2Empirical likelihood inference on descriptive statistics
4This module conducts hypothesis tests and constructs confidence
5intervals for the mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis and correlation.
7If matplotlib is installed, this module can also generate multivariate
8confidence region plots as well as mean-variance contour plots.
10See _OptFuncts docstring for technical details and optimization variable
13General References:
15Owen, A. (2001). "Empirical Likelihood." Chapman and Hall
18import numpy as np
19from scipy import optimize
20from scipy.stats import chi2, skew, kurtosis
21from statsmodels.base.optimizer import _fit_newton
22import itertools
23from statsmodels.graphics import utils
26def DescStat(endog):
27    """
28    Returns an instance to conduct inference on descriptive statistics
29    via empirical likelihood.  See DescStatUV and DescStatMV for more
30    information.
32    Parameters
33    ----------
34    endog : ndarray
35         Array of data
37    Returns : DescStat instance
38        If k=1, the function returns a univariate instance, DescStatUV.
39        If k>1, the function returns a multivariate instance, DescStatMV.
40    """
41    if endog.ndim == 1:
42        endog = endog.reshape(len(endog), 1)
43    if endog.shape[1] == 1:
44        return DescStatUV(endog)
45    if endog.shape[1] > 1:
46        return DescStatMV(endog)
49class _OptFuncts(object):
50    """
51    A class that holds functions that are optimized/solved.
53    The general setup of the class is simple.  Any method that starts with
54    _opt_ creates a vector of estimating equations named est_vect such that
55    np.dot(p, (est_vect))=0 where p is the weight on each
56    observation as a 1 x n array and est_vect is n x k.  Then _modif_Newton is
57    called to determine the optimal p by solving for the Lagrange multiplier
58    (eta) in the profile likelihood maximization problem.  In the presence
59    of nuisance parameters, _opt_ functions are  optimized over to profile
60    out the nuisance parameters.
62    Any method starting with _ci_limits calculates the log likelihood
63    ratio for a specific value of a parameter and then subtracts a
64    pre-specified critical value.  This is solved so that llr - crit = 0.
65    """
67    def __init__(self, endog):
68        pass
70    def _log_star(self, eta, est_vect, weights, nobs):
71        """
72        Transforms the log of observation probabilities in terms of the
73        Lagrange multiplier to the log 'star' of the probabilities.
75        Parameters
76        ----------
77        eta : float
78            Lagrange multiplier
80        est_vect : ndarray (n,k)
81            Estimating equations vector
83        wts : nx1 array
84            Observation weights
86        Returns
87        ------
88        data_star : ndarray
89            The weighted logstar of the estimting equations
91        Notes
92        -----
93        This function is only a placeholder for the _fit_Newton.
94        The function value is not used in optimization and the optimal value
95        is disregarded when computing the log likelihood ratio.
96        """
97        data_star = np.log(weights) + (np.sum(weights) +\
98                                       np.dot(est_vect, eta))
99        idx = data_star < 1. / nobs
100        not_idx = ~idx
101        nx = nobs * data_star[idx]
102        data_star[idx] = np.log(1. / nobs) - 1.5 + nx * (2. - nx / 2)
103        data_star[not_idx] = np.log(data_star[not_idx])
104        return data_star
106    def _hess(self, eta, est_vect, weights, nobs):
107        """
108        Calculates the hessian of a weighted empirical likelihood
109        problem.
111        Parameters
112        ----------
113        eta : ndarray, (1,m)
114            Lagrange multiplier in the profile likelihood maximization
116        est_vect : ndarray (n,k)
117            Estimating equations vector
119        weights : 1darray
120            Observation weights
122        Returns
123        -------
124        hess : m x m array
125            Weighted hessian used in _wtd_modif_newton
126        """
127        #eta = np.squeeze(eta)
128        data_star_doub_prime = np.sum(weights) + np.dot(est_vect, eta)
129        idx = data_star_doub_prime < 1. / nobs
130        not_idx = ~idx
131        data_star_doub_prime[idx] = - nobs ** 2
132        data_star_doub_prime[not_idx] = - (data_star_doub_prime[not_idx]) ** -2
133        wtd_dsdp = weights * data_star_doub_prime
134        return np.dot(est_vect.T, wtd_dsdp[:, None] * est_vect)
136    def _grad(self, eta, est_vect, weights, nobs):
137        """
138        Calculates the gradient of a weighted empirical likelihood
139        problem
141        Parameters
142        ----------
143        eta : ndarray, (1,m)
144            Lagrange multiplier in the profile likelihood maximization
146        est_vect : ndarray, (n,k)
147            Estimating equations vector
149        weights : 1darray
150            Observation weights
152        Returns
153        -------
154        gradient : ndarray (m,1)
155            The gradient used in _wtd_modif_newton
156        """
157        #eta = np.squeeze(eta)
158        data_star_prime = np.sum(weights) + np.dot(est_vect, eta)
159        idx = data_star_prime < 1. / nobs
160        not_idx = ~idx
161        data_star_prime[idx] = nobs * (2 - nobs * data_star_prime[idx])
162        data_star_prime[not_idx] = 1. / data_star_prime[not_idx]
163        return np.dot(weights * data_star_prime, est_vect)
165    def _modif_newton(self,  eta, est_vect, weights):
166        """
167        Modified Newton's method for maximizing the log 'star' equation.  This
168        function calls _fit_newton to find the optimal values of eta.
170        Parameters
171        ----------
172        eta : ndarray, (1,m)
173            Lagrange multiplier in the profile likelihood maximization
175        est_vect : ndarray, (n,k)
176            Estimating equations vector
178        weights : 1darray
179            Observation weights
181        Returns
182        -------
183        params : 1xm array
184            Lagrange multiplier that maximizes the log-likelihood
185        """
186        nobs = len(est_vect)
187        f = lambda x0: - np.sum(self._log_star(x0, est_vect, weights, nobs))
188        grad = lambda x0: - self._grad(x0, est_vect, weights, nobs)
189        hess = lambda x0: - self._hess(x0, est_vect, weights, nobs)
190        kwds = {'tol': 1e-8}
191        eta = eta.squeeze()
192        res = _fit_newton(f, grad, eta, (), kwds, hess=hess, maxiter=50, \
193                              disp=0)
194        return res[0]
196    def _find_eta(self, eta):
197        """
198        Finding the root of sum(xi-h0)/(1+eta(xi-mu)) solves for
199        eta when computing ELR for univariate mean.
201        Parameters
202        ----------
203        eta : float
204            Lagrange multiplier in the empirical likelihood maximization
206        Returns
207        -------
208        llr : float
209            n times the log likelihood value for a given value of eta
210        """
211        return np.sum((self.endog - self.mu0) / \
212              (1. + eta * (self.endog - self.mu0)))
214    def _ci_limits_mu(self, mu):
215        """
216        Calculates the difference between the log likelihood of mu_test and a
217        specified critical value.
219        Parameters
220        ----------
221        mu : float
222           Hypothesized value of the mean.
224        Returns
225        -------
226        diff : float
227            The difference between the log likelihood value of mu0 and
228            a specified value.
229        """
230        return self.test_mean(mu)[0] - self.r0
232    def _find_gamma(self, gamma):
233        """
234        Finds gamma that satisfies
235        sum(log(n * w(gamma))) - log(r0) = 0
237        Used for confidence intervals for the mean
239        Parameters
240        ----------
241        gamma : float
242            Lagrange multiplier when computing confidence interval
244        Returns
245        -------
246        diff : float
247            The difference between the log-liklihood when the Lagrange
248            multiplier is gamma and a pre-specified value
249        """
250        denom = np.sum((self.endog - gamma) ** -1)
251        new_weights = (self.endog - gamma) ** -1 / denom
252        return -2 * np.sum(np.log(self.nobs * new_weights)) - \
253            self.r0
255    def _opt_var(self, nuisance_mu, pval=False):
256        """
257        This is the function to be optimized over a nuisance mean parameter
258        to determine the likelihood ratio for the variance
260        Parameters
261        ----------
262        nuisance_mu : float
263            Value of a nuisance mean parameter
265        Returns
266        -------
267        llr : float
268            Log likelihood of a pre-specified variance holding the nuisance
269            parameter constant
270        """
271        endog = self.endog
272        nobs = self.nobs
273        sig_data = ((endog - nuisance_mu) ** 2 \
274                    - self.sig2_0)
275        mu_data = (endog - nuisance_mu)
276        est_vect = np.column_stack((mu_data, sig_data))
277        eta_star = self._modif_newton(np.array([1. / nobs,
278                                               1. / nobs]), est_vect,
279                                                np.ones(nobs) * (1. / nobs))
281        denom = 1 + np.dot(eta_star, est_vect.T)
282        self.new_weights = 1. / nobs * 1. / denom
283        llr = np.sum(np.log(nobs * self.new_weights))
284        if pval:  # Used for contour plotting
285            return chi2.sf(-2 * llr, 1)
286        return -2 * llr
288    def _ci_limits_var(self, var):
289        """
290        Used to determine the confidence intervals for the variance.
291        It calls test_var and when called by an optimizer,
292        finds the value of sig2_0 that is chi2.ppf(significance-level)
294        Parameters
295        ----------
296        var_test : float
297            Hypothesized value of the variance
299        Returns
300        -------
301        diff : float
302            The difference between the log likelihood ratio at var_test and a
303            pre-specified value.
304        """
305        return self.test_var(var)[0] - self.r0
307    def _opt_skew(self, nuis_params):
308        """
309        Called by test_skew.  This function is optimized over
310        nuisance parameters mu and sigma
312        Parameters
313        ----------
314        nuis_params : 1darray
315            An array with a  nuisance mean and variance parameter
317        Returns
318        -------
319        llr : float
320            The log likelihood ratio of a pre-specified skewness holding
321            the nuisance parameters constant.
322        """
323        endog = self.endog
324        nobs = self.nobs
325        mu_data = endog - nuis_params[0]
326        sig_data = ((endog - nuis_params[0]) ** 2) - nuis_params[1]
327        skew_data = ((((endog - nuis_params[0]) ** 3) /
328                    (nuis_params[1] ** 1.5))) - self.skew0
329        est_vect = np.column_stack((mu_data, sig_data, skew_data))
330        eta_star = self._modif_newton(np.array([1. / nobs,
331                                               1. / nobs,
332                                               1. / nobs]), est_vect,
333                                               np.ones(nobs) * (1. / nobs))
334        denom = 1. + np.dot(eta_star, est_vect.T)
335        self.new_weights = 1. / nobs * 1. / denom
336        llr = np.sum(np.log(nobs * self.new_weights))
337        return -2 * llr
339    def _opt_kurt(self, nuis_params):
340        """
341        Called by test_kurt.  This function is optimized over
342        nuisance parameters mu and sigma
344        Parameters
345        ----------
346        nuis_params : 1darray
347            An array with a nuisance mean and variance parameter
349        Returns
350        -------
351        llr : float
352            The log likelihood ratio of a pre-speified kurtosis holding the
353            nuisance parameters constant
354        """
355        endog = self.endog
356        nobs = self.nobs
357        mu_data = endog - nuis_params[0]
358        sig_data = ((endog - nuis_params[0]) ** 2) - nuis_params[1]
359        kurt_data = (((((endog - nuis_params[0]) ** 4) / \
360                    (nuis_params[1] ** 2))) - 3) - self.kurt0
361        est_vect = np.column_stack((mu_data, sig_data, kurt_data))
362        eta_star = self._modif_newton(np.array([1. / nobs,
363                                               1. / nobs,
364                                               1. / nobs]), est_vect,
365                                               np.ones(nobs) * (1. / nobs))
366        denom = 1 + np.dot(eta_star, est_vect.T)
367        self.new_weights = 1. / nobs * 1. / denom
368        llr = np.sum(np.log(nobs * self.new_weights))
369        return -2 * llr
371    def _opt_skew_kurt(self, nuis_params):
372        """
373        Called by test_joint_skew_kurt.  This function is optimized over
374        nuisance parameters mu and sigma
376        Parameters
377        ----------
378        nuis_params : 1darray
379            An array with a nuisance mean and variance parameter
381        Returns
382        ------
383        llr : float
384            The log likelihood ratio of a pre-speified skewness and
385            kurtosis holding the nuisance parameters constant.
386        """
387        endog = self.endog
388        nobs = self.nobs
389        mu_data = endog - nuis_params[0]
390        sig_data = ((endog - nuis_params[0]) ** 2) - nuis_params[1]
391        skew_data = ((((endog - nuis_params[0]) ** 3) / \
392                    (nuis_params[1] ** 1.5))) - self.skew0
393        kurt_data = (((((endog - nuis_params[0]) ** 4) / \
394                    (nuis_params[1] ** 2))) - 3) - self.kurt0
395        est_vect = np.column_stack((mu_data, sig_data, skew_data, kurt_data))
396        eta_star = self._modif_newton(np.array([1. / nobs,
397                                               1. / nobs,
398                                               1. / nobs,
399                                               1. / nobs]), est_vect,
400                                               np.ones(nobs) * (1. / nobs))
401        denom = 1. + np.dot(eta_star, est_vect.T)
402        self.new_weights = 1. / nobs * 1. / denom
403        llr = np.sum(np.log(nobs * self.new_weights))
404        return -2 * llr
406    def _ci_limits_skew(self, skew):
407        """
408        Parameters
409        ----------
410        skew0 : float
411            Hypothesized value of skewness
413        Returns
414        -------
415        diff : float
416            The difference between the log likelihood ratio at skew and a
417            pre-specified value.
418        """
419        return self.test_skew(skew)[0] - self.r0
421    def _ci_limits_kurt(self, kurt):
422        """
423        Parameters
424        ----------
425        skew0 : float
426            Hypothesized value of kurtosis
428        Returns
429        -------
430        diff : float
431            The difference between the log likelihood ratio at kurt and a
432            pre-specified value.
433        """
434        return self.test_kurt(kurt)[0] - self.r0
436    def _opt_correl(self, nuis_params, corr0, endog, nobs, x0, weights0):
437        """
438        Parameters
439        ----------
440        nuis_params : 1darray
441            Array containing two nuisance means and two nuisance variances
443        Returns
444        -------
445        llr : float
446            The log-likelihood of the correlation coefficient holding nuisance
447            parameters constant
448        """
449        mu1_data, mu2_data = (endog - nuis_params[::2]).T
450        sig1_data = mu1_data ** 2 - nuis_params[1]
451        sig2_data = mu2_data ** 2 - nuis_params[3]
452        correl_data = ((mu1_data * mu2_data) - corr0 *
453                    (nuis_params[1] * nuis_params[3]) ** .5)
454        est_vect = np.column_stack((mu1_data, sig1_data,
455                                    mu2_data, sig2_data, correl_data))
456        eta_star = self._modif_newton(x0, est_vect, weights0)
457        denom = 1. + np.dot(est_vect, eta_star)
458        self.new_weights = 1. / nobs * 1. / denom
459        llr = np.sum(np.log(nobs * self.new_weights))
460        return -2 * llr
462    def _ci_limits_corr(self, corr):
463        return self.test_corr(corr)[0] - self.r0
466class DescStatUV(_OptFuncts):
467    """
468    A class to compute confidence intervals and hypothesis tests involving
469    mean, variance, kurtosis and skewness of a univariate random variable.
471    Parameters
472    ----------
473    endog : 1darray
474        Data to be analyzed
476    Attributes
477    ----------
478    endog : 1darray
479        Data to be analyzed
481    nobs : float
482        Number of observations
483    """
485    def __init__(self, endog):
486        self.endog = np.squeeze(endog)
487        self.nobs = endog.shape[0]
489    def test_mean(self, mu0, return_weights=False):
490        """
491        Returns - 2 x log-likelihood ratio, p-value and weights
492        for a hypothesis test of the mean.
494        Parameters
495        ----------
496        mu0 : float
497            Mean value to be tested
499        return_weights : bool
500            If return_weights is True the function returns
501            the weights of the observations under the null hypothesis.
502            Default is False
504        Returns
505        -------
506        test_results : tuple
507            The log-likelihood ratio and p-value of mu0
508        """
509        self.mu0 = mu0
510        endog = self.endog
511        nobs = self.nobs
512        eta_min = (1. - (1. / nobs)) / (self.mu0 - max(endog))
513        eta_max = (1. - (1. / nobs)) / (self.mu0 - min(endog))
514        eta_star = optimize.brentq(self._find_eta, eta_min, eta_max)
515        new_weights = (1. / nobs) * 1. / (1. + eta_star * (endog - self.mu0))
516        llr = -2 * np.sum(np.log(nobs * new_weights))
517        if return_weights:
518            return llr, chi2.sf(llr, 1), new_weights
519        else:
520            return llr, chi2.sf(llr, 1)
522    def ci_mean(self, sig=.05, method='gamma', epsilon=10 ** -8,
523                 gamma_low=-10 ** 10, gamma_high=10 ** 10):
524        """
525        Returns the confidence interval for the mean.
527        Parameters
528        ----------
529        sig : float
530            significance level. Default is .05
532        method : str
533            Root finding method,  Can be 'nested-brent' or
534            'gamma'.  Default is 'gamma'
536            'gamma' Tries to solve for the gamma parameter in the
537            Lagrange (see Owen pg 22) and then determine the weights.
539            'nested brent' uses brents method to find the confidence
540            intervals but must maximize the likelihood ratio on every
541            iteration.
543            gamma is generally much faster.  If the optimizations does not
544            converge, try expanding the gamma_high and gamma_low
545            variable.
547        gamma_low : float
548            Lower bound for gamma when finding lower limit.
549            If function returns f(a) and f(b) must have different signs,
550            consider lowering gamma_low.
552        gamma_high : float
553            Upper bound for gamma when finding upper limit.
554            If function returns f(a) and f(b) must have different signs,
555            consider raising gamma_high.
557        epsilon : float
558            When using 'nested-brent', amount to decrease (increase)
559            from the maximum (minimum) of the data when
560            starting the search.  This is to protect against the
561            likelihood ratio being zero at the maximum (minimum)
562            value of the data.  If data is very small in absolute value
563            (<10 ``**`` -6) consider shrinking epsilon
565            When using 'gamma', amount to decrease (increase) the
566            minimum (maximum) by to start the search for gamma.
567            If function returns f(a) and f(b) must have different signs,
568            consider lowering epsilon.
570        Returns
571        -------
572        Interval : tuple
573            Confidence interval for the mean
574        """
575        endog = self.endog
576        sig = 1 - sig
577        if method == 'nested-brent':
578            self.r0 = chi2.ppf(sig, 1)
579            middle = np.mean(endog)
580            epsilon_u = (max(endog) - np.mean(endog)) * epsilon
581            epsilon_l = (np.mean(endog) - min(endog)) * epsilon
582            ulim = optimize.brentq(self._ci_limits_mu, middle,
583                max(endog) - epsilon_u)
584            llim = optimize.brentq(self._ci_limits_mu, middle,
585                min(endog) + epsilon_l)
586            return llim, ulim
588        if method == 'gamma':
589            self.r0 = chi2.ppf(sig, 1)
590            gamma_star_l = optimize.brentq(self._find_gamma, gamma_low,
591                min(endog) - epsilon)
592            gamma_star_u = optimize.brentq(self._find_gamma, \
593                         max(endog) + epsilon, gamma_high)
594            weights_low = ((endog - gamma_star_l) ** -1) / \
595                np.sum((endog - gamma_star_l) ** -1)
596            weights_high = ((endog - gamma_star_u) ** -1) / \
597                np.sum((endog - gamma_star_u) ** -1)
598            mu_low = np.sum(weights_low * endog)
599            mu_high = np.sum(weights_high * endog)
600            return mu_low,  mu_high
602    def test_var(self, sig2_0, return_weights=False):
603        """
604        Returns  -2 x log-likelihood ratio and the p-value for the
605        hypothesized variance
607        Parameters
608        ----------
609        sig2_0 : float
610            Hypothesized variance to be tested
612        return_weights : bool
613            If True, returns the weights that maximize the
614            likelihood of observing sig2_0. Default is False
616        Returns
617        -------
618        test_results : tuple
619            The  log-likelihood ratio and the p_value  of sig2_0
621        Examples
622        --------
623        >>> import numpy as np
624        >>> import statsmodels.api as sm
625        >>> random_numbers = np.random.standard_normal(1000)*100
626        >>> el_analysis = sm.emplike.DescStat(random_numbers)
627        >>> hyp_test = el_analysis.test_var(9500)
628        """
629        self.sig2_0 = sig2_0
630        mu_max = max(self.endog)
631        mu_min = min(self.endog)
632        llr = optimize.fminbound(self._opt_var, mu_min, mu_max, \
633                                 full_output=1)[1]
634        p_val = chi2.sf(llr, 1)
635        if return_weights:
636            return llr, p_val, self.new_weights.T
637        else:
638            return llr, p_val
640    def ci_var(self, lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None, sig=.05):
641        """
642        Returns the confidence interval for the variance.
644        Parameters
645        ----------
646        lower_bound : float
647            The minimum value the lower confidence interval can
648            take. The p-value from test_var(lower_bound) must be lower
649            than 1 - significance level. Default is .99 confidence
650            limit assuming normality
652        upper_bound : float
653            The maximum value the upper confidence interval
654            can take. The p-value from test_var(upper_bound) must be lower
655            than 1 - significance level.  Default is .99 confidence
656            limit assuming normality
658        sig : float
659            The significance level. Default is .05
661        Returns
662        -------
663        Interval : tuple
664            Confidence interval for the variance
666        Examples
667        --------
668        >>> import numpy as np
669        >>> import statsmodels.api as sm
670        >>> random_numbers = np.random.standard_normal(100)
671        >>> el_analysis = sm.emplike.DescStat(random_numbers)
672        >>> el_analysis.ci_var()
673        (0.7539322567470305, 1.229998852496268)
674        >>> el_analysis.ci_var(.5, 2)
675        (0.7539322567469926, 1.2299988524962664)
677        Notes
678        -----
679        If the function returns the error f(a) and f(b) must have
680        different signs, consider lowering lower_bound and raising
681        upper_bound.
682        """
683        endog = self.endog
684        if upper_bound is None:
685            upper_bound = ((self.nobs - 1) * endog.var()) / \
686              (chi2.ppf(.0001, self.nobs - 1))
687        if lower_bound is None:
688            lower_bound = ((self.nobs - 1) * endog.var()) / \
689              (chi2.ppf(.9999, self.nobs - 1))
690        self.r0 = chi2.ppf(1 - sig, 1)
691        llim = optimize.brentq(self._ci_limits_var, lower_bound, endog.var())
692        ulim = optimize.brentq(self._ci_limits_var, endog.var(), upper_bound)
693        return llim, ulim
695    def plot_contour(self, mu_low, mu_high, var_low, var_high, mu_step,
696                        var_step,
697                        levs=[.2, .1, .05, .01, .001]):
698        """
699        Returns a plot of the confidence region for a univariate
700        mean and variance.
702        Parameters
703        ----------
704        mu_low : float
705            Lowest value of the mean to plot
707        mu_high : float
708            Highest value of the mean to plot
710        var_low : float
711            Lowest value of the variance to plot
713        var_high : float
714            Highest value of the variance to plot
716        mu_step : float
717            Increments to evaluate the mean
719        var_step : float
720            Increments to evaluate the mean
722        levs : list
723            Which values of significance the contour lines will be drawn.
724            Default is [.2, .1, .05, .01, .001]
726        Returns
727        -------
728        Figure
729            The contour plot
730        """
731        fig, ax = utils.create_mpl_ax()
732        ax.set_ylabel('Variance')
733        ax.set_xlabel('Mean')
734        mu_vect = list(np.arange(mu_low, mu_high, mu_step))
735        var_vect = list(np.arange(var_low, var_high, var_step))
736        z = []
737        for sig0 in var_vect:
738            self.sig2_0 = sig0
739            for mu0 in mu_vect:
740                z.append(self._opt_var(mu0, pval=True))
741        z = np.asarray(z).reshape(len(var_vect), len(mu_vect))
742        ax.contour(mu_vect, var_vect, z, levels=levs)
743        return fig
745    def test_skew(self, skew0, return_weights=False):
746        """
747        Returns  -2 x log-likelihood and p-value for the hypothesized
748        skewness.
750        Parameters
751        ----------
752        skew0 : float
753            Skewness value to be tested
755        return_weights : bool
756            If True, function also returns the weights that
757            maximize the likelihood ratio. Default is False.
759        Returns
760        -------
761        test_results : tuple
762            The log-likelihood ratio and p_value of skew0
763        """
764        self.skew0 = skew0
765        start_nuisance = np.array([self.endog.mean(),
766                                       self.endog.var()])
768        llr = optimize.fmin_powell(self._opt_skew, start_nuisance,
769                                     full_output=1, disp=0)[1]
770        p_val = chi2.sf(llr, 1)
771        if return_weights:
772            return llr, p_val,  self.new_weights.T
773        return llr, p_val
775    def test_kurt(self, kurt0, return_weights=False):
776        """
777        Returns -2 x log-likelihood and the p-value for the hypothesized
778        kurtosis.
780        Parameters
781        ----------
782        kurt0 : float
783            Kurtosis value to be tested
785        return_weights : bool
786            If True, function also returns the weights that
787            maximize the likelihood ratio. Default is False.
789        Returns
790        -------
791        test_results : tuple
792            The log-likelihood ratio and p-value of kurt0
793        """
794        self.kurt0 = kurt0
795        start_nuisance = np.array([self.endog.mean(),
796                                       self.endog.var()])
798        llr = optimize.fmin_powell(self._opt_kurt, start_nuisance,
799                                     full_output=1, disp=0)[1]
800        p_val = chi2.sf(llr, 1)
801        if return_weights:
802            return llr, p_val, self.new_weights.T
803        return llr, p_val
805    def test_joint_skew_kurt(self, skew0, kurt0, return_weights=False):
806        """
807        Returns - 2 x log-likelihood and the p-value for the joint
808        hypothesis test for skewness and kurtosis
810        Parameters
811        ----------
812        skew0 : float
813            Skewness value to be tested
814        kurt0 : float
815            Kurtosis value to be tested
817        return_weights : bool
818            If True, function also returns the weights that
819            maximize the likelihood ratio. Default is False.
821        Returns
822        -------
823        test_results : tuple
824            The log-likelihood ratio and p-value  of the joint hypothesis test.
825        """
826        self.skew0 = skew0
827        self.kurt0 = kurt0
828        start_nuisance = np.array([self.endog.mean(),
829                                       self.endog.var()])
831        llr = optimize.fmin_powell(self._opt_skew_kurt, start_nuisance,
832                                     full_output=1, disp=0)[1]
833        p_val = chi2.sf(llr, 2)
834        if return_weights:
835            return llr, p_val, self.new_weights.T
836        return llr, p_val
838    def ci_skew(self, sig=.05, upper_bound=None, lower_bound=None):
839        """
840        Returns the confidence interval for skewness.
842        Parameters
843        ----------
844        sig : float
845            The significance level.  Default is .05
847        upper_bound : float
848            Maximum value of skewness the upper limit can be.
849            Default is .99 confidence limit assuming normality.
851        lower_bound : float
852            Minimum value of skewness the lower limit can be.
853            Default is .99 confidence level assuming normality.
855        Returns
856        -------
857        Interval : tuple
858            Confidence interval for the skewness
860        Notes
861        -----
862        If function returns f(a) and f(b) must have different signs, consider
863        expanding lower and upper bounds
864        """
865        nobs = self.nobs
866        endog = self.endog
867        if upper_bound is None:
868            upper_bound = skew(endog) + \
869            2.5 * ((6. * nobs * (nobs - 1.)) / \
870              ((nobs - 2.) * (nobs + 1.) * \
871               (nobs + 3.))) ** .5
872        if lower_bound is None:
873            lower_bound = skew(endog) - \
874            2.5 * ((6. * nobs * (nobs - 1.)) / \
875              ((nobs - 2.) * (nobs + 1.) * \
876               (nobs + 3.))) ** .5
877        self.r0 = chi2.ppf(1 - sig, 1)
878        llim = optimize.brentq(self._ci_limits_skew, lower_bound, skew(endog))
879        ulim = optimize.brentq(self._ci_limits_skew, skew(endog), upper_bound)
880        return llim, ulim
882    def ci_kurt(self, sig=.05, upper_bound=None, lower_bound=None):
883        """
884        Returns the confidence interval for kurtosis.
886        Parameters
887        ----------
889        sig : float
890            The significance level.  Default is .05
892        upper_bound : float
893            Maximum value of kurtosis the upper limit can be.
894            Default is .99 confidence limit assuming normality.
896        lower_bound : float
897            Minimum value of kurtosis the lower limit can be.
898            Default is .99 confidence limit assuming normality.
900        Returns
901        -------
902        Interval : tuple
903            Lower and upper confidence limit
905        Notes
906        -----
907        For small n, upper_bound and lower_bound may have to be
908        provided by the user.  Consider using test_kurt to find
909        values close to the desired significance level.
911        If function returns f(a) and f(b) must have different signs, consider
912        expanding the bounds.
913        """
914        endog = self.endog
915        nobs = self.nobs
916        if upper_bound is None:
917            upper_bound = kurtosis(endog) + \
918            (2.5 * (2. * ((6. * nobs * (nobs - 1.)) / \
919              ((nobs - 2.) * (nobs + 1.) * \
920               (nobs + 3.))) ** .5) * \
921               (((nobs ** 2.) - 1.) / ((nobs - 3.) *\
922                 (nobs + 5.))) ** .5)
923        if lower_bound is None:
924            lower_bound = kurtosis(endog) - \
925            (2.5 * (2. * ((6. * nobs * (nobs - 1.)) / \
926              ((nobs - 2.) * (nobs + 1.) * \
927               (nobs + 3.))) ** .5) * \
928               (((nobs ** 2.) - 1.) / ((nobs - 3.) *\
929                 (nobs + 5.))) ** .5)
930        self.r0 = chi2.ppf(1 - sig, 1)
931        llim = optimize.brentq(self._ci_limits_kurt, lower_bound, \
932                             kurtosis(endog))
933        ulim = optimize.brentq(self._ci_limits_kurt, kurtosis(endog), \
934                             upper_bound)
935        return llim, ulim
938class DescStatMV(_OptFuncts):
939    """
940    A class for conducting inference on multivariate means and correlation.
942    Parameters
943    ----------
944    endog : ndarray
945        Data to be analyzed
947    Attributes
948    ----------
949    endog : ndarray
950        Data to be analyzed
952    nobs : float
953        Number of observations
954    """
956    def __init__(self, endog):
957        self.endog = endog
958        self.nobs = endog.shape[0]
960    def mv_test_mean(self, mu_array, return_weights=False):
961        """
962        Returns -2 x log likelihood and the p-value
963        for a multivariate hypothesis test of the mean
965        Parameters
966        ----------
967        mu_array  : 1d array
968            Hypothesized values for the mean.  Must have same number of
969            elements as columns in endog
971        return_weights : bool
972            If True, returns the weights that maximize the
973            likelihood of mu_array. Default is False.
975        Returns
976        -------
977        test_results : tuple
978            The log-likelihood ratio and p-value for mu_array
979        """
980        endog = self.endog
981        nobs = self.nobs
982        if len(mu_array) != endog.shape[1]:
983            raise ValueError('mu_array must have the same number of '
984                             'elements as the columns of the data.')
985        mu_array = mu_array.reshape(1, endog.shape[1])
986        means = np.ones((endog.shape[0], endog.shape[1]))
987        means = mu_array * means
988        est_vect = endog - means
989        start_vals = 1. / nobs * np.ones(endog.shape[1])
990        eta_star = self._modif_newton(start_vals, est_vect,
991                                      np.ones(nobs) * (1. / nobs))
992        denom = 1 + np.dot(eta_star, est_vect.T)
993        self.new_weights = 1 / nobs * 1 / denom
994        llr = -2 * np.sum(np.log(nobs * self.new_weights))
995        p_val = chi2.sf(llr, mu_array.shape[1])
996        if return_weights:
997            return llr, p_val,  self.new_weights.T
998        else:
999            return llr, p_val
1001    def mv_mean_contour(self, mu1_low, mu1_upp, mu2_low, mu2_upp, step1, step2,
1002                        levs=(.001, .01, .05, .1, .2), var1_name=None,
1003                        var2_name=None, plot_dta=False):
1004        """
1005        Creates a confidence region plot for the mean of bivariate data
1007        Parameters
1008        ----------
1009        m1_low : float
1010            Minimum value of the mean for variable 1
1011        m1_upp : float
1012            Maximum value of the mean for variable 1
1013        mu2_low : float
1014            Minimum value of the mean for variable 2
1015        mu2_upp : float
1016            Maximum value of the mean for variable 2
1017        step1 : float
1018            Increment of evaluations for variable 1
1019        step2 : float
1020            Increment of evaluations for variable 2
1021        levs : list
1022            Levels to be drawn on the contour plot.
1023            Default =  (.001, .01, .05, .1, .2)
1024        plot_dta : bool
1025            If True, makes a scatter plot of the data on
1026            top of the contour plot. Defaultis False.
1027        var1_name : str
1028            Name of variable 1 to be plotted on the x-axis
1029        var2_name : str
1030            Name of variable 2 to be plotted on the y-axis
1032        Notes
1033        -----
1034        The smaller the step size, the more accurate the intervals
1035        will be
1037        If the function returns optimization failed, consider narrowing
1038        the boundaries of the plot
1040        Examples
1041        --------
1042        >>> import statsmodels.api as sm
1043        >>> two_rvs = np.random.standard_normal((20,2))
1044        >>> el_analysis = sm.emplike.DescStat(two_rvs)
1045        >>> contourp = el_analysis.mv_mean_contour(-2, 2, -2, 2, .1, .1)
1046        >>> contourp.show()
1047        """
1048        if self.endog.shape[1] != 2:
1049            raise ValueError('Data must contain exactly two variables')
1050        fig, ax = utils.create_mpl_ax()
1051        if var2_name is None:
1052            ax.set_ylabel('Variable 2')
1053        else:
1054            ax.set_ylabel(var2_name)
1055        if var1_name is None:
1056            ax.set_xlabel('Variable 1')
1057        else:
1058            ax.set_xlabel(var1_name)
1059        x = np.arange(mu1_low, mu1_upp, step1)
1060        y = np.arange(mu2_low, mu2_upp, step2)
1061        pairs = itertools.product(x, y)
1062        z = []
1063        for i in pairs:
1064            z.append(self.mv_test_mean(np.asarray(i))[0])
1065        X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
1066        z = np.asarray(z)
1067        z = z.reshape(X.shape[1], Y.shape[0])
1068        ax.contour(x, y, z.T, levels=levs)
1069        if plot_dta:
1070            ax.plot(self.endog[:, 0], self.endog[:, 1], 'bo')
1071        return fig
1073    def test_corr(self, corr0, return_weights=0):
1074        """
1075        Returns -2 x log-likelihood ratio and  p-value for the
1076        correlation coefficient between 2 variables
1078        Parameters
1079        ----------
1080        corr0 : float
1081            Hypothesized value to be tested
1083        return_weights : bool
1084            If true, returns the weights that maximize
1085            the log-likelihood at the hypothesized value
1086        """
1087        nobs = self.nobs
1088        endog = self.endog
1089        if endog.shape[1] != 2:
1090            raise NotImplementedError('Correlation matrix not yet implemented')
1091        nuis0 = np.array([endog[:, 0].mean(),
1092                              endog[:, 0].var(),
1093                              endog[:, 1].mean(),
1094                              endog[:, 1].var()])
1096        x0 = np.zeros(5)
1097        weights0 = np.array([1. / nobs] * int(nobs))
1098        args = (corr0, endog, nobs, x0, weights0)
1099        llr = optimize.fmin(self._opt_correl, nuis0, args=args,
1100                                     full_output=1, disp=0)[1]
1101        p_val = chi2.sf(llr, 1)
1102        if return_weights:
1103            return llr, p_val, self.new_weights.T
1104        return llr, p_val
1106    def ci_corr(self, sig=.05, upper_bound=None, lower_bound=None):
1107        """
1108        Returns the confidence intervals for the correlation coefficient
1110        Parameters
1111        ----------
1112        sig : float
1113            The significance level.  Default is .05
1115        upper_bound : float
1116            Maximum value the upper confidence limit can be.
1117            Default is  99% confidence limit assuming normality.
1119        lower_bound : float
1120            Minimum value the lower confidence limit can be.
1121            Default is 99% confidence limit assuming normality.
1123        Returns
1124        -------
1125        interval : tuple
1126            Confidence interval for the correlation
1127        """
1128        endog = self.endog
1129        nobs = self.nobs
1130        self.r0 = chi2.ppf(1 - sig, 1)
1131        point_est = np.corrcoef(endog[:, 0], endog[:, 1])[0, 1]
1132        if upper_bound is None:
1133            upper_bound = min(.999, point_est + \
1134                          2.5 * ((1. - point_est ** 2.) / \
1135                          (nobs - 2.)) ** .5)
1137        if lower_bound is None:
1138            lower_bound = max(- .999, point_est - \
1139                          2.5 * (np.sqrt((1. - point_est ** 2.) / \
1140                          (nobs - 2.))))
1142        llim = optimize.brenth(self._ci_limits_corr, lower_bound, point_est)
1143        ulim = optimize.brenth(self._ci_limits_corr, point_est, upper_bound)
1144        return llim, ulim