1#  ___________________________________________________________________________
3#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
4#  Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
5#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
6#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
7#  rights in this software.
8#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
9#  ___________________________________________________________________________
11# NOTE: this solver is disabled (see the first try block below).  This
12# code is out of date, and this code is not regularly tested by Pyomo developers.
13# The python-glpk package is only supported on Debian Linux platforms, so
14# it is not clear if this is a valuable solver interface, particularly since
15# commercial vendors now have good support for Python interfaces (e.g. CPLEX and
16# Gurobi).
18import sys
19_glpk_version = None
20glpk_python_api_exists = None
21def configure_glpk_direct():
22    global _glpk_version
23    global glpk_python_api_exists
24    try:
25        # import all the glp_* functions
26        if False:  # DISABLED
27            import glpk
28            glpk_python_api_exists = True
29        else:
30            glpk_python_api_exists = False
31    except ImportError:
32        glpk_python_api_exists = False
33    except Exception as e:
34        # other forms of exceptions can be thrown by the glpk python
35        # import. For example, an error in code invoked by the module's
36        # __init__.  We should continue gracefully and not cause a fatal
37        # error in Pyomo.
38        print("Import of glpk failed - glpk message="+str(e)+"\n")
39        glpk_python_api_exists = False
41from pyomo.common.collections import Bunch
43from pyomo.opt.base import OptSolver
44from pyomo.opt.base.solvers import _extract_version, SolverFactory
45from pyomo.opt.results import SolverResults, SolverStatus, SolutionStatus, ProblemSense
46from pyomo.core.base.numvalue import value
48import logging
49logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.solvers')
53@SolverFactory.register('_glpk_direct', doc='Direct Python interface to the GLPK LP/MIP solver.')
54class GLPKDirect ( OptSolver ):
55    """The GLPK LP/MIP solver (direct API plugin)
57 The glpk_direct plugin offers an API interface to the GLPK.  It requires the
58 Python-GLPK API interface provided via the SWIG interface available through
59 most Linux distributions repositories.  For more information, see Jo~ao Pedro
60 Pedroso's (the author) page at http://www.dcc.fc.up.pt/~jpp/
62 Because of the direct connection with the GLPK API, no temporary files need be
63 written or read.  That ostensibly makes this a faster plugin than the
64 file-based glpk plugin.  However, you will likely not notice any speed up
65 unless you are using the GLPK solver with PySP problems (due to the rapid
66 re-solves).
68 One downside to the lack of temporary files, is that there is no LP file to
69 inspect for clues while debugging a model.  For that, use the write_lp solver
70 option:
72 $ pyomo model.{py,dat} \
73   --solver=glpk_direct \
74   --solver-options  write_lp=/path/to/some/file.lp
76 One can also specify the particular GLPK algorithm to use with the 'algorithm'
77 solver option.  There are 4 algorithms:
79   simplex  - the default algorithm for non-MIP problems (primal simplex)
80   intopt   - the default algorithm for MIP problems
81   exact    - tentative implementation of two-phase primal simplex with exact
82              arithmetic internally.
83   interior - only aplicable to LP problems
85 $ pyomo model.{py,dat} \
86   --solver glpk_direct \
87   --solver-options  algorithm=exact
89 For more information on available algorithms, see the GLPK documentation.
90    """
92    def __init__(self, **kwds):
93        #
94        # Call base class constructor
95        #
96        kwds['type'] = 'glpk_direct'
97        OptSolver.__init__(self, **kwds)
99        # NOTE: eventually both of the following attributes should be migrated
100        # to a common base class.  Is the current solve warm-started?  A
101        # transient data member to communicate state information across the
102        # _presolve, _apply_solver, and _postsolve methods.
103        self.warm_start_solve = False
104        self._timelimit = None
106        # Note: Undefined capabilities default to 'None'
107        self._capabilities = Bunch()
108        self._capabilities.linear = True
109        self._capabilities.integer = True
111    def _get_version(self):
112        """
113        Returns a tuple describing the solver executable version.
114        """
115        if _glpk_version is None:
116            return _extract_version('')
117        return _glpk_version
119    def _populate_glpk_instance ( self, model ):
121        from pyomo.core.base import Var, Objective, Constraint, SOSConstraint
123        try:
124            lp = glp_create_prob()
125        except Exception:
126            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
127            msg = 'Unable to create GLPK problem instance.  Have you installed' \
128            '\n       the Python bindings for GLPK?\n\n\tError message: %s'
129            raise Exception(msg % e)
131        objective = sorted( model.component_map(Objective, active=True).values() )[0]
132        # so we can correctly map the solution to the correct objective label in _postsolve
133        lp.objective_name = sorted( model.component_map(Objective, active=True).keys() )[0]
134        sense = GLP_MAX
135        if objective.is_minimizing(): sense = GLP_MIN
137        constraint_list = model.component_map(Constraint, active=True)
138        variable_list   = model.component_map(Var)
139        num_constraints = model.statistics.number_of_constraints
140        num_variables   = model.statistics.number_of_variables
142        sosn = self._capabilities.sosn
143        sos1 = self._capabilities.sos1
144        sos2 = self._capabilities.sos2
146        for soscondata in model.component_data_objects(SOSConstraint, active=True):
147            raise Exception("Solver: glpk_direct does not support SOSConstraint declarations")
149        glp_set_prob_name(lp, model.name)
151        glp_set_obj_dir( lp, sense )
152        glp_add_rows( lp, num_constraints )
153        glp_add_cols( lp, num_variables )
155        # 1 extra because GLPK's arrays in this context are 1-based, not 0-based
156        coef_count = num_constraints * num_variables + 1
157        Ai = intArray( coef_count )
158        Aj = intArray( coef_count )
159        Ar = doubleArray( coef_count )
161        row = col = coef_count = 0
162        colvar_map = dict()
163        rowvar_map = dict()
165        # In matrix parlance, variables are columns
166        for name in variable_list:
167            var_set = variable_list[ name ]
168            for ii in var_set:
169                var = var_set[ ii ]
170                if var.fixed is True:
171                    continue
173                lb = ub = 0.0
174                if (not var.has_lb()) and \
175                   (not var.has_ub()):
176                    var_type = GLP_FR
177                elif not var.has_lb():
178                    var_type = GLP_UB
179                    ub = value(var.ub)
180                elif not var.has_ub():
181                    var_type = GLP_LO
182                    lb = value(var.lb)
183                else:
184                    var_type = GLP_DB
185                    lb = value(var.lb)
186                    ub = value(var.ub)
188                col += 1
189                colvar_map[ var.label ] = col
191                # the name is perhaps not necessary, but for completeness ...
192                glp_set_col_name( lp, col, var.label )
193                glp_set_col_bnds( lp, col, var_type, lb, ub )
195                # Be sure to impart the integer and binary nature of any variables
196                if var.is_integer():
197                    glp_set_col_kind( lp, col, GLP_IV )
198                elif var.is_binary():
199                    glp_set_col_kind( lp, col, GLP_BV )
200                elif var.is_continuous():
201                    glp_set_col_kind( lp, col, GLP_CV )   # continuous
202                else:
203                    raise TypeError("Invalid domain type for variable with name '%s'. "
204                                    "Variable is not continuous, integer, or binary.")
206        model_canonical_repn = getattr(model, "_canonical_repn", None)
207        if model_canonical_repn is None:
208            raise ValueError("No _canonical_repn ComponentMap was found on "
209                             "block with name %s. Did you forget to preprocess?"
210                             % (model.name))
212        for name in constraint_list:
213            constraint_set = constraint_list[ name ]
215            for ii in constraint_set:
216                constraint = constraint_set[ ii ]
217                if not constraint.active: continue
218                elif (not constraint.has_lb()) and \
219                     (not constraint.has_ub()):
220                    continue
222                expression = model_canonical_repn.get(constraint)
223                if constraint is None:
224                    raise ValueError("No entry found in _canonical_repn ComponentMap on "
225                                     "block %s for active constraint with name %s. "
226                                     "Did you forget to preprocess?"
227                                     % (model.name, constraint.name))
229                offset = 0.0
230                if 0 in expression:
231                    offset = expression[0][None]
233                lbound = ubound = -offset
235                if constraint.equality:
236                    var_type = GLP_FX    # Fixed
237                    lbound = ubound = constraint.lower() - offset
238                elif not constraint.has_lb():
239                    var_type = GLP_UP    # Upper bounded only
240                    ubound += constraint.upper()
241                elif not constraint.has_ub():
242                    var_type = GLP_LO    # Lower bounded only
243                    lbound += constraint.lower()
244                else:
245                    var_type = GLP_DB    # Double bounded
246                    lbound += constraint.lower()
247                    ubound += constraint.upper()
249                row += 1
250                rowvar_map[ constraint.label ] = row
252                # just as with variables, set the name just for completeness ...
253                glp_set_row_name( lp, row, constraint.label )
254                glp_set_row_bnds( lp, row, var_type, lbound, ubound )
256                if 1 in expression: # first-order terms
257                    keys = sorted( expression[1].keys() )
258                    for var_key in keys:
259                        index = var_key.keys()[0]
260                        var = expression[-1][ index ]
261                        coef  = expression[ 1][ var_key ]
262                        col = colvar_map[ var.label ]
264                        coef_count += 1
265                        Ai[ coef_count ] = row
266                        Aj[ coef_count ] = col
267                        Ar[ coef_count ] = coef
269        # with the rows and columns named and bounded, load the coefficients
270        glp_load_matrix( lp, coef_count, Ai, Aj, Ar )
272        for key in objective:
274            expression = model_canonical_repn.get(objective[key])
275            if expression is None:
276                raise ValueError("No entry found in _canonical_repn ComponentMap on "
277                                 "block %s for active objective with name %s. "
278                                 "Did you forget to preprocess?"
279                                 % (model.name, objective[key].name))
281            if expression.is_constant():
282                msg = "Ignoring objective '%s[%s]' which is constant"
283                logger.warning( msg % (str(objective), str(key)) )
284                continue
286            if 1 in expression: # first-order terms
287                keys = sorted( expression[1].keys() )
288                for var_key in keys:
289                    index = var_key.keys()[0]
290                    label = expression[-1][ index ].label
291                    coef  = expression[ 1][ var_key ]
292                    col = colvar_map[ label ]
293                    glp_set_obj_coef( lp, col, coef )
295            elif -1 in expression:
296                pass
297            else:
298                msg = "Nonlinear objective to GLPK.  GLPK can only handle "       \
299                      "linear problems."
300                raise RuntimeError( msg )
303        self._glpk_instance = lp
304        self._glpk_rowvar_map = rowvar_map
305        self._glpk_colvar_map = colvar_map
308    def warm_start_capable(self):
309        # Note to dev who gets back here: GLPK has the notion of presolving, but
310        # it's "built-in" to each optimization function.  To disable it, make use
311        # of the second argument of glp_smcp type.  See the GLPK documentation
312        # PDF for further information.
313        msg = "GLPK has the ability to use warmstart solutions.  However, it "  \
314              "has not yet been implemented into the Pyomo glpk_direct plugin."
315        logger.info( msg )
316        return False
319    def warm_start(self, instance):
320        pass
323    def _presolve(self, *args, **kwargs):
324        from pyomo.core.base.PyomoModel import Model
326        self.warm_start_solve = kwargs.pop( 'warmstart', False )
328        model = args[0]
329        if len(args) != 1:
330            msg = "The glpk_direct plugin method '_presolve' must be supplied "  \
331                  "a single problem instance - %s were supplied"
332            raise ValueError(msg % len(args))
333        elif not isinstance(model, Model):
334            msg = "The problem instance supplied to the glpk_direct plugin "     \
335                  "'_presolve' method must be of type 'Model'"
336            raise ValueError(msg)
338        self._populate_glpk_instance( model )
339        lp = self._glpk_instance
340        self.is_integer = ( glp_get_num_int( lp ) > 0 and True or False )
342        if 'write_lp' in self.options:
343            fname = self.options.write_lp
344            glp_write_lp( lp, None, fname )
346        self.algo = 'Simplex (primal)'
347        algorithm = glp_simplex
348        if self.is_integer > 0:
349            self.algo = 'Mixed Integer'
350            algorithm = glp_intopt
352        if 'algorithm' in self.options:
353            if 'simplex' == self.options.algorithm:
354                self.algo = 'Simplex (primal)'
355                algorithm = glp_simplex
356            elif 'exact' == self.options.algorithm:
357                self.algo = 'Simplex (two-phase primal)'
358                algorithm = glp_exact
359            elif 'interior' == self.options.algorithm:
360                self.algo = 'Interior Point'
361                algorithm = glp_interior
362            elif 'intopt' == self.options.algorithm:
363                self.alpo = 'Mixed Integer'
364                algorithm = glp_intopt
365            else:
366                msg = "Unknown solver specified\n  Unknown: %s\n  Using:   %s\n"
367                logger.warning( msg % (self.options.algorithm, self.algo) )
368        self._algorithm = algorithm
370        if 'Simplex (primal)' == self.algo:
371            parm = glp_smcp()
372            glp_init_smcp( parm )
373        elif 'Simplex (two-phase primal)' == self.algo:
374            parm = glp_smcp()
375            glp_init_smcp( parm )
376        elif 'Interior Point' == self.algo:
377            parm = glp_iptcp()
378            glp_init_iptcp( parm )
379        elif 'Mixed Integer' == self.algo:
380            parm = glp_iocp()
381            glp_init_iocp( parm )
382            if self.options.mipgap:
383                parm.mip_gap = self.options.mipgap
385        if self._timelimit and self._timelimit > 0.0:
386            parm.tm_lim = self._timelimit
388        parm.msg_lev = GLP_MSG_OFF
389        parm.presolve = GLP_ON
391        self._solver_params = parm
393        # Scaffolding in place: I /believe/ GLPK can do warmstarts; just supply
394        # the basis solution and turn of the presolver
395        if self.warm_start_solve is True:
397            if len(args) != 1:
398                msg = "The glpk_direct _presolve method can only handle a single "\
399                      "problem instance - %s were supplied"
400                raise ValueError(msg % len(args))
402            parm.presolve = GLP_OFF
403            self.warm_start( model )
406    def _apply_solver(self):
407        lp = self._glpk_instance
408        parm = self._solver_params
409        algorithm = self._algorithm
411        # Actually solve the problem.
412        try:
413            beg = glp_time()
414            self.solve_return_code = algorithm( self._glpk_instance, parm )
415            end = glp_time()
416            self._glpk_solve_time = glp_difftime( end, beg )
417        except Exception:
418            e = sys.exc_info()[1]
419            msg = str(e)
420            if 'algorithm' in self.options:
421                msg = "Unexpected error using '%s' algorithm.  Is it the correct "\
422                      "correct algorithm for the problem type?"
423                msg %= self.options.algorithm
424            logger.error( msg )
425            raise
427        # FIXME: can we get a return code indicating if GLPK had a
428        # significant failure?
429        return Bunch(rc=None, log=None)
432    def _glpk_return_code_to_message ( self ):
433        code = self.solve_return_code
434        if 0 == code:
435            return "Algorithm completed successfully.  (This does not "         \
436                   "necessarily mean an optimal solution was found.)"
437        elif GLP_EBADB == code:
438            return "Unable to start the search, because the initial basis "     \
439               "specified in the problem object is invalid -- the number of "   \
440               "basic (auxiliary and structural) variables is not the same as " \
441               "the number of rows in the problem object."
442        elif GLP_ESING == code:
443            return "Unable to start the search, because the basis matrix "      \
444               "corresponding to the initial basis is singular within the "     \
445               "working precision."
446        elif GLP_ECOND == code:
447            return "Unable to start the search, because the basis matrix "       \
448               "corresponding to the initial basis is ill-conditioned, i.e. its "\
449               "condition number is too large."
450        elif GLP_EBOUND == code:
451            return "Unable to start the search, because some double-bounded "    \
452               "(auxiliary or structural) variables have incorrect bounds."
453        elif GLP_EFAIL == code:
454            return "The search was prematurely terminated due to the solver "    \
455               "failure."
456        elif GLP_EOBJLL == code:
457            return "The search was prematurely terminated, because the "         \
458               "objective function being maximized has reached its lower limit " \
459               "and continues decreasing (the dual simplex only)."
460        elif GLP_EOBJUL == code:
461            return "The search was prematurely terminated, because the "         \
462               "objective function being minimized has reached its upper limit " \
463               "and continues increasing (the dual simplex only)."
464        elif GLP_EITLIM == code:
465            return "The search was prematurely terminated, because the simplex " \
466               "iteration limit has been exceeded."
467        elif GLP_ETMLIM == code:
468            return "The search was prematurely terminated, because the time "    \
469               "limit has been exceeded."
470        elif GLP_ENOPFS == code:
471            return "The LP problem instance has no primal feasible solution "    \
472               "(only if the LP presolver is used)."
473        elif GLP_ENODFS == code:
474            return "The LP problem instance has no dual feasible solution "     \
475               "(only if the LP presolver is used)."
476        else:
477            return "Unexpected error condition.  Please consider remitting "    \
478               "this problem to the Pyomo developers and/or the GLPK project "  \
479               "so they can improve their softwares."
482    def _glpk_get_solution_status ( self ):
483        getstatus = glp_get_status
484        if self.is_integer: getstatus = glp_mip_status
486        status = getstatus( self._glpk_instance )
487        if   GLP_OPT    == status: return SolutionStatus.optimal
488        elif GLP_FEAS   == status: return SolutionStatus.feasible
489        elif GLP_INFEAS == status: return SolutionStatus.infeasible
490        elif GLP_NOFEAS == status: return SolutionStatus.other
491        elif GLP_UNBND  == status: return SolutionStatus.other
492        elif GLP_UNDEF  == status: return SolutionStatus.other
493        raise RuntimeError("Unknown solution status returned by GLPK solver")
496    def _glpk_get_solver_status ( self ):
497        rc = self.solve_return_code
498        if 0 == rc:            return SolverStatus.ok
499        elif GLP_EBADB  == rc: return SolverStatus.error
500        elif GLP_ESING  == rc: return SolverStatus.error
501        elif GLP_ECOND  == rc: return SolverStatus.error
502        elif GLP_EBOUND == rc: return SolverStatus.error
503        elif GLP_EFAIL  == rc: return SolverStatus.aborted
504        elif GLP_EOBJLL == rc: return SolverStatus.aborted
505        elif GLP_EOBJUL == rc: return SolverStatus.aborted
506        elif GLP_EITLIM == rc: return SolverStatus.aborted
507        elif GLP_ETMLIM == rc: return SolverStatus.aborted
508        elif GLP_ENOPFS == rc: return SolverStatus.warning
509        elif GLP_ENODFS == rc: return SolverStatus.warning
510        else: return SolverStatus.unkown
513    def _postsolve(self):
514        lp = self._glpk_instance
515        num_variables = glp_get_num_cols( lp )
516        bin_variables = glp_get_num_bin( lp )
517        int_variables = glp_get_num_int( lp )
519        # check suffixes
520        for suffix in self._suffixes:
521            if True:
522                raise RuntimeError("***The glpk_direct solver plugin cannot extract solution suffix="+suffix)
525        tpeak = glp_long()
526        glp_mem_usage( None, None, None, tpeak )
527        # black magic trickery, thanks to Python's lack of pointers and SWIG's
528        # automatic API conversion
529        peak_mem = tpeak.lo
531        results = SolverResults()
532        soln = Solution()
533        prob = results.problem
534        solv = results.solver
536        solv.name = "GLPK " + glp_version()
537        solv.status = self._glpk_get_solver_status()
538        solv.return_code = self.solve_return_code
539        solv.message = self._glpk_return_code_to_message()
540        solv.algorithm = self.algo
541        solv.memory_used = "%d bytes, (%d KiB)" % (peak_mem, peak_mem/1024)
542        # solv.user_time = None
543        # solv.system_time = None
544        solv.wallclock_time = self._glpk_solve_time
545        # solv.termination_condition = None
546        # solv.termination_message = None
548        prob.name = glp_get_prob_name(lp)
549        prob.number_of_constraints = glp_get_num_rows(lp)
550        prob.number_of_nonzeros = glp_get_num_nz(lp)
551        prob.number_of_variables = num_variables
552        prob.number_of_binary_variables = bin_variables
553        prob.number_of_integer_variables = int_variables
554        prob.number_of_continuous_variables = num_variables - int_variables
555        prob.number_of_objectives = 1
557        prob.sense = ProblemSense.minimize
558        if GLP_MAX == glp_get_obj_dir( lp ):
559            prob.sense = ProblemSense.maximize
561        soln.status = self._glpk_get_solution_status()
563        if soln.status in ( SolutionStatus.optimal, SolutionStatus.feasible ):
564            get_col_prim = glp_get_col_prim
565            get_row_prim = glp_get_row_prim
566            get_obj_val  = glp_get_obj_val
567            if self.is_integer:
568                get_col_prim = glp_mip_col_val
569                get_row_prim = glp_mip_row_val
570                get_obj_val  = glp_mip_obj_val
572            obj_val = get_obj_val( lp )
573            if prob.sense == ProblemSense.minimize:
574                prob.lower_bound = obj_val
575            else:
576                prob.upper_bound = obj_val
578            objective_name = lp.objective_name
579            soln.objective[objective_name] = {'Value': obj_val}
581            colvar_map = self._glpk_colvar_map
582            rowvar_map = self._glpk_rowvar_map
584            for var_label in colvar_map:
585                col = colvar_map[ var_label ]
586                soln.variable[ var_label ] = {"Value" : get_col_prim( lp, col )}
588            for row_label in rowvar_map:
589                row = rowvar_map[ row_label ]
590                soln.constraint[ row_label ] = {"Value" : get_row_prim( lp, row )}
592        results.solution.insert(soln)
594        self.results = results
596        # All done with the GLPK object, so free up some memory.
597        glp_free( lp )
598        del self._glpk_instance, lp
600        # let the base class deal with returning results.
601        return OptSolver._postsolve(self)
604# TODO: add MockGLPKDirect class
606if not glpk_python_api_exists:
607    SolverFactory().unregister('_glpk_direct')
608    # SolverFactory().deactivate('_mock_glpk_direct')
610# vim: set fileencoding=utf-8