1 // Copyright (C) 2002, International Business Machines
2 // Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
4 /*
5  Authors
7  John Forrest
9  */
10 #ifndef IClpSimplexPrimal_H
11 #define IClpSimplexPrimal_H
13 #include "IClpSimplex.hpp"
17 /** This solves LPs using the primal simplex method
19  It inherits from IClpSimplex.  It has no data of its own and
20  is never created - only cast from a IClpSimplex object at algorithm time.
22  */
24 class IClpSimplexPrimal_Wolfe : public IClpSimplex{
26 public:
28 	/**@name Description of algorithm */
29 	//@{
30 	/** Primal algorithm
32 	 Method
34      It tries to be a single phase approach with a weight of 1.0 being
35      given to getting optimal and a weight of infeasibilityCost_ being
36      given to getting primal feasible.  In this version I have tried to
37      be clever in a stupid way.  The idea of fake bounds in dual
38      seems to work so the primal analogue would be that of getting
39      bounds on reduced costs (by a presolve approach) and using
40      these for being above or below feasible region.  I decided to waste
41      memory and keep these explicitly.  This allows for non-linear
42      costs!  I have not tested non-linear costs but will be glad
43      to do something if a reasonable example is provided.
45      The code is designed to take advantage of sparsity so arrays are
46      seldom zeroed out from scratch or gone over in their entirety.
47      The only exception is a full scan to find incoming variable for
48      Dantzig row choice.  For steepest edge we keep an updated list
49      of dual infeasibilities (actually squares).
50      On easy problems we don't need full scan - just
51      pick first reasonable.  This method has not been coded.
53      One problem is how to tackle degeneracy and accuracy.  At present
54      I am using the modification of costs which I put in OSL and which was
55      extended by Gill et al.  I am still not sure whether we will also
56      need explicit perturbation.
58      The flow of primal is three while loops as follows:
60      while (not finished) {
62 	 while (not clean solution) {
64 	 Factorize and/or clean up solution by changing bounds so
65 	 primal feasible.  If looks finished check fake primal bounds.
66 	 Repeat until status is iterating (-1) or finished (0,1,2)
68 	 }
70 	 while (status==-1) {
72 	 Iterate until no pivot in or out or time to re-factorize.
74 	 Flow is:
76 	 choose pivot column (incoming variable).  if none then
77 	 we are primal feasible so looks as if done but we need to
78 	 break and check bounds etc.
80 	 Get pivot column in tableau
82 	 Choose outgoing row.  If we don't find one then we look
83 	 primal unbounded so break and check bounds etc.  (Also the
84 	 pivot tolerance is larger after any iterations so that may be
85 	 reason)
87 	 If we do find outgoing row, we may have to adjust costs to
88 	 keep going forwards (anti-degeneracy).  Check pivot will be stable
89 	 and if unstable throw away iteration and break to re-factorize.
90 	 If minor error re-factorize after iteration.
92 	 Update everything (this may involve changing bounds on
93 	 variables to stay primal feasible.
95 	 }
97      }
99      TODO's (or maybe not)
101      At present we never check we are going forwards.  I overdid that in
102      OSL so will try and make a last resort.
104      Needs partial scan pivot in option.
106      May need other anti-degeneracy measures, especially if we try and use
107      loose tolerances as a way to solve in fewer iterations.
109      I like idea of dynamic scaling.  This gives opportunity to decouple
110      different implications of scaling for accuracy, iteration count and
111      feasibility tolerance.
113      for use of exotic parameter startFinishoptions see IClpSimplex.hpp
114 	 */
116 	int primal(int ifValuesPass=0, int startFinishOptions=0);
117 	//@}
119 	/**@name For advanced users */
120 	//@{
121 	/// Do not change infeasibility cost and always say optimal
122 	void alwaysOptimal(bool onOff);
123 	bool alwaysOptimal() const;
124 	/** Normally outgoing variables can go out to slightly negative
125 	 values (but within tolerance) - this is to help stability and
126 	 and degeneracy.  This can be switched off
127 	 */
128 	void exactOutgoing(bool onOff);
129 	bool exactOutgoing() const;
130 	//@}
132 	/**@name Functions used in primal */
133 	//@{
134 	/** This has the flow between re-factorizations
136 	 Returns a code to say where decision to exit was made
137 	 Problem status set to:
139 	 -2 re-factorize
140 	 -4 Looks optimal/infeasible
141 	 -5 Looks unbounded
142 	 +3 max iterations
144 	 valuesOption has original value of valuesPass
145 	 */
146 	int whileIterating(int valuesOption);
148 	/** Do last half of an iteration.  This is split out so people can
149 	 force incoming variable.  If solveType_ is 2 then this may
150 	 re-factorize while normally it would exit to re-factorize.
151 	 Return codes
152 	 Reasons to come out (normal mode/user mode):
153 	 -1 normal
154 	 -2 factorize now - good iteration/ NA
155 	 -3 slight inaccuracy - refactorize - iteration done/ same but factor done
156 	 -4 inaccuracy - refactorize - no iteration/ NA
157 	 -5 something flagged - go round again/ pivot not possible
158 	 +2 looks unbounded
159 	 +3 max iterations (iteration done)
161 	 With solveType_ ==2 this should
162 	 Pivot in a variable and choose an outgoing one.  Assumes primal
163 	 feasible - will not go through a bound.  Returns step length in theta
164 	 Returns ray in ray_
165 	 */
166 	int pivotResult(int ifValuesPass=0);
169 	/** The primals are updated by the given array.
170 	 Returns number of infeasibilities.
171 	 After rowArray will have cost changes for use next iteration
172 	 */
173 	int updatePrimalsInPrimal(CoinIndexedVector * rowArray,
174 							  double theta,
175 							  double & objectiveChange,
176 							  int valuesPass);
177 	/**
178 	 Row array has pivot column
179 	 This chooses pivot row.
180 	 Rhs array is used for distance to next bound (for speed)
181 	 For speed, we may need to go to a bucket approach when many
182 	 variables go through bounds
183 	 If valuesPass non-zero then compute dj for direction
184 	 */
185 	void primalRow(CoinIndexedVector * rowArray,
186 				   CoinIndexedVector * rhsArray,
187 				   CoinIndexedVector * spareArray,
188 				   CoinIndexedVector * spareArray2,
189 				   int valuesPass);
190 	/**
191 	 Chooses primal pivot column
192 	 updateArray has cost updates (also use pivotRow_ from last iteration)
193 	 Would be faster with separate region to scan
194 	 and will have this (with square of infeasibility) when steepest
195 	 For easy problems we can just choose one of the first columns we look at
196 	 */
197 	void primalColumn(CoinIndexedVector * updateArray,
198 					  CoinIndexedVector * spareRow1,
199 					  CoinIndexedVector * spareRow2,
200 					  CoinIndexedVector * spareColumn1,
201 					  CoinIndexedVector * spareColumn2);
203 	/** Checks if tentative optimal actually means unbounded in primal
204 	 Returns -3 if not, 2 if is unbounded */
205 	int checkUnbounded(CoinIndexedVector * ray,CoinIndexedVector * spare,
206 					   double changeCost);
207 	/**  Refactorizes if necessary
208 	 Checks if finished.  Updates status.
209 	 lastCleaned refers to iteration at which some objective/feasibility
210 	 cleaning too place.
212 	 type - 0 initial so set up save arrays etc
213 	 - 1 normal -if good update save
214 	 - 2 restoring from saved
215 	 saveModel is normally NULL but may not be if doing Sprint
216 	 */
217 	void statusOfProblemInPrimal(int & lastCleaned, int type,
218 								 ClpSimplexProgress * progress,
219 								 bool doFactorization,
220 								 int ifValuesPass,
221 								 IClpSimplex * saveModel=NULL);
222 	/// Perturbs problem (method depends on perturbation())
223 	void perturb(int type);
224 	/// Take off effect of perturbation and say whether to try dual
225 	bool unPerturb();
226 	/// Unflag all variables and return number unflagged
227 	int unflag();
228 	/** Get next superbasic -1 if none,
229 	 Normal type is 1
230 	 If type is 3 then initializes sorted list
231 	 if 2 uses list.
232 	 */
233 	int nextSuperBasic(int superBasicType,CoinIndexedVector * columnArray);
235 	/// Create primal ray
236 	void primalRay(CoinIndexedVector * rowArray);
237 	/// Clears all bits and clears rowArray[1] etc
238 	void clearAll();
240 	/// Sort of lexicographic resolve
241 	int lexSolve();
243 	//@}
244 };
245 #endif