1 /* Copyright (C) 2011 LinBox
2  * Written by Brice Boyer (briceboyer) <boyer.brice@gmail.com>
3  *
4  *
5  *
6  * ========LICENCE========
7  * This file is part of the library LinBox.
8  *
9  * LinBox is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10  * it under the terms of the  GNU Lesser General Public
11  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
12  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13  *
14  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
18  *
19  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
20  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
21  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
22  * ========LICENCE========
23  */
25 /*! @file   benchmarks/benchmark.h
26  * @ingroup benchmarks
27  * @brief   Common header to ease benchmarking routines.
28  * We provide a class to easily populate and plot files that represent
29  * benchmarks.
30  *
31  * We use <a href="http://www.gnuplot.info/">gnuplot</a> for the plotting part
32  * or LaTeX to provide tables.  A minimum knowledge of \c Gnuplot is a plus but
33  * the \c benchmark-* files should provide enough examples for creating
34  * standard (not too fancy) plots.
35  *
36  * We fall back to plain latex tabulars when gnuplot is not available. We plot
37  * graphs in files whose name is extended by a random 8-char string to avoid
38  * écraser files.
39  *
40  */
42 #ifndef __LINBOX_benchmarks_benchmark_H
43 #define __LINBOX_benchmarks_benchmark_H
44 // here classes TimeWatcher, PlotStyle, PlotData are declared
46 #include "linbox/linbox-config.h"
47 #include <stdlib.h>
48 #include "linbox/integer.h"
49 #include "linbox/util/debug.h"
50 #include "tests/test-common.h"
51 #include "linbox/util/timer.h"
52 #include <string>
53 #include <fstream>
54 #include <iomanip> // setprecision
56 #include <sys/utsname.h>
57 #include <ctime>
59 #include <tinyxml2.h>
60 #endif
62 #include "benchmark-utils.h"
63 #include "benchmark-metadata.h"
66 //
67 // TimeWatcher
68 //
70 namespace LinBox {
71 	/*! Helper.
72 	 * This helper has several functions :
73 	 *   - Records the timings
74 	 *   - predict the execution time for the next experiment
75 	 *   - helps producing enough experiments (but not too much and not too time consuming) for producing a valid measure.
76 	 *   .
77 	 *   @warning if the timings are too short, this may not be accurate.
78 	 *
79 	 *   See member function help for more information.
80 	 */
81 	class TimeWatcher  {
82 	private :
83 		dvector_t  *    Points_; //!< Points data. If <code>Points_[i] = x</code>, then <code>Values_[i]=f(x)<code>.
84 		dvector_t  *    Values_; //!< Time data. See \p Points_ .
86 		size_t       MaxRepet_; //!< Maximum number of repetitions of timings
87 		size_t       MinRepet_; //!< Minimum number of repetitions of timings
88 		double         MaxTime_; //!< Maximum time to be spent on repetitions (after MinRepet_ iters have been done)
89 		double       AbortTime_; //!< Time to abort a series of computation.
90 		bool           aborted_; //!< abort any subsequent computation
93 	public:
94 		/*! constructor.
95 		 * Inits the time watcher with a pair of points/values
96 		 * @param pts vector of points
97 		 * @param vals vector of times
98 		 */
99 		TimeWatcher (dvector_t & pts, dvector_t & vals) ;
101 		//! Null Constructor. The pointers are intialised to NULL
102 		TimeWatcher () ;
104 		void init(dvector_t & pts, dvector_t & vals);
106 		//! returns the vector of abscissa (points)
107 		dvector_t & refX() ;
109 		//! returns the vector of ordiantes (values)
110 		dvector_t & refY() ;
112 		/** Prediction for the next experiment time.
113 		 * It is assumed that \c predict(0)=0. If Curent_<3, a linear,
114 		 * then quadratic fit is done. Other wise, a cubic fit is
115 		 * performed.
116 		 * @param x the next evaluation point.
117 		 * @return f(x) where f tries to fit the points : \f$ f(\mathtt{Data\_}[0][0..\mathtt{Current\_}-1]) \approx  refY()[0..\mathtt{Current\_}-1]\f$
118 		 */
119 		double predict(double x) ;
121 		/*! @brief Watches a timer and a number and repet and signals if over.
122 		 *
123 		 * We want at least 2 repetions but not more than maxtime spent on timing.
124 		 *
125 		 * @param repet number of previous repetitions. Should be 0 on the first time \c keepon is called.
126 		 * @param tim timer to watch
127 		 * @param maxtime maximum time (in seconds) until \c watchon tells stop.
128 		 * @return \c true if we conditions are not met to stop, \c false otherwise.
129 		 * @pre \c tim should have been started previously !
130 		 *
131 		 */
132 		bool keepon(size_t & repet, double tim, bool usePrediction = false) ;
134 		//! size
135 		size_t size() const;
137 		//! clear the pointers (not the settings)
138 		void clear();
140 	} ; // TimeWatcher
141 } // LinBox
143 //
144 // DataSeries
145 //
147 namespace LinBox {
148 	/** @brief this structure holds a bunch of timings.
149 	 * It collects the points, the time spent at each point and a measure
150 	 * (for instance mflops).
151 	 * @todo Times and Values could be dmatrix_t (and mergeable)
152 	 */
153 	struct DataSeries {
154 		svector_t   PointLabels ; //!< points abscisa, values for the x axis. Used in legend for the X axis.
155 		dvector_t   Points      ; //!< points abscisa, values for the x axis. Used in TimeWatcher (for instance, if PointLabels are the names of sparse matrices, Points would be their number of non zeros, or 1,2,3,... or whatever relevant for predicting time)
156 		dvector_t   Times       ; //!< actual computation times.
157 		dvector_t   Values      ; //!< actual data to be plotted (for instance mflops)
158 		svector_t   UID         ; //!< unique id of a point.
160 		//! Constructor
161 		DataSeries() ;
163 		~DataSeries() ;
165 #if 0
166 		/** @brief resize
167 		 * @param n new size
168 		 * @pre the size before was n-1
169 		 */
170 		void resize(const size_t & n);
171 #endif
173 		//! Size of the series of measurements.
174 		size_t size() const;
176 		//! add some new data.
177 		void push_back(const std::string & nam, const double & val, const double & x = NAN, const double &y = NAN);
179 		// use it but change time
180 		// void useMetadata(const MetaData & m) ;
181 	}; // DataSeries
183 } // LinBox
185 /* ********************** */
186 /*    Plot structures     */
187 /* ********************** */
189 //
190 // PlotStyle
191 //
193 namespace LinBox {
195 	/*! @brief Represents a table of values to plot (2D).
196 	 * list of values are reprensented by vectors.  the table is a vector
197 	 * of these vectors.
198 	 *
199 	 * @warning NaN, inf are used as missing data. More genenally
200 	 * we could store data in strings.
201 	 * @todo Allow for 'speed up against col X' style
202 	 * @todo make depend on PlotData
203 	 */
204 	//!@todo setUsingSeries(const svector_t &)
205 	class PlotStyle {
206 	public:
207 		//! What format the plot should be in?
208 		struct Term {
209 			//! Term type
210 			enum Type {
211 				png  = 100, //!< png. Portable Network Graphics file.
212 				pdf  = 101, //!< pdf. Portable Document Format actually, this is eps converted to pdf.
213 				eps  = 102, //!< eps. Encapsulated PostScript. Cool for inclusion in LaTex files. This is the default.
214 				epstex  = 107, //!< epslatex. Encapsulated PostScript. Cool for inclusion in LaTex files with latex formulas.
215 				svg  = 103, //!< sgv. Scalable Vector Graphics.
216 				tex  = 104, //!< tex. Simple tabular.
217 				html = 105, //!< html. HTML table.
218 				other= 106 //!< don't know yet...
219 			} ;
220 		};
222 		// enum NoType { other = 0 } ;
223 		//! What style of graphic : histogram ? graph ?
224 		struct Plot {
225 			//! Plot type
226 			enum Type {
227 				histo = 200, //! histogram plot. This is the default. x ticks are evenly spaced, whatever there value and are labelled with their value.
228 				graph = 201, //! standard plot. Plots y_i=f(x) with x in the first colum and y_i in ith column. x-ticks are well spaced. This will not work if the X are not numbers (but strings).
229 				other = 202  //! other (ie user supplied).
230 			} ;
231 		};
233 		struct Line {
234 			enum Type {
235 				lines      = 300,  //! lines.
236 				histogram  = 301,  //! histogram (boxes).
237 				linespoints= 302,  //! lines with points. (default)
238 				points     = 303,  //! only the points.
239 				other      = 304   //! rien.
240 			} ;
241 		};
243 		struct Options {
244 			enum Type {
245 				oblique = 400,
246 				other   = 401
247 			};
248 		};
250 		/*! @brief Constructor.
251 		 * By default, creates an histogram representing the data in an eps plot.
252 		 */
253 		PlotStyle() ;
255 		/*! @brief sets the titles in the graph.
256 		 * @param titre Title of the graph
257 		 * @param titre_y Title of the y-axis (series)
258 		 * @param titre_x Title of the x-axis (data points)
259 		 */
260 		void setTitle ( const std::string  &  titre
261 				, const std::string  & titre_y
262 				, const std::string  & titre_x);
264 		/*! @brief Gets the title of the graph.
265 		 * @return a gnuplot command to set the title of the graph.
266 		 */
267 		std::string  getTitle() const ;
269 		/*! @brief Gets the title of points abscissa.
270 		 * @return a gnuplot command to set the title of the abscissa.
271 		 */
272 		std::string getTitleX() const ;
274 		/*! @brief Gets the title of the series.
275 		 * @return a gnuplot command to set the title of the ordinate (series).
276 		 */
277 		std::string getTitleY() const ;
279 		/*! @brief get the title string.
280 		 * @param index can be (0,1,2)
281 		 */
282 		std::string getRawTitle(int index=0) const ;
284 		/*! @brief Sets the output format.
285 		 * @sa TermType
286 		 * @param term type
287 		 */
288 		void setTerm( enum Term::Type term) ;
291 		/*! @brief Gets the output format.
292 		 * @return string for setting the expected output format in gnuplot.
293 		 * @warning noenhanced allows underscores while enhanced does subscripts.
294 		 * if we add a (no) enhanced option, we'll have to add a safeFormat(std::string) that replaces \c _ with <code>\_</code> .
295 		 * This is tricky and can be done at "post production" stage :-)
296 		 */
297 		std::string getTerm() const ;
299 		/*! @brief Gets the graph output extension.
300 		 * By default, this is ".eps".
301 		 * @return a string for this extension, including the sepatating dot.
302 		 *
303 		 */
304 		std::string getExt() const ;
306 #if 0
307 		/*! @brief gets the style of the graph.
308 		 * This is very user-tweakable !!
309 		 * @return the style for gnuplot.
310 		 */
311 		const std::string & getStyle()
312 		{
313 			return "#style\n"+_styleopts_ ;
314 		}
316 		/*! @brief sets the style of the graph.
317 		 * This is very user-tweakable !!
318 		 * @param style the style for gnuplot as a gnuplot command.
319 		 */
320 		void setStyle(const std::string & style)
321 		{
322 			_styleopts_ = style ;
323 		}
324 #endif
326 		/*! @brief sets the legend position.
327 		 * @param keypos the arguments to key (where the legend should be put)
328 		 * can be :
329 		 * <code>
330 		 *      set key {on|off} {default}
331 		 *              {{inside | outside} | {lmargin | rmargin | tmargin | bmargin} | {at <position>}}
332 		 *              {left | right | center} {top | bottom | center}
333 		 *              {vertical | horizontal} {Left | Right}
334 		 *              {{no}reverse} {{no}invert}
335 		 *              {samplen <sample_length>} {spacing <vertical_spacing>}
336 		 *              {width <width_increment>}
337 		 *              {height <height_increment>}
338 		 *              {{no}autotitle {columnheader}}
339 		 *              {title "<text>"} {{no}enhanced}
340 		 *              {{no}box { {linestyle | ls <line_style>} | {linetype | lt <line_type>} {linewidth | lw <line_width>}}}
341 		 * </code>
342 		 */
343 		void setKeyPos(const std::string & keypos) ;
346 		/*! @brief Gets the legend position.
347 		 * by default, it is "under".
348 		 */
349 		std::string getKeyPos() const ;
351 		/*! @brief sets the  position of the labels on the X absciss.
352 		 * @param opt
353 		 * @param more more stuff
354 		 */
355 		void setXtics ( enum Options::Type opt, const std::string & more="") ;
357 		/*! @brief Gets the legend position.
358 		 * by default, it is 45° inclined (use in on long tics legends).
359 		 */
360 		const std::string & getXtics() const ;
362 		/*! @brief Gets the name of the output graph.
363 		 * @param basnam the raw name for the output.
364 		 * @return basnam+extenstion.
365 		 */
366 		std::string getOutput(const std::string & basnam) const ;
368 		/*! @brief Sets the type of plot.
369 		 * @param type the type.
370 		 * @sa PlotType
371 		 *
372 		 */
373 		void setPlotType(enum Plot::Type type) ;
375 		/*! @brief Sets the way dots are linked.
376 		 * @sa LineType
377 		 * @param type type
378 		 */
379 		void setLineType( enum Line::Type type) ;
381 		/*! @brief Gets the type of plot.
382 		 * default is histogram, or if graph is supplied, then the default is linespoints.
383 		 * Can be totally customized.
384 		 * @return a string for gnuplot to set the plot type.
385 		 * @sa PlotType
386 		 *
387 		 */
388 		std::string getPlotType(const std::string & extraargs ="") ;
390 		/*! @brief adds some style line to the graph.
391 		 * This is very user-tweakable !!
392 		 * @param style a style line for gnuplot as a gnuplot command.
393 		 */
394 		void addPlotType(const std::string & style) ;
396 		/*! @brief tells which columns to use.
397 		 * @param col a column to use.
398 		 * @param moreargs more stuff
399 		 */
400 		void setUsingSeries(size_t col, const std::string &  moreargs= "") ;
402 		/*! @brief adds a column to use
403 		 * @param col a  column to use.
404 		 * @param moreargs more stuff
405 		 * @pre \p _usingcols_ is not empty, ie \c setUsingSeries has already been called.
406 		 */
407 		void addUsingSeries(size_t col, const std::string &  moreargs= "") ;
409 		/*! @brief tells which columns to use.
410 		 * @param cols a list of column to use.
411 		 * @param moreargs more stuff
412 		 */
413 		void setUsingSeries(std::list<size_t> cols, const std::string & moreargs= "") ;
415 		/*! @brief adds a set of columns to use.
416 		 * @param cols a list of column to use.
417 		 * @param moreargs more stuff
418 		 * @pre \p _usingcols_ is not empty, ie \c setUsingSeries has already been called.
419 		 */
420 		void addUsingSeries(std::list<size_t> cols, const std::string & moreargs= "") ;
422 		/*! @brief tells which columns to use.
423 		 * @param cols all colums between \c cols.first and \c cols.second (included)
424 		 * will be used.
425 		 * @param moreargs more stuff
426 		 *
427 		 */
428 		void setUsingSeries(std::pair<size_t,size_t> cols, const std::string & moreargs= "") ;
430 		/*! @brief adds contiguous columns to use.
431 		 * @param cols all colums between \c cols.first and \c
432 		 * cols.second will be used.
433 		 * @param moreargs more stuff
434 		 * @pre \p _usingcols_ is not empty, ie \c setUsingSeries has
435 		 * already been called.
436 		 *
437 		 */
438 		void addUsingSeries(std::pair<size_t,size_t> cols, const std::string & moreargs= "") ;
440 		const std::string & getUsingSeries() const ;
442 	private :
443 		// int                                 _precision_ ;   //!< precision of the output. by default 2.
444 		/* Legend. */
445 		std::string                         _legend_pos_;   //!< legend position
446 		/*  titles */
447 		std::string                         _title_     ;   //!< name of the graph
448 		std::string                         _title_x_   ;   //!< title for the points
449 		std::string                         _title_y_   ;   //!< title for the series
450 		std::string                         _xtics_     ;   //!< format for the x tics.
451 		/*  units */
452 		// std::string                      _unit_      ;
453 		/*  terminal output */
454 		enum Term::Type                     _term_      ; //!< output data format.
455 		// std::string                      _termopts_  ;
456 		/*  plotting style */
457 		enum Plot::Type                     _plot_type_ ; //!< histogram/graph style
458 		// std::string                         _plot_extra_; //!< extra specification for the plot style. default empty.
459 		enum Line::Type                     _line_type_ ; //!< style for the representation of points
460 		std::string                         _styleopts_ ; //!< gp style command.
461 		/*  columns to use */
462 		std::string                         _usingcols_ ; //!< columns to be used (gp command)
465 	} ; // PlotStyle
467 } // LinBox
469 //
470 // PlotData
471 //
473 namespace LinBox {
475 		struct Point {
476 			//! x
477 			struct Labels {
478 				typedef std::string type;
479 			};
481 			//! y
482 			struct Values {
483 				typedef double type;
484 			} ;
486 			//! numerical value for x
487 			struct Points {
488 				typedef double type;
489 			};
491 			//! y time
492 			struct Times  {
493 				typedef double type;
494 			};
495 		} ;
497 	/*! @brief The raw data to plot.
498 	 * Represents  the labels for the points (X axis) and the values for
499 	 * each series of measures (Y axis).
500 	 *
501 	 * Members that set/get are named as follows :
502 	 * - getX(nom,j) return the j'th element of series named nom
503 	 * - getX(i,j) return the j'th element of series number i
504 	 * - getCurrentSeriesX(j) return the j'th element of current series
505 	 * - getCurrentEntryX() return the current element of current series (ie the last one)
506 	 * - .
507 	 *
508 	 * Members are also named as follows :
509 	 * - getXXX is a const member
510 	 * - selectXXX is non const and may create/update stuff
511 	 * - refXXX returns a reference
512 	 * - setXXX sets something
513 	 *
514 	 * @internal The internal representation is a
515 	 * vector of vector, each series of point being a vector of double.
516 	 *
517 	 * @tparam Xkind the X axis is parametrised by \p Xkind (string, int, double...)
518 	 * The Y axis is always represented by double.
519 	 * @todo put the legend (title, x, y) in there
520 	 */
521 	class PlotData {
522 	private :
523 		std::vector<DataSeries >      _tableau_  ;   //!< data. \c _tableau_[i] represents a series of measurements. A data series is augmented only via the \c push_back method. A series may be accessed by its name, its number or it is the current working series.
524 		svector_t                  _series_label_ ;   //!< label for each series of measures. Used in the legend of the plots/tables of points.
525 		mutable size_t            _curr_series_  ;   //!< index of the current series of measurements.
526 		mutable TimeWatcher        _time_watch_  ;   //!< time predictor, helper. See \c TimeWatcher.
527 		MetaData                     _plot_data_ ;   //!< information abouth the benchmark
528 		MetaDataSeries               _meta_data_ ;   //!< information about each point
529 	private:
532 		//! @internal data part of the XML output
533 		tinyxml2::XMLElement * saveData(tinyxml2::XMLDocument & doc) ;
534 #endif
536 		/** Finds the index of a series by its name.
537 		 * @param nom name of the series
538 		 * @return its index
539 		 */
540 		size_t getIndex(const std::string & nom) const ;
542 		/** Finds the index of a series by its name.
543 		 * @param nom name of the series
544 		 * @return its index
545 		 */
546 		size_t selectIndex(const std::string & nom) ;
548 	public :
550 		/*! Returns the ith series of measurements.
551 		 * @param i ith series to be returned
552 		 */
553 		const DataSeries & getSeries(const size_t  &i) const ;
555 		/*! Returns the ith series of measurements.
556 		 * @param i ith series to be returned
557 		 */
558 		const DataSeries & selectSeries(const size_t  &i) ;
560 		/*! Returns the series of measurements after its name.
561 		 * @param nom name of series to be returned
562 		 */
563 		const DataSeries & selectSeries(const std::string &name) ;
565 		/*! Returns the current series of measurements.
566 		*/
567 		const DataSeries & getCurrentSeries() const;
569 		/*! Returns the ith series of measurements.
570 		 * @param i ith series to be returned
571 		 */
572 		DataSeries & refSeries(const size_t  &i) ;
574 		/*! Returns the ith series of measurements.
575 		 * @param i ith series to be returned
576 		 */
577 		DataSeries & refSeries(const std::string  & nom) ;
579 		/*! Returns the current series of measurements.
580 		*/
581 		DataSeries & refCurrentSeries() ;
583 		/*! Inits a plot with series of data.
584 		 * @param nb_pts number of points in each series.
585 		 * @param nb_srs number of series of points. Default is 1.
586 		 */
587 		PlotData() ;
588 		/*! destructor.
589 		*/
590 		~PlotData()  ;
592 		/*! copy constructor.
593 		 * @param PD a PlotData to copy.
594 		 */
595 		PlotData(const PlotData & PD);
597 		/** @brief initialize to empty
598 		*/
599 		void clear() ;
601 		/*! merges another plot data to the current one.
602 		 * (just adds to the end, does not merge series by name yet)
603 		 */
604 		void merge(const PlotData &PD) ;
606 		/*! @brief get the number of series.
607 		 * @return number of series.
608 		 */
609 		size_t size() const ;
611 		/** @brief gets the current series number.
612 		*/
613 		size_t getCurrentSeriesNumber() const ;
615 		/*! @brief Sets the name of a series.
616 		 * @param i index of the series
617 		 * @param nom name of the series
618 		 */
619 		void setSeriesName(const size_t & i, const std::string & nom) ;
621 		// ref  Series
623 		template<class Pt>
624 		std::vector<typename Pt::type> & refSeries(const size_t & i,  Pt kind) ;
626 		template<class Pt>
refSeries(const std::string & name,Pt kind)627 		std::vector<typename Pt::type> & refSeries(const std::string & name,  Pt kind)
628 		{
629 			return refSeries(getIndex(name ), kind );
630 		}
632 		// get Series
634 		template<class Pt>
635 		const std::vector<typename Pt::type> & getSeries(const size_t & i,  Pt kind) const ;
637 		template<class Pt>
getSeries(const std::string & name,Pt kind)638 		const std::vector<typename Pt::type> & getSeries(const std::string & name,  Pt kind) const
639 		{
640 			return getSeries(getIndex(name),kind);
641 		}
643 		template<class Pt>
getCurrentSeries(Pt kind)644 		const std::vector<typename Pt::type> & getCurrentSeries( Pt kind) const
645 		{
646 			return getSeries(_curr_series_, kind);
647 		}
649 		template<class Pt>
getSeriesEntry(const size_t & i,const size_t & j,Pt kind)650 		const typename Pt::type & getSeriesEntry(const size_t & i, const size_t & j, Pt kind) const
651 		{
652 			linbox_check(j<getSeriesSize(i));
653 			return (getSeries(i,kind)[j]) ;
654 		}
656 		template<class Pt>
getSeriesEntry(const std::string & name,const size_t & j,Pt kind)657 		const typename Pt::type & getSeriesEntry(const std::string & name, const size_t & j, Pt kind) const
658 		{
659 			return getSeriesEntry(getIndex(name),j,kind);
660 		}
662 		template<class Pt>
getSeriesEntry(const size_t & i,Pt kind)663 		const typename Pt::type & getSeriesEntry(const size_t & i,  Pt kind) const
664 		{
665 			return ( getSeries(i,kind).back() ) ;
666 		}
668 		template<class Pt>
getSeriesEntry(const std::string & name,Pt kind)669 		const typename Pt::type & getSeriesEntry(const std::string & name,  Pt kind) const
670 		{
671 			return getSeriesEntry(getIndex(name),kind);
672 		}
674 		template<class Pt>
getCurrentSeriesEntry(const size_t & j,Pt kind)675 		const typename Pt::type & getCurrentSeriesEntry(const size_t & j, Pt kind) const
676 		{
677 			return getSeriesEntry(_curr_series_, j, kind);
678 		}
680 		template<class Pt>
getCurrentSeriesEntry(Pt kind)681 		const typename Pt::type & getCurrentSeriesEntry( Pt kind) const
682 		{
683 			return getSeriesEntry(_curr_series_, kind);
684 		}
687 		// set Series
689 		/** Gets the name of a series.
690 		 * @param i index of the series
691 		 */
692 		const std::string &  getSeriesName(const size_t & i) const ;
694 		/** Gets the name of the current series.
695 		*/
696 		const std::string &  getCurrentSeriesName() const ;
698 		/*! @brief Sets the name of the current series.
699 		 * @param nom name of the series
700 		 */
701 		void setCurrentSeriesName(const std::string & nom) ;
703 		/** Inits the watch on a series
704 		 * @param i index of a series
705 		 */
706 		void initWatch ( const size_t & i) ;
708 		/** Inits the watch to current series
709 		*/
710 		void initCurrentSeriesWatch () ;
712 		/** Creates a new series.
713 		 * It is created after the last series.
714 		 * \c getCurrentSeries() points to it.
715 		 * @param nom name of the new series
716 		 */
717 		void newSeries(const std::string & nom = "") ;
719 		/** Finish a series of measurements.
720 		 * Nothing is done for the moment.
721 		 */
722 		void finishSeries() ;
724 		/** @brief size of a series.
725 		 * @param i index of the series
726 		 */
727 		size_t getSeriesSize(const size_t & i) const ;
729 		/** @brief size of the current series.
730 		*/
731 		size_t getCurrentSeriesSize() const ;
733 		/*! goes to the next series of points
734 		*/
735 		bool selectNextSeries() ;
737 		/** selects the first series
738 		 */
739 		void selectFirstSeries() ;
741 		/*! @brief Sets the name of a point.
742 		 * @param i series number
743 		 * @param j index for the the point
744 		 * @param nom name of the point
745 		 */
746 		template<class T>
setSeriesPointLabel(const size_t & i,const size_t & j,const T & nom)747 		void setSeriesPointLabel(const size_t & i, const size_t & j, const T & nom)
748 		{
749 			std::string nom_s = fortifyString(toString(nom));
750 			linbox_check(j<getSeriesSize(i) );
751 			refSeries(i).PointLabels[j] = nom_s ;
753 			return;
754 		}
756 		/*! @brief Sets the name of a point.
757 		 * @param j index for the the point
758 		 * @param nom name of the point
759 		 */
760 		void setCurrentSeriesPointLabel(const size_t & j, const std::string & nom) ;
764 		/*! @brief gets the name of a series.
765 		 * Defaults to \c "series.i"
766 		 * @param i its index.
767 		 * @return its name.
768 		 */
769 		std::string getSeriesLabel(const size_t & i) const ;
771 		/*! @brief gets the name of a series.
772 		 * Defaults to \c "series.i"
773 		 * @param i its index.
774 		 * @return its name.
775 		 */
776 		std::string  getCurrentSeriesLabel() const;
778 		/*! @brief gets all the names in the series.
779 		 * @return a vector of names.
780 		 */
781 		const svector_t  & getSeriesLabels() const ;
787 		/*! @brief sets a new entry.
788 		 * @param i index of the series
789 		 * @param j index of the point
790 		 * @param nam name of the point (eg size of the matrix, name of a sparse matrix,...)
791 		 * @param val value to be inserted (eg mflops, sec,...).
792 		 * @param xval x value of the point (eg size of the matrix, of a sparse matrix,...)
793 		 * @param yval time for this computation (seconds)
794 		 */
795 		void setSeriesEntry(const size_t &i, const std::string & nam, const double & val
796 				    , const double & xval = NAN, const double & yval = NAN) ;
798 		/*! @brief sets a new entry.
799 		 * @param name name of the series
800 		 * @param j index of the point
801 		 * @param nam name of the point (eg size of the matrix, name of a sparse matrix,...)
802 		 * @param val value to be inserted (eg mflops, sec,...).
803 		 * @param xval x value of the point (eg size of the matrix, of a sparse matrix,...)
804 		 * @param yval time for this computation (seconds)
805 		 */
806 		void setSeriesEntry(const std::string & nom, const std::string & nam, const double & val
807 			      , const double & xval = NAN, const double & yval = NAN) ;
809 		/*! @brief sets a new entry.
810 		 * @param j index of the point
811 		 * @param nam name of the point (eg size of the matrix, name of a sparse matrix,...)
812 		 * @param val value to be inserted (eg mflops, sec,...).
813 		 */
814 		template<class T>
815 		void setCurrentSeriesEntry(const T & nam, const double & val
816 					   , const double & xval = NAN, const double & yval = NAN)
817 		{
818 			std::string nam_s = fortifyString(toString(nam));
819 			return setSeriesEntry(_curr_series_,nam_s,val,xval,yval) ;
820 		}
824 		/*! gets a reference to the array of data.
825 		 * @return a reference to the member \c _tableau_ representing the data.
826 		 */
827 		const std::vector<DataSeries > & getTable() const ;
829 		/*! gets a reference to the array of data.
830 		 * @return a reference to the member \c _tableau_ representing the data.
831 		 */
832 		std::vector<DataSeries > & refTable() ;
835 		/** @brief Continue for another time measure ?
836 		 * @see TimeWatcher::keepon
837 		 * @param repet  current number of repetitions for this new measure
838 		 * @param tim    time previously spent on the measures.
839 		 * @return true if one more measure can be done
840 		 */
841 		bool keepon(size_t & repet, double tim, bool usePrediction=false) ;
843 		void load( const std::string & filename) ;
845 		/** @brief saves the data in XML format.
846 		 * @param filename file name
847 		 * @param title titles of the data
848 		 * @param xtitle legend of the X axis
849 		 * @param ytitle legend of the Y axis.
850 		 */
851 		void save( const std::string & filename
852 			   , const std::string & title = ""
853 			   , const std::string & xtitle = ""
854 			   , const std::string & ytitle = "") ;
addCurrentEntryMetaData(const MetaData & m)856 		void addCurrentEntryMetaData(const MetaData & m)
857 		{
858 			_meta_data_.push_back(getCurrentEntryId(),m);
859 		}
861 		/** returns the unique ID of the current series last entry
862 		 */
getCurrentEntryId()863 		const std::string & getCurrentEntryId() const
864 		{
865 			return (getCurrentSeries().UID).back();
866 		}
868 		/** @brief returns the unique ID of the current series j'th entry.
869 		 * @param j index of the entry.
870 		 */
getCurrentSeriesId(const size_t & j)871 		const std::string & getCurrentSeriesId(const size_t & j) const
872 		{
873 			return   (getCurrentSeries().UID[j]);
874 		}
876 		/** @brief returns the unique ID of the i'th series j'th entry.
877 		 * @param i index of the series.
878 		 * @param j index of the entry.
879 		 */
getId(const size_t & i,const size_t & j)880 		const std::string & getId(const size_t & i, const size_t & j)
881 		{
882 			return   (selectSeries(i).UID[j]);
883 		}
885 		/** @brief returns the unique ID of the i'th series j'th entry.
886 		 * @param i index of the series.
887 		 * @param j index of the entry.
888 		 */
getId(const std::string & name,const size_t & j)889 		const std::string & getId(const std::string & name, const size_t & j)
890 		{
891 			return   (selectSeries(name).UID[j]);
892 		}
894 	}; // PlotData
896 } // LinBox
898 //
899 // PlotGraph
900 //
902 namespace LinBox {
904 	/*! @brief The graph (2D).
905 	 * This class joins a PlotStyle and a PlotData to build up a graph.  A
906 	 * filename should be provided as well, indicating where the output
907 	 * graph and scripts will be generated.
908 	 *
909 	 * @warning the filename will get a random suffix before the extension
910 	 * so as not to overwrite files "par inadvertance".
911 	 * @warning don't name anything else than a folder "data" in your working directory. You've been warned.
912 	 * @todo make depend on PlotStyle (that owns data)
913 	 */
914 	//!@todo use getUsingSeries in latex/html/csv/xml
915 	class PlotGraph {
916 	private :
917 		PlotData              & _data_ ;   //!< reference to the data points
918 		PlotStyle            & _style_ ;   //!< reference to a plotting style
919 		std::string         _filename_ ;   //!< name for the output file (without extension). a random \c _XXXXXX suffix will be added to make it unique.
920 		std::string        _printname_ ;   //!< name for the output file (without extension) to be printed. a random \c _XXXXXX suffix makes it unique.
921 		dmatrix_t         _merge_data_ ;
922 		svector_t       _merge_points_ ;
924 	private :
926 		/*! @internal
927 		 * @brief Appends random suffix.
928 		 * Appends to \p _filename_ a random string constituted of an
929 		 * underscore followed by 8 random alnum chars.
930 		 * @return the concatenation of \c _filename_ and this suffix.
931 		 */
932 		void _randomName();
934 		//! @internal returns the file name (without extension and uid)
935 		const std::string & getFileName()  ;
937 		//! @bug this supposes the two series have unique measurements for one point.
938 		void mergeTwoSeries( svector_t & merge_points
939 				     , dmatrix_t & merge_data
940 				     , const svector_t & pts
941 				     , const dvector_t & dat
942 				     , const size_t & idx) const ;
944 		//! merge all series of points into a vector of absissa points  and a vector of vector of data points
945 		void mergeSeries();
947 		void print_csv();
949 		void print_dat();
951 		void print_xml();
953 		void print_html() ;
955 		/*! @brief Prints data in a latex tabular.
956 		*/
957 		void print_latex();
959 		/*!@brief Plots the data with gnuplot.
960 		 * Produces data in a .dat file, creates a .gp gnuplot script and
961 		 * outputs a graph calling gnuplot.
962 		 * @warning If gnuplot is not available, fall back to the latex method.
963 		 */
964 		void print_gnuplot(bool only_data=false);
966 	public :
968 		/*! @brief Sets a new data structure.
969 		 * @param data a reference to a PlotData class.
970 		 */
971 		void setData( PlotData & data );
973 		/*! @brief Gets the data.
974 		 * @param[in,out] data a reference to a PlotData class.
975 		 */
976 		PlotData & refData( PlotData & data);
978 		/*! @brief Sets a new style structure.
979 		 * @param style a reference to a PlotStyle class.
980 		 */
981 		void setStyle( PlotStyle & style ) ;
983 		/*! @brief Gets the style.
984 		 * @param[in,out] style a reference to a PlotStyle class.
985 		 */
986 		PlotStyle & refStyle( PlotStyle & style) ;
refStyle()988 		PlotStyle & refStyle( )
989 		{ return _style_ ; }
992 		// not implemented yet
993 		void sortSeries()  ;
995 		// not implemented yet
996 		void unique() ;
998 		/*! @brief Constructor for the PlotGraph class.
999 		 * Plots a series of data according to a style.
1000 		 * @param data data to be plot, will be processed by the style
1001 		 * @param style sets parameters to gnuplot to achieve a nice
1002 		 * plot.
1003 		 */
1004 		PlotGraph( PlotData & data, PlotStyle & style );
1006 		/*! @brief sets the ouput file name.
1007 		 * All output is put in a "data" subfolder.
1008 		 * @warning Since no file is overwritten, this
1009 		 * directory can rapidly get very populated.
1010 		 */
1011 		void setOutFilename( const std::string & filename ) ;
1013 		const std::string & getUsingSeries() ;
1015 		/*! @brief Gets the plot command line.
1016 		 * @param File the name of/path to the data file (with extension)
1017 		 * @return a gnuplot "plot" command stream.
1018 		 */
1019 		std::string getPlotCommand(const std::string & File) ;
1021 		void print( Tag::Printer pt = Tag::Printer::xml) ;
1023 		void save() ;
1025 		void load(const std::string & filename) ;
1027 	}; // PlotGraph
1029 } // LinBox
1031 //
1032 // Least Squares
1033 //
1035 #ifdef __LINBOX_HAVE_LAPACK
1036 extern "C" {
1037 #if 1 // from lapack (not clapack)
1039 	void dgels_(char *trans, int *m, int *n, int *nrhs, double *a, int *lda,
1040 		    double *b, int *ldb, double *work, int *lwork, int *info);
1042 	void dgelsy_(int *m, int *n, int *nrhs, double *a, int *lda,
1043 		     double *b, int *ldb, int *JPVT, double *RCOND, int *RANK,
1044 		     double *work, int *lwork, int *info);
1046 	void dgelss_(int *m, int *n, int *nrhs, double *a, int *lda,
1047 		     double *b, int *ldb, double *s, double *RCOND, int *RANK,
1048 		     double *work, int *lwork, int *info);
1049 #endif
1051 #if 0
1052 	int clapack_dgels (const enum CBLAS_ORDER 	Order,
1053 			   const enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE 	TA,
1054 			   int M,
1055 			   int N,
1056 			   int NRHS,
1057 			   double * 	A,
1058 			   int lda,
1059 			   double * 	B,
1060 			   const int 	ldb
1061 			  );
1062 #endif
1063 }
1064 #endif // __LINBOX_HAVE_LAPACK
1066 //
1067 // Curve fitting
1068 //
1070 namespace LinBox {
1072 	//! fit X[n-1,n],Y[n-1,n] and return evaluation at x.
1073 	double fit2(const dvector_t & X, const dvector_t & Y, int n, double x);
1075 #ifdef __LINBOX_HAVE_LAPACK
1076 	//! fits with a degree 3 polynomial and return evaluation at x.
1077 	double fit_lapack3(const dvector_t &X, const dvector_t &Z, double x);
1078 #endif // __LINBOX_HAVE_LAPACK
1081 	//! fit X[n-2,n],Y[n-2,n] and return evaluation at x.
1082 	double fit3(const dvector_t & X, const dvector_t & Y,int n, double x);
1084 } // LinBox
1087 #ifdef LinBoxSrcOnly
1088 #include "benchmarks/benchmark.C"
1089 #endif
1091 #include "benchmarks/benchmark.inl"
1093 #endif // __LINBOX_benchmarks_benchmark_H
1095 // Local Variables:
1096 // mode: C++
1097 // tab-width: 4
1098 // indent-tabs-mode: nil
1099 // c-basic-offset: 4
1100 // End:
1101 // vim:sts=4:sw=4:ts=4:et:sr:cino=>s,f0,{0,g0,(0,\:0,t0,+0,=s