1;;; -*-  Mode: Lisp; Package: Maxima; Syntax: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 -*- ;;;;
3;;;     The data in this file contains enhancments.                    ;;;;;
4;;;                                                                    ;;;;;
5;;;  Copyright (c) 1984,1987 by William Schelter,University of Texas   ;;;;;
6;;;     All rights reserved                                            ;;;;;
8;;;     (c) Copyright 1982 Massachusetts Institute of Technology         ;;;
11(in-package :maxima)
13(macsyma-module sin)
15;;; Reference:  J. Moses, Symbolic Integration, MIT-LCS-TR-047, 12-1-1967.
16;;; http://www.lcs.mit.edu/publications/pubs/pdf/MIT-LCS-TR-047.pdf.
18;;;; Unfortunately, some important pages in the scan are all black.
20;;;; A version with the missing pages is available (2008-12-14) from
21;;;; http://www.softwarepreservation.org/projects/LISP/MIT
23(declare-top (special $radexpand $%e_to_numlog ans arcpart coef
24		      aa powerlist *a* *b* k stack e w y expres arg var
25		      *powerl* *c* *d* exp varlist genvar $liflag $opsubst))
27(defvar *debug-integrate* nil
28  "Enable debugging for the integrator routines.")
30;; When T do not call the risch integrator. This flag can be set by the risch
31;; integrator to avoid endless loops when calling the integrator from risch.
32(defvar *in-risch-p* nil)
34(defmacro op (frob)
35  `(get ,frob 'operators))
39;;; Predicate functions
41(declaim (inline varp))
42(defun varp (x)
43  (alike1 x var))
45(defun integerp1 (x)
46  "Returns 2*x if 2*x is an integer, else nil"
47  (integerp2 (mul2* 2 x)))
49(defun integerp2 (x)
50  "Returns x if x is an integer, else false"
51  (let (u)
52    (cond ((not (numberp x)) nil)
53	  ((not (floatp x)) x)
54	  ((prog2 (setq u (maxima-rationalize x))
55	       (equal (cdr u) 1)) (car u)))))
57;; This predicate is used with m2 pattern matcher.
58;; A rational expression in var.
59(defun rat8 (ex)
60  (cond ((or (varp ex) (freevar ex))
61	 t)
62	((member (caar ex) '(mplus mtimes) :test #'eq)
63	 (do ((u (cdr ex) (cdr u)))
64	     ((null u) t)
65	   (if (not (rat8 (car u)))
66	       (return nil))))
67	((not (eq (caar ex) 'mexpt))
68	 nil)
69	((integerp (caddr ex))
70	 (rat8 (cadr ex)))))
72(defun rat8prime (c)
73  (and (rat8 c)
74       (or (not (mnump c))
75           (not (zerop1 c)))))
77(defun elem (a)
78  (cond ((freevar a) t)
79	((atom a) nil)
80	((m2 a expres) t)
81	(t (every #'elem (cdr a)))))
83(defun freevar (a)
84  (cond ((atom a) (not (eq a var)))
85	((varp a) nil)
86	((and (not (atom (car a)))
87	      (member 'array (cdar a) :test #'eq))
88	 (cond ((freevar (cdr a)) t)
89	       (t (merror "~&FREEVAR: variable of integration appeared in subscript."))))
90	(t (and (freevar (car a)) (freevar (cdr a))))))
94;; possibly a bug: For var = x and *d* =3, we have expand(?subst10(x^9 * (x+x^6))) --> x^5+x^4, but
95;; ?subst10(expand(x^9 * (x+x^6))) --> x^5+x^3. (Barton Willis)
97(defun subst10 (ex)
98  (cond ((atom ex) ex)
99	((and (eq (caar ex) 'mexpt) (eq (cadr ex) var))
100	 (list '(mexpt) var (integerp2 (quotient (caddr ex) *d*))))
101	(t (cons (remove 'simp (car ex))
102		 (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (subst10 c)) (cdr ex))))))
104(defun rationalizer (x)
105  (let ((ex (simplify ($factor x))))
106    (if (not (alike1 ex x)) ex)))
108;; Like FIND-IF, but calls FUNC on elements of SEQ in turn until one returns
109;; non-NIL. At that point, return the result (rather than the input, which is
110;; what you'd get from FIND-IF)
112(defun map-find (func seq)
113  (map nil (lambda (x)
114             (let ((result (funcall func x)))
115               (when result (return-from map-find result))))
116       seq))
120;;; Stage II of the Integrator
122;;; Check if the problem can be transformed or solved by special methods.
123;;; 11 Methods are implemented by Moses, some more have been added.
125(defun intform (expres &aux w)
126  (cond ((freevar expres) nil)
127        ((atom expres) nil)
129        ;; Map the function intform over the arguments of a sum or a product
130	((member (caar expres) '(mplus mtimes) :test #'eq)
131         (map-find #'intform (cdr expres)))
133        ((or (eq (caar expres) '%log)
134            (arcp (caar expres)))
135         (cond
136           ;; Method 9: Rational function times a log or arctric function
137	   ((setq arg (m2 exp
138			  `((mtimes) ((,(caar expres)) (b rat8))
139			    ((coefftt) (c rat8prime)))))
140	    ;; Integrand is of the form R(x)*F(S(x)) where F is a log, or
141	    ;; arctric function and R(x) and S(x) are rational functions.
142	    (ratlog exp var (cons (cons 'a expres) arg)))
143	   (t
144	    (prog (y z)
145	       (cond
146	         ((setq y (intform (cadr expres))) (return y))
148	         ;; Method 10: Rational function times log(b*x+a)
149		 ((and (eq (caar expres) '%log)
150                     (setq z (m2-b*x+a (cadr expres)))
151                     (setq y (m2 exp
152                                 '((mtimes)
153                                   ((coefftt) (c rat8))
154                                   ((coefftt) (d elem))))))
155		  (return
156		    (let ((a (cdr (assoc 'a z :test #'eq)))
157			  (b (cdr (assoc 'b z :test #'eq)))
158			  (c (cdr (assoc 'c y :test #'eq)))
159			  (d (cdr (assoc 'd y :test #'eq)))
160		          (newvar (gensym "intform")))
161		      ;; keep var from appearing in questions to user
162		      (putprop newvar t 'internal)
163		      ;; Substitute y = log(b*x+a) and integrate again
164		      (substint
165		       expres
166		       newvar
167		       (integrator
168			(muln
169			 (list (maxima-substitute
170				`((mquotient) ((mplus) ((mexpt) $%e ,newvar)
171					       ((mtimes) -1 ,a))
172				  ,b)
173				var
174				c)
175			       `((mquotient) ((mexpt) $%e ,newvar) ,b)
176			       (maxima-substitute newvar expres d))
177			 nil)
178			newvar)))))
179		 (t (return nil)))))))
181        ;; We have a special function with an integral on the property list.
182        ;; After the integral property was defined for the trig functions,
183        ;; in rev 1.52, need to exclude trig functions here.
184        ((and (not (atom (car expres)))
185            (not (optrig (caar expres)))
186	    (not (eq (caar expres) 'mexpt))
187	    (get (caar expres) 'integral))
188         (when *debug-integrate*
189           (format t "~&INTFORM: found 'INTEGRAL on property list~%"))
190         (cond
191           ((setq arg
192                  (m2 exp `((mtimes) ((,(caar expres)) (b rat8)) ((coefftt) (c rat8prime)))))
193            ;; A rational function times the special function.
194            ;; Integrate with the method integration-by-parts.
195            (partial-integration (cons (cons 'a expres) arg) var))
196           ;; The method of integration-by-parts can not be applied.
197           ;; Maxima tries to get a clue for the argument of the function which
198           ;; allows a substitution for the argument.
199           ((intform (cadr expres)))
200           (t nil)))
202        ;; Method 6: Elementary function of trigonometric functions
203	((optrig (caar expres))
204	 (cond ((not (setq w (m2-b*x+a (cadr expres))))
205		(intform (cadr expres)))
206	       (t
207		(prog2
208                    (setq *powerl* t)
209                    (monstertrig exp var (cadr expres))))))
211	((and (eq (caar expres) '%derivative)
212            (eq (caar exp) (caar expres))
213            (checkderiv exp)))
215        ;; Stop intform if we have not a power function.
216        ((not (eq (caar expres) 'mexpt)) nil)
218        ;; Method 2: Substitution for an integral power
219        ((integerp (caddr expres)) (intform (cadr expres)))
221        ;; Method 1: Elementary function of exponentials
222        ((freevar (cadr expres))
223         (cond ((setq w (m2-b*x+a (caddr expres)))
224                (superexpt exp var (cadr expres) w))
225               ((intform (caddr expres)))
226               ((and (eq '$%e (cadr expres))
227                   (isinop (caddr expres) '%log))
228                ;; Found something like exp(r*log(x))
229                (let* (($%e_to_numlog t)
230                       ($radexpand nil) ; do not simplify sqrt(x^2) -> abs(x)
231                       (nexp (resimplify exp)))
232                  (cond ((alike1 exp nexp) nil)
233                        (t (integrator (setq exp nexp) var)))))
234               (t nil)))
236        ;; The base is not a rational function. Try to get a clue for the base.
237	((not (rat8 (cadr expres)))
238	 (intform (cadr expres)))
240        ;; Method 3: Substitution for a rational root
241	((and (setq w (m2-ratrootform (cadr expres))) ; e*(a*x+b) / (c*x+d)
242            (denomfind (caddr expres))) ; expon is ratnum
243         (or (progn
244              (setq *powerl* t)
245              (ratroot exp var (cadr expres) w))
246            (inte exp var)))
248        ;; Method 4: Binomial - Chebyschev
249	((not (integerp1 (caddr expres))) ; 2*exponent not integer
250	 (cond ((m2-chebyform exp)
251		(chebyf exp var))
252	       (t (intform (cadr expres)))))
254        ;; Method 5: Arctrigonometric substitution
255	((setq w (m2-c*x^2+b*x+a (cadr expres))) ; sqrt(c*x^2+b*x+a)
256	 #+nil
257	 (format t "expres = sqrt(c*x^2+b*x+a)~%")
258	 ;; I think this is method 5, arctrigonometric substitutions.
259	 ;; (Moses, pg 80.)  The integrand is of the form
260	 ;; R(x,sqrt(c*x^2+b*x+a)).  This method first eliminates the b
261	 ;; term of the quadratic, and then uses an arctrig substitution.
262	 (inte exp var))
264        ;; Method 4: Binomial - Chebyschev
265	((m2-chebyform exp )
266	 (chebyf exp var))
268        ;; Expand expres.
269        ;; Substitute the expanded factor into the integrand and try again.
270	((not (m2 (setq w ($expand (cadr expres)))
271                (cadr expres)))
272	 (prog2
273             (setq exp (maxima-substitute w (cadr expres) exp))
274             (intform (simplify (list '(mexpt) w (caddr expres))))))
276        ;; Factor expres.
277        ;; Substitute the factored factor into the integrand and try again.
278	((setq w (rationalizer (cadr expres)))
279	 ;; The forms below used to have $radexpand set to $all.  But I
280	 ;; don't think we really want to do that here because that makes
281	 ;; sqrt(x^2) become x, which might be totally wrong.  This is one
282	 ;; reason why we returned -4/3 for the
283	 ;; integrate(sqrt(x+1/x-2),x,0,1).  We were replacing
284	 ;; sqrt((x-1)^2) with x - 1, which is totally wrong since 0 <= x
285	 ;; <= 1.
286	 (setq exp (let (($radexpand $radexpand))
287		     (maxima-substitute w (cadr expres) exp)))
288	 (intform (let (($radexpand '$all))
289		    (simplify (list '(mexpt) w (caddr expres))))))))
293(defun separc (ex)
294  (cond ((arcfuncp ex) (setq arcpart ex coef 1))
295	((and (consp ex) (eq (caar ex) 'mtimes))
296	 (arclist (cdr ex))
297	 (setq coef (cond ((null (cdr coef)) (car coef))
298			  (t (setq coef (cons (car ex) coef))))))))
300(defun arclist (list)
301  (cond ((null list) nil)
302	((and (arcfuncp (car list)) (null arcpart))
303	 (setq arcpart (car list)) (arclist (cdr list)))
304	(t (setq coef (cons (car list) coef))
305	   (arclist (cdr list)))))
307(defun arcfuncp (ex)
308  (and (not (atom ex))
309       (or (arcp (caar ex))
310	   (eq (caar ex) '%log)     ; Experimentally treat logs also.
311	   (and (eq (caar ex) 'mexpt)
312		(integerp2 (caddr ex))
313		(> (integerp2 (caddr ex)) 0)
314		(arcfuncp (cadr ex))))))
318;;; Five pattern for the Integrator and other routines.
320;; This is matching the pattern e*(a*x+b)/(c*x+d), where
321;; a, b, c, d, and e are free of x, and x is the variable of integration.
322(defun m2-ratrootform (expr)
323  (m2 expr
324      `((mtimes)
325        ((coefftt) (e freevar))
326        ((mplus)
327         ((coeffpt) (a freevar) (var varp))
328         ((coeffpt) (b freevar)))
329        ((mexpt)
330         ((mplus)
331          ((coeffpt) (c freevar) (var varp))
332          ((coeffpt) (d freevar)))
333         -1))))
335;; This is for matching the pattern a*x^r1*(c1+c2*x^q)^r2.
336(defun m2-chebyform (expr)
337  (m2 expr
338      `((mtimes)
339        ((mexpt) (var varp) (r1 numberp))
340        ((mexpt)
341         ((mplus)
342          ((mtimes)
343           ((coefftt) (c2 freevar))
344           ((mexpt) (var varp) (q free1)))
345          ((coeffpp) (c1 freevar)))
346         (r2 numberp))
347        ((coefftt) (a freevar)))))
349;; Pattern to match b*x + a
350(defun m2-b*x+a (expr)
351  (m2 expr
352      `((mplus)
353        ((coeffpt) (b freevar) (x varp))
354        ((coeffpt) (a freevar)))))
356;; This is the pattern c*x^2 + b * x + a.
357(defun m2-c*x^2+b*x+a (expr)
358  (m2 expr
359      `((mplus)
360        ((coeffpt) (c freevar) ((mexpt) (x varp) 2))
361        ((coeffpt) (b freevar) (x varp))
362        ((coeffpt) (a freevar)))))
364;; This is the pattern (a*x+b)*(c*x+d)
365(defun m2-a*x+b/c*x+d (expr)
366  (m2 expr
367      `((mtimes)
368        ((mplus)
369         ((coeffpt) (a freevar) (var varp))
370         ((coeffpt) (b freevar)))
371        ((mplus)
372         ((coeffpt) (c freevar) (var varp))
373         ((coeffpt) (d freevar))))))
377;;; This is the main integration routine.  It is called from sinint.
379(defun integrator (exp var)
380  (prog (y arg *powerl* const *b* w arcpart coef integrand result)
381     (declare (special *integrator-level*))
382     ;; Increment recursion counter
383     (incf *integrator-level*)
385     ;; Trivial case. exp is not a function of var.
386     (if (freevar exp) (return (mul2* exp var)))
388     ;; Remove constant factors
389     (setq w (partition exp var 1))
390     (setq const (car w))
391     (setq exp (cdr w))
392     #+nil
393     (progn
394       (format t "w = ~A~%" w)
395       (format t "const = ~A~%" const)
396       (format t "exp = ~A~%" exp))
398     (cond ;; First stage, Method I: Integrate a sum.
399           ((mplusp exp)
400            (return (mul2* const (integrate1 (cdr exp)))))
402           ;; Convert atan2(a,b) to atan(a/b) and try again.
403           ((setq w (isinop exp '$atan2))
404            (setq exp
405                  (maxima-substitute (take '(%atan) (div (cadr w) (caddr w)))
406                                     w
407                                     exp))
408            (return (mul* const
409                          (integrator exp var))))
411           ;; First stage, Method II: Integrate sums.
412	   ((and (not (atom exp))
413		 (eq (caar exp) '%sum))
414	    (return (mul2* const (intsum exp var))))
416           ;; First stage, Method III: Try derivative-divides method.
417           ;; This is the workhorse that solves many integrals.
418           ((setq y (diffdiv exp var))
419	    (return (mul2* const y))))
421     ;; At this point, we have EXP as a product of terms.  Make Y a
422     ;; list of the terms of the product.
423     (setq y (cond ((mtimesp exp)
424		    (cdr exp))
425		   (t
426		    (list exp))))
428     ;; Second stage:
429     ;; We're looking at each term of the product and check if we can
430     ;; apply one of the special methods.
431     loop
432     #+nil
433     (progn
434       (format t "car y =~%")
435       (maxima-display (car y)))
436     (cond ((rat8 (car y))
437	    #+nil
438	    (format t "In loop, go skip~%")
439	    (go skip))
440	   ((and (setq w (intform (car y)))
441		 ;; Do not return a noun form as result at this point, because
442		 ;; we would like to check for further special integrals.
443		 ;; We store the result for later use.
444		 (setq result w)
445		 (not (isinop w '%integrate)))
446	    #+nil
447	    (format t "In loop, case intform~%")
448	    (return (mul2* const w)))
449	   (t
450	    #+nil
451	    (format t "In loop, go special~%")
452	    ;; Store a possible partial result
453	    (setq result w)
454	    (go special)))
455     skip
456     (setq y (cdr y))
457     (cond ((null y)
458            ;; Method 8: Rational functions
459	    (return (mul2* const (cond ((setq y (powerlist exp var)) y)
460				       (t (ratint exp var)))))))
461     (go loop)
463     special
464     ;; Third stage: Try more general methods
469     (separc exp)
471     #+nil
472     (progn
473       (format t "arcpart = ~A~%" arcpart)
474       (format t "coef =~%")
475       (maxima-display coef))
476     (cond ((and (not (null arcpart))
477		 (do  ((stacklist stack (cdr stacklist)))
478		      ((null stacklist) t)
479		   (cond ((alike1 (car stacklist) coef)
480			  (return nil))))
481		 (not (isinop (setq w (let ((stack (cons coef stack)))
482					(integrator coef var)))
483			      '%integrate))
484		 (setq integrand (mul2 w (sdiff arcpart var)))
485		 (do ((stacklist stack (cdr stacklist)))
486		     ((null stacklist) t)
487		   (cond ((alike1 (car stacklist) integrand)
488			  (return nil))))
489		 (not (isinop
490		       (setq y (let ((stack (cons integrand stack))
491				     (integ integrand))
492				 (integrator integ var)))
493		       '%integrate)))
494	    (return (add* (list '(mtimes) const w arcpart)
495			  (list '(mtimes) -1 const y))))
496	   (t
497	    (return
498		(mul* const
499		      (cond ((setq y (scep exp var))
500			     (cond ((cddr y)
501				    #+nil
502				    (progn
503				      (format t "cddr y =~%")
504				      (maxima-display (cddr y)))
505				    (integrator ($trigreduce exp) var))
506				   (t (sce-int (car y) (cadr y) var))))
507			    ;; I don't understand why we do this. This
508			    ;; causes the stack overflow in Bug
509			    ;; 1487703, because we keep expanding exp
510			    ;; into a form that matches the original
511			    ;; and therefore we loop forever.  To
512			    ;; break this we keep track how how many
513			    ;; times we've tried this and give up
514			    ;; after 4 (arbitrarily selected) times.
515			    ((and (< *integrator-level* 4)
516				  (not (alike1 exp (setq y ($expand exp)))))
517			     #+nil
518			     (progn
519			       (format t "exp = ~A~%" exp)
520			       (maxima-display exp)
521			       (format t "y   = ~A~%" y)
522			       (maxima-display y)
523			       (break))
524			     (integrator y var))
525			    ((and (not *powerl*)
526				  (setq y (powerlist exp var)))
527			     y)
528			    ((and (not *in-risch-p*)  ; Not called from rischint
529			          (setq y (rischint exp var))
530				  ;; rischint has not found an integral but
531				  ;; returns a noun form. Do not return that
532				  ;; noun form as result at this point, but
533				  ;; store it for later use.
534				  (setq result y)
535				  (not (isinop y '%integrate)))
536			     y)
537			    ((setq y (integrate-exp-special exp var))
538			     ;; Maxima found an integral for a power function
539			     y)
540			    (t
541			     ;; Integrate-exp-special has not found an integral
542			     ;; We look for a previous result obtained by
543			     ;; intform or rischint.
544			     (if result
545				 result
546				 (list '(%integrate) exp var))))))))))
548(defun optrig (x)
549  (member x '(%sin %cos %sec %tan %csc %cot) :test #'eq))
553;;; Stage I
554;;; Implementation of Method 1: Integrate a sum
556;;after finding a non-integrable summand usually better to pass rest to risch
557(defun integrate1 (exp)
558  (do ((terms exp (cdr terms)) (ans))
559      ((null terms) (addn ans nil))
560    (let ($liflag)					; don't gen li's for
561      (push (integrator (car terms) var) ans))		; parts of integrand
562    (when (and (not *in-risch-p*)                     ; Not called from rischint
563               (not (free (car ans) '%integrate))
564               (cdr terms))
565	  (return (addn (cons (rischint (cons '(mplus) terms) var) (cdr ans))
566			nil)))))
568(defun scep (expr var &aux trigl exp)	; Product of SIN, COS, EXP
569  (and (mtimesp expr)			;	of linear args.
570       (loop for fac in (cdr expr) do
571	     (cond ((atom fac) (return nil))
572		   ((trig1 (car fac))
573		    (if (linearp (cadr fac) var) (push fac trigl)
574			(return nil)))
575		   ((and (mexptp fac)
576			 (eq (cadr fac) '$%e)
577			 (linearp (caddr fac) var))
578		    ;; should be only one exponential factor
579		    (setq exp fac))
580		   (t (return nil)))
581	     finally (return (cons exp trigl)))))
583;; Integrates exponential * sin or cos, all with linear args.
585(defun sce-int (exp s-c var)		; EXP is non-trivial
586  (let* ((e-coef (car (islinear (caddr exp) var)))
587         (sc-coef (car (islinear (cadr s-c) var)))
588         (sc-arg (cadr s-c))
589         (abs-val (add (power e-coef 2) (power sc-coef 2))))
590    (if (zerop1 abs-val)
591        ;; The numerator is zero. Exponentialize the integrand and try again.
592        (integrator ($exponentialize (mul exp s-c)) var)
593        (mul (div exp abs-val)
594             (add (mul e-coef s-c)
595                  (if (eq (caar s-c) '%sin)
596                      (mul* (neg sc-coef) `((%cos) ,sc-arg))
597                      (mul* sc-coef `((%sin) ,sc-arg))))))))
599(defun checkderiv (expr)
600  (checkderiv1 (cadr expr) (cddr expr) () ))
602;; CHECKDERIV1 gets called on the expression being differentiated,
603;; an alternating list of variables being differentiated with
604;; respect to and powers thereof, and a reversed list of the latter
605;; that have already been examined.  It returns either the antiderivative
606;; or (), saying this derivative isn't wrt the variable of integration.
608(defun checkderiv1 (expr wrt old-wrt)
609  (cond ((varp (car wrt))
610	 (if (equal (cadr wrt) 1)	;Power = 1?
611	     (if (null (cddr wrt))	;single or partial
612		 (if (null old-wrt)
613		     expr		;single
614		     `((%derivative), expr ;partial in old-wrt
615		       ,.(nreverse old-wrt)))
616		 `((%derivative) ,expr	;Partial, return rest
617		   ,.(nreverse old-wrt)
618		   ,@(cddr wrt)))
619	     `((%derivative) ,expr	;Higher order, reduce order
620	       ,.(nreverse old-wrt)
621	       ,(car wrt) ,(add* (cadr wrt) -1)
622	       ,@ (cddr wrt))))
623	((null (cddr wrt)) () )		;Say it doesn't apply here
624	(t (checkderiv1 expr (cddr wrt)	;Else we check later terms
625			(list* (cadr wrt) (car wrt) old-wrt)))))
627(defun integrallookups (exp)
628  (let (form dummy-args real-args)
629  (cond
630	((eq (caar exp) 'mqapply)
631	 ;; Transform to functional form and try again.
632	 ;; For example:
633	 ;; ((MQAPPLY SIMP) (($PSI SIMP ARRAY) 1) $X)
634	 ;; => (($PSI) 1 $X)
635	 (integrallookups `((,(caaadr exp)) ,@(cdadr exp) ,@(cddr exp))))
637	;; Lookup algorithm for integral of a special function.
638	;; The integral form is put on the property list, and can be a
639	;; lisp function of the args.  If the form is nil, or evaluates
640        ;; to nil, then return noun form unevaluated.
641	((and (not (atom (car exp)))
642	    (setq form (get (caar exp) 'integral))
643	    (setq dummy-args (car form))
644	    (setq real-args (cdr exp))
645	    ;; search through the args of exp and find the arg containing var
646	    ;; look up the integral wrt this arg from form
647	    (setq form
648	      (do ((x real-args (cdr x))
649		   (y (cdr form) (cdr y)))
650		  ((or (null x) (null y)) nil)
651		  (if (not (freevar (car x))) (return (car y)))))
652	    ;; If form is a function then evaluate it with actual args
653	    (or (not (functionp form))
654		(setq form (apply form real-args))))
655	 (when *debug-integrate*
656	   (format t "~&INTEGRALLOOKUPS: Found integral ~A.~%" (caar exp)))
657	 (substitutel real-args dummy-args form))
659	((eq (caar exp) 'mplus)
660	 (muln (list '((rat simp) 1 2) exp exp) nil))
662	(t nil))))
664;; Define the antiderivatives of some elementary special functions.
665;; This may not be the best place for this definition, but it is close
666;; to the original code.
667;; Antiderivatives that depend on the logabs flag are defined further below.
668(defprop %log  ((x) ((mplus) ((mtimes) x ((%log) x)) ((mtimes) -1 x))) integral)
669(defprop %sin  ((x) ((mtimes) -1 ((%cos) x))) integral)
670(defprop %cos  ((x) ((%sin) x)) integral)
671(defprop %sinh ((x) ((%cosh) x)) integral)
672(defprop %cosh ((x) ((%sinh) x)) integral)
673;; No need to take logabs into account for tanh(x), because cosh(x) is positive.
674(defprop %tanh ((x) ((%log) ((%cosh) x))) integral)
675(defprop %sech ((x) ((%atan) ((%sinh) x))) integral)
676(defprop %asin ((x) ((mplus) ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) x 2))) ((rat) 1 2)) ((mtimes) x ((%asin) x)))) integral)
677(defprop %acos ((x) ((mplus) ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) x 2))) ((rat) 1 2))) ((mtimes) x ((%acos) x)))) integral)
678(defprop %atan ((x) ((mplus) ((mtimes) x ((%atan) x)) ((mtimes) ((rat) -1 2) ((%log) ((mplus) 1 ((mexpt) x 2)))))) integral)
679(defprop %acsc ((x) ((mplus) ((mtimes) ((rat) -1 2) ((%log) ((mplus) 1 ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) x -2))) ((rat) 1 2)))))) ((mtimes) ((rat) 1 2) ((%log) ((mplus) 1 ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) x -2))) ((rat) 1 2))))) ((mtimes) x ((%acsc) x)))) integral)
680(defprop %asec ((x) ((mplus) ((mtimes) ((rat) 1 2) ((%log) ((mplus) 1 ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) x -2))) ((rat) 1 2)))))) ((mtimes) ((rat) -1 2) ((%log) ((mplus) 1 ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) x -2))) ((rat) 1 2))))) ((mtimes) x ((%asec) x)))) integral)
681(defprop %acot ((x) ((mplus) ((mtimes) x ((%acot) x)) ((mtimes) ((rat) 1 2) ((%log) ((mplus) 1 ((mexpt) x 2)))))) integral)
682(defprop %asinh ((x) ((mplus) ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mexpt) x 2)) ((rat) 1 2))) ((mtimes) x ((%asinh) x)))) integral)
683(defprop %acosh ((x) ((mplus) ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) ((mplus) -1 ((mexpt) x 2)) ((rat) 1 2))) ((mtimes) x ((%acosh) x)))) integral)
684(defprop %atanh ((x) ((mplus) ((mtimes) x ((%atanh) x)) ((mtimes) ((rat) 1 2) ((%log) ((mplus) 1 ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) x 2))))))) integral)
685(defprop %acsch ((x) ((mplus) ((mtimes) ((rat) -1 2) ((%log) ((mplus) -1 ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mexpt) x -2)) ((rat) 1 2))))) ((mtimes) ((rat) 1 2) ((%log) ((mplus) 1 ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mexpt) x -2)) ((rat) 1 2))))) ((mtimes) x ((%acsch) x)))) integral)
686(defprop %asech ((x) ((mplus) ((mtimes) -1 ((%atan) ((mexpt) ((mplus) -1 ((mexpt) x -2)) ((rat) 1 2)))) ((mtimes) x ((%asech) x)))) integral)
687(defprop %acoth ((x) ((mplus) ((mtimes) x ((%acoth) x)) ((mtimes) ((rat) 1 2) ((%log) ((mplus) 1 ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) x 2))))))) integral)
689;; Define a little helper function to be used in antiderivatives.
690;; Depending on the logabs flag, it either returns log(x) or log(abs(x)).
691(defun log-or-logabs (x)
692  (take '(%log) (if $logabs (take '(mabs) x) x)))
694;; Define the antiderivative of tan(x), taking logabs into account.
695(defun integrate-tan (x)
696  (log-or-logabs (take '(%sec) x)))
697(putprop '%tan `((x) ,#'integrate-tan) 'integral)
699;; ... the same for csc(x) ...
700(defun integrate-csc (x)
701  (mul -1 (log-or-logabs (add (take '(%csc) x) (take '(%cot) x)))))
702(putprop '%csc `((x) ,#'integrate-csc) 'integral)
704;; ... the same for sec(x) ...
705(defun integrate-sec (x)
706  (log-or-logabs (add (take '(%sec) x) (take '(%tan) x))))
707(putprop '%sec `((x) ,#'integrate-sec) 'integral)
709;; ... the same for cot(x) ...
710(defun integrate-cot (x)
711  (log-or-logabs (take '(%sin) x)))
712(putprop '%cot `((x) ,#'integrate-cot) 'integral)
714;; ... the same for coth(x) ...
715(defun integrate-coth (x)
716  (log-or-logabs (take '(%sinh) x)))
717(putprop '%coth `((x) ,#'integrate-coth) 'integral)
719;; ... the same for csch(x) ...
720(defun integrate-csch (x)
721  (log-or-logabs (take '(%tanh) (mul '((rat simp) 1 2) x))))
722(putprop '%csch `((x) ,#'integrate-csch) 'integral)
724;; integrate(x^n,x) = if n # -1 then x^(n+1)/(n+1) else log-or-logabs(x).
725(defun integrate-mexpt-1 (x n)
726  (let ((n-is-minus-one ($askequal n -1)))
727    (cond ((eq '$yes n-is-minus-one)
728	   (log-or-logabs x))
729	  (t
730	   (setq n (add n 1))
731	   (div (take '(mexpt) x n) n)))))
733;; integrate(a^x,x) = a^x/log(a).
734(defun integrate-mexpt-2 (a x)
735  (div (take '(mexpt) a x) (take '(%log) a)))
737(putprop 'mexpt `((x n) ,#'integrate-mexpt-1 ,#'integrate-mexpt-2) 'integral)
739(defun rat10 (ex)
740  (cond ((freevar ex) t)
741	((varp ex) nil)
742	((eq (caar ex) 'mexpt)
743	 (if (varp (cadr ex))
744	     (if (integerp2 (caddr ex))
745		 (setq powerlist (cons (caddr ex) powerlist)))
746	     (and (rat10 (cadr ex)) (rat10 (caddr ex)))))
747	((member (caar ex) '(mplus mtimes) :test #'eq)
748	 (do ((u (cdr ex) (cdr u))) ((null u) t)
749	     (if (not (rat10 (car u))) (return nil))))))
751(defun integrate5 (ex var)
752  (if (rat8 ex)
753      (ratint ex var)
754      (integrator ex var)))
756(defun denomfind (x)
757  (cond ((ratnump x) (caddr x))
758	((not (numberp x)) nil)
759	((not (floatp x)) 1)
760	(t (cdr (maxima-rationalize x)))))
764;;; Stage II
765;;; Implementation of Method 1: Elementary function of exponentials
767;;; The following examples are integrated with this method:
769;;;   integrate(exp(x)/(2+3*exp(2*x)),x)
770;;;   integrate(exp(x+1)/(1+exp(x)),x)
771;;;   integrate(10^x*exp(x),x)
773(let ((bas nil)       ; The common base.
774      (pow nil)       ; The common power of the form b*x+a. The values are
775                      ; stored in a list which is returned from m2.
776      (exptflag nil)) ; When T, the substitution is not possible.
778  (defun superexpt (exp var bas1 pow1)
779    (prog (y (new-var (gensym "NEW-VAR-")))
780      (setq bas bas1
781            pow pow1
782            exptflag nil)
783      ;; Transform the integrand. At this point resimplify, because it is not
784      ;; guaranteed, that a correct simplified expression is returned.
785      ;; Use a new variable to prevent facts on the old variable to be wrongly used.
786      (setq y (resimplify (maxima-substitute new-var var (elemxpt exp))))
787      (when exptflag (return nil))
788      ;; Integrate the transformed integrand and substitute back.
789      (return
790        ($multthru
791          (substint (list '(mexpt) bas
792                          (list '(mplus) (cdras 'a pow)
793                                (list '(mtimes) (cdras 'b pow) var)))
794                    new-var
795                    (integrator (div y
796                                     (mul new-var
797                                          (cdras 'b pow)
798                                          (take '(%log) bas))) new-var))))))
800  ;; Transform expressions like g^(b*x+a) to the common base bas and
801  ;; do the substitution y = bas^(b*x+a) in the expr.
802  (defun elemxpt (expr &aux w)
803    (cond ((freevar expr) expr)
804          ;; var is the base of a subexpression. The transformation fails.
805          ((atom expr) (setq exptflag t))
806          ((not (eq (caar expr) 'mexpt))
807           (cons (car expr)
808                 (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (elemxpt c)) (cdr expr))))
809          ((not (freevar (cadr expr)))
810           (list '(mexpt)
811                 (elemxpt (cadr expr))
812                 (elemxpt (caddr expr))))
813          ;; Transform the expression to the common base.
814          ((not (eq (cadr expr) bas))
815           (elemxpt (list '(mexpt)
816                          bas
817                          (mul (power (take '(%log) bas) -1)
818                               (take '(%log) (cadr expr))
819                               (caddr expr)))))
820          ;; The exponent must be linear in the variable of integration.
821          ((not (setq w (m2-b*x+a (caddr expr))))
822           (list (car expr) bas (elemxpt (caddr expr))))
823          ;; Do the substitution y = g^(b*x+a).
824          (t
825           (setq w (cons (cons 'bb (cdras 'b pow)) w))
826           (setq w (cons (cons 'aa (cdras 'a pow)) w))
827           (setq w (cons (cons 'bas bas) w))
828           (subliss w '((mtimes)
829                        ((mexpt) bas a)
830                        ((mexpt)
831                         bas
832                         ((mquotient)
833                          ((mtimes) -1 aa b) bb))
834                        ((mexpt)
835                         x
836                         ((mquotient) b bb)))))))
837) ; End of let
841;;; Stage II
842;;; Implementation of Method 3:
843;;; Substitution for a rational root of a linear fraction of x
845;;; This method is applicable when the integrand is of the form:
847;;;   /
848;;;   [       a x + b n1/m1   a x + b n1/m2
849;;;   I R(x, (-------)   ,   (-------)     , ...) dx
850;;;   ]       c x + d         c x + d
851;;;   /
853;;; Substitute
855;;;    (1) t = ((a*x+b)/(c*x+d))^(1/k), or
857;;;    (2) x = (b-d*t^k)/(c*t^k-a)
859;;; where k is the least common multiplier of m1, m2, ... and
861;;;    (3) dx = k*(a*d-b*c)*t^(k-1)/(a-c*t^k)^2 * dt
863;;; First, the algorithm calls the routine RAT3 to collect the roots of the
864;;; form ((a*x+b)/(c*x+d))^(n/m) in the list *ROOTLIST*.
865;;; search for the least common multiplier of m1, m2, ... then the
866;;; substitutions (2) and (3) are done and the new problem is integrated.
867;;; As always, W is an alist which associates to the coefficients
868;;; a, b... (and to VAR) their values.
870(defvar *ratroot* nil)  ; Expression of the form (a*x+b)/(c*x+d)
871(defvar *rootlist* nil) ; List of powers of the expression *ratroot*.
873(defun ratroot (exp var *ratroot* w)
874  (prog (*rootlist* k y w1)
875     ;; Check if the integrand has a chebyform, if so return the result.
876     (when (setq y (chebyf exp var)) (return y))
877     ;; Check if the integrand has a suitably form and collect the roots
878     ;; in the global special variable *ROOTLIST*.
879     (unless (rat3 exp t) (return nil))
880     ;; Get the least common multiplier of m1, m2, ...
881     (setq k (apply #'lcm *rootlist*))
882     (setq w1 (cons (cons 'k k) w))
883     ;; Substitute for the roots.
884     (setq y
885           (subst41 exp
886                    (subliss w1
887                             '((mquotient)
888                               ((mplus) ((mtimes) b e)
889                                ((mtimes) -1 d ((mexpt) var k)))
890                               ((mplus) ((mtimes) c ((mexpt) var k))
891                                ((mtimes) -1 e a))))
892                    var))
893     ;; Integrate the new problem.
894     (setq y
895           (integrator
896             (mul y
897                  (subliss w1
898                           '((mquotient)
899                             ((mtimes) e
900                              ((mplus)
901                               ((mtimes) a d k
902                                ((mexpt) var ((mplus) -1 k)))
903                               ((mtimes) -1
904                                ((mtimes) b c k
905                                 ((mexpt) var ((mplus) -1 k))))))
906                             ((mexpt) ((mplus)
907                                       ((mtimes) c ((mexpt) var k))
908                                       ((mtimes) -1 a e))
909                              2))))
910             var))
911     ;; Substitute back and return the result.
912     (return (substint (power *ratroot* (power k -1)) var y))))
914(defun rat3 (ex ind)
915  (cond ((freevar ex) t)
916	((atom ex) ind)
917	((member (caar ex) '(mtimes mplus) :test #'eq)
918	 (do ((u (cdr ex) (cdr u)))
919	     ((null u) t)
920	   (if (not (rat3 (car u) ind))
921	       (return nil))))
922	((not (eq (caar ex) 'mexpt))
923	 (rat3 (car (margs ex)) t))
924	((freevar (cadr ex))
925	 (rat3 (caddr ex) t))
926	((integerp (caddr ex))
927	 (rat3 (cadr ex) ind))
928        ((and (m2 (cadr ex) *ratroot*)
929	      (denomfind (caddr ex)))
930         (setq *rootlist* (cons (denomfind (caddr ex)) *rootlist*)))
931        (t (rat3 (cadr ex) nil))))
933(let ((rootform nil) ; Expression of the form x = (b*e-d*t^k)/(c*t^k-e*a).
934      (rootvar nil)) ; The variable we substitute for the root.
936  (defun subst4 (ex)
937    (cond ((freevar ex) ex)
938          ((atom ex) rootform)
939          ((not (eq (caar ex) 'mexpt))
940           (mapcar #'(lambda (u) (subst4 u)) ex))
941          ((m2 (cadr ex) *ratroot*)
942           (list (car ex) rootvar (integerp2 (timesk k (caddr ex)))))
943          (t (list (car ex) (subst4 (cadr ex)) (subst4 (caddr ex))))))
945  (defun subst41 (exp a b)
946    (setq rootform a
947          rootvar b)
948    ;; At this point resimplify, because it is not guaranteed, that a correct
949    ;; simplified expression is returned.
950    (resimplify (subst4 exp)))
951) ; End of let
955;;; Stage II
956;;; Implementation of Method 4: Binomial Chebyschev
958;; exp = a*t^r1*(c1+c2*t^q)^r2, where var = t.
960;; G&S 2.202 has says this integral can be expressed by elementary
961;; functions ii:
963;; 1. q is an integer
964;; 2. (r1+1)/q is an integer
965;; 3. (r1+1)/q+r2 is an integer.
967;; I (rtoy) think that for this code to work, r1, r2, and q must be numbers.
968(defun chebyf (exp var)
969  (prog (r1 r2 d1 d2 n1 n2 w q)
970     ;; Return NIL if the expression doesn't match.
971     (when (not (setq w (m2-chebyform exp)))
972       (return nil))
973     #+nil
974     (format t "w = ~A~%" w)
975     (when (zerop1 (cdr (assoc 'c1 w :test #'eq)))
976       ;; rtoy: Is it really possible to be in this routine with c1 =
977       ;; 0?
978       (return
979	 (mul*
980	  ;; This factor is locally constant as long as t and
981	  ;; c2*t^q avoid log's branch cut.
982	  (subliss w '((mtimes) a ((mexpt) var ((mtimes) -1 q r2))
983		       ((mexpt) ((mtimes) c2 ((mexpt) var q)) r2)))
984	  (integrator
985	   (subliss w '((mexpt) var ((mplus) r1 ((mtimes) q r2)))) var))))
986     (setq q (cdr (assoc 'q w :test #'eq)))
987     ;; Reset parameters.  a = a/q, r1 = (1 - q + r1)/q
988     (setq w
989	   (list* (cons 'a (div* (cdr (assoc 'a w :test #'eq)) q))
990		  (cons
991		   'r1
992		   (div* (addn (list 1 (neg (simplify q)) (cdr (assoc 'r1 w :test #'eq))) nil) q))
993		  w))
994     #+nil
995     (format t "new w = ~A~%" w)
996     (setq r1 (cdr (assoc 'r1 w :test #'eq))
997	   r2 (cdr (assoc 'r2 w :test #'eq)))
998     #+nil
999     (progn
1000       (format t "new r1 = ~A~%" r1)
1001       (format t "r2     = ~A~%" r2))
1002     ;; Write r1 = d1/n1, r2 = d2/n2, if possible.  Update w with
1003     ;; these values, if so.  If we can't, give up.  I (rtoy) think
1004     ;; this only happens if r1 or r2 can't be expressed as rational
1005     ;; numbers.  Hence, r1 and r2 have to be numbers, not variables.
1006     (cond
1007       ((not (and (setq d1 (denomfind r1))
1008		  (setq d2 (denomfind r2))
1009		  (setq n1 (integerp2 (timesk r1 d1)))
1010		  (setq n2 (integerp2 (timesk r2 d2)))
1011		  (setq w (list* (cons 'd1 d1) (cons 'd2 d2)
1012				 (cons 'n1 n1) (cons 'n2 n2)
1013				 w))))
1014	#+nil
1015	(progn
1016	  (format t "cheby can't find one of d1,d2,n1,n2:~%")
1017	  (format t "  d1 = ~A~%" d1)
1018	  (format t "  d2 = ~A~%" d2)
1019	  (format t "  n1 = ~A~%" n1)
1020	  (format t "  n2 = ~A~%" n2))
1021	(return nil))
1022       ((and (integerp2 r1) (> r1 0))
1023	#+nil (format t "integer r1 > 0~%")
1024	;; (r1+q-1)/q is positive integer.
1025	;;
1026	;; I (rtoy) think we are using the substitution z=(c1+c2*t^q).
1027	;; Maxima thinks the resulting integral should then be
1028	;;
1029	;; a/q*c2^(-r1/q-1/q)*integrate(z^r2*(z-c1)^(r1/q+1/q-1),z)
1030	;;
1031	(return
1032	  (substint
1033	   (subliss w '((mplus) c1 ((mtimes) c2 ((mexpt) var q))))
1034	   var
1035	   (integrator
1036	    (expands (list (subliss w
1037				    ;; a*t^r2*c2^(-r1-1)
1038				    '((mtimes)
1039				      a
1040				      ((mexpt) var r2)
1041				      ((mexpt)
1042				       c2
1043				       ((mtimes)
1044					-1
1045					((mplus) r1 1))))))
1046		     (cdr
1047		      ;; (t-c1)^r1
1048		      (expandexpt (subliss w
1049					   '((mplus)
1050					     var
1051					     ((mtimes) -1 c1)))
1052				  r1)))
1053	    var))))
1054       ((integerp2 r2)
1055	#+nil (format t "integer r2~%")
1056	;; I (rtoy) think this is using the substitution z = t^(q/d1).
1057	;;
1058	;; The integral (as maxima will tell us) becomes
1059	;;
1060	;; a*d1/q*integrate(z^(n1/q+d1/q-1)*(c1+c2*z^d1)^r2,z)
1061	;;
1062	;; But be careful because the variable A in the code is
1063	;; actually a/q.
1064	(return
1065	  (substint (subliss w '((mexpt) var ((mquotient) q d1)))
1066		    var
1067		    (ratint (simplify (subliss w
1068					       '((mtimes)
1069						 d1 a
1070						 ((mexpt)
1071						  var
1072						  ((mplus)
1073						   n1 d1 -1))
1074						 ((mexpt)
1075						  ((mplus)
1076						   ((mtimes)
1077						    c2
1078						    ((mexpt)
1079						     var d1))
1080						   c1)
1081						  r2))))
1082			    var))))
1083       ((and (integerp2 r1) (< r1 0))
1084	#+nil (format t "integer r1 < 0~%")
1085	;; I (rtoy) think this is using the substitution
1086	;;
1087	;; z = (c1+c2*t^q)^(1/d2)
1088	;;
1089	;; With this substitution, maxima says the resulting integral
1090	;; is
1091	;;
1092	;;  a/q*c2^(-r1/q-1/q)*d2*
1093	;;    integrate(z^(n2+d2-1)*(z^d2-c1)^(r1/q+1/q-1),z)
1094	(return
1095	  (substint (subliss w
1096			     ;; (c1+c2*t^q)^(1/d2)
1097			     '((mexpt)
1098			       ((mplus)
1099				c1
1100				((mtimes) c2 ((mexpt) var q)))
1101			       ((mquotient) 1 d2)))
1102		    var
1103		    (ratint (simplify (subliss w
1104					       ;; This is essentially
1105					       ;; the integrand above,
1106					       ;; except A and R1 here
1107					       ;; are not the same as
1108					       ;; derived above.
1109					       '((mtimes)
1110						 a d2
1111						 ((mexpt)
1112						  c2
1113						  ((mtimes)
1114						   -1
1115						   ((mplus)
1116						    r1 1)))
1117						 ((mexpt)
1118						  var
1119						  ((mplus)
1120						   n2 d2 -1))
1121						 ((mexpt)
1122						  ((mplus)
1123						   ((mexpt)
1124						    var d2)
1125						   ((mtimes) -1 c1))
1126						  r1))))
1127			    var))))
1128       ((integerp2 (add* r1 r2))
1129	#+nil (format t "integer r1+r2~%")
1130	;; If we're here,  (r1-q+1)/q+r2 is an integer.
1131	;;
1132	;; I (rtoy) think this is using the substitution
1133	;;
1134	;; z = ((c1+c2*t^q)/t^q)^(1/d1)
1135	;;
1136	;; With this substitution, maxima says the resulting integral
1137	;; is
1138	;;
1139	;; a*d2/q*c1^(r2+r1/q+1/q)*
1140	;;   integrate(z^(d2*r2+d2-1)*(z^d2-c2)^(-r2-r1/q-1/q-1),z)
1141	(return
1142	  (substint (let (($radexpand '$all))
1143		      ;; Setting $radexpand to $all here gets rid of
1144		      ;; ABS in the subtitution.  I think that's ok in
1145		      ;; this case.  See Bug 1654183.
1146		      (subliss w
1147			       '((mexpt)
1148				 ((mquotient)
1149				  ((mplus)
1150				   c1
1151				   ((mtimes) c2 ((mexpt) var q)))
1152				  ((mexpt) var q))
1153				 ((mquotient) 1 d1))))
1154		    var
1155		    (ratint (simplify (subliss w
1156					       '((mtimes)
1157						 -1 a d1
1158						 ((mexpt)
1159						  c1
1160						  ((mplus)
1161						   r1 r2 1))
1162						 ((mexpt)
1163						  var
1164						  ((mplus)
1165						   n2 d1 -1))
1166						 ((mexpt)
1167						  ((mplus)
1168						   ((mexpt)
1169						    var d1)
1170						   ((mtimes)
1171						    -1 c2))
1172						  ((mtimes)
1173						   -1
1174						   ((mplus)
1175						    r1 r2
1176						    2))))))
1177			    var))))
1178       (t (return (list '(%integrate) exp var))))))
1180(defun greaterratp (x1 x2)
1181  (cond ((and (numberp x1) (numberp x2))
1182	 (> x1 x2))
1183	((ratnump x1)
1184	 (greaterratp (quotient (float (cadr x1))
1185				(caddr x1))
1186		      x2))
1187	((ratnump x2)
1188	 (greaterratp x1
1189		      (quotient (float (cadr x2))
1190				(caddr x2))))))
1192(defun trig1 (x)
1193  (member (car x) '(%sin %cos) :test #'eq))
1195(defun supertrig (exp)
1196  (declare (special *notsame* *trigarg*))
1197  (cond ((freevar exp) t)
1198	((atom exp) nil)
1199	((member (caar exp) '(mplus mtimes) :test #'eq)
1200	 (and (supertrig (cadr exp))
1201	      (or (null (cddr exp))
1202		  (supertrig (cons (car exp)
1203				   (cddr exp))))))
1204	((eq (caar exp) 'mexpt)
1205	 (and (supertrig (cadr exp))
1206	      (supertrig (caddr exp))))
1207	((eq (caar exp) '%log)
1208	 (supertrig (cadr exp)))
1209	((member (caar exp)
1210	       '(%sin %cos %tan %sec %cot %csc) :test #'eq)
1211	 (cond ((m2 (cadr exp) *trigarg*) t)
1212               ((m2-b*x+a (cadr exp))
1213                (and (setq *notsame* t) nil))
1214	       (t (supertrig (cadr exp)))))
1215	(t (supertrig (cadr exp)))))
1217(defun subst2s (ex pat)
1218  (cond ((null ex) nil)
1219	((m2 ex pat) var)
1220	((atom ex) ex)
1221	(t (cons (subst2s (car ex) pat)
1222		 (subst2s (cdr ex) pat)))))
1224;; Match (c*x+b), where c and b are free of x
1225(defun simple-trig-arg (exp)
1226  (m2 exp '((mplus) ((mtimes)
1227		     ((coefftt) (c freevar))
1228		     ((coefftt) (v varp)))
1229	    ((coeffpp) (b freevar)))))
1233;;; Stage II
1234;;; Implementation of Method 6: Elementary function of trigonometric functions
1236(defun monstertrig (exp var *trigarg*)
1237  (declare (special *trigarg*))
1238  (when (and (not (atom *trigarg*))
1239             ;; Do not exute the following code when called from rischint.
1240             (not *in-risch-p*))
1241    (let ((arg (simple-trig-arg *trigarg*)))
1242      (cond (arg
1243	     ;; We have trig(c*x+b).  Use the substitution y=c*x+b to
1244	     ;; try to compute the integral.  Why?  Because x*sin(n*x)
1245	     ;; takes longer and longer as n gets larger and larger.
1246	     ;; This is caused by the Risch integrator.  This is a
1247	     ;; work-around for this issue.
1248	     (let* ((c (cdras 'c arg))
1249		    (b (cdras 'b arg))
1250		    (new-var (gensym "NEW-VAR-"))
1251		    (new-exp (maxima-substitute (div (sub new-var b) c)
1252						var exp)))
1253	       (if (every-trigarg-alike new-exp new-var)
1254		   ;; avoid endless recursion when more than one
1255		   ;; trigarg exists or c is a float
1256		   (return-from monstertrig
1257		     (maxima-substitute
1258		      *trigarg*
1259		      new-var
1260		      (div (integrator new-exp new-var) c))))))
1261	    (t
1262	     (return-from monstertrig (rischint exp var))))))
1263  (prog (*notsame* w a b y d)
1264     (declare (special *notsame*))
1265     (cond
1266       ((supertrig exp) (go a))
1267       ((null *notsame*) (return nil))
1268       ;; Check for an expression like a*trig1(m*x)*trig2(n*x),
1269       ;; where trig1 and trig2 are sin or cos.
1270       ((not (setq y (m2 exp
1271                         '((mtimes)
1272                           ((coefftt) (a freevar))
1273                           (((b trig1))
1274                            ((mtimes)
1275                             (x varp)
1276                             ((coefftt) (m freevar))))
1277                           (((d trig1))
1278                            ((mtimes)
1279                             (x varp)
1280                             ((coefftt) (n freevar))))))))
1281        (go b))
1282; This check has been done with the pattern match.
1283;       ((not (and (member (car (setq b (cdr (assoc 'b y :test #'eq)))) '(%sin %cos) :test #'eq)
1284;                  (member (car (setq d (cdr (assoc 'd y :test #'eq)))) '(%sin %cos) :test #'eq)))
1285;        (return nil))
1286       ((progn
1287	  ;; The tests after this depend on values of b and d being
1288	  ;; set.  Set them here unconditionally, before doing the
1289	  ;; tests.
1290	  (setq b (cdras 'b y))
1291	  (setq d (cdras 'd y))
1292	  (and (eq (car b) '%sin)
1293	       (eq (car d) '%sin)))
1294        ;; We have a*sin(m*x)*sin(n*x).
1295        ;; The integral is: a*(sin((m-n)*x)/(2*(m-n))-sin((m+n)*x)/(2*(m+n))
1296        (return (subliss y
1297                         '((mtimes) a
1298                           ((mplus)
1299                            ((mquotient)
1300                             ((%sin) ((mtimes) ((mplus) m ((mtimes) -1 n)) x))
1301                             ((mtimes) 2 ((mplus) m ((mtimes) -1 n))))
1302                            ((mtimes) -1
1303                             ((mquotient)
1304                              ((%sin) ((mtimes) ((mplus) m n) x))
1305                              ((mtimes) 2 ((mplus) m n)))))))))
1306       ((and (eq (car b) '%cos) (eq (car d) '%cos))
1307        ;; We have a*cos(m*x)*cos(n*x).
1308        ;; The integral is: a*(sin((m-n)*x)/(2*(m-n))+sin((m+n)*x)/(2*(m+n))
1309        (return (subliss y
1310                         '((mtimes) a
1311                           ((mplus)
1312                            ((mquotient)
1313                             ((%sin) ((mtimes) ((mplus) m ((mtimes) -1 n)) x))
1314                             ((mtimes) 2
1315                              ((mplus) m ((mtimes) -1 n))))
1316                            ((mquotient)
1317                             ((%sin) ((mtimes) ((mplus) m n) x))
1318                             ((mtimes) 2 ((mplus) m n))))))))
1319       ((or (and (eq (car b) '%cos)
1320		 ;; The following (destructively!) swaps the values of
1321		 ;; m and n if first trig term is sin.  I (rtoy) don't
1322		 ;; understand why this is needed.  The formula
1323		 ;; doesn't depend on that.
1324                 (setq w (cdras 'm y ))
1325                 (rplacd (assoc 'm y) (cdras 'n y))
1326                 (rplacd (assoc 'n y) w))
1327            t)
1328        ;; We have a*cos(n*x)*sin(m*x).
1329        ;; The integral is: -a*(cos((m-n)*x)/(2*(m-n))+cos((m+n)*x)/(2*(m+n))
1330        (return (subliss y
1331                         '((mtimes) -1 a
1332                           ((mplus)
1333                            ((mquotient)
1334                             ((%cos) ((mtimes) ((mplus) m ((mtimes) -1 n)) x))
1335                             ((mtimes) 2 ((mplus) m ((mtimes) -1 n))))
1336                            ((mquotient)
1337                             ((%cos) ((mtimes) ((mplus) m n) x))
1338                             ((mtimes) 2 ((mplus) m n)))))))))
1339  b  ;; At this point we have trig functions with different arguments,
1340     ;; but not a product of sin and cos.
1341     (cond ((not (setq y (prog2
1342                           (setq *trigarg* var)
1343                           (m2 exp
1344                               '((mtimes)
1345                                 ((coefftt) (a freevar))
1346                                 (((b trig1))
1347                                  ((mtimes)
1348                                   (x varp)
1349                                   ((coefftt) (n integerp2))))
1350                                 ((coefftt) (c supertrig)))))))
1351            (return nil)))
1352     ;; We have a product of trig functions: trig1(n*x)*trig2(y).
1353     ;; trig1 is sin or cos, where n is a numerical integer. trig2 is not a sin
1354     ;; or cos. The cos or sin function is expanded.
1355     (return
1356       (integrator
1357         ($expand
1358           (list '(mtimes)
1359                 (cdras 'a y)                             ; constant factor
1360                 (cdras 'c y)                             ; trig functions
1361                 (cond ((eq (car (cdras 'b y)) '%cos)     ; expand cos(n*x)
1362                        (maxima-substitute var
1363                                           'x
1364                                           (supercosnx (cdras 'n y))))
1365                       (t                                 ; expand sin(x*x)
1366                        (maxima-substitute var
1367                                           'x
1368                                           (supersinx (cdras 'n y)))))))
1369         var))
1370  a  ;; A product of trig functions and all trig functions have the same
1371     ;; argument *trigarg*. Maxima substitutes *trigarg* with the variable var
1372     ;; of integration and calls trigint to integrate the new problem.
1373     (setq w (subst2s exp *trigarg*))
1374     (setq b (cdras 'b (m2-b*x+a *trigarg*)))
1375     (setq a (substint *trigarg* var (trigint (div* w b) var)))
1376     (return (if (isinop a '%integrate)
1377                 (list '(%integrate) exp var)
1378                 a))))
1380(defun trig2 (x)
1381  (member (car x) '(%sin %cos %tan %cot %sec %csc) :test #'eq))
1383(defun supersinx (n)
1384  (let ((i (if (< n 0) -1 1)))
1385    ($expand (list '(mtimes) i (sinnx (timesk i n))))))
1387(defun supercosnx (n)
1388  ($expand (cosnx (timesk (if (< n 0) -1 1) n))))
1390(defun sinnx (n)
1391  (if (equal n 1)
1392      '((%sin) x)
1393      (list '(mplus)
1394	    (list '(mtimes) '((%sin) x) (cosnx (1- n)))
1395	    (list '(mtimes) '((%cos) x) (sinnx (1- n))))))
1397(defun cosnx (n)
1398  (if (equal n 1)
1399      '((%cos) x)
1400      (list '(mplus)
1401	    (list '(mtimes) '((%cos) x) (cosnx (1- n)))
1402	    (list '(mtimes) -1 '((%sin) x) (sinnx (1- n))))))
1404(defun poseven (x)
1405  (and (even x) (> x -1)))
1407(defun trigfree (x)
1408  (if (atom x)
1409      (not (member x '(sin* cos* sec* tan*) :test #'eq))
1410      (and (trigfree (car x)) (trigfree (cdr x)))))
1412(defun rat1 (exp)
1413  (prog (*b1* *notsame*)
1414     (declare (special *yy* *b1* *notsame*))
1415     (when (and (numberp exp) (zerop exp))
1416       (return nil))
1417     (setq *b1* (subst *b* 'b '((mexpt) b (n even))))
1418     (return (prog2
1419		 (setq *yy* (rats exp))
1420		 (cond ((not *notsame*) *yy*))))))
1422(defun rats (exp)
1423  (prog (y)
1424     (declare (special *notsame* *b1*))
1425     (return
1426       (cond ((eq exp *a*) 'x)
1427	     ((atom exp)
1428	      (cond ((member exp '(sin* cos* sec* tan*) :test #'eq)
1429		     (setq *notsame* t))
1430		    (t exp)))
1431	     ((setq y (m2 exp *b1*))
1432	      (f3 y))
1433	     (t (cons (car exp) (mapcar #'(lambda (g) (rats g)) (cdr exp))))))))
1435(defun f3 (y)
1436  (maxima-substitute *c*
1437		     'c
1438		     (maxima-substitute (quotient (cdr (assoc 'n y :test #'eq)) 2)
1439					'n
1440					'((mexpt)
1441					  ((mplus)
1442					   1
1443					   ((mtimes)
1444					    c
1445					    ((mexpt) x 2)))
1446					  n))))
1448(defun odd1 (n)
1449  (declare (special *yz*))
1450  (cond ((not (numberp n)) nil)
1451	((not (equal (rem n 2) 0))
1452	 (setq *yz*
1453	       (maxima-substitute *c*
1454				  'c
1455				  (list '(mexpt)
1456					'((mplus) 1 ((mtimes) c ((mexpt) x 2)))
1457					(quotient (1- n) 2)))))
1458	(t nil)))
1460(defun subvar (x)
1461  (maxima-substitute var 'x x))
1463(defun subvardlg (x)
1464  (mapcar #'(lambda (m)
1465	      (cons (maxima-substitute var 'x (car m)) (cdr m)))
1466	  x))
1468;; This appears to be the implementation of Method 6, pp.82 in Moses' thesis.
1470(defun trigint (exp var)
1471  (prog (y repl y1 y2 *yy* z m n *c* *yz* *a* *b* )
1472     (declare (special *yy* *yz*))
1473     ;; Transform trig(x) into trig* (for simplicity?)  Convert cot to
1474     ;; tan and csc to sin.
1475     (setq y2
1476	   (subliss (subvardlg '((((%sin) x) . sin*)
1477				 (((%cos) x) . cos*)
1478				 (((%tan) x) . tan*)
1479				 (((%cot) x) . ((mexpt) tan* -1))
1480				 (((%sec) x) . sec*)
1481				 (((%csc) x) . ((mexpt) sin* -1))))
1482		    exp))
1484     (when *debug-integrate*
1485       (format t "~& in TRIGINT:~%")
1486       (format t "~&   : y2 = ~A~%" y2))
1488     ;; Now transform tan to sin/cos and sec to 1/cos.
1489     (setq y1 (setq y (subliss '((tan* . ((mtimes) sin*
1490                                          ((mexpt) cos* -1)))
1491                                 (sec* . ((mexpt) cos* -1)))
1492                               y2)))
1494     (when *debug-integrate* (format t "~&   : y  = ~A~%" y))
1496     (when (null (setq z
1497                       (m2 y
1498                           '((mtimes)
1499                             ((coefftt) (b trigfree))
1500                             ((mexpt) sin* (m poseven))
1501                             ((mexpt) cos* (n poseven))))))
1502       ;; Go if y is not of the form sin^m*cos^n for positive even m and n.
1503       (go l1))
1505     ;; Case III:
1506     ;; Handle the case of sin^m*cos^n, m, n both non-negative and even.
1508     (setq m (cdras 'm z))
1509     (setq n (cdras 'n z))
1510     (setq *a* (integerp2 (* 0.5 (if (< m n) 1 -1) (+ n (* -1 m)))))
1511     (setq z (cons (cons 'a *a*) z))
1512     (setq z (cons (cons 'x var) z))
1514     (when *debug-integrate*
1515       (format t "~& CASE III:~%")
1516       (format t "~&   : m, n = ~A ~A~%" m n)
1517       (format t "~&   : a    = ~A~%" *a*)
1518       (format t "~&   : z    = ~A~%" z))
1520     ;; integrate(sin(y)^m*cos(y)^n,y) is transformed to the following form:
1521     ;;
1522     ;; m < n:  integrate((sin(2*y)/2)^n*(1/2+1/2*cos(2*y)^((n-m)/2),y)
1523     ;; m >= n: integrate((sin(2*y)/2)^n*(1/2-1/2*cos(2*y)^((m-n)/2),y)
1524     (return
1525       (mul (cdras 'b z)
1526            (div 1 2)
1527            (substint
1528              (mul 2 var)
1529              var
1530              (integrator
1531                (cond ((< m n)
1532                       (subliss z
1533                                '((mtimes)
1534                                  ((mexpt)
1535                                   ((mtimes) ((rat simp) 1 2) ((%sin) x))
1536                                   m)
1537                                  ((mexpt)
1538                                   ((mplus)
1539                                    ((rat simp) 1 2)
1540                                    ((mtimes)
1541                                     ((rat simp) 1 2) ((%cos) x))) a))))
1542                      (t
1543                       (subliss z
1544                                '((mtimes)
1545                                  ((mexpt)
1546                                   ((mtimes) ((rat simp) 1 2) ((%sin) x))
1547                                   n)
1548                                  ((mexpt)
1549                                   ((mplus)
1550                                    ((rat simp) 1 2)
1551                                    ((mtimes)
1552                                     ((rat simp) -1 2)
1553                                     ((%cos) x))) a)))))
1554                var))))
1555  l1
1556     ;; Case IV:
1557     ;; I think this is case IV, working on the expression in terms of
1558     ;; sin and cos.
1559     ;;
1560     ;; Elem(x) means constants, x, trig functions of x, log and
1561     ;; inverse trig functions of x, and which are closed under
1562     ;; addition, multiplication, exponentiation, and substitution.
1563     ;;
1564     ;; Elem(f(x)) is the same as Elem(x), but f(x) replaces x in the
1565     ;; definition.
1567     (when *debug-integrate* (format t "~& Case IV:~%"))
1569     (setq *c* -1)
1570     (setq *a* 'sin*)
1571     (setq *b* 'cos*)
1572     (when (and (m2 y '((coeffpt) (c rat1) ((mexpt) cos* (n odd1))))
1573                (setq repl (list '(%sin) var)))
1574       ;; The case cos^(2*n+1)*Elem(cos^2,sin).  Use the substitution z = sin.
1575       (go getout))
1576     (setq *a* *b*)
1577     (setq *b* 'sin*)
1578     (when (and (m2 y '((coeffpt) (c rat1) ((mexpt) sin* (n odd1))))
1579                (setq repl (list '(%cos) var)))
1580       ;; The case sin^(2*n+1)*Elem(sin^2,cos).  Use the substitution z = cos.
1581       (go get3))
1583     ;; Case V:
1584     ;; Transform sin and cos to tan and sec to see if the integral is
1585     ;; of the form Elem(tan, sec^2).  If so, use the substitution z = tan.
1587     (when *debug-integrate* (format t "~& Case V:~%"))
1589     (setq y (subliss '((sin* (mtimes) tan* ((mexpt) sec* -1))
1590                        (cos* (mexpt) sec* -1))
1591                      y2))
1592     (setq *c* 1)
1593     (setq *a* 'tan*)
1594     (setq *b* 'sec*)
1595     (when (and (rat1 y) (setq repl (list '(%tan) var)))
1596       (go get1))
1597     (setq *a* *b*)
1598     (setq *b* 'tan*)
1599     (when (and (m2 y '((coeffpt) (c rat1) ((mexpt) tan* (n odd1))))
1600           (setq repl (list '(%sec) var)))
1601       (go getout))
1602     (when (not (alike1 (setq repl ($expand exp)) exp))
1603       (return (integrator repl var)))
1604     (setq y (subliss '((sin* (mtimes) 2 x
1605                              ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mexpt) x 2)) -1))
1606                        (cos* (mtimes)
1607                              ((mplus) 1 ((mtimes) -1 ((mexpt) x 2)))
1608                              ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mexpt) x 2)) -1)))
1609                      y1))
1610     (setq y (list '(mtimes)
1611                   y
1612                   '((mtimes) 2 ((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mexpt) x 2)) -1))))
1613     (setq repl (subvar '((mquotient) ((%sin) x) ((mplus) 1 ((%cos) x)))))
1614     (go get2)
1615  get3
1616     (setq y (list '(mtimes) -1 *yy* *yz*))
1617     (go get2)
1618  get1
1619     (setq y (list '(mtimes) '((mexpt) ((mplus) 1 ((mexpt) x 2)) -1) *yy*))
1620     (go get2)
1621  getout
1622     (setq y (list '(mtimes) *yy* *yz*))
1623  get2
1624     (when *debug-integrate*
1625       (format t "~& Call the INTEGRATOR with:~%")
1626       (format t "~&   : y    = ~A~%" y)
1627       (format t "~&   : repl = ~A~%" repl))
1628     ;; See Bug 2880797.  We want atan(tan(x)) to simplify to x, so
1629     ;; set $triginverses to '$all.
1630     (return
1631       ;; Do not integrate for the global variable VAR, but substitute it.
1632       ;; This way possible assumptions on VAR are no longer present. The
1633       ;; algorithm of DEFINT depends on this behavior. See Bug 3085498.
1634       (let (($triginverses '$all) (newvar (gensym)))
1635         (substint repl
1636                   newvar
1637                   (integrator (maxima-substitute newvar 'x y) newvar))))))
1639(defmvar $integration_constant_counter 0)
1640(defmvar $integration_constant '$%c)
1642;; This is the top level of the integrator
1643(defun sinint (exp var)
1644  ;; *integrator-level* is a recursion counter for INTEGRATOR.  See
1645  ;; INTEGRATOR for more details.  Initialize it here.
1646  (let ((*integrator-level* 0))
1647    (declare (special *integrator-level*))
1649    ;; Sanity checks for variables
1650    (when (mnump var)
1651      (merror (intl:gettext "integrate: variable must not be a number; found: ~:M") var))
1652    (when ($ratp var) (setf var (ratdisrep var)))
1653    (when ($ratp exp) (setf exp (ratdisrep exp)))
1655    (cond
1656      ;; Distribute over lists and matrices
1657      ((mxorlistp exp)
1658       (cons (car exp)
1659             (mapcar #'(lambda (y) (sinint y var)) (cdr exp))))
1661      ;; The symbolic integration code doesn't really deal very well with
1662      ;; subscripted variables, so if we have one then replace occurrences of var
1663      ;; with an atomic gensym and recurse.
1664      ((and (not (atom var))
1665            (member 'array (cdar var)))
1666       (let ((dummy-var (gensym)))
1667         (maxima-substitute var dummy-var
1668                            (sinint (maxima-substitute dummy-var var exp) dummy-var))))
1670      ;; If exp is an equality, integrate both sides and add an integration
1671      ;; constant
1672      ((mequalp exp)
1673       (list (car exp) (sinint (cadr exp) var)
1674             (add (sinint (caddr exp) var)
1675                  ($concat $integration_constant (incf $integration_constant_counter)))))
1677      ;; If var is an atom which occurs as an operator in exp, then return a noun form.
1678      ((and (atom var)
1679            (isinop exp var))
1680       (list '(%integrate) exp var))
1682      ((zerop1 exp)	;; special case because 0 will not pass sum-of-intsp test
1683       0)
1685      ((let ((ans (simplify
1686                   (let ($opsubst varlist genvar stack)
1687			 (integrator exp var)))))
1688	     (if (sum-of-intsp ans)
1689		 (list '(%integrate) exp var)
1690		 ans))))))
1694;; This is a heuristic that SININT uses to work out whether the result from
1695;; INTEGRATOR is worth returning or whether just to return a noun form. If this
1696;; function returns T, then SININT will return a noun form.
1698;; The logic, as I understand it (Rupert 01/2014):
1700;;   (1) If I integrate f(x) wrt x and get an atom other than x or 0, either
1701;;       something's gone horribly wrong, or this is part of a larger
1702;;       expression. In the latter case, we can return T here because hopefully
1703;;       something else interesting will make the top-level return NIL.
1705;;   (2) If I get a sum, return a noun form if every one of the summands is no
1706;;       better than what I started with. (Presumably this is where the name
1707;;       came from)
1709;;   (3) If this is a noun form, it doesn't convey much information on its own,
1710;;       so return T.
1712;;   (4) If this is a product, something interesting has probably happened. But
1713;;       I still want a noun form if the result is like 2*'integrate(f(x),x), so
1714;;       I'm only interested in terms in the product that are not free of
1715;;       VAR. If one of those terms is worthy of report, that's great: return
1716;;       NIL. Otherwise, return T if we saw at least two things (eg splitting an
1717;;       integral into a product of two integrals)
1719;;   (5) If the result is free of VAR, we're in a similar position to (1).
1721;;   (6) Otherwise something interesting (and hopefully useful) has
1722;;       happened. Return NIL to tell SININT to report it.
1723(defun sum-of-intsp (ans)
1724  (cond ((atom ans)
1725	 ;; Result of integration should never be a constant other than zero.
1726	 ;; If the result of integration is zero, it is either because:
1727	 ;; 1) a subroutine inside integration failed and returned nil,
1728	 ;;    and (mul 0 nil) yielded 0, meaning that the result is wrong, or
1729	 ;; 2) the original integrand was actually zero - this is handled
1730	 ;;    with a separate special case in sinint
1731	 (not (eq ans var)))
1732	((mplusp ans) (every #'sum-of-intsp (cdr ans)))
1733	((eq (caar ans) '%integrate) t)
1734	((mtimesp ans)
1735         (let ((int-factors 0))
1736           (not (or (dolist (factor (cdr ans))
1737                      (unless (freeof var factor)
1738                        (if (sum-of-intsp factor)
1739                            (incf int-factors)
1740                            (return t))))
1741                    (<= 2 int-factors)))))
1742	((freeof var ans) t)
1743	(t nil)))
1747;;; Stage I
1748;;; Implementation of Method 2: Integrate a summation
1750(defun intsum (form var)
1751  (prog (exp idx ll ul pair val)
1752     (setq exp (cadr form)
1753	   idx (caddr form)
1754	   ll (cadddr form)
1755	   ul (car (cddddr form)))
1756     (if (or (not (atom var))
1757	     (not (free idx var))
1758	     (not (free ll var))
1759	     (not (free ul var)))
1760	 (return (list '(%integrate) form var)))
1761     (setq pair (partition exp var 1))
1762     (when (and (mexptp (cdr pair))
1763		(eq (caddr pair) var))
1764       (setq val (maxima-substitute ll idx (cadddr pair)))
1765       (cond ((equal val -1)
1766	      (return (add (integrator (maxima-substitute ll idx exp) var)
1767			    (intsum1 exp idx (add 1 ll) ul var))))
1768	     ((mlsp val -1)
1769	      (return (list '(%integrate) form var)))))
1770     (return (intsum1 exp idx ll ul var))))
1772(defun intsum1 (exp idx ll ul var)
1773  (assume (list '(mgeqp) idx ll))
1774  (if (not (eq ul '$inf))
1775      (assume (list '(mgeqp) ul idx)))
1776  (simplifya (list '(%sum) (integrator exp var) idx ll ul) t))
1778(defun finds (x)
1779  (if (atom x)
1780      (member x '(%log %integrate %atan) :test #'eq)
1781      (or (finds (car x)) (finds (cdr x)))))
1785;;; Stage II
1786;;; Implementation of Method 9:
1787;;; Rational function times a log or arctric function
1789;;; ratlog is called for an expression containing a log or arctrig function
1790;;; The integrand is like log(x)*f'(x). To obtain the result the technique of
1791;;; partial integration is applied: log(x)*f(x)-integrate(1/x*f(x),x)
1793(defun ratlog (exp var form)
1794  (prog (b c d y z w)
1795     (setq y form)
1796     (setq b (cdr (assoc 'b y :test #'eq)))
1797     (setq c (cdr (assoc 'c y :test #'eq)))
1798     (setq y (integrator c var))
1799     (when (finds y) (return nil))
1800     (setq d (sdiff (cdr (assoc 'a form :test #'eq)) var))
1802     (setq z (integrator (mul2* y d) var))
1803     (setq d (cdr (assoc 'a form :test #'eq)))
1804     (return (simplify (list '(mplus)
1805			     (list '(mtimes) y d)
1806			     (list '(mtimes) -1 z))))))
1810;;; partial-integration is an extension of the algorithm of ratlog to support
1811;;; the technique of partial integration for more cases. The integrand
1812;;; is like g(x)*f'(x) and the result is g(x)*f(x)-integrate(g'(x)*f(x),x).
1814;;; Adding integrals properties for elementary functions led to infinite recursion
1815;;; with integrate(z*expintegral_shi(z),z). This was resolved by limiting the
1816;;; recursion depth. *integrator-level* needs to be at least 3 to solve
1817;;;  o  integrate(expintegral_ei(1/sqrt(x)),x)
1818;;;  o  integrate(sqrt(z)*expintegral_li(z),z)
1819;;; while a value of 4 causes testsuite regressions with
1820;;;  o  integrate(z*expintegral_shi(z),z)
1821(defun partial-integration (form var)
1822  (declare (special *integrator-level*))
1823  (let ((g  (cdr (assoc 'a form)))   ; part g(x)
1824	(df (cdr (assoc 'c form)))   ; part f'(x)
1825	(f  nil))
1826    (setq f (integrator df var))     ; integrate f'(x) wrt var
1827    (cond
1828      ((or (isinop f '%integrate)    ; no result or
1829	   (isinop f (caar g))       ; g in result
1830	   (> *integrator-level* 3))
1831       nil)                          ; we return nil
1832      (t
1833       ;; Build the result: g(x)*f(x)-integrate(g'(x)*f(x))
1834       (add (mul f g)
1835	    (mul -1 (integrator (mul f (sdiff g var)) var)))))))
1837;; returns t if argument of every trig operation in y matches arg
1838(defun every-trigarg-alike (y arg)
1839  (cond ((atom y) t)
1840	((optrig (caar y)) (alike1 arg (cadr y)))
1841	(t (every (lambda (exp)
1842		    (every-trigarg-alike exp arg))
1843		  (cdr y)))))
1845;; return argument of first trig operation encountered in y
1846(defun find-first-trigarg (y)
1847  (cond ((atom y) nil)
1848	((optrig (caar y)) (cadr y))
1849	(t (some (lambda (exp)
1850		   (find-first-trigarg exp))
1851		 (cdr y)))))
1853;; return constant factor that makes elements of alist match elements of blist
1854;; or nil if no match found
1855;; (we could replace this using rat package to divide alist and blist)
1856(defun matchsum (alist blist)
1857  (prog (r s *c* *d*)
1858     (setq s (m2 (car alist)	;; find coeff for first term of alist
1859		 '((mtimes)
1860		   ((coefftt) (a freevar))
1861		   ((coefftt) (c true)))))
1862     (setq *c* (cdr (assoc 'c s :test #'eq)))
1863     (cond ((not (setq r	;; find coeff for first term of blist
1864		       (m2 (car blist)
1865                           (cons '(mtimes)
1866                                 (cons '((coefftt) (b free1))
1867                                       (cond ((mtimesp *c*)
1868                                              (cdr *c*))
1869                                             (t (list *c*))))))))
1870	    (return nil)))
1871     (setq *d* (simplify (list '(mtimes)
1872			     (subliss s 'a)
1873			     (list '(mexpt)
1874				   (subliss r 'b)
1875				   -1))))
1876     (cond ((m2 (cons '(mplus) alist)	;; check that all terms match
1877		(timesloop *d* blist))
1878	    (return *d*))
1879	   (t (return nil)))))
1881(defun timesloop (a b)
1882  (cons '(mplus) (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (mul2* a c)) b)))
1884(defun expands (aa b)
1885  (addn (mapcar #'(lambda (c) (timesloop c aa)) b) nil))
1887(defun powerlist (exp var)
1888  (prog (y *c* *d* powerlist *b*)
1889     (setq y (m2 exp
1890		 '((mtimes)
1891		   ((mexpt) (var varp) (c integerp2))
1892		   ((coefftt) (a freevar))
1893		   ((coefftt) (b true)))))
1894     (setq *b* (cdr (assoc 'b y :test #'eq)))
1895     (setq *c* (cdr (assoc 'c y :test #'eq)))
1896     (unless  (rat10 *b*) (return nil))
1897     (setq *d* (apply #'gcd (cons (1+ *c*) powerlist)))
1898     (when (or (eql 1 *d*) (zerop *d*)) (return nil))
1899     (return
1900       (substint
1901	(list '(mexpt) var *d*)
1902	var
1903	(integrate5 (simplify (list '(mtimes)
1904				    (power* *d* -1)
1905				    (cdr (assoc 'a y :test #'eq))
1906				    (list '(mexpt) var (1- (quotient (1+ *c*) *d*)))
1907				    (subst10 *b*)))
1908		    var)))))
1912;;; Stage I
1913;;; Implementation of Method 3: Derivative-divides algorithm
1915;; This is the derivative-divides algorithm of Moses.
1917;;                /
1918;;                [
1919;; Look for form  I  c * op(u(x)) * u'(x) dx
1920;;                ]
1921;;                /
1923;;  where:  c     is a constant
1924;;          u(x)  is an elementary expression in x
1925;;          u'(x) is its derivative
1926;;          op    is an elementary operator:
1927;;                - the indentity, or
1928;;                - any function that can be integrated by INTEGRALLOOKUPS
1930;; The method of solution, once the problem has been determined to
1931;; posses the form above, is to look up OP in a table and substitute
1932;; u(x) for each occurrence of x in the expression given in the table.
1933;; In other words, the method performs an implicit substitution y = u(x),
1934;; and obtains the integral of op(y)dy by a table look up.
1936(defun diffdiv (exp var)
1937  (prog (y *a* x v *d* z w r)
1938     (cond ((and (mexptp exp)
1939		 (mplusp (cadr exp))
1940		 (integerp (caddr exp))
1941		 (< (caddr exp) 6)
1942		 (> (caddr exp) 0))
1943	    (return (integrator (expandexpt (cadr exp) (caddr exp)) var))))
1945     ;; If not a product, transform to a product with one term
1946     (setq exp (cond ((mtimesp exp) exp) (t (list '(mtimes) exp))))
1948     ;; Loop over the terms in exp
1949     (setq z (cdr exp))
1950     a    (setq y (car z))
1952     ;; This m2 pattern matches const*(exp/y)
1953     (setq r (list '(mplus)
1954		   (cons '(coeffpt)
1955			 (cons '(c free1)
1956			       (remove y (cdr exp) :count 1)))))
1957     (cond
1958      ;; Case u(var) is the identity function. y is a term in exp.
1959      ;; Match if diff(y,var) == c*(exp/y).
1960      ;; This even works when y is a function with multiple args.
1961       ((setq w (m2 (sdiff y var) r))
1962	(return (muln (list y y (power* (mul2* 2 (cdr (assoc 'c w :test #'eq))) -1)) nil))))
1964     ;; w is the arg in y.
1965     (let ((arg-freevar))
1966       (setq w
1967	 (cond
1968	  ((or (atom y) (member (caar y) '(mplus mtimes) :test #'eq)) y)
1969	  ;; Take the argument of a function with one value.
1970	  ((= (length (cdr y)) 1) (cadr y))
1971	  ;; A function has multiple args, and exactly one arg depends on var
1972	  ((= (count-if #'null (setq arg-freevar (mapcar #'freevar (cdr y)))) 1)
1973	   (do ((args (cdr y) (cdr args))
1974		(argf arg-freevar (cdr argf)))
1975	       ((if (not (car argf)) (return (car args))))))
1976	  (t 0))))
1978     (cond
1979       ((setq w (cond ((and (setq x (sdiff w var))
1980			    (mplusp x)
1981			    (setq *d* (remove y (cdr exp) :count 1))
1982			    (setq v (car *d*))
1983			    (mplusp v)
1984			    (not (cdr *d*)))
1985		       (cond ((setq *d* (matchsum (cdr x) (cdr v)))
1986			      (list (cons 'c *d*)))
1987			     (t nil)))
1988		      (t (m2 x r))))
1989	(return (cond ((null (setq x (integrallookups y))) nil)
1990		      ((eq w t) x)
1991		      (t (mul2* x (power* (cdr (assoc 'c w :test #'eq)) -1)))))))
1992     (setq z (cdr z))
1993     (when (null z) (return nil))
1994     (go a)))
1996(defun subliss (alist expr)
1997  "Alist is an alist consisting of a variable (symbol) and its value.  expr is
1998  an expression.  For each entry in alist, substitute the corresponding
1999  value into expr."
2000  (let ((x expr))
2001    (dolist (a alist x)
2002      (setq x (maxima-substitute (cdr a) (car a) x)))))
2004(defun substint (x y expres)
2005  (if (and (not (atom expres)) (eq (caar expres) '%integrate))
2006      (list (car expres) exp var)
2007      (substint1 (maxima-substitute x y expres))))
2009(defun substint1 (exp)
2010  (cond ((atom exp) exp)
2011	((and (eq (caar exp) '%integrate)
2012	      (null (cdddr exp))
2013	      (not (symbolp (caddr exp)))
2014	      (not (free (caddr exp) var)))
2015	 (simplify (list '(%integrate)
2016			 (mul2 (cadr exp) (sdiff (caddr exp) var))
2017			 var)))
2018	(t (recur-apply #'substint1 exp))))
2022;:; Extension of the integrator for more integrals with power functions
2026;;; Recognize (a^(c*(z^r)^p+d)^v
2028(defun m2-exp-type-1a (expr)
2029  (m2 expr
2030      '((mexpt)
2031        ((mexpt)
2032         (a freevar0)
2033         ((mplus)
2034          ;; The order of the pattern is critical. If we change it,
2035          ;; we do not get the expected match.
2036          ((coeffpp) (d freevar))
2037          ((coefft) (c freevar0)
2038           ((mexpt)
2039            ((mexpt) (z varp) (r freevar0))
2040            (p freevar)))))
2041        (v freevar))))
2043;;; Recognize z^v*a^(b*z^r+d)
2045(defun m2-exp-type-2 (expr)
2046  (m2 expr
2047      '((mtimes)
2048        ((mexpt) (z varp) (v freevar0))
2049        ((mexpt)
2050         (a freevar0)
2051         ((mplus)
2052          ((coeffpp) (d freevar))
2053          ((coefft) (b freevar0) ((mexpt) (z varp) (r freevar0))))))))
2055;;; Recognize z^v*%e^(a*z^r+b)^u
2057(defun m2-exp-type-2-1 (expr)
2058  (m2 expr
2059      '((mtimes)
2060        ((mexpt) (z varp) (v freevar0))
2061        ((mexpt)
2062         ((mexpt)
2063          $%e
2064          ((mplus)
2065           ((coeffpp) (b freevar))
2066           ((coefft) (a freevar0) ((mexpt) (z varp) (r freevar0)))))
2067         (u freevar)))))
2069;;; Recognize (a*z+b)^p*%e^(c*z+d)
2071(defun m2-exp-type-3 (expr)
2072  (m2 expr
2073    '((mtimes)
2074	((mexpt)
2075	   ((mplus)
2076	      ((coefft) (a freevar0) (z varp))
2077	      ((coeffpp) (b freevar)))
2078	   (p freevar0))
2079      ((mexpt)
2080	 $%e
2081	 ((mplus)
2082	    ((coefft) (c freevar0) (z varp))
2083	    ((coeffpp) (d freevar)))))))
2085;;; Recognize d^(a*z^2+b/z^2+c)
2087(defun m2-exp-type-4 (expr)
2088  (m2 expr
2089    '((mexpt)
2090	(d freevar0)
2091	((mplus)
2092	   ((coefft) (a freevar0) ((mexpt) (z varp) 2))
2093	   ((coefft) (b freevar0) ((mexpt) (z varp) -2))
2094	   ((coeffpp) (c freevar))))))
2096;;; Recognize z^(2*n)*d^(a*z^2+b/z^2+c)
2098(defun m2-exp-type-4-1 (expr)
2099  (m2 expr
2100    '((mtimes)
2101	((mexpt) (z varp) (n freevar0))
2102	((mexpt)
2103	   (d freevar0)
2104	   ((mplus)
2105	      ((coefft)  (a freevar0) ((mexpt) (z varp) 2))
2106	      ((coefft)  (b freevar0) ((mexpt) (z varp) -2))
2107	      ((coeffpp) (c freevar)))))))
2109;;; Recognize z^n*d^(a*z^2+b*z+c)
2111(defun m2-exp-type-5 (expr)
2112  (m2 expr
2113      '((mtimes)
2114        ((mexpt) (z varp) (n freevar))
2115        ((mexpt)
2116         (d freevar0)
2117         ((mplus)
2118          ((coeffpt) (a freevar) ((mexpt) (z varp) 2))
2119          ((coeffpt) (b freevar) (z varp))
2120          ((coeffpp) (c freevar)))))))
2122;;; Recognize z^n*(%e^(a*z^2+b*z+c))^u
2124(defun m2-exp-type-5-1 (expr)
2125  (m2 expr
2126      '((mtimes)
2127        ((mexpt) (z varp) (n freevar0))
2128        ((mexpt)
2129         ((mexpt)
2130          $%e
2131          ((mplus)
2132           ((coeffpp) (c freevar))
2133           ((coefft) (a freevar0) ((mexpt) (z varp) 2))
2134           ((coefft) (b freevar0) (z varp))))
2135         (u freevar)))))
2137;;; Recognize z^n*d^(a*sqrt(z)+b*z+c)
2139(defun m2-exp-type-6 (expr)
2140  (m2 expr
2141    '((mtimes)
2142	((mexpt) (z varp) (n freevar0))
2143	((mexpt)
2144	   (d freevar0)
2145	   ((mplus)
2146	      ((coefft) (a freevar0) ((mexpt) (z varp) ((rat) 1 2)))
2147	      ((coefft) (b freevar0) (z varp))
2148	      ((coeffpp) (c freevar)))))))
2150;;; Recognize z^n*(%e^(a*sqrt(z)+b*z+c))^u
2152(defun m2-exp-type-6-1 (expr)
2153  (m2 expr
2154      '((mtimes)
2155        ((mexpt) (z varp) (n freevar0))
2156        ((mexpt)
2157         ((mexpt)
2158          $%e
2159          ((mplus)
2160           ((coeffpp) (c freevar))
2161           ((coefft) (a freevar0) ((mexpt) (z varp) ((rat) 1 2)))
2162           ((coefft) (b freevar0) (z varp))))
2163         (u freevar)))))
2165;;; Recognize z^n*a^(b*z^r+e)*h^(c*z^r+g)
2167(defun m2-exp-type-7 (expr)
2168  (m2 expr
2169    '((mtimes)
2170	((mexpt) (z varp) (n freevar))
2171	((mexpt)
2172	   (a freevar0)
2173	   ((mplus)
2174	      ((coefft)
2175		 (b freevar0)
2176		 ((mexpt) (z varp) (r freevar0)))
2177	      ((coeffpp) (e freevar))))
2178	((mexpt)
2179	   (h freevar0)
2180	   ((mplus)
2181	      ((coefft)
2182		 (c freevar0)
2183		 ((mexpt) (z varp) (r1 freevar0)))
2184	      ((coeffpp) (g freevar)))))))
2186;;; Recognize z^v*(%e^(b*z^r+e))^q*(%e^(c*z^r+g))^u
2188(defun m2-exp-type-7-1 (expr)
2189  (m2 expr
2190      '((mtimes)
2191        ((mexpt) (z varp) (v freevar))
2192        ((mexpt)
2193         ((mexpt)
2194          $%e
2195          ((mplus)
2196           ((coeffpp) (e freevar))
2197           ((coefft) (b freevar0) ((mexpt) (z varp) (r freevar0)))))
2198         (q freevar))
2199        ((mexpt)
2200         ((mexpt)
2201          $%e
2202          ((mplus)
2203           ((coeffpp) (g freevar))
2204           ((coefft) (c freevar0) ((mexpt) (z varp) (r1 freevar0)))))
2205         (u freevar)))))
2207;;; Recognize a^(b*sqrt(z)+d*z+e)*h^(c*sqrt(z)+f*z+g)
2209(defun m2-exp-type-8 (expr)
2210  (m2 expr
2211    '((mtimes)
2212	((mexpt)
2213	   (a freevar0)
2214	   ((mplus)
2215	      ((coeffpt) (b freevar) ((mexpt) (z varp) ((rat) 1 2)))
2216	      ((coeffpt) (d freevar) (z varp))
2217	      ((coeffpp) (e freevar))))
2218	((mexpt)
2219	   (h freevar0)
2220	   ((mplus)
2221	      ((coeffpt) (c freevar) ((mexpt) (z varp) ((rat) 1 2)))
2222	      ((coeffpt) (f freevar) (z varp))
2223	      ((coeffpp) (g freevar)))))))
2225;;; Recognize (%e^(b*sqrt(z)+d*z+e))^u*(%e^(c*sqrt(z)+f*z+g))^v
2227(defun m2-exp-type-8-1 (expr)
2228  (m2 expr
2229      '((mtimes)
2230        ((mexpt)
2231         ((mexpt)
2232          $%e
2233          ((mplus)
2234           ((coeffpp) (e freevar))
2235           ((coeffpt) (b freevar) ((mexpt) (z varp) ((rat) 1 2)))
2236           ((coeffpt) (d freevar) (z varp))))
2237         (u freevar))
2238        ((mexpt)
2239         ((mexpt)
2240          $%e
2241          ((mplus)
2242           ((coeffpp) (g freevar))
2243           ((coeffpt) (c freevar) ((mexpt) (z varp) ((rat) 1 2)))
2244           ((coeffpt) (f freevar) (z varp))))
2245         (v freevar)))))
2247;;; Recognize (%e^(b*z^r+e))^u*(%e^(c*z^r+g))^v
2249(defun m2-exp-type-8-2 (expr)
2250  (m2 expr
2251      '((mtimes)
2252        ((mexpt)
2253         ((mexpt)
2254          $%e
2255          ((mplus)
2256           ((coeffpp) (e freevar))
2257           ((coefft) (b freevar) ((mexpt) (z varp) (r freevar0)))))
2258         (u freevar))
2259        ((mexpt)
2260         ((mexpt)
2261          $%e
2262          ((mplus)
2263           ((coeffpp) (g freevar))
2264           ((coefft) (c freevar) ((mexpt) (z varp) (r1 freevar0)))))
2265         (v freevar)))))
2267;;; Recognize z^n*a^(b*z^2+d*z+e)*h^(c*z^2+f*z+g)
2269(defun m2-exp-type-9 (expr)
2270  (m2 expr
2271    '((mtimes)
2272      ((mexpt) (z varp) (n freevar))
2273      ((mexpt)
2274	 (a freevar0)
2275	 ((mplus)
2276	    ((coeffpt)  (b freevar) ((mexpt) (z varp) 2))
2277	    ((coeffpt)  (d freevar) (z varp))
2278	    ((coeffpp) (e freevar))))
2279      ((mexpt)
2280	 (h freevar0)
2281	 ((mplus)
2282	    ((coeffpt)  (c freevar) ((mexpt) (z varp) 2))
2283	    ((coeffpt)  (f freevar) (z varp))
2284	    ((coeffpp) (g freevar)))))))
2286;;; Recognize z^n*(%e^(b*z^2+d*z+e))^q*(%e^(c*z^2+f*z+g))^u
2288(defun m2-exp-type-9-1 (expr)
2289  (m2 expr
2290      '((mtimes)
2291        ((mexpt) (z varp) (n freevar))
2292        ((mexpt)
2293         ((mexpt)
2294          $%e
2295          ((mplus)
2296           ((coeffpp) (e freevar))
2297           ((coeffpt) (b freevar) ((mexpt) (z varp) 2))
2298           ((coeffpt) (d freevar) (z varp))))
2299         (q freevar))
2300        ((mexpt)
2301         ((mexpt)
2302          $%e
2303          ((mplus)
2304           ((coeffpp) (g freevar))
2305           ((coeffpt) (c freevar) ((mexpt) (z varp) 2))
2306           ((coeffpt) (f freevar) (z varp))))
2307         (u freevar)))))
2309;;; Recognize z^n*a^(b*sqrt(z)+d*z+e)*h^(c*sqrt(z+)f*z+g)
2311(defun m2-exp-type-10 (expr)
2312  (m2 expr
2313    '((mtimes)
2314	((mexpt) (z varp) (n freevar))
2315	((mexpt)
2316	   (a freevar0)
2317	   ((mplus)
2318	      ((coeffpt)  (b freevar) ((mexpt) (z varp) ((rat) 1 2)))
2319	      ((coeffpt)  (d freevar) (z varp))
2320	      ((coeffpp) (e freevar))))
2321	((mexpt)
2322	   (h freevar0)
2323	   ((mplus)
2324	      ((coeffpt)  (c freevar) ((mexpt) (z varp) ((rat) 1 2)))
2325	      ((coeffpt)  (f freevar) (z varp))
2326	      ((coeffpp) (g freevar)))))))
2328;;; Recognize z^n*(%e^(b*sqrt(z)+d*z+e))^q*(%e^(c*sqrt(z)+f*z+g))^u
2330(defun m2-exp-type-10-1 (expr)
2331  (m2 expr
2332      '((mtimes)
2333        ((mexpt) (z varp) (n freevar))
2334        ((mexpt)
2335         ((mexpt)
2336          $%e
2337          ((mplus)
2338           ((coeffpp) (e freevar))
2339           ((coeffpt) (b freevar) ((mexpt) (z varp) ((rat) 1 2)))
2340           ((coeffpt) (d freevar) (z varp))))
2341         (q freevar))
2342        ((mexpt)
2343         ((mexpt)
2344          $%e
2345          ((mplus)
2346           ((coeffpp) (g freevar))
2347           ((coeffpt) (c freevar) ((mexpt) (z varp) ((rat) 1 2)))
2348           ((coeffpt) (f freevar) (z varp))))
2349         (u freevar)))))
2353(defun integrate-exp-special (expr var &aux w const)
2355  ;; First factor the expression.
2356  (setq expr ($factor expr))
2358  ;; Remove constant factors.
2359  (setq w (partition expr var 1))
2360  (setq const (car w))
2361  (setq expr (cdr w))
2363  (schatchen-cond w
2364    ((m2-exp-type-1a (facsum-exponent expr))
2365     (a c d r p v)
2366     (when *debug-integrate*
2367       (format t "~&Type 1a: (a^(c*(z^r)^p+d)^v : w = ~A~%" w))
2369     (mul -1
2370	  const
2371	  ;; 1/(p*r*(a^(c*v*(var^r)^p)))
2372	  (inv (mul p r (power a (mul c v (power (power var r) p)))))
2373	  var
2374	  ;; (a^(d+c*(var^r)^p))^v
2375	  (power (power a (add d (mul c (power (power var r) p)))) v)
2376	  ;; gamma_incomplete(1/(p*r), -c*v*(var^r)^p*log(a))
2377	  (take '(%gamma_incomplete)
2378		(inv (mul p r))
2379		(mul -1 c v (power (power var r) p) (take '(%log) a)))
2380	  ;; (-c*v*(var^r)^p*log(a))^(-1/(p*r))
2381	  (power (mul -1 c v (power (power var r) p) (take '(%log) a))
2382		 (div -1 (mul p r)))))
2384    ((m2-exp-type-2 (facsum-exponent expr))
2385     (a b d v r)
2387     (when *debug-integrate*
2388       (format t "~&Type 2: z^v*a^(b*z^r+d) : w = ~A~%" w))
2390     (mul
2391      const
2392      (div -1 r)
2393      (power a d)
2394      (power var (add v 1))
2395      ($gamma_incomplete
2396       (div (add v 1) r)
2397       (mul -1 b (power var r) ($log a)))
2398      (power
2399       (mul -1 b (power var r) ($log a))
2400       (mul -1 (div (add v 1) r)))))
2402    ((m2-exp-type-2-1 (facsum-exponent expr))
2403     (a b v r u)
2404     (when *debug-integrate*
2405       (format t "~&Type 2-1: z^v*(%e^(a*z^r+b))^u : w = ~A~%" w))
2407     (mul const
2408          -1
2409          (inv r)
2410          (power '$%e (mul -1 a u (power var r)))
2411          (power (power '$%e (add (mul a (power var r)) b)) u)
2412          (power var (add v 1))
2413          (power (mul -1 a u (power var r)) (div (mul -1 (add v 1)) r))
2414          (take '(%gamma_incomplete)
2415                (div (add v 1) r)
2416                (mul -1 a u (power var r)))))
2418    ((m2-exp-type-3 (facsum-exponent expr))
2419     (a b c d p)
2420     (when *debug-integrate*
2421       (format t "~&Type 3: (a*z+b)^p*%e^(c*z+d) : w = ~A~%" w))
2422     (mul
2423      const
2424      (div -1 a)
2425      (power '$%e (sub d (div (mul b c) a)))
2426      (power (add b (mul a var)) (add p 1))
2427      ($expintegral_e (mul -1 p) (mul (div -1 a) c (add b (mul a var))))))
2429    ((m2-exp-type-4 expr)
2430     (a b c d)
2431     (let (($trigsign nil))             ; Do not simplify erfc(-x) !
2432       (when *debug-integrate*
2433	 (format t "~&Type 4: d^(a*z^2+b/z^2+c) : w = ~A~%" w))
2435       (mul
2436        const
2437        (div 1 (mul 4 (power (mul -1 a ($log d)) (div 1 2))))
2438        (mul
2439         (power d c)
2440         (power '$%pi (div 1 2))
2441         (power '$%e
2442                (mul -2
2443                     (power (mul -1 a ($log d)) (div 1 2))
2444                     (power (mul -1 b ($log d)) (div 1 2))))
2445         (add
2446          ($erfc
2447           (add
2448            (div (power (mul -1 b ($log d)) (div 1 2)) var)
2449            (mul -1 var (power (mul -1 a ($log d)) (div 1 2)))))
2450          (mul -1
2451	       (power '$%e
2452                      (mul 4
2453                           (power (mul -1 a ($log d)) (div 1 2))
2454                           (power (mul -1 b ($log d)) (div 1 2))))
2455	       ($erfc
2456                (add
2457                 (mul var (power (mul -1 a ($log d)) (div 1 2)))
2458                 (div (power (mul -1 b ($log d)) (div 1 2)) var)))))))))
2460    ((and (m2-exp-type-4-1 expr)
2461	  (poseven (cdras 'n w))  ; only for n a positive, even integer
2462	  (symbolp (cdras 'a w))) ; a has to be a symbol
2463     (a b c d n)
2464     (let (($trigsign nil)) ; Do not simplify erfc(-x) !
2466       (when *debug-integrate*
2467	 (format t "~&Type 4-1: z^(2*n)*d^(a*z^2+b/z^2+c) : w = ~A~%" w))
2469       (setq n (div n 2))
2471       (mul const
2472            (div 1 4)
2473	    (power d c)
2474	    (power '$%pi (div 1 2))
2475	    (simplify (list '(%derivative)
2476	     (div
2477	       (sub
2478		 (mul
2479		   (power ($log d) (mul -1 n))
2480		   (add
2481		     (mul
2482		       (power
2483			 '$%e
2484			 (mul -2
2485			   (power (mul -1 a ($log d)) (div 1 2))
2486			   (power (mul -1 b ($log d)) (div 1 2))))
2487		     ($erfc
2488		       (sub
2489			 (div
2490			   (power (mul -1 b ($log d)) (div 1 2))
2491			   var)
2492			 (mul var (power (mul -1 ($log d)) (div 1 2))))))))
2493		 (mul
2494		   (power
2495		     '$%e
2496		     (mul 2
2497		       (power (mul -1 a ($log d)) (div 1 2))
2498		       (power (mul -1 b ($log d)) (div 1 2))))
2499		   ($erfc
2500		     (add
2501		       (power (mul -1 a ($log d)) (div 1 2))
2502		       (div (power (mul -1 b ($log d)) (div 1 2)) var)))))
2503	       (power (mul -1 a ($log d)) (div 1 2)))
2504	     a n)))))
2506    ((and (m2-exp-type-5 (facsum-exponent expr))
2507          (maxima-integerp (cdras 'n w))
2508	  (eq ($sign (cdras 'n w)) '$pos))
2509     (a b c d n)
2511     (when *debug-integrate*
2512       (format t "~&Type 5: z^n*d^(a*z^2+b*z+c) : w = ~A~%" w))
2514     (mul
2515      const
2516      (div -1 (mul 2 (power (mul a ($log d)) (div 1 2))))
2517      (mul
2518       (power d (sub c (div (mul b b) (mul 4 a))))
2519       (let ((index (gensumindex))
2520             ($simpsum t))
2521         (mfuncall '$sum
2522                   (mul
2523                    (power 2 (sub index n))
2524                    ($binomial n index)
2525                    ($gamma_incomplete
2526                     (div (add index 1) 2)
2527                     (mul
2528                      (div -1 (mul 4 a))
2529                      (power (add b (mul 2 a var)) 2)
2530                      ($log d)))
2531                    (power (mul a ($log d)) (mul -1 (add n (div 1 2))))
2532                    (power (mul -1 b ($log d)) (sub n index))
2533                    (power (mul (add b (mul 2 a var)) ($log d)) (add index 1))
2534                    (power
2535                     (mul (div -1 a) (power (add b (mul 2 a var)) 2) ($log d))
2536                     (mul (div -1 2) (add index 1))))
2537                   index 0 n)))))
2539    ((and (m2-exp-type-5-1 (facsum-exponent expr))
2540          (maxima-integerp (cdras 'n w))
2541          (eq ($sign (cdras 'n w)) '$pos))
2542     (a b c u n)
2543     (when *debug-integrate*
2544       (format t "~&Type 5-1: z^n*(%e^(a*z^2+b*z+c))^u : w = ~A~%" w))
2546     (mul const
2547          (div -1 2)
2548          (power '$%e
2549                 (add (mul -1 (div (mul b b u) (mul 4 a)))
2550                      (mul -1 u (add (mul a var var) (mul b var)))))
2551          (power a (mul -1 (add n 1)))
2552          (power (power '$%e
2553                        (add (mul a var var) (mul b var) c))
2554                 u)
2555          (let ((index (gensumindex))
2556                ($simpsum t))
2557            (dosum
2558             (mul (power 2 (sub index n))
2559                  (power (mul -1 b) (sub n index))
2560                  (power (add b (mul 2 a var)) (add index 1))
2561                  (power (div (mul -1 u (power (add b (mul 2 a var)) 2)) a)
2562                         (mul (div -1 2) (add index 1)))
2563                  (take '(%binomial) n index)
2564                  (take '(%gamma_incomplete)
2565                        (div (add index 1) 2)
2566                        (div (mul -1 u (power (add b (mul 2 a var)) 2))
2567                             (mul 4 a))))
2568             index 0 n t))))
2570    ((and (m2-exp-type-6 (facsum-exponent expr))
2571	  (maxima-integerp (cdras 'n w))
2572	  (eq ($sign (cdras 'n w)) '$pos))
2573     (a b c d n)
2574     (when *debug-integrate*
2575       (format t "~&Type 6: z^n*d^(a*sqrt(z)+b*z+c) : w = ~A~%" w))
2577     (mul
2578      const
2579      (power 2 (mul -1 (add n 1)))
2580      (power d (sub c (div (mul a a) (mul 4 b))))
2581      (power (mul b ($log d)) (mul -2 (add n 1)))
2582      (let ((index1 (gensumindex))
2583            (index2 (gensumindex))
2584            ($simpsum t))
2585        (mfuncall '$sum
2586                  (mfuncall '$sum
2587                            (mul
2588                             (power -1 (sub index1 index2))
2589                             (power 4 index1)
2590                             ($binomial index1 index2)
2591                             ($binomial n index1)
2592                             ($log d)
2593                             (power (mul a ($log d)) (sub (mul 2 n) (add index1 index2)))
2594                             (power
2595                              (mul (add a (mul 2 b (power var (div 1 2)))) ($log d))
2596                              (add index1 index2))
2597                             (power
2598                              (mul
2599                               (div -1 b)
2600                               (power (add a (mul 2 b (power var (div 1 2)))) 2)
2601                               ($log d))
2602                              (mul (div -1 2) (add index1 index2 1)))
2603                             (add
2604                              (mul 2 b
2605                                   (power
2606                                    (mul
2607                                     (div -1 b)
2608                                     (power (add a (mul 2 b (power var (div 1 2)))) 2)
2609                                     ($log d))
2610                                    (div 1 2))
2611                                   ($gamma_incomplete
2612                                    (div (add index1 index2 2) 2)
2613                                    (mul
2614                                     (div -1 (mul 4 b))
2615                                     (power (add a (mul 2 b (power var (div 1 2)))) 2)
2616                                     ($log d))))
2617                              (mul a
2618                                   (add a (mul 2 b (power var (div 1 2))))
2619                                   ($log d)
2620                                   ($gamma_incomplete
2621                                    (div (add index1 index2 1) 2)
2622                                    (mul
2623                                     (div -1 (mul 4 b))
2624                                     (power (add a (mul 2 b (power var (div 1 2)))) 2)
2625                                     ($log d))))))
2626                            index2 0 index1)
2627                  index1 0 n))))
2629    ((and (m2-exp-type-6-1 (facsum-exponent expr))
2630          (maxima-integerp (cdras 'n w))
2631          (eq ($sign (cdras 'n w)) '$pos))
2632     (a b c u n)
2633     (when *debug-integrate*
2634       (format t "~&Type 6-1: z^n*(%e^(a*sqrt(z)+b*z+c))^u : w = ~A~%" w))
2636     (mul const
2637          (power 2 (mul -1 (add (mul 2 n) 1)))
2638          (power '$%e
2639                 (add (div (mul -1 u a a) (mul 4 b))
2640                      (mul u (add (mul a (power var (div 1 2)))
2641                                  (mul b var)
2642                                  c))))
2643          (power b (mul -2 (add n 1)))
2644          (power (power '$%e
2645                        (add (mul a (power var (div 1 2)))
2646                             (mul b var)))
2647                 u)
2648          (let ((index1 (gensumindex))
2649                (index2 (gensumindex))
2650                ($simpsum t))
2651            (dosum
2652             (dosum
2653              (mul (power -1 (sub index1 index2))
2654                   (power 4 index1)
2655                   (power a (add (neg index2) (neg index1) (mul 2 n)))
2656                   (power (add a (mul 2 b (power var (div 1 2))))
2657                          (add index1 index2))
2658                   (power (div (mul -1 u
2659                                    (power (add a
2660                                                (mul 2
2661                                                     b
2662                                                     (power var (div 1 2))))
2663                                           2))
2664                               b)
2665                          (mul (div -1 2) (add index1 index2 1)))
2666                   (take '(%binomial) index1 index2)
2667                   (take '(%binomial) n index1)
2668                   (add (mul a
2669                             (add a (mul 2 b (power var (div 1 2))))
2670                             (take '(%gamma_incomplete)
2671                                   (div (add index1 index2 1) 2)
2672                                   (div (mul -1 u
2673                                             (power (add a
2674                                                         (mul 2 b
2675                                                              (power var
2676                                                                     (div 1 2))))
2677                                                    2))
2678                                        (mul 4 b))))
2679                        (mul (inv u)
2680                             (power (div (mul -1 u
2681                                              (power (add a
2682                                                          (mul 2 b
2683                                                               (power var
2684                                                                      (div 1 2))))
2685                                                     2))
2686                                         b)
2687                                    (div 1 2))
2688                             (mul 2 b)
2689                             (take '(%gamma_incomplete)
2690                                   (div (add index1 index2 2) 2)
2691                                   (div (mul -1 u
2692                                             (power (add a
2693                                                         (mul 2 b
2694                                                              (power var (div 1 2))))
2695                                                    2))
2696                                        (mul 4 b))))))
2697              index2 0 index1 t)
2698             index1 0 n t))))
2700    ((and (m2-exp-type-7 (facsum-exponent expr))
2701	  (eq ($sign (sub (cdras 'r w) (cdras 'r1 w))) '$zero))
2702     (a b c e g h r n)
2703     (when *debug-integrate*
2704       (format t "~&Type 7: z^n*a^(b*z^r+e)*h^(c*z^r+g) : w = ~A~%" w))
2706     (setq n (add n 1))
2708     (mul
2709      const
2710      (power var n)
2711      (div -1 r)
2712      (power a e)
2713      (power h g)
2714      (power
2715       (mul -1
2716            (power var r)
2717            (add (mul b ($log a)) (mul c ($log h))))
2718       (div (mul -1 n) r))
2719      ($gamma_incomplete
2720       (div n r)
2721       (mul -1 (power var r) (add (mul b ($log a)) (mul c ($log h)))))))
2723    ((and (m2-exp-type-7-1 (facsum-exponent expr))
2724          (eq ($sign (sub (cdras 'r w) (cdras 'r1 w))) '$zero))
2725     (b c e g r v q u)
2726     (when *debug-integrate*
2727       (format t "~&Type 7-1: z^v*(%e^(b*z^r+e))^q*(%e^(c*z^r+g))^u : w = ~A~%" w))
2729     (mul const
2730          (div -1 r)
2731          (power '$%e (mul -1 (power var r) (add (mul b q) (mul c u))))
2732          (power (power '$%e (add e (mul b (power var r)))) q)
2733          (power (power '$%e (add g (mul c (power var r)))) u)
2734          (power var (add v 1))
2735          (power (mul -1 (power var r) (add (mul b q) (mul c u)))
2736                 (div (mul -1 (add v 1)) r))
2737          (take '(%gamma_incomplete)
2738                (div (add v 1) r)
2739                (mul -1 (power var r) (add (mul b q) (mul c u))))))
2741    ((m2-exp-type-8 (facsum-exponent expr))
2742     (a b c d e f g h)
2743     (when *debug-integrate*
2744       (format t "~&Type 8: a^(b*sqrt(z)+d*z+e)*h^(c*sqrt(z)+f*z+g)")
2745       (format t "~&   : w = ~A~%" w))
2747     (mul
2748      const
2749      (div 1 2)
2750      (power a e)
2751      (power h g)
2752      (add
2753       (mul 2
2754            (power a (add (mul b (power var (div 1 2))) (mul d var)))
2755            (power h (add (mul c (power var (div 1 2))) (mul f var)))
2756            (div 1 (add (mul d ($log a)) (mul f ($log h)))))
2757       (mul -1
2758            (power '$%pi (div 1 2))
2759            (power '$%e
2760                   (mul -1
2761                        (div
2762                         (power (add (mul b ($log a)) (mul c ($log h))) 2)
2763                         (mul 4 (add (mul d ($log a)) (mul f ($log h)))))))
2764            ($erfi
2765             (div
2766              (add
2767               (mul b ($log a))
2768               (mul c ($log h))
2769               (mul 2
2770                    (power var (div 1 2))
2771                    (add (mul d ($log a)) (mul f ($log h)))))
2772              (mul 2
2773                   (power (add (mul d ($log a)) (mul f ($log h))) (div 1 2)))))
2774            (add (mul b ($log a)) (mul c ($log h)))
2775            (power (add (mul d ($log a)) (mul f ($log h))) (div -3 2))))))
2777    ((m2-exp-type-8-1 (facsum-exponent expr))
2778     (b c d e f g u v)
2779     (when *debug-integrate*
2780       (format t "~&Type 8-1: (%e^(b*sqrt(z)+d*z+e))^u*(%e^(c*sqrt(z)+f*z+g))^v")
2781       (format t "~&   : w = ~A~%" w))
2783     (mul const
2784          (div 1 2)
2785          (power (add (mul d u) (mul f v)) (div -3 2))
2786          (mul (power '$%e
2787                      (mul -1
2788                           (power (add (mul b u)
2789                                       (mul 2 d u (power var (div 1 2)))
2790                                       (mul v (add c (mul 2 f (power var (div 1 2))))))
2791                                  2)
2792                           (inv (mul 4 (add (mul d u) (mul f v))))))
2793               (power (power '$%e
2794                             (add (mul b (power var (div 1 2)))
2795                                  e
2796                                  (mul d var)))
2797                      u)
2798               (power (power '$%e
2799                             (add (mul c (power var (div 1 2)))
2800                                  g
2801                                  (mul f var)))
2802                      v)
2803               (add (mul 2
2804                         (power '$%e
2805                                (mul (power (add (mul b u)
2806                                                 (mul 2 d u (power var (div 1 2)))
2807                                                 (mul v (add c (mul 2 f (power var (div 1 2))))))
2808                                            2)
2809                                     (inv (mul 4 (add (mul d u) (mul f v))))))
2810                         (power (add (mul d u) (mul f v)) (div 1 2)))
2811                    (mul -1
2812                         (power '$%pi (div 1 2))
2813                         (add (mul b u) (mul c v))
2814                         (take '(%erfi)
2815                               (div (add (mul b u)
2816                                         (mul 2 d u (power var (div 1 2)))
2817                                         (mul c v)
2818                                         (mul 2 f v (power var (div 1 2))))
2819                                    (mul 2
2820                                         (power (add (mul d u) (mul f v))
2821                                                (div 1 2))))))))))
2823    ((and (m2-exp-type-8-2 (facsum-exponent expr))
2824          (eq ($sign (sub (cdras 'r w) (cdras 'r1 w))) '$zero))
2825     (b c e g r u v)
2826     (when *debug-integrate*
2827       (format t "~&Type 8-2: (%e^(b*z^r+e))^u*(%e^(c*z^r+g))^v")
2828       (format t "~&   : w = ~A~%" w))
2830     (mul const
2831          -1
2832          (inv r)
2833          (power '$%e
2834                 (mul -1
2835                      (power var r)
2836                      (add (mul b u) (mul c v))))
2837          (power (power '$%e
2838                        (add (power var r) e))
2839                 u)
2840          (power (power '$%e
2841                        (add (power var r) g))
2842                 v)
2843          var
2844          (power (mul -1
2845                      (power var r)
2846                      (add (mul b u) (mul c v)))
2847                 (div -1 r))
2848          (take '(%gamma_incomplete)
2849                (div 1 r)
2850                (mul -1 (power var r) (add (mul b u) (mul c v))))))
2852    ((and (m2-exp-type-9 (facsum-exponent expr))
2853	  (maxima-integerp (cdras 'n w))
2854	  (eq ($sign (cdras 'n w)) '$pos)
2855	  (or (not (eq ($sign (cdras 'b w)) '$zero))
2856	      (not (eq ($sign (cdras 'c w)) '$zero))))
2857     (a b c d e f g h n)
2858     (when *debug-integrate*
2859       (format t "~&Type 9: z^n*a^(b*z^2+d*z+e)*h^(c*z^2+f*z+g)")
2860       (format t "~&   : w = ~A~%" w))
2862     (mul
2863      const
2864      (div -1 2)
2865      (power a e)
2866      (power h g)
2867      (power '$%e
2868             (div
2869              (power (add (mul d ($log a)) (mul f ($log h))) 2)
2870              (mul -4 (add (mul b ($log a)) (mul c ($log h))))))
2871      (power (add (mul b ($log a)) (mul c ($log h))) (mul -1 (add n 1)))
2872      (let ((index (gensumindex))
2873            ($simpsum t))
2874        (mfuncall '$sum
2875                  (mul
2876                   (power 2 (sub index n))
2877                   ($binomial n index)
2878                   (power
2879                    (add (mul -1 d ($log a)) (mul -1 f ($log h)))
2880                    (sub n index))
2881                   (power
2882                    (add
2883                     (mul (add d (mul 2 b var)) ($log a))
2884                     (mul (add f (mul 2 c var)) ($log h)))
2885                    (add index 1))
2886                   (power
2887                    (mul -1
2888                         (div
2889                          (power
2890                           (add
2891                            (mul (add d (mul 2 b var)) ($log a))
2892                            (mul (add f (mul 2 c var)) ($log h)))
2893                           2)
2894                          (add (mul b ($log a)) (mul c ($log h)))))
2895                    (div (add index 1) -2))
2896                   ($gamma_incomplete
2897                    (div (add index 1) 2)
2898                    (mul -1
2899                         (div
2900                          (power
2901                           (add
2902                            (mul (add d (mul 2 b var)) ($log a))
2903                            (mul (add f (mul 2 c var)) ($log h)))
2904                           2)
2905                          (mul 4 (add (mul b ($log a)) (mul c ($log h))))))))
2906                  index 0 n))))
2908    ((and (m2-exp-type-9-1 (facsum-exponent expr))
2909          (maxima-integerp (cdras 'n w))
2910          (eq ($sign (cdras 'n w)) '$pos)
2911          (or (not (eq ($sign (cdras 'b w)) '$zero))
2912              (not (eq ($sign (cdras 'c w)) '$zero))))
2913     (b c d e f g q u n)
2914     (when *debug-integrate*
2915       (format t "~&Type 9-1: z^n*(%e^(b*z^2+d*z+e))^q*(%e^(c*z^2+f*z+g))^u")
2916       (format t "~&   : w = ~A~%" w))
2918     (mul const
2919          (div -1 2)
2920          (power (add (mul b q) (mul c u)) (div -1 2))
2921          (power '$%e
2922                 (add (div (power (add (mul d q) (mul f u)) 2)
2923                           (mul -4 (add (mul b q) (mul c u))))
2924                      (mul -1 var
2925                           (add (mul d q)
2926                                (mul b q var)
2927                                (mul f u)
2928                                (mul c u var)))))
2929          (power (power '$%e
2930                        (add e
2931                             (mul var (add d (mul b var)))))
2932                 q)
2933          (power (power '$%e
2934                        (add g
2935                             (mul var (add f (mul c var)))))
2936                 u)
2937          (let ((index (gensumindex))
2938                ($simpsum t))
2939            (dosum
2940             (mul (power 2 (sub index n))
2941                  (power (add (mul b q) (mul c u)) (neg (add n (div 1 2))))
2942                  (power (add (neg (mul d q)) (neg (mul f u)))
2943                         (sub n index))
2944                  (power (add (mul d q)
2945                              (mul f u)
2946                              (mul 2 var (add (mul b q) (mul c u))))
2947                         (add index 1))
2948                  (power (div (power (add (mul d q)
2949                                          (mul f u)
2950                                          (mul 2
2951                                               (add (mul b q)
2952                                                    (mul c u))
2953                                               var))
2954                                     2)
2955                              (neg (add (mul b q) (mul c u))))
2956                         (mul (div -1 2) (add index 1)))
2957                  (take '(%binomial) n index)
2958                  (take '(%gamma_incomplete)
2959                        (div (add index 1) 2)
2960                        (div (power (add (mul d q)
2961                                         (mul f u)
2962                                         (mul 2
2963                                              (add (mul b q)
2964                                                   (mul c u))
2965                                              var))
2966                                    2)
2967                             (mul -4 (add (mul b q) (mul c u))))))
2968             index 0 n t))))
2970    ((and (m2-exp-type-10 (facsum-exponent expr))
2971          (maxima-integerp (cdras 'n w))
2972          (eq ($sign (cdras 'n w)) '$pos)
2973          (or (not (eq ($sign (cdras 'b w)) '$zero))
2974              (not (eq ($sign (cdras 'c w)) '$zero))))
2975     (a b c d e f g h n)
2976     (when *debug-integrate*
2977       (format t "~&Type 10: z^n*a^(b*sqrt(z)+d*z+e)*h^(c*sqrt(z)+f*z+g)")
2978       (format t "~&   : w = ~A~%" w))
2980     (mul const
2981          (power 2 (add (mul -2 n) -1))
2982          (power a e)
2983          (power h g)
2984          (power '$%e
2985                 (div (power (add (mul b ($log a)) (mul c ($log h))) 2)
2986                      (mul -4 (add (mul d ($log a)) (mul f ($log h))))))
2987          (power (add (mul d ($log a)) (mul f ($log h))) (mul -2 (add n 1)))
2988          (let ((index1 (gensumindex))
2989                (index2 (gensumindex))
2990                ($simpsum t))
2991            (dosum
2992             (dosum
2993              (mul (power -1 (sub index1 index2))
2994                   (power 4 index1)
2995                   ($binomial index1 index2)
2996                   ($binomial n index1)
2997                   (power (add (mul b ($log a)) (mul c ($log h)))
2998                          (sub (mul 2 n) (add index1 index2)))
2999                   (power (add (mul b ($log a))
3000                               (mul c ($log h))
3001                               (mul 2
3002                                    (power var (div 1 2))
3003                                    (add (mul d ($log a)) (mul f ($log h)))))
3004                          (add index1 index2))
3005                   (power (mul -1
3006                               (div (power (add (mul b ($log a))
3007                                                (mul c ($log h))
3008                                                (mul 2
3009                                                     (power var (div 1 2))
3010                                                     (add (mul d ($log a))
3011                                                          (mul f ($log h)))))
3012                                           2)
3013                                    (add (mul d ($log a)) (mul f ($log h)))))
3014                          (mul (div -1 2) (add index1 index2 1)))
3015                   (add (mul ($gamma_incomplete (mul (div 1 2)
3016                                                     (add index1 index2 1))
3017                                                (mul (div -1 4)
3018                                                     (div (power (add (mul b ($log a))
3019                                                                      (mul c ($log h))
3020                                                                      (mul 2
3021                                                                           (power var (div 1 2))
3022                                                                           (add (mul d ($log a)) (mul f ($log h)))))
3023                                                                 2)
3024                                                          (add (mul d ($log a)) (mul f ($log h))))))
3025                             (add (mul b ($log a)) (mul c ($log h)))
3026                             (add (mul b ($log a))
3027                                  (mul c ($log h))
3028                                  (mul 2
3029                                       (power var (div 1 2))
3030                                       (add (mul d ($log a)) (mul f ($log h))))))
3031                        (mul 2
3032                             ($gamma_incomplete (mul (div 1 2)
3033                                                     (add index1 index2 2))
3034                                                (mul (div -1 4)
3035                                                     (div (power (add (mul b ($log a))
3036                                                                      (mul c ($log h))
3037                                                                      (mul 2
3038                                                                           (power var (div 1 2))
3039                                                                           (add (mul d ($log a))
3040                                                                                (mul f ($log h)))))
3041                                                                 2)
3042                                                          (add (mul d ($log a))
3043                                                               (mul f ($log h))))))
3044                             (add (mul d ($log a)) (mul f ($log h)))
3045                             (power (mul -1
3046                                         (div (power (add (mul b ($log a))
3047                                                          (mul c ($log h))
3048                                                          (mul 2
3049                                                               (power var (div 1 2))
3050                                                               (add (mul d ($log a))
3051                                                                    (mul f ($log h)))))
3052                                                     2)
3053                                              (add (mul d ($log a))
3054                                                   (mul f ($log h)))))
3055                                    (div 1 2)))))
3056              index2 0 index1 t)
3057             index1 0 n t))))
3059    ((and (m2-exp-type-10-1 (facsum-exponent expr))
3060          (maxima-integerp (cdras 'n w))
3061          (eq ($sign (cdras 'n w)) '$pos)
3062          (or (not (eq ($sign (cdras 'b w)) '$zero))
3063              (not (eq ($sign (cdras 'c w)) '$zero))))
3064     (b c d e f g q u n)
3065     (let ((bq+cu (add (mul b q) (mul c u)))
3066           (dq+fu (add (mul d q) (mul f u))))
3067       (when *debug-integrate*
3068         (format t "~&Type 10-1: z^n*(%e^(b*sqrt(z)+d*z+e))^q*(%e^(c*sqrt(z)+f*z+g))^u")
3069         (format t "~&   : w = ~A~%" w))
3071       (mul const
3072            (power 2 (mul -1 (add (mul 2 n) 1)))
3073            (power '$%e
3074                   (add (div (mul -1 (power bq+cu 2)) (mul 4 dq+fu))
3075                        (mul -1 d var q)
3076                        (mul -1 b (power var (div 1 2)) q)
3077                        (mul -1 f var u)
3078                        (mul -1 c (power var (div 1 2)) u)))
3079            (power (power '$%e
3080                          (add (mul b (power var (div 1 2)))
3081                               (mul d var)
3082                               e))
3083                   q)
3084            (power (power '$%e
3085                          (add (mul c (power var (div 1 2)))
3086                               (mul f var)
3087                               g))
3088                   u)
3089            (power dq+fu (mul -2 (add n 1)))
3090            (let ((index1 (gensumindex))
3091                  (index2 (gensumindex))
3092                  ($simpsum t))
3093              (dosum
3094               (dosum
3095                (mul (power -1 (sub index1 index2))
3096                     (power 4 index1)
3097                     (power bq+cu
3098                            (add (neg index1) (neg index2) (mul 2 n)))
3099                     (power (add bq+cu
3100                                 (mul 2 (power var (div 1 2)) dq+fu))
3101                            (add index1 index2))
3102                     (power (div (power (add bq+cu
3103                                             (mul 2
3104                                                  (power var (div 1 2))
3105                                                  dq+fu))
3106                                        2)
3107                                 (mul -1 dq+fu))
3108                            (mul (div -1 2)
3109                                 (add index1 index2 1)))
3110                     (take '(%binomial) index1 index2)
3111                     (take '(%binomial) n index1)
3112                     (add (mul bq+cu
3113                               (add bq+cu
3114                                    (mul 2
3115                                         (power var (div 1 2))
3116                                         dq+fu))
3117                               (take '(%gamma_incomplete)
3118                                     (mul (div 1 2)
3119                                          (add index1 index2 1))
3120                                     (div (power (add (mul b q)
3121                                                      (mul c u)
3122                                                      (mul 2
3123                                                           (power var (div 1 2))
3124                                                           dq+fu))
3125                                                 2)
3126                                          (mul -4
3127                                               dq+fu))))
3128                          (mul 2
3129                               (power (div (power (add bq+cu
3130                                                       (mul 2
3131                                                            (power var (div 1 2))
3132                                                            dq+fu))
3133                                                  2)
3134                                           (mul 1 dq+fu))
3135                                      (div 1 2))
3136                               dq+fu
3137                               (take '(%gamma_incomplete)
3138                                     (mul (div 1 2)
3139                                          (add index1 index2 2))
3140                                     (div (power (add bq+cu
3141                                                      (mul 2
3142                                                           (power var (div 1 2))
3143                                                           dq+fu))
3144                                                 2)
3145                                          (mul -4
3146                                               dq+fu))))))
3147                index2 0 index1 t)
3148               index1 0 n t)))))))
3152;;; Do a facsum for the exponent of power functions.
3153;;; This is necessary to integrate all general forms. The pattern matcher is
3154;;; not powerful enough to do the job.
3156(defun facsum-exponent (expr)
3157  ;; Make sure that expr has the form ((mtimes) factor1 factor2 ...)
3158  (when (not (mtimesp expr)) (setq expr (list '(mtimes) expr)))
3159  (do ((result nil)
3160       (l (cdr expr) (cdr l)))
3161      ((null l) (cons (list 'mtimes) result))
3162    (cond
3163      ((mexptp (car l))
3164       ;; Found an power function. Factor the exponent with facsum.
3165       (let* ((fac (mfuncall '$facsum (caddr (car l)) var))
3166              (num ($num fac))
3167              (den ($denom fac)))
3168         (setq result
3169               (cons (cons (list 'mexpt)
3170                           (cons (cadr (car l))
3171                                 (if (equal 1 den)
3172                                     (list num)
3173                                     (list ($multthru (inv den) num)))))
3174                     result))))
3175      (t
3176       ;; Nothing to do.
3177       (setq result (cons (car l) result))))))