1#  ___________________________________________________________________________
3#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
4#  Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
5#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
6#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
7#  rights in this software.
8#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
9#  ___________________________________________________________________________
11"""Big-M Generalized Disjunctive Programming transformation module."""
13import logging
15from pyomo.common.collections import ComponentMap, ComponentSet
16from pyomo.common.config import ConfigBlock, ConfigValue
17from pyomo.common.log import is_debug_set
18from pyomo.common.modeling import unique_component_name
19from pyomo.common.deprecation import deprecated, deprecation_warning
20from pyomo.contrib.fbbt.fbbt import compute_bounds_on_expr
21from pyomo.core import (
22    Block, BooleanVar, Connector, Constraint, Param, Set, SetOf, Suffix, Var,
23    Expression, SortComponents, TraversalStrategy, value,
24    RangeSet, NonNegativeIntegers, LogicalConstraint, )
25from pyomo.core.base.external import ExternalFunction
26from pyomo.core.base import Transformation, TransformationFactory, Reference
27import pyomo.core.expr.current as EXPR
28from pyomo.gdp import Disjunct, Disjunction, GDP_Error
29from pyomo.gdp.util import ( _warn_for_active_logical_constraint, target_list,
30                             is_child_of, get_src_disjunction,
31                             get_src_constraint, get_transformed_constraints,
32                             _get_constraint_transBlock, get_src_disjunct,
33                             _warn_for_active_disjunction,
34                             _warn_for_active_disjunct, preprocess_targets)
35from pyomo.network import Port
36from pyomo.repn import generate_standard_repn
37from functools import wraps
38from weakref import ref as weakref_ref
40logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.gdp.bigm')
44def _to_dict(val):
45    if isinstance(val, (dict, ComponentMap)):
46       return val
47    return {None: val}
50@TransformationFactory.register('gdp.bigm', doc="Relax disjunctive model using "
51                                "big-M terms.")
52class BigM_Transformation(Transformation):
53    """Relax disjunctive model using big-M terms.
55    Relaxes a disjunctive model into an algebraic model by adding Big-M
56    terms to all disjunctive constraints.
58    This transformation accepts the following keyword arguments:
59        bigM: A user-specified value (or dict) of M values to use (see below)
60        targets: the targets to transform [default: the instance]
62    M values are determined as follows:
63       1) if the constraint appears in the bigM argument dict
64       2) if the constraint parent_component appears in the bigM
65          argument dict
66       3) if any block which is an ancestor to the constraint appears in
67          the bigM argument dict
68       3) if 'None' is in the bigM argument dict
69       4) if the constraint or the constraint parent_component appear in
70          a BigM Suffix attached to any parent_block() beginning with the
71          constraint's parent_block and moving up to the root model.
72       5) if None appears in a BigM Suffix attached to any
73          parent_block() between the constraint and the root model.
74       6) if the constraint is linear, estimate M using the variable bounds
76    M values may be a single value or a 2-tuple specifying the M for the
77    lower bound and the upper bound of the constraint body.
79    Specifying "bigM=N" is automatically mapped to "bigM={None: N}".
81    The transformation will create a new Block with a unique
82    name beginning "_pyomo_gdp_bigm_reformulation".  That Block will
83    contain an indexed Block named "relaxedDisjuncts", which will hold
84    the relaxed disjuncts.  This block is indexed by an integer
85    indicating the order in which the disjuncts were relaxed.
86    Each block has a dictionary "_constraintMap":
88        'srcConstraints': ComponentMap(<transformed constraint>:
89                                       <src constraint>)
90        'transformedConstraints': ComponentMap(<src constraint>:
91                                               <transformed constraint>)
93    All transformed Disjuncts will have a pointer to the block their transformed
94    constraints are on, and all transformed Disjunctions will have a
95    pointer to the corresponding OR or XOR constraint.
97    """
99    CONFIG = ConfigBlock("gdp.bigm")
100    CONFIG.declare('targets', ConfigValue(
101        default=None,
102        domain=target_list,
103        description="target or list of targets that will be relaxed",
104        doc="""
106        This specifies the list of components to relax. If None (default), the
107        entire model is transformed. Note that if the transformation is done out
108        of place, the list of targets should be attached to the model before it
109        is cloned, and the list will specify the targets on the cloned
110        instance."""
111    ))
112    CONFIG.declare('bigM', ConfigValue(
113        default=None,
114        domain=_to_dict,
115        description="Big-M value used for constraint relaxation",
116        doc="""
118        A user-specified value, dict, or ComponentMap of M values that override
119        M-values found through model Suffixes or that would otherwise be
120        calculated using variable domains."""
121    ))
122    CONFIG.declare('assume_fixed_vars_permanent', ConfigValue(
123        default=False,
124        domain=bool,
125        description="Boolean indicating whether or not to transform so that the "
126        "the transformed model will still be valid when fixed Vars are unfixed.",
127        doc="""
128        This is only relevant when the transformation will be estimating values
129        for M. If True, the transformation will calculate M values assuming that
130        fixed variables will always be fixed to their current values. This means
131        that if a fixed variable is unfixed after transformation, the
132        transformed model is potentially no longer valid. By default, the
133        transformation will assume fixed variables could be unfixed in the
134        future and will use their bounds to calculate the M value rather than
135        their value. Note that this could make for a weaker LP relaxation
136        while the variables remain fixed.
137        """
138    ))
140    def __init__(self):
141        """Initialize transformation object."""
142        super(BigM_Transformation, self).__init__()
143        self.handlers = {
144            Constraint:  self._transform_constraint,
145            Var:         False, # Note that if a Var appears on a Disjunct, we
146                                # still treat its bounds as global. If the
147                                # intent is for its bounds to be on the
148                                # disjunct, it should be declared with no bounds
149                                # and the bounds should be set in constraints on
150                                # the Disjunct.
151            BooleanVar:  False,
152            Connector:   False,
153            Expression:  False,
154            Suffix:      False,
155            Param:       False,
156            Set:         False,
157            SetOf:       False,
158            RangeSet:    False,
159            Disjunction: self._warn_for_active_disjunction,
160            Disjunct:    self._warn_for_active_disjunct,
161            Block:       self._transform_block_on_disjunct,
162            LogicalConstraint: self._warn_for_active_logical_statement,
163            ExternalFunction: False,
164            Port:        False, # not Arcs, because those are deactivated after
165                                # the network.expand_arcs transformation
166        }
167        self._generate_debug_messages = False
169    def _get_bigm_suffix_list(self, block, stopping_block=None):
170        # Note that you can only specify suffixes on BlockData objects or
171        # ScalarBlocks. Though it is possible at this point to stick them
172        # on whatever components you want, we won't pick them up.
173        suffix_list = []
175        # go searching above block in the tree, stop when we hit stopping_block
176        # (This is so that we can search on each Disjunct once, but get any
177        # information between a constraint and its Disjunct while transforming
178        # the constraint).
179        while block is not stopping_block:
180            bigm = block.component('BigM')
181            if type(bigm) is Suffix:
182                suffix_list.append(bigm)
183            block = block.parent_block()
185        return suffix_list
187    def _get_bigm_arg_list(self, bigm_args, block):
188        # Gather what we know about blocks from args exactly once. We'll still
189        # check for constraints in the moment, but if that fails, we've
190        # preprocessed the time-consuming part of traversing up the tree.
191        arg_list = []
192        if bigm_args is None:
193            return arg_list
194        while block is not None:
195            if block in bigm_args:
196                arg_list.append({block: bigm_args[block]})
197            block = block.parent_block()
198        return arg_list
200    def _apply_to(self, instance, **kwds):
201        assert not NAME_BUFFER
202        self._generate_debug_messages = is_debug_set(logger)
203        self.used_args = ComponentMap() # If everything was sure to go well,
204                                        # this could be a dictionary. But if
205                                        # someone messes up and gives us a Var
206                                        # as a key in bigMargs, I need the error
207                                        # not to be when I try to put it into
208                                        # this map!
209        try:
210            self._apply_to_impl(instance, **kwds)
211        finally:
212            # Clear the global name buffer now that we are done
213            NAME_BUFFER.clear()
214            # same for our bookkeeping about what we used from bigM arg dict
215            self.used_args.clear()
217    def _apply_to_impl(self, instance, **kwds):
218        if not instance.ctype in (Block, Disjunct):
219            raise GDP_Error("Transformation called on %s of type %s. 'instance' "
220                            "must be a ConcreteModel, Block, or Disjunct (in "
221                            "the case of nested disjunctions)." %
222                            (instance.name, instance.ctype))
224        config = self.CONFIG(kwds.pop('options', {}))
226        # We will let args override suffixes and estimate as a last
227        # resort. More specific args/suffixes override ones anywhere in
228        # the tree. Suffixes lower down in the tree override ones higher
229        # up.
230        if 'default_bigM' in kwds:
231            deprecation_warning("the 'default_bigM=' argument has been "
232                                "replaced by 'bigM='", version='5.4')
233            config.bigM = kwds.pop('default_bigM')
235        config.set_value(kwds)
236        bigM = config.bigM
237        self.assume_fixed_vars_permanent = config.assume_fixed_vars_permanent
239        targets = config.targets
240        if targets is None:
241            targets = (instance, )
242        else:
243            # we need to preprocess targets to make sure that if there are any
244            # disjunctions in targets that their disjuncts appear before them in
245            # the list.
246            targets = preprocess_targets(targets)
248        #  We need to check that all the targets are in fact on
249        # instance. As we do this, we will use the set below to cache components
250        # we know to be in the tree rooted at instance.
251        knownBlocks = {}
252        for t in targets:
253            # check that t is in fact a child of instance
254            if not is_child_of(parent=instance, child=t,
255                               knownBlocks=knownBlocks):
256                raise GDP_Error(
257                    "Target '%s' is not a component on instance '%s'!"
258                    % (t.name, instance.name))
259            elif t.ctype is Disjunction:
260                if t.is_indexed():
261                    self._transform_disjunction(t, bigM)
262                else:
263                    self._transform_disjunctionData( t, bigM, t.index())
264            elif t.ctype in (Block, Disjunct):
265                if t.is_indexed():
266                    self._transform_block(t, bigM)
267                else:
268                    self._transform_blockData(t, bigM)
269            else:
270                raise GDP_Error(
271                    "Target '%s' was not a Block, Disjunct, or Disjunction. "
272                    "It was of type %s and can't be transformed."
273                    % (t.name, type(t)))
275        # issue warnings about anything that was in the bigM args dict that we
276        # didn't use
277        if bigM is not None:
278            unused_args = ComponentSet(bigM.keys()) - \
279                          ComponentSet(self.used_args.keys())
280            if len(unused_args) > 0:
281                warning_msg = ("Unused arguments in the bigM map! "
282                               "These arguments were not used by the "
283                               "transformation:\n")
284                for component in unused_args:
285                    if hasattr(component, 'name'):
286                        warning_msg += "\t%s\n" % component.name
287                    else:
288                        warning_msg += "\t%s\n" % component
289                logger.warning(warning_msg)
291    def _add_transformation_block(self, instance):
292        # make a transformation block on instance to put transformed disjuncts
293        # on
294        transBlockName = unique_component_name(
295            instance,
296            '_pyomo_gdp_bigm_reformulation')
297        transBlock = Block()
298        instance.add_component(transBlockName, transBlock)
299        transBlock.relaxedDisjuncts = Block(NonNegativeIntegers)
300        transBlock.lbub = Set(initialize=['lb', 'ub'])
302        return transBlock
304    def _transform_block(self, obj, bigM):
305        for i in sorted(obj.keys()):
306            self._transform_blockData(obj[i], bigM)
308    def _transform_blockData(self, obj, bigM):
309        # Transform every (active) disjunction in the block
310        for disjunction in obj.component_objects(
311                Disjunction,
312                active=True,
313                sort=SortComponents.deterministic,
314                descend_into=(Block, Disjunct),
315                descent_order=TraversalStrategy.PostfixDFS):
316            self._transform_disjunction(disjunction, bigM)
318    def _add_xor_constraint(self, disjunction, transBlock):
319        # Put the disjunction constraint on the transformation block and
320        # determine whether it is an OR or XOR constraint.
322        # We never do this for just a DisjunctionData because we need to know
323        # about the index set of its parent component (so that we can make the
324        # index of this constraint match). So if we called this on a
325        # DisjunctionData, we did something wrong.
326        assert isinstance(disjunction, Disjunction)
328        # first check if the constraint already exists
329        if disjunction._algebraic_constraint is not None:
330            return disjunction._algebraic_constraint()
332        # add the XOR (or OR) constraints to parent block (with unique name)
333        # It's indexed if this is an IndexedDisjunction, not otherwise
334        orC = Constraint(disjunction.index_set()) if \
335            disjunction.is_indexed() else Constraint()
336        # The name used to indicate if there were OR or XOR disjunctions,
337        # however now that Disjunctions are allowed to mix the state we
338        # can no longer make that distinction in the name.
339        #    nm = '_xor' if xor else '_or'
340        nm = '_xor'
341        orCname = unique_component_name( transBlock, disjunction.getname(
342            fully_qualified=True, name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER) + nm)
343        transBlock.add_component(orCname, orC)
344        disjunction._algebraic_constraint = weakref_ref(orC)
346        return orC
348    def _transform_disjunction(self, obj, bigM):
349        if not obj.active:
350            return
352        # if this is an IndexedDisjunction we have seen in a prior call to the
353        # transformation, we already have a transformation block for it. We'll
354        # use that.
355        if obj._algebraic_constraint is not None:
356            transBlock = obj._algebraic_constraint().parent_block()
357        else:
358            transBlock = self._add_transformation_block(obj.parent_block())
360        # relax each of the disjunctionDatas
361        for i in sorted(obj.keys()):
362            self._transform_disjunctionData(obj[i], bigM, i, transBlock)
364        # deactivate so the writers don't scream
365        obj.deactivate()
367    def _transform_disjunctionData(self, obj, bigM, index, transBlock=None):
368        if not obj.active:
369            return  # Do not process a deactivated disjunction
370        # We won't have these arguments if this got called straight from
371        # targets. But else, we created them earlier, and have just been passing
372        # them through.
373        if transBlock is None:
374            # It's possible that we have already created a transformation block
375            # for another disjunctionData from this same container. If that's
376            # the case, let's use the same transformation block. (Else it will
377            # be really confusing that the XOR constraint goes to that old block
378            # but we create a new one here.)
379            if obj.parent_component()._algebraic_constraint is not None:
380                transBlock = obj.parent_component()._algebraic_constraint().\
381                             parent_block()
382            else:
383                transBlock = self._add_transformation_block(obj.parent_block())
384        # create or fetch the xor constraint
385        xorConstraint = self._add_xor_constraint(obj.parent_component(),
386                                                 transBlock)
388        xor = obj.xor
389        or_expr = 0
390        # Just because it's unlikely this is what someone meant to do...
391        if len(obj.disjuncts) == 0:
392            raise GDP_Error("Disjunction '%s' is empty. This is "
393                            "likely indicative of a modeling error."  %
394                            obj.getname(fully_qualified=True,
395                                        name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER))
396        for disjunct in obj.disjuncts:
397            or_expr += disjunct.binary_indicator_var
398            # make suffix list. (We don't need it until we are
399            # transforming constraints, but it gets created at the
400            # disjunct level, so more efficient to make it here and
401            # pass it down.)
402            suffix_list = self._get_bigm_suffix_list(disjunct)
403            arg_list = self._get_bigm_arg_list(bigM, disjunct)
404            # relax the disjunct
405            self._transform_disjunct(disjunct, transBlock, bigM, arg_list,
406                                     suffix_list)
408        # add or (or xor) constraint
409        if xor:
410            xorConstraint[index] = or_expr == 1
411        else:
412            xorConstraint[index] = or_expr >= 1
413        # Mark the DisjunctionData as transformed by mapping it to its XOR
414        # constraint.
415        obj._algebraic_constraint = weakref_ref(xorConstraint[index])
417        # and deactivate for the writers
418        obj.deactivate()
420    def _transform_disjunct(self, obj, transBlock, bigM, arg_list, suffix_list):
421        # deactivated -> either we've already transformed or user deactivated
422        if not obj.active:
423            if obj.indicator_var.is_fixed():
424                if not value(obj.indicator_var):
425                    # The user cleanly deactivated the disjunct: there
426                    # is nothing for us to do here.
427                    return
428                else:
429                    raise GDP_Error(
430                        "The disjunct '%s' is deactivated, but the "
431                        "indicator_var is fixed to %s. This makes no sense."
432                        % ( obj.name, value(obj.indicator_var) ))
433            if obj._transformation_block is None:
434                raise GDP_Error(
435                    "The disjunct '%s' is deactivated, but the "
436                    "indicator_var is not fixed and the disjunct does not "
437                    "appear to have been relaxed. This makes no sense. "
438                    "(If the intent is to deactivate the disjunct, fix its "
439                    "indicator_var to False.)"
440                    % ( obj.name, ))
442        if obj._transformation_block is not None:
443            # we've transformed it, which means this is the second time it's
444            # appearing in a Disjunction
445            raise GDP_Error(
446                    "The disjunct '%s' has been transformed, but a disjunction "
447                    "it appears in has not. Putting the same disjunct in "
448                    "multiple disjunctions is not supported." % obj.name)
450        # add reference to original disjunct on transformation block
451        relaxedDisjuncts = transBlock.relaxedDisjuncts
452        relaxationBlock = relaxedDisjuncts[len(relaxedDisjuncts)]
453        # we will keep a map of constraints (hashable, ha!) to a tuple to
454        # indicate what their M value is and where it came from, of the form:
455        # ((lower_value, lower_source, lower_key), (upper_value, upper_source,
456        # upper_key)), where the first tuple is the information for the lower M,
457        # the second tuple is the info for the upper M, source is the Suffix or
458        # argument dictionary and None if the value was calculated, and key is
459        # the key in the Suffix or argument dictionary, and None if it was
460        # calculated. (Note that it is possible the lower or upper is
461        # user-specified and the other is not, hence the need to store
462        # information for both.)
463        relaxationBlock.bigm_src = {}
464        relaxationBlock.localVarReferences = Block()
465        obj._transformation_block = weakref_ref(relaxationBlock)
466        relaxationBlock._srcDisjunct = weakref_ref(obj)
468        # This is crazy, but if the disjunction has been previously
469        # relaxed, the disjunct *could* be deactivated.  This is a big
470        # deal for Hull, as it uses the component_objects /
471        # component_data_objects generators.  For BigM, that is OK,
472        # because we never use those generators with active=True.  I am
473        # only noting it here for the future when someone (me?) is
474        # comparing the two relaxations.
475        #
476        # Transform each component within this disjunct
477        self._transform_block_components(obj, obj, bigM, arg_list, suffix_list)
479        # deactivate disjunct to keep the writers happy
480        obj._deactivate_without_fixing_indicator()
482    def _transform_block_components(self, block, disjunct, bigM, arg_list,
483                                    suffix_list):
484        # We find any transformed disjunctions that might be here because we
485        # need to move their transformation blocks up onto the parent block
486        # before we transform anything else on this block. Note that we do this
487        # before we create references to local variables because we do not want
488        # duplicate references to indicator variables and local variables on
489        # nested disjuncts.
490        disjunctBlock = disjunct._transformation_block()
491        destinationBlock = disjunctBlock.parent_block()
492        for obj in block.component_data_objects(
493                Disjunction,
494                sort=SortComponents.deterministic,
495                descend_into=(Block)):
496            if obj.algebraic_constraint is None:
497                # This could be bad if it's active since that means its
498                # untransformed, but we'll wait to yell until the next loop
499                continue
500            # get this disjunction's relaxation block.
501            transBlock = obj.algebraic_constraint().parent_block()
503            # move transBlock up to parent component
504            self._transfer_transBlock_data(transBlock, destinationBlock)
505            # we leave the transformation block because it still has the XOR
506            # constraints, which we want to be on the parent disjunct.
508        # Find all the variables declared here (including the indicator_var) and
509        # add a reference on the transformation block so these will be
510        # accessible when the Disjunct is deactivated. We don't descend into
511        # Disjuncts because we just moved the references to their local
512        # variables up in the previous loop.
513        varRefBlock = disjunctBlock.localVarReferences
514        for v in block.component_objects(Var, descend_into=Block, active=None):
515            varRefBlock.add_component(unique_component_name(
516                varRefBlock, v.getname(fully_qualified=True,
517                                       name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER)), Reference(v))
519        # Now look through the component map of block and transform everything
520        # we have a handler for. Yell if we don't know how to handle it. (Note
521        # that because we only iterate through active components, this means
522        # non-ActiveComponent types cannot have handlers.)
523        for obj in block.component_objects(active=True, descend_into=False):
524            handler = self.handlers.get(obj.ctype, None)
525            if not handler:
526                if handler is None:
527                    raise GDP_Error(
528                        "No BigM transformation handler registered "
529                        "for modeling components of type %s. If your "
530                        "disjuncts contain non-GDP Pyomo components that "
531                        "require transformation, please transform them first."
532                        % obj.ctype)
533                continue
534            # obj is what we are transforming, we pass disjunct
535            # through so that we will have access to the indicator
536            # variables down the line.
537            handler(obj, disjunct, bigM, arg_list, suffix_list)
539    def _transfer_transBlock_data(self, fromBlock, toBlock):
540        # We know that we have a list of transformed disjuncts on both. We need
541        # to move those over. We know the XOR constraints are on the block, and
542        # we need to leave those on the disjunct.
543        disjunctList = toBlock.relaxedDisjuncts
544        to_delete = []
545        for idx, disjunctBlock in fromBlock.relaxedDisjuncts.items():
546            newblock = disjunctList[len(disjunctList)]
547            newblock.transfer_attributes_from(disjunctBlock)
549            # update the mappings
550            original = disjunctBlock._srcDisjunct()
551            original._transformation_block = weakref_ref(newblock)
552            newblock._srcDisjunct = weakref_ref(original)
554            # save index of what we just moved so that we can delete it
555            to_delete.append(idx)
557        # delete everything we moved.
558        for idx in to_delete:
559            del fromBlock.relaxedDisjuncts[idx]
561        # Note that we could handle other components here if we ever needed
562        # to, but we control what is on the transformation block and
563        # currently everything is on the blocks that we just moved...
565    def _warn_for_active_disjunction(self, disjunction, disjunct, bigMargs,
566                                     arg_list, suffix_list):
567        _warn_for_active_disjunction(disjunction, disjunct, NAME_BUFFER)
569    def _warn_for_active_disjunct(self, innerdisjunct, outerdisjunct, bigMargs,
570                                  arg_list, suffix_list):
571        _warn_for_active_disjunct(innerdisjunct, outerdisjunct, NAME_BUFFER)
573    def _warn_for_active_logical_statement(
574            self, logical_statment, disjunct, infodict, bigMargs, suffix_list):
575        _warn_for_active_logical_constraint(logical_statment, disjunct,
576                                            NAME_BUFFER)
578    def _transform_block_on_disjunct(self, block, disjunct, bigMargs, arg_list,
579                                     suffix_list):
580        # We look through everything on the component map of the block
581        # and transform it just as we would if it was on the disjunct
582        # directly.  (We are passing the disjunct through so that when
583        # we find constraints, _xform_constraint will have access to
584        # the correct indicator variable.)
585        for i in sorted(block.keys()):
586            self._transform_block_components( block[i], disjunct, bigMargs,
587                                              arg_list, suffix_list)
589    def _get_constraint_map_dict(self, transBlock):
590        if not hasattr(transBlock, "_constraintMap"):
591            transBlock._constraintMap = {
592                'srcConstraints': ComponentMap(),
593                'transformedConstraints': ComponentMap()}
594        return transBlock._constraintMap
596    def _convert_M_to_tuple(self, M, constraint_name):
597        if not isinstance(M, (tuple, list)):
598            if M is None:
599                M = (None, None)
600            else:
601                try:
602                    M = (-M, M)
603                except:
604                    logger.error("Error converting scalar M-value %s "
605                                 "to (-M,M).  Is %s not a numeric type?"
606                                 % (M, type(M)))
607                    raise
608        if len(M) != 2:
609            raise GDP_Error("Big-M %s for constraint %s is not of "
610                            "length two. "
611                            "Expected either a single value or "
612                            "tuple or list of length two for M."
613                            % (str(M), constraint_name))
615        return M
617    def _transform_constraint(self, obj, disjunct, bigMargs, arg_list,
618                              disjunct_suffix_list):
619        # add constraint to the transformation block, we'll transform it there.
620        transBlock = disjunct._transformation_block()
621        bigm_src = transBlock.bigm_src
622        constraintMap = self._get_constraint_map_dict(transBlock)
624        disjunctionRelaxationBlock = transBlock.parent_block()
625        # Though rare, it is possible to get naming conflicts here
626        # since constraints from all blocks are getting moved onto the
627        # same block. So we get a unique name
628        cons_name = obj.getname(fully_qualified=True, name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER)
629        name = unique_component_name(transBlock, cons_name)
631        if obj.is_indexed():
632            newConstraint = Constraint(obj.index_set(),
633                                       disjunctionRelaxationBlock.lbub)
634            # we map the container of the original to the container of the
635            # transformed constraint. Don't do this if obj is a ScalarConstraint
636            # because we will treat that like a _ConstraintData and map to a
637            # list of transformed _ConstraintDatas
638            constraintMap['transformedConstraints'][obj] = newConstraint
639        else:
640            newConstraint = Constraint(disjunctionRelaxationBlock.lbub)
641        transBlock.add_component(name, newConstraint)
642        # add mapping of transformed constraint to original constraint
643        constraintMap['srcConstraints'][newConstraint] = obj
645        for i in sorted(obj.keys()):
646            c = obj[i]
647            if not c.active:
648                continue
650            lower = (None, None, None)
651            upper = (None, None, None)
653            # first, we see if an M value was specified in the arguments.
654            # (This returns None if not)
655            lower, upper = self._get_M_from_args(c, bigMargs, arg_list, lower,
656                                                 upper)
657            M = (lower[0], upper[0])
659            if self._generate_debug_messages:
660                _name = obj.getname(
661                    fully_qualified=True, name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER)
662                logger.debug("GDP(BigM): The value for M for constraint '%s' "
663                             "from the BigM argument is %s." % (cons_name,
664                                                                str(M)))
666            # if we didn't get something we need from args, try suffixes:
667            if (M[0] is None and c.lower is not None) or \
668               (M[1] is None and c.upper is not None):
669                # first get anything parent to c but below disjunct
670                suffix_list = self._get_bigm_suffix_list(c.parent_block(),
671                                                         stopping_block=disjunct)
672                # prepend that to what we already collected for the disjunct.
673                suffix_list.extend(disjunct_suffix_list)
674                lower, upper = self._update_M_from_suffixes(c, suffix_list,
675                                                            lower, upper)
676                M = (lower[0], upper[0])
678            if self._generate_debug_messages:
679                _name = obj.getname(
680                    fully_qualified=True, name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER)
681                logger.debug("GDP(BigM): The value for M for constraint '%s' "
682                             "after checking suffixes is %s." % (cons_name,
683                                                                 str(M)))
685            if c.lower is not None and M[0] is None:
686                M = (self._estimate_M(c.body, name)[0] - c.lower, M[1])
687                lower = (M[0], None, None)
688            if c.upper is not None and M[1] is None:
689                M = (M[0], self._estimate_M(c.body, name)[1] - c.upper)
690                upper = (M[1], None, None)
692            if self._generate_debug_messages:
693                _name = obj.getname(
694                    fully_qualified=True, name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER)
695                logger.debug("GDP(BigM): The value for M for constraint '%s' "
696                             "after estimating (if needed) is %s." %
697                             (cons_name, str(M)))
699            # save the source information
700            bigm_src[c] = (lower, upper)
702            # Handle indices for both ScalarConstraint and IndexedConstraint
703            if i.__class__ is tuple:
704                i_lb = i + ('lb',)
705                i_ub = i + ('ub',)
706            elif obj.is_indexed():
707                i_lb = (i, 'lb',)
708                i_ub = (i, 'ub',)
709            else:
710                i_lb = 'lb'
711                i_ub = 'ub'
713            if c.lower is not None:
714                if M[0] is None:
715                    raise GDP_Error("Cannot relax disjunctive constraint '%s' "
716                                    "because M is not defined." % name)
717                M_expr = M[0] * (1 - disjunct.binary_indicator_var)
718                newConstraint.add(i_lb, c.lower <= c. body - M_expr)
719                constraintMap[
720                    'transformedConstraints'][c] = [newConstraint[i_lb]]
721                constraintMap['srcConstraints'][newConstraint[i_lb]] = c
722            if c.upper is not None:
723                if M[1] is None:
724                    raise GDP_Error("Cannot relax disjunctive constraint '%s' "
725                                    "because M is not defined." % name)
726                M_expr = M[1] * (1 - disjunct.binary_indicator_var)
727                newConstraint.add(i_ub, c.body - M_expr <= c.upper)
728                transformed = constraintMap['transformedConstraints'].get(c)
729                if transformed is not None:
730                    constraintMap['transformedConstraints'][
731                        c].append(newConstraint[i_ub])
732                else:
733                    constraintMap[
734                        'transformedConstraints'][c] = [newConstraint[i_ub]]
735                constraintMap['srcConstraints'][newConstraint[i_ub]] = c
737            # deactivate because we relaxed
738            c.deactivate()
740    def _process_M_value(self, m, lower, upper, need_lower, need_upper, src,
741                         key, constraint_name, from_args=False):
742        m = self._convert_M_to_tuple(m, constraint_name)
743        if need_lower and m[0] is not None:
744            if from_args:
745                self.used_args[key] = m
746            lower = (m[0], src, key)
747            need_lower = False
748        if need_upper and m[1] is not None:
749            if from_args:
750                self.used_args[key] = m
751            upper = (m[1], src, key)
752            need_upper = False
753        return lower, upper, need_lower, need_upper
755    def _get_M_from_args(self, constraint, bigMargs, arg_list, lower, upper):
756        # check args: we first look in the keys for constraint and
757        # constraintdata. In the absence of those, we traverse up the blocks,
758        # and as a last resort check for a value for None
759        if bigMargs is None:
760            return (lower, upper)
762        # since we check for args first, we know lower[0] and upper[0] are both
763        # None
764        need_lower = constraint.lower is not None
765        need_upper = constraint.upper is not None
766        constraint_name = constraint.getname(fully_qualified=True,
767                                             name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER)
769        # check for the constraint itself and its container
770        parent = constraint.parent_component()
771        if constraint in bigMargs:
772            m = bigMargs[constraint]
773            (lower, upper,
774             need_lower, need_upper) = self._process_M_value(m, lower, upper,
775                                                             need_lower,
776                                                             need_upper,
777                                                             bigMargs,
778                                                             constraint,
779                                                             constraint_name,
780                                                             from_args=True)
781            if not need_lower and not need_upper:
782                return lower, upper
783        elif parent in bigMargs:
784            m = bigMargs[parent]
785            (lower, upper,
786             need_lower, need_upper) = self._process_M_value(m, lower, upper,
787                                                             need_lower,
788                                                             need_upper,
789                                                             bigMargs, parent,
790                                                             constraint_name,
791                                                             from_args=True)
792            if not need_lower and not need_upper:
793                return lower, upper
795        # use the precomputed traversal up the blocks
796        for arg in arg_list:
797            for block, val in arg.items():
798                (lower, upper,
799                 need_lower, need_upper) = self._process_M_value(val, lower,
800                                                                 upper,
801                                                                 need_lower,
802                                                                 need_upper,
803                                                                 bigMargs,
804                                                                 block,
805                                                                 constraint_name,
806                                                                 from_args=True)
807                if not need_lower and not need_upper:
808                    return lower, upper
810        # last check for value for None!
811        if None in bigMargs:
812            m = bigMargs[None]
813            (lower, upper,
814             need_lower, need_upper) = self._process_M_value(m, lower, upper,
815                                                             need_lower,
816                                                             need_upper,
817                                                             bigMargs, None,
818                                                             constraint_name,
819                                                             from_args=True)
820            if not need_lower and not need_upper:
821                return lower, upper
823        return lower, upper
825    def _update_M_from_suffixes(self, constraint, suffix_list, lower, upper):
826        # It's possible we found half the answer in args, but we are still
827        # looking for half the answer.
828        need_lower = constraint.lower is not None and lower[0] is None
829        need_upper = constraint.upper is not None and upper[0] is None
830        constraint_name = constraint.getname(fully_qualified=True,
831                                             name_buffer=NAME_BUFFER)
832        M = None
833        # first we check if the constraint or its parent is a key in any of the
834        # suffix lists
835        for bigm in suffix_list:
836            if constraint in bigm:
837                M = bigm[constraint]
838                (lower, upper,
839                 need_lower, need_upper) = self._process_M_value(M, lower,
840                                                                 upper,
841                                                                 need_lower,
842                                                                 need_upper,
843                                                                 bigm,
844                                                                 constraint,
845                                                                 constraint_name)
846                if not need_lower and not need_upper:
847                    return lower, upper
849            # if c is indexed, check for the parent component
850            if constraint.parent_component() in bigm:
851                parent = constraint.parent_component()
852                M = bigm[parent]
853                (lower, upper,
854                 need_lower, need_upper) = self._process_M_value(M, lower,
855                                                                 upper,
856                                                                 need_lower,
857                                                                 need_upper,
858                                                                 bigm, parent,
859                                                                 constraint_name)
860                if not need_lower and not need_upper:
861                    return lower, upper
863        # if we didn't get an M that way, traverse upwards through the blocks
864        # and see if None has a value on any of them.
865        if M is None:
866            for bigm in suffix_list:
867                if None in bigm:
868                    M = bigm[None]
869                    (lower, upper,
870                     need_lower,
871                     need_upper) = self._process_M_value(M, lower, upper,
872                                                         need_lower, need_upper,
873                                                         bigm, None,
874                                                         constraint_name)
875                if not need_lower and not need_upper:
876                    return lower, upper
877        return lower, upper
879    def _estimate_M(self, expr, name):
880        # If there are fixed variables here, unfix them for this calculation,
881        # and we'll restore them at the end.
882        fixed_vars = ComponentMap()
883        if not self.assume_fixed_vars_permanent:
884            for v in EXPR.identify_variables(expr, include_fixed=True):
885                if v.fixed:
886                    fixed_vars[v] = value(v)
887                    v.fixed = False
889        expr_lb, expr_ub = compute_bounds_on_expr(expr)
890        if expr_lb is None or expr_ub is None:
891            raise GDP_Error("Cannot estimate M for unbounded "
892                            "expressions.\n\t(found while processing "
893                            "constraint '%s'). Please specify a value of M "
894                            "or ensure all variables that appear in the "
895                            "constraint are bounded." % name)
896        else:
897            M = (expr_lb, expr_ub)
899        # clean up if we unfixed things (fixed_vars is empty if we were assuming
900        # fixed vars are fixed for life)
901        for v, val in fixed_vars.items():
902            v.fix(val)
904        return tuple(M)
906    # These are all functions to retrieve transformed components from
907    # original ones and vice versa.
909    @wraps(get_src_disjunct)
910    def get_src_disjunct(self, transBlock):
911        return get_src_disjunct(transBlock)
913    @wraps(get_src_disjunction)
914    def get_src_disjunction(self, xor_constraint):
915        return get_src_disjunction(xor_constraint)
917    @wraps(get_src_constraint)
918    def get_src_constraint(self, transformedConstraint):
919        return get_src_constraint(transformedConstraint)
921    @wraps(get_transformed_constraints)
922    def get_transformed_constraints(self, srcConstraint):
923        return get_transformed_constraints(srcConstraint)
925    @deprecated("The get_m_value_src function is deprecated. Use "
926                "the get_M_value_src function is you need source "
927                "information or the get_M_value function if you "
928                "only need values.", version='5.7.1')
929    def get_m_value_src(self, constraint):
930        transBlock = _get_constraint_transBlock(constraint)
931        ((lower_val, lower_source, lower_key),
932         (upper_val, upper_source, upper_key)) = transBlock.bigm_src[constraint]
934        if constraint.lower is not None and constraint.upper is not None and \
935           (not lower_source is upper_source or not lower_key is upper_key):
936            raise GDP_Error("This is why this method is deprecated: The lower "
937                            "and upper M values for constraint %s came from "
938                            "different sources, please use the get_M_value_src "
939                            "method." % constraint.name)
940        # if source and key are equal for the two, this is representable in the
941        # old format.
942        if constraint.lower is not None and lower_source is not None:
943            return (lower_source, lower_key)
944        if constraint.upper is not None and upper_source is not None:
945            return (upper_source, upper_key)
946        # else it was calculated:
947        return (lower_val, upper_val)
949    def get_M_value_src(self, constraint):
950        """Return a tuple indicating how the M value used to transform
951        constraint was specified. (In particular, this can be used to
952        verify which BigM Suffixes were actually necessary to the
953        transformation.)
955        Return is of the form: ((lower_M_val, lower_M_source, lower_M_key),
956                                (upper_M_val, upper_M_source, upper_M_key))
958        If the constraint does not have a lower bound (or an upper bound),
959        the first (second) element will be (None, None, None). Note that if
960        a constraint is of the form a <= expr <= b or is an equality constraint,
961        it is not necessarily true that the source of lower_M and upper_M
962        are the same.
964        If the M value came from an arg, source is the  dictionary itself and
965        key is the key in that dictionary which gave us the M value.
967        If the M value came from a Suffix, source is the BigM suffix used and
968        key is the key in that Suffix.
970        If the transformation calculated the value, both source and key are None.
972        Parameters
973        ----------
974        constraint: Constraint, which must be in the subtree of a transformed
975                    Disjunct
976        """
977        transBlock = _get_constraint_transBlock(constraint)
978        # This is a KeyError if it fails, but it is also my fault if it
979        # fails... (That is, it's a bug in the mapping.)
980        return transBlock.bigm_src[constraint]
982    def get_M_value(self, constraint):
983        """Returns the M values used to transform constraint. Return is a tuple:
984        (lower_M_value, upper_M_value). Either can be None if constraint does
985        not have a lower or upper bound, respectively.
987        Parameters
988        ----------
989        constraint: Constraint, which must be in the subtree of a transformed
990                    Disjunct
991        """
992        transBlock = _get_constraint_transBlock(constraint)
993        # This is a KeyError if it fails, but it is also my fault if it
994        # fails... (That is, it's a bug in the mapping.)
995        lower, upper = transBlock.bigm_src[constraint]
996        return (lower[0], upper[0])