1# ______________________________________________________________________________
3# Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
4# Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
5# Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
6# Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
7# rights in this software.
8# This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License
9# ______________________________________________________________________________
10from pyomo.environ import (
11    Param, Var, Block, ComponentMap, Objective, Constraint,
12    ConstraintList, Suffix, value, ComponentUID,
15from pyomo.common.sorting import sorted_robust
16from pyomo.core.expr.current import ExpressionReplacementVisitor
18from pyomo.common.modeling import unique_component_name
19from pyomo.common.deprecation import deprecated
20from pyomo.common.tempfiles import TempfileManager
21from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory, SolverStatus
22from pyomo.contrib.sensitivity_toolbox.k_aug import K_augInterface, InTempDir
23import logging
24import os
25import io
26import shutil
27from pyomo.common.dependencies import (
28    numpy as np, numpy_available
29    )
30from pyomo.common.dependencies import scipy, scipy_available
32logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.contrib.sensitivity_toolbox')
34@deprecated("The sipopt function has been deprecated. Use the sensitivity_calculation() "
35            "function with method='sipopt' to access this functionality.",
36            logger='pyomo.contrib.sensitivity_toolbox',
37            version='6.1')
38def sipopt(instance, paramSubList, perturbList,
39           cloneModel=True, tee=False, keepfiles=False,
40           streamSoln=False):
41    m = sensitivity_calculation('sipopt', instance, paramSubList, perturbList,
42         cloneModel, tee, keepfiles, solver_options=None)
44    return m
46@deprecated("The kaug function has been deprecated. Use the sensitivity_calculation() "
47            "function with method='k_aug' to access this functionality.",
48            logger='pyomo.contrib.sensitivity_toolbox',
49            version='6.1')
50def kaug(instance, paramSubList, perturbList,
51         cloneModel=True, tee=False, keepfiles=False, solver_options=None,
52         streamSoln=False):
53    m = sensitivity_calculation('k_aug', instance, paramSubList, perturbList,
54         cloneModel, tee, keepfiles, solver_options)
56    return m
59        'sens_state_0': Suffix.EXPORT,
60        # ^ Not sure what this suffix does -RBP
61        'sens_state_1': Suffix.EXPORT,
62        'sens_state_value_1': Suffix.EXPORT,
63        'sens_init_constr': Suffix.EXPORT,
65        'sens_sol_state_1': Suffix.IMPORT,
66        'sens_sol_state_1_z_L': Suffix.IMPORT,
67        'sens_sol_state_1_z_U': Suffix.IMPORT,
68        }
71        'ipopt_zL_out': Suffix.IMPORT,
72        'ipopt_zU_out': Suffix.IMPORT,
73        'ipopt_zL_in': Suffix.EXPORT,
74        'ipopt_zU_in': Suffix.EXPORT,
75        'dual': Suffix.IMPORT_EXPORT,
76        'dcdp': Suffix.EXPORT,
77        'DeltaP': Suffix.EXPORT,
78        }
80def _add_sensitivity_suffixes(block):
81    suffix_dict = {}
82    suffix_dict.update(_SIPOPT_SUFFIXES)
83    suffix_dict.update(_K_AUG_SUFFIXES)
84    for name, direction in suffix_dict.items():
85        if block.component(name) is None:
86            # Only add suffix if it doesn't already exist.
87            # If something of this name does already exist, just
88            # assume it is the proper suffix and move on.
89            block.add_component(name, Suffix(direction=direction))
91class _NotAnIndex(object):
92    pass
94def _generate_component_items(components):
95    if type(components) not in {list, tuple}:
96        components = (components,)
97    for comp in components:
98        if comp.is_indexed():
99            for idx in sorted_robust(comp):
100                yield idx, comp[idx]
101        else:
102            yield _NotAnIndex, comp
104def sensitivity_calculation(method, instance, paramList, perturbList,
105         cloneModel=True, tee=False, keepfiles=False, solver_options=None):
106    """This function accepts a Pyomo ConcreteModel, a list of parameters, and
107    their corresponding perturbation list. The model is then augmented with
108    dummy constraints required to call sipopt or k_aug to get an approximation
109    of the perturbed solution.
111    Parameters
112    ----------
113    method: string
114        'sipopt' or 'k_aug'
115    instance: Block
116        pyomo block or model object
117    paramSubList: list
118        list of mutable parameters or fixed variables
119    perturbList: list
120        list of perturbed parameter values
121    cloneModel: bool, optional
122        indicator to clone the model. If set to False, the original
123        model will be altered
124    tee: bool, optional
125        indicator to stream solver log
126    keepfiles: bool, optional
127        preserve solver interface files
128    solver_options: dict, optional
129        Provides options to the solver (also the name of an attribute)
131    Returns
132    -------
133    The model that was manipulated by the sensitivity interface
135    """
137    sens = SensitivityInterface(instance, clone_model=cloneModel)
138    sens.setup_sensitivity(paramList)
140    m = sens.model_instance
142    if method not in {"k_aug", "sipopt"}:
143        raise ValueError("Only methods 'k_aug' and 'sipopt' are supported'")
145    if method == 'k_aug':
146        k_aug = SolverFactory('k_aug', solver_io='nl')
147        dot_sens = SolverFactory('dot_sens', solver_io='nl')
148        ipopt = SolverFactory('ipopt', solver_io='nl')
150        k_aug_interface = K_augInterface(k_aug=k_aug, dot_sens=dot_sens)
152        ipopt.solve(m, tee=tee)
153        m.ipopt_zL_in.update(m.ipopt_zL_out)  #: important!
154        m.ipopt_zU_in.update(m.ipopt_zU_out)  #: important!
156        k_aug.options['dsdp_mode'] = ""  #: sensitivity mode!
157        k_aug_interface.k_aug(m, tee=tee)
159    sens.perturb_parameters(perturbList)
161    if method == 'sipopt':
162        ipopt_sens = SolverFactory('ipopt_sens', solver_io='nl')
163        ipopt_sens.options['run_sens'] = 'yes'
165        # Send the model to ipopt_sens and collect the solution
166        results = ipopt_sens.solve(m, keepfiles=keepfiles, tee=tee)
168    elif method == 'k_aug':
169        dot_sens.options["dsdp_mode"] = ""
170        k_aug_interface.dot_sens(m, tee=tee)
172    return m
174def get_dsdp(model, theta_names, theta, tee=False):
175    """This function calculates gradient vector of the variables
176        with respect to the parameters (theta_names).
178    e.g) min f:  p1*x1+ p2*(x2^2) + p1*p2
179         s.t  c1: x1 + x2 = p1
180              c2: x2 + x3 = p2
181              0 <= x1, x2, x3 <= 10
182              p1 = 10
183              p2 = 5
184    the function retuns dx/dp and dp/dp, and column orders.
186    The following terms are used to define the output dimensions:
187    Ncon   = number of constraints
188    Nvar   = number of variables (Nx + Ntheta)
189    Nx     = number of decision (primal) variables
190    Ntheta = number of uncertain parameters.
192    Parameters
193    ----------
194    model: Pyomo ConcreteModel
195        model should include an objective function
196    theta_names: list of strings
197        List of Var names
198    theta: dict
199        Estimated parameters e.g) from parmest
200    tee: bool, optional
201        Indicates that ef solver output should be teed
203    Returns
204    -------
205    dsdp: scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix
206        Ntheta by Nvar size sparse matrix. A Jacobian matrix of the
207        (decision variables, parameters) with respect to parameters
208        (theta_names). number of rows = len(theta_name), number of
209        columns = len(col)
210    col: list
211        List of variable names
212    """
213    # Get parameters from names. In SensitivityInterface, we expect
214    # these to be parameters on the original model.
215    param_list = []
216    for name in theta_names:
217        comp = model.find_component(name)
218        if comp is None:
219            raise RuntimeError("Cannot find component %s on model" % name)
220        if comp.ctype is Var:
221            # If theta_names correspond to Vars in the model, these vars
222            # need to be fixed.
223            comp.fix()
224        param_list.append(comp)
226    sens = SensitivityInterface(model, clone_model=True)
227    m = sens.model_instance
229    # Setup model and calculate sensitivity matrix with k_aug
230    sens.setup_sensitivity(param_list)
231    k_aug = K_augInterface()
232    k_aug.k_aug(m, tee=tee)
234    # Write row and col files in a temp dir, then immediately
235    # read into a Python data structure.
236    nl_data = {}
237    with InTempDir():
238        base_fname = "col_row"
239        nl_file = ".".join((base_fname, "nl"))
240        row_file = ".".join((base_fname, "row"))
241        col_file = ".".join((base_fname, "col"))
242        m.write(nl_file, io_options={"symbolic_solver_labels": True})
243        for fname in [nl_file, row_file, col_file]:
244            with open(fname, "r") as fp:
245                nl_data[fname] = fp.read()
247    # Create more useful data structures from strings
248    dsdp = np.fromstring(k_aug.data["dsdp_in_.in"], sep="\n\t")
249    col = nl_data[col_file].strip("\n").split("\n")
250    row = nl_data[row_file].strip("\n").split("\n")
252    dsdp = dsdp.reshape((len(theta_names), int(len(dsdp)/len(theta_names))))
253    dsdp = dsdp[:len(theta_names), :len(col)]
255    col = [i for i in col if sens.get_default_block_name() not in i]
256    dsdp_out = np.zeros((len(theta_names),len(col)))
257    for i in range(len(theta_names)):
258        for j in range(len(col)):
259            if sens.get_default_block_name() not in col[j]:
260                dsdp_out[i,j] = -dsdp[i, j] # e.g) k_aug dsdp returns -dx1/dx1 = -1.0
262    return scipy.sparse.csr_matrix(dsdp_out), col
265def get_dfds_dcds(model, theta_names, tee=False, solver_options=None):
266    """This function calculates gradient vector of the objective function
267       and constraints with respect to the variables and parameters.
269    e.g) min f:  p1*x1+ p2*(x2^2) + p1*p2
270         s.t  c1: x1 + x2 = p1
271              c2: x2 + x3 = p2
272              0 <= x1, x2, x3 <= 10
273              p1 = 10
274              p2 = 5
275    - Variables = (x1, x2, x3, p1, p2)
276    - Fix p1 and p2 with estimated values
278    The following terms are used to define the output dimensions:
279    Ncon   = number of constraints
280    Nvar   = number of variables (Nx + Ntheta)
281    Nx     = number of decision (primal) variables
282    Ntheta = number of uncertain parameters.
284    Parameters
285    ----------
286    model: Pyomo ConcreteModel
287        model should include an objective function
288    theta_names: list of strings
289        List of Var names
290    tee: bool, optional
291        Indicates that ef solver output should be teed
292    solver_options: dict, optional
293        Provides options to the solver (also the name of an attribute)
295    Returns
296    -------
297    gradient_f: numpy.ndarray
298        Length Nvar array. A gradient vector of the objective function
299        with respect to the (decision variables, parameters) at the optimal
300        solution
301    gradient_c: scipy.sparse.csr.csr_matrix
302        Ncon by Nvar size sparse matrix. A Jacobian matrix of the
303        constraints with respect to the (decision variables, parameters)
304        at the optimal solution. Each row contains [column number,
305        row number, and value], column order follows variable order in col
306        and index starts from 1. Note that it follows k_aug.
307        If no constraint exists, return []
308    col: list
309        Size Nvar list of variable names
310    row: list
311        Size Ncon+1 list of constraints and objective function names.
312        The final element is the objective function name.
313    line_dic: dict
314        column numbers of the theta_names in the model. Index starts from 1
316    Raises
317    ------
318    RuntimeError
319        When ipopt or k_aug or dotsens is not available
320    Exception
321        When ipopt fails
322    """
323    # Create the solver plugin using the ASL interface
324    ipopt = SolverFactory('ipopt',solver_io='nl')
325    if solver_options is not None:
326        ipopt.options = solver_options
327    k_aug = SolverFactory('k_aug',solver_io='nl')
328    if not ipopt.available(False):
329        raise RuntimeError('ipopt is not available')
330    if not k_aug.available(False):
331        raise RuntimeError('k_aug is not available')
333    # Declare Suffixes
334    _add_sensitivity_suffixes(model)
337    model.dof_v = Suffix(direction=Suffix.EXPORT)  #: SUFFIX FOR K_AUG
338    model.rh_name = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)  #: SUFFIX FOR K_AUG AS WELL
339    k_aug.options["print_kkt"] = ""
341    results = ipopt.solve(model,tee=tee)
343    # Raise exception if ipopt fails
344    if (results.solver.status == SolverStatus.warning):
345        raise Exception(results.solver.Message)
347    for o in model.component_objects(Objective, active=True):
348        f_mean = value(o)
349    model.ipopt_zL_in.update(model.ipopt_zL_out)
350    model.ipopt_zU_in.update(model.ipopt_zU_out)
352    # run k_aug
353    k_aug_interface = K_augInterface(k_aug=k_aug)
354    k_aug_interface.k_aug(model, tee=tee)  #: always call k_aug AFTER ipopt.
356    nl_data = {}
357    with InTempDir():
358        base_fname = "col_row"
359        nl_file = ".".join((base_fname, "nl"))
360        row_file = ".".join((base_fname, "row"))
361        col_file = ".".join((base_fname, "col"))
362        model.write(nl_file, io_options={"symbolic_solver_labels": True})
363        for fname in [nl_file, row_file, col_file]:
364            with open(fname, "r") as fp:
365                nl_data[fname] = fp.read()
367    col = nl_data[col_file].strip("\n").split("\n")
368    row = nl_data[row_file].strip("\n").split("\n")
370    # get the column numbers of "parameters"
371    line_dic = {name: col.index(name) for name in theta_names}
373    grad_f_file = os.path.join("GJH", "gradient_f_print.txt")
374    grad_f_string = k_aug_interface.data[grad_f_file]
375    gradient_f = np.fromstring(grad_f_string, sep="\n\t")
376    col = [i for i in col if SensitivityInterface.get_default_block_name() not in i]
378    grad_c_file = os.path.join("GJH", "A_print.txt")
379    grad_c_string = k_aug_interface.data[grad_c_file]
380    gradient_c = np.fromstring(grad_c_string, sep="\n\t")
382    # Jacobian file is in "COO format," i.e. an nnz-by-3 array.
383    # Reshape to a numpy array that matches this format.
384    gradient_c = gradient_c.reshape((-1, 3))
386    num_constraints = len(row)-1 # Objective is included as a row
387    if num_constraints > 0 :
388        row_idx = gradient_c[:,1]-1
389        col_idx = gradient_c[:,0]-1
390        data = gradient_c[:,2]
391        gradient_c = scipy.sparse.csr_matrix((data, (row_idx, col_idx)),
392                shape=(num_constraints, len(col)))
393    else:
394        gradient_c = np.array([])
396    return gradient_f, gradient_c, col,row, line_dic
399def line_num(file_name, target):
400    """This function returns the line number that contains 'target' in the
401    file_name. This function identifies constraints that have variables
402    in theta_names.
404    Parameters
405    ----------
406    file_name: string
407        file includes the variable order (i.e. col file)
408    target: string
409        variable name to check
411    Returns
412    -------
413    count: int
414        line number of target in the file
416    Raises
417    ------
418    Exception
419        When file does not include target
420    """
421    with open(file_name) as f:
422        count = int(1)
423        for line in f:
424            if line.strip() == target:
425                return int(count)
426            count += 1
427    raise Exception(file_name + " does not include "+target)
430class SensitivityInterface(object):
432    def __init__(self, instance, clone_model=True):
433        """ Constructor clones model if necessary and attaches
434        to this object.
435        """
436        self._original_model = instance
438        if clone_model:
439            # Note that we are not "cloning" the user's parameters
440            # or perturbations.
441            self.model_instance = instance.clone()
442        else:
443            self.model_instance = instance
445    @classmethod
446    def get_default_block_name(self):
447        return '_SENSITIVITY_TOOLBOX_DATA'
449    @staticmethod
450    def get_default_var_name(name):
451        #return '_'.join(('sens_var', name))
452        return name
454    @staticmethod
455    def get_default_param_name(name):
456        #return '_'.join(('sens_param', name))
457        return name
459    def _process_param_list(self, paramList):
460        # We need to translate the components in paramList into
461        # components in our possibly cloned model.
462        orig = self._original_model
463        instance = self.model_instance
464        if orig is not instance:
465            paramList = list(
466                ComponentUID(param, context=orig).find_component_on(instance)
467                for param in paramList
468                )
469        return paramList
471    def _add_data_block(self, existing_block=None):
472        # If a sensitivity block already exists, and we have not done
473        # any expression replacement, we delete the old block, re-fix the
474        # sensitivity variables, and start again.
475        #
476        # Don't do this in the constructor as we could want to call
477        # the constructor once, then perform multiple sensitivity
478        # calculations with the same model instance.
479        if existing_block is not None:
480            if (hasattr(existing_block, '_has_replaced_expressions') and
481                    not existing_block._has_replaced_expressions):
482                for var, _, _, _ in existing_block._sens_data_list:
483                    # Re-fix variables that the previous block was
484                    # treating as parameters.
485                    var.fix()
486                self.model_instance.del_component(existing_block)
487            else:
488                msg = ("Re-using sensitivity interface is not supported "
489                        "when calculating sensitivity for mutable parameters. "
490                        "Used fixed vars instead if you want to do this."
491                        )
492                raise RuntimeError(msg)
494        # Add a block to keep track of model components necessary for this
495        # sensitivity calculation.
496        block = Block()
497        self.model_instance.add_component(self.get_default_block_name(), block)
498        self.block = block
500        # If the user tells us they will perturb a set of parameters, we will
501        # need to replace these parameters in the user's model's constraints.
502        # This affects what we can do with the model later, so we add a flag.
503        block._has_replaced_expressions = False
505        # This is the main data structure for keeping track of "sensitivity
506        # vars" and their associated params. It will be a list of tuples of
507        # (vardata, paramdata, list_index, comp_index)
508        # where:
509        #     vardata is the "sensitivity variable" data object,
510        #     paramdata is the associated parameter,
511        #     list_index is its index in the user-provided list, and
512        #     comp_index is its index in the component provided by the user.
513        block._sens_data_list = []
515        # This will hold the user-provided list of
516        # variables and/or parameters to perturb
517        block._paramList = None
519        # This will hold any constraints where we have replaced
520        # parameters with variables.
521        block.constList = ConstraintList()
523        return block
525    def _add_sensitivity_data(self, param_list):
526        block = self.block
527        sens_data_list = block._sens_data_list
528        for i, comp in enumerate(param_list):
529            if comp.ctype is Param:
530                parent = comp.parent_component()
531                if not parent.mutable:
532                    raise ValueError(
533                            "Parameters within paramList must be mutable. "
534                            "Got %s, which is not mutable." % comp.name
535                            )
536                # Add a Var:
537                if comp.is_indexed():
538                    d = {k: value(comp[k]) for k in comp.index_set()}
539                    var = Var(comp.index_set(), initialize=d)
540                else:
541                    d = value(comp)
542                    var = Var(initialize=d)
543                name = self.get_default_var_name(parent.local_name)
544                name = unique_component_name(block, name)
545                block.add_component(name, var)
547                if comp.is_indexed():
548                    sens_data_list.extend(
549                            (var[idx], param, i, idx)
550                            for idx, param in _generate_component_items(comp)
551                            )
552                else:
553                    sens_data_list.append((var, comp, i, _NotAnIndex))
555            elif comp.ctype is Var:
556                parent = comp.parent_component()
557                for _, data in _generate_component_items(comp):
558                    if not data.fixed:
559                        raise ValueError(
560                                "Specified \"parameter\" variables must be "
561                                "fixed. Got %s, which is not fixed."
562                                % comp.name
563                                )
564                # Add a Param:
565                if comp.is_indexed():
566                    d = {k: value(comp[k]) for k in comp.index_set()}
567                    param = Param(comp.index_set(), mutable=True, initialize=d)
568                else:
569                    d = value(comp)
570                    param = Param(mutable=True, initialize=d)
571                name = self.get_default_param_name(parent.local_name)
572                name = unique_component_name(block, name)
573                block.add_component(name, param)
575                if comp.is_indexed():
576                    sens_data_list.extend(
577                            (var, param[idx], i, idx)
578                            for idx, var in _generate_component_items(comp)
579                            )
580                else:
581                    sens_data_list.append((comp, param, i, _NotAnIndex))
583    def _replace_parameters_in_constraints(self, variableSubMap):
584        instance = self.model_instance
585        block = self.block
586        # Visitor that we will use to replace user-provided parameters
587        # in the objective and the constraints.
588        param_replacer = ExpressionReplacementVisitor(
589                substitute=variableSubMap,
590                remove_named_expressions=True,
591                )
592        # TODO: Flag to ExpressionReplacementVisitor to only replace
593        # named expressions if a node has been replaced within that
594        # expression.
596        new_old_comp_map = ComponentMap()
598        # clone Objective, add to Block, and update any Expressions
599        for obj in list(instance.component_data_objects(Objective,
600                                                active=True,
601                                                descend_into=True)):
602            tempName = unique_component_name(block, obj.local_name)
603            new_expr = param_replacer.dfs_postorder_stack(obj.expr)
604            block.add_component(tempName, Objective(expr=new_expr))
605            new_old_comp_map[block.component(tempName)] = obj
606            obj.deactivate()
608        # clone Constraints, add to Block, and update any Expressions
609        #
610        # Unfortunate that this deactivates and replaces constraints
611        # even if they don't contain the parameters.
612        #
613        old_con_list = list(instance.component_data_objects(Constraint,
614            active=True, descend_into=True))
615        last_idx = 0
616        for con in old_con_list:
617            if (con.equality or con.lower is None or con.upper is None):
618                new_expr = param_replacer.dfs_postorder_stack(con.expr)
619                block.constList.add(expr=new_expr)
620                last_idx += 1
621                new_old_comp_map[block.constList[last_idx]] = con
622            else:
623                # Constraint must be a ranged inequality, break into
624                # separate constraints
625                new_body = param_replacer.dfs_postorder_stack(con.body)
626                new_lower = param_replacer.dfs_postorder_stack(con.lower)
627                new_upper = param_replacer.dfs_postorder_stack(con.upper)
629                # Add constraint for lower bound
630                block.constList.add(expr=(new_lower <= new_body))
631                last_idx += 1
632                new_old_comp_map[block.constList[last_idx]] = con
634                # Add constraint for upper bound
635                block.constList.add(expr=(new_body <= new_upper))
636                last_idx += 1
637                new_old_comp_map[block.constList[last_idx]] = con
638            con.deactivate()
640        return new_old_comp_map
642    def setup_sensitivity(self, paramList):
643        """
644        """
645        instance = self.model_instance
646        paramList = self._process_param_list(paramList)
648        existing_block = instance.component(self.get_default_block_name())
649        block = self._add_data_block(existing_block=existing_block)
650        block._sens_data_list = []
651        block._paramList = paramList
653        self._add_sensitivity_data(paramList)
654        sens_data_list = block._sens_data_list
656        for var, _, _, _ in sens_data_list:
657            # This unfixes all variables, not just those the user added.
658            var.unfix()
660        # Map used to replace user-provided parameters.
661        variableSubMap = dict((id(param), var)
662                for var, param, list_idx, _ in sens_data_list
663                if paramList[list_idx].ctype is Param)
665        if variableSubMap:
666            # We now replace the provided parameters in the user's
667            # expressions. Only do this if we have to, i.e. the
668            # user provided some parameters rather than all vars.
669            block._replaced_map = \
670                    self._replace_parameters_in_constraints(variableSubMap)
672            # Assume that we just replaced some params
673            block._has_replaced_expressions = True
675        block.paramConst = ConstraintList()
676        for var, param, _, _ in sens_data_list:
677            #block.paramConst.add(param - var == 0)
678            block.paramConst.add(var - param == 0)
680        # Declare Suffixes
681        _add_sensitivity_suffixes(instance)
683        for i, (var, _, _, _) in enumerate(sens_data_list):
684            idx = i + 1
685            con = block.paramConst[idx]
687            # sipopt
688            instance.sens_state_0[var] = idx
689            instance.sens_state_1[var] = idx
690            instance.sens_init_constr[con] = idx
692            # k_aug
693            instance.dcdp[con] = idx
696    def perturb_parameters(self, perturbList):
697        """
698        """
699        # Note that entries of perturbList need not be components
700        # of the cloned model. All we need are the values.
701        instance = self.model_instance
702        sens_data_list = self.block._sens_data_list
703        paramConst = self.block.paramConst
705        if len(self.block._paramList) != len(perturbList):
706            raise ValueError(
707                    "Length of paramList argument does not equal "
708                    "length of perturbList")
710        for i, (var, param, list_idx, comp_idx) in enumerate(sens_data_list):
711            con = paramConst[i+1]
712            if comp_idx is _NotAnIndex:
713                ptb = value(perturbList[list_idx])
714            else:
715                try:
716                    ptb = value(perturbList[list_idx][comp_idx])
717                except TypeError:
718                    # If the user provided a scalar value to perturb
719                    # an indexed component.
720                    ptb = value(perturbList[list_idx])
722            # sipopt
723            instance.sens_state_value_1[var] = ptb
725            # k_aug
726            #instance.DeltaP[con] = value(ptb - var)
727            instance.DeltaP[con] = value(var - ptb)
728            # FIXME: ^ This is incorrect. DeltaP should be (ptb - current).
729            # But at least one test doesn't pass unless I use (current - ptb).