1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3Core functionality for ODESys.
5Note that it is possible to use new custom ODE integrators with pyodesys by
6providing a module with two functions named ``integrate_adaptive`` and
7``integrate_predefined``. See the ``pyodesys.integrators`` module for examples.
10from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
12import copy
13import os
14import warnings
15from collections import defaultdict
17import numpy as np
19from .plotting import plot_result, plot_phase_plane
20from .results import Result
21from .util import _ensure_4args, _default
24class RecoverableError(Exception):
25    pass
28class ODESys(object):
29    """ Object representing an ODE system.
31    ``ODESys`` provides unified interface to:
33    - scipy.integarte.ode
34    - pygslodeiv2
35    - pyodeint
36    - pycvodes
38    The numerical integration can be performed either in an :meth:`adaptive`
39    or :meth:`predefined` mode. Where locations to report the solution is
40    chosen by the stepper or the user respectively. For convenience in user
41    code one may use :meth:`integrate` which automatically chooses between
42    the two based on the length of ``xout`` provided by the user.
44    Parameters
45    ----------
46    f : callback
47        first derivatives of dependent variables (y) with respect to
48        dependent variable (x). Signature is any of:
49            - ``rhs(x, y[:]) -> f[:]``
50            - ``rhs(x, y[:], p[:]) -> f[:]``
51            - ``rhs(x, y[:], p[:], backend=math) -> f[:]``.
52    jac : callback
53        Jacobian matrix (dfdy). Required for implicit methods.
54        Signature should be either of:
55            - ``jac(x, y[:]) -> J``
56            - ``jac(x, y[:], p[:]) -J``.
57        If ``nnz < 0``, ``J`` should be a 2D array-like object if ``nnz < 0``
58        corresponding to a dense or banded jacobian (see also ``band``).
59        If ``nnz >= 0``, ``J`` should be an instance of ``scipy.sparse.csc_matrix``.
60    dfdx : callback
61        Signature ``dfdx(x, y[:], p[:]) -> out[:]`` (used by e.g. GSL)
62    jtimes : callback
63        Jacobian-vector product (Jv). Signature is ```jtimes(x, y[:], v[:]) -> Jv[:]```
64        This is supported only by ``cvode``.
65    first_step_cb : callback
66        Signature ``step1st(x, y[:], p[:]) -> dx0`` (pass first_step==0 to use).
67        This is available for ``cvode``, ``odeint`` & ``gsl``, but not for ``scipy``.
68    roots_cb : callback
69        Signature ``roots_cb(x, y[:], p[:]=(), backend=math) -> discr[:]``.
70    nroots : int
71        Length of return vector from ``roots_cb``.
72    band : tuple of 2 integers or None (default: None)
73        If jacobian is banded: number of sub- and super-diagonals
74    names : iterable of strings (default : None)
75        Names of variables, used for referencing dependent variables by name
76        and for labels in plots.
77    param_names : iterable of strings (default: None)
78        Names of the parameters, used for referencing parameters by name.
79    indep_name : str
80        Name of the independent variable
81    dep_by_name : bool
82        When ``True`` :meth:`integrate` expects a dictionary as input for y0.
83    par_by_name : bool
84        When ``True`` :meth:`integrate` expects a dictionary as input for params.
85    latex_names : iterable of strings (default : None)
86        Names of variables in LaTeX format (e.g. for labels in plots).
87    latex_param_names : iterable of strings (default : None)
88        Names of parameters in LaTeX format (e.g. for labels in plots).
89    latex_indep_name : str
90        LaTeX formatted name of independent variable.
91    taken_names : iterable of str
92        Names of dependent variables which are calculated in pre_processors
93    pre_processors : iterable of callables (optional)
94        signature: f(x1[:], y1[:], params1[:]) -> x2[:], y2[:], params2[:].
95        When modifying: insert at beginning.
96    post_processors : iterable of callables (optional)
97        signature: f(x2[:], y2[:, :], params2[:]) -> x1[:], y1[:, :],
98        params1[:]
99        When modifying: insert at end.
100    append_iv :  bool
101        See :attr:`append_iv`.
102    autonomous_interface : bool (optional)
103        If given, sets the :attr:`autonomous_interface` to indicate whether
104        the system appears autonomous or not upon call to :meth:`integrate`.
105    autonomous_exprs : bool
106        Describes whether the independent variable appears in the rhs expressions.
107        If set to ``True`` the underlying solver is allowed to shift the
108        independent variable during integration.
109    nnz : int (default : -1)
110        Maximum number of non-zero entries in sparse jacobian. When
111        non-negative, jacobian is assumed to be dense or banded.
113    Attributes
114    ----------
115    f_cb : callback
116        For evaluating the vector of derivatives.
117    j_cb : callback or None
118        For evaluating the Jacobian matrix of f.
119    dfdx_cb : callback or None
120        For evaluating the second order derivatives.
121    jtimes_cb : callback or None
122        For evaluating the jacobian-vector product.
123    first_step_cb : callback or None
124        For calculating the first step based on x0, y0 & p.
125    roots_cb : callback
126    nroots : int
127    nnz : int
128    names : tuple of strings
129    param_names : tuple of strings
130    description : str
131    dep_by_name : bool
132    par_by_name : bool
133    latex_names : tuple of str
134    latex_param_names : tuple of str
135    pre_processors : iterable of callbacks
136    post_processors : iterable of callbacks
137    append_iv : bool
138        If ``True`` params[:] passed to :attr:`f_cb`, :attr:`jac_cb` will contain
139        initial values of y. Note that this happens after pre processors have been
140        applied.
141    autonomous_interface : bool or None
142        Indicates whether the system appears autonomous upon call to
143        :meth:`integrate`. ``None`` indicates that it is unknown.
145    Examples
146    --------
147    >>> odesys = ODESys(lambda x, y, p: p[0]*x + p[1]*y[0]*y[0])
148    >>> yout, info = odesys.predefined([1], [0, .2, .5], [2, 1])
149    >>> print(info['success'])
150    True
153    Notes
154    -----
155    Banded jacobians are supported by "scipy" and "cvode" integrators.
157    """
159    def __init__(self, f, jac=None, dfdx=None, jtimes=None, first_step_cb=None, roots_cb=None, nroots=None,
160                 band=None, names=(), param_names=(), indep_name=None, description=None, dep_by_name=False,
161                 par_by_name=False, latex_names=(), latex_param_names=(), latex_indep_name=None,
162                 taken_names=None, pre_processors=None, post_processors=None, append_iv=False,
163                 autonomous_interface=None, to_arrays_callbacks=None, autonomous_exprs=None,
164                 _indep_autonomous_key=None, numpy=None, nnz=-1, **kwargs):
165        self.f_cb = _ensure_4args(f)
166        self.j_cb = _ensure_4args(jac) if jac is not None else None
167        self.jtimes_cb = _ensure_4args(jtimes) if jtimes is not None else None
168        self.dfdx_cb = dfdx
169        self.first_step_cb = first_step_cb
170        self.roots_cb = roots_cb
171        self.nroots = nroots or 0
172        if band is not None:
173            if not band[0] >= 0 or not band[1] >= 0:
174                raise ValueError("bands needs to be > 0 if provided")
175        self.band = band
176        self.nnz = nnz
177        self.names = tuple(names or ())
178        self.param_names = tuple(param_names or ())
179        self.indep_name = indep_name
180        self.description = description
181        self.dep_by_name = dep_by_name
182        self.par_by_name = par_by_name
183        self.latex_names = tuple(latex_names or ())
184        self.latex_param_names = tuple(latex_param_names or ())
185        self.latex_indep_name = latex_indep_name
186        self.taken_names = tuple(taken_names or ())
187        self.pre_processors = pre_processors or []
188        self.post_processors = post_processors or []
189        self.append_iv = append_iv
190        self.autonomous_exprs = autonomous_exprs
191        if hasattr(self, 'autonomous_interface'):
192            if autonomous_interface is not None and autonomous_interface != self.autonomous_interface:
193                raise ValueError("Got conflicting autonomous_interface infomation.")
194        else:
195            if (autonomous_interface is None and self.autonomous_exprs and
196               len(self.post_processors) == 0 and len(self.pre_processors) == 0):
197                self.autonomous_interface = True
198            else:
199                self.autonomous_interface = autonomous_interface
201        if self.autonomous_interface not in (True, False, None):
202            raise ValueError("autonomous_interface needs to be a boolean value or None.")
203        self._indep_autonomous_key = _indep_autonomous_key
204        self.to_arrays_callbacks = to_arrays_callbacks
205        self.numpy = numpy or np
206        if len(kwargs) > 0:
207            raise ValueError("Unknown kwargs: %s" % str(kwargs))
209    @staticmethod
210    def _array_from_dict(d, keys, numpy=np):
211        vals = [d[k] for k in keys]
212        lens = [len(v) for v in vals if hasattr(v, '__len__') and getattr(v, 'ndim', 1) > 0]
213        if len(lens) == 0:
214            return vals, True
215        else:
216            if not all(l == lens[0] for l in lens):
217                raise ValueError("Mixed lenghts in dictionary.")
218            out = numpy.empty((lens[0], len(vals)), dtype=object)
219            for idx, v in enumerate(vals):
220                if getattr(v, 'ndim', -1) == 0:
221                    for j in range(lens[0]):
222                        out[j, idx] = v
223                else:
224                    try:
225                        for j in range(lens[0]):
226                            out[j, idx] = v[j]
227                    except TypeError:
228                        out[:, idx] = v
229            return out, False
231    def _conditional_from_dict(self, cont, by_name, names):
232        if isinstance(cont, dict):
233            if not by_name:
234                raise ValueError("not by name, yet a dictionary was passed.")
235            cont, tp = self._array_from_dict(cont, names, numpy=self.numpy)
236        else:
237            tp = False
238        return cont, tp
240    def to_arrays(self, x, y, p, callbacks=None, reshape=True):
241        try:
242            nx = len(x)
243        except TypeError:
244            _x = 0*x, x
245        else:
246            _x = (0*x[0], x[0]) if nx == 0 else x
248        _names = [n for n in self.names if n not in self.taken_names]
249        _y, tp_y = self._conditional_from_dict(y, self.dep_by_name, _names)
250        _p, tp_p = self._conditional_from_dict(p, self.par_by_name, self.param_names)
251        del _names
253        callbacks = callbacks or self.to_arrays_callbacks
254        if callbacks is not None:  # e.g. dedimensionalisation
255            if len(callbacks) != 3:
256                raise ValueError("Need 3 callbacks/None values.")
257            _x, _y, _p = [e if cb is None else cb(e) for cb, e in zip(callbacks, [_x, _y, _p])]
258        _y = self.numpy.atleast_1d(_y)
259        if self._indep_autonomous_key:
260            if _y.shape[-1] == self.ny:
261                pass
262            elif _y.shape[-1] == self.ny - 1:
263                _y = self.numpy.concatenate((_y, _x[0]*self.numpy.ones(_y.shape[:-1] + (1,))), axis=-1)
264            else:
265                raise ValueError("y of incorrect shape")
267        arrs = [arr.T if tp else arr for tp, arr in
268                zip([False, tp_y, tp_p], map(self.numpy.atleast_1d, (_x, _y, _p)))]
269        if reshape:
270            extra_shape = None
271            for a in arrs:
272                if a.ndim == 1:
273                    continue
274                elif a.ndim == 2:
275                    if extra_shape is None:
276                        extra_shape = a.shape[0]
277                    else:
278                        if extra_shape != a.shape[0]:
279                            raise ValueError("Size mismatch!")
280                else:
281                    raise NotImplementedError("Only 2 dimensions currently supported.")
282            if extra_shape is not None:
283                arrs = [a if a.ndim == 2 else self.numpy.tile(a, (extra_shape, 1)) for a in arrs]
284        return arrs
286    def pre_process(self, xout, y0, params=()):
287        """ Transforms input to internal values, used internally. """
288        for pre_processor in self.pre_processors:
289            xout, y0, params = pre_processor(xout, y0, params)
290        return [self.numpy.atleast_1d(arr) for arr in (xout, y0, params)]
292    def post_process(self, xout, yout, params):
293        """ Transforms internal values to output, used internally. """
294        for post_processor in self.post_processors:
295            xout, yout, params = post_processor(xout, yout, params)
296        return xout, yout, params
298    def adaptive(self, y0, x0, xend, params=(), **kwargs):
299        """ Integrate with integrator chosen output.
301        Parameters
302        ----------
303        integrator : str
304            See :meth:`integrate`.
305        y0 : array_like
306            See :meth:`integrate`.
307        x0 : float
308            Initial value of the independent variable.
309        xend : float
310            Final value of the independent variable.
311        params : array_like
312            See :meth:`integrate`.
313        \\*\\*kwargs :
314            See :meth:`integrate`.
316        Returns
317        -------
318        Same as :meth:`integrate`
319        """
320        return self.integrate((x0, xend), y0,
321                              params=params, **kwargs)
323    def predefined(self, y0, xout, params=(), **kwargs):
324        """ Integrate with user chosen output.
326        Parameters
327        ----------
328        integrator : str
329            See :meth:`integrate`.
330        y0 : array_like
331            See :meth:`integrate`.
332        xout : array_like
333        params : array_like
334            See :meth:`integrate`.
335        \\*\\*kwargs:
336            See :meth:`integrate`
338        Returns
339        -------
340        Length 2 tuple : (yout, info)
341            See :meth:`integrate`.
342        """
343        xout, yout, info = self.integrate(xout, y0, params=params,
344                                          force_predefined=True, **kwargs)
345        return yout, info
347    def integrate(self, x, y0, params=(), atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-8, **kwargs):
348        """ Integrate the system of ordinary differential equations.
350        Solves the initial value problem (IVP).
352        Parameters
353        ----------
354        x : array_like or pair (start and final time) or float
355            if float:
356                make it a pair: (0, x)
357            if pair or length-2 array:
358                initial and final value of the independent variable
359            if array_like:
360                values of independent variable report at
361        y0 : array_like
362            Initial values at x[0] for the dependent variables.
363        params : array_like (default: tuple())
364            Value of parameters passed to user-supplied callbacks.
365        integrator : str or None
366            Name of integrator, one of:
367                - 'scipy': :meth:`_integrate_scipy`
368                - 'gsl': :meth:`_integrate_gsl`
369                - 'odeint': :meth:`_integrate_odeint`
370                - 'cvode':  :meth:`_integrate_cvode`
372            See respective method for more information.
373            If ``None``: ``os.environ.get('PYODESYS_INTEGRATOR', 'scipy')``
374        atol : float
375            Absolute tolerance
376        rtol : float
377            Relative tolerance
378        with_jacobian : bool or None (default)
379            Whether to use the jacobian. When ``None`` the choice is
380            done automatically (only used when required). This matters
381            when jacobian is derived at runtime (high computational cost).
382        with_jtimes : bool (default: False)
383            Whether to use the jacobian-vector product. This is only supported
384            by ``cvode`` and only when ``linear_solver`` is one of: gmres',
385            'gmres_classic', 'bicgstab', 'tfqmr'. See the documentation
386            for ``pycvodes`` for more information.
387        force_predefined : bool (default: False)
388            override behaviour of ``len(x) == 2`` => :meth:`adaptive`
389        \\*\\*kwargs :
390            Additional keyword arguments for ``_integrate_$(integrator)``.
392        Returns
393        -------
394        Length 3 tuple: (x, yout, info)
395            x : array of values of the independent variable
396            yout : array of the dependent variable(s) for the different
397                values of x.
398            info : dict ('nfev' is guaranteed to be a key)
399        """
400        arrs = self.to_arrays(x, y0, params)
401        _x, _y, _p = _arrs = self.pre_process(*arrs)
402        ndims = [a.ndim for a in _arrs]
403        if ndims == [1, 1, 1]:
404            twodim = False
405        elif ndims == [2, 2, 2]:
406            twodim = True
407        else:
408            raise ValueError("Pre-processor made ndims inconsistent?")
410        if self.append_iv:
411            _p = self.numpy.concatenate((_p, _y), axis=-1)
413        if hasattr(self, 'ny'):
414            if _y.shape[-1] != self.ny:
415                raise ValueError("Incorrect shape of intern_y0")
416        if isinstance(atol, dict):
417            kwargs['atol'] = [atol[k] for k in self.names]
418        else:
419            kwargs['atol'] = atol
420        kwargs['rtol'] = rtol
422        integrator = kwargs.pop('integrator', None)
423        if integrator is None:
424            integrator = os.environ.get('PYODESYS_INTEGRATOR', 'scipy')
426        args = tuple(map(self.numpy.atleast_2d, (_x, _y, _p)))
428        self._current_integration_kwargs = kwargs
429        if isinstance(integrator, str):
430            nfo = getattr(self, '_integrate_' + integrator)(*args, **kwargs)
431        else:
432            kwargs['with_jacobian'] = getattr(integrator, 'with_jacobian', None)
433            nfo = self._integrate(integrator.integrate_adaptive,
434                                  integrator.integrate_predefined,
435                                  *args, **kwargs)
436        if twodim:
437            _xout = [d['internal_xout'] for d in nfo]
438            _yout = [d['internal_yout'] for d in nfo]
439            _params = [d['internal_params'] for d in nfo]
440            res = [Result(*(self.post_process(_xout[i], _yout[i], _params[i]) + (nfo[i], self)))
441                   for i in range(len(nfo))]
442        else:
443            _xout = nfo[0]['internal_xout']
444            _yout = nfo[0]['internal_yout']
446            self._internal = _xout.copy(), _yout.copy(), _p.copy()
447            nfo = nfo[0]
448            res = Result(*(self.post_process(_xout, _yout, _p) + (nfo, self)))
449        return res
451    def chained_parameter_variation(self, *args, **kwargs):
452        """ See :func:`chained_parameter_variation`. """
453        return chained_parameter_variation(self, *args, **kwargs)
455    def _integrate_scipy(self, intern_xout, intern_y0, intern_p,
456                         atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-8, first_step=None, with_jacobian=None,
457                         force_predefined=False, name=None, **kwargs):
458        """ Do not use directly (use ``integrate('scipy', ...)``).
460        Uses `scipy.integrate.ode <http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.integrate.ode.html>`_
462        Parameters
463        ----------
464        \\*args :
465            See :meth:`integrate`.
466        name : str (default: 'lsoda'/'dopri5' when jacobian is available/not)
467            What integrator wrapped in scipy.integrate.ode to use.
468        \\*\\*kwargs :
469            Keyword arguments passed onto `set_integrator(...) <
470        http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/
471        scipy.integrate.ode.set_integrator.html#scipy.integrate.ode.set_integrator>`_
473        Returns
474        -------
475        See :meth:`integrate`.
476        """
477        from scipy.integrate import ode
478        ny = intern_y0.shape[-1]
479        nx = intern_xout.shape[-1]
480        results = []
481        for _xout, _y0, _p in zip(intern_xout, intern_y0, intern_p):
482            if name is None:
483                if self.j_cb is None:
484                    name = 'dopri5'
485                else:
486                    name = 'lsoda'
487            if with_jacobian is None:
488                if name == 'lsoda':  # lsoda might call jacobian
489                    with_jacobian = True
490                elif name in ('dop853', 'dopri5'):
491                    with_jacobian = False  # explicit steppers
492                elif name == 'vode':
493                    with_jacobian = kwargs.get('method', 'adams') == 'bdf'
495            def rhs(t, y, p=()):
496                rhs.ncall += 1
497                return self.f_cb(t, y, p)
498            rhs.ncall = 0
500            if self.j_cb is not None:
501                def jac(t, y, p=()):
502                    jac.ncall += 1
503                    return self.j_cb(t, y, p)
504                jac.ncall = 0
506            r = ode(rhs, jac=jac if with_jacobian else None)
507            if 'lband' in kwargs or 'uband' in kwargs or 'band' in kwargs:
508                raise ValueError("lband and uband set locally (set `band` at initialization instead)")
509            if self.band is not None:
510                kwargs['lband'], kwargs['uband'] = self.band
511            r.set_integrator(name, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, **kwargs)
512            if len(_p) > 0:
513                r.set_f_params(_p)
514                r.set_jac_params(_p)
515            r.set_initial_value(_y0, _xout[0])
516            if nx == 2 and not force_predefined:
517                mode = 'adaptive'
518                if name in ('vode', 'lsoda'):
519                    warnings.warn("'adaptive' mode with SciPy's integrator (vode/lsoda) may overshoot (itask=2)")
520                    warnings.warn("'adaptive' mode with SciPy's integrator is unreliable, consider using e.g. cvode")
521                    # vode itask 2 (may overshoot)
522                    ysteps = [_y0]
523                    xsteps = [_xout[0]]
524                    while r.t < _xout[1]:
525                        r.integrate(_xout[1], step=True)
526                        if not r.successful():
527                            raise RuntimeError("failed")
528                        xsteps.append(r.t)
529                        ysteps.append(r.y)
530                else:
531                    xsteps, ysteps = [], []
533                    def solout(x, y):
534                        xsteps.append(x)
535                        ysteps.append(y)
536                    r.set_solout(solout)
537                    r.integrate(_xout[1])
538                    if not r.successful():
539                        raise RuntimeError("failed")
540                _yout = np.array(ysteps)
541                _xout = np.array(xsteps)
543            else:  # predefined
544                mode = 'predefined'
545                _yout = np.empty((nx, ny))
546                _yout[0, :] = _y0
547                for idx in range(1, nx):
548                    r.integrate(_xout[idx])
549                    if not r.successful():
550                        raise RuntimeError("failed")
551                    _yout[idx, :] = r.y
552            info = {
553                'internal_xout': _xout,
554                'internal_yout': _yout,
555                'internal_params': _p,
556                'success': r.successful(),
557                'nfev': rhs.ncall,
558                'n_steps': -1,  # don't know how to obtain this number
559                'name': name,
560                'mode': mode,
561                'atol': atol,
562                'rtol': rtol
563            }
564            if self.j_cb is not None:
565                info['njev'] = jac.ncall
566            results.append(info)
567        return results
569    def _integrate(self, adaptive, predefined, intern_xout, intern_y0, intern_p,
570                   atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-8, first_step=0.0, with_jacobian=None,
571                   force_predefined=False, **kwargs):
572        nx = intern_xout.shape[-1]
573        results = []
574        for _xout, _y0, _p in zip(intern_xout, intern_y0, intern_p):
575            new_kwargs = dict(dx0=first_step, atol=atol,
576                              rtol=rtol, check_indexing=False)
577            new_kwargs.update(kwargs)
579            def _f(x, y, fout):
580                try:
581                    if len(_p) > 0:
582                        fout[:] = np.asarray(self.f_cb(x, y, _p))
583                    else:
584                        fout[:] = np.asarray(self.f_cb(x, y))
585                except RecoverableError:
586                    return 1  # recoverable error
588            if with_jacobian is None:
589                raise Exception("Must pass with_jacobian")
590            elif with_jacobian is True:
591                if self.nnz >= 0:
592                    def _j(x, y, data, colptrs, rowvals):
593                        if len(_p) > 0:
594                            J = self.j_cb(x, y, _p)
595                        else:
596                            J = self.j_cb(x, y)
597                        J = J.asformat("csc")
598                        data[:] = J.data
599                        colptrs[:] = J.indptr
600                        rowvals[:] = J.indices
602                    new_kwargs['nnz'] = self.nnz
603                else:
604                    def _j(x, y, jout, dfdx_out=None, fy=None):
605                        if len(_p) > 0:
606                            jout[:, :] = np.asarray(self.j_cb(x, y, _p))
607                        else:
608                            jout[:, :] = np.asarray(self.j_cb(x, y))
609                        if dfdx_out is not None:
610                            if len(_p) > 0:
611                                dfdx_out[:] = np.asarray(self.dfdx_cb(x, y, _p))
612                            else:
613                                dfdx_out[:] = np.asarray(self.dfdx_cb(x, y))
614            else:
615                _j = None
617            with_jtimes = kwargs.pop('with_jtimes', False)
618            if with_jtimes is True:
619                def _jtimes(v, Jv, x, y, fy=None):
620                    yv = np.concatenate((y, v))
621                    if len(_p) > 0:
622                        Jv[:] = np.asarray(self.jtimes_cb(x, yv, _p))
623                    else:
624                        Jv[:] = np.asarray(self.jtimes_cb(x, yv))
625                new_kwargs['jtimes'] = _jtimes
627            if self.first_step_cb is not None:
628                def _first_step(x, y):
629                    if len(_p) > 0:
630                        return self.first_step_cb(x, y, _p)
631                    else:
632                        return self.first_step_cb(x, y)
633                if 'dx0cb' in new_kwargs:
634                    raise ValueError("cannot override dx0cb")
635                else:
636                    new_kwargs['dx0cb'] = _first_step
638            if self.roots_cb is not None:
639                def _roots(x, y, out):
640                    if len(_p) > 0:
641                        out[:] = np.asarray(self.roots_cb(x, y, _p))
642                    else:
643                        out[:] = np.asarray(self.roots_cb(x, y))
644                if 'roots' in new_kwargs:
645                    raise ValueError("cannot override roots")
646                else:
647                    new_kwargs['roots'] = _roots
648                    if 'nroots' in new_kwargs:
649                        raise ValueError("cannot override nroots")
650                    new_kwargs['nroots'] = self.nroots
652            if nx == 2 and not force_predefined:
653                _xout, yout, info = adaptive(_f, _j, _y0, *_xout, **new_kwargs)
654                info['mode'] = 'adaptive'
655            else:
656                yout, info = predefined(_f, _j, _y0, _xout, **new_kwargs)
657                info['mode'] = 'predefined'
659            info['internal_xout'] = _xout
660            info['internal_yout'] = yout
661            info['internal_params'] = _p
662            results.append(info)
663        return results
665    def _integrate_gsl(self, *args, **kwargs):
666        """ Do not use directly (use ``integrate(..., integrator='gsl')``).
668        Uses `GNU Scientific Library <http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/>`_
669        (via `pygslodeiv2 <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pygslodeiv2>`_)
670        to integrate the ODE system.
672        Parameters
673        ----------
674        \\*args :
675            see :meth:`integrate`
676        method : str (default: 'bsimp')
677            what stepper to use, see :py:attr:`gslodeiv2.steppers`
678        \\*\\*kwargs :
679            keyword arguments passed onto
680            :py:func:`gslodeiv2.integrate_adaptive`/:py:func:`gslodeiv2.integrate_predefined`
682        Returns
683        -------
684        See :meth:`integrate`
685        """
686        import pygslodeiv2  # Python interface GSL's "odeiv2" integrators
687        kwargs['with_jacobian'] = kwargs.get(
688            'method', 'bsimp') in pygslodeiv2.requires_jac
689        return self._integrate(pygslodeiv2.integrate_adaptive,
690                               pygslodeiv2.integrate_predefined,
691                               *args, **kwargs)
693    def _integrate_odeint(self, *args, **kwargs):
694        """ Do not use directly (use ``integrate(..., integrator='odeint')``).
696        Uses `Boost.Numeric.Odeint <http://www.odeint.com>`_
697        (via `pyodeint <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyodeint>`_) to integrate
698        the ODE system.
699        """
700        import pyodeint  # Python interface to boost's odeint integrators
701        kwargs['with_jacobian'] = kwargs.get(
702            'method', 'rosenbrock4') in pyodeint.requires_jac
703        return self._integrate(pyodeint.integrate_adaptive,
704                               pyodeint.integrate_predefined,
705                               *args, **kwargs)
707    def _integrate_cvode(self, *args, **kwargs):
708        """ Do not use directly (use ``integrate(..., integrator='cvode')``).
710        Uses CVode from CVodes in
711        `SUNDIALS <https://computation.llnl.gov/casc/sundials/>`_
712        (via `pycvodes <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pycvodes>`_)
713        to integrate the ODE system. """
714        import pycvodes  # Python interface to SUNDIALS's cvodes integrators
715        kwargs['with_jacobian'] = kwargs.get('method', 'bdf') in pycvodes.requires_jac
716        if 'lband' in kwargs or 'uband' in kwargs or 'band' in kwargs:
717            raise ValueError("lband and uband set locally (set at"
718                             " initialization instead)")
719        if self.band is not None:
720            kwargs['lband'], kwargs['uband'] = self.band
721        kwargs['autonomous_exprs'] = self.autonomous_exprs
723        return self._integrate(pycvodes.integrate_adaptive,
724                               pycvodes.integrate_predefined,
725                               *args, **kwargs)
727    def _plot(self, cb, internal_xout=None, internal_yout=None,
728              internal_params=None, **kwargs):
729        kwargs = kwargs.copy()
730        if 'x' in kwargs or 'y' in kwargs or 'params' in kwargs:
731            raise ValueError("x and y from internal_xout and internal_yout")
733        _internal = getattr(self, '_internal', [None]*3)
734        x, y, p = (_default(internal_xout, _internal[0]),
735                   _default(internal_yout, _internal[1]),
736                   _default(internal_params, _internal[2]))
737        for post_processor in self.post_processors:
738            x, y, p = post_processor(x, y, p)
740        if 'names' not in kwargs:
741            kwargs['names'] = getattr(self, 'names', None)
742        else:
743            if 'indices' not in kwargs and getattr(self, 'names', None) is not None:
744                kwargs['indices'] = [self.names.index(n) for n in kwargs['names']]
745                kwargs['names'] = self.names
746        return cb(x, y, **kwargs)
748    def plot_result(self, **kwargs):
749        """ Plots the integrated dependent variables from last integration.
751        This method will be deprecated. Please use :meth:`Result.plot`.
752        See :func:`pyodesys.plotting.plot_result`
753        """
754        return self._plot(plot_result, **kwargs)
756    def plot_phase_plane(self, indices=None, **kwargs):
757        """ Plots a phase portrait from last integration.
759        This method will be deprecated. Please use :meth:`Result.plot_phase_plane`.
760        See :func:`pyodesys.plotting.plot_phase_plane`
761        """
762        return self._plot(plot_phase_plane, indices=indices, **kwargs)
764    def _jac_eigenvals_svd(self, xval, yvals, intern_p):
765        from scipy.linalg import svd
766        J = self.j_cb(xval, yvals, intern_p)
767        return svd(J, compute_uv=False)
769    def stiffness(self, xyp=None, eigenvals_cb=None):
770        """ [DEPRECATED] Use :meth:`Result.stiffness`, stiffness ration
772        Running stiffness ratio from last integration.
773        Calculate sittness ratio, i.e. the ratio between the largest and
774        smallest absolute eigenvalue of the jacobian matrix. The user may
775        supply their own routine for calculating the eigenvalues, or they
776        will be calculated from the SVD (singular value decomposition).
777        Note that calculating the SVD for any but the smallest Jacobians may
778        prove to be prohibitively expensive.
780        Parameters
781        ----------
782        xyp : length 3 tuple (default: None)
783            internal_xout, internal_yout, internal_params, taken
784            from last integration if not specified.
785        eigenvals_cb : callback (optional)
786            Signature (x, y, p) (internal variables), when not provided an
787            internal routine will use ``self.j_cb`` and ``scipy.linalg.svd``.
789        """
790        if eigenvals_cb is None:
791            if self.band is not None:
792                raise NotImplementedError
793            eigenvals_cb = self._jac_eigenvals_svd
795        if xyp is None:
796            x, y, intern_p = self._internal
797        else:
798            x, y, intern_p = self.pre_process(*xyp)
800        singular_values = []
801        for xval, yvals in zip(x, y):
802            singular_values.append(eigenvals_cb(xval, yvals, intern_p))
804        return (np.abs(singular_values).max(axis=-1) /
805                np.abs(singular_values).min(axis=-1))
808class OdeSys(ODESys):
809    """ DEPRECATED, use ODESys instead. """
810    pass
813def _new_x(xout, x, guaranteed_autonomous):
814    if guaranteed_autonomous:
815        return 0, abs(x[-1] - xout[-1])  # rounding
816    else:
817        return xout[-1], x[-1]
820def integrate_auto_switch(odes, kw, x, y0, params=(), **kwargs):
821    """ Auto-switching between formulations of ODE system.
823    In case one has a formulation of a system of ODEs which is preferential in
824    the beginning of the integration, this function allows the user to run the
825    integration with this system where it takes a user-specified maximum number
826    of steps before switching to another formulation (unless final value of the
827    independent variables has been reached). Number of systems used i returned
828    as ``nsys`` in info dict.
830    Parameters
831    ----------
832    odes : iterable of :class:`OdeSy` instances
833    kw : dict mapping kwarg to iterables of same legnth as ``odes``
834    x : array_like
835    y0 : array_like
836    params : array_like
837    \\*\\*kwargs:
838        See :meth:`ODESys.integrate`
840    Notes
841    -----
842    Plays particularly well with :class:`symbolic.TransformedSys`.
844    """
845    x_arr = np.asarray(x)
846    if x_arr.shape[-1] > 2:
847        raise NotImplementedError("Only adaptive support return_on_error for now")
848    multimode = False if x_arr.ndim < 2 else x_arr.shape[0]
849    nfo_keys = ('nfev', 'njev', 'time_cpu', 'time_wall')
851    next_autonomous = getattr(odes[0], 'autonomous_interface', False) == True  # noqa (np.True_)
852    if multimode:
853        tot_x = [np.array([0] if next_autonomous else [x[_][0]]) for _ in range(multimode)]
854        tot_y = [np.asarray([y0[_]]) for _ in range(multimode)]
855        tot_nfo = [defaultdict(int) for _ in range(multimode)]
856        glob_x = [_[0] for _ in x] if next_autonomous else [0.0]*multimode
857    else:
858        tot_x, tot_y, tot_nfo = np.array([0 if next_autonomous else x[0]]), np.asarray([y0]), defaultdict(int)
859        glob_x = x[0] if next_autonomous else 0.0
861    for oi in range(len(odes)):
862        if oi < len(odes) - 1:
863            next_autonomous = getattr(odes[oi+1], 'autonomous_interface', False) == True  # noqa (np.True_)
864        _int_kw = kwargs.copy()
865        for k, v in kw.items():
866            _int_kw[k] = v[oi]
867        res = odes[oi].integrate(x, y0, params, **_int_kw)
869        if multimode:
870            for idx in range(multimode):
871                tot_x[idx] = np.concatenate((tot_x[idx], res[idx].xout[1:] + glob_x[idx]))
872                tot_y[idx] = np.concatenate((tot_y[idx], res[idx].yout[1:, :]))
873                for k in nfo_keys:
874                    if k in res[idx].info:
875                        tot_nfo[idx][k] += res[idx].info[k]
876                tot_nfo[idx]['success'] = res[idx].info['success']
877        else:
878            tot_x = np.concatenate((tot_x, res.xout[1:] + glob_x))
879            tot_y = np.concatenate((tot_y, res.yout[1:, :]))
880            for k in nfo_keys:
881                if k in res.info:
882                    tot_nfo[k] += res.info[k]
883            tot_nfo['success'] = res.info['success']
885        if multimode:
886            if all([r.info['success'] for r in res]):
887                break
888        else:
889            if res.info['success']:
890                break
891        if oi < len(odes) - 1:
892            if multimode:
893                _x, y0 = [], []
894                for idx in range(multimode):
895                    _x.append(_new_x(res[idx].xout, x[idx], next_autonomous))
896                    y0.append(res[idx].yout[-1, :])
897                    if next_autonomous:
898                        glob_x[idx] += res[idx].xout[-1]
899                x = _x
900            else:
901                x = _new_x(res.xout, x, next_autonomous)
902                y0 = res.yout[-1, :]
903                if next_autonomous:
904                    glob_x += res.xout[-1]
905    if multimode:  # don't return defaultdict
906        tot_nfo = [dict(nsys=oi+1, **_nfo) for _nfo in tot_nfo]
907        return [Result(tot_x[idx], tot_y[idx], res[idx].params, tot_nfo[idx], odes[0])
908                for idx in range(len(res))]
909    else:
910        tot_nfo = dict(nsys=oi+1, **tot_nfo)
911        return Result(tot_x, tot_y, res.params, tot_nfo, odes[0])
914integrate_chained = integrate_auto_switch  # deprecated name
917def chained_parameter_variation(subject, durations, y0, varied_params, default_params=None,
918                                integrate_kwargs=None, x0=None, npoints=1, numpy=None):
919    """ Integrate an ODE-system for a serie of durations with some parameters changed in-between
921    Parameters
922    ----------
923    subject : function or ODESys instance
924        If a function: should have the signature of :meth:`pyodesys.ODESys.integrate`
925        (and resturn a :class:`pyodesys.results.Result` object).
926        If a ODESys instance: the ``integrate`` method will be used.
927    durations : iterable of floats
928        Spans of the independent variable.
929    y0 : dict or array_like
930    varied_params : dict mapping parameter name (or index) to array_like
931        Each array_like need to be of same length as durations.
932    default_params : dict or array_like
933        Default values for the parameters of the ODE system.
934    integrate_kwargs : dict
935        Keyword arguments passed on to ``integrate``.
936    x0 : float-like
937        First value of independent variable. default: 0.
938    npoints : int
939        Number of points per sub-interval.
941    Examples
942    --------
943    >>> odesys = ODESys(lambda t, y, p: [-p[0]*y[0]])
944    >>> int_kw = dict(integrator='cvode', method='adams', atol=1e-12, rtol=1e-12)
945    >>> kwargs = dict(default_params=[0], integrate_kwargs=int_kw)
946    >>> res = chained_parameter_variation(odesys, [2, 3], [42], {0: [.7, .1]}, **kwargs)
947    >>> mask1 = res.xout <= 2
948    >>> import numpy as np
949    >>> np.allclose(res.yout[mask1, 0], 42*np.exp(-.7*res.xout[mask1]))
950    True
951    >>> mask2 = 2 <= res.xout
952    >>> np.allclose(res.yout[mask2, 0], res.yout[mask2, 0][0]*np.exp(-.1*(res.xout[mask2] - res.xout[mask2][0])))
953    True
955    """
956    assert len(durations) > 0, 'need at least 1 duration (preferably many)'
957    assert npoints > 0, 'need at least 1 point per duration'
958    for k, v in varied_params.items():
959        if len(v) != len(durations):
960            raise ValueError("Mismathced lengths of durations and varied_params")
962    if isinstance(subject, ODESys):
963        integrate = subject.integrate
964        numpy = numpy or subject.numpy
965    else:
966        integrate = subject
967        numpy = numpy or np
969    default_params = default_params or {}
970    integrate_kwargs = integrate_kwargs or {}
972    def _get_idx(cont, idx):
973        if isinstance(cont, dict):
974            return {k: (v[idx] if hasattr(v, '__len__') and getattr(v, 'ndim', 1) > 0 else v)
975                    for k, v in cont.items()}
976        else:
977            return cont[idx]
979    durations = numpy.cumsum(durations)
980    for idx_dur in range(len(durations)):
981        params = copy.copy(default_params)
982        for k, v in varied_params.items():
983            params[k] = v[idx_dur]
984        if idx_dur == 0:
985            if x0 is None:
986                x0 = durations[0]*0
987            out = integrate(numpy.linspace(x0, durations[0], npoints + 1), y0, params, **integrate_kwargs)
988        else:
989            if isinstance(out, Result):
990                out.extend_by_integration(durations[idx_dur], params, npoints=npoints, **integrate_kwargs)
991            else:
992                for idx_res, r in enumerate(out):
993                    r.extend_by_integration(durations[idx_dur], _get_idx(params, idx_res),
994                                            npoints=npoints, **integrate_kwargs)
996    return out