1 //                                               -*- C++ -*-
2 /**
3  *  @brief The test file for Waarts discontinuous limit state function
4  *
5  *  Copyright 2005-2021 Airbus-EDF-IMACS-ONERA-Phimeca
6  *
7  *  This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  *  it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
9  *  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10  *  (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  *  This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18  *  along with this library.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19  *
20  */
21 #include "openturns/OT.hxx"
22 #include "openturns/OTtestcode.hxx"
24 using namespace OT;
25 using namespace OT::Test;
clean(Scalar in)27 Scalar clean(Scalar in)
28 {
29   if (std::abs(in) < 1.e-10) in = 0.0;
30   return in;
31 }
main(int,char * [])33 int main(int, char *[])
34 {
36   OStream fullprint(std::cout);
37   setRandomGenerator();
38   try
39   {
41     Description inputFunction(2);
42     inputFunction[0] = "x1";
43     inputFunction[1] = "x2";
45     Description outputFunction(1);
46     outputFunction[0] = "G";
48     Description formulas(outputFunction.getSize());
49     formulas[0] = "if( x2 <= x1,-0.5+sqrt(x1-x2),-0.5 )";
51     Function EtatLimite(inputFunction, outputFunction, formulas);
53     UnsignedInteger dim = EtatLimite.getInputDimension();
54     fullprint << dim << std::endl;
56     //   #########################################################################################################;
57     //   # Probabilistic model;
58     //   #########################################################################################################;
60     Point mean(dim, 0.0);
61     mean[0] = 15.0;
62     mean[1] = 5.0;
64     Point sigma(dim, 0.0);
65     sigma[0] = 2.5;
66     sigma[1] = 0.5;
68     CorrelationMatrix CORR(dim);
69     Normal myDistribution(mean, sigma, CORR);
71     Point start(myDistribution.getMean());
72     CovarianceMatrix Covariance = myDistribution.getCovariance();
74     //   #########################################################################################################;
75     //   # Limit state;
76     //   #########################################################################################################;
78     RandomVector vect(myDistribution);
80     CompositeRandomVector output(EtatLimite, vect);
82     ThresholdEvent myEvent(output, Less(), 0.0);
84     //   #########################################################################################################;
85     //   # Calculs;
86     //   #########################################################################################################;
87     //   ;
88     //   #########################################################################################################;
89     //   # FORM/SORM Cobyla;
90     Cobyla myCobyla;
91     myCobyla.setMaximumEvaluationNumber(1000 * dim);
92     myCobyla.setMaximumAbsoluteError(1.0e-10);
93     myCobyla.setMaximumRelativeError(1.0e-10);
94     myCobyla.setMaximumResidualError(1.0e-10);
95     myCobyla.setMaximumConstraintError(1.0e-10);
97     FORM myAlgoC(myCobyla, myEvent, start);
98     SORM myAlgoC2(myCobyla, myEvent, start);
100     myAlgoC.run();
101     myAlgoC2.run();
103     FORMResult resultC(myAlgoC.getResult());
104     SORMResult resultC2(myAlgoC2.getResult());
106     //   #########################################################################################################;
107     //   # FORM/SORM Abdo Rackwitz;
108     AbdoRackwitz myAbdoRackwitz;
109     myAbdoRackwitz.setMaximumIterationNumber(100 * dim);
110     myAbdoRackwitz.setMaximumAbsoluteError(1.0e-10);
111     myAbdoRackwitz.setMaximumRelativeError(1.0e-10);
112     myAbdoRackwitz.setMaximumResidualError(1.0e-10);
113     myAbdoRackwitz.setMaximumConstraintError(1.0e-10);
115     FORM myAlgoAR(myAbdoRackwitz, myEvent, start);
116     SORM myAlgoAR2(myAbdoRackwitz, myEvent, start);
118     myAlgoAR.run();
119     myAlgoAR2.run();
121     FORMResult resultAR(myAlgoAR.getResult());
122     SORMResult resultAR2(myAlgoAR2.getResult());
124     //   #########################################################################################################;
125     //   # Monte Carlo;
126     Scalar CoV_MC = 0.5;
127     MonteCarlo myMC(myEvent);
128     myMC.setMaximumOuterSampling(10000000);
129     myMC.setBlockSize(1000);
130     myMC.setMaximumCoefficientOfVariation(CoV_MC);
131     myMC.run();
133     //   #########################################################################################################;
134     //   # LHS;
135     Scalar CoV_LHS = 0.1;
136     LHS myLHS(myEvent);
137     myLHS.setMaximumOuterSampling(100000);
138     myLHS.setBlockSize(100);
139     myLHS.setMaximumCoefficientOfVariation(CoV_LHS);
140     myLHS.run();
141     /*  ;
143         #########################################################################################################;
145         #########################################################################################################;
146         # Results;
147         #########################################################################################################;
149         #########################################################################################################;
150         # FORM/SORM Cobyla*/;
151     Scalar PfC = resultC.getEventProbability();
152     Scalar Beta_generalizedC = resultC.getGeneralisedReliabilityIndex();
153     Point u_starC = resultC.getStandardSpaceDesignPoint();
154     Point x_starC = resultC.getPhysicalSpaceDesignPoint();
155     Bool PtC = resultC.getIsStandardPointOriginInFailureSpace();
156     Point gammaC = resultC.getImportanceFactors();
157     Point gammaCC = resultC.getImportanceFactors(true);
158     Scalar beta_hasoferC = resultC.getHasoferReliabilityIndex();
159     Analytical::Sensitivity SensitivityC = resultC.getEventProbabilitySensitivity();
161     Scalar PFBreitC2 = resultC2.getEventProbabilityBreitung();
162     Scalar BetaBreitC2 = resultC2.getGeneralisedReliabilityIndexBreitung();
163     Scalar PFHBC2 = resultC2.getEventProbabilityHohenbichler();
164     Scalar BetaHBC2 = resultC2.getGeneralisedReliabilityIndexHohenbichler();
165     Scalar PFTvedtC2 = resultC2.getEventProbabilityTvedt();
166     Scalar BetaTvedtC2 = resultC2.getGeneralisedReliabilityIndexTvedt();
167     Point CurvC2 = resultC2.getSortedCurvatures();
168     Point u_starC2 = resultC2.getStandardSpaceDesignPoint();
169     Point x_starC2 = resultC2.getPhysicalSpaceDesignPoint();
170     Bool PtC2 = resultC2.getIsStandardPointOriginInFailureSpace();
171     Point gammaC2 = resultC2.getImportanceFactors();
172     Point gammaCC2 = resultC2.getImportanceFactors(true);
173     Scalar beta_hasoferC2 = resultC2.getHasoferReliabilityIndex();
175     //   #########################################################################################################;
176     //   # FORM/SORM Abdo Rackwitz;
177     Scalar PfAR = resultAR.getEventProbability();
178     Scalar Beta_generalizedAR = resultAR.getGeneralisedReliabilityIndex();
179     Point u_starAR = resultAR.getStandardSpaceDesignPoint();
180     Point x_starAR = resultAR.getPhysicalSpaceDesignPoint();
181     Bool PtAR = resultAR.getIsStandardPointOriginInFailureSpace();
182     Point gammaAR = resultAR.getImportanceFactors();
183     Point gammaCAR = resultAR.getImportanceFactors(true);
184     Scalar beta_hasoferAR = resultAR.getHasoferReliabilityIndex();
185     Analytical::Sensitivity SensitivityAR = resultAR.getEventProbabilitySensitivity();
187     Scalar PFBreitAR2 = resultAR2.getEventProbabilityBreitung();
188     Scalar BetaBreitAR2 = resultAR2.getGeneralisedReliabilityIndexBreitung();
189     Scalar PFHBAR2 = resultAR2.getEventProbabilityHohenbichler();
190     Scalar BetaHBAR2 = resultAR2.getGeneralisedReliabilityIndexHohenbichler();
191     Scalar PFTvedtAR2 = resultAR2.getEventProbabilityTvedt();
192     Scalar BetaTvedtAR2 = resultAR2.getGeneralisedReliabilityIndexTvedt();
193     Point CurvAR2 = resultAR2.getSortedCurvatures();
194     Point u_starAR2 = resultAR2.getStandardSpaceDesignPoint();
195     Point x_starAR2 = resultAR2.getPhysicalSpaceDesignPoint();
196     Bool PtAR2 = resultAR2.getIsStandardPointOriginInFailureSpace();
197     Point gammaAR2 = resultAR2.getImportanceFactors();
198     Point gammaCAR2 = resultAR2.getImportanceFactors(true);
199     Scalar beta_hasoferAR2 = resultAR2.getHasoferReliabilityIndex();
201     //   ######################################/*###################################################################;
202     //   # Monte Carlo*/;
203     SimulationResult ResultMC = myMC.getResult();
204     Scalar PFMC = ResultMC.getProbabilityEstimate();
205     Scalar CVMC = ResultMC.getCoefficientOfVariation();
206     Scalar Variance_PF_MC = ResultMC.getVarianceEstimate();
207     Scalar length90MC = ResultMC.getConfidenceLength(0.90);
209     //   #########################################################################################################;
210     //   # LHS;
211     SimulationResult ResultLHS = myLHS.getResult();
212     Scalar PFLHS = ResultLHS.getProbabilityEstimate();
213     Scalar CVLHS = ResultLHS.getCoefficientOfVariation();
214     Scalar Variance_PF_LHS = ResultLHS.getVarianceEstimate();
215     Scalar length90LHS = ResultLHS.getConfidenceLength(0.90);
217     //   #########################################################################################################;
218     //   # Printting;
219     //   #########################################################################################################;
220     fullprint <<  "" << std::endl;
221     fullprint <<  "" << std::endl;
222     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
223     fullprint <<  "***************************************** FORM  COBYLA *****************************************" << std::endl;
224     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
225     fullprint <<  "event probability =" << PfC << std::endl;
226     fullprint <<  "generalized reliability index =" << Beta_generalizedC << std::endl;
227     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
228     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < u_starC.getDimension(); i++)
229       fullprint << "standard space design point =" << u_starC[i] << std::endl;
230     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
231     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < x_starC.getDimension(); i++)
232       fullprint << "physical space design point =" << x_starC[i] << std::endl;
233     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
234     fullprint << "is standard point origin in failure space? " << PtC << std::endl;
235     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
236     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < gammaC.getDimension(); i++)
237       fullprint << "importance factors =" << gammaC[i] << std::endl;
238     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < gammaCC.getDimension(); i++)
239       fullprint << "importance factors (classical)=" << gammaCC[i] << std::endl;
240     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
241     fullprint <<  "Hasofer reliability index =" << beta_hasoferC << std::endl;
242     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
243     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < SensitivityAR.getSize(); ++i)
244       for (UnsignedInteger j = 0; j < SensitivityAR[i].getDimension(); ++j)
245         fullprint <<  "Pf sensitivity =" << i << j << SensitivityC[i][j] << std::endl;
246     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
247     fullprint <<  "" << std::endl;
248     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
249     fullprint <<  "************************************** FORM ABDO RACKWITZ **************************************" << std::endl;
250     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
251     fullprint <<  "event probability =" << PfAR << std::endl;
252     fullprint <<  "generalized reliability index =" << Beta_generalizedAR << std::endl;
253     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
254     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < u_starAR.getDimension(); i++)
255       fullprint << "standard space design point =" << u_starAR[i] << std::endl;
256     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
257     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < x_starAR.getDimension(); i++)
258       fullprint << "physical space design point =" << x_starAR[i] << std::endl;
259     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
260     fullprint << "is standard point origin in failure space? " << PtAR << std::endl;
261     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
262     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < gammaAR.getDimension(); i++)
263       fullprint << "importance factors =" << gammaAR[i] << std::endl;
264     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < gammaCAR.getDimension(); i++)
265       fullprint << "importance factors (classical)=" << gammaCAR[i] << std::endl;
266     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
267     fullprint <<  "Hasofer reliability index =" << beta_hasoferAR << std::endl;
268     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
269     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < SensitivityAR.getSize(); ++i)
270       for (UnsignedInteger j = 0; j < SensitivityAR[i].getDimension(); ++j)
271         fullprint <<  "Pf sensitivity =" << i << j << SensitivityAR[i][j] << std::endl;
272     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
273     fullprint <<  "" << std::endl;
274     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
275     fullprint <<  "***************************************** SORM  COBYLA *****************************************" << std::endl;
276     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
277     fullprint <<  "Breitung event probability =" << PFBreitC2 << std::endl;
278     fullprint <<  "Breitung generalized reliability index =" << BetaBreitC2 << std::endl;
279     fullprint <<  "Hohenbichler event probability =" << PFHBC2 << std::endl;
280     fullprint <<  "Hohenbichler generalized reliability index =" << BetaHBC2 << std::endl;
281     fullprint <<  "Tvedt event probability =" << PFTvedtC2 << std::endl;
282     fullprint <<  "Tvedt generalized reliability index =" << BetaTvedtC2 << std::endl;
283     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
284     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < CurvC2.getDimension(); i++)
285       fullprint << "sorted curvatures =" << clean(CurvC2[i]) << std::endl;
286     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
287     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < u_starC2.getDimension(); i++)
288       fullprint << "standard space design point =" << u_starC2[i] << std::endl;
289     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
290     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < x_starC2.getDimension(); i++)
291       fullprint << "physical space design point =" << x_starC2[i] << std::endl;
292     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
293     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
294     fullprint << "is standard point origin in failure space? " << PtC2 << std::endl;
295     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
296     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < gammaC2.getDimension(); i++)
297       fullprint << "importance factors =" << gammaC2[i] << std::endl;
298     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < gammaCC2.getDimension(); i++)
299       fullprint << "importance factors (classical)=" << gammaCC2[i] << std::endl;
300     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
301     fullprint <<  "Hasofer reliability index =" << beta_hasoferC2 << std::endl;
302     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
303     fullprint <<  "" << std::endl;
304     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
305     fullprint <<  "************************************** SORM ABDO RACKWITZ **************************************" << std::endl;
306     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
307     fullprint <<  "Breitung event probability =" << PFBreitAR2 << std::endl;
308     fullprint <<  "Breitung generalized reliability index =" << BetaBreitAR2 << std::endl;
309     fullprint <<  "Hohenbichler event probability =" << PFHBAR2 << std::endl;
310     fullprint <<  "Hohenbichler generalized reliability index =" << BetaHBAR2 << std::endl;
311     fullprint <<  "Tvedt event probability =" << PFTvedtAR2 << std::endl;
312     fullprint <<  "Tvedt generalized reliability index =" << BetaTvedtAR2 << std::endl;
313     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
314     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < CurvAR2.getDimension(); i++)
315       fullprint << "sorted curvatures =" << clean(CurvAR2[i]) << std::endl;
316     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
317     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < u_starAR2.getDimension(); i++)
318       fullprint << "standard space design point =" << u_starAR2[i] << std::endl;
319     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
320     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < x_starAR2.getDimension(); i++)
321       fullprint << "physical space design point =" << x_starAR2[i] << std::endl;
322     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
323     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
324     fullprint << "is standard point origin in failure space? " << PtAR2 << std::endl;
325     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
326     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < gammaAR2.getDimension(); i++)
327       fullprint << "importance factors =" << gammaAR2[i] << std::endl;
328     for (UnsignedInteger i = 0; i < gammaCAR2.getDimension(); i++)
329       fullprint << "importance factors (classical)=" << gammaCAR2[i] << std::endl;
330     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
331     fullprint <<  "Hasofer reliability index =" << beta_hasoferAR2 << std::endl;
332     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
333     fullprint <<  "" << std::endl;
334     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
335     fullprint <<  "**************************************** MONTE CARLO *******************************************" << std::endl;
336     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
337     fullprint <<  "Pf estimation =" << PFMC << std::endl;
338     fullprint <<  "Pf Variance estimation =" << Variance_PF_MC << std::endl;
339     fullprint <<  "CoV =" << CVMC << std::endl;
340     fullprint <<  "90% Confidence Interval =" << length90MC << std::endl;
341     fullprint <<  "CI at 90% =[" << PFMC - 0.5 * length90MC << ";" << PFMC + 0.5 * length90MC << "]" << std::endl;
342     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
343     fullprint <<  "" << std::endl;
344     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
345     fullprint <<  "******************************************* L H S **********************************************" << std::endl;
346     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
347     fullprint <<  "Pf estimation =" << PFLHS << std::endl;
348     fullprint <<  "Pf Variance estimation =" << Variance_PF_LHS << std::endl;
349     fullprint <<  "CoV =" << CVLHS << std::endl;
350     fullprint <<  "90% Confidence Interval =" << length90LHS << std::endl;
351     fullprint <<  "CI at 90% =[" << PFLHS - 0.5 * length90LHS << ";" << PFLHS + 0.5 * length90LHS << "]" << std::endl;
352     fullprint <<  "************************************************************************************************" << std::endl;
353   }
354   catch (TestFailed & ex)
355   {
356     std::cerr << ex << std::endl;
357     return ExitCode::Error;
358   }
360   return ExitCode::Success;
362 }