3## Copyright (C) 2007-2021 The Octave Project Developers
5## See the file COPYRIGHT.md in the top-level directory of this
6## distribution or <https://octave.org/copyright/>.
8## This file is part of Octave.
10## Octave is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
11## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12## the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
13## (at your option) any later version.
15## Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
16## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18## GNU General Public License for more details.
20## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21## along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, see
22## <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
26## -*- texinfo -*-
27## @deftypefn {} {@var{hg} =} __scatter__ (@dots{})
28## Undocumented internal function.
29## @end deftypefn
31function hg = __scatter__ (varargin)
33  hax = varargin{1};  # We don't do anything with this.  Could remove it.
34  nd  = varargin{2};
35  fcn = varargin{3};
36  x   = varargin{4}(:);
37  y   = varargin{5}(:);
39  if (nd == 2)
40    istart = 6;
41  else
42    z = varargin{6}(:);
43    istart = 7;
44  endif
46  ## Force mixtures of int and float data to be float (Bug #4116).
47  if (xor (isfloat (x), isfloat (y)))
48    if (isfloat (x))
49      y = cast (y, class (x));
50    else
51      x = cast (x, class (y));
52    endif
53  endif
54  if (nd != 2)
55    if (xor (isfloat (x), isfloat (z)))
56      if (isfloat (x))
57        z = cast (z, class (x));
58      else
59        x = cast (x, class (z));
60        y = cast (y, class (z));
61      endif
62    endif
63  endif
65  if (istart <= nargin)
66    s = varargin{istart}(:);
67    if (isempty (s) || ischar (s))
68      s = 36;
69    endif
70    if (! ischar (varargin{istart}))
71      istart += 1;
72    endif
73  else
74    s = 36;
75  endif
77  firstnonnumeric = find (! cellfun ("isnumeric", varargin(istart:nargin)), 1);
78  if (isempty (firstnonnumeric))
79    firstnonnumeric = Inf;
80  else
81    firstnonnumeric += istart - 1;
82  endif
84  if (istart <= nargin && firstnonnumeric > istart)
85    c = varargin{istart};
86    if (isvector (c) && columns (c) != 3)
87      c = c(:);
88    endif
89  elseif (firstnonnumeric == istart && ischar (varargin{istart})
90          && any (tolower (varargin{istart}(1)) == "ymcrgbwk"))
91    [linespec, valid] = __pltopt__ (fcn, varargin{istart}, false);
92    if (valid)
93      c = varargin{istart};
94      firstnonnumeric += 1;
95    else
96      c = [];
97    endif
98  else
99    c = [];
100  endif
102  ## Remove NaNs
103  idx = isnan (x) | isnan (y) | isnan (s);
104  if (nd == 3)
105    idx |= isnan (z);
106    z(idx) = [];
107  endif
108  x(idx) = [];
109  y(idx) = [];
110  if (nd == 2)
111    z = zeros (length (x), 0);
112  endif
113  if (numel (s) > 1)
114    s(idx) = [];
115  endif
116  if (rows (c) > 1)
117    c(idx,:) = [];
118  endif
120  ## Validate inputs
121  if (nd == 2 && ! size_equal (x, y))
122    error ([fcn ": X and Y must have the same size"]);
123  elseif (nd == 3 && ! size_equal (x, y, z))
124    error ([fcn ": X, Y, and Z must have the same size"]);
125  endif
127  if (! isscalar (s) && ! size_equal (x, s))
128    error ([fcn ": size of S must match X, Y, and Z"]);
129  endif
131  if (rows (c) > 1 && rows (c) != rows (x))
132    error ([fcn ": number of colors in C must match number of points in X"]);
133  endif
135  newargs = {};
136  filled = false;
137  have_marker = false;
138  marker = "o";
139  iarg = firstnonnumeric;
140  while (iarg <= nargin)
141    arg = varargin{iarg++};
142    if (ischar (arg) && (strcmpi (arg, "filled") || strcmpi (arg, "fill")))
143      filled = true;
144    elseif ((ischar (arg) || iscellstr (arg)) && ! have_marker)
145      [linespec, valid] = __pltopt__ (fcn, arg, false);
146      if (valid)
147        ## Valid linestyle, but possibly not valid marker
148        have_marker = true;
149        marker = linespec.marker;
150        if (strcmp (marker, "none"))
151          marker = "o";
152        elseif (isempty (marker))
153          have_marker = false;
154          marker = "o";
155        endif
156      else
157        ## Prop/Val pair
158        newargs{end+1} = arg;
159        if (iarg <= nargin)
160          newargs{end+1} = varargin{iarg++};
161        endif
162      endif
163    else
164      ## Prop/Val pair
165      newargs{end+1} = arg;
166      if (iarg <= nargin)
167        newargs{end+1} = varargin{iarg++};
168      endif
169    endif
170  endwhile
172  if (isempty (c))
173    c = __next_line_color__ ();
174  endif
176  ## Must occur after __next_line_color__ in order to work correctly.
177  hg = hggroup ("__appdata__", struct ("__creator__", "__scatter__"));
178  newargs = __add_datasource__ (fcn, hg, {"x", "y", "z", "c", "size"},
179                                newargs{:});
181  addproperty ("xdata", hg, "data", x);
182  addproperty ("ydata", hg, "data", y);
183  addproperty ("zdata", hg, "data", z);
184  if (ischar (c))
185    ## For single explicit color, cdata is unused
186    addproperty ("cdata", hg, "data", []);
187  else
188    addproperty ("cdata", hg, "data", c);
189  endif
190  addproperty ("sizedata", hg, "data", s);
191  addlistener (hg, "xdata", @update_data);
192  addlistener (hg, "ydata", @update_data);
193  addlistener (hg, "zdata", @update_data);
194  addlistener (hg, "cdata", @update_data);
195  addlistener (hg, "sizedata", @update_data);
197  one_explicit_color = ischar (c) || isequal (size (c), [1, 3]);
198  s = sqrt (s);  # size adjustment for visual compatibility w/Matlab
200  if (numel (x) <= 100)
202    ## For small number of points, we'll construct an object for each point.
204    if (numel (s) == 1)
205      s = repmat (s, numel (x), 1);
206    endif
208    if (one_explicit_color)
209      for i = 1 : numel (x)
210        if (filled)
211          __go_patch__ (hg, "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none",
212                        "xdata", x(i), "ydata", y(i), "zdata", z(i,:),
213                        "faces", 1, "vertices", [x(i), y(i), z(i,:)],
214                        "marker", marker,  "markersize", s(i),
215                        "markeredgecolor", c, "markerfacecolor", c,
216                        "linestyle", "none");
217        else
218          __go_patch__ (hg, "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none",
219                        "xdata", x(i), "ydata", y(i), "zdata", z(i,:),
220                        "faces", 1, "vertices", [x(i), y(i), z(i,:)],
221                        "marker", marker,  "markersize", s(i),
222                        "markeredgecolor", c, "markerfacecolor", "none",
223                        "linestyle", "none");
224        endif
225      endfor
226    else
227      if (rows (c) == 1)
228        c = repmat (c, rows (x), 1);
229      endif
230      for i = 1 : numel (x)
231        if (filled)
232          __go_patch__ (hg, "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none",
233                        "xdata", x(i), "ydata", y(i), "zdata", z(i,:),
234                        "faces", 1, "vertices", [x(i), y(i), z(i,:)],
235                        "marker", marker, "markersize", s(i),
236                        "markeredgecolor", "none",
237                        "markerfacecolor", "flat",
238                        "cdata", c(i,:), "facevertexcdata", c(i,:),
239                        "linestyle", "none");
240        else
241          __go_patch__ (hg, "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none",
242                        "xdata", x(i), "ydata", y(i), "zdata", z(i,:),
243                        "faces", 1, "vertices", [x(i), y(i), z(i,:)],
244                        "marker", marker, "markersize", s(i),
245                        "markeredgecolor", "flat",
246                        "markerfacecolor", "none",
247                        "cdata", c(i,:), "facevertexcdata", c(i,:),
248                        "linestyle", "none");
249        endif
250      endfor
251    endif
253  else
255    ## For larger numbers of points, we use one single object.
256    vert = [x, y, z];
257    render_size_color (hg, vert, s, c, marker, filled, true);
259  endif
261  if (! ischar (c) && rows (c) > 1)
262    ax = get (hg, "parent");
263    clim = get (ax, "clim");
264    if (min (c(:)) < clim(1))
265      clim(1) = min (c(:));
266      set (ax, "clim", clim);
267    endif
268    if (max (c(:)) > clim(2))
269      set (ax, "clim", [clim(1), max(c(:))]);
270    endif
271  endif
273  addproperty ("linewidth", hg, "patchlinewidth", 0.5);
274  addproperty ("marker", hg, "patchmarker", marker);
275  if (filled)
276    addproperty ("markeredgecolor", hg, "patchmarkeredgecolor", "none");
277    if (one_explicit_color)
278      addproperty ("markerfacecolor", hg, "patchmarkerfacecolor", c);
279    else
280      addproperty ("markerfacecolor", hg, "patchmarkerfacecolor", "flat");
281    endif
282  else
283    addproperty ("markerfacecolor", hg, "patchmarkerfacecolor", "none");
284    if (one_explicit_color)
285      addproperty ("markeredgecolor", hg, "patchmarkeredgecolor", c);
286    else
287      addproperty ("markeredgecolor", hg, "patchmarkeredgecolor", "flat");
288    endif
289  endif
290  addlistener (hg, "linewidth", @update_props);
291  addlistener (hg, "marker", @update_props);
292  addlistener (hg, "markerfacecolor", @update_props);
293  addlistener (hg, "markeredgecolor", @update_props);
295  ## Matlab property, although Octave does not implement it.
296  addproperty ("hittestarea", hg, "radio", "on|{off}", "off");
298  if (! isempty (newargs))
299    set (hg, newargs{:});
300  endif
304function render_size_color (hg, vert, s, c, marker, filled, isflat)
306  if (isscalar (s))
307    x = vert(:,1);
308    y = vert(:,2);
309    z = vert(:,3:end);
310    toolkit = get (ancestor (hg, "figure"), "__graphics_toolkit__");
311    ## Does gnuplot only support triangles with different vertex colors ?
312    ## FIXME: Verify gnuplot can only support one color.  If RGB triplets
313    ##        can be assigned to each vertex, then fix __gnuplot_draw_axes__.m
314    gnuplot_hack = (numel (x) > 1 && columns (c) == 3
315                    && strcmp (toolkit, "gnuplot"));
316    if (ischar (c) || ! isflat || gnuplot_hack)
317      if (filled)
318        ## "facecolor" and "edgecolor" must be set before any other properties
319        ## to skip co-planarity check (see bug #55751).
320        __go_patch__ (hg, "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none",
321                          "xdata", x, "ydata", y, "zdata", z,
322                          "faces", 1:numel (x), "vertices", vert,
323                          "marker", marker,
324                          "markeredgecolor", "none",
325                          "markerfacecolor", c(1,:),
326                          "markersize", s, "linestyle", "none");
327      else
328        __go_patch__ (hg, "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none",
329                          "xdata", x, "ydata", y, "zdata", z,
330                          "faces", 1:numel (x), "vertices", vert,
331                          "marker", marker,
332                          "markeredgecolor", c(1,:),
333                          "markerfacecolor", "none",
334                          "markersize", s, "linestyle", "none");
335      endif
336    else
337      if (filled)
338        __go_patch__ (hg, "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none",
339                          "xdata", x, "ydata", y, "zdata", z,
340                          "faces", 1:numel (x), "vertices", vert,
341                          "marker", marker, "markersize", s,
342                          "markeredgecolor", "none",
343                          "markerfacecolor", "flat",
344                          "cdata", c, "facevertexcdata", c,
345                          "linestyle", "none");
346      else
347        __go_patch__ (hg, "facecolor", "none", "edgecolor", "none",
348                          "xdata", x, "ydata", y, "zdata", z,
349                          "faces", 1:numel (x), "vertices", vert,
350                          "marker", marker, "markersize", s,
351                          "markeredgecolor", "flat",
352                          "markerfacecolor", "none",
353                          "cdata", c, "facevertexcdata", c,
354                          "linestyle", "none");
355      endif
356    endif
357  else
358    ## Round size to one decimal place.
359    [ss, ~, s_to_ss] = unique (ceil (s*10) / 10);
360    for i = 1:rows (ss)
361      idx = (i == s_to_ss);
362      render_size_color (hg, vert(idx,:), ss(i), c,
363                             marker, filled, isflat);
364    endfor
365  endif
369function update_props (h, d)
371  lw = get (h, "linewidth");
372  m  = get (h, "marker");
373  fc = get (h, "markerfacecolor");
374  ec = get (h, "markeredgecolor");
375  kids = get (h, "children");
377  set (kids, "linewidth", lw, "marker", m,
378             "markerfacecolor", fc, "markeredgecolor", ec);
382## FIXME: This callback routine doesn't handle the case where N > 100.
383function update_data (h, d)
385  x = get (h, "xdata");
386  y = get (h, "ydata");
387  z = get (h, "zdata");
388  if (numel (x) > 100)
389    error ("scatter: cannot update data with more than 100 points.  Call scatter (x, y, ...) with new data instead.");
390  endif
391  c = get (h, "cdata");
392  one_explicit_color = ischar (c) || isequal (size (c), [1, 3]);
393  if (! one_explicit_color)
394    if (rows (c) == 1)
395      c = repmat (c, numel (x), 1);
396    endif
397  endif
398  filled = ! strcmp (get (h, "markerfacecolor"), "none");
399  s = get (h, "sizedata");
400  ## Size adjustment for visual compatibility with Matlab.
401  s = sqrt (s);
402  if (numel (s) == 1)
403    s = repmat (s, numel (x), 1);
404  endif
405  hlist = get (h, "children");
407  if (one_explicit_color)
408    if (filled)
409      if (isempty (z))
410        for i = 1 : length (hlist)
411          set (hlist(i), "vertices", [x(i), y(i)],
412                         "markersize", s(i),
413                         "markeredgecolor", c, "markerfacecolor", c);
415        endfor
416      else
417        for i = 1 : length (hlist)
418          set (hlist(i), "vertices", [x(i), y(i), z(i)],
419                         "markersize", s(i),
420                         "markeredgecolor", c, "markerfacecolor", c);
421        endfor
422      endif
423    else
424      if (isempty (z))
425        for i = 1 : length (hlist)
426          set (hlist(i), "vertices", [x(i), y(i)],
427                         "markersize", s(i),
428                         "markeredgecolor", c, "markerfacecolor", "none");
430        endfor
431      else
432        for i = 1 : length (hlist)
433          set (hlist(i), "vertices", [x(i), y(i), z(i)],
434                         "markersize", s(i),
435                         "markeredgecolor", c, "markerfacecolor", "none");
436        endfor
437      endif
438    endif
439  else
440    if (filled)
441      if (isempty (z))
442        for i = 1 : length (hlist)
443          set (hlist(i), "vertices", [x(i), y(i)],
444                         "markersize", s(i),
445                         "markeredgecolor", "none", "markerfacecolor", "flat",
446                         "cdata", reshape (c(i,:),[1, size(c)(2:end)]),
447                         "facevertexcdata", c(i,:));
448        endfor
449      else
450        for i = 1 : length (hlist)
451          set (hlist(i), "vertices", [x(i), y(i), z(i)],
452                         "markersize", s(i),
453                         "markeredgecolor", "none", "markerfacecolor", "flat",
454                         "cdata", reshape (c(i,:),[1, size(c)(2:end)]),
455                         "facevertexcdata", c(i,:));
456        endfor
457      endif
458    else
459      if (isempty (z))
460        for i = 1 : length (hlist)
461          set (hlist(i), "vertices", [x(i), y(i)],
462                         "markersize", s(i),
463                         "markeredgecolor", "flat", "markerfacecolor", "none",
464                         "cdata", reshape (c(i,:),[1, size(c)(2:end)]),
465                         "facevertexcdata", c(i,:));
466        endfor
467      else
468        for i = 1 : length (hlist)
469          set (hlist(i), "vertices", [x(i), y(i), z(i)],
470                         "markersize", s(i),
471                         "markeredgecolor", "flat", "markerfacecolor", "none",
472                         "cdata", reshape (c(i,:),[1, size(c)(2:end)]),
473                         "facevertexcdata", c(i,:));
474        endfor
475      endif
476    endif
477  endif