.0)*c*cc;
91 }
95 bigcomplex*
solve_cubic(const bigcomplex & c1,const bigcomplex & c2,const bigcomplex & c3)96 solve_cubic(const bigcomplex& c1,
97 	    const bigcomplex& c2,
98 	    const bigcomplex& c3)
99 {
100 	bigfloat three(3.0), two(2.0), one(1.0);
101 	bigfloat third = one/three;
102 	bigcomplex w = bigfloat(0.5)*bigcomplex(-1, sqrt(three));
103 	bigcomplex disc = discriminant(c1, c2, c3);
104 	bigcomplex p3 = three*c2 - c1*c1;
105 	bigcomplex mc1over3 = -c1*third;
106 	bigcomplex *roots = new bigcomplex[3];
108 	if (abs(disc).is_approx_zero()) {
109 		if (abs(p3).is_approx_zero()) {
110 			// triple root
111 			roots[0] = roots[1] = roots[2] = mc1over3;
112 		}
113 		else {
114 			// double root
115 			roots[0] = roots[1] = (c1*c2 -  bigfloat(9.0)*c3)/(p3+p3);
116 			roots[2] = -(roots[0] + roots[0]+c1);
117 		}
118 	}
119 	else {
120 		// distinct roots
121 		bigcomplex q = (((mc1over3+c1)*mc1over3 +c2)*mc1over3 +c3);
122 		// = F(mc1over3);
123 		if (abs(p3).is_approx_zero()) {
124 			// pure cubic
125 			roots[0] = power(-q, third);
126 			roots[1] = w*roots[0];
127 			roots[2] = w*roots[1];
128 			roots[0] += mc1over3;
129 			roots[1] += mc1over3;
130 			roots[2] += mc1over3;
131 		}
132 		else {
133 			bigcomplex d = bigfloat(729.0)*q*q+ bigfloat(4.0)*p3*p3*p3;
134 			bigcomplex t1cubed = bigfloat(0.5)*(sqrt(d)- bigfloat(27.0)*q);
135 			bigcomplex t1 = power(t1cubed, third);
136 			bigcomplex t2 = t1*w;
137 			bigcomplex t3 = t2*w;
138 			roots[0] = (-c1+t1-p3/t1)* third;
139 			roots[1] = (-c1+t2-p3/t2)* third;
140 			roots[2] = (-c1+t3-p3/t3)* third;
141 		}
142 	}
143 	long i, iter, niter = 2; // number of iterations in Newton refinement of roots
144 	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
145 		bigcomplex z = roots[i], fz, fdashz;
146 		for (iter = 0; iter < niter; iter++) {
147 			fz = ((z+c1)*z+c2)*z+c3;
148 			fdashz = (3*z+2*c1)*z+c2;
149 			if (!fdashz.is_approx_zero()) {
150 				z -= fz/fdashz;
151 			}
152 		}
153 		roots[i] = z;
154 	}
155 	return roots;
156 }
160 bigcomplex*
solve_quartic(const bigcomplex & a,const bigcomplex & b,const bigcomplex & c,const bigcomplex & d)161 solve_quartic(const bigcomplex& a,
162 	      const bigcomplex& b,
163 	      const bigcomplex& c,
164 	      const bigcomplex& d)
165 {
166 	bigcomplex p, q, r, aa, e, f1, f2;
167 	bigcomplex a4 = a/4;
168 	bigcomplex* roots = new bigcomplex[4];
169 	if (d.is_approx_zero()) {
170 		roots[0] = 0;
171 		bigcomplex* cuberoots = solve_cubic(a, b, c);
172 		roots[1] = cuberoots[0];
173 		roots[2] = cuberoots[1];
174 		roots[3] = cuberoots[2];
175 		delete[] cuberoots;
176 	}
177 	else {
178 		p = b -  3*a*a / 8;
179 		q = ((a / 2) * (a*a4 - b)) + c;
180 		r = ((256*d) - (64*a*c) + (16*a*a*b) - (3*a*a*a*a)) / 256;
181 		if (q.is_approx_zero()) {
182 			bigcomplex s = sqrt(p*p - 4*r);
183 			roots[0] = sqrt((-p + s) / 2) - a4;
184 			roots[1] = -sqrt((-p + s) / 2) - a4;
185 			roots[2] = sqrt((-p - s) / 2) - a4;
186 			roots[3] = -sqrt((-p - s) / 2) - a4;
187 		}
188 		else {
189 			bigcomplex* aaroots = solve_cubic(-p/2, -r, ((p*r)/2-(q*q)/8));
190 			aa = aaroots[0];
191 			if (aa.is_approx_zero()) aa = 0;
192 			e = sqrt(-p + 2*aa);
193 			f1 = (aa + q / (2*e));
194 			f2 = (aa - q / (2*e));
195 			bigcomplex s1 = sqrt(e*e -  4*f1);
196 			bigcomplex s2 = sqrt(e*e -  4*f2);
197 			roots[0] = ((e + s1) /  2) - a4;
198 			roots[1] = ((e - s1) /  2) - a4;
199 			roots[2] = ((-e + s2) /  2) - a4;
200 			roots[3] = ((-e - s2) /  2) - a4;
201 			delete[] aaroots;
202 		}
203 	}
204 	return roots;
205 }
209 // puts in decreasing order
210 void
orderreal(bigfloat & e1,bigfloat & e2,bigfloat & e3)211 orderreal(bigfloat& e1, bigfloat& e2, bigfloat& e3)
212 {
213 	if (e1 < e3)
214 		swap(e1, e3);
215 	if (e1 < e2)
216 		swap(e1, e2);
217 	else if (e2 < e3)
218 		swap(e2, e3);
219 }
223 bigcomplex*
solve_real_quartic(const bigfloat & a,const bigfloat & b,const bigfloat & c,const bigfloat & d,const bigfloat & e)224 solve_real_quartic(const bigfloat& a,
225 		   const bigfloat& b,
226 		   const bigfloat& c,
227 		   const bigfloat& d,
228 		   const bigfloat& e)
229 {
230 	bigfloat ii = 12*a*e - 3*b*d + c*c;
231 	bigfloat jj = (72*a*e + 9*b*d - 2*c*c) * c - 27*(a*d*d + b*b*e);
232 	bigfloat disc = 4*ii*ii*ii-jj*jj;
233 	bigfloat  H = 8*a*c - 3*b*b;
234 	bigfloat  R = b*b*b + 8*d*a*a - 4*a*b*c;
235 	bigfloat  Q = H*H-16*a*a*ii; // = 3*Q in JC's standard notation
236 	int type, nrr;
238 	if (disc < 0) {
239 		type = 3;
240 		nrr = 2;
241 	}       // 2 real roots
242 	else {
243 		if ((H< 0) && (Q > 0)) {
244 			type = 2;
245 			nrr = 4;
246 		}   // 4 real roots
247 		else {
248 			type = 1;
249 			nrr = 0;
250 		}   // 0 real roots
251 	}
252 	bigcomplex c1(0), c2(-3*ii), c3(jj);
253 	bigcomplex* cphi = solve_cubic(c1, c2, c3);
254 	bigcomplex* roots = new bigcomplex[4];
255 	bigfloat a4 = 4*a;
256 	bigfloat one(1);
257 	bigfloat oneover4a = one/a4;
258 	bigfloat athird = one/bigfloat(3.0);
260 	if (type < 3) {
261 		// all the phi are real;  order them so that a*phi[i] decreases
262 		bigfloat phi1 = real(cphi[0]);
263 		bigfloat phi2 = real(cphi[1]);
264 		bigfloat phi3 = real(cphi[2]);
266 		if (a > 0)
267 			orderreal(phi1, phi2, phi3);
268 		else
269 			orderreal(phi3, phi2, phi1);
271 		if (type == 2) {
272 			// all roots are real
273 			bigfloat r1 = sqrt((a4*phi1-H)*athird);
274 			bigfloat r2 = sqrt((a4*phi2-H)*athird);
275 			bigfloat r3 = sqrt((a4*phi3-H)*athird);
276 			if (R < 0)  r3 = -r3;
277 			roots[0] = bigcomplex((r1 + r2 - r3 - b) * oneover4a);
278 			roots[1] = bigcomplex((r1 - r2 + r3 - b) * oneover4a);
279 			roots[2] = bigcomplex((-r1 + r2 + r3 - b) * oneover4a);
280 			roots[3] = bigcomplex((-r1 - r2 - r3 - b) * oneover4a);
281 			// Those are all real and in descending order of size
282 		}
283 		else {
284 			// no roots are real
285 			bigfloat r1 = sqrt((a4*phi1-H)/3);
286 			bigfloat ir2 = sqrt(-((a4*phi2-H)/3));
287 			bigfloat ir3 = sqrt(-((a4*phi3-H)/3));
288 			if (R > 0)  r1 = -r1;
289 			roots[0] = bigcomplex(r1-b, ir2 - ir3) * oneover4a;
290 			roots[1] = conj(roots[0]);
291 			roots[2] = bigcomplex(-r1-b, ir2 + ir3) * oneover4a;
292 			roots[3] = conj(roots[2]);
293 		}
294 	}
295 	else {
296 		// disc < 0
297 		bigfloat realphi; // will hold the real root, which will be cphi[2]
298 		if (cphi[1].is_approx_real()) {
299 			realphi = real(cphi[1]);
300 			cphi[1] = cphi[2];
301 			cphi[2] = realphi;
302 		}
303 		else
304 			if (cphi[2].is_approx_real()) {
305 				realphi = real(cphi[2]);
306 			}
307 			else {
308 				realphi = real(cphi[0]);
309 				cphi[0] = cphi[2];
310 				cphi[2] = realphi;
311 			}
312 		bigcomplex r1 = sqrt((a4*cphi[0]-H)/3);
313 		bigfloat r3 = sqrt((a4*realphi-H)/3);
314 		if (R < 0)  r3 = -r3;
315 		roots[0] = bigcomplex(r3 - b, 2*imag(r1)) * oneover4a;
316 		roots[1] = conj(roots[0]);
317 		roots[2] = bigcomplex((2*real(r1) - r3 - b)) * oneover4a;
318 		roots[3] = bigcomplex((-2*real(r1) - r3 - b)) * oneover4a;
319 		// roots[2] and roots[3] are real
320 	}
321 	delete[] cphi;
322 	return roots;
323 }
327 base_vector< bigint >
square_divs(const bigint & N)328 square_divs(const bigint& N)
329 {
330 	rational_factorization plist(N);
331 	plist.factor();
333 	int np = plist.no_of_comp();
334 	int i, e = 0, nu = 1, nd = nu;
336 	int* elist = new int[np];
337 	bigint p;
338 	for (i = 0; i < np; i++) {
339 		p = plist.base(i);
340 		elist[i] = e = valuation(p, N)/2;
341 		nd *= (1+e);
342 	}
343 	base_vector< bigint > dlist(nd, 0);
344 	dlist[0] = 1;
345 	nd = nu;
346 	for (i = 0; i < np; i++) {
347 		p = plist.base(i);
348 		e = elist[i];
349 		for (int j = 0; j < e; j++)
350 			for (int k = 0; k < nd; k++)
351 				dlist[nd*(j+1)+k] = p*dlist[nd*j+k];
352 		nd *= (e+1);
353 	}
354 	delete[] elist;
355 	return dlist;
356 }
360 bigcomplex
cagm(const bigcomplex & a,const bigcomplex & b)361 cagm(const bigcomplex& a,
362      const bigcomplex& b)
363 {
364 	bigcomplex x = a, y = b, z;
365 	bigfloat theta, two(2), pi = Pi();
366 	while (!(abs(x-y)).is_approx_zero()) {
367 		z = (x+y)/two;
368 		y = sqrt(x*y);
369 		theta = two*arg(y/z);
370 		if (theta > pi || theta <= -pi)
371 			y = -y;
372 		x = z;
373 	}
374 	return x;
375 }
379 bigcomplex
normalize(bigcomplex & w1,bigcomplex & w2)380 normalize(bigcomplex& w1, bigcomplex& w2)
381 {
382 	bigcomplex tau = w1/w2, w3;
383 	if (tau.imag() < 0) {
384 		w1 = -w1;
385 		tau = -tau;
386 	}
387 	w1 = w1-w2*round(tau.real());
388 	tau = w1/w2;
390 	for (int i = 1; i < 50 && (abs(tau) < 1); i++) {
391 		// {Just to stop infinite loop due to rounding}
392 		w3 = -w1;
393 		w1 = w2;
394 		w2 = w3;
395 		tau = w1/w2;
396 		w1 = w1-w2*round(tau.real());
397 		tau = w1/w2;
398 	}
399 	return tau;
400 }
404 void
getc4c6(const bigcomplex & w1,const bigcomplex & w2,bigcomplex & c4,bigcomplex & c6)405 getc4c6(const bigcomplex& w1,
406 	const bigcomplex& w2,
407 	bigcomplex& c4,
408 	bigcomplex &c6)
409 {
410 	bigcomplex tau = w1/w2;
411 	bigfloat zero(0), one(1), two(2);
412 	bigfloat pi(Pi());
413 	bigfloat x = two*pi*tau.real();
414 	bigfloat y = two*pi*tau.imag();
415 	bigcomplex q = exp(-y) *  bigcomplex(cos(x), sin(x));
416 	bigcomplex f = two*pi/w2;
417 	bigcomplex f2 = f*f;
418 	bigcomplex f4 = f2*f2;
420 	bigcomplex term = bigcomplex(one);
421 	bigcomplex qpower = bigcomplex(one);
422 	bigcomplex sum4 = bigcomplex(zero);
423 	bigcomplex sum6 = bigcomplex(zero);
425 	bigfloat n, n2;
427 	for (n = 1; !term.is_approx_zero(); n += 1) {
428 		n2 = n*n;
429 		qpower *= q;
430 		term = n*n2*qpower/(one-qpower);
431 		sum4 += term;
432 		term *= n2;
433 		sum6 += term;
434 	}
435 	c4 = (one +  bigfloat(240.0)*sum4)*f4;
436 	c6 = (one -  bigfloat(504.0)*sum6)*f4*f2;
437 }
442 }	// end of namespace LiDIA
443 #endif