1 /***************************************************************************
2  * canvas_cf.h is part of Math Graphic Library
3  * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Alexey Balakin <mathgl.abalakin@gmail.ru>       *
4  *                                                                         *
5  *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
6  *   it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License  as       *
7  *   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the    *
8  *   License, or (at your option) any later version.                       *
9  *                                                                         *
10  *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
11  *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
13  *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
14  *                                                                         *
15  *   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public     *
16  *   License along with this program; if not, write to the                 *
17  *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
18  *   59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.             *
19  ***************************************************************************/
20 #ifndef MGL_CANVAS_CF_H
21 #define MGL_CANVAS_CF_H
22 #include "mgl2/abstract.h"
23 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
24 #ifdef __cplusplus
25 extern "C" {
26 #endif
28 /// Create HMGL object with specified sizes
29 HMGL MGL_EXPORT mgl_create_graph(int width, int height);
30 uintptr_t MGL_EXPORT mgl_create_graph_(int *width, int *height);
31 /// Delete HMGL object
32 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_delete_graph(HMGL gr);
33 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_delete_graph_(uintptr_t *gr);
34 /// Return pointer to built-in (default) HMGL object
35 HMGL MGL_EXPORT mgl_default_graph();
36 uintptr_t MGL_EXPORT mgl_default_graph_();
37 /// Set size of frame in pixels. Normally this function is called internally.
38 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_size(HMGL gr, int width, int height);
39 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_size_(uintptr_t *gr, int *width, int *height);
40 /// Set size of frame in pixels, but don't erase primitives
41 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_scale_size(HMGL gr, int width, int height);
42 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_scale_size_(uintptr_t *gr, int *width, int *height);
43 /// Scaling for all further set size calls.
44 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_size_scl(double scl);
45 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_size_scl_(double *scl);
46 /// Set default parameters for plotting
47 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_def_param(HMGL gr);
48 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_def_param_(uintptr_t *gr);
49 /// Combine plots from 2 canvases. Result will be saved into gr
50 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_combine_gr(HMGL gr, HMGL gr2);
51 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_combine_gr_(uintptr_t *gr, uintptr_t *gr2);
52 /// Force preparing the image. It can be useful for OpenGL mode mostly.
53 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_finish(HMGL gr);
54 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_finish_(uintptr_t *gr);
55 /// Force preparing the image and save result into background one.
56 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_rasterize(HMGL gr);
57 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_rasterize_(uintptr_t *gr);
58 /// Set boundary box for export graphics into 2D file formats.
59 /** If x2<0 (y2<0) then full width (height) will be used.
60  *  If x1<0 or y1<0 or x1>=x2|Width or y1>=y2|Height then cropping will be disabled. */
61 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_bbox(HMGL gr, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
62 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_bbox_(uintptr_t *gr, int *x1, int *y1, int *x2, int *y2);
64 /// Set the size of semi-transparent area around lines, marks, glyphs, ... Default is 1.
65 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_pen_delta(HMGL gr, double d);
66 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_pen_delta_(uintptr_t *gr, double *d);
68 /// Set tick length
69 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_tick_len(HMGL gr, double len, double stt);
70 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_tick_len_(uintptr_t *gr, mreal *len, mreal *stt);
71 /// Set axis and ticks style
72 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_axis_stl(HMGL gr, const char *stl, const char *tck, const char *sub);
73 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_axis_stl_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *stl, const char *tck, const char *sub, int,int,int);
75 /// Auto adjust ticks
76 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_adjust_ticks(HMGL gr, const char *dir);
77 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_adjust_ticks_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *dir, int);
78 /// Auto adjust ticks and set ticks format ("+E0123456789-fF")
79 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_adjust_ticks_ext(HMGL gr, const char *dir, const char *stl);
80 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_adjust_ticks_ext_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *dir, const char *stl, int, int);
81 /// Set the ticks parameters
82 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_ticks(HMGL gr, char dir, double d, int ns, double org);
83 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_ticks_(uintptr_t *gr, char *dir, mreal *d, int *ns, mreal *org, int);
84 /// Set the ticks parameters and specify ticks factor string
85 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_ticks_fact(HMGL gr, char dir, double d, int ns, double org, const char *fact);
86 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_ticks_factw(HMGL gr, char dir, double d, int ns, double org, const wchar_t *fact);
87 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_ticks_fact_(uintptr_t *gr, char *dir, double *d, int *ns, double *org, const char *fact,int,int);
89 /// Set manual ticks text (\n separated). Use "" to disable this feature.
90 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_ticks_str(HMGL gr, char dir, const char *lbl, int add);
91 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_ticks_str_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *dir, const char *lbl, int *add,int,int);
92 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_ticks_wcs(HMGL gr, char dir, const wchar_t *lbl, int add);
93 /// Set manual ticks position and text (\n separated). Use "" to disable this feature.
94 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_ticks_val(HMGL gr, char dir, HCDT val, const char *lbl, int add);
95 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_ticks_val_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *dir, uintptr_t *val, const char *lbl, int *add,int,int);
96 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_ticks_valw(HMGL gr, char dir, HCDT val, const wchar_t *lbl, int add);
97 /// Add manual tick at given position. Use "" to disable this feature.
98 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_add_tick(HMGL gr, char dir, double val, const char *lbl);
99 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_add_tick_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *dir, mreal *val, const char *lbl,int,int);
100 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_add_tickw(HMGL gr, char dir, double val, const wchar_t *lbl);
101 /// Tune ticks (tune|1 for common multiplier, tune|2 for common component)
102 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_tune_ticks(HMGL gr, int tune, double fact_pos);
103 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_tune_ticks_(uintptr_t *gr, int *tune, mreal *fact_pos);
104 /// Set templates for ticks
105 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_tick_templ(HMGL gr, char dir, const char *templ);
106 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_tick_templ_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *dir, const char *templ,int,int);
107 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_tick_templw(HMGL gr, char dir, const wchar_t *templ);
108 /// Set time templates for ticks
109 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_ticks_time(HMGL gr, char dir, double d, const char *t);
110 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_ticks_time_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *dir, mreal *d, const char *t,int,int);
111 /// Set additional shift of tick labels
112 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_tick_shift(HMGL gr, double sx, double sy, double sz, double sc);
113 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_tick_shift_(uintptr_t *gr, mreal *sx, mreal *sy, mreal *sz, mreal *sc);
115 /// Draws bounding box outside the plotting volume
116 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_box(HMGL gr);
117 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_box_(uintptr_t *gr);
118 /// Draws bounding box outside the plotting volume with color c
119 /** Style ‘@’ produce filled back faces. */
120 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_box_str(HMGL gr, const char *col, int ticks);
121 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_box_str_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *col, int *ticks, int);
122 /// Draw axises with ticks in direction(s) dir.
123 /** Parameter \a dir may contain:
124  *	‘xyzt’for drawing axis in corresponding direction;
125  *	‘XYZT’ for drawing axis in corresponding direction but with inverted positions of labels;
126  *	‘~’, ‘_’ for disabling tick labels;
127  *	‘U’ for disabling rotation of tick labels;
128  *	‘^’ for inverting default axis origin;
129  *	‘!’ for disabling ticks tuning;
130  *	‘AKDTVISO’ for drawing arrow at the end of axis;
131  *	‘a’ for forced adjusting of axis ticks;
132  *	‘f’ for printing ticks labels in fixed format;
133  *	‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’ in ticks labels;
134  *	‘F’ for printing ticks labels in LaTeX format;
135  *	‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive ticks;
136  *	‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’ in ticks labels;
137  *	‘0123456789’ for precision at printing ticks labels.
138  *	 Option "value" set the manual rotation angle for the ticks.*/
139 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_axis(HMGL gr, const char *dir, const char *stl, const char *opt);
140 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_axis_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *dir, const char *stl, const char *opt,int,int,int);
141 /// Draw grid lines perpendicular to direction(s) dir.
142 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_axis_grid(HMGL gr, const char *dir,const char *pen, const char *opt);
143 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_axis_grid_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *dir,const char *pen, const char *opt,int,int,int);
144 /// Print the label text for axis dir.
145 /** Option "value" set additional shifting of the label. */
146 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_label(HMGL gr, char dir, const char *text, double pos, const char *opt);
147 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_label_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *dir, const char *text, mreal *pos, const char *opt,int,int,int);
148 /// Print the label text for axis dir.
149 /** Option "value" set additional shifting of the label. */
150 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_labelw(HMGL gr, char dir, const wchar_t *text, double pos, const char *opt);
152 /// Draw colorbar at edge of axis
153 /** Parameter \a sch may contain:
154  *	 ‘<>^_’ for positioning at left, at right, at top or at bottom correspondingly;
155  *	 ‘I’ for positioning near bounding (by default, at edges of subplot);
156  *	 ‘A’ for using absolute coordinates;
157  *	 ‘~’ for disabling tick labels.
158  *	 ‘!’ for disabling ticks tuning;
159  *	 ‘f’ for printing ticks labels in fixed format;
160  *	 ‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’ in ticks labels;
161  *	 ‘F’ for printing ticks labels in LaTeX format;
162  *	 ‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive ticks;
163  *	 ‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’ in ticks labels;
164  *	 ‘0123456789’ for precision at printing ticks labels.*/
165 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_colorbar(HMGL gr, const char *sch);
166 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_colorbar_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *sch,int);
167 /// Draw colorbar at manual position
168 /** Parameter \a sch may contain:
169  *	 ‘<>^_’ for positioning at left, at right, at top or at bottom correspondingly;
170  *	 ‘I’ for positioning near bounding (by default, at edges of subplot);
171  *	 ‘A’ for using absolute coordinates;
172  *	 ‘~’ for disabling tick labels.
173  *	 ‘!’ for disabling ticks tuning;
174  *	 ‘f’ for printing ticks labels in fixed format;
175  *	 ‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’ in ticks labels;
176  *	 ‘F’ for printing ticks labels in LaTeX format;
177  *	 ‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive ticks;
178  *	 ‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’ in ticks labels;
179  *	 ‘0123456789’ for precision at printing ticks labels.*/
180 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_colorbar_ext(HMGL gr, const char *sch, double x, double y, double w, double h);
181 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_colorbar_ext_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *sch, mreal *x, mreal *y, mreal *w, mreal *h,int);
182 /// Draw colorbar with manual colors at edge of axis
183 /** Parameter \a sch may contain:
184  *	 ‘<>^_’ for positioning at left, at right, at top or at bottom correspondingly;
185  *	 ‘I’ for positioning near bounding (by default, at edges of subplot);
186  *	 ‘A’ for using absolute coordinates;
187  *	 ‘~’ for disabling tick labels.
188  *	 ‘!’ for disabling ticks tuning;
189  *	 ‘f’ for printing ticks labels in fixed format;
190  *	 ‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’ in ticks labels;
191  *	 ‘F’ for printing ticks labels in LaTeX format;
192  *	 ‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive ticks;
193  *	 ‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’ in ticks labels;
194  *	 ‘0123456789’ for precision at printing ticks labels.*/
195 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_colorbar_val(HMGL gr, HCDT dat, const char *sch);
196 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_colorbar_val_(uintptr_t *gr, uintptr_t *dat, const char *sch,int);
197 /// Draw colorbar with manual colors at manual position
198 /** Parameter \a sch may contain:
199  *	 ‘<>^_’ for positioning at left, at right, at top or at bottom correspondingly;
200  *	 ‘I’ for positioning near bounding (by default, at edges of subplot);
201  *	 ‘A’ for using absolute coordinates;
202  *	 ‘~’ for disabling tick labels.
203  *	 ‘!’ for disabling ticks tuning;
204  *	 ‘f’ for printing ticks labels in fixed format;
205  *	 ‘E’ for using ‘E’ instead of ‘e’ in ticks labels;
206  *	 ‘F’ for printing ticks labels in LaTeX format;
207  *	 ‘+’ for printing ‘+’ for positive ticks;
208  *	 ‘-’ for printing usual ‘-’ in ticks labels;
209  *	 ‘0123456789’ for precision at printing ticks labels.*/
210 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_colorbar_val_ext(HMGL gr, HCDT dat, const char *sch,double x, double y, double w, double h);
211 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_colorbar_val_ext_(uintptr_t *gr, uintptr_t *dat, const char *sch, mreal *x, mreal *y, mreal *w, mreal *h,int);
213 /// Add string to legend
214 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_add_legend(HMGL gr, const char *text,const char *style);
215 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_add_legend_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *text,const char *style,int,int);
216 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_add_legendw(HMGL gr, const wchar_t *text,const char *style);
217 /// Clear saved legend string
218 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_clear_legend(HMGL gr);
219 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_clear_legend_(uintptr_t *gr);
220 /// Draw legend of accumulated strings at position {x,y}
221 /** Parameter fnt may contain:
222  *	 font style for legend text;
223  *	 colors for background (first one), border (second one) and text (last one);
224  *	 ‘A’ for positioning in absolute coordinates;
225  *	 ‘^’ for positioning outside of specified point;
226  *	 ‘-’ for arranging entries horizontally;
227  *	 ‘#’ for drawing box around legend.
228  * Option value set the space between line samples and text (default is 0.1).*/
229 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_legend_pos(HMGL gr, double x, double y, const char *font, const char *opt);
230 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_legend_pos_(uintptr_t *gr, mreal *x, mreal *y, const char *font, const char *opt,int,int);
231 /// Draw legend of accumulated strings
232 /** Parameter fnt may contain:
233  *	 font style for legend text;
234  *	 colors for background (first one), border (second one) and text (last one);
235  *	 ‘A’ for positioning in absolute coordinates;
236  *	 ‘^’ for positioning outside of specified point;
237  *	 ‘-’ for arranging entries horizontally;
238  *	 ‘#’ for drawing box around legend.
239  * Option value set the space between line samples and text (default is 0.1).
240  * Parameter \a where sets position: 0 at bottom-left, 1 at bottom-right, 2 at top-left, 3 at top-right (default).*/
241 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_legend(HMGL gr, int where, const char *font, const char *opt);
242 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_legend_(uintptr_t *gr, int *where, const char *font, const char *opt,int,int);
243 /// Set number of marks in legend sample
244 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_legend_marks(HMGL gr, int num);
245 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_legend_marks_(uintptr_t *gr, int *num);
247 /// Show current image
248 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_show_image(HMGL gr, const char *viewer, int keep);
249 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_show_image_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *viewer, int *keep, int);
250 /// Write the frame in file (depending extension, write current frame if fname is empty)
251 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_frame(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr);
252 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_frame_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr,int,int);
253 /// Write the frame in file using BMP format
254 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_tga(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr);
255 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_tga_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr,int,int);
256 /// Write the frame in file using BMP format
257 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_bmp(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr);
258 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_bmp_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr,int,int);
259 /// Write the frame in file using JPEG format
260 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_jpg(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr);
261 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_jpg_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr,int,int);
262 /// Write the frame in file using PNG format with transparency
263 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_png(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr);
264 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_png_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr,int,int);
265 /// Write the frame in file using PNG format without transparency
266 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_png_solid(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr);
267 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_png_solid_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr,int,int);
268 /// Write the frame in file using PostScript format as bitmap
269 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_bps(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr);
270 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_bps_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr,int,int);
271 /// Write the frame in file using PostScript format
272 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_eps(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr);
273 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_eps_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr,int,int);
274 /// Write the frame in file using SVG format
275 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_svg(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr);
276 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_svg_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr,int,int);
277 /// Write the frame in file using LaTeX format
278 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_tex(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr);
279 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_tex_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr,int,int);
280 /// Write the frame in file using OBJ format
281 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_obj(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr, int use_png);
282 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_obj_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr, int *use_png,int,int);
283 /// Write the frame in file using OBJ format (old version)
284 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_obj_old(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr, int use_png);
285 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_obj_old_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr, int *use_png,int,int);
286 /// Write the frame in file using STL format (faces only)
287 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_stl(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr);
288 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_stl_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr,int,int);
289 /// Write the frame in file using OFF format
290 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_off(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr, int colored);
291 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_off_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr,int *colored,int,int);
292 /// Write the frame in file using XYZ format
293 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_xyz(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr);
294 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_xyz_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr,int,int);
296 /*void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_x3d(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr);
297 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_x3d_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr,int,int);
298 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_wgl(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr);
299 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_wgl_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr,int,int);*/
301 /// Write the frame in file using PRC format
302 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_prc(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr, int make_pdf);
303 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_prc_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr, int *make_pdf,int,int);
304 /// Write the frame in file using GIF format (only for current frame!)
305 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_gif(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr);
306 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_gif_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr,int,int);
308 /// Start write frames to cinema using GIF format
309 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_start_gif(HMGL gr, const char *fname,int ms);
310 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_start_gif_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,int *ms,int);
311 /// Stop writing cinema using GIF format
312 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_close_gif(HMGL gr);
313 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_close_gif_(uintptr_t *gr);
315 /// Export points and primitives in file using MGLD format
316 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_export_mgld(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr);
317 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_export_mgld_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr,int,int);
318 /// Import points and primitives from file using MGLD format
319 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_import_mgld(HMGL gr, const char *fname, int add);
320 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_import_mgld_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname, int *add, int);
321 /// Export in JSON format suitable for later drawing by JavaScript
322 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_json(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr);
323 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_json_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr,int,int);
324 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_json_z(HMGL gr, const char *fname,const char *descr);
325 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_write_json_z_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname,const char *descr,int,int);
326 MGL_EXPORT const char *mgl_get_json(HMGL gr);
328 /// Get RGB values of current bitmap
329 /** Position of element {i,j} is [3*i + 3*Width*j]. */
330 MGL_EXPORT const unsigned char *mgl_get_rgb(HMGL gr);
331 MGL_EXPORT const unsigned char *mgl_get_rgb_(uintptr_t *gr);
332 /// Get RGBA values of current bitmap
333 /** Position of element {i,j} is [4*i + 4*Width*j]. */
334 MGL_EXPORT const unsigned char *mgl_get_rgba(HMGL gr);
335 MGL_EXPORT const unsigned char *mgl_get_rgba_(uintptr_t *gr);
336 /// Get RGBA values of background image
337 /** Position of element {i,j} is [4*i + 4*Width*j]. */
338 MGL_EXPORT_PURE const unsigned char *mgl_get_background(HMGL gr);
339 MGL_EXPORT_PURE const unsigned char *mgl_get_background_(uintptr_t *gr);
340 /// Set object/subplot id
341 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_obj_id(HMGL gr, int id);
342 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_obj_id_(uintptr_t *gr, int *id);
343 /// Get object id
344 int MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_get_obj_id(HMGL gr, int x, int y);
345 int MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_get_obj_id_(uintptr_t *gr, int *x, int *y);
346 /// Get subplot id
347 int MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_get_spl_id(HMGL gr, int x, int y);
348 int MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_get_spl_id_(uintptr_t *gr, int *x, int *y);
349 /// Get width of the image
350 int MGL_EXPORT mgl_get_width(HMGL gr);
351 int MGL_EXPORT mgl_get_width_(uintptr_t *gr);
352 /// Get height of the image
353 int MGL_EXPORT mgl_get_height(HMGL gr);
354 int MGL_EXPORT mgl_get_height_(uintptr_t *gr);
355 /// Calculate 3D coordinate {x,y,z} for screen point {xs,ys}
356 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_calc_xyz(HMGL gr, int xs, int ys, mreal *x, mreal *y, mreal *z);
357 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_calc_xyz_(uintptr_t *gr, int *xs, int *ys, mreal *x, mreal *y, mreal *z);
358 /// Calculate screen point {xs,ys} for 3D coordinate {x,y,z}
359 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_calc_scr(HMGL gr, double x, double y, double z, int *xs, int *ys);
360 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_calc_scr_(uintptr_t *gr, mreal *x, mreal *y, mreal *z, int *xs, int *ys);
361 /// Check if {xs,ys} is close to active point with accuracy d, and return its position or -1
362 long MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_is_active(HMGL gr, int xs, int ys, int d);
363 long MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_is_active_(uintptr_t *gr, int *xs, int *ys, int *d);
365 /// Create new frame.
366 int MGL_EXPORT mgl_new_frame(HMGL gr);
367 int MGL_EXPORT mgl_new_frame_(uintptr_t *gr);
368 /// Finish frame drawing
369 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_end_frame(HMGL gr);
370 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_end_frame_(uintptr_t *gr);
371 /// Get the number of created frames
372 int MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_get_num_frame(HMGL gr);
373 int MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_get_num_frame_(uintptr_t *gr);
374 /// Reset frames counter (start it from zero)
375 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_reset_frames(HMGL gr);
376 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_reset_frames_(uintptr_t *gr);
377 /// Get drawing data for i-th frame (work if MGL_VECT_FRAME is set on)
378 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_get_frame(HMGL gr, int i);
379 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_get_frame_(uintptr_t *gr, int *i);
380 /// Set drawing data for i-th frame (work if MGL_VECT_FRAME is set on)
381 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_frame(HMGL gr, int i);
382 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_frame_(uintptr_t *gr, int *i);
383 /// Append drawing data from i-th frame (work if MGL_VECT_FRAME is set on)
384 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_show_frame(HMGL gr, int i);
385 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_show_frame_(uintptr_t *gr, int *i);
386 /// Delete primitives for i-th frame (work if MGL_VECT_FRAME is set on)
387 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_del_frame(HMGL gr, int i);
388 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_del_frame_(uintptr_t *gr, int *i);
389 /// Clear list of primitives for current drawing
390 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_clear_frame(HMGL gr);
391 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_clear_frame_(uintptr_t *gr);
393 /// Set the transparency type (0 - usual, 1 - glass, 2 - lamp)
394 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_transp_type(HMGL gr, int kind);
395 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_transp_type_(uintptr_t *gr, int *kind);
396 /// Set the transparency on/off.
397 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_alpha(HMGL gr, int enable);
398 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_alpha_(uintptr_t *gr, int *enable);
399 /// Set the gray-scale mode on/off.
400 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_gray(HMGL gr, int enable);
401 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_gray_(uintptr_t *gr, int *enable);
402 /// Set the fog distance or switch it off (if d=0).
403 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_fog(HMGL gr, double d, double dz);
404 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_fog_(uintptr_t *gr, mreal *dist, mreal *dz);
405 /// Set the using of light on/off.
406 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_light(HMGL gr, int enable);
407 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_light_(uintptr_t *gr, int *enable);
408 /// Switch on/off the specified light source.
409 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_light_n(HMGL gr, int n, int enable);
410 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_light_n_(uintptr_t *gr, int *n, int *enable);
411 /// Set to attach light settings to inplot.
412 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_attach_light(HMGL gr, int enable);
413 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_attach_light_(uintptr_t *gr, int *enable);
415 /// Add white light source at infinity.
416 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_add_light(HMGL gr, int n, double x, double y, double z);
417 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_add_light_(uintptr_t *gr, int *n, mreal *x, mreal *y, mreal *z);
418 /// Add light source at infinity (more settings).
419 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_add_light_ext(HMGL gr, int n, double x, double y, double z, char c, double br, double ap);
420 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_add_light_ext_(uintptr_t *gr, int *n, mreal *x, mreal *y, mreal *z, char *c, mreal *br, mreal *ap, int);
421 /// Add local light source.
422 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_add_light_loc(HMGL gr, int n, double x, double y, double z, double dx, double dy, double dz, char c, double br, double ap);
423 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_add_light_loc_(uintptr_t *gr, int *n, mreal *x, mreal *y, mreal *z, mreal *dx, mreal *dy, mreal *dz, char *c, mreal *br, mreal *ap, int);
425 /// Pop transformation matrix from stack
426 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_mat_pop(HMGL gr);
427 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_mat_pop_(uintptr_t *gr);
428 /// Push transformation matrix into stack
429 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_mat_push(HMGL gr);
430 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_mat_push_(uintptr_t *gr);
432 /// Clear up the frame
433 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_clf(HMGL gr);
434 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_clf_(uintptr_t *gr);
435 /// Clear up the frame but keep fog settings
436 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_clf_nfog(HMGL gr);
437 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_clf_nfog_(uintptr_t *gr);
438 /// Clear up the frame and fill background by specified color
439 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_clf_rgb(HMGL gr, double r, double g, double b);
440 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_clf_rgb_(uintptr_t *gr, mreal *r, mreal *g, mreal *b);
441 /// Clear up the frame and fill background by specified color
442 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_clf_chr(HMGL gr, char col);
443 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_clf_chr_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *col, int);
444 /// Clear up the frame and fill background by specified color with manual transparency
445 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_clf_str(HMGL gr, const char *col);
446 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_clf_str_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *col, int);
447 /// Load background image
448 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_load_background(HMGL gr, const char *fname, double alpha);
449 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_load_background_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname, mreal *alpha, int);
450 /// Load background image
451 /** Parameter 'how' can be:
452 	*   'a' for filling current subplot only;
453 	*   's' for scaling (resizing) image to whole area;
454 	*   'c' for centering image;
455 	*   'm' for tessellate image as mosaic. */
456 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_load_background_ext(HMGL gr, const char *fname, const char *how, double alpha);
457 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_load_background_ext_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *fname, const char *how, mreal *alpha, int,int);
458 /// Fill background by specified color. Colors r,g,b should be in range [0,1].
459 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_fill_background(HMGL gr, double r, double g, double b);
460 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_fill_background_(uintptr_t *gr, double *r, double *g, double *b);
462 /// Put further plotting in m-th cell of nx*ny grid of the image.
463 /** String \a style may contain:
464  *  '<' for reserving space at left
465  *  '>' for reserving space at right
466  *  '^' for reserving space at top
467  *  '_' for reserving space at bottom
468  *  '#' for using whole region. */
469 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_subplot(HMGL gr, int nx,int ny,int m,const char *style);
470 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_subplot_(uintptr_t *gr, int *nx,int *ny,int *m, const char *s,int);
471 /// Put further plotting in m-th cell of nx*ny grid of the image and shift it by distance {dx,dy}.
472 /** String \a style may contain:
473  *  '<' for reserving space at left
474  *  '>' for reserving space at right
475  *  '^' for reserving space at top
476  *  '_' for reserving space at bottom
477  *  '#' for using whole region. */
478 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_subplot_d(HMGL gr, int nx,int ny,int m,const char *style, double dx, double dy);
479 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_subplot_d_(uintptr_t *gr, int *nx,int *ny,int *m,const char *style, mreal *dx, mreal *dy,int l);
480 /// Put further plotting in rectangle of dx*dy cells starting from m-th cell of nx*ny grid of the image.
481 /** String \a style may contain:
482  *  '<' for reserving space at left
483  *  '>' for reserving space at right
484  *  '^' for reserving space at top
485  *  '_' for reserving space at bottom
486  *  '#' for using whole region. */
487 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_multiplot(HMGL gr, int nx,int ny,int m,int dx,int dy,const char *style);
488 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_multiplot_(uintptr_t *gr, int *nx,int *ny,int *m,int *dx,int *dy, const char *s,int);
489 /// Put further plotting in rectangle of dx*dy cells starting from m-th cell of nx*ny grid of the image and shift it by distance {sx,sy}..
490 /** String \a style may contain:
491  *  '<' for reserving space at left
492  *  '>' for reserving space at right
493  *  '^' for reserving space at top
494  *  '_' for reserving space at bottom
495  *  '#' for using whole region. */
496 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_multiplot_d(HMGL gr, int nx,int ny,int m,int dx,int dy,const char *style,double sx,double sy);
497 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_multiplot_d_(uintptr_t *gr, int *nx,int *ny,int *m,int *dx,int *dy, const char *s, mreal *sx, mreal *sy,int);
498 /// Put further plotting in a region [x1,x2]*[y1,y2] of the image (x1,x2,y1,y2 in range [0, 1]).
499 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_inplot(HMGL gr, double x1,double x2,double y1,double y2);
500 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_inplot_(uintptr_t *gr, mreal *x1, mreal *x2, mreal *y1, mreal *y2);
501 /// Put further plotting in a region [x1,x2]*[y1,y2] of the subplot (x1,x2,y1,y2 in range [0, 1]).
502 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_relplot(HMGL gr, double x1,double x2,double y1,double y2);
503 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_relplot_(uintptr_t *gr, mreal *x1, mreal *x2, mreal *y1, mreal *y2);
504 /// Put further plotting in column cell of previous subplot/inplot.
505 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_columnplot(HMGL gr, int num, int ind, double d);
506 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_columnplot_(uintptr_t *gr, int *num, int *i, mreal *d);
507 /// Put further plotting in matrix cell of previous subplot/inplot.
508 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_gridplot(HMGL gr, int nx, int ny, int m, double d);
509 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_gridplot_(uintptr_t *gr, int *nx, int *ny, int *m, mreal *d);
510 /// Put further plotting in cell of stick rotated on angles tet, phi.
511 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_stickplot(HMGL gr, int num, int ind, double tet, double phi);
512 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_stickplot_(uintptr_t *gr, int *num, int *i, mreal *tet, mreal *phi);
513 /// Put further plotting in cell of stick sheared on sx, sy.
514 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_shearplot(HMGL gr, int num, int ind, double sx, double sy, double xd, double yd);
515 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_shearplot_(uintptr_t *gr, int *num, int *i, mreal *sy, mreal *sx, mreal *xd, mreal *yd);
516 /// Add title for current subplot/inplot.
517 /** Style '#' draw box around the title. */
518 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_title(HMGL gr, const char *title, const char *stl, double size);
519 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_title_(uintptr_t *gr, const char *title, const char *stl, mreal *size, int,int);
520 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_titlew(HMGL gr, const wchar_t *title, const char *stl, double size);
521 /// Set factor of plot size
522 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_plotfactor(HMGL gr, double val);
523 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_set_plotfactor_(uintptr_t *gr, mreal *val);
525 /// Set aspect ratio for further plotting.
526 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_aspect(HMGL gr, double Ax,double Ay,double Az);
527 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_aspect_(uintptr_t *gr, mreal *Ax, mreal *Ay, mreal *Az);
528 /// Set aspect ratio for further plotting.
529 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_shear(HMGL gr, double Sx,double Sz);
530 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_shear_(uintptr_t *gr, mreal *Sx, mreal *Sy);
531 /// Rotate a further plotting.
532 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_rotate(HMGL gr, double TetX,double TetZ,double TetY);
533 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_rotate_(uintptr_t *gr, mreal *TetX, mreal *TetZ, mreal *TetY);
534 /// Rotate a further plotting around vector {x,y,z}.
535 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_rotate_vector(HMGL gr, double Tet,double x,double y,double z);
536 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_rotate_vector_(uintptr_t *gr, mreal *Tet, mreal *x, mreal *y, mreal *z);
537 /// Set perspective (in range [0,1)) for plot. Set to zero for switching off.
538 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_perspective(HMGL gr, double val);
539 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_perspective_(uintptr_t *gr, mreal *val);
540 /// Ask to set perspective (in range [0,1)) for plot. Set to zero for switching off.
541 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_ask_perspective(HMGL gr, double val);
542 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_ask_perspective_(uintptr_t *gr, mreal *val);
543 /// Set angle of view independently from Rotate().
544 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_view(HMGL gr, double TetX,double TetZ,double TetY);
545 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_view_(uintptr_t *gr, mreal *TetX, mreal *TetZ, mreal *TetY);
546 /// Zoom in/out a part of picture (use mgl_zoom(0, 0, 1, 1) for restore default)
547 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_zoom(HMGL gr, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2);
548 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_zoom_(uintptr_t *gr, mreal *x1, mreal *y1, mreal *x2, mreal *y2);
550 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
552 /// Create HMPR object for parsing MGL scripts
553 HMPR MGL_EXPORT mgl_create_parser();
554 uintptr_t MGL_EXPORT mgl_create_parser_();
555 /// Change counter of HMPR uses (for advanced users only). Non-zero counter prevent automatic object removing.
556 long MGL_EXPORT mgl_use_parser(HMPR p, int inc);
557 long MGL_EXPORT mgl_use_parser_(uintptr_t* , int *inc);
558 /// Delete HMPR object
559 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_delete_parser(HMPR p);
560 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_delete_parser_(uintptr_t* p);
561 /// Set value for parameter $N
562 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_add_param(HMPR p, int id, const char *str);
563 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_add_param_(uintptr_t* p, int *id, const char *str, int);
564 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_add_paramw(HMPR p, int id, const wchar_t *str);
566 /// Find variable with given name or add a new one
567 /// NOTE !!! You must not delete obtained data arrays !!!
568 MGL_EXPORT mglDataA *mgl_parser_add_var(HMPR p, const char *name);
569 uintptr_t MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_add_var_(uintptr_t* p, const char *name, int);
570 MGL_EXPORT mglDataA *mgl_parser_add_varw(HMPR p, const wchar_t *name);
571 /// Find variable with given name or return NULL if no one
572 /// NOTE !!! You must not delete obtained data arrays !!!
573 MGL_EXPORT_PURE mglDataA *mgl_parser_find_var(HMPR p, const char *name);
574 uintptr_t MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_find_var_(uintptr_t* p, const char *name, int);
575 MGL_EXPORT_PURE mglDataA *mgl_parser_find_varw(HMPR p, const wchar_t *name);
576 /// Get variable with given id
577 /// NOTE !!! You must not delete obtained data arrays !!!
578 MGL_EXPORT_PURE mglDataA *mgl_parser_get_var(HMPR p, unsigned long id);
579 uintptr_t MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_parser_get_var_(uintptr_t* p, unsigned long *id);
580 /// Get number of variables
581 long MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_parser_num_var(HMPR p);
582 long MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_parser_num_var_(uintptr_t* p);
584 /// Get constant with given id
585 /// NOTE !!! You must not delete obtained data arrays !!!
586 MGL_EXPORT_PURE mglNum *mgl_parser_get_const(HMPR p, unsigned long id);
587 uintptr_t MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_parser_get_const_(uintptr_t* p, unsigned long *id);
588 /// Get number of constants
589 long MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_parser_num_const(HMPR p);
590 long MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_parser_num_const_(uintptr_t* p);
592 /// Delete variable with name
593 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_del_var(HMPR p, const char *name);
594 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_del_var_(uintptr_t* p, const char *name, int);
595 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_del_varw(HMPR p, const wchar_t *name);
596 /// Delete all data variables
597 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_del_all(HMPR p);
598 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_del_all_(uintptr_t *p);
600 /// Load new commands from external dynamic Library (must have "const mglCommand *mgl_cmd_extra" variable)
601 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_load(HMPR pr, const char *dll_name);
602 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_load_(uintptr_t *pr, const char *dll_name,int);
604 /// Apply one step for equation d vars[i]/dt = eqs[i] using Runge-Kutta method
605 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_rk_step(HMPR pr, const char *eqs, const char *vars, mreal dt);
606 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_rk_step_w(HMPR pr, const wchar_t *eqs, const wchar_t *vars, mreal dt);
607 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_rk_step_(uintptr_t *p, const char *eqs, const char *vars, double *dt, int,int);
609 // Open all data arrays from HDF file and assign it as variables of parser p
610 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_openhdf(HMPR p, const char *fname);
611 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_openhdf_(uintptr_t *p, const char *fname,int l);
613 /// Parse and draw single line of the MGL script
614 int MGL_EXPORT mgl_parse_line(HMGL gr, HMPR p, const char *str, int pos);
615 int MGL_EXPORT mgl_parse_line_(uintptr_t* gr, uintptr_t* p, const char *str, int *pos, int);
616 int MGL_EXPORT mgl_parse_linew(HMGL gr, HMPR p, const wchar_t *str, int pos);
617 /// Execute and draw script from the file
618 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parse_file(HMGL gr, HMPR p, FILE *fp, int print);
619 /// Execute MGL script text with '\n' separated lines
620 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parse_text(HMGL gr, HMPR p, const char *str);
621 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parse_text_(uintptr_t* gr, uintptr_t* p, const char *str, int);
622 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parse_textw(HMGL gr, HMPR p, const wchar_t *str);
624 /// Restore once flag
625 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_restore_once(HMPR p);
626 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_restore_once_(uintptr_t* p);
627 /// Allow changing size of the picture
628 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_allow_setsize(HMPR p, int a);
629 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_allow_setsize_(uintptr_t* p, int *a);
630 /// Allow reading/saving files
631 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_allow_file_io(HMPR p, int a);
632 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_allow_file_io_(uintptr_t* p, int *a);
633 /// Allow loading commands from external libraries
634 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_allow_dll_call(HMPR p, int a);
635 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_allow_dll_call_(uintptr_t* p, int *a);
636 /// Set flag to stop script parsing
637 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_stop(HMPR p);
638 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_stop_(uintptr_t* p);
639 /// Set variant of argument(s) separated by '?' to be used
640 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_variant(HMPR p, int var);
641 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_variant_(uintptr_t* p, int *var);
642 /// Set starting object ID
643 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_start_id(HMPR p, int id);
644 void MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_start_id_(uintptr_t* p, int *id);
647 /// Return type of command: 0 - not found, 1 - data plot, 2 - other plot,
648 ///		3 - setup, 4 - data handle, 5 - data create, 6 - subplot, 7 - program
649 ///		8 - 1d plot, 9 - 2d plot, 10 - 3d plot, 11 - dd plot, 12 - vector plot
650 ///		13 - axis, 14 - primitives, 15 - axis setup, 16 - text/legend, 17 - data transform
651 int MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_parser_cmd_type(HMPR pr, const char *name);
652 int MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_parser_cmd_type_(uintptr_t* p, const char *name, int);
653 /// Return description of MGL command
654 MGL_EXPORT_PURE const char *mgl_parser_cmd_desc(HMPR pr, const char *name);
655 /// Return string of command format (command name and its argument[s])
656 MGL_EXPORT_PURE const char *mgl_parser_cmd_frmt(HMPR pr, const char *name);
657 /// Get name of command with number n
658 MGL_EXPORT_PURE const char *mgl_parser_cmd_name(HMPR pr, long id);
659 /// Get number of defined commands
660 long MGL_EXPORT_PURE mgl_parser_cmd_num(HMPR pr);
662 /// Return result of formula evaluation
663 HMDT MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_calc(HMPR pr, const char *formula);
664 uintptr_t MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_calc_(uintptr_t *pr, const char *formula,int);
665 HMDT MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_calcw(HMPR pr, const wchar_t *formula);
666 /// Return result of formula evaluation as complex data
667 HADT MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_calc_complex(HMPR pr, const char *formula);
668 uintptr_t MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_calc_complex_(uintptr_t *pr, const char *formula,int);
669 HADT MGL_EXPORT mgl_parser_calc_complexw(HMPR pr, const wchar_t *formula);
671 #ifdef __cplusplus
672 }
673 #endif
674 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
675 #endif