1 // Copyright 2010-2021 Google LLC
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
14 #include "ortools/packing/arc_flow_builder.h"
16 #include <algorithm>
17 #include <cstdint>
19 #include "absl/container/flat_hash_map.h"
20 #include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
21 #include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
22 #include "ortools/base/commandlineflags.h"
23 #include "ortools/base/map_util.h"
24 #include "ortools/base/stl_util.h"
25 #include "ortools/graph/topologicalsorter.h"
27 namespace operations_research {
28 namespace packing {
29 namespace {
31 class ArcFlowBuilder {
32  public:
33   // Same arguments as BuildArcFlowGraph(): see the .h.
34   ArcFlowBuilder(const std::vector<int>& bin_dimensions,
35                  const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& item_dimensions_by_type,
36                  const std::vector<int>& demand_by_type);
38   // Builds the arc-flow graph.
39   ArcFlowGraph BuildVectorBinPackingGraph();
41   // For debugging purposes.tring(
42   // Returns the number of states explored in the dynamic programming phase.
43   int64_t NumDpStates() const;
45  private:
46   // All items data, regrouped for sorting purposes.
47   struct Item {
48     std::vector<int> dimensions;
49     int demand;
50     int original_index;
52     // Used to sort items by relative size.
53     double NormalizedSize(const std::vector<int>& bin_dimensions) const;
54   };
56   // State of the dynamic programming algorithm.
57   struct DpState {
58     int cur_item_index;
59     int cur_item_quantity;
60     std::vector<int> used_dimensions;
61     // DP State indices of the states that can be obtained by moving
62     // either "right" to (cur_item_index, cur_item_quantity++) or "up"
63     // to (cur_item_index++, cur_item_quantity=0). -1 if impossible.
64     int right_child;
65     int up_child;
66   };
68   // Add item iteratively to create all possible nodes in a forward pass.
69   void ForwardCreationPass(DpState* dp_state);
70   // Scan DP-nodes backward to relabels each nodes by increasing them as much
71   // as possible.
72   void BackwardCompressionPass(int state_index);
73   // Relabel nodes by decreasing them as much as possible.
74   void ForwardCompressionPass(const std::vector<int>& source_node);
76   // Can we fit one more item in the bin?
77   bool CanFitNewItem(const std::vector<int>& used_dimensions, int item) const;
78   // Create a new used_dimensions that is used_dimensions + item dimensions.
79   std::vector<int> AddItem(const std::vector<int>& used_dimensions,
80                            int item) const;
82   // DpState helpers.
83   int LookupOrCreateDpState(int item, int quantity,
84                             const std::vector<int>& used_dimensions);
86   const std::vector<int> bin_dimensions_;
87   std::vector<Item> items_;
89   typedef absl::flat_hash_map<std::vector<int>, int> VectorIntIntMap;
90   int GetOrCreateNode(const std::vector<int>& used_dimensions);
92   // We store all DP states in a dense vector, and remember their index
93   // in the dp_state_index_ map (we use a tri-dimensional indexing because
94   // it's faster for the hash part).
95   std::vector<DpState*> dp_states_;
96   std::vector<std::vector<VectorIntIntMap>> dp_state_index_;
98   // The ArcFlowGraph will have nodes which will correspond to "some"
99   // of the vector<int> representing the partial bin usages encountered during
100   // the algo. These two data structures map one to the other (note that nodes
101   // are dense integers).
102   absl::flat_hash_map<std::vector<int>, int> node_indices_;
103   std::vector<std::vector<int>> nodes_;
105   std::set<ArcFlowGraph::Arc> arcs_;
106 };
NormalizedSize(const std::vector<int> & bin_dimensions) const108 double ArcFlowBuilder::Item::NormalizedSize(
109     const std::vector<int>& bin_dimensions) const {
110   double size = 0.0;
111   for (int i = 0; i < bin_dimensions.size(); ++i) {
112     size += static_cast<double>(dimensions[i]) / bin_dimensions[i];
113   }
114   return size;
115 }
NumDpStates() const117 int64_t ArcFlowBuilder::NumDpStates() const {
118   int64_t res = 1;  // We do not store the initial state.
119   for (const auto& it1 : dp_state_index_) {
120     for (const auto& it2 : it1) {
121       res += it2.size();
122     }
123   }
124   return res;
125 }
ArcFlowBuilder(const std::vector<int> & bin_dimensions,const std::vector<std::vector<int>> & item_dimensions_by_type,const std::vector<int> & demand_by_type)127 ArcFlowBuilder::ArcFlowBuilder(
128     const std::vector<int>& bin_dimensions,
129     const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& item_dimensions_by_type,
130     const std::vector<int>& demand_by_type)
131     : bin_dimensions_(bin_dimensions) {
132   // Checks dimensions.
133   for (int i = 0; i < bin_dimensions.size(); ++i) {
134     CHECK_GT(bin_dimensions[i], 0);
135   }
137   const int num_items = item_dimensions_by_type.size();
138   items_.resize(num_items);
139   for (int i = 0; i < num_items; ++i) {
140     items_[i].dimensions = item_dimensions_by_type[i];
141     items_[i].demand = demand_by_type[i];
142     items_[i].original_index = i;
143   }
144   std::sort(items_.begin(), items_.end(), [&](const Item& a, const Item& b) {
145     return a.NormalizedSize(bin_dimensions_) >
146            b.NormalizedSize(bin_dimensions_);
147   });
148 }
CanFitNewItem(const std::vector<int> & used_dimensions,int item) const150 bool ArcFlowBuilder::CanFitNewItem(const std::vector<int>& used_dimensions,
151                                    int item) const {
152   for (int d = 0; d < bin_dimensions_.size(); ++d) {
153     if (used_dimensions[d] + items_[item].dimensions[d] > bin_dimensions_[d]) {
154       return false;
155     }
156   }
157   return true;
158 }
AddItem(const std::vector<int> & used_dimensions,int item) const160 std::vector<int> ArcFlowBuilder::AddItem(
161     const std::vector<int>& used_dimensions, int item) const {
162   DCHECK(CanFitNewItem(used_dimensions, item));
163   std::vector<int> result = used_dimensions;
164   for (int d = 0; d < bin_dimensions_.size(); ++d) {
165     result[d] += items_[item].dimensions[d];
166   }
167   return result;
168 }
GetOrCreateNode(const std::vector<int> & used_dimensions)170 int ArcFlowBuilder::GetOrCreateNode(const std::vector<int>& used_dimensions) {
171   const auto& it = node_indices_.find(used_dimensions);
172   if (it != node_indices_.end()) {
173     return it->second;
174   }
175   const int index = node_indices_.size();
176   node_indices_[used_dimensions] = index;
177   nodes_.push_back(used_dimensions);
178   return index;
179 }
BuildVectorBinPackingGraph()181 ArcFlowGraph ArcFlowBuilder::BuildVectorBinPackingGraph() {
182   // Initialize the DP states map.
183   dp_state_index_.resize(items_.size());
184   for (int i = 0; i < items_.size(); ++i) {
185     dp_state_index_[i].resize(items_[i].demand + 1);
186   }
188   // Explore all possible DP states (starting from the initial 'empty' state),
189   // and remember their ancestry.
190   std::vector<int> zero(bin_dimensions_.size(), 0);
191   dp_states_.push_back(new DpState({0, 0, zero, -1, -1}));
192   for (int i = 0; i < dp_states_.size(); ++i) {
193     ForwardCreationPass(dp_states_[i]);
194   }
196   // We can clear the dp_state_index map as it will not be used anymore.
197   // From now on, we will use the dp_states.used_dimensions to store the new
198   // labels in the backward pass.
199   const int64_t num_dp_states = NumDpStates();
200   dp_state_index_.clear();
202   // Backwards pass: "push" the bin dimensions as far as possible.
203   const int num_states = dp_states_.size();
204   std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> flat_deps;
205   for (int i = 0; i < dp_states_.size(); ++i) {
206     if (dp_states_[i]->up_child != -1) {
207       flat_deps.push_back(std::make_pair(dp_states_[i]->up_child, i));
208     }
209     if (dp_states_[i]->right_child != -1) {
210       flat_deps.push_back(std::make_pair(dp_states_[i]->right_child, i));
211     }
212   }
213   const std::vector<int> sorted_work =
214       util::graph::DenseIntStableTopologicalSortOrDie(num_states, flat_deps);
215   for (const int w : sorted_work) {
216     BackwardCompressionPass(w);
217   }
219   // ForwardCreationPass again, push the bin dimensions as low as possible.
220   const std::vector<int> source_node = dp_states_[0]->used_dimensions;
221   // We can now delete the states stored in dp_states_.
222   gtl::STLDeleteElements(&dp_states_);
223   ForwardCompressionPass(source_node);
225   // We need to connect all nodes that corresponds to at least one item selected
226   // to the sink node.
227   const int sink_node_index = nodes_.size() - 1;
228   for (int node = 1; node < sink_node_index; ++node) {
229     arcs_.insert({node, sink_node_index, -1});
230   }
232   ArcFlowGraph result;
233   result.arcs.assign(arcs_.begin(), arcs_.end());
234   result.nodes.assign(nodes_.begin(), nodes_.end());
235   result.num_dp_states = num_dp_states;
236   return result;
237 }
LookupOrCreateDpState(int item,int quantity,const std::vector<int> & used_dimensions)239 int ArcFlowBuilder::LookupOrCreateDpState(
240     int item, int quantity, const std::vector<int>& used_dimensions) {
241   VectorIntIntMap& map = dp_state_index_[item][quantity];
242   const int index =
243       map.insert({used_dimensions, dp_states_.size()}).first->second;
244   if (index == dp_states_.size()) {
245     dp_states_.push_back(
246         new DpState({item, quantity, used_dimensions, -1, -1}));
247   }
248   return index;
249 }
ForwardCreationPass(DpState * dp_state)251 void ArcFlowBuilder::ForwardCreationPass(DpState* dp_state) {
252   const int item = dp_state->cur_item_index;
253   const int quantity = dp_state->cur_item_quantity;
254   const std::vector<int>& used_dimensions = dp_state->used_dimensions;
256   // Explore path up.
257   if (item < items_.size() - 1) {
258     dp_state->up_child = LookupOrCreateDpState(item + 1, 0, used_dimensions);
259   } else {
260     dp_state->up_child = -1;
261   }
263   // Explore path right.
264   if (quantity < items_[item].demand && CanFitNewItem(used_dimensions, item)) {
265     const std::vector<int> added = AddItem(used_dimensions, item);
266     dp_state->right_child = LookupOrCreateDpState(item, quantity + 1, added);
267   } else {
268     dp_state->right_child = -1;
269   }
270 }
BackwardCompressionPass(int state_index)272 void ArcFlowBuilder::BackwardCompressionPass(int state_index) {
273   // The goal of this function is to fill this.
274   std::vector<int>& result = dp_states_[state_index]->used_dimensions;
276   // Inherit our result from the result one step up.
277   const int up_index = dp_states_[state_index]->up_child;
278   const std::vector<int>& result_up =
279       up_index == -1 ? bin_dimensions_ : dp_states_[up_index]->used_dimensions;
280   result = result_up;
282   // Adjust our result from the result one step right.
283   const int right_index = dp_states_[state_index]->right_child;
284   if (right_index == -1) return;  // We're done.
285   const std::vector<int>& result_right =
286       dp_states_[right_index]->used_dimensions;
287   const Item& item = items_[dp_states_[state_index]->cur_item_index];
288   for (int d = 0; d < bin_dimensions_.size(); ++d) {
289     result[d] = std::min(result[d], result_right[d] - item.dimensions[d]);
290   }
292   // Insert the arc from the node to the "right" node.
293   const int node = GetOrCreateNode(result);
294   const int right_node = GetOrCreateNode(result_right);
295   DCHECK_NE(node, right_node);
296   arcs_.insert({node, right_node, item.original_index});
297   // Also insert the 'dotted' arc from the node to the "up" node (if different).
298   if (result != result_up) {
299     const int up_node = GetOrCreateNode(result_up);
300     arcs_.insert({node, up_node, -1});
301   }
302 }
304 // Reverse version of the backward pass.
305 // Revisit states forward, and relabel nodes with the longest path in each
306 // dimensions from the source. The only meaningfull difference is that we use
307 // arcs and nodes, instead of dp_states.
ForwardCompressionPass(const std::vector<int> & source_node)308 void ArcFlowBuilder::ForwardCompressionPass(
309     const std::vector<int>& source_node) {
310   const int num_nodes = node_indices_.size();
311   const int num_dims = bin_dimensions_.size();
312   std::set<ArcFlowGraph::Arc> new_arcs;
313   std::vector<std::vector<int>> new_nodes;
314   VectorIntIntMap new_node_indices;
315   std::vector<int> node_remap(num_nodes, -1);
316   // We need to revert the sorting of items as arcs store the original index.
317   std::vector<int> reverse_item_index_map(items_.size(), -1);
318   for (int i = 0; i < items_.size(); ++i) {
319     reverse_item_index_map[items_[i].original_index] = i;
320   }
322   std::vector<std::pair<int, int>> forward_deps;
323   std::vector<std::vector<ArcFlowGraph::Arc>> incoming_arcs(num_nodes);
324   for (const ArcFlowGraph::Arc& arc : arcs_) {
325     forward_deps.push_back(std::make_pair(arc.source, arc.destination));
326     incoming_arcs[arc.destination].push_back(arc);
327   }
329   const std::vector<int> sorted_work =
330       util::graph::DenseIntStableTopologicalSortOrDie(num_nodes, forward_deps);
332   const int old_source_node = GetOrCreateNode(source_node);
333   const int old_sink_node = GetOrCreateNode(bin_dimensions_);
334   CHECK_EQ(sorted_work.front(), old_source_node);
335   CHECK_EQ(sorted_work.back(), old_sink_node);
337   // Process nodes in order and remap state to max(previous_state + item
338   // dimensions).
339   for (const int w : sorted_work) {
340     std::vector<int> new_used(num_dims, 0);
341     if (w == sorted_work.back()) {  // Do not compress the sink node.
342       new_used = bin_dimensions_;
343     } else {
344       for (const ArcFlowGraph::Arc& arc : incoming_arcs[w]) {
345         const int item =
346             arc.item_index == -1 ? -1 : reverse_item_index_map[arc.item_index];
347         const int prev_node = node_remap[arc.source];
348         const std::vector<int>& prev = new_nodes[prev_node];
349         DCHECK_NE(prev_node, -1);
350         for (int d = 0; d < num_dims; ++d) {
351           if (item != -1) {
352             new_used[d] =
353                 std::max(new_used[d], prev[d] + items_[item].dimensions[d]);
354           } else {
355             new_used[d] = std::max(new_used[d], prev[d]);
356           }
357         }
358       }
359     }
360     const auto& it = new_node_indices.find(new_used);
361     if (it != new_node_indices.end()) {
362       node_remap[w] = it->second;
363     } else {
364       const int new_index = new_nodes.size();
365       new_nodes.push_back(new_used);
366       new_node_indices[new_used] = new_index;
367       node_remap[w] = new_index;
368     }
369   }
370   // Remap arcs.
371   for (const ArcFlowGraph::Arc& arc : arcs_) {
372     CHECK_NE(node_remap[arc.source], -1);
373     CHECK_NE(node_remap[arc.destination], -1);
374     // Remove loss arcs between merged nodes.
375     if (arc.item_index == -1 &&
376         node_remap[arc.source] == node_remap[arc.destination])
377       continue;
378     new_arcs.insert(
379         {node_remap[arc.source], node_remap[arc.destination], arc.item_index});
380   }
381   VLOG(1) << "Reduced nodes from " << num_nodes << " to " << new_nodes.size();
382   VLOG(1) << "Reduced arcs from " << arcs_.size() << " to " << new_arcs.size();
383   nodes_ = new_nodes;
384   arcs_ = new_arcs;
385   CHECK_NE(node_remap[old_source_node], -1);
386   CHECK_EQ(0, node_remap[old_source_node]);
387   CHECK_NE(node_remap[old_sink_node], -1);
388   CHECK_EQ(nodes_.size() - 1, node_remap[old_sink_node]);
389 }
391 }  // namespace
operator <(const ArcFlowGraph::Arc & other) const393 bool ArcFlowGraph::Arc::operator<(const ArcFlowGraph::Arc& other) const {
394   if (source != other.source) return source < other.source;
395   if (destination != other.destination) return destination < other.destination;
396   return item_index < other.item_index;
397 }
BuildArcFlowGraph(const std::vector<int> & bin_dimensions,const std::vector<std::vector<int>> & item_dimensions_by_type,const std::vector<int> & demand_by_type)399 ArcFlowGraph BuildArcFlowGraph(
400     const std::vector<int>& bin_dimensions,
401     const std::vector<std::vector<int>>& item_dimensions_by_type,
402     const std::vector<int>& demand_by_type) {
403   ArcFlowBuilder afb(bin_dimensions, item_dimensions_by_type, demand_by_type);
404   return afb.BuildVectorBinPackingGraph();
405 }
407 }  // namespace packing
408 }  // namespace operations_research