1#  ___________________________________________________________________________
3#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
4#  Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
5#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
6#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
7#  rights in this software.
8#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
9#  ___________________________________________________________________________
11This module defines the classes that provide an NLP interface based on
12the Ampl Solver Library (ASL) implementation
15import os
16import numpy as np
17import logging
19from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, identity
20from pyomo.common.deprecation import deprecated
21import pyomo.core.base as pyo
22from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentMap
23from pyomo.contrib.pynumero.sparse.block_matrix import BlockMatrix
24from pyomo.contrib.pynumero.sparse.block_vector import BlockVector
25from pyomo.contrib.pynumero.interfaces.nlp import NLP
26from pyomo.contrib.pynumero.interfaces.pyomo_nlp import PyomoNLP
27from pyomo.contrib.pynumero.interfaces.utils import make_lower_triangular_full, CondensedSparseSummation
28from pyomo.contrib.pynumero.interfaces.external_grey_box import ExternalGreyBoxBlock
29from pyomo.contrib.pynumero.interfaces.nlp_projections import ProjectedNLP
31# Todo: make some of the numpy arise not writable from __init__
32class PyomoNLPWithGreyBoxBlocks(NLP):
33    def __init__(self, pyomo_model):
34        super(PyomoNLPWithGreyBoxBlocks,self).__init__()
36        # get the list of all grey box blocks and build _ExternalGreyBoxAsNLP objects
37        greybox_components = []
38        # build a map from the names to the variable data objects
39        # this is done over *all* variables in active blocks, even
40        # if they are not included in this model
41        self._pyomo_model_var_names_to_datas = None
42        try:
43            # We support Pynumero's ExternalGreyBoxBlock modeling
44            # objects that are provided through ExternalGreyBoxBlock objects
45            # We reclassify these as Pyomo Block objects before building the
46            # PyomoNLP object to expose any variables on the block to
47            # the underlying Pyomo machinery
48            for greybox in pyomo_model.component_objects(
49                    ExternalGreyBoxBlock, descend_into=True):
50                greybox.parent_block().reclassify_component_type(
51                    greybox, pyo.Block)
52                greybox_components.append(greybox)
54            # store the pyomo model
55            self._pyomo_model = pyomo_model
56            # build a PyomoNLP object (will include the "pyomo"
57            # part of the model only)
58            self._pyomo_nlp = PyomoNLP(pyomo_model)
59            self._pyomo_model_var_names_to_datas = \
60                {v.getname(fully_qualified=True):v for v in pyomo_model.component_data_objects(ctype=pyo.Var, descend_into=True)}
61            self._pyomo_model_constraint_names_to_datas = \
62                {c.getname(fully_qualified=True):c for c in pyomo_model.component_data_objects(ctype=pyo.Constraint, descend_into=True)}
64        finally:
65            # Restore the ctypes of the ExternalGreyBoxBlock components
66            for greybox in greybox_components:
67                greybox.parent_block().reclassify_component_type(
68                    greybox, ExternalGreyBoxBlock)
70        if self._pyomo_nlp.n_primals() == 0:
71            raise ValueError(
72                "No variables were found in the Pyomo part of the model."
73                " PyomoGreyBoxModel requires at least one variable"
74                " to be active in a Pyomo objective or constraint")
76        # build the list of NLP wrappers for the greybox objects
77        greybox_nlps = []
78        fixed_vars = []
79        for greybox in greybox_components:
80            # iterate through the data objects if component is indexed
81            for data in greybox.values():
82                if data.active:
83                    # check that no variables are fixed
84                    fixed_vars.extend(v for v in data.inputs.values() if v.fixed)
85                    fixed_vars.extend(v for v in data.outputs.values() if v.fixed)
86                    greybox_nlp = _ExternalGreyBoxAsNLP(data)
87                    greybox_nlps.append(greybox_nlp)
89        if fixed_vars:
90            logging.getLogger(__name__).error('PyomoNLPWithGreyBoxBlocks found fixed variables for the'
91                                              ' inputs and/or outputs of an ExternalGreyBoxBlock. This'
92                                              ' is not currently supported. The fixed variables were:\n\t'
93                                              + '\n\t'.join(f.getname(fully_qualified=True) for f in fixed_vars)
94                                              )
95            raise NotImplementedError('PyomoNLPWithGreyBoxBlocks does not support fixed inputs or outputs')
97        # let's build up the union of all the primal variables names
98        # RBP: Why use names here? Why not just ComponentSet of all
99        # data objects?
100        primals_names = set(self._pyomo_nlp.primals_names())
101        for gbnlp in greybox_nlps:
102            primals_names.update(gbnlp.primals_names())
104        # sort the names for consistency run to run
105        self._n_primals = len(primals_names)
106        self._primals_names = primals_names = sorted(primals_names)
107        self._pyomo_model_var_datas = [self._pyomo_model_var_names_to_datas[nm] for nm in self._primals_names]
109        # get the names of all the constraints
110        self._constraint_names = list(self._pyomo_nlp.constraint_names())
111        self._constraint_datas = [self._pyomo_model_constraint_names_to_datas.get(nm) for nm in self._constraint_names]
112        for gbnlp in greybox_nlps:
113            self._constraint_names.extend(gbnlp.constraint_names())
114            self._constraint_datas.extend([(gbnlp._block, nm) for nm in gbnlp.constraint_names()])
115        self._n_constraints = len(self._constraint_names)
117        self._has_hessian_support = True
118        for nlp in greybox_nlps:
119            if not nlp.has_hessian_support():
120                self._has_hessian_support = False
122        # wrap all the nlp objects with projected nlp objects
123        self._pyomo_nlp = ProjectedNLP(self._pyomo_nlp, primals_names)
124        for i,gbnlp in enumerate(greybox_nlps):
125            greybox_nlps[i] = ProjectedNLP(greybox_nlps[i], primals_names)
127        # build a list of all the nlps in order
128        self._nlps = nlps = [self._pyomo_nlp]
129        nlps.extend(greybox_nlps)
131        # build the primal and dual inits and lb, ub vectors
132        self._init_primals = self._pyomo_nlp.init_primals()
133        self._primals_lb = self._pyomo_nlp.primals_lb()
134        self._primals_ub = self._pyomo_nlp.primals_ub()
135        for gbnlp in greybox_nlps:
136            local = gbnlp.init_primals()
137            mask = ~np.isnan(local)
138            self._init_primals[mask] = local[mask]
140            local = gbnlp.primals_lb()
141            mask = ~np.isnan(local)
142            self._primals_lb[mask] = np.maximum(self._primals_lb[mask], local[mask])
144            local = gbnlp.primals_ub()
145            mask = ~np.isnan(local)
146            self._primals_ub[mask] = np.minimum(self._primals_ub[mask], local[mask])
148        # all the nan's should be gone (every primal should be initialized)
149        if np.any(np.isnan(self._init_primals)) \
150           or np.any(np.isnan(self._primals_lb)) \
151           or np.any(np.isnan(self._primals_ub)):
152            raise ValueError('NaN values found in initialization of primals or'
153                             ' primals_lb or primals_ub in _PyomoNLPWithGreyBoxBlocks.')
155        self._init_duals = BlockVector(len(nlps))
156        self._dual_values_blockvector = BlockVector(len(nlps))
157        self._constraints_lb = BlockVector(len(nlps))
158        self._constraints_ub = BlockVector(len(nlps))
159        for i,nlp in enumerate(nlps):
160            self._init_duals.set_block(i, nlp.init_duals())
161            self._constraints_lb.set_block(i, nlp.constraints_lb())
162            self._constraints_ub.set_block(i, nlp.constraints_ub())
163            self._dual_values_blockvector.set_block(i, np.nan*np.zeros(nlp.n_constraints()))
164        self._init_duals = self._init_duals.flatten()
165        self._constraints_lb = self._constraints_lb.flatten()
166        self._constraints_ub = self._constraints_ub.flatten()
167        # verify that there are no nans in the init_duals
168        if np.any(np.isnan(self._init_duals)) \
169           or np.any(np.isnan(self._constraints_lb)) \
170           or np.any(np.isnan(self._constraints_ub)):
171            raise ValueError('NaN values found in initialization of duals or'
172                             ' constraints_lb or constraints_ub in'
173                             ' _PyomoNLPWithGreyBoxBlocks.')
175        self._primal_values = np.nan*np.ones(self._n_primals)
176        # set the values of the primals and duals to make sure initial
177        # values get all the way through to the underlying models
178        self.set_primals(self._init_primals)
179        self.set_duals(self._init_duals)
180        assert not np.any(np.isnan(self._primal_values))
181        assert not np.any(np.isnan(self._dual_values_blockvector))
183        # if any of the problem is scaled (i.e., one or more of primals,
184        # constraints, or objective), then we want scaling factors for
185        # all of them (defaulted to 1)
186        need_scaling = False
187        # objective is owned by self._pyomo_nlp, not in any of the greybox models
188        self._obj_scaling = self._pyomo_nlp.get_obj_scaling()
189        if self._obj_scaling is None:
190            self._obj_scaling = 1.0
191        else:
192            need_scaling = True
194        self._primals_scaling = np.ones(self.n_primals())
195        scaling_suffix = pyomo_model.component('scaling_factor')
196        if scaling_suffix and scaling_suffix.ctype is pyo.Suffix:
197            need_scaling = True
198            for i,v in enumerate(self._pyomo_model_var_datas):
199                if v in scaling_suffix:
200                    self._primals_scaling[i] = scaling_suffix[v]
202        self._constraints_scaling = BlockVector(len(nlps))
203        for i,nlp in enumerate(nlps):
204            local_constraints_scaling = nlp.get_constraints_scaling()
205            if local_constraints_scaling is None:
206                self._constraints_scaling.set_block(i, np.ones(nlp.n_constraints()))
207            else:
208                self._constraints_scaling.set_block(i, local_constraints_scaling)
209                need_scaling = True
210        if need_scaling:
211            self._constraints_scaling = self._constraints_scaling.flatten()
212        else:
213            self._obj_scaling = None
214            self._primals_scaling = None
215            self._constraints_scaling = None
217        # compute the jacobian and the hessian to get nnz
218        jac = self.evaluate_jacobian()
219        self._nnz_jacobian = len(jac.data)
221        self._sparse_hessian_summation = None
222        self._nnz_hessian_lag = None
223        if self._has_hessian_support:
224            hess = self.evaluate_hessian_lag()
225            self._nnz_hessian_lag = len(hess.data)
227    # overloaded from NLP
228    def n_primals(self):
229        return self._n_primals
231    # overloaded from NLP
232    def primals_names(self):
233        return self._primals_names
235    # overloaded from NLP
236    def n_constraints(self):
237        return self._n_constraints
239    # overloaded from NLP
240    def constraint_names(self):
241        return self._constraint_names
243    # overloaded from NLP
244    def nnz_jacobian(self):
245        return self._nnz_jacobian
247    # overloaded from NLP
248    def nnz_hessian_lag(self):
249        return self._nnz_hessian_lag
251    # overloaded from NLP
252    def primals_lb(self):
253        return self._primals_lb
255    # overloaded from NLP
256    def primals_ub(self):
257        return self._primals_ub
259    # overloaded from NLP
260    def constraints_lb(self):
261        return self._constraints_lb
263    # overloaded from NLP
264    def constraints_ub(self):
265        return self._constraints_ub
267    # overloaded from NLP
268    def init_primals(self):
269        return self._init_primals
271    # overloaded from NLP
272    def init_duals(self):
273        return self._init_duals
275    # overloaded from NLP / Extended NLP
276    def create_new_vector(self, vector_type):
277        if vector_type == 'primals':
278            return np.zeros(self.n_primals(), dtype=np.float64)
279        elif vector_type == 'constraints' or vector_type == 'duals':
280            return np.zeros(self.n_constraints(), dtype=np.float64)
281        else:
282            raise RuntimeError('Called create_new_vector with an unknown vector_type')
284    # overloaded from NLP
285    def set_primals(self, primals):
286        np.copyto(self._primal_values, primals)
287        for nlp in self._nlps:
288            nlp.set_primals(primals)
290    # overloaded from AslNLP
291    def get_primals(self):
292        return np.copy(self._primal_values)
294    # overloaded from NLP
295    def set_duals(self, duals):
296        self._dual_values_blockvector.copyfrom(duals)
297        for i,nlp in enumerate(self._nlps):
298            nlp.set_duals(self._dual_values_blockvector.get_block(i))
300    # overloaded from NLP
301    def get_duals(self):
302        return self._dual_values_blockvector.flatten()
304    # overloaded from NLP
305    def set_obj_factor(self, obj_factor):
306        # objective is owned by the pyomo model
307        self._pyomo_nlp.set_obj_factor(obj_factor)
309    # overloaded from NLP
310    def get_obj_factor(self):
311        # objective is owned by the pyomo model
312        return self._pyomo_nlp.get_obj_factor()
314    # overloaded from NLP
315    def get_obj_scaling(self):
316        return self._obj_scaling
318    # overloaded from NLP
319    def get_primals_scaling(self):
320        return self._primals_scaling
322    # overloaded from NLP
323    def get_constraints_scaling(self):
324        return self._constraints_scaling
326    # overloaded from NLP
327    def evaluate_objective(self):
328        # objective is owned by the pyomo model
329        return self._pyomo_nlp.evaluate_objective()
331    # overloaded from NLP
332    def evaluate_grad_objective(self, out=None):
333        return self._pyomo_nlp.evaluate_grad_objective(out=out)
335    # overloaded from NLP
336    def evaluate_constraints(self, out=None):
337        # todo: implement the "out" version more efficiently
338        ret = BlockVector(len(self._nlps))
339        for i,nlp in enumerate(self._nlps):
340            ret.set_block(i, nlp.evaluate_constraints())
342        if out is not None:
343            ret.copyto(out)
344            return out
346        return ret.flatten()
348    # overloaded from NLP
349    def evaluate_jacobian(self, out=None):
350        ret = BlockMatrix(len(self._nlps),1)
351        for i,nlp in enumerate(self._nlps):
352            ret.set_block(i, 0, nlp.evaluate_jacobian())
353        ret = ret.tocoo()
355        if out is not None:
356            assert np.array_equal(ret.row, out.row)
357            assert np.array_equal(ret.col, out.col)
358            np.copyto(out.data, ret.data)
359            return out
360        return ret
362    def evaluate_hessian_lag(self, out=None):
363        list_of_hessians = [nlp.evaluate_hessian_lag() for nlp in self._nlps]
364        if self._sparse_hessian_summation is None:
365            # This is assuming that the nonzero structures of Hessians
366            # do not change
367            self._sparse_hessian_summation = CondensedSparseSummation(list_of_hessians)
368        ret = self._sparse_hessian_summation.sum(list_of_hessians)
370        if out is not None:
371            assert np.array_equal(ret.row, out.row)
372            assert np.array_equal(ret.col, out.col)
373            np.copyto(out.data, ret.data)
374            return out
375        return ret
377    def report_solver_status(self, status_code, status_message):
378        raise NotImplementedError('This is not yet implemented.')
380    def load_state_into_pyomo(self, bound_multipliers=None):
381        # load the values of the primals into the pyomo
382        primals = self.get_primals()
383        for value,vardata in zip(primals, self._pyomo_model_var_datas):
384            vardata.set_value(value)
386        # get the active suffixes
387        m = self._pyomo_model
388        model_suffixes = dict(
389            pyo.suffix.active_import_suffix_generator(m))
391        # we need to correct the sign of the multipliers based on whether or
392        # not we are minimizing or maximizing - this is done in the ASL interface
393        # for ipopt, but does not appear to be done in cyipopt.
394        obj_sign = 1.0
395        objs = list(m.component_data_objects(ctype=pyo.Objective, descend_into=True))
396        assert len(objs) == 1
397        if objs[0].sense == pyo.maximize:
398            obj_sign = -1.0
400        if 'dual' in model_suffixes:
401            model_suffixes['dual'].clear()
402            dual_values = self._dual_values_blockvector.flatten()
403            for value,t in zip(dual_values, self._constraint_datas):
404                if type(t) is tuple:
405                    model_suffixes['dual'].setdefault(t[0], {})[t[1]] = -obj_sign*value
406                else:
407                    # t is a constraint data
408                    model_suffixes['dual'][t] = -obj_sign*value
410        if 'ipopt_zL_out' in model_suffixes:
411            model_suffixes['ipopt_zL_out'].clear()
412            if bound_multipliers is not None:
413                model_suffixes['ipopt_zL_out'].update(
414                    zip(self._pyomo_model_var_datas, obj_sign*bound_multipliers[0]))
415        if 'ipopt_zU_out' in model_suffixes:
416            model_suffixes['ipopt_zU_out'].clear()
417            if bound_multipliers is not None:
418                model_suffixes['ipopt_zU_out'].update(
419                    zip(self._pyomo_model_var_datas, -obj_sign*bound_multipliers[1]))
421def _default_if_none(value, default):
422    if value is None:
423        return default
424    return value
426class _ExternalGreyBoxAsNLP(NLP):
427    """
428    This class takes an ExternalGreyBoxModel and makes it look
429    like an NLP so it can be used with other interfaces. Currently,
430    the ExternalGreyBoxModel supports constraints only (no objective),
431    so some of the methods are not appropriate and raise exceptions
432    """
433    def __init__(self, external_grey_box_block):
434        self._block = external_grey_box_block
435        self._ex_model = external_grey_box_block.get_external_model()
436        n_inputs = len(self._block.inputs)
437        assert n_inputs == self._ex_model.n_inputs()
438        n_eq_constraints = self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints()
439        n_outputs = len(self._block.outputs)
440        assert n_outputs == self._ex_model.n_outputs()
442        if self._ex_model.n_outputs() == 0 and \
443           self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints() == 0:
444            raise ValueError(
445                'ExternalGreyBoxModel has no equality constraints '
446                'or outputs. To use _ExternalGreyBoxAsNLP, it must'
447                ' have at least one or both.')
449        # create the list of primals and constraint names
450        # primals will be ordered inputs, followed by outputs
451        self._primals_names = \
452            [self._block.inputs[k].getname(fully_qualified=True) \
453             for k in self._block.inputs]
454        self._primals_names.extend(
455            [self._block.outputs[k].getname(fully_qualified=True) \
456             for k in self._block.outputs]
457        )
458        n_primals = len(self._primals_names)
460        prefix = self._block.getname(fully_qualified=True)
461        self._constraint_names = \
462            ['{}.{}'.format(prefix, nm) \
463             for nm in self._ex_model.equality_constraint_names()]
464        output_var_names = \
465            [self._block.outputs[k].getname(fully_qualified=False) \
466             for k in self._block.outputs]
467        self._constraint_names.extend(
468            ['{}.output_constraints[{}]'.format(prefix, nm) \
469             for nm in self._ex_model.output_names()])
471        # create the numpy arrays of bounds on the primals
472        self._primals_lb = BlockVector(2)
473        self._primals_ub = BlockVector(2)
474        self._init_primals = BlockVector(2)
475        lb = np.nan*np.zeros(n_inputs)
476        ub = np.nan*np.zeros(n_inputs)
477        init_primals = np.nan*np.zeros(n_inputs)
478        for i,k in enumerate(self._block.inputs):
479            lb[i] = _default_if_none(self._block.inputs[k].lb, -np.inf)
480            ub[i] = _default_if_none(self._block.inputs[k].ub, np.inf)
481            init_primals[i] = _default_if_none(self._block.inputs[k].value, 0.0)
482        self._primals_lb.set_block(0,lb)
483        self._primals_ub.set_block(0,ub)
484        self._init_primals.set_block(0, init_primals)
486        lb = np.nan*np.zeros(n_outputs)
487        ub = np.nan*np.zeros(n_outputs)
488        init_primals = np.nan*np.zeros(n_outputs)
489        for i,k in enumerate(self._block.outputs):
490            lb[i] = _default_if_none(self._block.outputs[k].lb, -np.inf)
491            ub[i] = _default_if_none(self._block.outputs[k].ub, np.inf)
492            init_primals[i] = _default_if_none(self._block.outputs[k].value, 0.0)
493        self._primals_lb.set_block(1,lb)
494        self._primals_ub.set_block(1,ub)
495        self._init_primals.set_block(1,init_primals)
496        self._primals_lb = self._primals_lb.flatten()
497        self._primals_ub = self._primals_ub.flatten()
498        self._init_primals = self._init_primals.flatten()
500        # create a numpy array to store the values of the primals
501        self._primal_values = np.copy(self._init_primals)
502        # make sure the values are passed through to other objects
503        self.set_primals(self._init_primals)
505        # create the numpy arrays for the duals and initial values
506        # for now, initialize the duals to zero
507        self._init_duals = np.zeros(self.n_constraints(), dtype=np.float64)
508        # create the numpy arrays to store the dual variables
509        self._dual_values = np.copy(self._init_duals)
510        # make sure the values are passed through to other objects
511        self.set_duals(self._init_duals)
513        # create the numpy arrays for bounds on the constraints
514        # for now all of these are equalities
515        self._constraints_lb = np.zeros(self.n_constraints(), dtype=np.float64)
516        self._constraints_ub = np.zeros(self.n_constraints(), dtype=np.float64)
518        # do we have hessian support
519        self._has_hessian_support = True
520        if self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints() > 0 \
521           and not hasattr(self._ex_model, 'evaluate_hessian_equality_constraints'):
522            self._has_hessian_support = False
523        if self._ex_model.n_outputs() > 0 \
524           and not hasattr(self._ex_model, 'evaluate_hessian_outputs'):
525            self._has_hessian_support = False
527        self._nnz_jacobian = None
528        self._nnz_hessian_lag = None
529        self._cached_constraint_residuals = None
530        self._cached_jacobian = None
531        self._cached_hessian = None
533    def n_primals(self):
534        return len(self._primals_names)
536    def primals_names(self):
537        return list(self._primals_names)
539    def n_constraints(self):
540        return len(self._constraint_names)
542    def constraint_names(self):
543        return list(self._constraint_names)
545    def nnz_jacobian(self):
546        if self._nnz_jacobian is None:
547            J = self.evaluate_jacobian()
548            self._nnz_jacobian = len(J.data)
549        return self._nnz_jacobian
551    def nnz_hessian_lag(self):
552        if self._nnz_hessian_lag is None:
553            H = self.evaluate_hessian_lag()
554            self._nnz_hessian_lag = len(H.data)
555        return self._nnz_hessian_lag
557    def primals_lb(self):
558        return np.copy(self._primals_lb)
560    def primals_ub(self):
561        return np.copy(self._primals_ub)
563    def constraints_lb(self):
564        return np.copy(self._constraints_lb)
566    def constraints_ub(self):
567        return np.copy(self._constraints_ub)
569    def init_primals(self):
570        return np.copy(self._init_primals)
572    def init_duals(self):
573        return np.copy(self._init_duals)
575    def create_new_vector(self, vector_type):
576        if vector_type == 'primals':
577            return np.zeros(self.n_primals(), dtype=np.float64)
578        elif vector_type == 'constraints' or vector_type == 'duals':
579            return np.zeros(self.n_constraints(), dtype=np.float64)
581    def _cache_invalidate_primals(self):
582        self._cached_constraint_residuals = None
583        self._cached_jacobian = None
584        self._cached_hessian = None
586    def set_primals(self, primals):
587        self._cache_invalidate_primals()
588        assert len(primals) == self.n_primals()
589        np.copyto(self._primal_values, primals)
590        self._ex_model.set_input_values(primals[:self._ex_model.n_inputs()])
592    def get_primals(self):
593        return np.copy(self._primal_values)
595    def _cache_invalidate_duals(self):
596        self._cached_hessian = None
598    def set_duals(self, duals):
599        self._cache_invalidate_duals()
600        assert len(duals) == self.n_constraints()
601        np.copyto(self._dual_values, duals)
602        if self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints() > 0:
603            self._ex_model.set_equality_constraint_multipliers(
604                self._dual_values[:self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints()]
605                )
606        if self._ex_model.n_outputs() > 0:
607            self._ex_model.set_output_constraint_multipliers(
608                self._dual_values[self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints():]
609                )
611    def get_duals(self):
612        return np.copy(self._dual_values)
614    def set_obj_factor(self, obj_factor):
615        raise NotImplementedError('_ExternalGreyBoxAsNLP does not support objectives')
617    def get_obj_factor(self):
618        raise NotImplementedError('_ExternalGreyBoxAsNLP does not support objectives')
620    def get_obj_scaling(self):
621        raise NotImplementedError('_ExternalGreyBoxAsNLP does not support objectives')
623    def get_primals_scaling(self):
624        raise NotImplementedError(
625            '_ExternalGreyBoxAsNLP does not support scaling of primals '
626            'directly. This should be handled at a higher level using '
627            'suffixes on the Pyomo variables.'
628            )
630    def get_constraints_scaling(self):
631        # todo: would this be better with block vectors
632        scaling = np.ones(self.n_constraints(), dtype=np.float64)
633        scaled = False
634        if self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints() > 0:
635            eq_scaling = self._ex_model.get_equality_constraint_scaling_factors()
636            if eq_scaling is not None:
637                scaling[:self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints()] = eq_scaling
638                scaled = True
639        if self._ex_model.n_outputs() > 0:
640            output_scaling = self._ex_model.get_output_constraint_scaling_factors()
641            if output_scaling is not None:
642                scaling[self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints():] = output_scaling
643                scaled = True
644        if scaled:
645            return scaling
646        return None
648    def evaluate_objective(self):
649        # todo: Should we return 0 here?
650        raise NotImplementedError('_ExternalGreyBoxNLP does not support objectives')
652    def evaluate_grad_objective(self, out=None):
653        # todo: Should we return 0 here?
654        raise NotImplementedError('_ExternalGreyBoxNLP does not support objectives')
656    def _evaluate_constraints_if_necessary_and_cache(self):
657        if self._cached_constraint_residuals is None:
658            c = BlockVector(2)
659            if self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints() > 0:
660                c.set_block(0, self._ex_model.evaluate_equality_constraints())
661            else:
662                c.set_block(0, np.zeros(0, dtype=np.float64))
663            if self._ex_model.n_outputs() > 0:
664                output_values = self._primal_values[self._ex_model.n_inputs():]
665                c.set_block(1, self._ex_model.evaluate_outputs() - output_values)
666            else:
667                c.set_block(1,np.zeros(0, dtype=np.float64))
668            self._cached_constraint_residuals = c.flatten()
670    def evaluate_constraints(self, out=None):
671        self._evaluate_constraints_if_necessary_and_cache()
672        if out is not None:
673            assert len(out) == self.n_constraints()
674            np.copyto(out, self._cached_constraint_residuals)
675            return out
677        return np.copy(self._cached_constraint_residuals)
679    def _evaluate_jacobian_if_necessary_and_cache(self):
680        if self._cached_jacobian is None:
681            jac = BlockMatrix(2,2)
682            jac.set_row_size(0,self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints())
683            jac.set_row_size(1,self._ex_model.n_outputs())
684            jac.set_col_size(0,self._ex_model.n_inputs())
685            jac.set_col_size(1,self._ex_model.n_outputs())
687            if self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints() > 0:
688                jac.set_block(0,0,self._ex_model.evaluate_jacobian_equality_constraints())
689            if self._ex_model.n_outputs() > 0:
690                jac.set_block(1,0,self._ex_model.evaluate_jacobian_outputs())
691                jac.set_block(1,1,-1.0*identity(self._ex_model.n_outputs()))
693            self._cached_jacobian = jac.tocoo()
695    def evaluate_jacobian(self, out=None):
696        self._evaluate_jacobian_if_necessary_and_cache()
697        if out is not None:
698            jac = self._cached_jacobian
699            assert np.array_equal(jac.row, out.row)
700            assert np.array_equal(jac.col, out.col)
701            np.copyto(out.data, jac.data)
702            return out
704        return self._cached_jacobian.copy()
706    def _evaluate_hessian_if_necessary_and_cache(self):
707        if self._cached_hessian is None:
708            hess = BlockMatrix(2,2)
709            hess.set_row_size(0,self._ex_model.n_inputs())
710            hess.set_row_size(1,self._ex_model.n_outputs())
711            hess.set_col_size(0,self._ex_model.n_inputs())
712            hess.set_col_size(1,self._ex_model.n_outputs())
714            # get the hessian w.r.t. the equality constraints
715            eq_hess = None
716            if self._ex_model.n_equality_constraints() > 0:
717                eq_hess = self._ex_model.evaluate_hessian_equality_constraints()
718                # let's check that it is lower triangular
719                if np.any(eq_hess.row < eq_hess.col):
720                    raise ValueError('ExternalGreyBoxModel must return lower '
721                                     'triangular portion of the Hessian only')
723                eq_hess = make_lower_triangular_full(eq_hess)
725            output_hess = None
726            if self._ex_model.n_outputs() > 0:
727                output_hess = self._ex_model.evaluate_hessian_outputs()
728                # let's check that it is lower triangular
729                if np.any(output_hess.row < output_hess.col):
730                    raise ValueError('ExternalGreyBoxModel must return lower '
731                                     'triangular portion of the Hessian only')
733                output_hess = make_lower_triangular_full(output_hess)
735            input_hess = None
736            if eq_hess is not None and output_hess is not None:
737                # we may want to make this more efficient
738                row = np.concatenate((eq_hess.row, output_hess.row))
739                col = np.concatenate((eq_hess.col, output_hess.col))
740                data = np.concatenate((eq_hess.data, output_hess.data))
742                assert eq_hess.shape == output_hess.shape
743                input_hess = coo_matrix( (data, (row,col)), shape=eq_hess.shape)
744            elif eq_hess is not None:
745                input_hess = eq_hess
746            elif output_hess is not None:
747                input_hess = output_hess
748            assert input_hess is not None # need equality or outputs or both
750            hess.set_block(0,0,input_hess)
751            self._cached_hessian = hess.tocoo()
753    def has_hessian_support(self):
754        return self._has_hessian_support
756    def evaluate_hessian_lag(self, out=None):
757        if not self._has_hessian_support:
758            raise NotImplementedError(
759                'Hessians not supported for all of the external grey box'
760                ' models. Therefore, Hessians are not supported overall.'
761                )
763        self._evaluate_hessian_if_necessary_and_cache()
764        if out is not None:
765            hess = self._cached_hessian
766            assert np.array_equal(hess.row, out.row)
767            assert np.array_equal(hess.col, out.col)
768            np.copyto(out.data, hess.data)
769            return out
771        return self._cached_hessian.copy()
773    def report_solver_status(self, status_code, status_message):
774        raise NotImplementedError('report_solver_status not implemented')