1 /* lsodes2.c
3    Copyright (c) 1993-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5    This file is part of GNU MCSim.
7    GNU MCSim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
9    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3
10    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12    GNU MCSim is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15    GNU General Public License for more details.
17    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18    along with GNU MCSim; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
20    lsodes.c was translated from lsodes.f by the utility f2c.
21    To make lsodes.c a stand-alone C routine, the following modifications were
22    made:
23         1. the options -lF77 -lI77 were removed from the link command line
24         2. a function d_sign was written and added at the beginning of
25            the function body
26         3. lsodes was split into two files
28    This is the second file for the two parts
29 */
31 #include "lsodes.h"
34 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
35    nsfc_
37    symbolic ldu-factorization of nonsymmetric sparse matrix
38    (compressed pointer storage)
40    input variables.. n, r, ic, ia, ja, jlmax, jumax.
41    output variables.. il, jl, ijl, iu, ju, iju, flag.
43    parameters used internally..
44    nia   - q       - suppose  m*  is the result of reordering  m.  if
45          -           processing of the ith row of  m*  (hence the ith
46          -           row of  u) is being done,  q(j)  is initially
47          -           nonzero if  m*(i,j) is nonzero (j.ge.i).  since
48          -           values need not be stored, each entry points to the
49          -           next nonzero and  q(n+1)  points to the first.  n+1
50          -           indicates the end of the list.  for example, if n=9
51          -           and the 5th row of  m*  is
52          -              0 x x 0 x 0 0 x 0
53          -           then  q  will initially be
54          -              a a a a 8 a a 10 5           (a - arbitrary).
55          -           as the algorithm proceeds, other elements of  q
56          -           are inserted in the list because of fillin.
57          -           q  is used in an analogous manner to compute the
58          -           ith column of  l.
59          -           size = n+1.
60    nia   - ira,    - vectors used to find the columns of  m.  at the kth
61    nia   - jra,      step of the factorization,  irac(k)  points to the
62    nia   - irac      head of a linked list in  jra  of row indices i
63          -           such that i .ge. k and  m(i,k)  is nonzero.  zero
64          -           indicates the end of the list.  ira(i)  (i.ge.k)
65          -           points to the smallest j such that j .ge. k and
66          -           m(i,j)  is nonzero.
67          -           size of each = n.
68    nia   - irl,    - vectors used to find the rows of  l.  at the kth step
69    nia   - jrl       of the factorization,  jrl(k)  points to the head
70          -           of a linked list in  jrl  of column indices j
71          -           such j .lt. k and  l(k,j)  is nonzero.  zero
72          -           indicates the end of the list.  irl(j)  (j.lt.k)
73          -           points to the smallest i such that i .ge. k and
74          -           l(i,j)  is nonzero.
75          -           size of each = n.
76    nia   - iru,    - vectors used in a manner analogous to  irl and jrl
77    nia   - jru       to find the columns of  u.
78          -           size of each = n.
80    internal variables..
81    jlptr - points to the last position used in  jl.
82    juptr - points to the last position used in  ju.
83    jmin,jmax - are the indices in  a or u  of the first and last
84                elements to be examined in a given row.
85                for example,  jmin=ia(k), jmax=ia(k+1)-1.
86 */
nsfc_(long * n,long * r,long * ic,long * ia,long * ja,long * jlmax,long * il,long * jl,long * ijl,long * jumax,long * iu,long * ju,long * iju,long * q,long * ira,long * jra,long * irac,long * irl,long * jrl,long * iru,long * jru,long * flag_)88 int nsfc_(long *n, long *r, long *ic, long *ia,
89           long *ja, long *jlmax, long *il, long *jl,
90           long *ijl, long *jumax, long *iu, long *ju,
91           long *iju, long *q, long *ira, long *jra,
92           long *irac, long *irl, long *jrl, long *iru,
93           long *jru, long *flag_)
94 {
95   /* System generated locals */
96   long i__2, i__3;
98   /* Local variables */
99   long cend, irai, rend, jmin, jmax, long_, irll, jtmp, irul, i, j, k, m,
100        jaiak, jlmin, lasti, jumin, i1, jlptr, juptr, qm, vj, jairai,
101        lastid, np1, iak, luk;
102   long rk = 0;
104   /* Parameter adjustments */
105   --jru;
106   --iru;
107   --jrl;
108   --irl;
109   --irac;
110   --jra;
111   --ira;
112   --q;
113   --iju;
114   --ju;
115   --iu;
116   --ijl;
117   --jl;
118   --il;
119   --ja;
120   --ia;
121   --ic;
122   --r;
124   /* Function Body */
125   np1 = *n + 1;
126   jlmin = 1;
127   jlptr = 0;
128   il[1] = 1;
129   jumin = 1;
130   juptr = 0;
131   iu[1] = 1;
133   for (k = 1; k <= *n; ++k) {
134     irac[k] = 0;
135     jra[k] = 0;
136     jrl[k] = 0;
137     jru[k] = 0;
138   }
140   /* initialize column pointers for a */
141   for (k = 1; k <= *n; ++k) {
142     rk = r[k];
143     iak = ia[rk];
144     if (iak >= ia[rk + 1]) goto L101;
146     jaiak = ic[ja[iak]];
147     if (jaiak > k) goto L105;
149     jra[k] = irac[jaiak];
150     irac[jaiak] = k;
152     ira[k] = iak;
153   }
155   /* for each column of l and row of u */
156   for (k = 1; k <= *n; ++k) {
158     /* initialize q for computing kth column of l */
159     q[np1] = np1;
160     luk = -1;
162     /* by filling in kth column of a */
163     vj = irac[k];
164     if (vj == 0) goto L5;
166 L3:
167     qm = np1;
169 L4:
170     m = qm;
171     qm = q[m];
172     if (qm < vj) goto L4;
174     if (qm == vj) goto L102;
176     ++luk;
177     q[m] = vj;
178     q[vj] = qm;
179     vj = jra[vj];
180     if (vj != 0) goto L3;
182     /* link through jru */
183 L5:
184     lastid = 0;
185     lasti = 0;
186     ijl[k] = jlptr;
187     i = k;
189 L6:
190     i = jru[i];
191     if (i == 0) goto L10;
193     qm = np1;
194     jmin = irl[i];
195     jmax = ijl[i] + il[i + 1] - il[i] - 1;
196     long_ = jmax - jmin;
197     if (long_ < 0) goto L6;
199     jtmp = jl[jmin];
200     if (jtmp != k) ++long_;
202     if (jtmp == k) r[i] = -r[i];
204     if (lastid < long_) {
205       lasti = i;
206       lastid = long_;
207     }
209     /* and merge the corresponding columns into the kth column */
210     for (j = jmin; j <= jmax; ++j) {
211       vj = jl[j];
213       do {
214         m = qm;
215         qm = q[m];
216       }
217       while (qm < vj);
219       if (qm != vj) {
220         ++luk;
221         q[m] = vj;
222         q[vj] = qm;
223         qm = vj;
224       }
225     }
227     goto L6;
229 L10:
230     /* lasti is the longest column merged into the kth.
231        see if it equals the entire kth column */
232     qm = q[np1];
233     if (qm != k) goto L105;
235     if (luk == 0) goto L17;
237     if (lastid != luk) goto L11;
239     /* if so, jl can be compressed */
240     irll = irl[lasti];
241     ijl[k] = irll + 1;
242     if (jl[irll] != k) --ijl[k];
244     goto L17;
246 L11:
247     /* if not, see if kth column can overlap the previous one */
248     if (jlmin > jlptr) goto L15;
250     qm = q[qm];
251     for (j = jlmin; j <= jlptr; ++j) {
252       if ((i__3 = jl[j] - qm) >= 0) {
253         if (i__3 == 0) goto L13;
254         else goto L15;
255       }
256     }
258     goto L15;
260 L13:
261     ijl[k] = j;
262     for (i = j; i <= jlptr; ++i) {
263       if (jl[i] != qm) goto L15;
265       qm = q[qm];
266       if (qm > *n) goto L17;
267     }
269     jlptr = j - 1;
271 L15:
272   /*  *  move column indices from q to jl, update vectors  **
273 * */
274   jlmin = jlptr + 1;
275   ijl[k] = jlmin;
276   if (luk == 0) {
277     goto L17;
278   }
279   jlptr += luk;
280   if (jlptr > *jlmax) {
281     goto L103;
282   }
283   qm = q[np1];
284   i__2 = jlptr;
285   for (j = jlmin; j <= i__2; ++j) {
286     qm = q[qm];
287 /* L16: */
288     jl[j] = qm;
289   }
290 L17:
291   irl[k] = ijl[k];
292   il[k + 1] = il[k] + luk;
294 /*  *  initialize q for computing kth row of u  *
295 * */
296   q[np1] = np1;
297   luk = -1;
298 /*  *  by filling in kth row of reordered a  *
299 * */
300   rk = r[k];
301   jmin = ira[k];
302   jmax = ia[rk + 1] - 1;
303   if (jmin > jmax) {
304     goto L20;
305   }
306   i__2 = jmax;
307   for (j = jmin; j <= i__2; ++j) {
308     vj = ic[ja[j]];
309     qm = np1;
310 L18:
311     m = qm;
312     qm = q[m];
313     if (qm < vj) {
314     goto L18;
315     }
316     if (qm == vj) {
317     goto L102;
318     }
319     ++luk;
320     q[m] = vj;
321     q[vj] = qm;
322 /* L19: */
323   }
324 /*  *  link through jrl,  **
325 * */
326 L20:
327   lastid = 0;
328   lasti = 0;
329   iju[k] = juptr;
330   i = k;
331   i1 = jrl[k];
332 L21:
333   i = i1;
334   if (i == 0) {
335     goto L26;
336   }
337   i1 = jrl[i];
338   qm = np1;
339   jmin = iru[i];
340   jmax = iju[i] + iu[i + 1] - iu[i] - 1;
341   long_ = jmax - jmin;
342   if (long_ < 0) {
343     goto L21;
344   }
345   jtmp = ju[jmin];
346   if (jtmp == k) {
347     goto L22;
348   }
349 /*  *  update irl and jrl, **
350 * */
351   ++long_;
352   cend = ijl[i] + il[i + 1] - il[i];
353   ++irl[i];
354   if (irl[i] >= cend) {
355     goto L22;
356   }
357   j = jl[irl[i]];
358   jrl[i] = jrl[j];
359   jrl[j] = i;
360 L22:
361   if (lastid >= long_) {
362     goto L23;
363   }
364   lasti = i;
365   lastid = long_;
366 /*  *  and merge the corresponding rows into the kth row  *
367 * */
368 L23:
369   i__2 = jmax;
370   for (j = jmin; j <= i__2; ++j) {
371     vj = ju[j];
372 L24:
373     m = qm;
374     qm = q[m];
375     if (qm < vj) {
376     goto L24;
377     }
378     if (qm == vj) {
379     goto L25;
380     }
381     ++luk;
382     q[m] = vj;
383     q[vj] = qm;
384     qm = vj;
385 L25:
386     ;
387   }
388   goto L21;
389 /*  *  update jrl(k) and irl(k)  *
390 * */
391 L26:
392   if (il[k + 1] <= il[k]) {
393     goto L27;
394   }
395   j = jl[irl[k]];
396   jrl[k] = jrl[j];
397   jrl[j] = k;
398 /*  *  lasti is the longest row merged into the kth  *
399 * */
400 /*  *  see if it equals the entire kth row  **
401 * */
402 L27:
403   qm = q[np1];
404   if (qm != k) {
405     goto L105;
406   }
407   if (luk == 0) {
408     goto L34;
409   }
410   if (lastid != luk) {
411     goto L28;
412   }
413 /*  *  if so, ju can be compressed  **
414 * */
415   irul = iru[lasti];
416   iju[k] = irul + 1;
417   if (ju[irul] != k) {
418     --iju[k];
419   }
420   goto L34;
422 L28:
423   /* if not, see if kth row can overlap the previous one */
424   if (jumin > juptr) goto L32;
426   qm = q[qm];
427   for (j = jumin; j <= juptr; ++j) {
428     if ((i__3 = ju[j] - qm) < 0) goto L29;
429     else
430       if (i__3 == 0) goto L30;
431       else goto L32;
433 L29: ;
434   }
435   goto L32;
437 L30:
438   iju[k] = j;
439   for (i = j; i <= juptr; ++i) {
440     if (ju[i] != qm) goto L32;
442     qm = q[qm];
443     if (qm > *n) goto L34;
444   }
445   juptr = j - 1;
447 L32:
448   /* move row indices from q to ju, update vectors */
449   jumin = juptr + 1;
450   iju[k] = jumin;
451   if (luk == 0) goto L34;
453   juptr += luk;
454   if (juptr > *jumax) goto L106;
456   qm = q[np1];
457   for (j = jumin; j <= juptr; ++j) {
458     qm = q[qm];
459     ju[j] = qm;
460   }
462 L34:
463   iru[k] = iju[k];
464   iu[k + 1] = iu[k] + luk;
466   /* update iru, jru */
467   i = k;
469 L35:
470   i1 = jru[i];
471   if (r[i] < 0) goto L36;
473   rend = iju[i] + iu[i + 1] - iu[i];
474   if (iru[i] >= rend) goto L37;
476   j = ju[iru[i]];
477   jru[i] = jru[j];
478   jru[j] = i;
479   goto L37;
481 L36:
482   r[i] = -r[i];
484 L37:
485   i = i1;
486   if (i == 0) goto L38;
488   ++iru[i];
489   goto L35;
491 L38:
492   /* update ira, jra, irac */
493   i = irac[k];
494   if (i == 0) goto L41;
496 L39:
497   i1 = jra[i];
498   ++ira[i];
499   if (ira[i] >= ia[r[i] + 1]) goto L40;
501   irai = ira[i];
502   jairai = ic[ja[irai]];
503   if (jairai > i) goto L40;
505   jra[i] = irac[jairai];
506   irac[jairai] = i;
508 L40:
509   i = i1;
510   if (i != 0) goto L39;
512 L41: ;
513   }
515   ijl[*n] = jlptr;
516   iju[*n] = juptr;
517   *flag_ = 0;
518   return 0;
520 L101:
521   /* error.. null row in a */
522   *flag_ = *n + rk;
523   return 0;
525 L102:
526   /* error.. duplicate entry in a */
527   *flag_ = (*n << 1) + rk;
528   return 0;
530 L103:
531   /* error.. insufficient storage for jl */
532   *flag_ = *n * 3 + k;
533   return 0;
535 L105:
536   /* error.. null pivot */
537   *flag_ = *n * 5 + k;
538   return 0;
540 L106:
541   /* error.. insufficient storage for ju */
542   *flag_ = *n * 6 + k;
543   return 0;
544 } /* nsfc_ */
nroc_(long * n,long * ic,long * ia,long * ja,double * a,long * jar,double * ar,long * p,long * flag_)546 int nroc_(long *n, long *ic, long *ia, long *ja,
547           double *a, long *jar, double *ar, long *p,
548           long *flag_)
549 {
550     /* System generated locals */
551     long i__1, i__2;
553     /* Local variables */
554     long jmin, jmax, newj, i, j, k;
556 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
557 */
558 /*            0 0 0 0 d */
559 /*    would be represented as */
560 /*                - 1 2 3 4 5 6 */
561 /*            ----+------------ */
562 /*             iu - 1 4 6 7 8 8 */
563 /*             ju - 3 4 5 4 */
564 /*            iju - 1 2 4 3           . */
565 /*    the diagonal entries of l and u are assumed to be equal to one and
566 */
567 /*    are not stored.  the array d contains the reciprocals of the */
568 /*    diagonal entries of the matrix d. */
570 /*    iii. additional storage savings */
571 /*         in nsfc, r and ic can be the same array in the calling */
572 /*    sequence if no reordering of the coefficient matrix has been done.
573 */
574 /*         in nnfc, r, c, and ic can all be the same array if no */
575 /*    reordering has been done.  if only the rows have been reordered, */
576 /*    then c and ic can be the same array.  if the row and column */
577 /*    orderings are the same, then r and c can be the same array.  z and
578 */
579 /*    row can be the same array. */
580 /*         in nnsc or nntc, r and c can be the same array if no */
581 /*    reordering has been done or if the row and column orderings are the
582 */
583 /*    same.  z and b can be the same array.  however, then b will be */
584 /*    destroyed. */
586 /*    iv.  parameters */
587 /*         following is a list of parameters to the programs.  names are
588 */
589 /*    uniform among the various subroutines.  class abbreviations are --
590 */
591 /*       n - long variable */
592 /*       f - real variable */
593 /*       v - supplies a value to a subroutine */
594 /*       r - returns a result from a subroutine */
595 /*       i - used internally by a subroutine */
596 /*       a - array */
598 /* class - parameter */
599 /* ------+---------- */
600 /* fva   - a     - nonzero entries of the coefficient matrix m, stored */
601 /*       -           by rows. */
602 /*       -           size = number of nonzero entries in m. */
603 /* fva   - b     - right-hand side b. */
604 /*       -           size = n. */
605 /* nva   - c     - ordering of the columns of m. */
606 /*       -           size = n. */
607 /* fvra  - d     - reciprocals of the diagonal entries of the matrix d. */
609 /*       -           size = n. */
610 /* nr    - flag  - error flag.  values and their meanings are -- */
611 /*       -            0     no errors detected */
612 /*       -            n+k   null row in a  --  row = k */
613 /*       -           2n+k   duplicate entry in a  --  row = k */
614 /*       -           3n+k   insufficient storage for jl  --  row = k */
615 /*       -           4n+1   insufficient storage for l */
616 /*       -           5n+k   null pivot  --  row = k */
617 /*       -           6n+k   insufficient storage for ju  --  row = k */
618 /*       -           7n+1   insufficient storage for u */
619 /*       -           8n+k   zero pivot  --  row = k */
620 /* nva   - ia    - pointers to delimit the rows of a. */
621 /*       -           size = n+1. */
622 /* nvra  - ijl   - pointers to the first element in each column in jl, */
623 /*       -           used to compress storage in jl. */
624 /*       -           size = n. */
625 /* nvra  - iju   - pointers to the first element in each row in ju, used
626 */
627 /*       -           to compress storage in ju. */
628 /*       -           size = n. */
629 /* nvra  - il    - pointers to delimit the columns of l. */
630 /*       -           size = n+1. */
631 /* nvra  - iu    - pointers to delimit the rows of u. */
632 /*       -           size = n+1. */
633 /* nva   - ja    - column numbers corresponding to the elements of a. */
634 /*       -           size = size of a. */
635 /* nvra  - jl    - row numbers corresponding to the elements of l. */
636 /*       -           size = jlmax. */
637 /* nv    - jlmax - declared dimension of jl.  jlmax must be larger than */
639 /*       -           the number of nonzeros in the strict lower triangle
640 */
641 /*       -           of m plus fillin minus compression. */
642 /* nvra  - ju    - column numbers corresponding to the elements of u. */
643 /*       -           size = jumax. */
644 /* nv    - jumax - declared dimension of ju.  jumax must be larger than */
646 /*       -           the number of nonzeros in the strict upper triangle
647 */
648 /*       -           of m plus fillin minus compression. */
649 /* fvra  - l     - nonzero entries in the strict lower triangular portion
650 */
651 /*       -           of the matrix l, stored by columns. */
652 /*       -           size = lmax. */
653 /* nv    - lmax  - declared dimension of l.  lmax must be larger than */
654 /*       -           the number of nonzeros in the strict lower triangle
655 */
656 /*       -           of m plus fillin  (il(n+1)-1 after nsfc). */
657 /* nv    - n     - number of variables/equations. */
658 /* nva   - r     - ordering of the rows of m. */
659 /*       -           size = n. */
660 /* fvra  - u     - nonzero entries in the strict upper triangular portion
661 */
662 /*       -           of the matrix u, stored by rows. */
663 /*       -           size = umax. */
664 /* nv    - umax  - declared dimension of u.  umax must be larger than */
665 /*       -           the number of nonzeros in the strict upper triangle
666 */
667 /*       -           of m plus fillin  (iu(n+1)-1 after nsfc). */
668 /* fra   - z     - solution x. */
669 /*       -           size = n. */
671 /*       ----------------------------------------------------------------
672 */
674 /* subroutine nroc */
675 /* reorders rows of a, leaving row order unchanged */
678 /*       input parameters.. n, ic, ia, ja, a */
679 /*       output parameters.. ja, a, flag */
681 /*       parameters used internally.. */
682 /* nia   - p     - at the kth step, p is a linked list of the reordered */
684 /*       -           column indices of the kth row of a.  p(n+1) points */
686 /*       -           to the first entry in the list. */
687 /*       -           size = n+1. */
688 /* nia   - jar   - at the kth step,jar contains the elements of the */
689 /*       -           reordered column indices of a. */
690 /*       -           size = n. */
691 /* fia   - ar    - at the kth step, ar contains the elements of the */
692 /*       -           reordered row of a. */
693 /*       -           size = n. */
696 /*  *  for each nonempty row  * */
697     /* Parameter adjustments */
698     --p;
699     --ar;
700     --jar;
701     --a;
702     --ja;
703     --ia;
704     --ic;
706     /* Function Body */
707     i__1 = *n;
708     for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
709     jmin = ia[k];
710     jmax = ia[k + 1] - 1;
711     if (jmin > jmax) {
712         goto L5;
713     }
714     p[*n + 1] = *n + 1;
715 /*  *  insert each element in the list  * */
716     i__2 = jmax;
717     for (j = jmin; j <= i__2; ++j) {
718         newj = ic[ja[j]];
719         i = *n + 1;
720 L1:
721         if (p[i] >= newj) {
722         goto L2;
723         }
724         i = p[i];
725         goto L1;
726 L2:
727         if (p[i] == newj) {
728         goto L102;
729         }
730         p[newj] = p[i];
731         p[i] = newj;
732         jar[newj] = ja[j];
733         ar[newj] = a[j];
734 /* L3: */
735     }
736 /*  *  replace old row in ja and a  ** */
737     i = *n + 1;
738     i__2 = jmax;
739     for (j = jmin; j <= i__2; ++j) {
740         i = p[i];
741         ja[j] = jar[i];
742 /* L4: */
743         a[j] = ar[i];
744     }
745 L5:
746     ;
747     }
748     *flag_ = 0;
749     return 0;
751 /* error.. duplicate entry in a */
752 L102:
753     *flag_ = *n + k;
754     return 0;
755 } /* nroc_ */
757 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
758    odrv_                                                    5/2/83
759 */
760 /*           the permutation returned in p.  dimension = n */
762 /*    nsp  - declared dimension of the one-dimensional array isp.  nsp */
763 /*           must be at least  3n+4k,  where k is the number of nonzeroes
764 */
765 /*           in the strict upper triangle of m */
767 /*    isp  - long one-dimensional array used for working storage. */
768 /*           dimension = nsp */
770 /*    path - long path specification.  values and their meanings are -
771 */
772 /*             1  find minimum degree ordering only */
773 /*             2  find minimum degree ordering and reorder symmetrically
774 */
775 /*                  stored matrix (used when only the nonzero entries in
776 */
777 /*                  the upper triangle of m are being stored) */
778 /*             3  reorder symmetrically stored matrix as specified by */
779 /*                  input permutation (used when an ordering has already
780 */
781 /*                  been determined and only the nonzero entries in the */
783 /*                  upper triangle of m are being stored) */
784 /*             4  same as 2 but put diagonal entries at start of each row
785 */
786 /*             5  same as 3 but put diagonal entries at start of each row
787 */
789 /*    flag - long error flag.  values and their meanings are - */
790 /*               0    no errors detected */
791 /*              9n+k  insufficient storage in md */
792 /*             10n+1  insufficient storage in odrv */
793 /*             11n+1  illegal path specification */
796 /*  conversion from real to double precision */
798 /*    change the real declarations in odrv and sro to double precision */
799 /*    declarations. */
801 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
802  */
odrv_(long * n,long * ia,long * ja,double * a,long * p,long * ip,long * nsp,long * isp,long path,long * flag_)803 int odrv_(long *n, long *ia, long *ja, double *a,
804           long *p, long *ip, long *nsp, long *isp,
805           long path, long *flag_)
806 {
807     long head, l;
808     long dflag;
809     long q, v;
810     extern /* Subroutine */ int md_(long *, long *, long *, long *
811         , long *, long *, long *, long *, long *, long *
812         , long *);
813     long max_, tmp;
814     extern /* Subroutine */ int sro_(long *, long *, long *, long
815         *, double *, long *, long *, long *);
818 /* ----initialize error flag and validate path specification */
819     /* Parameter adjustments */
820     --isp;
821     --ip;
822     --p;
823     --a;
824     --ja;
825     --ia;
827     /* Function Body */
828     *flag_ = 0;
829     if (path < 1 || 5 < path) {
830     goto L111;
831     }
833 /* ----allocate storage and find minimum degree ordering */
834     if ((path - 1) * (path - 2) * (path - 4) != 0) {
835     goto L1;
836     }
837     max_ = (*nsp - *n) / 2;
838     v = 1;
839     l = v + max_;
840     head = l + max_;
841     if (max_ < *n) goto L110;
843     md_(n, &ia[1], &ja[1], &max_, &isp[v], &isp[l], &isp[head], &p[1], &ip[1],
844          &isp[v], flag_);
845     if (*flag_ != 0) goto L100;
847 /* ----allocate storage and symmetrically reorder matrix */
848 L1:
849     if ((path  - 2) * (path  - 3) * (path  - 4) * (path  - 5) != 0) {
850     goto L2;
851     }
852     tmp = *nsp + 1 - *n;
853     q = tmp - (ia[*n + 1] - 1);
854     if (q < 1) {
855     goto L110;
856     }
858     dflag = path  == 4 || path  == 5;
859     sro_(n, &ip[1], &ia[1], &ja[1], &a[1], &isp[tmp], &isp[q], &dflag);
861 L2:
862     return 0;
864 /* error -- error detected in md */
865 L100:
866     return 0;
867 /* error -- insufficient storage */
868 L110:
869     *flag_ = *n * 10 + 1;
870     return 0;
871 /* error -- illegal path specified */
872 L111:
873     *flag_ = *n * 11 + 1;
874     return 0;
875 } /* odrv_ */
sro_(long * n,long * ip,long * ia,long * ja,double * a,long * q,long * r,long * dflag)877 int sro_(long *n, long *ip, long *ia, long *ja,
878     double *a, long *q, long *r, long *dflag)
879 {
880     /* System generated locals */
881     long i__1, i__2;
883     /* Local variables */
884     long jmin, jmax, i, j, k, ilast;
885     double ak;
886     long jdummy, jak;
888 /*
889  */
890 /*  sro -- symmetric reordering of sparse symmetric matrix */
891 /*
892  */
894 /*  description */
896 /*    the nonzero entries of the matrix m are assumed to be stored */
897 /*    symmetrically in (ia,ja,a) format (i.e., not both m(i,j) and m(j,i)
898 */
899 /*    are stored if i ne j). */
901 /*    sro does not rearrange the order of the rows, but does move */
902 /*    nonzeroes from one row to another to ensure that if m(i,j) will be
903 */
904 /*    in the upper triangle of m with respect to the new ordering, then */
906 /*    m(i,j) is stored in row i (and thus m(j,i) is not stored),  whereas
907 */
908 /*    if m(i,j) will be in the strict lower triangle of m, then m(j,i) is
909 */
910 /*    stored in row j (and thus m(i,j) is not stored). */
913 /*  additional parameters */
915 /*    q     - long one-dimensional work array.  dimension = n */
917 /*    r     - long one-dimensional work array.  dimension = number of
918 */
919 /*            nonzero entries in the upper triangle of m */
921 /*    dflag - logical variable.  if dflag = .true., then store nonzero */
922 /*            diagonal elements at the beginning of the row */
924 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
925  */
928 /* --phase 1 -- find row in which to store each nonzero */
929 /* ----initialize count of nonzeroes to be stored in each row */
930     /* Parameter adjustments */
931     --r;
932     --q;
933     --a;
934     --ja;
935     --ia;
936     --ip;
938     /* Function Body */
939     i__1 = *n;
940     for (i = 1; i <= i__1; ++i) {
941 /* L1: */
942     q[i] = 0;
943     }
945 /* ----for each nonzero element a(j) */
946     i__1 = *n;
947     for (i = 1; i <= i__1; ++i) {
948     jmin = ia[i];
949     jmax = ia[i + 1] - 1;
950     if (jmin > jmax) {
951         goto L3;
952     }
953     i__2 = jmax;
954     for (j = jmin; j <= i__2; ++j) {
956 /* --------find row (=r(j)) and column (=ja(j)) in which to store
957 a(j) ... */
958         k = ja[j];
959         if (ip[k] < ip[i]) {
960         ja[j] = i;
961         }
962         if (ip[k] >= ip[i]) {
963         k = i;
964         }
965         r[j] = k;
967 /* --------... and increment count of nonzeroes (=q(r(j)) in that
968 row */
969 /* L2: */
970         ++q[k];
971     }
972 L3:
973     ;
974     }
977 /* --phase 2 -- find new ia and permutation to apply to (ja,a) */
978 /* ----determine pointers to delimit rows in permuted (ja,a) */
979     i__1 = *n;
980     for (i = 1; i <= i__1; ++i) {
981     ia[i + 1] = ia[i] + q[i];
982 /* L4: */
983     q[i] = ia[i + 1];
984     }
986 /* ----determine where each (ja(j),a(j)) is stored in permuted (ja,a) */
987 /* ----for each nonzero element (in reverse order) */
988     ilast = 0;
989     jmin = ia[1];
990     jmax = ia[*n + 1] - 1;
991     j = jmax;
992     i__1 = jmax;
993     for (jdummy = jmin; jdummy <= i__1; ++jdummy) {
994     i = r[j];
995     if (! (*dflag) || ja[j] != i || i == ilast) {
996         goto L5;
997     }
999 /* ------if dflag, then put diagonal nonzero at beginning of row */
1000     r[j] = ia[i];
1001     ilast = i;
1002     goto L6;
1004 /* ------put (off-diagonal) nonzero in last unused location in row */
1005 L5:
1006     --q[i];
1007     r[j] = q[i];
1009 L6:
1010     --j;
1011     }
1014 /* --phase 3 -- permute (ja,a) to upper triangular form (wrt new ordering)
1015  */
1016     i__1 = jmax;
1017     for (j = jmin; j <= i__1; ++j) {
1018 L7:
1019     if (r[j] == j) {
1020         goto L8;
1021     }
1022     k = r[j];
1023     r[j] = r[k];
1024     r[k] = k;
1025     jak = ja[k];
1026     ja[k] = ja[j];
1027     ja[j] = jak;
1028     ak = a[k];
1029     a[k] = a[j];
1030     a[j] = ak;
1031     goto L7;
1032 L8:
1033     ;
1034     }
1036     return 0;
1037 } /* sro_ */
md_(long * n,long * ia,long * ja,long * max_,long * v,long * l,long * head,long * last,long * next,long * mark,long * flag_)1039 int md_(long *n, long *ia, long *ja, long *max_,
1040         long *v, long *l, long *head, long *last,
1041         long *next, long *mark, long *flag_)
1042 {
1043     /* System generated locals */
1044     long i__1;
1045     static long equiv_0[1];
1047     /* Local variables */
1048     long dmin_, tail, k;
1049 #define ek (equiv_0)
1050 #define vk (equiv_0)
1051     long tag;
1053 /*
1054  */
1055 /*  md -- minimum degree algorithm (based on element model) */
1056 /*
1057  */
1059 /*  description */
1061 /*    md finds a minimum degree ordering of the rows and columns of a */
1062 /*    general sparse matrix m stored in (ia,ja,a) format. */
1063 /*    when the structure of m is nonsymmetric, the ordering is that */
1064 /*    obtained for the symmetric matrix  m + m-transpose. */
1067 /*  additional parameters */
1069 /*    max  - declared dimension of the one-dimensional arrays v and l. */
1070 /*           max must be at least  n+2k,  where k is the number of */
1071 /*           nonzeroes in the strict upper triangle of m + m-transpose */
1073 /*    v    - long one-dimensional work array.  dimension = max */
1075 /*    l    - long one-dimensional work array.  dimension = max */
1077 /*    head - long one-dimensional work array.  dimension = n */
1079 /*    last - long one-dimensional array used to return the permutation
1080 */
1081 /*           of the rows and columns of m corresponding to the minimum */
1082 /*           degree ordering.  dimension = n */
1084 /*    next - long one-dimensional array used to return the inverse of
1085 */
1086 /*           the permutation returned in last.  dimension = n */
1088 /*    mark - long one-dimensional work array (may be the same as v). */
1090 /*           dimension = n */
1092 /*    flag - long error flag.  values and their meanings are - */
1093 /*             0     no errors detected */
1094 /*             9n+k  insufficient storage in md */
1097 /*  definitions of internal parameters */
1099 /*    ---------+---------------------------------------------------------
1100 */
1101 /*    v(s)     - value field of list entry */
1102 /*    ---------+---------------------------------------------------------
1103 */
1104 /*    l(s)     - link field of list entry  (0 =) end of list) */
1105 /*    ---------+---------------------------------------------------------
1106 */
1107 /*    l(vi)    - pointer to element list of uneliminated vertex vi */
1108 /*    ---------+---------------------------------------------------------
1109 */
1110 /*    l(ej)    - pointer to boundary list of active element ej */
1111 /*    ---------+---------------------------------------------------------
1112 */
1113 /*    head(d)  - vj =) vj head of d-list d */
1114 /*             -  0 =) no vertex in d-list d */
1117 /*             -                  vi uneliminated vertex */
1118 /*             -          vi in ek           -       vi not in ek */
1119 /*    ---------+-----------------------------+---------------------------
1120 */
1121 /*    next(vi) - undefined but nonnegative   - vj =) vj next in d-list */
1122 /*             -                             -  0 =) vi tail of d-list */
1123 /*    ---------+-----------------------------+---------------------------
1124 */
1125 /*    last(vi) - (not set until mdp)         - -d =) vi head of d-list d
1126 */
1127 /*             --vk =) compute degree        - vj =) vj last in d-list */
1128 /*             - ej =) vi prototype of ej    -  0 =) vi not in any d-list
1129 */
1130 /*             -  0 =) do not compute degree - */
1131 /*    ---------+-----------------------------+---------------------------
1132 */
1133 /*    mark(vi) - mark(vk)                    - nonneg. tag .lt. mark(vk)
1134 */
1137 /*             -                   vi eliminated vertex */
1138 /*             -      ei active element      -           otherwise */
1139 /*    ---------+-----------------------------+---------------------------
1140 */
1141 /*    next(vi) - -j =) vi was j-th vertex    - -j =) vi was j-th vertex */
1143 /*             -       to be eliminated      -       to be eliminated */
1144 /*    ---------+-----------------------------+---------------------------
1145 */
1146 /*    last(vi) -  m =) size of ei = m        - undefined */
1147 /*    ---------+-----------------------------+---------------------------
1148 */
1149 /*    mark(vi) - -m =) overlap count of ei   - undefined */
1150 /*             -       with ek = m           - */
1151 /*             - otherwise nonnegative tag   - */
1152 /*             -       .lt. mark(vk)         - */
1154 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------
1155  */
1158 /* ----initialization */
1159     /* Parameter adjustments */
1160     --mark;
1161     --next;
1162     --last;
1163     --head;
1164     --l;
1165     --v;
1166     --ja;
1167     --ia;
1169     /* Function Body */
1170     tag = 0;
1171     mdi_(n, &ia[1], &ja[1], max_, &v[1], &l[1], &head[1], &last[1], &next[1],
1172         &mark[1], &tag, flag_);
1173     if (*flag_ != 0) {
1174     return 0;
1175     }
1177     k = 0;
1178     dmin_ = 1;
1180 /* while  k .lt. n  do */
1181 L1:
1182     if (k >= *n) {
1183     goto L4;
1184     }
1186 /* search for vertex of minimum degree */
1187 L2:
1188     if (head[dmin_] > 0) {
1189     goto L3;
1190     }
1191     ++dmin_;
1192     goto L2;
1194 /* remove vertex vk of minimum degree from degree list */
1195 L3:
1196     *vk = head[dmin_];
1197     head[dmin_] = next[*vk];
1198     if (head[dmin_] > 0) {
1199     last[head[dmin_]] = -dmin_;
1200     }
1202 /* ------number vertex vk, adjust tag, and tag vk */
1203     ++k;
1204     next[*vk] = -k;
1205     last[*ek] = dmin_ - 1;
1206     tag += last[*ek];
1207     mark[*vk] = tag;
1209 /* ------form element ek from uneliminated neighbors of vk */
1210     mdm_(vk, &tail, &v[1], &l[1], &last[1], &next[1], &mark[1]);
1212 /* ------purge inactive elements and do mass elimination */
1213     mdp_(&k, ek, &tail, &v[1], &l[1], &head[1], &last[1], &next[1], &mark[1]);
1216 /* ------update degrees of uneliminated vertices in ek */
1217     mdu_(ek, &dmin_, &v[1], &l[1], &head[1], &last[1], &next[1], &mark[1]);
1219     goto L1;
1221 /* ----generate inverse permutation from permutation */
1222 L4:
1223     i__1 = *n;
1224     for (k = 1; k <= i__1; ++k) {
1225     next[k] = -next[k];
1226 /* L5: */
1227     last[next[k]] = k;
1228     }
1230     return 0;
1231 } /* md_ */
1233 #undef vk
1234 #undef ek
mdu_(long * ek,long * dmin_,long * v,long * l,long * head,long * last,long * next,long * mark)1237 int mdu_(long *ek, long *dmin_, long *v, long *l,
1238          long *head, long *last, long *next, long *mark)
1239 {
1240     /* System generated locals */
1241     long i__1, i__2;
1242     static long equiv_0[1];
1244     /* Local variables */
1245     long b, i, s;
1246 #define es (equiv_0)
1247     long vb, vi;
1248 #define vs (equiv_0)
1249     long blpmax, ilpmax, tag, blp, dvi, evi, ilp;
1251 /* lll. optimize */
1252 /*
1253  */
1254 /*  mdu -- update degrees of uneliminated vertices in ek */
1255 /*
1256  */
1258 /* ----initialize tag */
1259     /* Parameter adjustments */
1260     --mark;
1261     --next;
1262     --last;
1263     --head;
1264     --l;
1265     --v;
1267     /* Function Body */
1268     tag = mark[*ek] - last[*ek];
1270 /* ----for each vertex vi in ek */
1271     i = *ek;
1272     ilpmax = last[*ek];
1273     if (ilpmax <= 0) {
1274     goto L11;
1275     }
1276     i__1 = ilpmax;
1277     for (ilp = 1; ilp <= i__1; ++ilp) {
1278     i = l[i];
1279     vi = v[i];
1280     if ((i__2 = last[vi]) < 0) {
1281         goto L1;
1282     } else if (i__2 == 0) {
1283         goto L10;
1284     } else goto L8;
1286 /* if vi neither prototype nor duplicate vertex, then merge elements */
1287 /* to compute degree */
1288 L1:
1289     ++tag;
1290     dvi = last[*ek];
1292 /* for each vertex/element vs/es in element list of vi */
1293     s = l[vi];
1294 L2:
1295     s = l[s];
1296     if (s == 0) {
1297         goto L9;
1298     }
1299     *vs = v[s];
1300     if (next[*vs] < 0) {
1301         goto L3;
1302     }
1304 /* if vs is uneliminated vertex, then tag and adjust degree */
1305     mark[*vs] = tag;
1306     ++dvi;
1307     goto L5;
1309 /* ----------if es is active element, then expand */
1310 /* ------------check for outmatched vertex */
1311 L3:
1312     if (mark[*es] < 0) {
1313         goto L6;
1314     }
1316 /* ------------for each vertex vb in es */
1317     b = *es;
1318     blpmax = last[*es];
1319     i__2 = blpmax;
1320     for (blp = 1; blp <= i__2; ++blp) {
1321         b = l[b];
1322         vb = v[b];
1324 /* --------------if vb is untagged, then tag and adjust degree */
1325         if (mark[vb] >= tag) {
1326         goto L4;
1327         }
1328         mark[vb] = tag;
1329         ++dvi;
1330 L4:
1331         ;
1332     }
1334 L5:
1335     goto L2;
1337 /* ------else if vi is outmatched vertex, then adjust overlaps but do
1338 not */
1339 /* ------compute degree */
1340 L6:
1341     last[vi] = 0;
1342     --mark[*es];
1343 L7:
1344     s = l[s];
1345     if (s == 0) {
1346         goto L10;
1347     }
1348     *es = v[s];
1349     if (mark[*es] < 0) {
1350         --mark[*es];
1351     }
1352     goto L7;
1354 /* ------else if vi is prototype vertex, then calculate degree by */
1355 /* ------inclusion/exclusion and reset overlap count */
1356 L8:
1357     evi = last[vi];
1358     dvi = last[*ek] + last[evi] + mark[evi];
1359     mark[evi] = 0;
1361 /* ------insert vi in appropriate degree list */
1362 L9:
1363     next[vi] = head[dvi];
1364     head[dvi] = vi;
1365     last[vi] = -dvi;
1366     if (next[vi] > 0) {
1367         last[next[vi]] = vi;
1368     }
1369     if (dvi < *dmin_) {
1370         *dmin_ = dvi;
1371     }
1373 L10:
1374     ;
1375     }
1377 L11:
1378     return 0;
1379 } /* mdu_ */
1381 #undef vs
1382 #undef es
mdp_(long * k,long * ek,long * tail,long * v,long * l,long * head,long * last,long * next,long * mark)1385 int mdp_(long *k, long *ek, long *tail, long *v,
1386          long *l, long *head, long *last, long *next,
1387          long *mark)
1388 {
1389     /* System generated locals */
1390     long i__1;
1392     /* Local variables */
1393     long i, s, li, es, vi, ls, ilpmax, tag, evi, ilp, lvi;
1394     long free = 0;
1396 /*  mdp -- purge inactive elements and do mass elimination */
1398 /* ----initialize tag */
1399     /* Parameter adjustments */
1400     --mark;
1401     --next;
1402     --last;
1403     --head;
1404     --l;
1405     --v;
1407     /* Function Body */
1408     tag = mark[*ek];
1410 /* ----for each vertex vi in ek */
1411     li = *ek;
1412     ilpmax = last[*ek];
1413     if (ilpmax <= 0) {
1414     goto L12;
1415     }
1416     i__1 = ilpmax;
1417     for (ilp = 1; ilp <= i__1; ++ilp) {
1418     i = li;
1419     li = l[i];
1420     vi = v[li];
1422 /* ------remove vi from degree list */
1423     if (last[vi] == 0) {
1424         goto L3;
1425     }
1426     if (last[vi] > 0) {
1427         goto L1;
1428     }
1429     head[-last[vi]] = next[vi];
1430     goto L2;
1431 L1:
1432     next[last[vi]] = next[vi];
1433 L2:
1434     if (next[vi] > 0) {
1435         last[next[vi]] = last[vi];
1436     }
1438 /* ------remove inactive items from element list of vi */
1439 L3:
1440     ls = vi;
1441 L4:
1442     s = ls;
1443     ls = l[s];
1444     if (ls == 0) {
1445         goto L6;
1446     }
1447     es = v[ls];
1448     if (mark[es] < tag) {
1449         goto L5;
1450     }
1451     free = ls;
1452     l[s] = l[ls];
1453     ls = s;
1454 L5:
1455     goto L4;
1457 /* ------if vi is interior vertex, then remove from list and eliminate
1458  */
1459 L6:
1460     lvi = l[vi];
1461     if (lvi != 0) {
1462         goto L7;
1463     }
1464     l[i] = l[li];
1465     li = i;
1467     ++(*k);
1468     next[vi] = -(*k);
1469     --last[*ek];
1470     goto L11;
1472 /* ------else ... */
1473 /* --------classify vertex vi */
1474 L7:
1475     if (l[lvi] != 0) {
1476         goto L9;
1477     }
1478     evi = v[lvi];
1479     if (next[evi] >= 0) {
1480         goto L9;
1481     }
1482     if (mark[evi] < 0) {
1483         goto L8;
1484     }
1486 /* ----------if vi is prototype vertex, then mark as such, initialize
1487 */
1488 /* ----------overlap count for corresponding element, and move vi to e
1489 nd */
1490 /* ----------of boundary list */
1491     last[vi] = evi;
1492     mark[evi] = -1;
1493     l[*tail] = li;
1494     *tail = li;
1495     l[i] = l[li];
1496     li = i;
1497     goto L10;
1499 /* ----------else if vi is duplicate vertex, then mark as such and adj
1500 ust */
1501 /* ----------overlap count for corresponding element */
1502 L8:
1503     last[vi] = 0;
1504     --mark[evi];
1505     goto L10;
1507 /* ----------else mark vi to compute degree */
1508 L9:
1509     last[vi] = -(*ek);
1511 /* --------insert ek in element list of vi */
1512 L10:
1513     v[free] = *ek;
1514     l[free] = l[vi];
1515     l[vi] = free;
1516 L11:
1517     ;
1518     }
1520 /* ----terminate boundary list */
1521 L12:
1522     l[*tail] = 0;
1524     return 0;
1525 } /* mdp_ */
mdm_(long * vk,long * tail,long * v,long * l,long * last,long * next,long * mark)1527 int mdm_(long *vk, long *tail, long *v, long *l,
1528          long *last, long *next, long *mark)
1529 {
1530     /* System generated locals */
1531     long i__1;
1532     static long equiv_0[1];
1534     /* Local variables */
1535     long b, s, lb;
1536 #define es (equiv_0)
1537     long vb, ls;
1538 #define vs (equiv_0)
1539     long blpmax, tag, blp;
1541 /* lll. optimize */
1542 /*
1543  */
1544 /*  mdm -- form element from uneliminated neighbors of vk */
1545 /*
1546  */
1548 /* ----initialize tag and list of uneliminated neighbors */
1549     /* Parameter adjustments */
1550     --mark;
1551     --next;
1552     --last;
1553     --l;
1554     --v;
1556     /* Function Body */
1557     tag = mark[*vk];
1558     *tail = *vk;
1560 /* ----for each vertex/element vs/es in element list of vk */
1561     ls = l[*vk];
1562 L1:
1563     s = ls;
1564     if (s == 0) {
1565     goto L5;
1566     }
1567     ls = l[s];
1568     *vs = v[s];
1569     if (next[*vs] < 0) {
1570     goto L2;
1571     }
1573 /* ------if vs is uneliminated vertex, then tag and append to list of */
1574 /* ------uneliminated neighbors */
1575     mark[*vs] = tag;
1576     l[*tail] = s;
1577     *tail = s;
1578     goto L4;
1580 /* ------if es is active element, then ... */
1581 /* --------for each vertex vb in boundary list of element es */
1582 L2:
1583     lb = l[*es];
1584     blpmax = last[*es];
1585     i__1 = blpmax;
1586     for (blp = 1; blp <= i__1; ++blp) {
1587     b = lb;
1588     lb = l[b];
1589     vb = v[b];
1591 /* ----------if vb is untagged vertex, then tag and append to list of
1592 */
1593 /* ----------uneliminated neighbors */
1594     if (mark[vb] >= tag) {
1595         goto L3;
1596     }
1597     mark[vb] = tag;
1598     l[*tail] = b;
1599     *tail = b;
1600 L3:
1601     ;
1602     }
1604 /* --------mark es inactive */
1605     mark[*es] = tag;
1607 L4:
1608     goto L1;
1610 /* ----terminate list of uneliminated neighbors */
1611 L5:
1612     l[*tail] = 0;
1614     return 0;
1615 } /* mdm_ */
1617 #undef vs
1618 #undef es
mdi_(long * n,long * ia,long * ja,long * max_,long * v,long * l,long * head,long * last,long * next,long * mark,long * tag,long * flag_)1621 int mdi_(long *n, long *ia, long *ja, long *max_,
1622          long *v, long *l, long *head, long *last,
1623          long *next, long *mark, long *tag, long *flag_)
1624 {
1625     /* System generated locals */
1626     long i__1, i__2, i__3;
1628     /* Local variables */
1629     long jmin, jmax, kmax, j, k, vi, vj, nextvi, dvi, sfs, lvk;
1631 /* lll. optimize */
1632 /*
1633  */
1634 /*  mdi -- initialization */
1635 /*
1636  */
1638 /* initialize degrees, element lists, and degree lists */
1639     /* Parameter adjustments */
1640     --mark;
1641     --next;
1642     --last;
1643     --head;
1644     --l;
1645     --v;
1646     --ja;
1647     --ia;
1649     /* Function Body */
1650     i__1 = *n;
1651     for (vi = 1; vi <= i__1; ++vi) {
1652     mark[vi] = 1;
1653     l[vi] = 0;
1654 /* L1: */
1655     head[vi] = 0;
1656     }
1657     sfs = *n + 1;
1659 /* create nonzero structure */
1660 /* for each nonzero entry a(vi,vj) */
1661     i__1 = *n;
1662     for (vi = 1; vi <= i__1; ++vi) {
1663     jmin = ia[vi];
1664     jmax = ia[vi + 1] - 1;
1665     if (jmin > jmax) {
1666         goto L6;
1667     }
1668     i__2 = jmax;
1669     for (j = jmin; j <= i__2; ++j) {
1670         vj = ja[j];
1671         if ((i__3 = vj - vi) < 0) {
1672         goto L2;
1673         } else if (i__3 == 0) {
1674         goto L5;
1675         } else {
1676         goto L4;
1677         }
1679 /* ------if a(vi,vj) is in strict lower triangle */
1680 /* ------check for previous occurrence of a(vj,vi) */
1681 L2:
1682         lvk = vi;
1683         kmax = mark[vi] - 1;
1684         if (kmax == 0) {
1685         goto L4;
1686         }
1687         i__3 = kmax;
1688         for (k = 1; k <= i__3; ++k) {
1689         lvk = l[lvk];
1690         if (v[lvk] == vj) {
1691             goto L5;
1692         }
1694         }
1695 /* ----for unentered entries a(vi,vj) */
1696 L4:
1697         if (sfs >= *max_) {
1698         goto L101;
1699         }
1701 /* ------enter vj in element list for vi */
1702         ++mark[vi];
1703         v[sfs] = vj;
1704         l[sfs] = l[vi];
1705         l[vi] = sfs;
1706         ++sfs;
1708 /* ------enter vi in element list for vj */
1709         ++mark[vj];
1710         v[sfs] = vi;
1711         l[sfs] = l[vj];
1712         l[vj] = sfs;
1713         ++sfs;
1714 L5:
1715         ;
1716     }
1717 L6:
1718     ;
1719     }
1721 /* create degree lists and initialize mark vector */
1722     i__1 = *n;
1723     for (vi = 1; vi <= i__1; ++vi) {
1724     dvi = mark[vi];
1725     next[vi] = head[dvi];
1726     head[dvi] = vi;
1727     last[vi] = -dvi;
1728     nextvi = next[vi];
1729     if (nextvi > 0) {
1730         last[nextvi] = vi;
1731     }
1732 /* L7: */
1733     mark[vi] = *tag;
1734     }
1736     return 0;
1738 /* error-  insufficient storage */
1739 L101:
1740     *flag_ = *n * 9 + vi;
1741     return 0;
1742 } /* mdi_ */
1745 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1746    jgroup_
1748    this subroutine constructs groupings of the column indices of
1749    the jacobian matrix, used in the numerical evaluation of the
1750    jacobian by finite differences.
1752    input..
1753    n      = the order of the matrix.
1754    ia,ja  = sparse structure descriptors of the matrix by rows.
1755    maxg   = length of available storate in the igp array.
1757    output..
1758    ngrp   = number of groups.
1759    jgp    = array of length n containing the column indices by groups.
1760    igp    = pointer array of length ngrp + 1 to the locations in jgp
1761             of the beginning of each group.
1762    ier    = error indicator.  ier = 0 if no error occurred, or 1 if
1763             maxg was insufficient.
1765    incl and jdone are working arrays of length n.
1766 */
jgroup_(long * n,long * ia,long * ja,long * maxg,long * ngrp,long * igp,long * jgp,long * incl,long * jdone,long * ier)1768 int jgroup_(long *n, long *ia, long *ja, long *
1769             maxg, long *ngrp, long *igp, long *jgp,
1770             long *incl, long *jdone, long *ier)
1771 {
1772   /* Local variables */
1773   long ncol, kmin, kmax, i, j, k, ng;
1775   /* Parameter adjustments */
1776   --jdone;
1777   --incl;
1778   --jgp;
1779   --igp;
1780   --ja;
1781   --ia;
1783   /* Function Body */
1784   *ier = 0;
1785   for (j = 1; j <= *n; ++j) jdone[j] = 0;
1787   ncol = 1;
1788   for (ng = 1; ng <= *maxg; ++ng) {
1789     igp[ng] = ncol;
1790     for (i = 1; i <= *n; ++i) incl[i] = 0;
1792     for (j = 1; j <= *n; ++j) {
1793       /* reject column j if it is already in a group */
1794       if (jdone[j] == 1) goto L50;
1796       kmin = ia[j];
1797       kmax = ia[j + 1] - 1;
1798       for (k = kmin; k <= kmax; ++k) {
1799         /* reject column j if it overlaps any column already in this group */
1800         i = ja[k];
1801         if (incl[i] == 1) goto L50;
1802       }
1804       /* accept column j into group ng */
1805       jgp[ncol] = j;
1806       ++ncol;
1807       jdone[j] = 1;
1808       for (k = kmin; k <= kmax; ++k) {
1809         i = ja[k];
1810         incl[i] = 1;
1811       }
1813 L50: ;
1814     }
1815     /* stop if this group is empty (grouping is complete) */
1816     if (ncol == igp[ng]) goto L70;
1817   }
1819   /* error return if not all columns were chosen (maxg too small) */
1820   if (ncol <= *n) goto L80;
1822   ng = *maxg;
1824 L70:
1825   *ngrp = ng - 1;
1826   return 0;
1828 L80:
1829   *ier = 1;
1830   return 0;
1832 } /* jgroup_ */
1835 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1836    ewset_
1838    this subroutine sets the error weight vector ewt according to
1839    ewt(i) = rtol(i)*abs(ycur(i)) + atol(i),  i = 1,...,n,
1840    with the subscript on rtol and/or atol possibly replaced by 1 above,
1841    depending on the value of itol.
1842 */
ewset_(long * n,long * itol,double * rtol,double * atol,double * ycur,double * ewt)1844 int ewset_(long *n, long *itol, double *rtol,
1845            double *atol, double *ycur, double *ewt)
1846 {
1847   long i;
1849   /* Function Body */
1850   switch (*itol) {
1851     case 1:
1852       for (i = 0; i < *n; ++i)
1853         ewt[i] = rtol[0] * fabs(ycur[i]) + atol[0];
1854       break;
1856     case 2:
1857       for (i = 0; i < *n; ++i)
1858         ewt[i] = rtol[0] * fabs(ycur[i]) + atol[i];
1859       break;
1861     case 3:
1862       for (i = 0; i < *n; ++i)
1863         ewt[i] = rtol[i] * fabs(ycur[i]) + atol[0];
1864       break;
1866     case 4:
1867       for (i = 0; i < *n; ++i)
1868         ewt[i] = rtol[i] * fabs(ycur[i]) + atol[i];
1869       break;
1870   }
1872   return 0;
1874 } /* ewset_ */
1876 /* end */