1 // -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 // Copyright (C) 2012-2014, 2016, 2018, 2019 Laboratoire de Recherche
3 // et Dévelopment de l'Epita (LRDE).
4 //
5 // This file is part of Spot, a model checking library.
6 //
7 // Spot is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8 // under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9 // the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
10 // (at your option) any later version.
11 //
12 // Spot is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
14 // or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
15 // License for more details.
16 //
17 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18 // along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 #pragma once
22 #include <spot/ta/taproduct.hh>
23 #include <spot/misc/optionmap.hh>
24 #include <spot/twaalgos/emptiness_stats.hh>
25 #include <stack>
26 #include <queue>
28 namespace spot
29 {
31   namespace
32   {
33     typedef std::pair<const spot::state*,
34                       ta_succ_iterator_product*> pair_state_iter;
35   }
37   /// \addtogroup ta_emptiness_check Emptiness-checks
38   /// \ingroup ta_algorithms
40   /// \ingroup ta_emptiness_check
41   /// \brief Check whether the language of a product (spot::ta_product) between
42   ///  a Kripke structure and a TA  is empty. It works also for the product
43   /// using Generalized TA (GTA and SGTA).
44   ///
45   /// you should call spot::ta_check::check() to check the product automaton.
46   /// If spot::ta_check::check() returns false, then the product automaton
47   /// was found empty.  Otherwise the automaton accepts some run.
48   ///
49   /// This is based on \cite geldenhuys.06.spin .
50   ///
51   /// the implementation of spot::ta_check::check() is inspired from the
52   /// two-pass algorithm of the paper above:
53   /// - the fist-pass detect all Buchi-accepting cycles and includes
54   ///  the heuristic proposed in the paper to detect some
55   /// livelock-accepting cycles.
56   /// - the second-pass detect all livelock-accepting cycles.
57   /// In addition, we add some optimizations to the fist pass:
58   /// 1- Detection of all cycles containing a least
59   /// one state that is both livelock and Buchi accepting states
60   /// 2- Detection of all livelock-accepting cycles containing a least
61   /// one state (k,t) such as its "TA component" t is a livelock-accepting
62   /// state that has no successors in the TA automaton.
63   ///
64   /// The implementation of the algorithm of each pass is a SCC-based algorithm
65   /// inspired from spot::gtec.hh.
66   /// @{
68   /// \brief An implementation of the emptiness-check algorithm for a product
69   /// between a TA and a Kripke structure
70   ///
71   /// See the paper cited above.
72   class SPOT_API ta_check : public ec_statistics
73   {
74     typedef state_map<int> hash_type;
75   public:
76     ta_check(const const_ta_product_ptr& a, option_map o = option_map());
77     virtual
78     ~ta_check();
80     /// \brief Check whether the TA product automaton contains an accepting run:
81     /// it detects the two kinds of accepting runs: Buchi-accepting runs
82     /// and livelock-accepting runs. This emptiness check algorithm can also
83     /// check a product using the generalized form of TA.
84     ///
85     /// Return false if the product automaton accepts no run, otherwise true
86     ///
87     /// \param disable_second_pass is used to disable the second pass when
88     /// when it is not necessary, for example when all the livelock-accepting
89     /// states of the TA automaton have no successors, we call this kind of
90     /// TA as STA (Single-pass Testing Automata)
91     /// (see spot::tgba2ta::add_artificial_livelock_accepting_state() for an
92     /// automatic transformation of any TA automaton into STA automaton
93     ///
94     /// \param disable_heuristic_for_livelock_detection disable the heuristic
95     /// used in the first pass to detect livelock-accepting runs,
96     /// this heuristic is described in the paper cited above
97     bool
98     check(bool disable_second_pass = false,
99           bool disable_heuristic_for_livelock_detection = false);
101     /// \brief Check whether the product automaton contains
102     /// a livelock-accepting run
103     /// Return false if the product automaton accepts no livelock-accepting run,
104     /// otherwise true
105     bool
106     livelock_detection(const const_ta_product_ptr& t);
108     /// Print statistics, if any.
109     std::ostream&
110     print_stats(std::ostream& os) const;
112   protected:
113     void
114     clear(hash_type& h, std::stack<pair_state_iter> todo, std::queue<
115         const spot::state*> init_set);
117     void
118     clear(hash_type& h, std::stack<pair_state_iter> todo,
119         spot::ta_succ_iterator* init_states_it);
121     /// the heuristic for livelock-accepting runs detection, it's described
122     /// in the paper cited above
123     bool
124     heuristic_livelock_detection(const state * stuttering_succ,
125         hash_type& h, int h_livelock_root, std::set<const state*,
126             state_ptr_less_than> liveset_curr);
128     const_ta_product_ptr a_; ///< The automaton.
129     option_map o_; ///< The options
131     // Force the second pass
132     bool is_full_2_pass_;
134     // scc: a stack of strongly connected components (SCC)
135     scc_stack_ta scc;
137     // sscc: a stack of strongly stuttering-connected components (SSCC)
138     scc_stack_ta sscc;
140   };
142   /// @}
144 }