1from .centrals import PowerCentral as pc
2from .centrals import HydroCentral as hc
3from .Demand import Demand
4import nevergrad as ng
5from .nevergradBased.Optimizer import Optimizer
6import numpy as np # type: ignore
7import pandas as pd # type: ignore
8import pkgutil
9import csv
10import os
11import warnings
12from math import ceil
13#import time
14from typing import List, Any, Type, Dict
15from datetime import datetime
16import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # type: ignore
18class MixSimulator:
19    """
20        The simulator Base
21    """
22    def __init__(self, carbon_cost: float = 0, penalisation_cost: float = 1000000000000) -> None:
23        self.__centrals : List[Any] = []
24        self.__reset_centrals()
25        self.__demand = Demand(20, 0.2, 0.2)
26        self.__lost = 0.
27        self.__penalisation_cost = penalisation_cost
28        self.__optimizer =  Optimizer()
29        self.__carbon_cost = carbon_cost
30        self.__carbon_quota = 800139. # (g/MWh)
32        # for reuse and get_params()
33        self.time_index = 24*7
34        self.step = 1
35        self.time_interval = 1
36        self.plot = "default"
37        self.average_wide = 0
39    def __reset_centrals(self):
40        self.__centrals = []
42    ## DATA ##
43    def set_variation_csv(self, bind = None, delimiter: str=";") -> None:
44        if self.__centrals == []:
45             warnings.warn("Please load a original dataset by using MixSimulator.set_data_csv(...)")
46             raise
47        else :
48            try :
49                data = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(bind,delimiter=delimiter))
50            except FileNotFoundError as e :
51                    print("Error occured on pandas.read_csv : ",e)
52                    print("Please check your file")
53                    raise
54            except Exception as e:
55                    print("Error occured on pandas.read_csv : ",e)
56                    raise
58            for central_index in range(len(self.__centrals)):
59                if self.__centrals[central_index].is_tuneable():
60                    for i in range (0,data.shape[0]):
61                        if self.__centrals[central_index].get_id() == data["centrals"][i]:
62                            tmp_list=[]
63                            upper = str(data["upper"][i]).split(":")
64                            upper = [float(numeric_string) for numeric_string in upper]
65                            lower = str(data["lower"][i]).split(":")
66                            lower = [float(numeric_string) for numeric_string in lower]
67                            discrete = str(data["discrete"][i]).split(":")
68                            discrete = [float(numeric_string) for numeric_string in discrete]
69                            self.__centrals[central_index].set_variation_params(lower = lower, upper = upper, choices = discrete)
71    def set_data_csv(self, bind = None, raw_data = None, delimiter: str=";"):
72        if raw_data is not None :
73            data = pd.DataFrame(raw_data)
74            #set columns & index
75            header = data.iloc[0]
76            data = data[1:]
77            data.columns = header
78            data = data.reset_index(drop=True)
79            for column in data.columns.tolist():
80                try:
81                    # convert numeric values
82                    data[column] = pd.to_numeric(data[column])
83                except:
84                    pass
85        else :
86            try :
87                data = pd.DataFrame(pd.read_csv(bind,delimiter=delimiter))
88            except FileNotFoundError as e :
89                print("Error occured on pandas.read_csv : ",e)
90                print("Please check your file")
91                raise
92            except Exception as e:
93                print("Error occured on pandas.read_csv : ",e)
94                raise
96        self.__reset_centrals()
97        centrale = pc.PowerCentral()
98        try :
99            for i in range (0,data.shape[0]):
100                isHydro = data["hydro"][i]
101                if isHydro == True :
102                    centrale = hc.HydroCentral(data["height"][i],data["flow"][i],data["capacity"][i],data["stock_available"][i],0.1,0.8)
103                else :
104                    centrale = pc.PowerCentral()
105                centrale.set_tuneable(data["tuneable"][i])
106                centrale.set_id(str(data["centrals"][i]))
107                centrale.set_fuel_consumption(data["fuel_consumption"][i])
108                centrale.set_availability(data["availability"][i])
109                centrale.set_fuel_cost(data["fuel_cost"][i])
110                centrale.set_initial_value(data["init_value"][i])
111                centrale.set_lifetime(data["lifetime"][i])
112                centrale.set_carbon_prod(data["carbon_production"][i])
113                centrale.set_raw_power(data["raw_power"][i])
114                centrale.set_nb_employees(data["nb_employees"][i])
115                centrale.set_mean_employees_salary(data["mean_salary"][i])
116                centrale.set_max_var(data["max_var"][i])
117                self.__centrals.append(centrale)
118            self.__demand.set_mean_demand(data["Demand"][0])
119            self.__lost=data["lost"][0]
120        except KeyError:
121            print("Columns must be in: tuneable, centrals, fuel_consumption, availability, fuel_cost, init_value, lifetime, carbon_cost, raw_power, nb_employees, mean_salary, demand, lost, height, flow, capacity, stock_available")
122            raise
124    def set_data_to(self, dataset, delimiter: str=";"):
125        if dataset == "Toamasina":
126            #by defaut we keep it "Toamasina"
127            data = pkgutil.get_data('mixsimulator', '/data/RIToamasina/dataset_RI_Toamasina_v2.csv')
128            data = csv.reader(data.decode('utf-8').splitlines(), delimiter = delimiter)
129            self.set_data_csv(raw_data=data)
130        else :
131            #by defaut we keep it "Toamasina"
132            data = pkgutil.get_data('mixsimulator', '/data/RIToamasina/dataset_RI_Toamasina_v2.csv')
133            data = csv.reader(data.decode('utf-8').splitlines(), delimiter = delimiter)
134            self.set_data_csv(raw_data=data)
136    def set_demand(self, demand: Demand):
137        self.__demand = demand
139    def get_demand(self):
140        return self.__demand
142    def set_lost(self, lost: float):
143        self.__lost = lost
145    def set_optimizer(self, optimizer: Optimizer):
146        self.__optimizer = optimizer
148    def get_optimizer(self) -> Optimizer:
149        return self.__optimizer
151    def set_carbon_quota(self, cb_quota: float ):
152        self.__carbon_quota = cb_quota
154    def set_penalisation_cost(self, k):
155        self.__penalisation_cost = k
157    def get_penalisation_cost(self):
158        return self.__penalisation_cost
160    def set_carbon_cost(self, carbon_cost):
161        self.__carbon_cost = carbon_cost
163    def get_carbon_cost(self):
164        return self.__carbon_cost
167    def get_production_cost_at_t(self, usage_coef, time_index, time_interval):
168        production_cost = 0
169        for centrale_index in range (0, len(self.__centrals)):
170            central = self.__centrals[centrale_index]
171            production_cost += ( (central.get_fuel_cost() * central.get_fuel_consumption()
172            * central.get_raw_power() * usage_coef[centrale_index]) + ( central.get_employees_salary()
173            + central.get_amortized_cost(time_index) ) ) * time_interval
174        return production_cost
176    def get_production_at_t(self, usage_coef, time_interval):
177        production = 0
178        for centrale_index in range (0, len(self.__centrals)):
179            central = self.__centrals[centrale_index]
180            production += (central.get_raw_power() * usage_coef[centrale_index]) * time_interval
181        return production
183    def get_unsatisfied_demand_at_t(self, usage_coef, time_index, time_interval):
184        #return ( self.__demand.get_demand_approxima(time_index, time_interval) - self.get_production_at_t(usage_coef, time_interval))
185        return ( self.__demand.get_demand_monthly(time_index, time_interval) - self.get_production_at_t(usage_coef, time_interval))
187    def get_carbon_production_at_t(self, usage_coef, time_interval):
188        carbon_prod = 0
189        for centrale_index in range (0, len(self.__centrals)):
190            central = self.__centrals[centrale_index]
191            carbon_prod += (central.get_carbon_production() * usage_coef[centrale_index] * central.get_raw_power()) * time_interval
192        return carbon_prod
194    def get_carbon_over_production(self, usage_coef, time_interval):
195        emited_carbon = 0 # (g)
196        total_production = 1
197        for t in range(0, len(usage_coef)):
198            emited_carbon += self.get_carbon_production_at_t(usage_coef[t], time_interval)
199            total_production += self.get_production_at_t(usage_coef[t], time_interval)
200        carbon_production = emited_carbon/total_production
201        return max(0, carbon_production - self.__carbon_quota) # (g/MWh)
203    def get_weighted_coef(self, usage_coef, time_interval):
204        for central_index in range(0, len(usage_coef[0])):
205            self.__centrals[central_index].reset_central()
206        weighted_coef = usage_coef.copy()
207        for t in range(0, len(weighted_coef)):
208            for central_index in range(0, len(weighted_coef[t])):
209                min_av = self.__centrals[central_index].get_min_availability(t)
210                max_av = self.__centrals[central_index].get_max_availability(t)
211                if max_av < min_av:
212                    min_av = 0 # a verifier
213                weighted_coef[t][central_index] = min_av + weighted_coef[t][central_index]*(max_av-min_av)
214                self.__centrals[central_index].back_propagate(weighted_coef[t][central_index], t, time_interval)
215        return weighted_coef
217    def loss_function(self, usage_coef, time_interval : int = 1) -> float :
218        usage_coef = self.arrange_coef_as_array_of_array(usage_coef)
219        weighted_coef = self.get_weighted_coef(usage_coef, time_interval=time_interval)
220        loss = 0
221        for t in range(0, len(weighted_coef)):
222            loss += self.get_production_cost_at_t(weighted_coef[t], t, time_interval) + ( self.get_penalisation_cost() * np.abs( self.get_unsatisfied_demand_at_t(weighted_coef[t], t, time_interval)) )
223        loss +=  self.get_carbon_cost() * (self.get_carbon_over_production(weighted_coef, time_interval) )
224        return loss
226    def arrange_coef_as_array_of_array(self, raw_usage_coef):
227        ordered_coef = []
228        cur_time_coef = []
229        for coef_index in range(len(raw_usage_coef)):
230            cur_time_coef.append(raw_usage_coef[coef_index])
231            ## indice de la premiere centrale a t+1
232            if (coef_index+1)%len(self.__centrals) == 0:
233                ordered_coef.append(cur_time_coef)
234                cur_time_coef = []
235        return ordered_coef
238    ## OPTiMiZATION ##
240    def __opt_params(self, time_index):
241        self.__optimizer.set_parametrization(self.get_opt_params(time_index))
243    def get_opt_params(self, time_index):
244        variable_parametrization = []
245        for _ in range(time_index):
246            for central_index in range(len(self.__centrals)):
247                if not self.__centrals[central_index].is_tuneable():
248                    variable_parametrization += [ng.p.Choice([0.,1.])]
249                else:
250                    #check the params by
251                    #print(self.__centrals[central_index].get_variation_params())
252                    variable_parametrization += [self.__centrals[central_index].get_variation_params()]
253        return ng.p.Tuple(*variable_parametrization)
255    def optimizeMix(self, carbon_quota: float = None, demand: Demand = None, lost: float = None,
256                    optimizer: Optimizer = None, step : int = 1,
257                    time_index: int = 24*7, time_interval: float = 1,
258                    penalisation : float = None, carbon_cost : float = None, plot : str = "default", average_wide : int = 0):
260        # init params
261        self.time_index = time_index
262        self.step = step
263        self.time_interval = time_interval
264        self.plot = plot
265        self.average_wide = average_wide
266        if demand is not None : self.set_demand(demand)
267        if lost is not None : self.set_lost(lost)
268        if penalisation is not None : self.set_penalisation_cost(penalisation)
269        if carbon_cost is not None : self.set_carbon_cost(carbon_cost)
270        if carbon_quota is not None : self.set_carbon_quota(carbon_quota)
271        if optimizer is not None : self.set_optimizer(optimizer)
273        # tune optimizer parametrization
274        self.__opt_params(self.time_index)
276        #init constraints
277        constraints = {}
278        constraints.update({"time_interval":self.time_interval})
280        #let's optimize
281        results = self.__optimizer.optimize(mix = self , func_to_optimize = self.loss_function, constraints=constraints, step = self.step)
283        results = self.__reshape_results(results, self.time_interval)
285        self.plotResults(results, mode = self.plot , time_interval = self.time_interval, average_wide = self.average_wide)
287        return results
289    def __reshape_results(self, results, time_interval):
290        for tmp in results:
291            usage_coef = self.arrange_coef_as_array_of_array(tmp['coef'])
292            tmp.update({"coef":self.get_weighted_coef(usage_coef, time_interval)})
294        # for central_index in range(0, len(self.__centrals)):
295        #     try:
296        #         print(self.__centrals[central_index].get_stock_evolution())
297        #     # Not a hydro power plant, so the methode does not exist
298        #     except:
299        #         pass
300        return results
302    def get_params(self) -> dict:
303        return {"centrals" : self.__centrals, "optimizer" : self.get_optimizer(),
304                "penalisation_cost" : self.get_penalisation_cost(), "carbon_cost" : self.get_carbon_cost(),
305                "demand" : self.__demand, "lost" : self.__lost, "carbon_quota" : self.__carbon_quota,
306                "step" : self.step, "time_interval" : self.time_interval, "time_index" : self.time_index,
307                "plot" : self.plot, "moving average_wide" : self.average_wide}
309    ## PLOT ##
310    def moving_average(self, x, w):
311        return np.convolve(x, np.ones(w), 'valid') / w
313    def plotResults(self, optimum : dict = {} , mode : str = "default", time_interval : float = 1, average_wide : int = 0):
314        #set the moving average wide
315        if average_wide == 0 :
316            average_wide = ceil(len(optimum[-1]["coef"])/4)
318        if mode == "default" or mode == "save":
319            #set Y
320            Y: Dict[str,List[float]] ={}
321            label_y: List[str]=[]
322            for c in self.__centrals :
323                label_y.append(c.get_id())
324                Y.update({c.get_id():[]})
325            for array in optimum[-1]["coef"] :
326                for enum, value in enumerate(array) :
327                    Y[label_y[enum]].append(value)
329            fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 6))
331            # data integration
332            X = [i for i in range(0,len(optimum[-1]["coef"]))]
333            for n_axs in range(0,1) :
334                for central, value in Y.items():
335                    smooth_value = self.moving_average(value,average_wide)
336                    axs.plot(X[(average_wide - 1):], smooth_value, '.-' ,alpha=0.5, lw=2, label=central)
339            # Add execution_time and loss information
340            info = "production_cost: "+ "{:.3f}".format(optimum[-1]["loss"])+" ; execution_time: "+"{:.3f}".format(optimum[-1]["elapsed_time"])
341            plt.annotate(info,
342                xy=(0.5, 0), xytext=(0, 10),
343                xycoords=('axes fraction', 'figure fraction'),
344                textcoords='offset points',
345                size=10, ha='center', va='bottom')
347            # plots parametrizations
348            axs.grid()
349            axs.yaxis.set_tick_params(length=0)
350            axs.xaxis.set_tick_params(length=0)
351            axs.set_xlabel('hours')
352            #axs[n_axs].yaxis.set_major_formatter(StrMethodFormatter("{x}"+units[0]))
353            axs.set_ylabel('coef (%)')
354            axs.legend()
356            fig.tight_layout()
357            try :
358                path = "results_"+datetime.now().strftime("%d_%m_%Y")
359                os.makedirs(path)
360                name = path+"/"+"opt_"+str(self.get_optimizer().get_optimizers())+"_"+datetime.now().strftime("%H%M%S")+".png"
361                fig.savefig(name)
362                if mode == "default" :
363                    plt.show()
365            except OSError:
366                warnings.warn("Can't create the directory "+path+" or already exists")
367                try :
368                    name = path+"/"+"opt_"+str(self.get_optimizer().get_optimizers())+"_"+datetime.now().strftime("%H%M%S")+".png"
369                    fig.savefig(name)
370                    if mode == "default" :
371                        plt.show()
372                except FileNotFoundError:
373                    name = "opt_"+str(self.get_optimizer().get_optimizers())+"_"+datetime.now().strftime("%H%M%S")+".png"
374                    fig.savefig(name)
375                    if mode == "default" :
376                        plt.show()
378        elif mode == "None" :
379            pass
380        else :
381            warnings.warn("Choose an available option : default, save or None")
382            #plt.show()