1 /* $Id: CoinPresolveDoubleton.cpp 1448 2011-06-19 15:34:41Z stefan $ */
2 // Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
3 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
4 // This code is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
6 #include <stdio.h>
7 #include <math.h>
9 #include "CoinFinite.hpp"
10 #include "CoinHelperFunctions.hpp"
11 #include "CoinPresolveMatrix.hpp"
13 #include "CoinPresolveEmpty.hpp"	// for DROP_COL/DROP_ROW
14 #include "CoinPresolveZeros.hpp"
15 #include "CoinPresolveFixed.hpp"
16 #include "CoinPresolveDoubleton.hpp"
18 #include "CoinPresolvePsdebug.hpp"
19 #include "CoinMessage.hpp"
22 #include "CoinPresolvePsdebug.hpp"
23 #endif
26 namespace {	/* begin unnamed local namespace */
28 /*
29    This routine does the grunt work needed to substitute x for y in all rows i
30    where coeff[i,y] != 0. We have
32   	 y = (c - a*x)/b = c/b + (-a/b)*x
34    Suppose we're fixing row i. We need to adjust the row bounds by
35    -coeff[i,y]*(c/b) and coeff[i,x] by coeff[i,y]*(-a/b). The value
36    c/b is passed as the bounds_factor, and -a/b as the coeff_factor.
38    row0 is the doubleton row.  It is assumed that coeff[row0,y] has been
39    removed from the column major representation before this routine is
40    called. (Otherwise, we'd have to check for it to avoid a useless row
41    update.)
43    Both the row and col representations are updated. There are two cases:
45    * coeff[i,x] != 0:
46 	in the column rep, modify coeff[i,x];
47 	in the row rep, modify coeff[i,x] and drop coeff[i,y].
49    * coeff[i,x] == 0 (i.e., non-existent):
50         in the column rep, add coeff[i,x]; mcstrt is modified if the column
51 	must be moved;
52 	in the row rep, convert coeff[i,y] to coeff[i,x].
54    The row and column reps are inconsistent during the routine and at
55    completion.  In the row rep, column x and y are updated except for
56    the doubleton row, and in the column rep only column x is updated
57    except for coeff[row0,x]. On return, column y and row row0 will be deleted
58    and consistency will be restored.
59 */
elim_doubleton(const char * msg,CoinBigIndex * mcstrt,double * rlo,double * rup,double * colels,int * hrow,int * hcol,int * hinrow,int * hincol,presolvehlink * clink,int ncols,CoinBigIndex * mrstrt,double * rowels,double coeff_factor,double bounds_factor,int row0,int icolx,int icoly)61   bool elim_doubleton (const char *
63 msg
64 #endif
65 		       ,
66 		     CoinBigIndex *mcstrt,
67 		     double *rlo, double *rup,
68 		     double *colels,
69 		     int *hrow, int *hcol,
70 		     int *hinrow, int *hincol,
71 		     presolvehlink *clink, int ncols,
72 		     CoinBigIndex *mrstrt, double *rowels,
73 		     double coeff_factor,
74 		     double bounds_factor,
75 		       int
77 		       row0
78 #endif
79 		       , int icolx, int icoly)
81 {
82   CoinBigIndex kcsx = mcstrt[icolx];
83   CoinBigIndex kcex = kcsx + hincol[icolx];
86   printf("%s %d x=%d y=%d cf=%g bf=%g nx=%d yrows=(", msg,
87 	 row0, icolx, icoly, coeff_factor, bounds_factor, hincol[icolx]);
88 # endif
89 /*
90   Open a loop to scan column y. For each nonzero coefficient (row,y),
91   update column x and the row bounds for the row.
93   The initial assert checks that we're properly updating column x.
94 */
95   CoinBigIndex base = mcstrt[icoly];
96   int numberInY = hincol[icoly];
97   for (int kwhere = 0 ; kwhere < numberInY ; kwhere++)
98   { PRESOLVEASSERT(kcex == kcsx+hincol[icolx]) ;
99   CoinBigIndex kcoly = base+kwhere;
100 /*
101   Look for coeff[row,x], then update accordingly.
102 */
103     double coeffy = colels[kcoly] ;
104     double delta = coeffy*coeff_factor ;
105     int row = hrow[kcoly] ;
106     CoinBigIndex kcolx = presolve_find_row1(row,kcsx,kcex,hrow) ;
108     printf("%d%s ",row,(kcolx<kcex)?"+":"") ;
109 #   endif
110 /*
111   Case 1: coeff[i,x] != 0: update it in column and row reps; drop coeff[i,y]
112   from row rep.
113 */
114     if (kcolx < kcex)
115     { colels[kcolx] += delta ;
117       CoinBigIndex kmi = presolve_find_col(icolx,mrstrt[row],
118 					   mrstrt[row]+hinrow[row],hcol) ;
119       rowels[kmi] = colels[kcolx] ;
120       presolve_delete_from_row(row,icoly,mrstrt,hinrow,hcol,rowels) ; }
121 /*
122   Case 2: coeff[i,x] == 0: add it in the column rep; convert coeff[i,y] in
123   the row rep. presolve_expand_col ensures an empty entry exists at the
124   end of the column. The location of column x may change with expansion.
125 */
126     else
127     { bool no_mem = presolve_expand_col(mcstrt,colels,hrow,hincol,
128 					clink,ncols,icolx) ;
129 	if (no_mem)
130 	  return (true) ;
132       kcsx = mcstrt[icolx] ;
133       kcex = mcstrt[icolx]+hincol[icolx] ;
134       // recompute y as well
135       base = mcstrt[icoly];
137       hrow[kcex] = row ;
138       colels[kcex] = delta ;
139       hincol[icolx]++ ;
140       kcex++ ;
142       CoinBigIndex k2 = presolve_find_col(icoly,mrstrt[row],
143 					  mrstrt[row]+hinrow[row],hcol) ;
144       hcol[k2] = icolx ;
145       rowels[k2] = delta ; }
146 /*
147   Update the row bounds, if necessary. Avoid updating finite infinity.
148 */
149     if (bounds_factor != 0.0)
150     { delta = coeffy*bounds_factor ;
151       if (-PRESOLVE_INF < rlo[row])
152 	rlo[row] -= delta ;
153       if (rup[row] < PRESOLVE_INF)
154 	rup[row] -= delta ; } }
157   printf(")\n") ;
158 # endif
160   return (false) ; }
162 } /* end unnamed local namespace */
165 /*
166  * It is always the case that one of the variables of a doubleton
167  * will be (implied) free, but neither will necessarily be a singleton.
168  * Since in the case of a doubleton the number of non-zero entries
169  * will never increase, though, it makes sense to always eliminate them.
170  *
171  * The col rep and row rep must be consistent.
172  */
173 const CoinPresolveAction
presolve(CoinPresolveMatrix * prob,const CoinPresolveAction * next)174   *doubleton_action::presolve (CoinPresolveMatrix *prob,
175 			      const CoinPresolveAction *next)
177 {
178   double startTime = 0.0;
179   int startEmptyRows=0;
180   int startEmptyColumns = 0;
181   if (prob->tuning_) {
182     startTime = CoinCpuTime();
183     startEmptyRows = prob->countEmptyRows();
184     startEmptyColumns = prob->countEmptyCols();
185   }
186   double *colels	= prob->colels_;
187   int *hrow		= prob->hrow_;
188   CoinBigIndex *mcstrt	= prob->mcstrt_;
189   int *hincol		= prob->hincol_;
190   int ncols		= prob->ncols_;
192   double *clo	= prob->clo_;
193   double *cup	= prob->cup_;
195   double *rowels	= prob->rowels_;
196   int *hcol		= prob->hcol_;
197   CoinBigIndex *mrstrt	= prob->mrstrt_;
198   int *hinrow		= prob->hinrow_;
199   int nrows		= prob->nrows_;
201   double *rlo	= prob->rlo_;
202   double *rup	= prob->rup_;
204   presolvehlink *clink = prob->clink_;
205   presolvehlink *rlink = prob->rlink_;
207   const unsigned char *integerType = prob->integerType_;
209   double *cost	= prob->cost_;
211   int numberLook = prob->numberRowsToDo_;
212   int iLook;
213   int * look = prob->rowsToDo_;
214   const double ztolzb	= prob->ztolzb_;
216   action * actions = new action [nrows];
217   int nactions = 0;
219   int *zeros	= prob->usefulColumnInt_; //new int[ncols];
220   int nzeros	= 0;
222   int *fixed	= zeros+ncols; //new int[ncols];
223   int nfixed	= 0;
225   unsigned char *rowstat = prob->rowstat_;
226   double *acts	= prob->acts_;
227   double * sol = prob->sol_;
229   bool fixInfeasibility = (prob->presolveOptions_&16384)!=0;
231   presolve_consistent(prob) ;
232   presolve_links_ok(prob) ;
233 # endif
235   // wasfor (int irow=0; irow<nrows; irow++)
236   for (iLook=0;iLook<numberLook;iLook++) {
237     int irow = look[iLook];
238     if (hinrow[irow] == 2 &&
239 	fabs(rup[irow] - rlo[irow]) <= ZTOLDP) {
240       double rhs = rlo[irow];
241       CoinBigIndex krs = mrstrt[irow];
242       int icolx, icoly;
243       CoinBigIndex k;
245       icolx = hcol[krs];
246       icoly = hcol[krs+1];
247       if (hincol[icolx]<=0||hincol[icoly]<=0) {
248         // should never happen ?
249         //printf("JJF - doubleton column %d has %d entries and %d has %d\n",
250         //     icolx,hincol[icolx],icoly,hincol[icoly]);
251         continue;
252       }
253       // check size
254       if (fabs(rowels[krs]) < ZTOLDP2 || fabs(rowels[krs+1]) < ZTOLDP2)
255 	continue;
256       // See if prohibited for any reason
257       if (prob->colProhibited(icolx) || prob->colProhibited(icolx))
258 	continue;
260       // don't bother with fixed variables
261       if (!(fabs(cup[icolx] - clo[icolx]) < ZTOLDP) &&
262 	  !(fabs(cup[icoly] - clo[icoly]) < ZTOLDP)) {
263 	double coeffx, coeffy;
264 	/* find this row in each of the columns */
265 	CoinBigIndex krowx = presolve_find_row(irow, mcstrt[icolx], mcstrt[icolx] + hincol[icolx], hrow);
266 	CoinBigIndex krowy = presolve_find_row(irow, mcstrt[icoly], mcstrt[icoly] + hincol[icoly], hrow);
268 /*
269   Check for integrality: If one variable is integer, keep it and substitute
270   for the continuous variable. If both are integer, substitute only for the
271   forms x = k * y (k integral and non-empty intersection on bounds on x)
272   or x = 1-y, where both x and y are binary.
274   flag bits for integerStatus: 1>>0	x integer
275 			       1>>1	y integer
276 */
277 	int integerStatus=0;
278 	if (integerType[icolx]) {
279 	  if (integerType[icoly]) {
280 	    // both integer
281 	    int good = 0;
282 	    double rhs2 = rhs;
283 	    double value;
284 	    value=colels[krowx];
285 	    if (value<0.0) {
286 	      value = - value;
287 	      rhs2 += 1;
288 	    }
289 	    if (cup[icolx]==1.0&&clo[icolx]==0.0&&fabs(value-1.0)<1.0e-7)
290 	      good =1;
291 	    value=colels[krowy];
292 	    if (value<0.0) {
293 	      value = - value;
294 	      rhs2 += 1;
295 	    }
296 	    if (cup[icoly]==1.0&&clo[icoly]==0.0&&fabs(value-1.0)<1.0e-7)
297 	      good  |= 2;
298 	    if (good==3&&fabs(rhs2-1.0)<1.0e-7)
299 	      integerStatus = 3;
300 	    else
301 	      integerStatus=-1;
302 	    if (integerStatus==-1&&!rhs) {
303 	      // maybe x = k * y;
304 	      double value1 = colels[krowx];
305 	      double value2 = colels[krowy];
306 	      double ratio;
307 	      bool swap=false;
308 	      if (fabs(value1)>fabs(value2)) {
309 		ratio = value1/value2;
310 	      } else {
311 		ratio = value2/value1;
312 		swap=true;
313 	      }
314 	      ratio=fabs(ratio);
315 	      if (fabs(ratio-floor(ratio+0.5))<1.0e-12) {
316 		// possible
317 		integerStatus = swap ? 2 : 1;
318 		//printf("poss type %d\n",integerStatus);
319 	      }
320 	    }
321 	  } else {
322 	    integerStatus = 1;
323 	  }
324 	} else if (integerType[icoly]) {
325 	  integerStatus = 2;
326 	}
327 	if (integerStatus<0) {
328 	  // can still take in some cases
329 	  bool canDo=false;
330 	  double value1 = colels[krowx];
331 	  double value2 = colels[krowy];
332 	  double ratio;
333 	  bool swap=false;
334 	  double rhsRatio;
335 	  if (fabs(value1)>fabs(value2)) {
336 	    ratio = value1/value2;
337 	    rhsRatio = rhs/value1;
338 	  } else {
339 	    ratio = value2/value1;
340 	    rhsRatio = rhs/value2;
341 	    swap=true;
342 	  }
343 	  ratio=fabs(ratio);
344 	  if (fabs(ratio-floor(ratio+0.5))<1.0e-12) {
345 	    // possible
346 	    integerStatus = swap ? 2 : 1;
347 	    // but check rhs
348 	    if (rhsRatio==floor(rhsRatio+0.5))
349 	      canDo=true;
350 	  }
351 #ifdef COIN_DEVELOP2
352 	  if (canDo)
353 	    printf("Good CoinPresolveDoubleton icolx %d (%g and bounds %g %g) icoly %d (%g and bound %g %g) - rhs %g\n",
354 		   icolx,colels[krowx],clo[icolx],cup[icolx],
355 		   icoly,colels[krowy],clo[icoly],cup[icoly],rhs);
356 	  else
357 	  printf("Bad CoinPresolveDoubleton icolx %d (%g) icoly %d (%g) - rhs %g\n",
358 		 icolx,colels[krowx],icoly,colels[krowy],rhs);
359 #endif
360 	  if (!canDo)
361 	  continue;
362 	}
363 	if (integerStatus == 2) {
364 	  CoinSwap(icoly,icolx);
365 	  CoinSwap(krowy,krowx);
366 	}
369 	// if x's coefficient is something like 1000, but y's only something like -1,
370 	// then when we postsolve, if x's is close to being out of tolerance,
371 	// then y is very likely to be (because y==1000x) . (55)
372 	// It it interesting that the number of doubletons found may depend
373 	// on which column is substituted away (this is true of baxter.mps).
374 	if (!integerStatus) {
375 	  if (fabs(colels[krowy]) < fabs(colels[krowx])) {
376 	    CoinSwap(icoly,icolx);
377 	    CoinSwap(krowy,krowx);
378 	  }
379 	}
381 #if 0
382 	//?????
383 	if (integerType[icolx] &&
384 	    clo[icoly] != -PRESOLVE_INF &&
385 	    cup[icoly] != PRESOLVE_INF) {
386 	  continue;
387 	}
388 #endif
390 	{
391 	  CoinBigIndex kcs = mcstrt[icoly];
392 	  CoinBigIndex kce = kcs + hincol[icoly];
393 	  for (k=kcs; k<kce; k++) {
394 	    if (hinrow[hrow[k]] == 1) {
395 	      break;
396 	    }
397 	  }
398 	  // let singleton rows be taken care of first
399 	  if (k<kce)
400 	    continue;
401 	}
403 	coeffx = colels[krowx];
404 	coeffy = colels[krowy];
406 	// it is possible that both x and y are singleton columns
407 	// that can cause problems
408 	if (hincol[icolx] == 1 && hincol[icoly] == 1)
409 	  continue;
411 	// BE CAUTIOUS and avoid very large relative differences
412 	// if this is not done in baxter, then the computed solution isn't optimal,
413 	// but gets it in 11995 iterations; the postsolve goes to iteration 16181.
414 	// with this, the solution is optimal, but takes 18825 iters; postsolve 18871.
415 #if 0
416 	if (fabs(coeffx) * max_coeff_factor <= fabs(coeffy))
417 	  continue;
418 #endif
420 #if 0
421 	if (only_zero_rhs && rhs != 0)
422 	  continue;
424 	if (reject_doubleton(mcstrt, colels, hrow, hincol,
425 			     -coeffx / coeffy,
426 			     max_coeff_ratio,
427 			     irow, icolx, icoly))
428 	  continue;
429 #endif
431 	// common equations are of the form ax + by = 0, or x + y >= lo
432 	{
433 	  PRESOLVE_DETAIL_PRINT(printf("pre_doubleton %dC %dC %dR E\n",
434 				       icoly,icolx,irow));
435 	  action *s = &actions[nactions];
436 	  nactions++;
438 	  s->row = irow;
439 	  s->icolx = icolx;
441 	  s->clox = clo[icolx];
442 	  s->cupx = cup[icolx];
443 	  s->costx = cost[icolx];
445 	  s->icoly = icoly;
446 	  s->costy = cost[icoly];
448 	  s->rlo = rlo[irow];
450 	  s->coeffx = coeffx;
452 	  s->coeffy = coeffy;
454 	  s->ncolx	= hincol[icolx];
456 	  s->ncoly	= hincol[icoly];
457 	  if (s->ncoly<s->ncolx) {
458 	    // Take out row
459 	    s->colel	= presolve_dupmajor(colels,hrow,hincol[icoly],
460 					    mcstrt[icoly],irow) ;
461 	    s->ncolx=0;
462 	  } else {
463 	    s->colel	= presolve_dupmajor(colels,hrow,hincol[icolx],
464 					    mcstrt[icolx],irow) ;
465 	    s->ncoly=0;
466 	  }
467 	}
469 	/*
470 	 * This moves the bounds information for y onto x,
471 	 * making y free and allowing us to substitute it away.
472 	 *
473 	 * a x + b y = c
474 	 * l1 <= x <= u1
475 	 * l2 <= y <= u2	==>
476 	 *
477 	 * l2 <= (c - a x) / b <= u2
478 	 * b/-a > 0 ==> (b l2 - c) / -a <= x <= (b u2 - c) / -a
479 	 * b/-a < 0 ==> (b u2 - c) / -a <= x <= (b l2 - c) / -a
480 	 */
481 	{
482 	  double lo1 = -PRESOLVE_INF;
483 	  double up1 = PRESOLVE_INF;
485 	  //PRESOLVEASSERT((coeffx < 0) == (coeffy/-coeffx < 0));
486 	  // (coeffy/-coeffx < 0) == (coeffy<0 == coeffx<0)
487 	  if (-PRESOLVE_INF < clo[icoly]) {
488 	    if (coeffx * coeffy < 0)
489 	      lo1 = (coeffy * clo[icoly] - rhs) / -coeffx;
490 	    else
491 	      up1 = (coeffy * clo[icoly] - rhs) / -coeffx;
492 	  }
494 	  if (cup[icoly] < PRESOLVE_INF) {
495 	    if (coeffx * coeffy < 0)
496 	      up1 = (coeffy * cup[icoly] - rhs) / -coeffx;
497 	    else
498 	      lo1 = (coeffy * cup[icoly] - rhs) / -coeffx;
499 	  }
501 	  // costy y = costy ((c - a x) / b) = (costy c)/b + x (costy -a)/b
502 	  // the effect of maxmin cancels out
503 	  cost[icolx] += cost[icoly] * (-coeffx / coeffy);
505 	  prob->change_bias(cost[icoly] * rhs / coeffy);
507 	  if (0    /*integerType[icolx]*/) {
508 	    abort();
509 	    /* no change possible for now */
510 #if 0
511 	    lo1 = trunc(lo1);
512 	    up1 = trunc(up1);
514 	    /* trunc(3.5) == 3.0 */
515 	    /* trunc(-3.5) == -3.0 */
517 	    /* I think this is ok */
518 	    if (lo1 > clo[icolx]) {
519 	      (clo[icolx] <= 0.0)
520 		clo[icolx] =  ? ilo
522 		clo[icolx] = ilo;
523 	      cup[icolx] = iup;
524 	    }
525 #endif
526 	  } else {
527 	    double lo2 = CoinMax(clo[icolx], lo1);
528 	    double up2 = CoinMin(cup[icolx], up1);
529 	    if (lo2 > up2) {
530 	      if (lo2 <= up2 + prob->feasibilityTolerance_||fixInfeasibility) {
531 		// If close to integer then go there
532 		double nearest = floor(lo2+0.5);
533 		if (fabs(nearest-lo2)<2.0*prob->feasibilityTolerance_) {
534 		  lo2 = nearest;
535 		  up2 = nearest;
536 		} else {
537 		  lo2 = up2;
538 		}
539 	      } else {
540 		prob->status_ |= 1;
541 		prob->messageHandler()->message(COIN_PRESOLVE_COLINFEAS,
542 							 prob->messages())
543 							   <<icolx
544 							   <<lo2
545 							   <<up2
546 							   <<CoinMessageEol;
547 		break;
548 	      }
549 	    }
550 	    clo[icolx] = lo2;
551 	    cup[icolx] = up2;
553 	    if (rowstat&&sol) {
554 	      // update solution and basis
555               int basisChoice=0;
556 	      int numberBasic=0;
557 	      double movement = 0 ;
558 	      if (prob->columnIsBasic(icolx))
559 		numberBasic++;
560 	      if (prob->columnIsBasic(icoly))
561 		numberBasic++;
562 	      if (prob->rowIsBasic(irow))
563 		numberBasic++;
564               if (sol[icolx]<=lo2+ztolzb) {
565 		movement = lo2-sol[icolx] ;
566 		sol[icolx] = lo2;
567 		prob->setColumnStatus(icolx,CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atLowerBound);
568 	      } else if (sol[icolx]>=up2-ztolzb) {
569 		movement = up2-sol[icolx] ;
570 		sol[icolx] = up2;
571 		prob->setColumnStatus(icolx,CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atUpperBound);
572 	      } else {
573 		basisChoice=1;
574 	      }
575 	      if (numberBasic>1)
576 		prob->setColumnStatus(icolx,CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic);
577 /*
578   We need to compensate if x was forced to move. Beyond that, even if x didn't
579   move, we've forced y = (c-ax)/b, and that might not have been true before. So
580   even if x didn't move, y may have moved. Note that the constant term c/b is
581   subtracted out as the constraints are modified, so we don't include it when
582   calculating movement for y.
583 */
584 	      if (movement)
585 	      { CoinBigIndex k;
586 		for (k = mcstrt[icolx] ; k < mcstrt[icolx]+hincol[icolx] ; k++)
587 		{ int row = hrow[k];
588 		  if (hinrow[row])
589 		    acts[row] += movement*colels[k]; } }
590 	      movement = (-coeffx*sol[icolx]/coeffy)-sol[icoly] ;
591 	      if (movement)
592 	      { for (k = mcstrt[icoly] ;
593 		     k < mcstrt[icoly]+hincol[icoly] ;
594 		     k++)
595 		{ int row = hrow[k];
596 		  if (hinrow[row])
597 		    acts[row] += movement*colels[k]; } }
598 	    }
599 	    if (lo2 == up2)
600 	      fixed[nfixed++] = icolx;
601 	  }
602 	}
604 	// Update next set of actions
605 	{
606 	  prob->addCol(icolx);
607 	  int i,kcs,kce;
608 	  kcs = mcstrt[icoly];
609 	  kce = kcs + hincol[icoly];
610 	  for (i=kcs;i<kce;i++) {
611 	    int row = hrow[i];
612 	    prob->addRow(row);
613 	  }
614 	  kcs = mcstrt[icolx];
615 	  kce = kcs + hincol[icolx];
616 	  for (i=kcs;i<kce;i++) {
617 	    int row = hrow[i];
618 	    prob->addRow(row);
619 	  }
620 	}
622 /*
623   Empty irow in the column-major matrix.  Deleting the coefficient for
624   (irow,icoly) is a bit costly (given that we're about to drop the whole
625   column), but saves the trouble of checking for it in elim_doubleton.
626 */
627 	presolve_delete_from_col(irow,icolx,mcstrt,hincol,hrow,colels) ;
628 	presolve_delete_from_col(irow,icoly,mcstrt,hincol,hrow,colels) ;
629 /*
630   Drop irow in the row-major representation: set the length to 0
631   and reclaim the major vector space in bulk storage.
632 */
633 	hinrow[irow] = 0;
634 	PRESOLVE_REMOVE_LINK(rlink,irow);
636 	/* transfer the colx factors to coly */
637 	bool no_mem = elim_doubleton("ELIMD",
638 				     mcstrt, rlo, rup, colels,
639 				     hrow, hcol, hinrow, hincol,
640 				     clink, ncols,
641 				     mrstrt, rowels,
642 				     -coeffx / coeffy,
643 				     rhs / coeffy,
644 				     irow, icolx, icoly);
645 	if (no_mem)
646 	  throwCoinError("out of memory",
647 			 "doubleton_action::presolve");
650 	// eliminate coly entirely from the col rep
651 	hincol[icoly] = 0;
652 	PRESOLVE_REMOVE_LINK(clink, icoly);
653 	cost[icoly] = 0.0;
655 	rlo[irow] = 0.0;
656 	rup[irow] = 0.0;
658 	zeros[nzeros++] = icolx;	// check for zeros
660 	// strictly speaking, since we didn't adjust {clo,cup}[icoly]
661 	// or {rlo,rup}[irow], this col/row may be infeasible,
662 	// because the solution/activity would be 0, whereas the
663 	// bounds may be non-zero.
664       }
667       presolve_consistent(prob) ;
668       presolve_links_ok(prob) ;
669 #     endif
670     }
671   }
673   if (nactions) {
675     printf("NDOUBLETONS:  %d\n", nactions);
676 #   endif
677     action *actions1 = new action[nactions];
678     CoinMemcpyN(actions, nactions, actions1);
680     next = new doubleton_action(nactions, actions1, next);
682     if (nzeros)
683       next = drop_zero_coefficients_action::presolve(prob, zeros, nzeros, next);
684     if (nfixed)
685       next = remove_fixed_action::presolve(prob, fixed, nfixed, next);
686   }
688   //delete[]zeros;
689   //delete[]fixed;
690   deleteAction(actions,action*);
692   if (prob->tuning_) {
693     double thisTime=CoinCpuTime();
694     int droppedRows = prob->countEmptyRows() - startEmptyRows ;
695     int droppedColumns =  prob->countEmptyCols() - startEmptyColumns;
696     printf("CoinPresolveDoubleton(4) - %d rows, %d columns dropped in time %g, total %g\n",
697 	   droppedRows,droppedColumns,thisTime-startTime,thisTime-prob->startTime_);
698   }
699   return (next);
700 }
702 /*
703   Reintroduce the column (y) and doubleton row (irow) removed in presolve.
704   Correct the other column (x) involved in the doubleton, update the solution,
705   etc.
707   A fair amount of complication arises because the presolve transform saves the
708   shorter of x or y. Postsolve thus includes portions to restore either.
709 */
postsolve(CoinPostsolveMatrix * prob) const710 void doubleton_action::postsolve(CoinPostsolveMatrix *prob) const
711 {
712   const action *const actions = actions_;
713   const int nactions = nactions_;
715   double *colels	= prob->colels_;
716   int *hrow		= prob->hrow_;
717   CoinBigIndex *mcstrt	= prob->mcstrt_;
718   int *hincol		= prob->hincol_;
719   int *link		= prob->link_;
721   double *clo	= prob->clo_;
722   double *cup	= prob->cup_;
724   double *rlo	= prob->rlo_;
725   double *rup	= prob->rup_;
727   double *dcost	= prob->cost_;
729   double *sol	= prob->sol_;
730   double *acts	= prob->acts_;
731   double *rowduals = prob->rowduals_;
732   double *rcosts = prob->rcosts_;
734   unsigned char *colstat = prob->colstat_;
735   unsigned char *rowstat = prob->rowstat_;
737   const double maxmin	= prob->maxmin_;
740   char *cdone	= prob->cdone_;
741   char *rdone	= prob->rdone_;
742 # endif
744   CoinBigIndex &free_list = prob->free_list_;
746   const double ztolzb	= prob->ztolzb_;
747   const double ztoldj	= prob->ztoldj_;
749   int nrows = prob->nrows_;
750   // Arrays to rebuild the unsaved column.
751   int * index1 = new int[nrows];
752   double * element1 = new double[nrows];
753   CoinZeroN(element1,nrows);
756   presolve_check_threads(prob) ;
757 # endif
759   presolve_check_sol(prob) ;
760 # endif
761 /*
762   The outer loop: step through the doubletons in this array of actions.
763   The first activity is to unpack the doubleton.
764 */
765   for (const action *f = &actions[nactions-1]; actions<=f; f--) {
767     int irow = f->row;
768     double lo0 = f->clox;
769     double up0 = f->cupx;
772     double coeffx = f->coeffx;
773     double coeffy = f->coeffy;
774     int jcolx = f->icolx;
775     int jcoly = f->icoly;
777     double rhs = f->rlo;
778 /*
779   jcolx is in the problem (for whatever reason), and the doubleton row (irow)
780   and column (jcoly) have only been processed by empty row/column postsolve
781   (i.e., reintroduced with length 0).
782 */
783     PRESOLVEASSERT(cdone[jcolx] && rdone[irow]==DROP_ROW);
784     PRESOLVEASSERT(cdone[jcoly]==DROP_COL);
786 /*
787   Restore bounds for doubleton row, bounds and objective coefficient for x,
788   objective for y.
790   Original comment: restoration of rlo and rup likely isn't necessary.
791 */
792     rlo[irow] = f->rlo;
793     rup[irow] = f->rlo;
795     clo[jcolx] = lo0;
796     cup[jcolx] = up0;
798     dcost[jcolx] = f->costx;
799     dcost[jcoly] = f->costy;
802 /* Original comment: I've forgotten what this is about
804    Loss of significant digits through cancellation, with possible inflation
805    when divided by coeffy below? -- lh, 040831 --
806 */
807     if ((rhs < 0) == ((coeffx * sol[jcolx]) < 0) &&
808 	fabs(rhs - coeffx * sol[jcolx]) * 100 < rhs &&
809 	fabs(rhs - coeffx * sol[jcolx]) * 100 < (coeffx * sol[jcolx]))
810       printf("DANGEROUS RHS??? %g %g %g\n",
811 	     rhs, coeffx * sol[jcolx],
812 	     (rhs - coeffx * sol[jcolx]));
813 #endif
814 /*
815   Set primal solution for y (including status) and row activity for the
816   doubleton row. The motivation (up in presolve) for wanting coeffx < coeffy
817   is to avoid inflation into sol[y]. Since this is a (satisfied) equality,
818   activity is the rhs value and the logical is nonbasic.
819 */
820     sol[jcoly] = (rhs-coeffx*sol[jcolx])/coeffy;
821     acts[irow] = rhs;
822     if (rowstat)
823       prob->setRowStatus(irow,CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atLowerBound);
824 /*
825   Time to get into the correction/restoration of coefficients for columns x
826   and y, with attendant correction of row bounds and activities. Accumulate
827   partial reduced costs (missing the contribution from the doubleton row) so
828   that we can eventually calculate a dual for the doubleton row.
829 */
830     double djy = maxmin * dcost[jcoly];
831     double djx = maxmin * dcost[jcolx];
832     double bounds_factor = rhs/coeffy;
833 /*
834   We saved column y in the action, so we'll use it to reconstruct column x.
835   There are two aspects: correction of existing x coefficients, and fill in.
836   Given
837     coeffx'[k] = coeffx[k]+coeffy[k]*coeff_factor
838   we have
839     coeffx[k] = coeffx'[k]-coeffy[k]*coeff_factor
840   where
841     coeff_factor = -coeffx[dblton]/coeffy[dblton].
843   Keep in mind that the major vector stored in the action does not include
844   the coefficient from the doubleton row --- the doubleton coefficients are
845   held in coeffx and coeffy.
846 */
847     if (f->ncoly) {
848       int ncoly=f->ncoly-1; // as row taken out
849       double multiplier = coeffx/coeffy;
850       //printf("Current colx %d\n",jcolx);
851       int * indy = reinterpret_cast<int *>(f->colel+ncoly);
852 /*
853   Rebuild a threaded column y, starting with the end of the thread and working
854   back to the beginning. In the process, accumulate corrections to column x
855   in element1 and index1. Fix row bounds and activity as we go (add back the
856   constant correction removed in presolve), and accumulate contributions to
857   the reduced cost for y.
859   The PRESOLVEASSERT says this row should already be present.
860 */
861       int ystart = NO_LINK;
862       int nX=0;
863       int i,iRow;
864       for (i=0; i<ncoly; ++i) {
865 	int iRow = indy[i];
866 	PRESOLVEASSERT(rdone[iRow]);
868 	double yValue = f->colel[i];
870 	// undo elim_doubleton(1)
871 	if (-PRESOLVE_INF < rlo[iRow])
872 	  rlo[iRow] += yValue * bounds_factor;
874 	// undo elim_doubleton(2)
875 	if (rup[iRow] < PRESOLVE_INF)
876 	  rup[iRow] += yValue * bounds_factor;
878 	acts[iRow] += yValue * bounds_factor;
880 	djy -= rowduals[iRow] * yValue;
881 /*
882   Link the coefficient into column y: Acquire the first free slot in the
883   bulk arrays and store the row index and coefficient. Then link the slot
884   in front of coefficients we've already processed.
885 */
886 	CoinBigIndex k = free_list;
887 	assert(k >= 0 && k < prob->bulk0_) ;
888 	free_list = link[free_list];
889 	hrow[k] = iRow;
890 	colels[k] = yValue;
891 	link[k] = ystart;
892 	ystart = k;
893 /*
894   Calculate and store the correction to the x coefficient.
895 */
896 	yValue *= multiplier;
897 	element1[iRow]=yValue;
898 	index1[nX++]=iRow;
899       }
901       presolve_check_free_list(prob) ;
902 #     endif
903 /*
904   Handle the coefficients of the doubleton row.
905 */
906       {
907 	double yValue = coeffy;
909 	CoinBigIndex k = free_list;
910 	assert(k >= 0 && k < prob->bulk0_) ;
911 	free_list = link[free_list];
912 	hrow[k] = irow;
913 	colels[k] = yValue;
914 	link[k] = ystart;
915 	ystart = k;
917 	yValue *= multiplier;
918 	element1[irow]=yValue;
919 	index1[nX++]=irow;
920       }
921 /*
922   Attach the threaded column y to mcstrt and record the length.
923 */
924       mcstrt[jcoly] = ystart;
925       hincol[jcoly] = f->ncoly;
926 /*
927   Now integrate the corrections to column x. First thing to do is find the
928   end of the column. While we're doing that, correct any existing entries.
929   This complicates life because the correction could cancel the existing
930   coefficient and we don't want to leave an explicit zero. In this case we
931   relink the column around it. (last is a little misleading --- it's actually
932   `last nonzero'. If we haven't seen a nonzero yet, the relink goes to mcstrt.)
933   The freed slot is linked at the beginning of the free list.
934 */
935       CoinBigIndex k=mcstrt[jcolx];
936       CoinBigIndex last = NO_LINK;
937       int numberInColumn = hincol[jcolx];
938       int numberToDo=numberInColumn;
939       for (i=0; i<numberToDo; ++i) {
940 	iRow = hrow[k];
941 	assert (iRow>=0&&iRow<nrows);
942 	double value = colels[k]+element1[iRow];
943 	element1[iRow]=0.0;
944 	if (fabs(value)>=1.0e-15) {
945 	  colels[k]=value;
946 	  last=k;
947 	  k = link[k];
948 	  if (iRow != irow)
949 	    djx -= rowduals[iRow] * value;
950 	} else {
951 	  numberInColumn--;
952 	  // add to free list
953 	  int nextk = link[k];
954 	  assert(free_list>=0);
955 	  link[k]=free_list;
956 	  free_list=k;
957 	  assert (k>=0);
958 	  k=nextk;
959 	  if (last!=NO_LINK)
960 	    link[last]=k;
961 	  else
962 	    mcstrt[jcolx]=k;
963 	}
964       }
965 /*
966   We've found the end of column x. Any remaining nonzeros in element1 will be
967   fill in, which we link at the end of the column thread.
968 */
969       for (i=0;i<nX;i++) {
970 	int iRow = index1[i];
971 	double xValue = element1[iRow];
972 	element1[iRow]=0.0;
973 	if (fabs(xValue)>=1.0e-15) {
974 	  if (iRow != irow)
975 	    djx -= rowduals[iRow] * xValue;
976 	  numberInColumn++;
977 	  CoinBigIndex k = free_list;
978 	  assert(k >= 0 && k < prob->bulk0_) ;
979 	  free_list = link[free_list];
980 	  hrow[k] = iRow;
981 	  PRESOLVEASSERT(rdone[hrow[k]] || hrow[k] == irow);
982 	  colels[k] = xValue;
983 	  if (last!=NO_LINK)
984             link[last] = k;
985           else
986             mcstrt[jcolx]=k;
987 	  last = k;
988 	}
989       }
992       presolve_check_free_list(prob) ;
993 #     endif
995 /*
996   Whew! Tidy up column x and we're done.
997 */
998       link[last]=NO_LINK;
999       assert(numberInColumn);
1000       hincol[jcolx] = numberInColumn;
1001 /*
1002   Of course, we could have saved column x in the action. Now we need to
1003   regenerate coefficients of column y.
1004   Given
1005     coeffx'[k] = coeffx[k]+coeffy[k]*coeff_factor
1006   we have
1007     coeffy[k] = (coeffx'[k]-coeffx[k])*(1/coeff_factor)
1008   where
1009     coeff_factor = -coeffx[dblton]/coeffy[dblton].
1010 */
1011     } else {
1012       int ncolx=f->ncolx-1;
1013       double multiplier = -coeffy/coeffx;
1014       int * indx = reinterpret_cast<int *> (f->colel+ncolx);
1015       //printf("Current colx %d\n",jcolx);
1016 /*
1017   Scan existing column x to find the end. While we're at it, accumulate part
1018   of the new y coefficients in index1 and element1.
1019 */
1020       CoinBigIndex k=mcstrt[jcolx];
1021       int nX=0;
1022       int i,iRow;
1023       for (i=0; i<hincol[jcolx]-1; ++i) {
1024 	if (colels[k]) {
1025 	  iRow = hrow[k];
1026 	  index1[nX++]=iRow;
1027 	  element1[iRow]=multiplier*colels[k];
1028 	}
1029 	k = link[k];
1030       }
1031       if (colels[k]) {
1032         iRow = hrow[k];
1033         index1[nX++]=iRow;
1034         element1[iRow]=multiplier*colels[k];
1035       }
1036 /*
1037   Replace column x with the the original column x held in the doubleton
1038   action. We first move column x to the free list, then thread a column with
1039   the original coefficients, back to front.  While we're at it, add the
1040   second part of the y coefficients to index1 and element1.
1041 */
1042       multiplier = - multiplier;
1043       link[k] = free_list;
1044       free_list = mcstrt[jcolx];
1045       int xstart = NO_LINK;
1046       for (i=0; i<ncolx; ++i) {
1047 	int iRow = indx[i];
1048 	PRESOLVEASSERT(rdone[iRow]);
1050 	double xValue = f->colel[i];
1051 	//printf("x %d %d %g\n",i,indx[i],f->colel[i]);
1052 	CoinBigIndex k = free_list;
1053 	assert(k >= 0 && k < prob->bulk0_) ;
1054 	free_list = link[free_list];
1055 	hrow[k] = iRow;
1056 	colels[k] = xValue;
1057 	link[k] = xstart;
1058 	xstart = k;
1060 	djx -= rowduals[iRow] * xValue;
1062 	xValue *= multiplier;
1063 	if (!element1[iRow]) {
1064 	  element1[iRow]=xValue;
1065 	  index1[nX++]=iRow;
1066 	} else {
1067 	  element1[iRow]+=xValue;
1068 	}
1069       }
1071       presolve_check_free_list(prob) ;
1072 #     endif
1073 /*
1074   The same, for the doubleton row.
1075 */
1076       {
1077 	double xValue = coeffx;
1078 	CoinBigIndex k = free_list;
1079 	assert(k >= 0 && k < prob->bulk0_) ;
1080 	free_list = link[free_list];
1081 	hrow[k] = irow;
1082 	colels[k] = xValue;
1083 	link[k] = xstart;
1084 	xstart = k;
1086 	xValue *= multiplier;
1087 	if (!element1[irow]) {
1088 	  element1[irow]=xValue;
1089 	  index1[nX++]=irow;
1090 	} else {
1091 	  element1[irow]+=xValue;
1092 	}
1093       }
1094 /*
1095   Link the new column x to mcstrt and set the length.
1096 */
1097       mcstrt[jcolx] = xstart;
1098       hincol[jcolx] = f->ncolx;
1099 /*
1100   Now get to work building a threaded column y from the nonzeros in element1.
1101   As before, build the thread in reverse.
1102 */
1103       int ystart = NO_LINK;
1104       int n=0;
1105       for (i=0;i<nX;i++) {
1106 	int iRow = index1[i];
1107 	PRESOLVEASSERT(rdone[iRow] || iRow == irow);
1108 	double yValue = element1[iRow];
1109 	element1[iRow]=0.0;
1110 	if (fabs(yValue)>=1.0e-12) {
1111 	  n++;
1112 	  CoinBigIndex k = free_list;
1113 	  assert(k >= 0 && k < prob->bulk0_) ;
1114 	  free_list = link[free_list];
1115 	  hrow[k] = iRow;
1116 	  colels[k] = yValue;
1117 	  link[k] = ystart;
1118 	  ystart = k;
1119 	}
1120       }
1122       presolve_check_free_list(prob) ;
1123 #     endif
1124 /*
1125   Tidy up --- link the new column into mcstrt and set the length.
1126 */
1127       mcstrt[jcoly] = ystart;
1128       assert(n);
1129       hincol[jcoly] = n;
1130 /*
1131   Now that we have the original y, we can scan it and do the corrections to
1132   the row bounds and activity, and get a start on a reduced cost for y.
1133 */
1134       k = mcstrt[jcoly];
1135       int ny = hincol[jcoly];
1136       for (i=0; i<ny; ++i) {
1137 	int row = hrow[k];
1138 	double coeff = colels[k];
1139 	k = link[k];
1141 	if (row != irow) {
1143 	  // undo elim_doubleton(1)
1144 	  if (-PRESOLVE_INF < rlo[row])
1145 	    rlo[row] += coeff * bounds_factor;
1147 	  // undo elim_doubleton(2)
1148 	  if (rup[row] < PRESOLVE_INF)
1149 	    rup[row] += coeff * bounds_factor;
1151 	  acts[row] += coeff * bounds_factor;
1153 	  djy -= rowduals[row] * coeff;
1154 	}
1155       }
1156 /*
1157   Scan the new column x and calculate reduced costs. This could be integrated
1158   into the previous section where the original column x is restored.
1160   ok --- let's try it, then.
1162       k = mcstrt[jcolx];
1163       int nx = hincol[jcolx];
1165       for ( i=0; i<nx; ++i) {
1166 	int row = hrow[k];
1167 	double coeff = colels[k];
1168 	k = link[k];
1170 	if (row != irow) {
1171 	  djx -= rowduals[row] * coeff;
1172 	}
1173       }
1174 */
1175     }
1176 /*
1177   Sanity? The only assignment to coeffx is f->coeffx! Ditto for coeffy.
1178 */
1179     assert (fabs(coeffx-f->coeffx)<1.0e-6&&fabs(coeffy-f->coeffy)<1.0e-6);
1180 /*
1181   Time to calculate a dual for the doubleton row, and settle the status of x
1182   and y. Ideally, we'll leave x at whatever nonbasic status it currently has
1183   and make y basic. There's a potential problem, however: Remember that we
1184   transferred bounds from y to x when we eliminated y. If those bounds were
1185   tighter than x's original bounds, we may not be able to maintain x at its
1186   present status, or even as nonbasic.
1188   We'll make two claims here:
1190     * If the dual value for the doubleton row is chosen to keep the reduced
1191       cost djx of col x at its prior value, then the reduced cost djy of col
1192       y will be 0. (Crank through the linear algebra to convince yourself.)
1194     * If the bounds on x have loosened, then it must be possible to make y
1195       nonbasic, because we've transferred the tight bound back to y. (Yeah,
1196       I'm waving my hands. But it sounds good.  -- lh, 040907 --)
1198   So ... if we can maintain x nonbasic, then we need to set y basic, which
1199   means we should calculate rowduals[dblton] so that rcost[jcoly] == 0. We
1200   may need to change the status of x (an artifact of loosening a bound when
1201   x was previously a fixed variable).
1203   If we need to push x into the basis, then we calculate rowduals[dblton] so
1204   that rcost[jcolx] == 0 and make y nonbasic.
1205 */
1206     // printf("djs x - %g (%g), y - %g (%g)\n",djx,coeffx,djy,coeffy);
1207     if (colstat)
1208     { bool basicx = prob->columnIsBasic(jcolx) ;
1209       bool nblbxok = (fabs(lo0 - sol[jcolx]) < ztolzb) &&
1210 		     (rcosts[jcolx] >= -ztoldj) ;
1211       bool nbubxok = (fabs(up0 - sol[jcolx]) < ztolzb) &&
1212 		     (rcosts[jcolx] <= ztoldj) ;
1213       if (basicx || nblbxok || nbubxok)
1214       { if (!basicx)
1215 	{ if (nblbxok)
1216 	  { prob->setColumnStatus(jcolx,
1217 				  CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atLowerBound) ; }
1218 	  else
1219 	  if (nbubxok)
1220 	  { prob->setColumnStatus(jcolx,
1221 				  CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::atUpperBound) ; } }
1222 	prob->setColumnStatus(jcoly,CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic);
1223 	rowduals[irow] = djy / coeffy;
1224 	rcosts[jcolx] = djx - rowduals[irow] * coeffx;
1225 #if 0
1226 	if (prob->columnIsBasic(jcolx))
1227 	  assert (fabs(rcosts[jcolx])<1.0e-5);
1228 #endif
1229 	rcosts[jcoly] = 0.0;
1230       } else {
1231 	prob->setColumnStatus(jcolx,CoinPrePostsolveMatrix::basic);
1232 	prob->setColumnStatusUsingValue(jcoly);
1233 	rowduals[irow] = djx / coeffx;
1234 	rcosts[jcoly] = djy - rowduals[irow] * coeffy;
1235 	rcosts[jcolx] = 0.0;
1236       }
1237     } else {
1238       // No status array
1239       // this is the coefficient we need to force col y's reduced cost to 0.0;
1240       // for example, this is obviously true if y is a singleton column
1241       rowduals[irow] = djy / coeffy;
1242       rcosts[jcoly] = 0.0;
1243     }
1246 /*
1247   Mark the column and row as processed by doubleton action. The check integrity
1248   of the threaded matrix.
1249 */
1250     cdone[jcoly] = DOUBLETON;
1251     rdone[irow] = DOUBLETON;
1252     presolve_check_threads(prob) ;
1253 #endif
1255 /*
1256   Confirm accuracy of reduced cost for columns x and y.
1257 */
1258     {
1259       CoinBigIndex k = mcstrt[jcolx];
1260       int nx = hincol[jcolx];
1261       double dj = maxmin * dcost[jcolx];
1263       for (int i=0; i<nx; ++i) {
1264 	int row = hrow[k];
1265 	double coeff = colels[k];
1266 	k = link[k];
1268 	dj -= rowduals[row] * coeff;
1269       }
1270       if (! (fabs(rcosts[jcolx] - dj) < 100*ZTOLDP))
1271 	printf("BAD DOUBLE X DJ:  %d %d %g %g\n",
1272 	       irow, jcolx, rcosts[jcolx], dj);
1273       rcosts[jcolx]=dj;
1274     }
1275     {
1276       CoinBigIndex k = mcstrt[jcoly];
1277       int ny = hincol[jcoly];
1278       double dj = maxmin * dcost[jcoly];
1280       for (int i=0; i<ny; ++i) {
1281 	int row = hrow[k];
1282 	double coeff = colels[k];
1283 	k = link[k];
1285 	dj -= rowduals[row] * coeff;
1286 	//printf("b %d coeff %g dual %g dj %g\n",
1287 	// row,coeff,rowduals[row],dj);
1288       }
1289       if (! (fabs(rcosts[jcoly] - dj) < 100*ZTOLDP))
1290 	printf("BAD DOUBLE Y DJ:  %d %d %g %g\n",
1291 	       irow, jcoly, rcosts[jcoly], dj);
1292       rcosts[jcoly]=dj;
1293     }
1294 # endif
1295   }
1296 /*
1297   Done at last. Delete the scratch arrays.
1298 */
1300   delete [] index1;
1301   delete [] element1;
1302 }
~doubleton_action()1305 doubleton_action::~doubleton_action()
1306 {
1307   for (int i=nactions_-1; i>=0; i--) {
1308     delete[]actions_[i].colel;
1309   }
1310   deleteAction(actions_,action*);
1311 }
1315 static double *doubleton_mult;
1316 static int *doubleton_id;
check_doubletons(const CoinPresolveAction * paction)1317 void check_doubletons(const CoinPresolveAction * paction)
1318 {
1319   const CoinPresolveAction * paction0 = paction;
1321   if (paction) {
1322     check_doubletons(paction->next);
1324     if (strcmp(paction0->name(), "doubleton_action") == 0) {
1325       const doubleton_action *daction =
1326 	reinterpret_cast<const doubleton_action *>(paction0);
1327       for (int i=daction->nactions_-1; i>=0; --i) {
1328 	int icolx = daction->actions_[i].icolx;
1329 	int icoly = daction->actions_[i].icoly;
1330 	double coeffx = daction->actions_[i].coeffx;
1331 	double coeffy = daction->actions_[i].coeffy;
1333 	doubleton_mult[icoly] = -coeffx/coeffy;
1334 	doubleton_id[icoly] = icolx;
1335       }
1336     }
1337   }
1338 }
check_doubletons1(const CoinPresolveAction * paction,int ncols)1341 void check_doubletons1(const CoinPresolveAction * paction,
1342 		       int ncols)
1343 #else
1344 void check_doubletons1(const CoinPresolveAction * /*paction*/,
1345 		       int /*ncols*/)
1346 #endif
1347 {
1349   doubleton_mult = new double[ncols];
1350   doubleton_id = new int[ncols];
1351   int i;
1352   for ( i=0; i<ncols; ++i)
1353     doubleton_id[i] = i;
1354   check_doubletons(paction);
1355   double minmult = 1.0;
1356   int minid = -1;
1357   for ( i=0; i<ncols; ++i) {
1358     double mult = 1.0;
1359     int j = i;
1360     if (doubleton_id[j] != j) {
1361       printf("MULTS (%d):  ", j);
1362       while (doubleton_id[j] != j) {
1363 	printf("%d %g, ", doubleton_id[j], doubleton_mult[j]);
1364 	mult *= doubleton_mult[j];
1365 	j = doubleton_id[j];
1366       }
1367       printf(" == %g\n", mult);
1368       if (minmult > fabs(mult)) {
1369 	minmult = fabs(mult);
1370 	minid = i;
1371       }
1372     }
1373   }
1374   if (minid != -1)
1375     printf("MIN MULT:  %d %g\n", minid, minmult);
1376 #endif
1377 }