1 /* linbox/matrix/dense-matrix.h
2  * Copyright (C) 2011 B. David Saunders,
3  * See COPYING for license information
4  *
5  * evolved from dense-submatrix and blas-matrix by B. David Saunders <saunders@cis.udel.edu>, BSY
6  */
8 /*! @file matrix/sliced3/dense-submatrix.h
9  * @ingroup matrix
10  * @brief Representation of a submatrix of a dense matrix, not resizeable.
11  * This matrix type conforms to the \c LinBox::DenseMat interface.
12  * \c LinBox::BlasMatrix is an example of DenseSubmatrix.
13  */
15 #ifndef __LINBOX_dense_matrix_H
16 #define __LINBOX_dense_matrix_H
18 #include <utility>
19 #include "linbox/linbox-config.h"
21 //#include "linbox/util/debug.h"
22 //#include "linbox/matrix/matrix-domain.h"
23 #include "linbox/vector/subvector.h"
24 #include "submat-iterator.h"
26 namespace LinBox
27 {
29 	/** @brief to be used in standard matrix domain
31 	 * Matrix variable declaration, sizing, entry initialization may involve one to 3 steps.
32 	 * Matrix ops are container ops. (sizing, copying)
33 	 * Mathematically meaningful operations are to be found only in an associated matrix domain
34 	 *
35 	 * A matrix may be allocated or not.  A matrix initialized by a submatrix() call is not allocated.
36 	 * When an allocated matrix goes out of scope or is reinitialized with init(), the memory is released
37 	 * and all submatrices of it become invalid.
38 	 *
39 	 * Allocating:
40 	 * DenseMat A(2, 3); // allocation of mem for 6 entries at construction
41 	 * DenseMat B; B.init(10, 10); // default constr and subsequent allocation for 100 entries.
42 	 *
43 	 * Allocation of memory plus entry initialization:
44 	 * // a meaningful value of DenseMat::Entry x is set by a field or matrix domain.
45 	 * DenseMat A(10, 10, x);
46 	 * DenseMat B: B.init(10, 10, x);
47 	 * DenseMat C(A); // allocation at copy construction.  A could be a submatrix of another.
48 	 * A.read(istream)
49 	 *
50 	 * Nonallocation sizing:
51 	 * // assume D declared, A initialized, n = A.coldim().
52 	 * D.submatrix(A, 0, 1, 2, n-1); // D is 2 by n-1 in upper right of A.
53 	 *
54 	 * Entry initialization (and overwriting) in already sized matrices:
55 	 * A.setEntry(i, j, x);
56 	 * A = B; // A and B must have the same shape.
58 	 * Entry read access. OK on const matrices
59 	 * getEntry, write
61 	 * Under consideration:  Require A.clear() on an allocated matrix before any action that would abandon
62 	 * the allocated mem (init or submatrix).
63 	 \ingroup matrix
64 	 */
65 	template<class _Element>
66 	class DenseMat {
67 		typedef _Element Entry;
68 	public: // protected:  //TODO scope
69 		Entry *_rep; // matrix entries on the heap.
70 		bool _alloc; // iff _alloc, I am responsible for _rep allocation/deallocation.
71 		size_t _rows;
72 		size_t _cols;
73 		size_t _stride; // stride from row to row.  Entries in a row are contiguous.
75 	public:
rowdim()76 		size_t rowdim() const { return _rows; }
coldim()77 		size_t coldim() const { return _cols; }
getEntry(Entry & x,size_t i,size_t j)79 		Entry& getEntry(Entry& x, size_t i, size_t j) const {
80 			linbox_check(i < _rows && j < _cols);
81 			return x = *(_rep + i*_stride + j);
82 		}
setEntry(size_t i,size_t j,const Entry & x)84 		Entry& setEntry(size_t i, size_t j, const Entry& x ) {
85 			//linbox_check((i < _rows && j < _cols));
86 			return *(_rep + i*_stride + j) = x;
87 		}
88 		// no refEntry - not well supportable in some matrix domains.
DenseMat()90 		DenseMat() : _rep(NULL), _alloc(false), _rows(0), _cols(0), _stride(0) {}
92 		void init(size_t m = 0, size_t n = 0) {
93 			//std::cerr << m << " " << n << " <<<<<<" << std::endl;
94 			if (_alloc) delete _rep; // abandon any prior def
95 			if (m*n != 0) {
96 				_rep = new Entry[m*n]; _alloc = true;
97 			} else {
98 				_rep = NULL; _alloc = false;
99 			}
100 			size(m, n);
101 		}
init(size_t m,size_t n,const Entry & filler)103 		void init(size_t m, size_t n, const Entry& filler) {
104 			if (_alloc) delete _rep; // abandon any prior def
105 			if (m*n != 0) {
106 				_rep = new Entry[m*n]; _alloc = true;
107 				for (size_t i = 0; i < m*n; ++i) _rep[i] = filler;
108 			} else {
109 				_rep = NULL; _alloc = false;
110 			}
111 			size(m, n);
112 		}
114 		/* Copy construction makes this a completely distinct copy of A.
115 		 * Entries of this are stored contiguously even if A is not contiguous (is a submatrix of another).
116 		 *
117 		 * If memcpy is not valid for your entry type, specialize DenseMat for it.
118 		 */
DenseMat(const DenseMat & A)119 		DenseMat(const DenseMat& A)
120 		: _rep(new Entry[A._rows*A._cols]), _alloc(true), _rows(A._rows), _cols(A._cols), _stride(A._cols)
121 		{
122 			//std::cout << "copy construction " << _rep << std::endl;
123 			//std::cout << "copy cons " << _rows << " " << _cols << std::endl;
124 			*this = A; // copy A's data into _rep
125 		}
~DenseMat()127 		~DenseMat() {
128 			if (_alloc) delete _rep;
129 		}
131 		// For assignment, the matrices must have same size and not overlap in memory.
132 		// This restriction could be loosened...
133 		DenseMat& operator=(const DenseMat& B) {
134 			linbox_check(_rows == B._rows && _cols == B._cols);
135 			if (_cols == _stride && B._cols == B._stride) // both are contiguous
136 				memcpy(_rep, B._rep, sizeof(Entry)*_rows*_cols);
137 			else
138 				for (size_t i = 0; i < _rows; ++i) // copy row by row
139 					memcpy(_rep + i*_stride, B._rep + i*B._stride, sizeof(Entry)*_cols);
140 			return *this;
141 		}
143 		/** Set this to be an m by n submatrix of A with upper left corner at i,j position of A.
144 		 * Requires i+m <= A.rowdim(), j+n <= A.coldim().
145 		 *
146 		 * For instance, B.submatrix(A, i, 0, 1, A.coldim()) makes B the i-th row of A.
147 		 */
submatrix(const DenseMat & A,size_t i,size_t j,size_t m,size_t n)148 		void submatrix(const DenseMat & A, size_t i, size_t j, size_t m, size_t n) {
149 			linbox_check(i+m <= A._rows && j+n <= A._cols);
150 			if (_alloc) delete _rep; // abandon any prior def
151 			_rep = A._rep + (i*A._stride + j);
152 			_alloc = false;
153 			_rows = m; _cols = n; _stride = A._stride;
154 		}
156 		/*  SLICED helper functions... maybe shouldn't be public */
158 		//  size a matrix w/o allocating memory
size(size_t m,size_t n)159 		void size(size_t m, size_t n){
160 			_rows = m; _cols = _stride = n;
161 		}
163 		template<class vp>
did_swapback(vp & swaps,size_t hot,size_t l,size_t r)164 		int did_swapback(vp &swaps, size_t hot, size_t l, size_t r){
165 			for(size_t i=l; i<r; ++i){
166 				if(swaps[i].second == hot)
167 					return swaps[i].first;
168 			}
169 			return -1;
170 		}
172 		template<class vp>
flocs(vp & tos,vp & swaps)173 		void flocs(vp & tos, vp & swaps){
174 			std::vector<size_t> pos;
175 			for(size_t i =0; i < coldim(); ++i)  pos.push_back(i);
177 			for(int i = coldim()-1; i>= 0; --i){
178 				//std::cerr << swaps[i] << std::endl;
179 				swap(pos[swaps[i].first], pos[swaps[i].second]);
180 			}
182 			for(size_t i = 0; i < coldim(); ++i){
183 				std::pair<size_t, size_t> p(i, pos[i]);
184 				tos.push_back(p);
185 			}
186 		}
188 		template<class vp>
final_loc(vp & swaps,size_t j)189 		size_t final_loc(vp &swaps, size_t j){
190 			//  first check if we were swapped back prior to being reached
191 			int to = did_swapback(swaps, j, 0, j+1);
192 			if(to >= 0) return to;
193 			//  next check if we get swapped back from our immediate neightbor
194 			//size_t nbor = swaps[j].second;
195 			//to = did_swapback(swaps, nbor, j+1, nbor);
196 			//if(to >= 0) return to;
197 			//  bad luck, we are chained forward, so
198 			size_t i = j;
199 			while(to < 0){
200 				size_t lc = swaps[i].first;
201 				size_t rc = swaps[i].second;
202 				to = did_swapback(swaps, rc, lc+1, rc+1);
203 				//std::cerr << j << ": " << to << "= ds(swps, " << rc << "," << lc+1 << "," << rc+1 << ")" << std::endl;
205 				i = rc;
206 				if(to < 0 && rc == swaps.size() - 1){
207 					to = swaps.size() - 1;
208 				}
209 			}
210 			return to;
211 		}
randomColPermutation()213 		void randomColPermutation() {
214 			typedef std::pair<size_t, size_t> pair;
215 			typedef std::vector<pair> vp;
216 			vp swaps;
217 			vp tos;
218 			vp tos2;
219 			//  create pairs
220 			for (size_t j = 0; j < coldim(); ++j){
221 				// Each iteration swap col j with a random col in range [j..n-1].
222 				int k = j + rand()%(coldim()-j);
223 				//std::cerr << j << "->" << k << std::endl;
224 				pair p(j,k);
225 				swaps.push_back(p);
226 				//for (size_t i = 0; i < rowdim(); ++i)
227 					//swap( _rep[i*_stride + j], _rep[i*_stride + k]);
228 			}
229 			/*
230 			//flocs(tos2, swaps);
231 			//  find each final location
232 			for(size_t j = 0; j < coldim(); ++j){
233 				size_t to = final_loc(swaps, j);
234 				pair p(j, to);
235 				if(p != tos2[j]){
236 					std::cerr << "HOUSTON: PROBLEM" << std::endl;
237 				}
238 				else{
239 					std::cout << "YAY ";
240 				}
241 				tos.push_back(p);
242 			}
243 				*/
244 			flocs(tos, swaps);
245 			//  tos is the correct mapping now permute
246 			Entry *perm_row = new Entry[coldim()];
247 			for(size_t i = 0; i < rowdim(); ++i){
248 				for(vp::iterator ti = tos.begin(); ti!= tos.end(); ++ti)
249 					perm_row[(*ti).second] = _rep[i*_stride + (*ti).first];
250 				memcpy(&(_rep[i*_stride]), perm_row, coldim()*sizeof(Entry));
251 			}
252 			delete[] perm_row;
254 			//  CHECKING CODE
255 			/*
256 			std::cerr << "swaps: ";
257 			for(vp::iterator i = swaps.begin(); i!= swaps.end(); ++i){
258 				std::cerr << *i << " ";
259 			}
260 			std::cerr << std::endl;
261 			std::cerr << "tos: ";
262 			for(vp::iterator i = tos.begin(); i!= tos.end(); ++i){
263 				std::cerr << *i << " ";
264 			}
265 			std::cerr << std::endl;
266 			std::vector<int> orig;
267 			for(size_t i = 0; i < coldim(); ++i) orig.push_back((int)i);
268 			std::vector<int> out(orig);
269 			std::vector<int> out2(orig);
270 			for(vp::iterator i = swaps.begin(); i!= swaps.end(); ++i){
271 				std::swap(out[(*i).first], out[(*i).second]);
272 			}
273 			for(vp::iterator i = tos.begin(); i!= tos.end(); ++i){
274 				out2[(*i).second] = orig[(*i).first];
275 			}
276 			for(std::vector<int>::iterator i=out.begin(), i2=out2.begin(); i!=out.end(); ++i, ++i2){
277 				if(*i != *i2){
278 					std::cerr << "LOSER: ";
279 					std::cerr << *i << " v " << *i2 << std::endl;
280 				}
281 			}
282 			*/
283 		}
randomLowerTriangularColTransform()285 		void randomLowerTriangularColTransform() {
286 			for (size_t j = 0; j < coldim(); ++j){
287 				// Each iteration swap col j with a random col in range [j..n-1].
288 				//int l = 1, k = 0;
289 				//do { l *= RAND_MAX; k = k*RAND_MAX + rand(); } while (l < j);
290 				//k = k%j;
291 				int k = rand()%j;
292 				for (size_t i = 0; i < rowdim(); ++i)
293 					 _rep[i*_stride + j] += _rep[i*_stride + k];
294 			}
295 		}
296 		/*  Iterators */
298 		typedef SubMatIterator<_Element> RawIterator;
299 		typedef ConstSubMatIterator<_Element> ConstRawIterator;
rawBegin()301 		RawIterator rawBegin() {
302 			return RawIterator(_rep, _cols, _stride); };
rawEnd()303 		RawIterator rawEnd() {
304 			return RawIterator(_rep + _rows*_stride); }
rowBegin(size_t i)305 		RawIterator rowBegin(size_t i) {
306 			//return rawBegin() + i*_cols;
307 			return RawIterator(_rep+i*_stride, _cols, _stride);
308 		}
rowEnd(size_t i)309 		RawIterator rowEnd(size_t i) {
310 			return rowBegin(i + 1);
311 		}
312 		/*
313 		RawIterator rowBegin(size_t i) {
314 			return rawBegin() + i*_cols; }
315 		RawIterator rowEnd(size_t i) {
316 			return rowBegin(i + 1); }
317 			*/
rawBegin()319 		ConstRawIterator rawBegin() const {
320 			return ConstRawIterator(_rep, _cols, _stride); }
rawEnd()321 		ConstRawIterator rawEnd() const {
322 			return ConstRawIterator(_rep + _rows*_stride); }
rowBegin(size_t i)323 		ConstRawIterator rowBegin(size_t i) const {
324 			return rawBegin() + i*_cols; }
rowEnd(size_t i)325 		ConstRawIterator rowEnd(size_t i) const {
326 			return rowBegin(i + 1); }
328 		typedef DenseMat<_Element>   Self_t;       //!< Self type
330 #if 0  // TODO factor out
331 		/** @name typedef'd Row Iterators.
332 		 *\brief
333 		 * The row iterator gives the rows of the
334 		 * matrix in ascending order. Dereferencing the iterator yields
335 		 * a row vector in dense format
336 		 * @{
337 		 */
338 		typedef Entry* RowIterator;
339 		typedef const Entry* ConstRowIterator;
340 		typedef Subvector<Entry*> Row;
341 		typedef Subvector<const Entry*> ConstRow;
342 		 //@} Row Iterators
344 		/** @name typedef'd Column Iterators.
345 		 *\brief
346 		 * The columns iterator gives the columns of the
347 		 * matrix in ascending order. Dereferencing the iterator yields
348 		 * a column vector in dense format
349 		 * @{
350 		 */
351 		typedef Subiterator<Entry> ColIterator;
352 		typedef Subiterator<const Entry> ConstColIterator;
353 		typedef Subvector<ColIterator>                   Col;
354 		typedef Subvector<ConstColIterator>                   ConstCol;
355 		//@} // Column Iterators
356 #endif
358 		template<typename _Tp1>
359 		struct rebind {
360 			typedef DenseMat<typename _Tp1::Element> other;
361 		};
363 		/** Read the matrix from an input stream.
364 		 * @param file Input stream from which to read
365 		 * @param field
366 		 */
367 		template<class Field>
368 		std::istream& read (std::istream &file, const Field& field);
370 		/** Write the matrix to an output stream.
371 		 * @param os Output stream to which to write
372 		 * @param field
373 		 * @param mapleFormat write in Maple(r) format ?
374 		 */
375 		template<class Field>
376 		std::ostream& write (std::ostream &os, const Field& field,
377 				     bool mapleFormat = false) const;
379 		/** Write the matrix to an output stream.
380 		 * This a raw version of \c write(os,F) (no field is given).
381 		 * @param os Output stream to which to write
382 		 * @param mapleFormat write in Maple(r) format ?
383 		 */
384 		std::ostream& write (std::ostream &os,
385 				     bool mapleFormat = false) const;
387 		/*  TODO factor out row/col iterator
388 		RowIterator rowBegin ();
389 		RowIterator rowEnd ();
390 		ConstRowIterator rowBegin () const;
391 		ConstRowIterator rowEnd () const;
393 		ColIterator colBegin ();
394 		ColIterator colEnd ();
395 		ConstColIterator colBegin () const;
396 		ConstColIterator colEnd () const;
397 		*/
399 };
400 	/*! Write a matrix to a stream.
401 	 * The C++ way using <code>operator<<</code>
402 	 * @param o output stream
403 	 * @param Mat matrix to write.
404 	 */
405 	template<class T>
406 	std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream & o, const DenseMat<T> & Mat)
407 	{
408 		return Mat.write(o);
409 	}
411 	/*! @internal
412 	 * @brief MatrixTraits
413 	 */
414 	/*  necessary?
415 	template <class Element>
416 	struct MatrixTraits< DenseMat<Element> > {
417 		typedef DenseMat<Element> MatrixType;
418 		typedef typename MatrixCategories::RowColMatrixTag MatrixCategory;
419 	};
420 	*/
422 	template <class _Element>
423 	template <class Field>
read(std::istream & file,const Field & field)424 	std::istream& DenseMat<_Element>::read (std::istream &file, const Field& field)
425 	{
426 		RawIterator p;
428 		for (p = rawBegin (); p != rawEnd (); ++p) {
429 			// each entry is seperated by one space.
430 			file.ignore (1);
431 			field.read (file, *p);
432 		}
434 		return file;
435 	}
437 	template <class _Element>
438 	template <class Field>
write(std::ostream & os,const Field & field,bool mapleFormat)439 	std::ostream &DenseMat<_Element>::write (std::ostream &os, const Field& field,
440 						       bool mapleFormat) const
441 	{
442 		return os;
443 	}
444 /*  TODO factor out RowIterator
445 		ConstRowIterator p;
447 		// integer c;
448 		//int wid;
450 		// field.cardinality (c);
451 		//wid = (int) ceil (log ((double) c) / M_LN10); //BB : not used !
453 		typename ConstRow::const_iterator pe;
455 		if (mapleFormat) os << "[";
457 		for (p = rowBegin (); p != rowEnd (); ++p) {
458 			if (mapleFormat && (p != rowBegin()))
459 				os << ',';
460 			if (mapleFormat) os << "[";
462 			for (pe = p->begin (); pe != p->end (); ++pe) {
463 				if (mapleFormat && (pe != p->begin())) os << ',';
464 				// matrix base does not provide this field(), maybe should?
465 				//_M.field ().write (os, *pe);
466 				//os << *pe;
467 				//fixed by using extra field
469 				field.write (os, *pe);
470 				os << " ";
471 			}
473 			if (!mapleFormat)
474 				os << std::endl;
475 			else os << ']';
476 		}
478 		if (mapleFormat) os << ']';
479 		return os;
480 	}
481 	*/
483 	template <class _Element>
write(std::ostream & os,bool mapleFormat)484 	std::ostream &DenseMat<_Element>::write (std::ostream &os, bool mapleFormat) const
485 	{
486 		return os;
487 	}
488 	/*
489 		ConstRowIterator p;
493 		typename ConstRow::const_iterator pe;
495 		if (mapleFormat) os << "[";
497 		for (p = rowBegin (); p != rowEnd (); ++p) {
498 			if (mapleFormat && (p != rowBegin()))
499 				os << ',';
500 			if (mapleFormat) os << "[";
502 			for (pe = p->begin (); pe != p->end (); ++pe) {
503 				if (mapleFormat && (pe != p->begin())) os << ',';
505 				os << *pe;
506 				os << " ";
507 			}
509 			if (!mapleFormat)
510 				os << std::endl;
511 			else os << ']';
512 		}
514 		if (mapleFormat) os << ']';
515 		return os;
516 	}
517 	*/
519 } // namespace LinBox
521 #endif // __LINBOX_dense_matrix_H
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524 // mode: C++
525 // tab-width: 4
526 // indent-tabs-mode: nil
527 // c-basic-offset: 4
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