1 /**
2  * @file methods/dbscan/dbscan_impl.hpp
3  * @author Ryan Curtin
4  *
5  * Implementation of DBSCAN.
6  *
7  * mlpack is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the
8  * terms of the 3-clause BSD license.  You should have received a copy of the
9  * 3-clause BSD license along with mlpack.  If not, see
10  * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause for more information.
11  */
15 #include "dbscan.hpp"
17 namespace mlpack {
18 namespace dbscan {
20 /**
21  * Construct the DBSCAN object with the given parameters.
22  */
23 template<typename RangeSearchType, typename PointSelectionPolicy>
DBSCAN(const double epsilon,const size_t minPoints,const bool batchMode,RangeSearchType rangeSearch,PointSelectionPolicy pointSelector)24 DBSCAN<RangeSearchType, PointSelectionPolicy>::DBSCAN(
25     const double epsilon,
26     const size_t minPoints,
27     const bool batchMode,
28     RangeSearchType rangeSearch,
29     PointSelectionPolicy pointSelector) :
30     epsilon(epsilon),
31     minPoints(minPoints),
32     batchMode(batchMode),
33     rangeSearch(rangeSearch),
34     pointSelector(pointSelector)
35 {
36   // Nothing to do.
37 }
39 /**
40  * Performs DBSCAN clustering on the data, returning number of clusters
41  * and also the centroid of each cluster.
42  */
43 template<typename RangeSearchType, typename PointSelectionPolicy>
44 template<typename MatType>
Cluster(const MatType & data,arma::mat & centroids)45 size_t DBSCAN<RangeSearchType, PointSelectionPolicy>::Cluster(
46     const MatType& data,
47     arma::mat& centroids)
48 {
49   // These assignments will be thrown away, but there is no way to avoid
50   // calculating them.
51   arma::Row<size_t> assignments(data.n_cols);
52   assignments.fill(SIZE_MAX);
54   return Cluster(data, assignments, centroids);
55 }
57 /**
58  * Performs DBSCAN clustering on the data, returning number of clusters,
59  * the centroid of each cluster and also the list of cluster assignments.
60  */
61 template<typename RangeSearchType, typename PointSelectionPolicy>
62 template<typename MatType>
Cluster(const MatType & data,arma::Row<size_t> & assignments,arma::mat & centroids)63 size_t DBSCAN<RangeSearchType, PointSelectionPolicy>::Cluster(
64     const MatType& data,
65     arma::Row<size_t>& assignments,
66     arma::mat& centroids)
67 {
68   const size_t numClusters = Cluster(data, assignments);
70   // Now calculate the centroids.
71   centroids.zeros(data.n_rows, numClusters);
73   // Calculate number of points in each cluster.
74   arma::Row<size_t> counts;
75   counts.zeros(numClusters);
76   for (size_t i = 0; i < data.n_cols; ++i)
77   {
78     if (assignments[i] != SIZE_MAX)
79     {
80       centroids.col(assignments[i]) += data.col(i);
81       ++counts[assignments[i]];
82     }
83   }
85   // We should be guaranteed that the number of clusters is always greater than
86   // zero.
87   for (size_t i = 0; i < numClusters; ++i)
88     centroids.col(i) /= counts[i];
90   return numClusters;
91 }
93 /**
94  * Performs DBSCAN clustering on the data, returning the number of clusters and
95  * also the list of cluster assignments.
96  */
97 template<typename RangeSearchType, typename PointSelectionPolicy>
98 template<typename MatType>
Cluster(const MatType & data,arma::Row<size_t> & assignments)99 size_t DBSCAN<RangeSearchType, PointSelectionPolicy>::Cluster(
100     const MatType& data,
101     arma::Row<size_t>& assignments)
102 {
103   // Initialize the UnionFind object.
104   emst::UnionFind uf(data.n_cols);
105   rangeSearch.Train(data);
107   if (batchMode)
108     BatchCluster(data, uf);
109   else
110     PointwiseCluster(data, uf);
112   // Now set assignments.
113   assignments.set_size(data.n_cols);
114   for (size_t i = 0; i < data.n_cols; ++i)
115     assignments[i] = uf.Find(i);
117   // Get a count of all clusters.
118   const size_t numClusters = arma::max(assignments) + 1;
119   arma::Col<size_t> counts(numClusters, arma::fill::zeros);
120   for (size_t i = 0; i < assignments.n_elem; ++i)
121     counts[assignments[i]]++;
123   // Now assign clusters to new indices.
124   size_t currentCluster = 0;
125   arma::Col<size_t> newAssignments(numClusters);
126   for (size_t i = 0; i < counts.n_elem; ++i)
127   {
128     if (counts[i] >= minPoints)
129       newAssignments[i] = currentCluster++;
130     else
131       newAssignments[i] = SIZE_MAX;
132   }
134   // Now reassign.
135   for (size_t i = 0; i < assignments.n_elem; ++i)
136     assignments[i] = newAssignments[assignments[i]];
138   Log::Info << currentCluster << " clusters found." << std::endl;
140   return currentCluster;
141 }
143 /**
144  * Performs DBSCAN clustering on the data, returning the number of clusters and
145  * also the list of cluster assignments.  This searches each point iteratively,
146  * and can save on RAM usage.  It may be slower than the batch search with a
147  * dual-tree algorithm.
148  */
149 template<typename RangeSearchType, typename PointSelectionPolicy>
150 template<typename MatType>
PointwiseCluster(const MatType & data,emst::UnionFind & uf)151 void DBSCAN<RangeSearchType, PointSelectionPolicy>::PointwiseCluster(
152     const MatType& data,
153     emst::UnionFind& uf)
154 {
155   std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> neighbors;
156   std::vector<std::vector<double>> distances;
158   for (size_t i = 0; i < data.n_cols; ++i)
159   {
160     if (i % 10000 == 0 && i > 0)
161       Log::Info << "DBSCAN clustering on point " << i << "..." << std::endl;
163     // Do the range search for only this point.
164     rangeSearch.Search(data.col(i), math::Range(0.0, epsilon), neighbors,
165         distances);
167     // Union to all neighbors.
168     for (size_t j = 0; j < neighbors[0].size(); ++j)
169       uf.Union(i, neighbors[0][j]);
170   }
171 }
173 /**
174  * Performs DBSCAN clustering on the data, returning number of clusters
175  * and also the list of cluster assignments.  This can perform search in batch,
176  * naive search).
177  */
178 template<typename RangeSearchType, typename PointSelectionPolicy>
179 template<typename MatType>
BatchCluster(const MatType & data,emst::UnionFind & uf)180 void DBSCAN<RangeSearchType, PointSelectionPolicy>::BatchCluster(
181     const MatType& data,
182     emst::UnionFind& uf)
183 {
184   // For each point, find the points in epsilon-nighborhood and their distances.
185   std::vector<std::vector<size_t>> neighbors;
186   std::vector<std::vector<double>> distances;
187   Log::Info << "Performing range search." << std::endl;
188   rangeSearch.Train(data);
189   rangeSearch.Search(data, math::Range(0.0, epsilon), neighbors, distances);
190   Log::Info << "Range search complete." << std::endl;
192   // Now loop over all points.
193   for (size_t i = 0; i < data.n_cols; ++i)
194   {
195     // Get the next index.
196     const size_t index = pointSelector.Select(i, data);
197     for (size_t j = 0; j < neighbors[index].size(); ++j)
198       uf.Union(index, neighbors[index][j]);
199   }
200 }
202 } // namespace dbscan
203 } // namespace mlpack
205 #endif