1from __future__ import division
3import copy
4import scipy.stats as stats
5import numpy as np
6import numpy.linalg as la
8from ...both_levels.generic import Base_Generic
9from ...both_levels.generic.model import SAMPLERS as generic_parameters
10from ... import verify
11from ...utils import se_covariance, se_precision, ind_covariance, splogdet, chol_mvn
12from spreg.utils import spdot
16SAMPLERS = ['Alphas', 'Betas', 'Sigma2', 'Tau2', 'Lambda']
18class Base_Upper_SE(Base_Generic):
19    """
20    All arguments are documented in Upper_SE
21    """
22    def __init__(self, Y, X, M, Delta, n_samples=1000, n_jobs=1,
23                 extra_traced_params = None,
24                 priors=None,
25                 starting_values=None,
26                 configs=None,
27                 truncation=None):
28        W = np.eye((Delta.shape[0]))
29        super(Base_Upper_SE, self).__init__(Y, X, W, M, Delta,
30                                            n_samples=0, n_jobs=n_jobs,
31                                            extra_traced_params=None,
32                                            priors=priors,
33                                            configs=configs,
34                                            starting_values=starting_values,
35                                            truncation=truncation)
36        self.state.Psi_1 = ind_covariance
37        self.state.Psi_1i = ind_covariance
38        self.state.Psi_2 = se_covariance
39        self.state.Psi_2i = se_precision
40        original_traced = copy.deepcopy(self.traced_params)
41        to_drop = [k for k in original_traced if (k not in SAMPLERS and k in generic_parameters)]
42        self.traced_params = copy.deepcopy(SAMPLERS)
43        for param in to_drop:
44            for i, _  in enumerate(self.trace.chains):
45                del self.trace.chains[i][param]
46        extra_traced_params = [] if extra_traced_params is None else extra_traced_params
47        for extra in extra_traced_params:
48            self.traced_params.append(extra)
49            for i, chain in enumerate(self.trace.chains):
50                chain[extra] = []
52        if n_samples > 0:
53            try:
54                self.sample(n_samples, n_jobs=n_jobs)
55            except (np.linalg.LinAlgError, ValueError) as e:
56                Warn('Encountered the following LinAlgError. '
57                     'Model will return for debugging. \n {}'.format(e))
59    def _iteration(self):
60        st = self.state
62        ### Sample the Beta conditional posterior
63        ### P(beta | . ) \propto L(Y|.) \dot P(\beta)
64        ### is
65        ### N(Sb, S) where
66        ### S = (X' Sigma^{-1}_Y X + S_0^{-1})^{-1}
67        ### b = X' Sigma^{-1}_Y (Y - Delta Alphas) + S^{-1}\mu_0
68        covm_update = st.X.T.dot(st.X) / st.Sigma2
69        covm_update += st.Betas_cov0i
70        covm_update = la.inv(covm_update)
72        resids = st.Y - st.Delta.dot(st.Alphas)
73        XtSresids = st.X.T.dot(resids) / st.Sigma2
74        mean_update = XtSresids + st.Betas_cov0i.dot(st.Betas_mean0)
75        mean_update = np.dot(covm_update, mean_update)
76        st.Betas = chol_mvn(mean_update, covm_update)
77        st.XBetas = np.dot(st.X, st.Betas)
79        ### Sample the Random Effect conditional posterior
80        ### P( Alpha | . ) \propto L(Y|.) \dot P(Alpha | \lambda, Tau2)
81        ###                               \dot P(Tau2) \dot P(\lambda)
82        ### is
83        ### N(Sb, S)
84        ### Where
85        ### S = (Delta'Sigma_Y^{-1}Delta + Sigma_Alpha^{-1})^{-1}
86        ### b = (Delta'Sigma_Y^{-1}(Y - X\beta) + 0)
87        covm_update = st.Delta.T.dot(st.Delta) / st.Sigma2
88        covm_update += st.PsiLambdai / st.Tau2
89        covm_update = np.asarray(covm_update)
90        covm_update = la.inv(covm_update)
92        resids = st.Y - st.XBetas
93        mean_update = st.Delta.T.dot(resids) / st.Sigma2
94        mean_update = np.dot(covm_update, mean_update)
95        mean_update = np.asarray(mean_update)
96        st.Alphas = chol_mvn(mean_update, covm_update)
97        st.DeltaAlphas = np.dot(st.Delta, st.Alphas)
99        ### Sample the Random Effect aspatial variance parameter
100        ### P(Tau2 | .) \propto L(Y|.) \dot P(\Alpha | \lambda, Tau2)
101        ###                            \dot P(Tau2) \dot P(\lambda)
102        ### is
103        ### IG(J/2 + a0, u'(\Psi(\lambda))^{-1}u * .5 + b0)
104        bn = spdot(st.Alphas.T, spdot(st.PsiLambdai, st.Alphas)) * .5 + st.Tau2_b0
105        st.Tau2 = stats.invgamma.rvs(st.Tau2_an, scale=bn)
107        ### Sample the response aspatial variance parameter
108        ### P(Sigma2 | . ) \propto L(Y | .) \dot P(Sigma2)
109        ### is
110        ### IG(N/2 + a0, eta'Psi(\rho)^{-1}eta * .5 + b0)
111        ### Where eta is the linear predictor, Y - X\beta + \DeltaAlphas
112        eta = st.Y - st.XBetas - st.DeltaAlphas
113        bn = eta.T.dot(eta) * .5 + st.Sigma2_b0
114        st.Sigma2 = stats.invgamma.rvs(st.Sigma2_an, scale=bn)
116        ### P(Psi(\rho) | . ) \propto L(Y | .) \dot P(\rho)
117        ### is
118        ### |Psi(rho)|^{-1/2} exp(1/2(eta'Psi(rho)^{-1}eta * Sigma2^{-1})) * 1/(emax-emin)
119        st.Lambda = self.configs.Lambda(st)
120        st.PsiLambdai = st.Psi_2i(st.Lambda, st.M)
122class Upper_SE(Base_Upper_SE):
123    """
124    This is a class that provides the generic structures required for the two-level variance components model with simultaneous autregressive errors in the region level and independent errors in the response level.
126    Formally, this is the following distributional model for Y:
128    Y ~ N(X * Beta, Phi_1(Rho, Sigma2) + Delta Phi_2(Lambda, Tau2) Delta')
130    Where Delta is the dummy variable matrix, Rho, Sigma2 are response-level autoregressive and scale components of a spatial autoregressive covariance function, Phi_1. Lambda and Tau2 are regional-level components for spatial autoregressive covariance function, Phi_2. In this case, Phi_1 and Phi_2 are Simultaneously-autoregressive errors over weights matrices W,M:
132    Phi_1(Rho, Sigma2) = I * Sigma2
133    Phi_2(Lambda, Tau2) = [(I - Lambda M)'(I - Lambda M)]^{-1} * Tau2
135    Arguments
136    ----------
137    Y       :   numpy.ndarray
138                The (n,1) array containing the response to be modeled
139    X       :   numpy.ndarray
140                The (n,p) array containing covariates used to predict the  response, Y.
141    W       :   pysal.weights.W
142                a spatial weights object for the n observations
143    M       :   pysal.weights.W
144                a spatial weights object for the J regions.
145    Z       :   numpy.ndarray
146                The (J,p') array of region-level covariates used to predict the response, Y.
147    Delta   :   numpy.ndarray
148                The (n,J) dummy variable matrix, relating observation i to region j. Required if membership is not passed.
149    membership: numpy.ndarray
150                The (n,) vector of labels assigning each observation to a region. Required if Delta is not passed.
151    transform  : string
152                 weights transform to use in modeling.
153    verbose    : bool
154                 whether to provide verbose output about sampling progress
155    n_samples : int
156                the number of samples to draw. If zero, the model will only be initialized, and later sampling can be done using model.sample
157    n_jobs  :   int
158                the number of parallel chains to run. Defaults to 1.
159    extra_traced_param  :   list of strings
160                            extra parameters in the trace to record.
161    center  :   bool
162                Whether to center the input data so that its mean is zero. Occasionally improves the performance of the sampler.
163    scale   :   bool
164                Whether to rescale the input data so that its variance is one. May dramatically improve the performance of the sampler, at the cost of interpretability of the coefficients.
165    priors  :   dictionary
166                A dictionary used to configure the priors for the model. This may include the following keys:
167                    Betas_cov0  : prior covariance for Beta parameter vector
168                                (default: I*100)
169                    Betas_mean0 : prior mean for Beta parameters
170                                (default: 0)
171                    Sigma2_a0   : prior shape parameter for inverse gamma prior on response-level variance
172                                (default: .001)
173                    Sigma2_b0   : prior scale parameter for inverse gamma prior on response-level variance
174                                (default: .001)
175                    Tau2_a0     : prior shape parameter for inverse gamma prior on regional-level variance
176                                (default: .001)
177                    Tau2_b0     : prior scale parameter for inverse gamma prior on regional-level variance
178                                (default: .001)
179                    Log_Lambda0 : prior on Lambda, the region-level autoregressive parameter. Must be a callable function that takes a single argument and returns a single value providing the log prior likelihood.
180                                (default: priors.constant)
181                    Log_Rho0    : prior on Rho, the response-level autoregressive paraameter. Must be a callable function that takes a single argument and returns a single value providing the log prior likelihood.
182                                (default: priors.constant)
183    starting_value :    dictionary
184                        A dictionary containing the starting values of the sampler. If n_jobs > 1, these starting values are perturbed randomly to induce overdispersion.
186                        This dicutionary may include the following keys:
187                        Betas   : starting vector of Beta parameters.
188                                (default: np.zeros(p,1))
189                        Alphas  : starting vector of Alpha variance components.
190                                (default: np.zeros(J,1))
191                        Sigma2  : starting value of response-level variance
192                                (default: 4)
193                        Tau2    : starting value of region-level varaince
194                                (default: 4)
195                        Rho     : starting value of response-level spatial autoregressive parameter
196                                (default: -1/n)
197                        Lambda  : starting value of region-level spatial autoregressive parameter
198                                (default -1/J)
199    config  :   dictionary
200                A dictionary containing the configuration values for the non-Gibbs samplers for the spatial parameters. May be specified for each parameter individually (if both are in the model), or may be specified implicitly for the relevant parameter to the model. Keys may include:
201                Rho_method      : string specifying whether "met" or "slice" sampling should be used for the response-level effects
202                Rho_configs     : configuration options for the sampler for the response-level effects that will be used in the step method.
203                Lambda_method   : string specifying whether 'met' or 'slice' sampling should be used for the region-level effects
204                Lambda_configs  : configuration options for the sampler for the region-level effects that will be used in the step method.
206                For options that can be in Lambda/Rho_configs, see:
207                spvcm.steps.Slice, spvcm.steps.Metropolis
208    truncation  :   dictionary
209                    A dictionary containing the configuration values for the maximum and minimum allowable Lambda and Rho parameters. If these are not provided, the support is row-standardized by default, and the minimal eigenvalue computed for the lower bound on the parameters. *only* the single minimum eigenvalue is computed, so this is still rather efficient for large matrices. Keys may include:
210                    Rho_min     : minimum value allowed for response-level autoregressive coefficient
211                    Rho_max     : maximum value allowed for response-level autoregressive coefficient
212                    Lambda_min  : minimum value allowed for region-level autoregressive coefficient
213                    Lambda_max  : maximum value allowed for region-level autoregressive coefficient.
214    """
215    def __init__(self, Y, X, M, Z=None, Delta=None, membership=None,
216                 #data options
217                 transform ='r', verbose=False,
218                 n_samples=1000, n_jobs=1,
219                 extra_traced_params = None,
220                 priors=None,
221                 configs=None,
222                 starting_values=None,
223                 truncation=None,
224                 center=False,
225                 scale=False,
226                 tuning=0):
227        if X is None:
228            X = np.ones_like(Y)
229            center=False
230            scale=False
231        _, M = verify.weights(None, M, transform=transform)
232        self.M = M
233        Mmat = M.sparse
235        N,_ = X.shape
236        if Delta is not None:
237            J = Delta.shape[1]
238        elif membership is not None:
239            J = len(np.unique(membership))
241        Delta, membership = verify.Delta_members(Delta, membership, N, J)
242        if Z is not None:
243            Z = Delta.dot(Z)
244            X = np.hstack((X,Z))
245        if center:
246            X = verify.center(X)
247        if scale:
248            X = verify.scale(X)
250        X = verify.covariates(X)
252        self._verbose = verbose
254        super(Upper_SE, self).__init__(Y, X, Mmat, Delta,
255                                       n_samples=n_samples,
256                                       n_jobs = n_jobs,
257                                       extra_traced_params=extra_traced_params,
258                                       priors=priors,
259                                       configs=configs,
260                                       starting_values=starting_values,
261                                       truncation=truncation)