1-- Displays Greek letters and mathematically interesting Unicode ranges.
3-- Copyright (C) 2008 Jerry Bauck
5-- This file is part of PLplot.
7-- PLplot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8-- it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published
9-- by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
10-- (at your option) any later version.
12-- PLplot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15-- GNU Library General Public License for more details.
17-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
18-- along with PLplot; if not, write to the Free Software
19-- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
22    Ada.Text_IO,
23    Ada.Integer_Text_IO,
24    Ada.Strings.Unbounded,
25    Ada.Characters.Handling,
26    Ada.Strings,
27    Ada.Strings.Fixed,
28    Ada.Numerics,
29    Ada.Numerics.Long_Elementary_Functions,
30    PLplot_Auxiliary,
31    PLplot_Standard;
33    Ada.Text_IO,
34    Ada.Integer_Text_IO,
35    Ada.Strings.Unbounded,
36    Ada.Strings,
37    Ada.Strings.Fixed,
38    Ada.Numerics,
39    Ada.Numerics.Long_Elementary_Functions,
40    PLplot_Auxiliary,
41    PLplot_Standard;
43procedure xstandard23a is
45    Greek : array(0 .. 47) of String(1 .. 3) := (
46    "#gA","#gB","#gG","#gD","#gE","#gZ","#gY","#gH","#gI","#gK","#gL","#gM",
47    "#gN","#gC","#gO","#gP","#gR","#gS","#gT","#gU","#gF","#gX","#gQ","#gW",
48    "#ga","#gb","#gg","#gd","#ge","#gz","#gy","#gh","#gi","#gk","#gl","#gm",
49    "#gn","#gc","#go","#gp","#gr","#gs","#gt","#gu","#gf","#gx","#gq","#gw");
51    Type1 : array (0 .. 165) of Integer := (
52    16#0020#,16#0021#,16#0023#,16#0025#,16#0026#,
53    16#0028#,16#0029#,16#002b#,16#002c#,16#002e#,
54    16#002f#,16#0030#,16#0031#,16#0032#,16#0033#,
55    16#0034#,16#0035#,16#0036#,16#0037#,16#0038#,
56    16#0039#,16#003a#,16#003b#,16#003c#,16#003d#,
57    16#003e#,16#003f#,16#005b#,16#005d#,16#005f#,
58    16#007b#,16#007c#,16#007d#,16#00a9#,16#00ac#,
59    16#00ae#,16#00b0#,16#00b1#,16#00d7#,16#00f7#,
60    16#0192#,16#0391#,16#0392#,16#0393#,16#0394#,
61    16#0395#,16#0396#,16#0397#,16#0398#,16#0399#,
62    16#039a#,16#039b#,16#039c#,16#039d#,16#039e#,
63    16#039f#,16#03a0#,16#03a1#,16#03a3#,16#03a4#,
64    16#03a5#,16#03a6#,16#03a7#,16#03a8#,16#03a9#,
65    16#03b1#,16#03b2#,16#03b3#,16#03b4#,16#03b5#,
66    16#03b6#,16#03b7#,16#03b8#,16#03b9#,16#03ba#,
67    16#03bb#,16#03bc#,16#03bd#,16#03be#,16#03bf#,
68    16#03c0#,16#03c1#,16#03c2#,16#03c3#,16#03c4#,
69    16#03c5#,16#03c6#,16#03c7#,16#03c8#,16#03c9#,
70    16#03d1#,16#03d2#,16#03d5#,16#03d6#,16#2022#,
71    16#2026#,16#2032#,16#2033#,16#203e#,16#2044#,
72    16#2111#,16#2118#,16#211c#,16#2122#,16#2126#,
73    16#2135#,16#2190#,16#2191#,16#2192#,16#2193#,
74    16#2194#,16#21b5#,16#21d0#,16#21d1#,16#21d2#,
75    16#21d3#,16#21d4#,16#2200#,16#2202#,16#2203#,
76    16#2205#,16#2206#,16#2207#,16#2208#,16#2209#,
77    16#220b#,16#220f#,16#2211#,16#2212#,16#2215#,
78    16#2217#,16#221a#,16#221d#,16#221e#,16#2220#,
79    16#2227#,16#2228#,16#2229#,16#222a#,16#222b#,
80    16#2234#,16#223c#,16#2245#,16#2248#,16#2260#,
81    16#2261#,16#2264#,16#2265#,16#2282#,16#2283#,
82    16#2284#,16#2286#,16#2287#,16#2295#,16#2297#,
83    16#22a5#,16#22c5#,16#2320#,16#2321#,16#2329#,
84    16#232a#,16#25ca#,16#2660#,16#2663#,16#2665#,
85    16#2666#);
88    function title(which : Integer) return String is
89    begin
90        if which = 0  then return "#<0x10>PLplot Example 23 - Greek Letters";                            end if;
91        if which = 1  then return "#<0x10>PLplot Example 23 - Type 1 Symbol Font Glyphs by Unicode (a)"; end if;
92        if which = 2  then return "#<0x10>PLplot Example 23 - Type 1 Symbol Font Glyphs by Unicode (b)"; end if;
93        if which = 3  then return "#<0x10>PLplot Example 23 - Type 1 Symbol Font Glyphs by Unicode (c)"; end if;
94        if which = 4  then return "#<0x10>PLplot Example 23 - Number Forms Unicode Block";               end if;
95        if which = 5  then return "#<0x10>PLplot Example 23 - Arrows Unicode Block (a)";                 end if;
96        if which = 6  then return "#<0x10>PLplot Example 23 - Arrows Unicode Block (b)";                 end if;
97        if which = 7  then return "#<0x10>PLplot Example 23 - Mathematical Operators Unicode Block (a)"; end if;
98        if which = 8  then return "#<0x10>PLplot Example 23 - Mathematical Operators Unicode Block (b)"; end if;
99        if which = 9  then return "#<0x10>PLplot Example 23 - Mathematical Operators Unicode Block (c)"; end if;
100        if which = 10 then return "#<0x10>PLplot Example 23 - Mathematical Operators Unicode Block (d)"; end if;
101        return "oops";
102    end title;
105    lo : array (0 .. 10) of Integer := (
106    16#0#,
107    16#0#,
108    16#40#,
109    16#80#,
110    16#2153#,
111    16#2190#,
112    16#21d0#,
113    16#2200#,
114    16#2240#,
115    16#2280#,
116    16#22c0#
117    );
119    hi : array (0 .. 10) of Integer := (
120    16#30#,
121    16#40#,
122    16#80#,
123    16#A6#,
124    16#2184#,
125    16#21d0#,
126    16#2200#,
127    16#2240#,
128    16#2280#,
129    16#22c0#,
130    16#2300#
131    );
133    nxcells : array (0 .. 10) of Integer := (
134    12,
135    8,
136    8,
137    8,
138    8,
139    8,
140    8,
141    8,
142    8,
143    8,
144    8
145    );
147    nycells : array (0 .. 10) of Integer := (
148    8,
149    8,
150    8,
151    8,
152    8,
153    8,
154    8,
155    8,
156    8,
157    8,
158    8
159    );
161    -- non-zero values must be consistent with nxcells and nycells.
162    offset : array (0 .. 10) of Integer := (
163    0,
164    0,
165    64,
166    128,
167    0,
168    0,
169    0,
170    0,
171    0,
172    0,
173    0
174    );
176    -- 30 possible FCI values.
177    FCI_COMBINATIONS : constant integer := 30;
178    fci : array (0 .. 29) of Unicode := (
179    16#80000000#,
180    16#80000001#,
181    16#80000002#,
182    16#80000003#,
183    16#80000004#,
184    16#80000010#,
185    16#80000011#,
186    16#80000012#,
187    16#80000013#,
188    16#80000014#,
189    16#80000020#,
190    16#80000021#,
191    16#80000022#,
192    16#80000023#,
193    16#80000024#,
194    16#80000100#,
195    16#80000101#,
196    16#80000102#,
197    16#80000103#,
198    16#80000104#,
199    16#80000110#,
200    16#80000111#,
201    16#80000112#,
202    16#80000113#,
203    16#80000114#,
204    16#80000120#,
205    16#80000121#,
206    16#80000122#,
207    16#80000123#,
208    16#80000124#
209    );
212    function family(which : Integer) return String is
213    begin
214        if which = 0 then return "sans-serif"; end if;
215        if which = 1 then return "serif";      end if;
216        if which = 2 then return "monospace";  end if;
217        if which = 3 then return "script";     end if;
218        if which = 4 then return "symbol";     end if;
219        return "oops";
220    end family;
223    function style(which : Integer) return String is
224    begin
225        if which = 0 then return "upright"; end if;
226        if which = 1 then return "italic";  end if;
227        if which = 2 then return "oblique"; end if;
228        return "oops";
229    end style;
232    function weight(which : Integer) return String is
233    begin
234        if which = 0 then return "medium"; end if;
235        if which = 1 then return "bold";   end if;
236        return "oops";
237    end weight;
239    xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ycharacter_scale, yoffset : Long_Float;
240    chardef, charht, deltax, deltay, x, y             : Long_Float;
241    length, slice : Integer;
242    cmdString : Unbounded_String;
243    fci_old : Unicode;
244    ifamily, istyle, iweight : Integer;
245    dy : Long_Float := 0.030;
246    family_index, style_index, weight_index : Integer;
248    -- Must be big enough to contain the prefix strings, the font-changing
249    -- commands, and the "The quick brown..." string.
250    a_string : Unbounded_String;
252    package Unicode_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Modular_IO(Unicode); -- fix this probably not used
253    use Unicode_IO;
255    -- Make a four-character hexadecimal string image of integers.
256    -- Useful for font manipulations.
257    -- To_Lower is used to make C-like output for A..F
258    -- so that the PostScript files generated by C and Ada are identical.
259    -- Integer values greater than 65535 (2^16-1) are treated modulo 2^16.
260    -- Based on Stephen Leake's SAL.Generic_Hex_Image.
261    -- Original: Copyright (C) 2005 Stephen Leake.  All Rights Reserved, and
262    -- offered under GNU General Public License version 2 or later.
263    function Hex_Image_4 (Item : in Integer) return String is
264        Temp : Integer := Item;
265        Nibble : Integer;
266        Image : String (1 .. 4);
267    begin
268        for I in reverse Image'Range loop
269            Nibble := Temp mod 16;
270            Temp := Temp / 16;
271            if Nibble > 9 then
272                Image (I) := Character'Val (Character'Pos ('A') + Nibble - 10);
273            else
274                Image (I) := Character'Val (Character'Pos ('0') + Nibble);
275            end if;
276        end loop;
277        Image := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower(Image);
278        return Image;
279    end Hex_Image_4;
282    -- Make a eight-character hexadecimal string image of Unicode.
283    function Hex_Image_8 (Item : in Unicode) return String is
284        -- Long_Long_Integer so don't overflow Integer
285        Temp : Long_Long_Integer := Long_Long_Integer(Item);
286        Nibble : Long_Long_Integer;
287        Image : String (1 .. 8);
288    begin
289        for I in reverse Image'Range loop
290            Nibble := Temp mod 16;
291            Temp := Temp / 16;
292            if Nibble > 9 then
293                Image (I) := Character'Val(Character'Pos ('A') + Nibble - 10);
294            else
295                Image (I) := Character'Val(Character'Pos ('0') + Nibble);
296            end if;
297        end loop;
298        Image := Ada.Characters.Handling.To_Lower(Image);
299        return Image;
300    end Hex_Image_8;
303    Parse_Command_Line_Arguments(Parse_Full);
305    Initialize_PLplot;
307    for page in 0 .. 10 loop
308        Advance_To_Subpage(Next_Subpage);
310        -- Set up viewport and window
311        Set_Viewport_Normalized(0.02, 0.98, 0.02, 0.90);
312        Set_Viewport_World(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
313        Get_Subpage_Boundaries(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax);
314        Set_Character_Height(0.0, 0.8);
315        ycharacter_scale := (1.0 - 0.0) / (ymax - ymin);
317        -- Factor should be 0.5, but heuristically it turns out to be larger.
318        Get_Character_Height(chardef, charht);
319        yoffset := 1.0 * charht * ycharacter_scale;
321        -- Draw the grid using Box_Around_Viewport
322        Set_Pen_Color(Yellow);
323        deltax := 1.0 / Long_Float(nxcells(page));
324        deltay := 1.0 / Long_Float(nycells(page));
325        Box_Around_Viewport("bcg", deltax, 0, "bcg", deltay, 0);
326        Set_Pen_Color(White);
327        length := hi(page) - lo(page);
328        slice := 0;
329        for j in reverse -1 .. nycells(page) - 1 loop
330            y := (0.5 + Long_Float(j)) * deltay;
331            for i in 0 .. nxcells(page) - 1 loop
332                x  := (0.5 + Long_Float(i)) * deltax;
333                if slice < length then
334                    if page = 0 then
335                        cmdString := To_Unbounded_String(Greek(slice));
337                    elsif page >= 1 and page <= 3 then
338                        cmdString := To_Unbounded_String("#[0x" & Hex_Image_4(Type1(offset(page)+slice)) & "]");
340                    elsif page >= 4 then
341                        cmdString := To_Unbounded_String("#[0x" & Hex_Image_4(lo(page)+slice) & "]");
342                    end if;
343                    Write_Text_World(x, y + yoffset, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, To_String(cmdString));
344                    Write_Text_World(x, y - yoffset, 1.0, 0.0, 0.5, "#" & To_String(cmdString));
345                end if;
346                slice := slice + 1;
347            end loop; -- i
348        end loop; -- j
350        Set_Character_Height(0.0, 1.0);
352        -- Page title
353        Write_Text_Viewport("t", 1.5, 0.5, 0.5, title(page));
354    end loop; --page
356    -- Demonstrate methods of getting the current fonts
357    Get_Font_Characterization_Integer(fci_old);
358    Get_Font(ifamily, istyle, iweight);
359    Put("For example 23 prior to page 12 the FCI is ");
361    -- The following hack in outputting the hexadecimal value of fci_old in "C"
362    -- style, e.g. 0x00000000 instead of "Ada" style 16#00000000#, is done in
363    -- order to create the same textual output as the C example x23c.
364    -- Put(fci_old, Base => 16, Width => 0); -- Outputs "Ada" style.
365    Put("0x" & Hex_Image_8(fci_old));        -- Outputs "C" style.
366    New_Line;
367    Put("For example 23 prior to page 12 the font family, style and weight are "
368        & family(ifamily) & " " & style(istyle) & " " & weight(iweight));
369    New_Line;
371    for page in 11 .. 15 loop
372        Advance_To_Subpage(Next_Subpage);
373        Set_Viewport_Normalized(0.02, 0.98, 0.02, 0.90);
374        Set_Viewport_World(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
375        Set_Font_Characterization_Integer(0);
376        if page = 11 then
377            Write_Text_Viewport("t", 1.5, 0.5, 0.5,
378            "#<0x10>PLplot Example 23 - " &
379            "Set Font with plsfci");
380        elsif page = 12 then
381            Write_Text_Viewport("t", 1.5, 0.5, 0.5,
382            "#<0x10>PLplot Example 23 - " &
383            "Set Font with plsfont");
384        elsif page = 13 then
385            Write_Text_Viewport("t", 1.5, 0.5, 0.5,
386            "#<0x10>PLplot Example 23 - " &
387            "Set Font with ##<0x8nnnnnnn> construct");
388        elsif page = 14 then
389            Write_Text_Viewport("t", 1.5, 0.5, 0.5,
390            "#<0x10>PLplot Example 23 - " &
391            "Set Font with ##<0xmn> constructs");
392        elsif page = 15 then
393            Write_Text_Viewport("t", 1.5, 0.5, 0.5,
394            "#<0x10>PLplot Example 23 - " &
395            "Set Font with ##<FCI COMMAND STRING/> constructs");
396        end if;
397        Set_Character_Height(0.0, 0.75);
398        for i in 0 .. FCI_COMBINATIONS - 1 loop
399            family_index := i mod 5;
400            style_index  := (i / 5) mod 3;
401            weight_index := ((i / 5) / 3) mod 2;
402            if page = 11 then
403                Set_Font_Characterization_Integer(fci(i));
404                a_string := To_Unbounded_String(
405                    "Page 12, " &
406                    family(family_index) & ", "  &
407                    style (style_index)  & ", "  &
408                    weight(weight_index) & ":  " &
409                    "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
410            elsif page = 12 then
411                Set_Font(family_index, style_index, weight_index);
412                a_string := To_Unbounded_String(
413                    "Page 13, " &
414                    family(family_index) & ", "  &
415                    style (style_index)  & ", "  &
416                    weight(weight_index) & ":  " &
417                    "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
418            elsif page = 13 then
419                a_string := To_Unbounded_String(
420                    "Page 14, " &
421                    family(family_index) & ", "  &
422                    style (style_index)  & ", "  &
423                    weight(weight_index) & ":  " &
424                    "#<0x" & Hex_Image_8(fci(i)) & ">" &
425                    "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
426            elsif page = 14 then
427                a_string := To_Unbounded_String(
428                    "Page 15, " &
429                    family(family_index) & ", "  &
430                    style (style_index)  & ", "  &
431                    weight(weight_index) & ":  " &
432                    "#<0x"   & Trim(Integer'Image(family_index), Left) &
433                    "0>#<0x" & Trim(Integer'Image(style_index),  Left) &
434                    "1>#<0x" & Trim(Integer'Image(weight_index), Left) & "2>" &
435                    "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
436            elsif page = 15 then
437                a_string := To_Unbounded_String(
438                    "Page 16, " &
439                    family(family_index) & ", "  &
440                    style (style_index)  & ", "  &
441                    weight(weight_index) & ":  " &
442                    "#<" & family(family_index) & "/>#<" & style (style_index) &
443                    "/>#<" & weight(weight_index) & "/>" &
444                    "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");
445            end if;
446            Write_Text_World (0.0, 1.0 - (Long_Float(i) + 0.5) * dy, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, To_String(a_string));
447        end loop; -- i
449        Set_Character_Height(0.0, 1.0);
450    end loop; -- page
452    -- Restore defaults
453    Set_Pen_Color(Red);
455    End_PLplot;
456end xstandard23a;