1;;; -*-  Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
3;;;     The data in this file contains enhancments.                    ;;;;;
4;;;                                                                    ;;;;;
5;;;  Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas   ;;;;;
6;;;     All rights reserved                                            ;;;;;
9(in-package :maxima)
11;;	** (c) Copyright 1982 Massachusetts Institute of Technology **
13(macsyma-module comm)
15(declare-top (special $exptsubst $linechar $nolabels $inflag $piece $dispflag
16		      $gradefs $props $dependencies derivflag derivlist
17		      $linenum $partswitch *linelabel* nn* dn*
18		      $powerdisp atvars $errexp $derivsubst $dotdistrib
19		      $opsubst $subnumsimp $transrun in-p substp $sqrtdispflag
20		      $pfeformat dummy-variable-operators))
22(defvar *islinp* nil) ; When T, sdiff is called from the function islinear.
23(defvar *atp* nil)    ; When T, prevents substitution from applying to vars
24                      ; bound by %sum, %product, %integrate, %limit
26;; op and opr properties
28(defvar *opr-table* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
30(defun getopr0 (x)
31  (or
32    (and (symbolp x) (get x 'opr))
33    (and (stringp x) (gethash x *opr-table*))))
35(defun getopr (x)
36  (or (getopr0 x) x))
38(defun putopr (x y)
39  (or
40    (and (symbolp x) (setf (get x 'opr) y))
41    (and (stringp x) (setf (gethash x *opr-table*) y))))
43(defun remopr (x)
44  (or
45    (and (symbolp x) (remprop x 'opr))
46    (and (stringp x) (remhash x *opr-table*))))
48;; Store built-in operators, which get additional properties.
49;; These operators aren't killed by the function kill-operator.
50(defvar *mopl* nil)
52(mapc #'(lambda (x) (putprop (car x) (cadr x) 'op) (putopr (cadr x) (car x)) (push (cadr x) *mopl*))
53      '((mplus "+") (mminus "-") (mtimes "*") (mexpt "**") (mexpt "^")
54	(mnctimes ".") (rat "/") (mquotient "/") (mncexpt "^^")
55	(mequal "=") (mgreaterp ">") (mlessp "<") (mleqp "<=") (mgeqp ">=")
56	(mnotequal "#") (mand "and") (mor "or") (mnot "not") (msetq ":")
57	(mdefine ":=") (mdefmacro "::=") (mquote "'") (mlist "[")
58	(mset "::") (mfactorial "!") (marrow "-->") (mprogn "(")
59	(mcond "if") (mdo "do") (mdoin "do_in")))
61(mapc #'(lambda (x) (putprop (car x) (cadr x) 'op))
62      '((mqapply $subvar) (bigfloat $bfloat)))
64(defmvar $exptsubst nil)
65(defmvar $partswitch nil)
66(defmvar $inflag nil)
67(defmvar $derivsubst nil)
68(defmvar $opsubst t)
69(defvar $gradefs '((mlist simp)))
70(defvar $dependencies '((mlist simp)))
71(defvar atvars '($@1 $@2 $@3 $@4))
72(defvar in-p nil)
73(defvar substp nil)
75(defmvar $vect_cross nil
76  "If TRUE allows DIFF(X~Y,T) to work where ~ is defined in
77	  SHARE;VECT where VECT_CROSS is set to TRUE.")
79(defmfun $substitute (old new &optional (expr nil three-arg?))
80  (cond (three-arg? (maxima-substitute old new expr))
81	(t
82	 (let ((l old) (z new))
83	   (cond ((and ($listp l) ($listp (cadr l)) (null (cddr l)))
84		  ($substitute (cadr l) z))
85		 ((notloreq l) (improper-arg-err l '$substitute))
86		 ((eq (caar l) 'mequal) (maxima-substitute (caddr l) (cadr l) z))
87		 (t (do ((l (cdr l) (cdr l)))
88			((null l) z)
89		      (setq z ($substitute (car l) z)))))))))
91;; Define an alias $psubst and a reversealias for $psubstitute
92(defprop $psubst $psubstitute alias)
93(defprop $psubstitute $psubst reversealias)
95;; $psubstitute is similar to $substitute. In distinction from $substitute
96;; the function $psubstitute does parallel substitution, if the first argument
97;; is a list of equations.
98(defmfun $psubstitute (old new &optional (expr nil three-arg?))
99  (cond (three-arg? (maxima-substitute old new expr))
100        (t
101         (let ((l old) (z new))
102           (cond ((and ($listp l)
103                       ($listp (cadr l))
104                       (null (cddr l)))
105                  ;; A nested list.
106                  ($psubstitute (cadr l) z))
107                 ((and ($listp l)
108                       (eq (caar (cadr l)) 'mequal)
109                       (null (cddr l)))
110                  ;; A list with one equation.
111                  ($psubstitute (cadr l) z))
112                 ((notloreq l) (improper-arg-err l '$psubstitute))
113                 ((eq (caar l) 'mequal)
114                  ;; Do a substitution for one equation.
115                  (maxima-substitute (caddr l) (cadr l) z))
116                 (t
117                  ;; We have a list of equations. We do parallel substitution.
118                  (let (gensymbol genlist eqn ($simp nil))
119                    ;; At first substitute a gensym for the expressions of
120                    ;; the left hand side of the equations.
121                    (do ((l (cdr l) (cdr l)))
122                        ((null l) z)
123                      (setq eqn (car l))
124                      (when (not (eq 'mequal (caar eqn)))
125                        (improper-arg-err old '$substitute))
126                      (setq gensymbol (gensym))
127                      ;; Store the gensym and the new expression into a list.
128                      (push (cons gensymbol (caddr eqn)) genlist)
129                      ;; Substitute a gensym for the old expression.
130                      (setq z (maxima-substitute gensymbol (cadr eqn) z)))
131                      ;; Substitute the new expressions for the gensyms.
132                      (do ((l genlist (cdr l)))
133                          ((null l)
134                           ;; Resimplify the result.
135                           (let (($simp t)) (resimplify z)))
136                        (setq z (maxima-substitute (cdar l) (caar l) z))))))))))
138(defun maxima-substitute (x y z) ; The args to SUBSTITUTE are assumed to be simplified.
139  (let ((in-p t) (substp t))
140    (if (and (mnump y) (= (signum1 y) 1))
141	(let ($sqrtdispflag ($pfeformat t)) (setq z (nformat-all z))))
142    (simplifya
143     (if (atom y)
144	 (cond ((equal y -1)
145		(setq y '((mminus) 1)) (subst2 x y (nformat-all z) nil nil)) ;; negxpty and timesp don't matter in this call since (caar y) != 'mexpt
146	       (t
147		(cond ((and (not (symbolp x))
148			    (functionp x))
149		       (let ((tem (gensym)))
150			 (setf (get  tem  'operators) 'application-operator)
151			 (setf (symbol-function tem) x)
152			 (setq x tem))))
153		(subst1 x y z)))
154	 (let ((negxpty (if (and (eq (caar y) 'mexpt)
155				 (= (signum1 (caddr y)) 1))
156			    (mul2 -1 (caddr y))))
157	       (timesp (if (eq (caar y) 'mtimes) (setq y (nformat y)))))
158	   (subst2 x y z negxpty timesp)))
159     nil)))
161;;Remainder of page is update from F302 --gsb
163;;Used in COMM2 (AT), limit, and below.
164(defvar dummy-variable-operators '(%product %sum %laplace %integrate %limit %at))
166(defun subst1 (x y z)			; Y is an atom
167  (cond ((atom z) (if (equal y z) x z))
168	((specrepp z) (subst1 x y (specdisrep z)))
169	((eq (caar z) 'bigfloat) z)
170	((and (eq (caar z) 'rat) (or (equal y (cadr z)) (equal y (caddr z))))
171	 (div (subst1 x y (cadr z)) (subst1 x y (caddr z))))
172	((at-substp z) (subst-except-second-arg x y z))
173	((and (eq y t) (eq (caar z) 'mcond))
174	 (list (cons (caar z) nil) (subst1 x y (cadr z)) (subst1 x y (caddr z))
175	       (cadddr z) (subst1 x y (car (cddddr z)))))
176	(t (let ((margs (mapcar #'(lambda (z1) (subst1 x y z1)) (cdr z)))
177                 (oprx (getopr x)) (opry (getopr y)))
178	     (if (and $opsubst
179		      (or (eq opry (caar z))
180			  (and (eq (caar z) 'rat) (eq opry 'mquotient))))
181		 (if (or (numberp x)
182			 (member x '(t nil $%e $%pi $%i) :test #'eq)
183			 (and (not (atom x))
184			      (not (or (eq (car x) 'lambda)
185				       (eq (caar x) 'lambda)))))
186		     (if (or (and (member 'array (cdar z) :test #'eq)
187				  (or (and (mnump x) $subnumsimp)
188				      (and (not (mnump x)) (not (atom x)))))
189			     ($subvarp x))
190			 (let ((substp 'mqapply))
191			   (subst0 (list* '(mqapply) x margs) z))
192			 (merror (intl:gettext "subst: cannot substitute ~M for operator ~M in expression ~M") x y z))
193		     (subst0 (cons (cons oprx nil) margs) z))
194		 (subst0 (cons (cons (caar z) nil) margs) z))))))
196(defun subst2 (x y z negxpty timesp)
197  (let (newexpt)
198    (cond ((atom z) z)
199	  ((specrepp z) (subst2 x y (specdisrep z) negxpty timesp))
200	  ((at-substp z) z) ;; IS SUBST-EXCEPT-SECOND-ARG APPROPRIATE HERE ?? !!
201	  ((alike1 y z) x)
202	  ((and timesp (eq (caar z) 'mtimes) (alike1 y (setq z (nformat z)))) x)
203	  ((and (eq (caar y) 'mexpt) (eq (caar z) 'mexpt) (alike1 (cadr y) (cadr z))
204		(setq newexpt (cond ((alike1 negxpty (caddr z)) -1)
205				    ($exptsubst (expthack (caddr y) (caddr z))))))
206	   (list '(mexpt) x newexpt))
207	  ((and $derivsubst (eq (caar y) '%derivative) (eq (caar z) '%derivative)
208		(alike1 (cadr y) (cadr z)))
209	   (let ((tail (subst-diff-match (cddr y) (cdr z))))
210	     (cond ((null tail) z)
211		   (t (cons (cons (caar z) nil) (cons x (cdr tail)))))))
212	  (t (recur-apply #'(lambda (z1) (subst2 x y z1 negxpty timesp)) z)))))
214;; replace y with x in z, but leave z's second arg unchanged.
215;; This is for cases like at(integrate(x, x, a, b), [x=3])
216;; where second arg of integrate binds a new variable x,
217;; and we do not wish to subst 3 for x inside integrand.
218(defun subst-except-second-arg (x y z)
219  (cond
220    ((member (caar z) '(%integrate %sum %product %limit %laplace))
221     (append
222       (list (remove 'simp (car z))   ; ensure resimplification after substitution
223             (if (eq y (third z))     ; if (third z) is new var that shadows y
224                 (second z)           ; leave (second z) unchanged
225                 (subst1 x y (second z))) ; otherwise replace y with x in (second z)
226             (third z))               ; never change integration var
227       (mapcar (lambda (z) (subst1 x y z)); do subst in limits of integral
228               (cdddr z))))
229    ((eq (caar z) '%at)
230     ;; similar considerations here, but different structure of expression.
231     (let*
232       ((at-eqn-or-eqns (third z))
233        (at-eqns-list (if (eq (caar at-eqn-or-eqns) 'mlist) (rest at-eqn-or-eqns) (list at-eqn-or-eqns))))
234       (list
235         (remove 'simp (car z)) ;; ensure resimplification after substitution
236         (if (member y (mapcar #'(lambda (e) (second e)) at-eqns-list))
237           (second z)
238           (subst1 x y (second z)))
239         `((mlist) ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (e) (list (first e) (second e) (subst1 x y (third e)))) at-eqns-list)))))
240    ((eq (caar z) '%derivative)
241     ;; and again, with yet a different structure.
242     (let*
243       ((vars-and-degrees (rest (rest z)))
244        (diff-vars (loop for v in vars-and-degrees by #'cddr collect v))
245        (diff-degrees (loop for n in (rest vars-and-degrees) by #'cddr collect n)))
246       (append
247         (list
248           (remove 'simp (car z)) ;; ensure resimplification after substitution
249           (if (member y diff-vars)
250             (second z)
251             (subst1 x y (second z))))
252         (apply #'append (loop for v in diff-vars for n in diff-degrees collect (list v (subst1 x y n)))))))
253    (t z)))
255(defun subst0 (new old)
256  (cond ((atom new) new)
257	((alike (cdr new) (cdr old))
258	 (cond ((eq (caar new) (caar old)) old)
259	       (t (simplifya (cons (cons (caar new) (member 'array (cdar old) :test #'eq)) (cdr old))
260			     nil))))
261	((member 'array (cdar old) :test #'eq)
262	 (simplifya (cons (cons (caar new) '(array)) (cdr new)) nil))
263	(t (simplifya new nil))))
265(defun expthack (y z)
266  (prog (nn* dn* yn yd zn zd qd)
267     (cond ((and (mnump y) (mnump z))
268	    (return (if (numberp (setq y (div* z y))) y)))
269	   ((atom z) (if (not (mnump y)) (return nil)))
270	   ((or (ratnump z) (eq (caar z) 'mplus)) (return nil)))
271     (numden y)				; (CSIMP) sets NN* and DN*
272     (setq yn nn* yd dn*)
273     (numden z)
274     (setq zn nn* zd dn*)
275     (setq qd (cond ((and (equal zd 1) (equal yd 1)) 1)
276		    ((prog2 (numden (div* zd yd))
277			 (and (equal dn* 1) (equal nn* 1)))
278		     1)
279		    ((equal nn* 1) (div* 1 dn*))
280		    ((equal dn* 1) nn*)
281		    (t (return nil))))
282     (numden (div* zn yn))
283     (if (equal dn* 1) (return (div* nn* qd)))))
285(defun subst-diff-match (l1 l2)
286  (do ((l l1 (cddr l)) (l2 (copy-list l2)) (failed nil nil))
287      ((null l) l2)
288    (do ((l2 l2 (cddr l2)))
289	((null (cdr l2)) (setq failed t))
290      (if (alike1 (car l) (cadr l2))
291	  (if (and (fixnump (cadr l)) (fixnump (caddr l2)))
292	      (cond ((< (cadr l) (caddr l2))
293		     (return (rplacd (cdr l2)
294				     (cons (- (caddr l2) (cadr l))
295					   (cdddr l2)))))
296		    ((= (cadr l) (caddr l2))
297		     (return (rplacd l2 (cdddr l2))))
298		    (t (return (setq failed t))))
299	      (return (setq failed t)))))
300    (if failed (return nil))))
302;;This probably should be a subst or macro.
303(defun at-substp (z)
304  (and *atp*
305       (or (member (caar z) '(%derivative %del) :test #'eq)
306           (member (caar z) dummy-variable-operators :test #'eq))))
308(defun recur-apply (fun e)
309  (cond ((eq (caar e) 'bigfloat) e)
310	((specrepp e) (funcall fun (specdisrep e)))
311	(t (let ((newargs (mapcar fun (cdr e))))
312	     (if (alike newargs (cdr e))
313		 e
314		 (simplifya (cons (cons (caar e) (member 'array (cdar e) :test #'eq)) newargs)
315			    nil))))))
317(defmfun $depends (&rest args)
318  (when (oddp (length args))
319    (merror (intl:gettext "depends: number of arguments must be even.")))
320  (do ((args args (cddr args))
321       (l))
322      ((null args) (i-$dependencies (nreverse l)))
323    (if ($listp (first args))
324	(mapc #'(lambda (e) (push (depends1 e (second args)) l))
325	      (cdr (first args)))
326	(push (depends1 (first args) (second args)) l))))
328(defun depends1 (x y)
329  (nonsymchk x '$depends)
330  (cons (cons x nil) (if ($listp y) (cdr y) (cons y nil))))
332(defmspec $dependencies (form)
333  (i-$dependencies (cdr form)))
335(defun i-$dependencies (l &aux res)
336  (dolist (z l)
337    (cond
338      ((atom z)
339       (merror
340         (intl:gettext
341           "depends: argument must be a non-atomic expression; found ~M") z))
342      (t
343       (do ((zz z (cdr zz))
344            (y nil))
345           ((null zz)
346            (mputprop (caar z) (setq y (reverse y)) 'depends)
347            (setq res (push (cons (ncons (caar z)) y) res))
348            (unless (cdr $dependencies)
349              (setq $dependencies (copy-list '((mlist simp)))))
350            (add2lnc (cons (cons (caar z) nil) y) $dependencies))
351         (cond ((and ($subvarp (cadr zz))
352                     (not (member (caar (cadr zz)) y)))
353                (setq y (push (cadr zz) y)))
354               ((not (symbolp (cadr zz)))
355                (merror
356                  (intl:gettext "depends: argument must be a symbol; found ~M")
357                  (cadr zz)))
358               ((and (cadr zz)
359                     (not (member (cadr zz) y)))
360                (setq y (push (cadr zz) y))))))))
361  (cons '(mlist simp) (reverse res)))
363(defmspec $gradef (l)
364  (setq l (cdr l))
365  (let ((z (car l)) (n 0))
366    (cond ((atom z)
367	   (if (not (= (length l) 3)) (merror (intl:gettext "gradef: expected exactly three arguments.")))
368	   (mputprop z
369		     (cons (cons (cadr l) (meval (caddr l)))
370			   (mget z '$atomgrad))
371		     '$atomgrad)
372	   (i-$dependencies (cons (cons (ncons z)
373	                                ;; Append existing dependencies
374	                                (cons (cadr l) (mget z 'depends)))
375	                          nil))
376	   (add2lnc z $props)
377	   z)
378	  ((or (mopp1 (caar z)) (member 'array (cdar z) :test #'eq))
379	   (merror (intl:gettext "gradef: argument cannot be a built-in operator or subscripted expression; found ~M") z))
380	  ((prog2 (setq n (- (length z) (length l))) (minusp n))
381	   (wna-err '$gradef))
382	  (t (do ((zl (cdr z) (cdr zl))) ((null zl))
383	       (if (not (symbolp (car zl)))
384		   (merror (intl:gettext "gradef: argument must be a symbol; found ~M") (car zl))))
385	     (setq l (nconc (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (remsimp (meval x)))
386				    (cdr l))
387			    (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (list '(%derivative) z x 1))
388				    (nthcdr (- (length z) n) z))))
389	     (putprop (caar z)
390		      (sublis (mapcar #'cons (cdr z) (mapcar #'stripdollar (cdr z)))
391			      (cons (cdr z) l))
392		      'grad)
393	     (or (cdr $gradefs) (setq $gradefs (copy-list '((mlist simp)))))
394	     (add2lnc (cons (cons (caar z) nil) (cdr z)) $gradefs) z))))
396(defmfun $diff (&rest args)
397  #-gcl
398  (declare (dynamic-extent args))
399  (let (derivlist)
400    (deriv args)))
402(defmfun $del (e)
403  (stotaldiff e))
405(defun deriv (e)
406  (prog (exp z count)
407     (cond ((null e) (wna-err '$diff))
408	   ((null (cdr e)) (return (stotaldiff (car e))))
409	   ((null (cddr e)) (nconc e '(1))))
410     (setq exp (car e) z (setq e (copy-list e)))
411     loop (if (or (null derivlist) (member (cadr z) derivlist :test #'equal)) (go doit))
412					; DERIVLIST is set by $EV
413     (setq z (cdr z))
414     loop2(cond ((cdr z) (go loop))
415		((null (cdr e)) (return exp))
416		(t (go noun)))
417     doit (cond ((nonvarcheck (cadr z) '$diff))
418		((null (cddr z)) (wna-err '$diff))
419		((not (fixnump (caddr z))) (go noun))
420		((minusp (setq count (caddr z)))
421		 (merror (intl:gettext "diff: order of derivative must be a nonnegative integer; found ~M") count)))
422     loop1(cond ((zerop count) (rplacd z (cdddr z)) (go loop2))
423		((equal (setq exp (sdiff exp (cadr z))) 0) (return 0)))
424     (setq count (1- count))
425     (go loop1)
426     noun (return (diff%deriv (cons exp (cdr e))))))
428(defun chainrule (e x)
429  (let (w)
430    (cond (*islinp*
431           ;; sdiff is called from the function islinear.
432           (if (and (not (atom e))
433                    (eq (caar e) '%derivative)
434                    (not (freel (cdr e) x)))
435               (diff%deriv (list e x 1))
436               0))
437	  ((atomgrad e x))
438	  ((not (setq w (mget (cond ((atom e) e)
439				    ((member 'array (cdar e) :test #'eq) (caar e))
440				    ((atom (cadr e)) (cadr e))
441				    (t (caaadr e)))
442			      'depends)))
443	   0)
444	  (t (let (derivflag)
445	       (addn (mapcar
446		      #'(lambda (u)
447			  (let ((y (sdiff u x)))
448			    (if (equal y 0)
449				0
450				(list '(mtimes)
451				      (or (atomgrad e u)
452					  (list '(%derivative) e u 1))
453				      y))))
454		      w)
455		     nil))))))
457(defun atomgrad (e x)
458  (let (y)
459    (and (atom e) (setq y (mget e '$atomgrad)) (assolike x y))))
461(defun depends (e x &aux l)
462  (setq e (specrepcheck e))
463  (cond ((alike1 e x) t)
464        ((mnump e) nil)
465        ((and (symbolp e) (setq l (mget e 'depends)))
466         ;; Go recursively through the list of dependencies.
467         ;; This code detects indirect dependencies like a(x) and x(t).
468         (dependsl l x))
469        ((atom e) nil)
470        (t (or (depends (caar e) x)
471               (dependsl (cdr e) x)))))
473(defun dependsl (l x)
474  (dolist (u l)
475    (if (depends u x) (return t))))
477(defun sdiff (e x) ; The args to SDIFF are assumed to be simplified.
478  ;; Remove a special representation from the variable of differentiation
479  (setq x (specrepcheck x))
480  (cond ((alike1 e x) 1)
481	((mnump e) 0)
482	((or (atom e) (member 'array (cdar e) :test #'eq)) (chainrule e x))
483	((eq (caar e) 'mrat) (ratdx e x))
484        ((eq (caar e) 'mpois) ($poisdiff e x)) ; Poisson series
485	((eq (caar e) 'mplus) (addn (sdiffmap (cdr e) x) t))
486	((mbagp e) (cons (car e) (sdiffmap (cdr e) x)))
487	((member (caar e) '(%sum %product) :test #'eq) (diffsumprod e x))
488	((eq (caar e) '%at) (diff-%at e x))
489	((not (depends e x)) 0)
490	((eq (caar e) 'mtimes) (addn (sdifftimes (cdr e) x) t))
491	((eq (caar e) 'mexpt) (diffexpt e x))
492	((eq (caar e) 'mnctimes)
493	 (let (($dotdistrib t))
494	   (add2 (ncmuln (cons (sdiff (cadr e) x) (cddr e)) t)
495		 (ncmul2 (cadr e) (sdiff (cons '(mnctimes) (cddr e)) x)))))
496	((and $vect_cross (eq (caar e) '|$~|))
497	 (add2* `((|$~|) ,(cadr e) ,(sdiff (caddr e) x))
498		`((|$~|) ,(sdiff (cadr e) x) ,(caddr e))))
499	((eq (caar e) 'mncexpt) (diffncexpt e x))
500	((member (caar e) '(%log %plog) :test #'eq)
501	 (sdiffgrad (cond ((and (not (atom (cadr e))) (eq (caaadr e) 'mabs))
502			   (cons (car e) (cdadr e)))
503			  (t e))
504		    x))
505	((eq (caar e) '%derivative)
506	 (cond ((or (atom (cadr e)) (member 'array (cdaadr e) :test #'eq)) (chainrule e x))
507	       ((freel (cddr e) x) (diff%deriv (cons (sdiff (cadr e) x) (cddr e))))
508	       (t (diff%deriv (list e x 1)))))
509	((member (caar e) '(%binomial $beta) :test #'eq)
510	 (let ((efact ($makefact e)))
511	   (mul2 (factor (sdiff efact x)) (div e efact))))
512	((eq (caar e) '%integrate) (diffint e x))
513	((eq (caar e) '%laplace) (difflaplace e x))
514	((eq (caar e) '%at) (diff-%at e x))
515; This rule is not correct. We cut it out.
516;	((member (caar e) '(%realpart %imagpart) :test #'eq)
517;	 (list (cons (caar e) nil) (sdiff (cadr e) x)))
518	((and (eq (caar e) 'mqapply)
519	      (eq (caaadr e) '$%f))
520	 ;; Handle %f, hypergeometric function
521	 ;;
522	 ;; The derivative of %f[p,q]([a1,...,ap],[b1,...,bq],z) is
523	 ;;
524	 ;; a1*a2*...*ap/(b1*b2*...*bq)
525	 ;;   *%f[p,q]([a1+1,a2+1,...,ap+1],[b1+1,b2+1,...,bq+1],z)
526	 (let* ((arg1 (cdr (third e)))
527		(arg2 (cdr (fourth e)))
528		(v (fifth e)))
529	   (mul (sdiff v x)
530		(div (mull arg1) (mull arg2))
531		`((mqapply) (($%f array) ,(length arg1) ,(length arg2))
532		  ((mlist) ,@(incr1 arg1))
533		  ((mlist) ,@(incr1 arg2))
534		  ,v))))
535	(t (sdiffgrad e x))))
537(defun sdiffgrad (e x)
538  (let ((fun (caar e)) grad args result)
539    (cond ((and (eq fun 'mqapply) (zl-get (caaadr e) 'grad))
540           ;; Change the array function f[n](x) to f(n,x), call sdiffgrad again.
541           (setq result
542	         (sdiffgrad (cons (cons (caaadr e) nil)
543	                          (append (cdadr e) (cddr e)))
544		            x))
545           ;; If noun form for f(n,x), adjust the noun form for f[n](x)
546           (if (isinop result '%derivative)
547               (if (not (depends e x))
548                   0
549                   (diff%deriv (list e x 1)))
550               result))
552	  ;; extension for pdiff.
553	  ((and (get '$pderivop 'operators) (funcall 'sdiffgrad-pdiff e x)))
555	  ;; two line extension for hypergeometric.
556	  ((and (equal fun '$hypergeometric) (get '$hypergeometric 'operators))
557	   (funcall 'diff-hypergeometric (second e) (third e) (fourth e) x))
559	  ((or (eq fun 'mqapply) (null (setq grad (zl-get fun 'grad))))
560	   (if (not (depends e x)) 0 (diff%deriv (list e x 1))))
561	  ((not (= (length (cdr e)) (length (car grad))))
562	   (merror (intl:gettext "~:M: expected exactly ~M arguments.")
563	           fun
564	           (length (car grad))))
565	  (t
566           (setq args (sdiffmap (cdr e) x))
567           (setq result
568                 (addn
569                   (mapcar
570                     #'mul2
571                     (cdr
572                       (substitutel
573                         (cdr e)
574                         (car grad)
575                         (do ((l1 (cdr grad) (cdr l1))
576                              (args args (cdr args))
577                              (l2))
578                             ((null l1) (cons '(mlist) (nreverse l2)))
579                           (setq l2
580                                 (cons (cond ((equal (car args) 0) 0)
581                                             ((functionp (car l1))
582                                              ;; Evaluate a lambda expression
583                                              ;; given as a derivative.
584                                              (apply (car l1) (cdr e)))
585                                             (t (car l1)))
586                                       l2)))))
587                     args)
588                   t))
589           (if (or (null result) (not (freeof nil result)))
590               ;; A derivative has returned NIL. Return a noun form.
591               (if (not (depends e x))
592                   0
593                   (diff%deriv (list e x 1)))
594               result)))))
596(defun sdiffmap (e x)
597  (mapcar #'(lambda (term) (sdiff term x)) e))
599(defun sdifftimes (l x)
600  (prog (term left out)
601   loop (setq term (car l) l (cdr l))
602   (setq out (cons (muln (cons (sdiff term x) (append left l)) t) out))
603   (if (null l) (return out))
604   (setq left (cons term left))
605   (go loop)))
607(defun diffexpt (e x)
608  (if (mnump (caddr e))
609      (mul3 (caddr e) (power (cadr e) (addk (caddr e) -1)) (sdiff (cadr e) x))
610      (mul2 e (add2 (mul3 (power (cadr e) -1) (caddr e) (sdiff (cadr e) x))
611		    (mul2 (simplifya (list '(%log) (cadr e)) t)
612			  (sdiff (caddr e) x))))))
614(defun diff%deriv (e)
615  (let (derivflag)
616    (simplifya (cons '(%derivative) e) t)))
619;; grad properties
621(let ((header '(x)))
622  (mapc #'(lambda (z) (putprop (car z) (cons header (cdr z)) 'grad))
623	;; All these GRAD templates have been simplified and then the SIMP flags
624	;;	 (which are unnecessary) have been removed to save core space.
625	'((%log ((mexpt) x -1)) (%plog ((mexpt) x -1))
626	  (%gamma ((mtimes) ((mqapply) (($psi array) 0) x) ((%gamma) x)))
627	  (mfactorial ((mtimes) ((mqapply) (($psi array) 0) ((mplus) 1 x)) ((mfactorial) x)))
628	  (%sin ((%cos) x))
629	  (%cos ((mtimes) -1 ((%sin) x)))
630	  (%tan ((mexpt) ((%sec) x) 2))
631	  (%cot ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) ((%csc) x) 2)))
632	  (%sec ((mtimes) ((%sec) x) ((%tan) x)))
633	  (%csc ((mtimes) -1 ((%cot) x) ((%csc) x)))
634	  (%asin ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) x 2))) ((rat) -1 2)))
635	  (%acos ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) x 2)))
636			       ((rat) -1 2))))
637	  (%atan ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mexpt) x 2)) -1))
638	  (%acot ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mexpt) x 2)) -1)))
639	  (%acsc ((mtimes) -1
640		  ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) x -2)))
641		   ((rat) -1 2))
642		  ((mexpt) x -2)))
643	  (%asec ((mtimes)
644		  ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) x -2)))
645		   ((rat) -1 2))
646		  ((mexpt) x -2)))
647	  (%sinh ((%cosh) x))
648	  (%cosh ((%sinh) x))
649	  (%tanh ((mexpt) ((%sech) x) 2))
650	  (%coth ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) ((%csch) x) 2)))
651	  (%sech ((mtimes) -1 ((%sech) x) ((%tanh) x)))
652	  (%csch ((mtimes) -1 ((%coth) x) ((%csch) x)))
653	  (%asinh ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mexpt) x 2)) ((rat) -1 2)))
654	  (%acosh ((mexpt) ((mplus) -1 ((mexpt) x 2)) ((rat) -1 2)))
655	  (%atanh ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) x 2))) -1))
656	  (%acoth ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) ((mplus) -1 ((mexpt) x 2)) -1)))
657	  (%asech ((mtimes) -1
658		   ((mexpt) ((mplus) -1 ((mexpt) x -2)) ((rat) -1 2))
659		   ((mexpt) x -2)))
660	  (%acsch ((mtimes) -1
661		   ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mexpt) x -2)) ((rat) -1 2))
662		   ((mexpt) x -2)))
663	  (mabs ((mtimes) x ((mexpt) ((mabs) x) -1)))
664	  (%erf ((mtimes) 2 ((mexpt) $%pi ((rat) -1 2))
665		 ((mexpt) $%e ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) x 2)))))
666	  )))
668(defprop $atan2 ((x y) ((mtimes) y ((mexpt) ((mplus) ((mexpt) x 2) ((mexpt) y 2)) -1))
669		 ((mtimes) -1 x ((mexpt) ((mplus) ((mexpt) x 2) ((mexpt) y 2)) -1)))
670  grad)
672(defprop $li
673  ((n x)
674; Do not put a noun form on the property list, but NIL.
675; SDIFFGRAD generates the noun form.
676;   ((%derivative) ((mqapply) (($li array) n) x) n 1)
677   nil
678   ((mtimes) ((mqapply) (($li array) ((mplus) -1 n)) x) ((mexpt) x -1)))
679  grad)
681(defprop $psi
682  ((n x)
683; Do not put a noun form on the property list, but NIL.
684; SDIFFGRAD generates the noun form.
685   nil
686   ((mqapply) (($psi array) ((mplus) 1 n)) x))
687  grad)
689(defun atvarschk (argl)
690  (do ((largl (length argl) (1- largl))
691       (latvrs (length atvars))
692       (l))
693      ((not (< latvrs largl)) (nconc atvars l))
694    (setq l (cons (implode (cons '$ (cons '@ (mexploden largl)))) l))))
696(defun notloreq (x)
697  (or (atom x)
698      (not (member (caar x) '(mlist mequal) :test #'eq))
699      (and (eq (caar x) 'mlist)
700	   (dolist (u (cdr x))
701	     (if (not (mequalp u)) (return t))))))
703(defun substitutel (l1 l2 e)
704  "l1 is a list of expressions.  l2 is a list of variables. For each
705   element in list l2, substitute corresponding element of l1 into e"
706  (do ((l1 l1 (cdr l1))
707       (l2 l2 (cdr l2)))
708      ((null l1) e)
709    (setq e (maxima-substitute (car l1) (car l2) e))))
711(defun union* (a b)
712  (do ((a a (cdr a))
713       (x b))
714      ((null a) x)
715    (if (not (memalike (car a) b)) (setq x (cons (car a) x)))))
717(defun intersect* (a b)
718  (do ((a a (cdr a))
719       (x))
720      ((null a) x)
721    (if (memalike (car a) b) (setq x (cons (car a) x)))))
723(defun nthelem (n e)
724  (car (nthcdr (1- n) e)))
726(defun delsimp (e)
727  (delete 'simp (copy-list e) :count 1 :test #'eq))
729(defun remsimp (e)
730  (if (atom e) e (cons (delsimp (car e)) (mapcar #'remsimp (cdr e)))))
732(defmfun $trunc (e)
733  (cond ((atom e) e)
734	((eq (caar e) 'mplus) (cons (append (car e) '(trunc)) (cdr e)))
735	((mbagp e) (cons (car e) (mapcar #'$trunc (cdr e))))
736	((specrepp e) ($trunc (specdisrep e)))
737	(t e)))
739(defun nonvarcheck (e fn)
740  (if (or (mnump e)
741	  (maxima-integerp e)
742	  ($constantp e)
743	  (and (not (atom e)) (not (eq (caar e) 'mqapply)) (mopp1 (caar e))))
744      (merror (intl:gettext "~:M: second argument must be a variable; found ~M") fn e)))
746(defmspec $ldisplay (form)
747  (disp1 (cdr form) t t))
749(defmfun $ldisp (&rest args)
750  #-gcl
751  (declare (dynamic-extent args))
752  (disp1 args t nil))
754(defmspec $display (form)
755  (disp1 (cdr form) nil t))
757(defmfun $disp (&rest args)
758  #-gcl
759  (declare (dynamic-extent args))
760  (disp1 args nil nil))
762(defun disp1 (ll lablist eqnsp)
763  (if lablist (setq lablist (cons '(mlist simp) nil)))
764  (do ((ll ll (cdr ll))
765       (l)
766       (ans)
767       ($dispflag t)
768       (tim 0))
769      ((null ll) (or lablist '$done))
770    (setq l (car ll) ans (if eqnsp (meval l) l))
771    (if (and eqnsp (not (mequalp ans)))
772	(setq ans (list '(mequal simp) (disp2 l) ans)))
773    (if lablist (nconc lablist (cons (elabel ans) nil)))
774    (setq tim (get-internal-run-time))
775    (let ((*display-labels-p* (not (null lablist))))
776      (declare (special *display-labels-p*))
777      (displa (list '(mlabel) (if lablist *linelabel*) ans)))
778    (mterpri)
779    (timeorg tim)))
781(defun disp2 (e)
782  (cond ((atom e) e)
783	((eq (caar e) 'mqapply)
784	 (cons '(mqapply) (cons (cons (caadr e) (mapcar #'meval (cdadr e)))
785				(mapcar #'meval (cddr e)))))
786	((eq (caar e) 'msetq) (disp2 (cadr e)))
787	((eq (caar e) 'mset) (disp2 (meval (cadr e))))
788	((eq (caar e) 'mlist) (cons (car e) (mapcar #'disp2 (cdr e))))
789	((mspecfunp (caar e)) e)
790	(t (cons (car e) (mapcar #'meval (cdr e))))))
792; Construct a new intermediate result label,
793; and bind it to the expression e.
794; The global flag $NOLABELS is ignored; the label is always bound.
795; Otherwise (if ELABEL were to observe $NOLABELS) it would be
796; impossible to programmatically refer to intermediate result expression.
798(defun elabel (e)
799  (if (not (checklabel $linechar)) (setq $linenum (1+ $linenum)))
800  (let (($nolabels nil)) ; <-- This is pretty ugly. MAKELABEL should take another argument.
801    (makelabel $linechar))
802  (setf (symbol-value *linelabel*) e)
803  *linelabel*)
805(defmfun $dispterms (e)
806  (cond ((or (atom e) (eq (caar e) 'bigfloat)) (displa e))
807	((specrepp e) ($dispterms (specdisrep e)))
808	(t (let (($dispflag t))
809	     (mterpri)
810	     (displa (getop (mop e)))
811	     (do ((e (if (and (eq (caar e) 'mplus) (not $powerdisp))
812			 (reverse (cdr e))
813			 (margs e))
814		     (cdr e))) ((null e)) (mterpri) (displa (car e)) (mterpri)))
815	   (mterpri)))
816  '$done)
818(defmfun $dispform (e &optional (flag nil flag?))
819  (when (and flag? (not (eq flag '$all)))
820    (merror (intl:gettext "dispform: second argument, if present, must be 'all'; found ~M") flag))
821  (if (or (atom e)
822	  (atom (setq e (if flag? (nformat-all e) (nformat e))))
823	  (member 'simp (cdar e) :test #'eq))
824      e
825      (cons (cons (caar e) (cons 'simp (cdar e)))
826	    (if (and (eq (caar e) 'mplus) (not $powerdisp))
827		(reverse (cdr e))
828		(cdr e)))))
830;;; These functions implement the Macsyma functions $op and $operatorp.
831;;; Dan Stanger
832(defmfun $op (expr)
833  ($part expr 0))
835(defmfun $operatorp (expr oplist)
836  (if ($listp oplist)
837      ($member ($op expr) oplist)
838      (equal ($op expr) oplist)))
840(defmfun $part (&rest args)
841  #-gcl
842  (declare (dynamic-extent args))
843  (mpart args nil nil $inflag '$part))
845(defmfun $inpart (&rest args)
846  #-gcl
847  (declare (dynamic-extent args))
848  (mpart args nil nil t '$inpart))
850(defmspec $substpart (l)
851  (let ((substp t))
852    (mpart (cdr l) t nil $inflag '$substpart)))
854(defmspec $substinpart (l)
855  (let ((substp t))
856    (mpart (cdr l) t nil t '$substinpart)))
858(defun part1 (arglist substflag dispflag inflag) ; called only by TRANSLATE
859  (let ((substp t))
860    (mpart arglist substflag dispflag inflag '$substpart)))
862(defun mpart (arglist substflag dispflag inflag fn)
863  (prog (substitem arg arg1 exp exp1 exp* sevlist count prevcount n specp
864	 lastelem lastcount)
865     (setq specp (or substflag dispflag))
866     (if substflag (setq substitem (car arglist) arglist (cdr arglist)))
867     (if (null arglist) (wna-err '$part))
868     (setq exp (if substflag (meval (car arglist)) (car arglist)))
869     (when (null (setq arglist (cdr arglist)))
870       (setq $piece exp)
871       (return (cond (substflag (meval substitem))
872		     (dispflag (box exp dispflag))
873		     (t exp))))
874     (cond ((not inflag)
875	    (cond ((or (and ($listp exp) (null (cdr arglist)))
876		       (and ($matrixp exp)
877			    (or (null (cdr arglist)) (null (cddr arglist)))))
878		   (setq inflag t))
879		  ((not specp) (setq exp (nformat exp)))
880		  (t (setq exp (nformat-all exp)))))
881	   ((specrepp exp) (setq exp (specdisrep exp))))
882     (when (and (atom exp) (null $partswitch))
883       (merror (intl:gettext "~:M: argument must be a non-atomic expression; found ~:M") fn exp))
884     (when (and inflag specp)
885       (setq exp (copy-tree exp)))
886     (when substflag
887       ;; Replace all occurrences of 'rat with 'mquotient when in subst.
888       (setq exp (let (($simp nil)) (maxima-substitute 'mquotient 'rat exp))))
889     (setq exp* exp)
890     start (cond ((or (atom exp) (eq (caar exp) 'bigfloat)) (go err))
891		 ((equal (setq arg (if substflag (meval (car arglist)) (car arglist)))
892			 0)
893		  (setq arglist (cdr arglist))
894		  (cond ((mnump substitem)
895			 (merror (intl:gettext "~:M: argument cannot be a number; found ~M") fn substitem))
896			((and specp arglist)
897			 (if (eq (caar exp) 'mqapply)
898			     (prog2 (setq exp (cadr exp)) (go start))
899                 ;; NOT CLEAR WHAT IS INVALID HERE. OH WELL.
900			     (merror (intl:gettext "~:M: invalid operator.") fn)))
901			(t (setq $piece (getop (mop exp)))
902			   (return
903			     (cond (substflag
904				    (setq substitem (getopr (meval substitem)))
905				    (cond ((mnump substitem)
906					   (merror (intl:gettext "~:M: argument cannot be a number; found ~M") fn substitem))
907					  ((not (atom substitem))
908					   (if (not (eq (caar exp) 'mqapply))
909					       (rplaca (rplacd exp (cons (car exp)
910									 (cdr exp)))
911						       '(mqapply)))
912					   (rplaca (cdr exp) substitem)
913					   (return (resimplify exp*)))
914					  ((eq (caar exp) 'mqapply)
915					   (rplacd exp (cddr exp))))
916				    (rplaca exp (cons substitem
917						      (if (and (member 'array (cdar exp) :test #'eq)
918							       (not (mopp substitem)))
919							  '(array))))
920				    (resimplify exp*))
921				   (dispflag
922				    (rplacd exp (cdr (box (copy-tree exp) dispflag)))
923				    (rplaca exp (if (eq dispflag t)
924						    '(mbox)
925						    '(mlabox)))
926				    (resimplify exp*))
927				   (t (when arglist (setq exp $piece) (go a))
928				      $piece))))))
929		 ((not (atom arg)) (go several))
930		 ((not (fixnump arg))
931		  (merror (intl:gettext "~:M: argument must be an integer; found ~M") fn arg))
932		 ((< arg 0) (go bad)))
933     (if (eq (caar exp) 'mqapply) (setq exp (cdr exp)))
934     loop (cond ((not (zerop arg)) (setq arg (1- arg) exp (cdr exp))
935		 (if (null exp) (go err))
936		 (go loop))
937		((null (setq arglist (cdr arglist)))
938		 (return (cond (substflag (setq $piece (resimplify (car exp)))
939					  (rplaca exp (meval substitem))
940					  (resimplify exp*))
941			       (dispflag (setq $piece (resimplify (car exp)))
942					 (rplaca exp (box (car exp) dispflag))
943					 (resimplify exp*))
944			       (inflag (setq $piece (car exp)))
945			       (t (setq $piece (simplify (car exp))))))))
946     (setq exp (car exp))
947     a    (cond ((and (not inflag) (not specp)) (setq exp (nformat exp)))
948		((specrepp exp) (setq exp (specdisrep exp))))
949     (go start)
950     err  (cond ((eq $partswitch 'mapply)
951		 (merror (intl:gettext "~M: invalid index ~M of list or matrix.") fn (car arglist)))
952		($partswitch (return (setq $piece '$end)))
953		(t (merror (intl:gettext "~:M: fell off the end.") fn)))
954     bad  (improper-arg-err arg fn)
955     several
956     (if (or (not (member (caar arg) '(mlist $allbut) :test #'eq)) (cdr arglist))
957	 (go bad))
958     (setq exp1 (cons (caar exp) (if (member 'array (cdar exp) :test #'eq) '(array))))
959     (if (eq (caar exp) 'mqapply)
960	 (setq sevlist (list (cadr exp) exp1) exp (cddr exp))
961	 (setq sevlist (ncons exp1) exp (cdr exp)))
962     (setq arg1 (cdr arg) prevcount 0 exp1 exp)
963     (dolist (arg* arg1)
964       (if (not (fixnump arg*))
965	   (merror (intl:gettext "~:M: argument must be an integer; found ~M") fn arg*)))
966     (when (and specp (eq (caar arg) 'mlist))
967       (if substflag (setq lastelem (car (last arg1))))
968       (setq arg1 (sort (copy-list arg1) #'<)))
969     (when (eq (caar arg) '$allbut)
970       (setq n (length exp))
971       (dolist (i arg1)
972	 (if (or (< i 1) (> i n))
973	     (merror (intl:gettext "~:M: index must be in range 1 to ~M, inclusive; found ~M") fn n i)))
974       (do ((i n (1- i)) (arg2))
975	   ((= i 0) (setq arg1 arg2))
976	 (if (not (member i arg1 :test #'equal)) (setq arg2 (cons i arg2))))
977       (if substflag (setq lastelem (car (last arg1)))))
978     (if (null arg1) (if specp (go bad) (go end)))
979     (if substflag (setq lastcount lastelem))
980     sevloop
981     (if specp
982	 (setq count (- (car arg1) prevcount) prevcount (car arg1))
983	 (setq count (car arg1)))
984     (if (< count 1) (go bad))
985     (if (and substflag (< (car arg1) lastelem))
986	 (setq lastcount (1- lastcount)))
987     count(cond ((null exp) (go err))
988		((not (= count 1)) (setq count (1- count) exp (cdr exp)) (go count)))
989     (setq sevlist (cons (car exp) sevlist))
990     (setq arg1 (cdr arg1))
991     end  (cond ((null arg1)
992		 (setq sevlist (nreverse sevlist))
993		 (setq $piece (if (or inflag (not specp))
994				  (simplify sevlist)
995				  (resimplify sevlist)))
996		 (return (cond (substflag (rplaca (nthcdr (1- lastcount) exp1)
997						  (meval substitem))
998					  (resimplify exp*))
999			       (dispflag (rplaca exp (box (car exp) dispflag))
1000					 (resimplify exp*))
1001			       (t $piece))))
1002		(substflag (if (null (cdr exp)) (go err))
1003			   (rplaca exp (cadr exp)) (rplacd exp (cddr exp)))
1004		(dispflag (rplaca exp (box (car exp) dispflag))
1005			  (setq exp (cdr exp)))
1006		(t (setq exp exp1)))
1007     (go sevloop)))
1009(defun getop (x)
1010  (or (and (symbolp x) (get x 'op)) x))
1012(defmfun $listp (x)
1013  (and (not (atom x))
1014       (not (atom (car x)))
1015       (eq (caar x) 'mlist)))
1017(defmfun $cons (x e)
1018  (atomchk (setq e (format1 e)) '$cons t)
1019  (mcons-exp-args e (cons x (margs e))))
1021(defmfun $endcons (x e)
1022  (atomchk (setq e (format1 e)) '$endcons t)
1023  (mcons-exp-args e (append (margs e) (ncons x))))
1025(defmfun $reverse (e)
1026  (atomchk (setq e (format1 e)) '$reverse nil)
1027  (mcons-exp-args e (reverse (margs e))))
1029(defmfun $append (&rest args)
1030  (if (null args)
1031      '((mlist simp))
1032      (let ((arg1 (specrepcheck (first args))) op arrp)
1033	(atomchk arg1 '$append nil)
1034	(setq op (mop arg1)
1035	      arrp (if (member 'array (cdar arg1) :test #'eq) t))
1036	(mcons-exp-args
1037	 arg1
1038	 (apply #'append
1039		(mapcar #'(lambda (u)
1040			    (atomchk (setq u (specrepcheck u)) '$append nil)
1041			    (unless (and (alike1 op (mop u))
1042					 (eq arrp (if (member 'array (cdar u) :test #'eq) t)))
1043			      (merror (intl:gettext "append: operators of arguments must all be the same.")))
1044			    (margs u))
1045			args))))))
1047(defun mcons-exp-args (e args)
1048  (if (eq (caar e) 'mqapply)
1049      (list* (delsimp (car e)) (cadr e) args)
1050      (cons (delsimp (car e)) args)))
1052(defmfun $member (x e)
1053  (atomchk (setq e ($totaldisrep e)) '$member t)
1054  (if (memalike ($totaldisrep x) (margs e)) t))
1056(defun atomchk (e fun 2ndp)
1057  (if (or (atom e) (eq (caar e) 'bigfloat))
1058      (merror (intl:gettext "~:M: ~Margument must be a non-atomic expression; found ~M") fun (if 2ndp "2nd " "") e)))
1060(defun format1 (e)
1061  (cond (($listp e) e)
1062	($inflag (specrepcheck e))
1063	(t (nformat e))))
1065(defmfun $first (e)
1066  (atomchk (setq e (format1 e)) '$first nil)
1067  (if (null (cdr e)) (merror (intl:gettext "first: empty argument.")))
1068  (car (margs e)))
1070;; This macro is used to create functions second thru tenth.
1071;; Rather than try to modify mformat for ~:R, use the quoted symbol
1073(macrolet ((make-nth (si i)
1074	     (let ((sim (intern (concatenate 'string "$" (symbol-name si)))))
1075	       `(defun ,sim (e)
1076		  (atomchk (setq e (format1 e)) ',sim nil)
1077		  (if (< (length (margs e)) ,i)
1078		      (merror (intl:gettext "~:M: no such element in ~M") ',sim e))
1079		  (,si (margs e))))))
1081  (make-nth second  2)
1082  (make-nth third   3)
1083  (make-nth fourth  4)
1084  (make-nth fifth   5)
1085  (make-nth sixth   6)
1086  (make-nth seventh 7)
1087  (make-nth eighth  8)
1088  (make-nth ninth   9)
1089  (make-nth tenth  10))
1091(defmfun $rest (e &optional (n 1 n?))
1092  (prog (m fun fun1 revp)
1093     (when (and n? (equal n 0))
1094       (return e))
1095     (atomchk (setq m (format1 e)) '$rest nil)
1096     (cond ((and n? (not (fixnump n)))
1097	    (merror (intl:gettext "rest: second argument, if present, must be an integer; found ~M") n))
1098	   ((minusp n)
1099	    (setq n (- n) revp t)))
1100     (if (< (length (margs m)) n)
1101	 (if $partswitch
1102	     (return '$end)
1103	     (merror (intl:gettext "rest: fell off the end."))))
1104     (setq fun (car m))
1105     (when (eq (car fun) 'mqapply)
1106       (setq fun1 (cadr m)
1107	     m (cdr m)))
1108     (setq m (cdr m))
1109     (when revp (setq m (reverse m)))
1110     (setq m (nthcdr n m))
1111     (setq m (cons (if (eq (car fun) 'mlist) fun (delsimp fun))
1112		   (if revp (nreverse m) m)))
1113     (when (eq (car fun) 'mqapply)
1114       (return (cons (car m) (cons fun1 (cdr m)))))
1115     (return m)))
1117(defmfun $last (e)
1118  (atomchk (setq e (format1 e)) '$last nil)
1119  (when (null (cdr e))
1120    (merror (intl:gettext "last: empty argument.")))
1121  (car (last e)))
1123(defmfun $firstn (e n)
1124  (atomchk (setq e (format1 e)) '$firstn nil)
1125  (if (or (not (fixnump n)) (minusp n))
1126    (merror (intl:gettext "firstn: second argument must be a nonnegative integer; found: ~M") n))
1127  (let ((m ($length e)))
1128    (if (> n m)
1129      ($rest e 0)
1130      ($rest e (- n m)))))
1132(defmfun $lastn (e n)
1133  (atomchk (setq e (format1 e)) '$lastn nil)
1134  (if (or (not (fixnump n)) (minusp n))
1135    (merror (intl:gettext "lastn: second argument must be a nonnegative integer; found: ~M") n))
1136  (let ((m ($length e)))
1137    (if (> n m)
1138      ($rest e 0)
1139      ($rest e (- m n)))))
1141(defmfun $args (e)
1142  (atomchk (setq e (format1 e)) '$args nil)
1143	 (cons '(mlist) (margs e)))
1145(defmfun $delete (x l &optional (n -1 n?))
1146  (when (and n? (or (not (fixnump n)) (minusp n))) ; if n is set, it must be a nonneg fixnum
1147    (merror (intl:gettext "delete: third argument, if present, must be a nonnegative integer; found ~M") n))
1148  (atomchk (setq l (specrepcheck l)) '$delete t)
1149  (setq x (specrepcheck x)
1150	l (cons (delsimp (car l)) (copy-list (cdr l))))
1151  (do ((l1 (if (eq (caar l) 'mqapply) (cdr l) l)))
1152      ((or (null (cdr l1)) (zerop n)) l)
1153    (if (alike1 x (specrepcheck (cadr l1)))
1154	(progn
1155	  (decf n)
1156	  (rplacd l1 (cddr l1)))
1157	(setq l1 (cdr l1)))))
1159(defmfun $length (e)
1160  (setq e (cond (($listp e) e)
1161		((or $inflag (not ($ratp e))) (specrepcheck e))
1162		(t ($ratdisrep e))))
1163  (cond ((symbolp e) (merror (intl:gettext "length: argument cannot be a symbol; found ~:M") e))
1164	((or (numberp e) (eq (caar e) 'bigfloat))
1165	 (if (and (not $inflag) (mnegp e))
1166	     1
1167	     (merror (intl:gettext "length: argument cannot be a number; found ~:M") e)))
1168	((or $inflag (not (member (caar e) '(mtimes mexpt) :test #'eq))) (length (margs e)))
1169	((eq (caar e) 'mexpt)
1170	 (if (and (alike1 (caddr e) '((rat simp) 1 2)) $sqrtdispflag) 1 2))
1171	(t (length (cdr (nformat e))))))
1173(defmfun $atom (x)
1174  (setq x (specrepcheck x)) (or (atom x) (eq (caar x) 'bigfloat)))
1176(defmfun $symbolp (x)
1177  (setq x (specrepcheck x)) (symbolp x))
1179(defmfun $num (e)
1180  (let (x)
1181    (cond ((atom e) e)
1182	  ((eq (caar e) 'mrat) ($ratnumer e))
1183	  ((eq (caar e) 'rat) (cadr e))
1184	  ((eq (caar (setq x (nformat e))) 'mquotient) (simplify (cadr x)))
1185	  ((and (eq (caar x) 'mminus) (not (atom (setq x (cadr x))))
1186		(eq (caar x) 'mquotient))
1187	   (simplify (list '(mtimes) -1 (cadr x))))
1188	  (t e))))
1190(defmfun $denom (e)
1191  (cond ((atom e) 1)
1192	((eq (caar e) 'mrat) ($ratdenom e))
1193	((eq (caar e) 'rat) (caddr e))
1194	((or (eq (caar (setq e (nformat e))) 'mquotient)
1195	     (and (eq (caar e) 'mminus) (not (atom (setq e (cadr e))))
1196		  (eq (caar e) 'mquotient)))
1197	 (simplify (caddr e)))
1198	(t 1)))
1200(defmfun $entier (e) (take '($floor) e))
1202(defmfun $fix (e) (take '($floor) e))
1204;; Evaluate THUNK ignoring any error that might occur.  If the THUNK
1205;; returns a good number (not infinity or NaN), then return the
1206;; number.  Otherwise, return NIL to indicate that we the computation
1207;; failed.  This is a pretty brute-force approach.
1208(defun try-float-computation (thunk)
1209  (let ((errcatch (cons bindlist loclist))
1210	(*mdebug* nil))
1211    (declare (special errcatch))
1212    (let ((result (errset (funcall thunk))))
1213      (labels ((bad-number-p (num)
1214		 (if (complexp num)
1215		     (or (bad-number-p (realpart num))
1216			 (bad-number-p (imagpart num)))
1217		     (or (float-inf-p num)
1218			 (float-nan-p num)))))
1219	(if (and result (bad-number-p (car result)))
1220	    nil
1221	    (car result))))))
1223(defmfun $float (e)
1224  (cond ((numberp e)
1225	 (let ((e1 (float e))) (if (float-inf-p e1) (signal 'floating-point-overflow) e1)))
1226	((and (symbolp e) (mget e '$numer)))
1227	((or (atom e) (member 'array (cdar e) :test #'eq)) e)
1228	((eq (caar e) 'rat) (fpcofrat e))
1229	((eq (caar e) 'bigfloat) (fp2flo e))
1230	((member (caar e) '(mexpt mncexpt) :test #'eq)
1231	 ;; avoid x^2 -> x^2.0, allow %e^%pi -> 23.14
1232	 (let ((res (recur-apply #'$float e)))
1233	   (if (floatp res)
1234	       res
1235	       (list (ncons (caar e)) ($float (cadr e)) (caddr e)))))
1236	((and (eq (caar e) '%log)
1237	      (complex-number-p (second e) '$ratnump))
1238	 ;; Basically we try to compute float(log(x)) as directly as
1239	 ;; possible, expecting Lisp to return some error if it can't.
1240	 ;; Then we do a more complicated approach to compute the
1241	 ;; result.  However, gcl and ecl don't signal errors in these
1242	 ;; cases, so we always use the complicated approach for these lisps.
1243	 (let ((n (second e)))
1244	   (cond ((integerp n)
1245		  ;; float(log(int)).  First try to compute (log
1246		  ;; (float n)).  If that works, we're done.
1247		  ;; Otherwise we need to do more.
1248		  (to (or (try-float-computation #'(lambda ()
1249						     (log (float n))))
1250			  (let ((m (integer-length n)))
1251			    ;; Write n as (n/2^m)*2^m where m is the number of
1252			    ;; bits in n.  Then log(n) = log(2^m) + log(n/2^m).
1253			    ;; n/2^m is approximately 1, so converting that to a
1254			    ;; float is no problem.  log(2^m) = m * log(2).
1255			    (+ (* m (log 2e0))
1256			       (log (float (/ n (ash 1 m)))))))))
1257		 (($ratnump n)
1258		  ;; float(log(n/m)) where n and m are integers.  Try computing
1259		  ;; it first.  If it fails, compute as log(n) - log(m).
1260		  (let ((try (try-float-computation #'(lambda()
1261							(log (fpcofrat n))))))
1262		    (if try
1263			(to try)
1264			(sub  ($float `((%log) ,(second n)))
1265			      ($float `((%log) ,(third n)))))))
1266		 ((complex-number-p n 'integerp)
1267		  ;; float(log(n+m*%i)).
1268		  (let ((re ($realpart n))
1269			(im ($imagpart n)))
1270		    (to (or (try-float-computation #'(lambda ()
1271						       (log (complex (float re)
1272								     (float im)))))
1273			    (let* ((size (max (integer-length re)
1274					      (integer-length im)))
1275				   (scale (ash 1 size)))
1276			      (+ (* size (log 2e0))
1277				 (log (complex (float (/ re scale))
1278					       (float (/ im scale))))))))))
1279		 (t
1280		  ;; log(n1/d1 + n2/d2*%i) =
1281		  ;;   log(s*(n+m*%i)) = log(s) + log(n+m*%i)
1282		  ;;
1283		  ;; where s = lcm(d1, d2), n and m are integers
1284		  ;;
1285		  (let* ((s (lcm ($denom ($realpart n))
1286				 ($denom ($imagpart n))))
1287			 (p ($expand (mul s n))))
1288		    (add ($float `((%log) ,s))
1289			 ($float `((%log) ,p))))))))
1290	((and (eq (caar e) '%erf)
1291	      (eq (second e) '$%i))
1292	 ;; Handle like erf(%i).  float(%i) (via recur-apply below)
1293	 ;; just returns %i, so we never numerically evaluate it.
1294	 (complexify (complex-erf (complex 0 1d0))))
1295	((or (eq (caar e) '%derivative) (eq (caar e) '$diff))
1296	 (append (list (remove 'simp (first e)) ($float (second e))) (rest (rest e))))
1297	(t (recur-apply #'$float e))))
1299(defmfun $coeff (e x &optional (n 1))
1300  (if (equal n 0)
1301      (coeff e x 0)
1302      (coeff e (power x n) 1)))
1304(defun coeff (e var pow)
1305  (simplify
1306   (cond ((alike1 e var) (if (equal pow 1) 1 0))
1307	 ((atom e) (if (equal pow 0) e 0))
1308	 ((eq (caar e) 'mexpt)
1309	  (cond ((alike1 (cadr e) var)
1310		 (if (or (equal pow 0) (not (alike1 (caddr e) pow))) 0 1))
1311		((equal pow 0) e)
1312		(t 0)))
1313	 ((or (eq (caar e) 'mplus) (mbagp e))
1314	  (cons (if (eq (caar e) 'mplus) '(mplus) (car e))
1315		(mapcar #'(lambda (e) (coeff e var pow)) (cdr e))))
1316	 ((eq (caar e) 'mrat) (ratcoeff e var pow))
1317         ((equal pow 0) (if (coeff-contains-powers e var) 0 e))
1318	 ((eq (caar e) 'mtimes)
1319	  (let ((term (if (equal pow 1) var (power var pow))))
1320	    (if (memalike term (cdr e)) ($delete term e 1) 0)))
1321	 (t 0))))
1323(defun coeff-contains-powers (e var)
1324  (cond ((alike1 e var) t)
1325        ((atom e) nil)
1326        ((eq (caar e) 'mexpt)
1327         (alike1 (cadr e) var))
1328        ((eq (caar e) 'mtimes)
1329         (member t (mapcar #'(lambda (e)
1330                               (coeff-contains-powers e var)) (cdr e))))
1331        (t nil)))
1333(let (my-powers my-num my-flag)
1334  (declare (special my-powers my-num my-flag))
1336  (defmfun $hipow (e var)
1337    (findpowers e t var))
1339  ;; These work best on expanded "simple" expressions.
1341  (defmfun $lopow (e var)
1342    (findpowers e nil var))
1344  (defun findpowers (e hiflg var)
1345    (let (my-powers my-num my-flag)
1346      (declare (special my-powers my-num my-flag))
1347      (findpowers1 e hiflg var)
1348      (cond ((null my-powers) (if (null my-num) 0 my-num))
1349  	  (t (when my-num (setq my-powers (cons my-num my-powers)))
1350  	     (maximin my-powers (if hiflg '$max '$min))))))
1352  (defun findpowers1 (e hiflg var)
1353    (cond ((alike1 e var) (checkpow 1 hiflg))
1354  	((atom e))
1355  	((eq (caar e) 'mplus)
1356  	 (cond ((not (freel (cdr e) var))
1357  		(do ((e (cdr e) (cdr e))) ((null e))
1358  		  (setq my-flag nil) (findpowers1 (car e) hiflg var)
1359  		  (if (null my-flag) (checkpow 0 hiflg))))))
1360  	((and (eq (caar e) 'mexpt) (alike1 (cadr e) var)) (checkpow (caddr e) hiflg))
1361  	((specrepp e) (findpowers1 (specdisrep e) hiflg var))
1362  	(t (mapc #'(lambda (x) (findpowers1 x hiflg var)) (cdr e)))))
1364  (defun checkpow (pow hiflg)
1365    (setq my-flag t)
1366    (cond ((not (numberp pow)) (setq my-powers (cons pow my-powers)))
1367  	((null my-num) (setq my-num pow))
1368  	(hiflg (if (> pow my-num) (setq my-num pow)))
1369  	((< pow my-num) (setq my-num pow)))))
1371;; push(x,l): The argument l must be a mapatom that is bound to a list. Prepend x to
1372;; the value of l and return this list. The arguments to push are evaluated from left to right.
1374;; We assume that if each member of a list is simplified, the list members are still simplified
1375;; after pushing onto (or popping) the list. Just before returning, the code calls simplifya
1376;; with second argument true. Without this call to simplifya, the general simplifier would simplify
1377;; every list member after returning. (Barton Willis, author of $push and $pop)
1379(defmspec $push (z)
1380  (let* ((o (car (pop z)))
1381	 (x (if z (pop z) (wna-err o)))
1382	 (l (if z (pop z) (wna-err o)))
1383	 (ll) (lo))
1385    (if z (wna-err o))
1386    (setq x (meval x))
1387    (cond (($subvarp l)
1388	   (setq lo (simplifya (cons (list (meval (mop l)) 'array) (mevalargs (margs l))) t))
1389	   (setq ll (let ((noevalargs t)) (meval lo))))
1390	  (t
1391	   (setq lo l)
1392	   (setq ll (meval l))))
1393    (if (and ($mapatom lo) ($listp ll))
1394	(progn
1395	  (setq ll (cons x (cdr ll)))
1396	  (mset lo (simplifya (cons '(mlist) ll) t)))
1397      (merror "Second argument to push must be a mapatom that is bound to a list"))))
1399;; pop(l): The argument l must be a mapatom that is bound to a list. Remove the
1400;; first member of the value of l and return it.
1402;; We assume that if each member of a list is simplified, the list members are still simplified
1403;; after popping (or pushing onto) the list. Just before returning, the code calls simplifya
1404;; with second argument true. Without this call to simplifya, the general simplifier would simplify
1405;; every list member after returning.
1407(defmspec $pop (z)
1408  (let* ((o (car (pop z)))
1409	 (l (if z (pop z) (wna-err o)))
1410	 (ll) (lo))
1411    (if z (wna-err o))
1412    (cond (($subvarp l)
1413	   (setq lo (simplifya (cons (list (meval (mop l)) 'array) (mevalargs (margs l))) t))
1414	   (setq ll (let ((noevalargs t)) (meval lo))))
1415	  (t
1416	   (setq lo l)
1417	   (setq ll (meval lo))))
1418    (setq ll (meval l))
1419    (cond ((and ($mapatom lo) ($listp ll))
1420	   (if ($emptyp ll) (merror "Pop called on an empty list")
1421	     (prog2
1422		 (setq ll (cdr ll))
1423		 (pop ll)
1424	       (mset lo (simplifya (cons '(mlist) ll) t)))))
1425	  (t (merror "Argument to pop must be a mapatom that is bound to a list")))))